Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Jul 1939, p. 5

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vt Ty . 'BROCK THEATRE : ' PHONE 72:R: 2 Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully 'Air. Conditioned All Shows Daylight Saving Time Thursday, Eriday, Saturday, July 27-282 'Two Shows at 7.30 and 9.30 pm. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 p.m. . "Wings of the "Navy" with George Brent, Olivia De Havilland, John Payne, Frank . 'McHugh. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 81, August 1 and 2 First Show 7.80. Lastcomplete show 8.50 "King of the Underworld" with Humphrey Bogart, and Kay Francis ~~ y - ~ Also an Added Attraction, ' : . . I'm from Missouri with Bob Burns, Gladys George, Gene: Lockhart. r= LAT on its back ? Y that we mean, does it sound terrible? If so, try new NT i ri Radio- tsons. Likel yous. radio back - its feet A At the same time, let us go over set from A to Z, We'll give : "Check Up" and ---- its original pep. Get a check up todsy. The cost fo: small, We are experts and wee onl teed and, Gesecsl Radiotrons, ; . No» FARMER RADIO Port Perry Phone 85 REE! FREE--Woodbury Lotion with purchase of 3 cakes Wom: bury's Soap. 35c. value YE. OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS ....... pe SELO- CHROME FILMS . for oo oii ene ..can 39c. ..roll 2c. 30c and 36c. 'QUALITY PHOTO. FINISHING--daily service VINOLIA CASTILE SOAP. . 10 cakes for 25c. EERE RR) KLEENEX--New low prices, 200 "Bots 13¢, 500 sheets 29¢ PALM BEACH SUN GLASSES, BATHING CAPS, and BEACH. HATS at various prices. ANT-TRAPS--Easy, sure ant cure ...... BOXED STATIONERY, clearing at ....... Morrison's s Drug Store PORT PERRY ..29¢c. § ne 16 CAREFUL MEAT BUYING * There is nothing. be known a "that experience. the buying and - on the good qua out meats. like experience to teach one what should We have had many years of 'The greatest of care is exercised in reparation of meats. ity of our stock. ~You-can rely BERT. MacGREGOR'S : © WE DELIVER PORT PERRY _MULLICGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 'has Installed a © DE MILO PERMANENT 'WAVE MACHINE " BEAUTY 'SHOPPE © SPECIALIZING IN - Permanent Waving and all other lines of BEAUTY CULTURE MISS M. PEERS Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 78 - © BARBER. sHoP SPECIALIZINF IN "Hair Cutting, and all ~ other lines of the work H. H. MULLIGAN Registered Barber ¥ PORT PERRY Cherries) & all Seasonable | Fruits and ~ Vegetabl es * Every day sees fresh ghip- ments of vegetables. : Youean rely on us for good Sgt Caruso Fru Store Phone 208 Port Perry Henshaw' s 'Transport In at your seryice Jor all kinds of * Haulage, : or small cons ants will receive prompt and. careful © attention, pe Anywhere in Ontario Bell Phone 6 PORT PERRY, ONT.' " Ray Henshaw, Proprietor + 'the W. A. is holding special service at 2.30 on Sunday afternoon, The guest speaker will be Miss Limbers a returned ' missionary from Mexico. Also special music by the choir, rveryone welcome, ! + 'the Blue Bird Club also Y. P are holding 'a picnic to Fort aha on 'thursday, ~ 'Iruck to leave Utica at 10 o'clock to 'loronto where they will take the boat to Port Dalhousie, pring your basket. 'rhe B. B. Club met at the home of Mrs. 'Fred Ballard on Wednesday of this week, where the picnic was dis- cussed also a grand lunch enjoyed. Mr, and Mrs. Enoch Kendall and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Kendall visited at Mr, Walter Reid's in Toronto on Sunday, Mrs, Wm, Lee and Mrs, Photopolos of 'loronto, visiting at Mrs, A, Rey: nolds' this week, 'Miss Audrey Kerry visiting at the home oi Mrs, L. Chssidy, Brooklin, recently, Mrs, karl Williams visited at Murs. Joe Ward's on Wednesday afternoon, _ hr, and Mrs, Wm, Thompson visit: ing at Mr, Joe Ward's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Prizeman and family of 'I'oronto spent the week end at Mrs, Jas. Ackney's. Murs, Luke Scugog for a week, Miss Ada Stephenson of Cleveland, Ohio, visiting her aunt Miss Christie, Dobson Family Picnic Elgin Park, Uxbridge, is 'an almost ideal spot for a family re-union. It is beautifully shaded with maple trees, with just enough sunny patches for those who wish to take the full ad- vantage of Vitamin D. It is spacious enough for all kinds. of sports, and yet not too far-reaching for parents to keep a watchful eye on their young toddlers. The swings for the kiddies and a baseball field for their youthful dads and -grown-up brothers, and sisters never lose their attraction for the picnic-minded. Lastly, but not least, are the facilities for preparing their picnic spread-- portable tables 3 | and 'plenty of hot and cold water. At this delightful spot, on Wednes- Ralph Willis is camping at} Mrs. Gilbert Crosby and daughters Helen, Joan and Donna Kay, and two girl friends: Toronto--Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Dob« son, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dobson, Oshawa--Mr. and Mrs, Fred Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scott and son Lloyd, Mr. and "Mrs. John Stovin, Arthur _Stovin, Stanley Stovin, Mr. and Mrs.~ Alex. Keenan and children Jackie, Arthur, Ross and Kathleen; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Suddard, Mrs, H, Suddard, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Suddard, Bruce, Frank, Teddy, Ross an Lor- raine 'Suddard; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark and baby Jimmy, Blackwater-- Mrs. R. Nugent ani daughters Gertrude and Gladys. West Brock -- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Nugent, baby Bruce, Dorothy Mec- Kendry, " } Cannington -- Mr. and Mrs E. B. Lambert, sons Lloyd and Morris, and daughter Doreen, Little Britain--Mr, and Mrs. Wes- ley Hodgson,. Elmer, Newton, Olive, and Miss Wood. Mount Albert--Mr. and Mrs, Greg Scott. Bethesda--Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dobson, Barbara, Mary, Jean and Robert Hugh. Port Perry -- Misses Lillian and Gertrude Stovin. Tuxford, Sask.--Miss Adeline Wilkinson, The officers for the coming year aver President -- Mr. Frank Dobson, To- ronto; Secretary-Treas.--Miss G. V. Stovin, Port Perry; Asst. Secretary- Treas.--Miss Doreen Lambert, Can- nington, These officers were left with power to select the table, entertain: ment, and sports committees, also the place and date of the next re-union.: fr Atos emesis we High Adventure The Ewers family are leaving Port Perry. In a couple of weeks they will 'start life under new conditions in a new land. Their future residence is to be near Riceborough, Georgia, where they will operate a service sta- tion and tourist cabins. The location is in a beautifully wooded plot on the main road to: Florida. Next winter, when our Port Perry people who go to Florida, are on the way, they will be able to fill up with gas and secure rest and accommodation at the Ewers Station. : * * * . The town is losing a good family in the removal of the Ewers folk. They have been kindly, happy, industrious day, July 19th, assembled the Dob relatives for their fifth annual re- union. Although Jor divers reasons-- (distance, illness, business, etd.) the crowd was not so large as could be desired, yet those who were privileged to attend spent a most enjoyable time. The afternoon was 'spent in baseball, varfous races for the children, ' con- cluding with a treasure hunt; a nail- driving contest and' the house-wives' race for the ladies to the great amuse- ment of the men folk, Immediately after the picnic supper, consisting of the usual dainties for such social functions, the President, Mr. A. E. Dobson, called the crowd to order in his own characteristic man- ner, and then Mr, Murray Dobson of | Toronto, led them in a program of familiar songs. "Faith of our Fathers" has been adopted as the introductory hymn for this annual event, in honor of the worthy ancestry of the family. ~| Several songs 'in lighter vein were sung, after which the President 'called 'on several of the older people to sing an old-time favorite, - Théir. ready 're- sponse and splendid singing were much appreciated and admired by all, showing how well they have retained their good voices in the passing of the years, The songs were interspersed . with humorous readings by the three little, talented Crosby sisters, Helen, Joan, and wee Donna Kay, whose pleasing numbers gave much delight to the crowd. In the secretary's few remarks, at- tention was called to the fact that since their last re-uriion, three of their number have gone to their reward, These _are Alexander Ewen, Mrs, Francis Dobson, Mrs, Charles Scott, all held in loving memory. Prizes were awarded to the children for their various races, also to a few others, specially mentioned -- latest bride, Mrs, Gregg Scott; five youngest children, Bruce Nugent, Kathleen Kee- nan," Robert. Hugh Dobson, Jimmy Clark, Margaret Rose Ewen; song leader, Mr. "Murray Dobson; Nall Driving, Mrs. G. Scott; house-wive's race, Mrs, Frank Dobson. Following is a list of those stent; Usbeidge--1ts. R. Claughton, Mr, A. E. Dobson, Mrs. Alex. Ewen and sons st nley, Nelson, Gordon, Ray and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey Ewen Yand daughters Joan and Margaret Rose, Mr, and Mrs. John Ball 'and 'children Bruce and Norma, Mrs, W. Merrick and son Thomas, Mr. and people, who have borne a good share of community duties in both church and organization work. Mr. Ewers was for several years Secretary of the Agricultural Society, and did a fine piece of work in putting the Society in good financial standing. Some, years ago he was very active in the LO.O.F. and helped considerably in adding to the membership. ~The many friends of the Ewers family wish them well in their high adventure, and will watch with inter- est their progress in their new setting. . SCUGOG (Continued from' page 1 spending a few weeks with his friend Mr. Owen- Reader. Miss. Greta Foster of Toronto Is visiting her sister Mrs, F. Crozier for a few days. Miss Ivan Copping has returned to her home in Oshawa after spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs, R. Pogue. Miss Jean Clark and brother Donald of Timmins, are spending a few weeks with their cousins Murray, Helen and Doris Clark. The Foob folk have secured Miss Gladys Joblin for their school teacher, beginning September bth,. We are pleased to know Gladys will be in_our community. Mr..and Mrs. R. Carter spent a few days with his sister at. her summer cottage at Highland Creek: Mr, and Mrs. R. Mark, the former's mother' and Mr. Wilmott. Mark, of Valentia, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt.and children, and a friend from Ennis. killen, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. Mark, on Sunday. ~ Mr. Leonard Hope visited his cousin Mr, John Hardy on Sunday. . Mr. Roy Hobe. found one of "his horses nearly. mired in the lake shore, one morning last week. With the assistance of some neighbours he was able to get out with no bad: effects. The heavy rainfall we had Sunday morning did a lot of good. Mrs, W. Mark visited her daughter Mrs, H, Carnochan on Monday. Sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs, C. Reader. We all wish for her a speedy recovery, 'Miss Inez Martyn is visiting herbi cousin Isobel Young at Sunderland for a few days, Scugog friends are glad to hear of a slight improvement in the condition . T ALWAYS READY "70 SERVE You with LUMBER or If you are building or repairing, we shall be glad to provide plans * and estimates, We Deliver:Ice for Your Refrigerator Phone 240 and Coal Co. PORT PERRY, ONT. of Mrs. W. Milner, after having suf- fered a stroke last Thursday. Miss Margaret Bratley is visiting her cousin Miss Mildred Mills. -- - MYRTLE Miss. Helen Claughton of Lindsay, visited Miss R. Cooper and other friends last week. Harvesting operations commenced last week with the farmers cutting their fall wheat and oats. The crops seem to be much better than expected. Mr. Earl Cook has engaged with Mr. Taylor of Oshawa, who has bought the Routley farm, west of Brooklin, and he expects to move to the farm in October. Dr. Paul visited at his sister's sum- mer home at Lake Scugog, last week. The old adage that one half the world does not know how the other elf lives was borne out very forcibly last week when so many fine cars were dashing along the highway, a family less fortunate, consisting of the par- ents, three 'girls and a boy, ranging in age from three to eleven years, re- spectively, walked along and called at homes in quest of work. Their story was a -pitiful one too, meeting reverses in the west at Saskatoon, they decided that distant hill looked green and Ontario would be a good spot-to_cast. their lot. Packing their scanty riecessities in a truck, they-set overtook them. was their clothes and a grip. ting rides here and there along the ing for employment without success. rived in this neighborhood they de- cided that if work was not to be had return to the West. Along their journey they. found- that travellers were very kind and always gave the whole family a ride, Being of Scot- tish 'descent they were persistent the future, PORT PERRY BOYS- GRANTED CERTIFICATES The St. John Ambulance Association ing pupils of Port Perry High School, tions on "First Aid to the Injured." Gordon J. Hood, Muyray P. "Holtby, Clarence L., Leahy." ATTEMPTED BURGLARY AT GRENBANK -- It was lucky that Harry Phoenix of Greenbank, was not very sleepy on Tuesday night of last week, for about 2 a.m, 'on Wednesday morning a car drove up to his garage and a couple and. proceeded to look over the pre- way to get in. Then they broke the. lock on the gas tank, but by this time Harry was on the job and in getting dqwn stairs eyidently alarmed them for they got away. "In about an hour and a half later they came back this time they had a bag with them evi- dently figuring to make a clean sweep of the tobacco, chocolate bars, ete, in oth, but Harry had fixed another waiting for them and when they saw the new arrangdment they "did not tarry. oy FUEL - Lake Scugog Lumber out pitching their tent wherever night | § Fate intervened on |§ their journey and alas as they neared !¥ North Bay, the truck caught fire and |g burned up, all they were able to save 5 Not to |§ be daunted, they set out on foot get- |! way and "when 'they arrived -at To- ¥ ronto an other obstacle confronted |¥ them, there the youngest child. de- |g veloped @ throat condition and was | i confined to the Sick Children's Hos- |¥ pital for several days during which |g time the father was anxiously look- [gd Starting out from the city they 'ar- i rived at Brooklin where he again vain- | § ly tried to get a job. When they ar-|§ they would board a freight train and | SSSSEeEEe and and were quite optomistic abot & have issued Certificates to the follow- | | who passed successfully the examina- J Morley K. Bruce, Donald: C. Christie, 7 Murray M. Clark, Harold R. Hayes, |? of fellows got out with a flashlight| mises evidently looking for the best] I onthe tank and on the booth, was} me RED & WHITE sore Ladies' White Shoes All $2.50 lines at $1.98 \ Ladies' Bathing Suits, 209% off. Johnston Approved Clothes Men's Fall Samples are Here Men's Suits or Coats $22.50 $24.95 Rexfelt Floor Covering, 6 patterns, 25¢. | square yard. SUGAR--100 Ibs. $5.69 Jars for Presérving--Large $1.53 a doz., med. $1.13, small 99c. Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 45c. Quaker xxxx Bread Flour, $2.19 Spices for preserving in. best quality, Our supply is complete. F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY ORR IARRR RAFAT FATT Coal Wood 'Lumber | We would be pleased to quote on any - Por rns SATISFIED CUSTOMERS : are proving a great sales help. Our motto is 3 : 3 THE CUSTOMER MUST BE SATISFIED ; . - [3 i ~~ F. E. REESOR =Phones 73], 73w, PORT PERRY \ A SRS Let Us Supply Y Your Baking Needs . @ " FRESH GOODS DAILY eo 'Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pies, Tarts TRY our BIRLEY'S REAL ORANGEADE, 5ca per bottle, "or quarts to take home. WE DELIVER 2 DEL -Gerrow Bros., Port Perry FAMOUS forits 'Dependability | . © No matter'if the weather is cold or mild, you can always de- pend on this clean, long burning coal for heat satisfaetion-- washed before it léaves the mine to free it from dirt and Bovis --"THE LAUNDERED COAL" : COKE, WOOD, HARDWALL PLASTER Fresh St. Mary's CEMENT on hand PORT/PERRY COAL YARD * G. W. PYATT | Phones 94w and 94] tw. i materlal for thd buileing.. i § RAE ese ha

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