Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Aug 1939, p. 5

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There is nothing like exp PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1939 "BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned. All shows Daylight Saving Time Thursday, Friday, Saturday, AUGUST 17-18-19 Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Saturday Matinee, at 1.80 ~ "Favitation to : 5 » ) Happiness! with Irene Dunne, Fred MacMurray, Charlie Ruggles Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AUGUST 21-22-23 First show at 7.30. Last Complete] show at 8.60 Don Ameche, The Ritz Brothers, in|' "The Three ~~ Musketeers" with Binnie Barnes, Gloria Stuart. Also an ADDED Attraction "Woman in the Wind" with Kay - Francis," William Gargan, We are sorry to hear Master Ross Harrison fell from a tree on Monday, breaking his arm. -! Five 'of 'our young ladies, Misses G. and M. Vickery,-K. and D. Murphy, and O. Bond, are on a motor trip to Ottawa, etc., this week, expecting to return-by way of North Bay. ~~ Mrs. E. Warren is in Sunderland a few days this week.. clestone of Toronto, visited Mrs. R. Bond on their return trip from Gull Lake, on Monday. Misses M, and F, Holman and their, cousin Miss E. Spence, are spending this week with Mr. J. Holman in Brent, Ont. THOU SHALT NOT KILL! Drive Carefully! Victor Jory, Maxie Rosenbloom. PALMOLIVE SHAVE A HALO SHAMPOO el : normal, dry or oily hair, FLY TOX, dffective spray. 2 cans Talcum Powder .. Cleansing Cream petals + CAREFUL MEAT BUYIN erience to teach one what should be known about meats. that experience. __the buying and ee ¢ SEASONABLE SUPPLIES > CREAM and SCHICK RAZOR with 8 blades, all 3-for 49c. -- he nev none-alkiline shampoo for 57c. bottle. "8 oz. can 29c¢. Spray to fit cans, 23c. each. BATHING CAPS, regular 39¢c., HOT WEATHER NEEDS-- + Noxzema prevents-sun burn. Odo-ro-no Cream deordonant ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS, Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY Get yours while they last. 16 oz. can 49¢. clearing at 30c. ) Tends -.... for 26c. 15¢. and 59¢. FEET reir y eren veri aly vee... 35c. jar cooling and refreshing, 39¢.° Phone 16 SL pris A CRs We have had many years of The greatest of care is exercised in and preparation of meats. on the good quality of oui stock. You can rely ' BERT. MacGREGOR'S "PHONE 72-R-2 WE DELIVER ~~ PORT PERRY PRINCE ALBERT| © | Thomson in Blackstock last wegk. "Mr. Reid and daughter Mrs: W. Ee- | "| Hope boys. por of Millbrook, visited 'MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Instailed a DE MILO PERMANE 'BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN. Permanent Waving and all other lines of BEAUTY CULTURE MISS M. PEERS NT WAVE MACHINE "BARBER SHOP ~~ SPECIALIZINF.IN Hair Cutting, and all = other lines. of the work H. H. MULLIGAN Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 76 Registered Barber PORT PERRY "Tomatoes, Beans, New Potatoes, Head Lettuce & all Seasonable 7 Fruitsand------ {Vegetables Every day sees fresh ship- "ments of vegetables. "You ean rely on ys for good quality. - | o ~ CaruseFruit Store| Phone 208 3a Port Perry -Henshaw's' 'Haulage: ~ : Large or small consignments will receive prompt and careful "attention. Anywhere in Ontario ® ' - Bell Phone 6 PORT PERRY, ONT. hw 3 Transport Is at your service for all kinds of. '| ham and son of Toronto, were Sunday | Mr. and Mrs. M. Tait. ~~ "Ray Henshaw, Proprietor I~ SCUGOG Little Miss Noreen Miller, Valentia, is visiting her friend Miss Audrey Hood, for a few days, ; Mrs. D, Harrison of Prince Albert, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark a few days last week. ¢ : Mrs. R. Reader visited in Toronto a few days last week." lid =z Miss Mildred = Mills visited Mus. Mr. and Muys, J. Morrish and soir Bill spent last weék in Mr, Ira Ald- ved's cottage at William's Point. Miss Agar, Miss Mowlair and Mrs. Reekie, of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Joel Aldred. Mr. Carl Brunt of Enniskillen visit- ed his grand parents Mr. and' Mrs. Ww. Mark last week. } Mr. and Mrs. A. Sanguine and little Joyce and Mrs... Western and Ella, of Pleasant Point, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ploughman -and Audrey, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. E. Heayn and Shirley visited her father at Haliburton, who we are sorry to hear, is very ill Mrs. C. Mackie of Oshawa, is visit- ing her aunt Miss R. Reader. Mrs. Geo. Samells entertained her Sunday School Class at her home last Tuesday afternoon. Ten were present and enjoyed the outing. Mr. Vasell Nakell returned to his heme in Toronto on Sunday after spending a month with his-cousins, the Miss Clara Hardy visited her. cousin Mrs. H, Long on Monday. Mr. Bill Hope and Mr. Geo. Dodsley enjoyed a motor trip to Northern On- tario over the week end. : Mr. and Mrs. T. Eakins and Miss Mrs. J. Pearce recently. MisS" Joyce Tetlow is visiting Miss Crawford at Blackstock. Miss Eva Clark of Mariposa spent tast week with her sister Mrs. Pearce. Miss Olive Schell of Oshawa, and Mr. Geo. Ormiston bf Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo."Schell were Sunday guests of the latter's daughter Mrs. A. Mark. : . Myr. and Mrs. Reynolds has returned to Toronto, after spending last week with their friends Mr. and Mrs. R. Tétlow. ) © Miss Laura Clark of - Weyburn, Sask., visited her aunt Mrs, J. Pearce, on Sunday. Bh Miss Elsie Reader is visiting her aunt Mrs. R. Reader. CT Mr. and Mts. Gordon Hope were ve- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. "Chas. Samells. Dr. F. Lewis of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. -D. Hope on Sunday, ~~ BORN=ToMr--and Mrs... iidbgrt Long, Scugog Island, on Wednesday, August 16th, 1939, a daughter. PEDO ---- UTICA © Church service at 9.30 Sunday morn- ing by the Rev. Mr: Bushell. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Mitchell on Wednesday afternoon with thirty-six present. It ~was--de= ¢ided to have the anniversary service on Sunday, October 1st, followed by a concert and supper on Tuesday, 3rd. The supper_to be Virginia baked ham, ete. Look for bills later. : : Next week the W. A. are to be the guests at Manchester W. A. held at _Mrs. Taylor and son of Whitby, are visiting at Mr, P; Parrotts. on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry 'and Mr. and: Mrs. Fred Ballard attended the Sutton Fair on Saturday. li Master Jack Geer spending his holi- days with his grandmother Mrs, Fred Thom of Uxbridge. | Mr. Wm. Bell of North Bay visited 'at Mrs. Swan's over the week end. Mrs. Bell and Billy returned home with Mr. Bell. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper, Mr and Mrs. Russell Harper and Mrs. R. Harper, attended. the funeral of the late Edward Blight=at Oshawa on Wednesday." namaker at Prince Albert last week, Seagrave, Mr, and Mrs, G. Cherry of Scugog, spent the weék end at North Bay and other points. mining district, for a month. were entertained by the Scugog Ww. A. at the Centre Church and enjoyed a lovely supper and a good program, and Mrs, Moase is Mrs, Moon's sister. concession in Mrs. 'Mason's, house. been vemoved to the hospital after a long illness. Picton, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogers, and Mr. Shunk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shunk. ctery west of Greenbank, on Sunday, that Mr. Miller expired at the end of Sept. 44th, 1938.. He was a native of Greenbank and a brother of Rev, J. A. Greenbank schools; Toronto Univer. and Ingersoll. long friends, Mr. T. bridge, and Rev. A. 'E. Armstrong, the United Church of Canada, tions from the Ensign Male Quartette of Toronto, will be rendered. Mr. and Mrs, C. Avery and- family, 41d Allen ave visiting with Mr. and Land-Mrs- Cartwright, Jee the home of Mrs. W. Holtby. =] ALWAYS READY T0 SERVE You with LUMBER er FUEL If you are building or: repairing, we shall be glad to provide plans and estimates. 'We Deliver Ice for Your Refrigerator Phone 240 Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co. PORT PERRY, ONT. to the basic rights of any other group the end will be disastrous. There ave all the. conditions in Canada for the play of unbridled prejudice and racial orreligious bitterness which can lead to disruption, Then, too, the geography of our country adds to the difficulties of the experiment and lays an extra burden on the Church." The Maritimes are in a little world by themselves. Quebec and Ontario, in spite of racial and re- ligious differences, enjoy a preferred economic position. The prairie pro- vinces are shut off from the central provinces by a rocky ridge. "The Head of the Lakes" is more than a geographical phrase. It is a point of | demarcation, marking the east from the prairies. Farther west the Rockies separate the Pacific, province, | with its peculial racial problems, from the rest of the'country.. A possible Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds of Mr, M. "Tait has gone to work at Raymore, near Kirkland Lake, 'in the The Seagrave Women's Association Mr. and Mrs. F. Grose, Mr. Elgin} Frise of Toronto, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. W, Frise, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moase, Harold and Marjorie, of Toronto, called on Mr. Moon on Monday. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, :Jphn Tobin and son Dennis have moved up on the twelfth Sorry to hear that Mr. D. Payne has Mes. Orr Shunk and daughters of GREENBANK A specigl feature at the annual Decoration Services at Bethel Cem- August 20th, at 3 p.m. (S.T.) will be the dedication of Memorial Gates to the late - Rev. Joseph George Miller, D.D., F.R.G.S. It will be remembered his first sermon at Tillsonburg, on Miller, of Toronto, and Mrs. J. A. Bagshaw -of Sunderland. Graduating from. Port Perry High School Mr. Miller taught in the Seagrave and sity and Knox College prepared Mr. trend towards sectionalism is the Milter for pastorates in Toronto, St.|natural result of our geographical Marys', Brandon, Man, Fort Frances | situation. - At best the political life 'of the na- tion can scarcely create a national | unity. It can only reflect it. The government represents the ideals, the apirit of the people; it does not create them. [t is here that the church has a distinct' and unique part 'to. play. There -are many denominations in Canada, but they all owe alleginnce to a comomn Lord and Master; they Addresses will be given by two life- G. Gold of Ux- D.D., Foreign Mission Secretary of Selec- Mr. dnd Mrs. Geo, Bia knd- family spent a day at Rice Lake,._. Mrs. R. Guthrie and Lorraine, of Toronto, are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans. : brotherhood and good ~ will. The § tations which beset political organiza-} v tions. They hiay accentuate their dif- | ¥ ferences and so breed narrow denomi- 4 nationalism or they may recognize the | hy visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs C. Wilson. "Mrs... Fleury and children. Keith, of God in thefr own way. The threat i} to all the spiritual values which marks | Church to redouble its efforts to create among all the various national, social and religious groups x spirit of unity and good will which, | ¥ reflecting itself in the political life, |g will pfike on tMNg continent a nation of fie, tolerant and united people. Mrs. A. Hubbard. Little Billy Mackin had his tonsils removed at 'the Port Perry Hospita Inst week. AVe hope it will make a general improvement" in 'his health. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright Sr. of To- ronto, spent the week end with Mr. FREES YOUTH OF RECK CHARGE Mr. W. Burnett, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. S. McKee and family, of Cadmus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans, ~~ dee "I find that thee is insufficient evi- National Unity (United Churche Observer) early hours: of July 13, when Jack [J fatally injured. Prime Minister Mackenzie King, J The accused through his counsel, A. speaking before four thousand of his followers at'a complimentary banquet in Toronto on August 7th, made a statement which church people should ponder carefully. He said that he learned from Sir Wilfrid Laurier that Canada is a hard country to govern] two hour session of the court. "It is made up of every people, made vo 2 up largely of two great races," Mr] King declared. He further stated Please Look "that as well as generations of re-| . ligion, .cach held interests which lay| The date on the label on your in different directions; in addition to|P&PEr tells you when your sub- which- were those who came "from scription expires. If past due, we shall be pleased to receive or court when he first came before 3 the Magistrate on Wednesday. The - SEAGRAVE Rev. and Mrs, Tristram and family haev. returned from their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Moon and family of Toronto, and Mrs. Billing- guests of Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Moon. June Billingham returned to Toronto with them, yir® Mr. and Mrs. Oral Frise and Miss Alberta Groat, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. P. McKee, of - Woodville, visited Mrs. Long, of Myrtle, ia visiting at R. Scott's,, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah. Irwin and Sina » LR the funeral of Mrs. 'W. Wan- % 4 " . Q - | tion stone of the whole experiment is other.lands to seek liberty and life." your-renewal ---- ---- ee AP ---- = = NOTICE TO CREDITORS . In the Estate -of Christopher Pettet, Iate of the Township of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, Deceased. States a new experiment is being made in nation building, The founda- the conviction that men and women of different racial backgrounds, dif- ferent traditions, different. religions, can be fused into one great nation. This experiment is frauglit with great possibilitied both for good and for evil. On the one hand if the rights, the susceptibilitiés, the traditions and the ideals of each arg respected by the others, the result will be a nation rich in spiritual values. The very diversity will add strength to the future nation- al lik. "But on the other hand, if any one, group is intolerant or indifferent All persons having claims against : the late Christoper Pettet, of Scugog Township, Farmer, who died on the 19th day of March, 1939, are required to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the first day of September 1939, after which date the Estate will be distributed. Dated at Toronto this First day of August-A.D, 1939, JAMES G. SHAW, 618 Confedera- tion Life Bldg., Toronto, Executor. 4 a a A" As ATH me RED & WHITE STORE > Ladies' Silk Cr Sizes 14 to 2 Dresses - $1.98 Regular $3.60 £7 Nice Assortment Canadian made Linen Crash Towelling and Tablecloths Towelling 19¢. to 330. per yard. - . Tablecloths $1.35 to $1.98. i Ladies' Cotton Crepe Nightgowns Floral Patterns, 98c. NE me i lid colours -- i Bath Towels, heavy so : Blue, Green, Yellow, Mauve n White, coloured borders. At 18¢., 290., and 390. each Other lines | a, Ladies' and Misses' Bathing Suits, clearing at 20% discount : 4 3 i LO J { \ Now Is the time to start knitting suits and Monarch Dove 15c. per oz Monarch Crepe-de-jaine, silk-wool mix, 260 oz dresses for Fall. SHOE SPECIALS--Men's Tan Shoes, regu- i lar $3.35 for $2.76. Men's Whito Shoes, tan trim, reg. $4 for $3.38 'Men's White Shoes, reg. $3 value, $2.49 pair Women's Ganvas Shoes, $1.65 to $2, $1.50 pr. Women's White Shoes, reg. $2.25, $2.50, $1 88 " SUGAR--100 lbs. $5.69 40c. a gallon 9 Spirit or F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PERRY t . " TE NT a TTR Coal Wood Lumber We would be pleased to quote on any materlal for thd buileing. are oll inspired by the spirit of love, t=. churches are liable to the same lemp- |g 'right of cach group to express their § allegiance to Christ and their worship | § SL Le | SATISFIED CUSTOMERS | our day and generation challenges the '¥ are proving a great sales help, Our motto in THE CUSTOMER MUST BE SATISFIED in Canada a|} F. E. REESOR PORT PERRY ARAAAARNAENSSES ERR ARAN ATS 8 Phones 73}, 73w, TERI rr RR RILS LL RIT TT LE gf dence to _comniit the accused for trial, as and 1 am, therefore, dismissing this |} charge", Magistrate F. S. Ebbs_told 5 Frank Glover, aged 18, North Oshawa, | § charged with reckless driving in the | § @ FRESH GOODS DAILY @ Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pies, Tarts GEADE, 5c. per bottle, "| Sheridan, 94 King Street west, was ' Y'S REAL ORAN § TRY our BIRLE id or .quarts lo take W. S.,Greer, local barrister, elected | i to be tried on the charge by the high- |§ #- WE DELIVER Crown's evidence was completed in a B Bros., Port Perry Gerrow. rry Star Office-- Commercial Stationery, Wedding Invitations, or any other Prompt work, low price. Of all kinds done at the Port Pe Posters, Sale Bills, Folders, Catalogs, Printing you require.

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