Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Sep 1939, p. 8

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LY ¢ EA ------ - NOTICE ! E TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of Edwin A: Christie, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, Deceased, All persons having claims again: ul the late Edwin A. Christie of the Township of Reach, Farmer, who died oon or about the Seventeenth day of - April, A.D.1939, are required to-send particulars of the same to the unde signed on or 'before the fifth day of October A.D.<1939, after which date the Estate will be distributed. Dated at Port Perry, Ont, this 6th day of September A.D. 1939: JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert, Ont, Solicitor for the Administrator. - re FALL FAIR DATES Beaverton ............... Sept. 22.23 Sunderland .............. Sept. 19-20 Bradford .....coones vanes Sept. 27-28 PORT PERRY .....: LL... Sept. 26-27 Blackstock ................. Oct. 4-5 "Markham ................... Oct.4-b UAGIE av svn s vnmnnin swason Oct, 3 : ---------- i SCHOOL FAIRS IN ONTARIO COUNTY Claremont -. :...Thursday, Sept. 21 Brougham ........ Friday, Sept. 22 Pickering ....... Monday, Sept. 25 Oshawa ........ Tuesday, Sept. 26 Brooklin ....... Thursday, Sept. 28 -- > me Please Look The date on the label on your paper tells you when your sub- scription expires. If past due, we shall be pleased to receive your renewal, . Myrile Station . ~ Many from here attended aniver- sary services at Prospect on Sunday. Rev. F. G. JobMn, of Scugog, was the preacher" both afternoon and evening, and delivered splendid sermons in his ~usual pleasing maner. The Myrtle choir furnished the choral part at both services. "Rev. G. A. and Mrs, Gervan sang a duet in the afternoon, and in the evening Mrs. Roy Thompson and Mrs. Gervan sang a duct in the carly part of the service, followed later by a number from the choir. Church service next Sunday at 3 p.m. in conjunction with the "Rally Day "service. Sunday School at 1.45. Everybody come and make this a real Rally. The monthly iets of the Wom:+ en's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mis. IE. Redman last Thursday afternon, with a fair attend- _ance. The" Vice-President, Mrs. Red- man, was in chargé of the meeting. Mrs. Hudgin had charge of the devo- tional period. # During the business session Mrs. Redman was appointed to the office of President, and Mrs. Ger- van as Vice-President forthe balance of the year. The roll call was respond- ed to by a verse of Scripture. After reports from the different depart- ments, Mrs, Geo. Honey, of Newcas- tle, terial, gave an interesting talk. The meeting closed with the singing of "Abide With Mec." Light refresh- ments were served by the hostess, to whom a hearty vote of thanks was tendered. A jolly évening was enjoyed by members of the Howard Park Avenue Church, Toronto, when about fifty of them ° were entertained on Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolfe, at their summer home east of the vil- lage. Before dark, horseback riding _ was one feature of the entertainment as was also donkey riding when Molly was brought out. She created lots of amusement for the young people, al- "thopgh we have not heard that she conducted herself in any but thé most' sedate manner. A barbécue, having made an ideal place to roast weiners. A huge bonfire gave the necessary light, and, after refreshments, all gathered round it for a happy sing- - song before bidding good night to their genial host and hostess: Mr, Jay Bedford, of. Toronto, visit- ed with his aunt, Miss L. O' Boyle, Wednesday last. Mrs. Geo. Honey, of Newcastle, was a visitor at the home of Mrs. D. Luery vi Thursday. © Mrs. Roy Parrott, of Scarboro, vis- ited last Thursday with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Redman. A 8 Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Mitchell and "two children, of Ballyduff, and Mr.and Mrs, LL. :Williamson, .of Pontypool, "weve Sunday visitors of Mr, 'and Mra, Elwood Masters, Mrs. George 'Chisholm, of Toronto, visited on Thursday with relatives. = Mr. Geo. Cooper returned to Mal- artic, Quebec, on Saturday, after - spending a happy holiday with par- ents and relatives. - on k President of the Oshawa Presby-| _ been built in readiness for the party,| ing on former neighbors. in. Toronto on Saturday. win, and Miss Elsie Smith attended family on Sunday. seul x i Sp Ln ade SEPTEMBER 26-27 T uesday--Preparation, THE DAY'S EVENTS = Two Races-- Each with Purse of $100. BLACK & WHITE SHOW Over 100. Pure Bred Ontario County Holsteins School Project: Special The Dirge tors of the Port Perry Fair invite the students in the schools of Port Perry, Reach, Scu- gog and €hrtwright to enter the School Project Competition at the Port Perry Fair--Wednesday, Septe mber 27th. Amateur Clown Contest! ATTENTION BOYS! This is what you have been waiting for: A ehance to perform and entertain, Prizes $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 to the Best Clowns on the Grounds dur- ing Wednesday afternoon of the Fair-- 'September 27th. Open to Local Boys Only © Make your entry with the Secretary at grounds before 2.30 p.m. Judging in front of the Grand. Stand Aan 4.30. The crowd to judge. The competition will be divided into {wo classes -Woodworking and Soap Carving. Three prizes will be given -in each class. First $2.50, second $1.50, third THe. Workmanship will he the deciding factor. lixhibits must be delivered at the building on the Fair Grounds not later than 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 26th, properly tagged. Exhibits will he numbered as received. Arrangement of exhibits will be made by the committee, A night watchman will be in charge of the building. Musical Chair Competition on Bicycles--S$3, $2, st CALF RACE--3 Prizes: $3, $2, $1 | will Furnish Music During the Afternoon Admission --Adulls 25¢., Vehicles 10¢, Grand Stand 10¢ W. F. Thompson, President. R. D. Woon, Secretary WILL PRESENT iow ars Port Perry, Wed. Evg., Sept. 27th "HURRICANE HORSEMAN," " with Lane Chantler, - If you want to see Real 'Action, see Lane Chantler i in this Thrill Packed ina. By Request, "THE ROYAL VISIT' will be shown again, Also News Reel, Cartoons, "Show boli at 8.30. Adults 2%e., Children 15¢, Delicious and Refeniing, ¥\ THIRST KNOWS NO SEASON Even in winter it's summer to your thirst. For action, exercise, and work bring the need for a refreshing pause . , . no matter what the thermometer sqys. So pause-at the red cooler for an ice-cold bottle of "Coca-Cola and enjoy Hie pause that refreshes, ASE PORT PERRY BOTTLING WORKS Phone 47° Port Perry Fair Wednesday-- Exhibition ADVANCE ALL TALKING MOTION PICTURE SHOW | | \ PORT PERRY; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, 1939 It's a Boy! S Ye. Even as you read this, some Father somewhere is rushing this news to relatives. No matter where they are or what time it is--his first impulse is to let them know! It's a Boy! And that is also true of Aunts (and Uncles) and "all the in. laws. Before Baby is linlf an hour old his arrival is cele-. brated far and wide--and he is endowed with a dozen names. It's a Boy! To Grandparents another chapter - of Family History begins. Their grandparents may have wailed for days before they had good news like this, but that was * before the telephone -and Long " Distance--became part of our everyday existence, Spread Good News by LONG DISTANCE! Look in your 'telephone direc "tory and you'll find- that by using Low Night Rates (also applying all day Sunday) and placing "Anyone" calls you can talk to nearby towns or Prov Inces for much less than you expected. Tet git : Mr. Clarence Harrison had the mis- fortune of losing one of his valuable Ayrshire cows last week. Voluntary 'registration for service in national emergencies will be made on Thursday afternoon 1 to b and 7 to 9, and on Friday afternoon and evening at the same time, at the C.P.R. stat- tion. All ladies of the community are asked to register, The aniversary services wil be held Sunday, October 1st. ------ {Te eb --at MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs. Ber} Duff, accom: Mr. John McClintock has returned home after a three months' visit "with friends in Saskatéhewan, "Mr. and Mrs, Milton Holliday, of Toronto, visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Holliday. HY, - Miss Pearl Taylor and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hughson, of Toronto, Mrs, Tay- lor, Ray and Jean, of Burketon, Mrs. McCollough, of Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgson, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Me. and Mrs, Elmer Cross, of Bala, "Hughson on Sunday. pent a couple of days last Sock call- £ y Mrs. David Broome, of Solina, was a visitor wth Mr, and Mrs, O. H, Lane last eek while en route to New York on a motor. trip with friends from To- ronto, Mr, Frank Harrison went to Bethel on Monday, where he will take charge of the section for the C.P.R. in the ab- sence of the foreman. who is suffering from a sunstroke which he had 'on Friday, | Mrs, Rog Thompson 'and Jack were Mr, Frank Downey, Mr, Lyle Sher- Andsay Fair on Saturday, - Bob Vallicr, who has donned' the haki uniform, was home oh Sunday. Mr, T. Carey was home with his panied by Mr. and Mrs. Wes Slack of Brougham, enjoyed a motor. trip to | Fenelon Falls on Sunday. The local choir had charge of the music at Prospect Anniversary "ser. vices on Sunday afternoon and evening when a good representation of the con- gregation from here were also present and enjoyed the two sermons so ably delivered by Rev. F. G. Joblin of Scugog. Rev. Mr. Gervan enchanged: with him for the.anniversary there, Mr. E, Hedman is having the hydro installed in his buildings this week. FRANSES Ca Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Lawrence, Miss '|at the Western Hospital, | Haig and Dr. Ali . 1 E. Smith, Mr. Frank Downéy'and a number of others from here attended Lindsay Fair on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Downey visited their son Ray in Toronto on Sunday. Miss Helen Ross, nurse-in-training Toronto, spent the week end with her aunts, Mr. Bert Duff is having 'some ex- tensive improving done to his house. Mr. A. Pilkey of. Raglan has the con tract. A very cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the. Rally Day service in connection with the Sunday School on Sunday afternoon at 1:45 o'clock. Church service will be. at the usual hour 'of 3 p.m. with Rev. Mr. Gervan in charge, Former scholars and old friends here were. sorry to learn'of the death last week of a former teacher Miss Dora Parkin, of Toronto, Miss Par- kin resided at Manchester prior to go- ing to Toronto and her body was brought back to Pine Grove Cemetery for interment. Mrs. Roy Thompson, local registrar, commenced her duties registering at her home at Myrtle 'Station, on Mon- , day when the ladies of the community ! signed up for active service if called upon jn case of emergency during the great struggle that has thrown the nations into such a chaotic state. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. D. Luery and Mrs, Clarence Har- rison upon receiving so many red tick- ets on their home-made cooking and fancy work at Oshawa Fair last week. UNITED CHURCH W. M, 8. The Autumn executive of the Bay of Quinte conference branch of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Chiirch of Canada, convened at the Ontario Ladies' College with a full attendance. The new president Miss Eliza Dunoon of Lindsay, based her opening theme on "Widening Hor- izons", The allocation of $77,600 was -| accepted. Glimpses of the recent Do- minion Board were given by the dele- gates and a full account appears .in July Missionary Monthly. Mrs. W. L. Smith B.A., dean of the '| school for leaders, based her worship on "The Kingdom without- Frontiers", Murs, Madras, India gave a series of lectures and slides on "The World Mission of the Church." / A brief memorial service was held. for Miss Minnie Shipley who sudden= ly passed to Higher service in Changte in China, Brief greetings were given by Mrs. H. A. Tavell, Kingston, first president of the Dominion Board; Miss Mary e Anderson, home on furlough' from pan, and Central India; Miss Wilma Samlalsingh, oui scholarship from Japan and Central India; Miss Wilma Paddock, our own home missionary, Dr, Reta Kilbern and her daughter, of Toronto. A number of officers of 'Dominion Board, the branch officers, and others who conducted classes, all had to share Hugh Taylor, our delegate to - in making every session a success. UTICA The Sunday School and Church ser-' vices will be résumed again Sunday, September the 24th -at their usual. hours of 1.30 and 2.30 p.m. Rally Day was. observed on Sunday last. Jean Ward read the story given a followed by a beautiful solo. by Mrs. E. Heron "Morning, Noon and Night." The Pastor then took charge. ~The church "was "nicely decorated Mwith autumn flowers. The Women's Association held its monthly- meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Gerrow last Wednesday, Busi-, ness pertaining to the anniversary and a short program' occtipied tho after- noon. The hostess then served a dainty lunch. Remember our Anniversary on Oct. 1st and 3rd. The choir are practising now. "See bills for particulars. Visitors" in the village included: Misses Olga and Delza Lakey, home for Sunday from their schools; Mr. and Mrs, J. Myers, Sudbury, with his mother Mrs. A. Myers; Miss C. Stevenson, Whitby, with Miss 'Annie Christie; Mrs. Barton, Toronto, with Murs. Skerratt; Mrs. Gibner with Mrs. E. A. Christie; Mr. and Mrs. A. Jack- son and daughter Collene, Miss Mabel Willis, all of Brantford, visited with Mrs. Ackney recently, Mr. and Mrs. Hartford, with Mrs. Parrott. Sorry to report Miss Annie Christie fell and broke a bone in her arm; also that it was necessary to remove Mrs. Fred Ballard to Oshawa Hospital, Mr, and Mrs. Hanford Wagg have moved into Mr, Ray's house, * Audrey Miller is home. again after spending a month in Markham. Miss Mildred Lakey is attending Normal School in Toronto. Several improvements are being made on the Christie estate--remodel- ling and shingling the house. I- Oshawa, Hf 3:14 ESTIMATE ON YOUR ROOFING measure. ments o "area to Toofed, paire , ard ** Tite-Lap" roofingisasound, per- manen Drestment Absolute aly Tekin SOLD ON A 25 YEAR ; uA RANTEE ar it Smo tag Toda Ria mont. Adder Eastern Steel Products Zire of = PRESTON ONT rar Alf CAT MONTREAL £ TORONTO PRIN TING: Of all kinds done at "the Port Perry Star -Office-- Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, Booklets, Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations; or any other Printing you require. a Prompt work, low price, 'F lowers and Potted FOR ALL 0cCASIONS Plants WM. ETTEY, Prince Albert, Phone 208 L MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a DE MILO PERMANENT 'WAVE MACHINE BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN Permanent Waving and all other lines of BEAUTY CULTURE MISS m. PEERS BARBER SHOP SPECIALIZINF IN _ Hair Cutting, 'and all other lines of the work ~ H. H. MULLIGAN Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 78 fer < ry Registered Batber PORT PERRY . in the Rally Day Program, which was =~ 2

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