Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Jun 1939, p. 8

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4 43 Avdtias dis A = Ay 3 ak u Yo oa '8 9 0 A DODGE $I1X COUPE for Delivered In PORT PERRY | License and any local faxes only extra Certainlythe Dodge Six among the lowest price DELIVERED price atthe three other new D Before Dodge-DeSoto dealer famous. Dodge in the panel above. Look - The Dodge De Luxe, Dodge De Luxe Special and the big, luxurious Dodge Custom. Each ives more for your money than ever before in the 25 years of Dodge History. ou decide on ANY car go to your 1939 cars in every exciting detail. You get ependability, Long Life and Low Operating Costs. You' get satis- faction! Look--and COMPARE! DODGE SIX e DODGE DE LUXE o DODGE DE LUXE Special e DODGE CUSTOM et ai SA Owners Enthuse Over Luxury of Spacious Interiors! Look 'at the new Handy-Control gearshift that leaves the front compartment floor free of obstructions. Sce the "Safety Signal" Speedometer that flashes green, yellow and red speed warnings after dark. Ride ina new Dodge and feel how the new indepen- dent front wheel suspension with Amola steel springs levels out the bumps. s priced right down d cars--look at the odge lines for 1939. Probabl and examine these and leave ver today and DR your present car will more than take 'care of 'your down ments. See your Dodge-De Soto dealer new Dodge cars. - ayment y moderate monthly pay- IVE one of these amazing IGHT) Safety. Signal" dometer on all Dodge 0) cars for 1939. Flashes green, yellow and red speed warnings at night. > TUNE IN Ma[or Bowes' Amateur Hour... THURS. 9-10 p.m. E.D.S.T., Columbia Network PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE lst, 1939 GLADIOLUS Named Varieties--40c. a Dozen STRONG HOLLAND GROWN BULBS. "Full line of Boxéd and Potted Garden Plants. _ HANGING BASKETS FILLED « WM. ETTEY, Prince Albert, Plione 208 - .k- . ---- og oF hE DODGE FEATURES you can see and try for YOURSELF! - Asriow) New Handy. ; oth : w Gl Lord; vanbift com S - § (erm) Indy cel seniently ocgted on str. springing oi ing column. 51. n o = 8 feoviteicpt Dodge Six Ampla Jie pring: ; v shock absorbers. ) A (asove) Rain Trap Cowl Ventilator, stan- _ dard equipments in ali lines except Dodge Six. Can be left open w. raining. Frusb air con- nection can be made " beater, when installed. BEARE MOTORS © - DEALERS id - PORT PERRY Sunday evening servicg/ was in charge 'of the pastor, E. _ ._Honey.-- The Scripture _lesson was Hosea 14. The text was Hosea 10: "*12--"Sow to yourselves in righteéous- ness, reaping in mercy; break up your fallowground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain right- . eousness upon you." The sermon was delivered in Mr. Honey's good form. Sunday School next Sunday will be at 10.30 a.m. Owing to the Sunday School anniversary services at Man- chester next Surhlay, our Church ser: vice will be withdrawn, . a Rev. W. E. Honey and Mr. Ed. Mole are in Kingston this week attending © Conference. : Mr. Arthur Wilson of Burketon and his son Mr. Edgar Wilson, of Oshawa, were visitors in town Friday evening. . Mr. Jas. Manderson passed away au his home in Toronto on Thursday last, in his eighty-ninth-year. He was one of the early settlers of this district, living narth of the village for many years before moving to Toronto. Mr. Arthur Manderson is a son and-to him and 'his family the sincere sympathy of_the community is extended. Miss Maud Mansfield of Toronto, 'Miss Nellie Nash and Miss C. Harvey, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests. of Mr. and Mrs..H. Stredwick. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Tordiff of Brook- lin, were visitors with former neigh- bours on Tuesday evening of last week. ' v Mr. and, Mrs. Alex. Piper of Winni- peg, visited last week with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs, R. Chisholm. Mr. and Mrs. George Butson and Miss Goldie of Greenbank, spent last week at their home here, putting ina vegetable and flower garden. had as guests on Tuesday, Mrs. Hal- lett of Whitby, Mr, and Mrs. Copp and Miss Marion Bwler, of London. Mrs, Teslie Magee and Mrs. Frank They{' #Mr.~George Houston and Mr. w McAlpine, of Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Clark, of Peterboro were visitors last week of Mr. and Mrs.! Beacock. "Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kilpatrick of Toronto, Mrs. Lammiman and son Bill of Oshawa, were Friday visitors at, the home of O. H. Lane. -- Messrs." George and Thos. Prouse, | of Lindsay, were guests of their nephew Rev. W. E. Honey on Friday. | Messrs. Joe Simkin and Clarence Harrison, and Miss Mildred Harrison, motored to Toronto on Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Austin of To: ronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Luery. ; C0 © Mr. Floyd Honey spent a part of last week under parental roof. ; Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Ross, Evelyn and Mervin visited on Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson. \ Mr. James Cooper and family have moved to their new home in the south eend of the village, and Mr. and Mrs. | Elwood Masters have moved into the house vacated by Mr. Cooper, ily, of Uxbridge, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parrinder. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark of Perth,| spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beacock, who motored with them to Blackstock. Mrs. W. E. Honey is spending this week with relatives near Sterling and Campbellford. wf» The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Harrison on Wed- nesday afternoon, June Tth. mothers, and a large attendnance is expected. eel APP BLACKSTOCK CHOIRLEADER® APPRECIATED | Much credit is due to Mrs. Ada Jones Sadler, A.H.C.M., organist and choirleader of Blackstock United' _ ..-yrafrison were in Toronto -on Thurs- day. ! Mr. and Mrs, Victor\Hudgins and Patsy, also Mr.-and Mrs. Walters and child; all of Toronto, were 'visitors of Mrs. Hudgins, on May 24th, Mr. James Lee and family, Green- bank, visited with relatives on the holdiay. : &i oe ~My. and: Mrs, Edgar Cooper: And "little son returnéd to their home in Toronto on Sunday after spending two . weeks with relatives. i" Mrs; Duchemin of Toronto, is visit- fng with her son and 'daughter-in- Church, for the excellent training and direction of the children's choir, which regularly plays such an important, part in the annual Sunday School An- niversary Services held in Blackstock on the Sunday preceding May 24th, The fine performance, as well as the individual good standing of Mrs. Sadler's pupils, speaks strongly for hor ability gas an artist, and her patient and effective method of in- struction, Mrs, Sadler and . her daughter, Miss- Vivian Sadler, are also accomplished soloists, and are much appreciated 'when they appear in solo or duet. Jaw Mr, and Mrs, David Duchemin, Sel an I his --Mr. and Mrs; Henry Leask and fam- he pro- gram will be given by the grand- | her hospitality. "MYRTLE Mr. Floyd Honey of Toronto, spent the week end at the parsonage with parents. EE Miss Laurine Bradley of Raglin was with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Honey; Mr. Edward Mole, and Mr. W, F. Thompson, Manchester, are attending the Bay of Quinte Con- ference which is being held this week ut Kingston. Mrs. Will Taylor of . Ashburn, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. 'Bert. Duff, was seized withthe flu last week and has been confined to bed and under Di. Baldwin's care. At time of writing her condition is reported to be improving. E Owing to next Sunday, June 4th, being Conference Sunday, the regular preaching "service will be cancelled, Sunday School will be at 10.30 a.m. Mr, Jim Cooper and Mr. Elwood Masters moved to their new homes on Monday. SS Mrs. Honey is visiting her sister Mrs. Reid of Cafmpheliford. The Oddfellows and their wives' from here attended the special an- nual church service at.Brooklin on Sunday afternoon and were very mich impressed with Rev. R. Simpson's ad- dress to the brethren, ; ~~ EPSOM EPSOM W. A. held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ackney with an attendance of thirty-five. The President, Mrs. Stanley Pogue, pre- sided. The meeting opened with hymn 59, after which all joined in the Lord's prayer. ~The roll call was then answered apd business Transacted. It it was: decided to hold an old time gathering and supper on July -8th and Oth. It was also decided to decorate the church, and a report from the dif- ferent committees was then heard. Proceeds $3.86, ; The: riext meeting to be held at the home of Mrs:"G, Ashenhurst, June 20. Mra. Bushel, the vice president, then took charge of the meeting, Mrs, Joe Wilson read the Scripture, Miss Jean Bushell gave a reading, Mr. Bushell lead in prayer. The meeting was then closed with hymn 289, aftef which a dainty lunch was served. A vote of thanks was tendered the hostess for The May meeting of the W. A. was | SCUGOG : The evening service next Sunday will be in thé Head Church at 7.30, at the Centre at 11.30. The Head Community are being en- tertained on Tuesday evening June 6, by the Utica Young fqlk with their drama "Where's Grandma ?". Every- one come and cee this popular play. among the children. ! Congratulations to Miss Marie Hood who has won the two week's holiday trip to Lake + Couchiching for the second time. She will be 'accompanied by her sister Grace who also won the trip this year. Eile The boys' ball team are busy again. Let's all get behind them in their ef- forts. pe : - This is the time of the year when dogs worry sheep. The Tirst to lose them is. Mr. Fred Clark. : " Sympathy is extended to the Jgek- son and Ploughman families in the passing of Mr. Nelson 'Jackson, hus- sand of "Esther Ploughman;-who-died at his home in Winnipeg on May 26. He was born on Scugog Island where he spent most of Ris youth. 'He was the youngest son of the late David and Elizabeth Jackson, Mr. Jackson had poor health in his youth. - He Jeaves to mourn his passing three brothers, John of Cleveland, William Port Perry. The funeral service was held in Port Perry United Church, and the body laid to rest in, Pine Grove Cemetery. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Aldred and sons Cameron and Douglas of -Stoufiwille, Mrs. Joel Aldred and friends visited Mr. Joel Aldred and his new house, on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Alton Mark and little Marlene visited in Oshawa one day last week. i : Mr. and Mrs, C. Mills and Mildred, and Mr. Roy Hope visited My. and Mrs, L. Stainton at Hampton on "Sunday. 3 x! . "Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carnochan and children "Joan, Maxine, Lucille, and baby Allan Howard, visited his parents at Shirley on Sunday. Sorry to hear Mr.. Russell Carter is under the doctor's care, and spent last week at Port Perry Hospital, We all wish for him a speedy recovery. .. Mr, Gordon Mark and children Clayton and Dorothy, of Port Perry, visited his parents Mr, and Mrs. W. Mark, on Sunday. The measles are slowly spreading |' of Reach Township, and George L.-of |" Mr. and Mrs. Martin-and Marilyn, of Toronto, were week end guests of Mr. J. Milner, Mra. W. Crozier and Mr. P. Hood. ) - friend Mr. John Bowerman, of Osha- wa, Mr. and Mrs. C. Heayn and-family of Prince Albert, were Sunday guests of Mr, J. Milner. Little Yvonne ac- companied "her aunt: Mrs. Russell hone for a few weeks. visited by a young cyclone on Sunday afternoon, when high wind, hail and rain came with such force that trees were blown down, windows broken, fences torn down and fields flooded. It looked quite serious for a short time. ~The Foot received no rain 'at all, - : $3 en The last meeting of the Fortnight Club will be held in the Township Hall on Friday evening, June 2nd sharp at 8 o'clock. Tunch will be served, ad- mission 15c. ; Mr. 0, Jeffrey is sporting a new Chevrolet car. ; Mr, and Mrs. H. Demara have re- turned to the home of their son on account of the poor health of Mrs. H, Demara. Our young folk are presenting their drama "The Wild Oats Boy" at Rag- lan on June 7th. a . --_-- E> ---- -- BETHESDA 1 The family of the late James Swin- son have the sympathy of the com- munity in their recent bereavement, Mr. and Mrs. Dowson of Port Perry visited. Mr, ahd Mrs. Geo. Ward on Sunday afternoon. Mr. ghd Mrs. Roy Crapper. in To- ronto, on Sunday. . The annual Women's Association service was held on May 28th, at 2,30 p.m. the guést speaker. Music was furn- ished by local W. A. members and the ladies' quartette. : ee tN = COLI FACTS b A famous - Southetn dining 'club guards against. long-winded ~'after- dinner speakers by placing a piece of ice in tht hands of a man when he's cglled on to speak, and making him hold it, The result is usually a spiel of aboutetwo minutes or less. Ym do: If you have anything to sell why not "tell the -people through the col- umns of the Port Perry Star, It bringa results, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Russell and The 'South part of thet Island was|- Have Your ; PRINTING | "Done at the PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE Satisfactory Work Prompt Delivery Reasonable Prices' We shall be pleased to quote . ~~ "prices on any -printing job" you may wish to have done. Bat | ~ FH ----------cy VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY TAXES 'First Instalment of 1939 ~ Taxes isdueon Monday, June Sth _G. E. Manning, Clerk-Treas., Collector - __ RK Treasurer's Office, May 23,1939. ~~ : 8 Mrs. Pateman, of Toronto, was | OMEN ACCLAIM THIS NEW NORGE! NEW WAY OF MIXING COLD AND MOISTURE . . . KEEPS FOODS BETTER AND JUICIER! If it is a Norge the answer is "Yes!" The "Double Cooling System" in the 'hew Norge "Life- time" series is a new, revolution: ary principle. Thus: The coldest refrigerator in the world actual- 1y keeps food JUICY fresh, al- most twice as long. Norge All- Porcelain (both outside and in: side) is the ONLY "Lifetime" finish, Norge 10-Year Warranty on the Rollator is doubls protec- tion. Investigate Norge. Let us show you the .new models. SEE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUY! $269.9 v Bealed Jee ment Whig ifouter + Cold ++ Mol . 5 volt... 160.0-Bar ll Bott Bt: Jie Bee the other - Great NORGE. - Features! : 14 othe features Including Odor-proof fi i Hl ww Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wilson, Joyce, \ Beare Motors, Dealer, Port Perry ----

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