Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 May 1939, p. 6

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a SS i » . Mrs, Harold Honey and daughter of Honeydale¢; Mr, and Mrs, E. Hunt and "daughter, of Toronto, were guests: of Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Allin oh Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lee Timlick, of To-|now on'sale at the Post Office. ronto, were in town on Wednesday. Rh Jas. Read was in Toronto this Messrs. Will - Pyatt, - Caawker, of Toronto, were at ther homes here for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson,~of Toronto; spent the week end with Di, and Ns, 'Lundy. My. and Mrs. Henry Dodd, of Péter- boro, were in town on-Sunday. Mr. the guest of Mr, tor the week end. Mr. and Mrs, with his parents for the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boe, of To- 'i sited Mr. and Mrs, D. Boe on The Misses Hallie, Edna and Ethel Emmerson, of Toronto, spent the week end at their summer home here. - Miss Ruth Brent, of Toronto, spent the week end with her mother. Mrs. John Dowson, Mrs, day. The Parish Workers of the Church of hte Ascension held a very success- ful afternoon tea at Lodge on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Newmarket, is spending, a few: . with Mr. and Mrs, Caruso. 5 Mr. E. R. Cooney, of Toron % in town visting friends last wi | day. Mr. Jack Russell and. Mr. A. "son, of Cobourg, visited Friend yin town on Monday. i + Mr, J. D: Lucas, of Toronto, cdlled on his mother, Mrs. James Lucas, on Tuesday of la? week. Mr. friends in town last week. A Misses Jean and Annebelle Baird, of Toronto, were home for the week-ena. Misses Nora and Florence McMillan Robt, McMillan, of Belleville, spent the week end with and Mrs. Geo. A. of Toronto, Mr. their patents Mr. McMillan. Miss Doris Roach, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. S. Farmer, over the week end. Mr. Robt. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, of Brampton, and Miss Earchman, of Toronto, were week end guests of Mrs. E.A. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ashton, of To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs, Densham recently. Mrs. Clarence 'McKinnon, Detroit, spent the week end with. her mother, Mrs. E. Beare, =" Mrs. E. B. Stevens, Saskatchewan, Miss M. Loftus, Winnipeg, Mr. W. T. Loftus, Winnipeg, Mr. Geo. Ladon, of Winnipeg, were in town renewing ac-| (uaintanges and stayed at Crickle- . wood -Lodge. Mr. Arthur Boary,, Cook, and Mr. Bill Whippler, Toronto, Mrs. Sarah Moore; Burketon;] spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and _ Mrs, Wm. Cook, Twenty- five lady members of the Lindsay Bowling Club, had a chicken dinner--and--final-bridge,--at--Crickle- wood Lodge, on Monay evening. On Tuesday evening eighteen Clergymen of Toronto, spent the day at Cricklewood Lodge. Sister Ruth, of St. John's, Toronto, addressed Sunday School teachers and workers in.the Parish Hall, on " Tpes- day night. Miss Beth Archer, of Toronto, WAS with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Archer, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Will Whipler of To- ronto, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Cook. Miss Marian Goode, of Hamilton, was with her mother, Mrs. A. Goode, for 'the week end. Miss Jean Sellery, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Sleep, of Seagrave. _. Mrs. Forman and daughter Mar- garet, of Whitby, spent the week end + in town with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Asher spent = Sunday with friends -in-Oshawa: «Miss Lillian Pickard entertained a few friends on Tuesday. afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, Oldfield and daughtér, of Toronto, visited Miss Ethel Me- * Dermott, on 'Sunday. Messrs, Wilbur and Garnet" Raymes of To onte, visited their parchts Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Raymes, on Finda. Mrs. Wm. Rodman and Mrs. Bert. MatGregor spent a day fn Toronto, Str. HY oir Keck, of Iroquois, has taken a position in "the. Undertaking usiness with Mr, AL McDermott. and Donula Arthur Vayy, of Toronto, was W. Cook Fred Switzer, of Toronto, was Gordon Jeffrey, Mrs, Hopkins and Mrs. James Ruddy, motored to Oshawa on Mon- Cricklewood Thoms, Newmarket, and son William Thoms, of Toronto, and daughter Lily Thoms, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J~ Cafyso, on Sunday: Master Bobby Foifgan, of eeks > was A. Allin, of Markham, visited J. Harris, of Uxbridge, Miss Muriel all of Mr. Russell Corner and wife of Pefferlaw, visited Mr, and Mrs. Corner over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford G. Green, and Miss Elfreda Slute, of Toronto, visited their aunt, Mrs. G. R. Alexander, on Sunday. ; The one-cent; two-cent, and three- cent stamps issued to commemorate the. visit of the King and Queen are We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mr, J: C., Cockburn's'grand- son, Ray Cackbugn, of Toronto. i -- ------ Port Perry Council The Tax Rate 46 mills The most important item of news in connection with the recent meeting of Port Perry Council was the strik- ing of the tax rate for 1939. After considerable: caveful figuring it was finally decided that the rate should be 46 mills, a" reduction of 2 mills from that charged last year.! Fhis--is looked upon --as--a distinct" achievement, particularly when it is noted that proper provision has been made for local improvements, includ- ing the laying of a considerable stretch of concrete sidewalk. It must also be remembered that extensive improvements were made on the front street last year. \ Daylight Saving Another item: of interest was the passing of a by-law, establishing Day- light Saving in Port Perry from Sun- day June 18th, to Tuesday, Sept. 6th. . Publicity A committee consisting of Reeve Letcher and Councillor F. E. Reesor, was appointed to consider ways and means of advertising Port Perry. Co-Operation at Fair Grounds. Mr, Bridger was appointed to work in conjunction' with - the ~ Business Men's Association and the Fair Board re expenditures to be made - at the Fair Grounds, Accounts Passed ld Hydro Dept. ................ $881.15 Water Dept. ................ 11.97 Streets .....ooiiiiiiiiiiiines 126.49 Relief ......ocviniiiiii 91.20 Property and Parks ......... 3.00 General Expenditures ........ 194.04 THE UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The May- meeting of the W. M. S, was held in the church parlour -pn Wednesday afternoon, May 10th. In the absence of the President, Mrs. R. B. Smallman, 1st Vice President, took charge. After the usual business, 'Mrs. Stone read the Scripture, and Mrs. Christy gave a very interesting review of the last chapter of the Study Book. Mrs, Hall then gave. a report of the W.M.S. conference held in King Street Church, Oshawa, on April 20th. Mrs, Smallman read very. interesting story on friendship to strangers." The meeting closed with prayer and the singing. of the National Anthem, . SPORT NEWS This Saturday, May 20th, the On- tario Athletic Commission is holding a district Track and Field Meet for High Schools at the Port Perry Fair Grounds. ™ The .meet will start at one AT INN TEAR MAS pa ds * FREE Parking Phone 1011 . OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED "Thursday, Friday -and- Saturday = MAY 18, 19 and 20 Claire Trevor vic John Wayne, "Stage Coach" Starrin Andy Divine, John Carrarine, and Thomas Mitchell ADDED--Popeye Cartoon "CUSTOMERS WANTED" REVIVAL--Friday, - 10,45 p.m. "Vivdcious' Lady" Starring Ginger Rogers - James Stewart Monday and Tuesday, MAY 22 and 23 Hound of the Baskervilles Starring Basil Rathbone, Richard Greene- and Anita Louise Wednesday and Thursday, MAY 24 and 25 The Story of Alexander Graham Bell Starring Don Ameche, Loretta Young and Henry Fonda COMING 1--May 26 and 27 "The Adventures of Huckleberry® Finn" Hi! You! Why let your beard. grow wild when you can buy the New Gillette's Tech Safety Razor and one package of blue blades for only 49¢? Work Socks at-20, 26, 36, and 40c per pair. Dress Socks, 16¢. to 60c. per pair OVERALLS for Men $1.76 Pair PANTS for Men -- -. $1.95 Pair WORK BOOTS -- $2.25, $2.60, $2.76, $2.85, $3.00, $3.36. ALL HARNESS PARTS and Sweat Pads in Stoek. See us for Gloves, Mitts, .and Travelling Goods. Call and See for Yourself . Port Perry o'clock standard time.'. The winner of ! 'each event_will get a free two weeks" holiday at their camp on the shore of Lake Couchiching. Port Perry High School has six. or seven competitors entered in the events, = There will be girls' as well as boys' events.' | On May 26th, the Annual Cadet In-{ spection will be held on the High School "grounds-at 11 a.m. The Cadets will go through their ceremonial drill as well as exercises, gymnastics, pyramids, e etc. This year the "girls are assisting in. the program. -- The May meeting of the Eveni W.M.S. was held at the home of M | T. Asher, with Mrs. Waridel's group | in charge. Final arrangemetns were made for packing the bale at the June, meeting to be held at Miss Stovin's.: Miss Stewart, who spent fourteen years as a missionary in India gave! an interesting talk on the hospital - work, and. the many difficulties they] had to work under, and the great need of help from the W.M.S. in Canada. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the group. At the Assembly Hall, Port Perry High Sohool, with i | "Tomy Langley 'May 19th, 9 p.m. CARD OF THANKS t late William Willakd: wish to - thank their friends for their many acts of kindness 'and worgds of sympathy at the time of their Tecent bereavement. | THE EVENING AUXILIARY | i Badin LO.D.E. DANCE : Admission 30o. || Mrs, Willard and the family of the'| -Beatty Store SON ANOASAY CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R. 8impsdn, Minister. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public i Warhin at 7 pm. - 3 Everybody Welcome = -.° CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rey. J. .C.-Clough------ -- May 21st (Sunday After Ascension Day) 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School. 1 a.m.--Morning Prayer. and Sermon. Empire Day service. 'Sunday, May 28th ~ 46 a.m.--Sunday School. m.--Evensong and Sermon Diocesan Centenary Service. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 am --"The King and the Bipire" J a.m ~--""What Do We Believe?" (3)--About . Punishment? Buy Tiokets EARLY Persons 'who intend to go by Special Train to Toronto on Mon- day are advised to buy tickets early to avoid last minute rush at Take a Lunch, the Station. . BIRTH CORNISH--On May 18th, '1939, at the Port Ferty 'Hospital, to Mr, 'and | Wallace Marlow Allin, * BLACKSTOCK, ONT. Mrs. Roy igh, A son -- Wifum | W. E. Withise Still possessed bf a bfight mind and a thorough interest in all that went on about him, William Willard came to the end of a Tong, uséful, and kindly life, on Sunday, May 14th, 1930. Less than two years more would have made him a centenarian, It is only a short timé since Mr. and Mrs. Willard celebrated thejr seventy- first wedding anniversary, and re- ceived a gracious message of cons gratulation from King George VI, and Queen 'Elizabeth--January 27th last. Upon that occasion, too, they re- ceived many kindly personal greetings and messages from friends - and neighbours. Since then, as the weeks and months passed, age has taken its toll, and Mr. Willard began to be troubled with dizzy spells. In one of these, which occurred last Saturday, he fell, and in thé fall his hip was broken. - The doctor was called and the patient was made as comfortable as "possible. Nothing could more clearly show optimism of this heroic soul than the remark made by him as the doctor was leaving--*I suppose it will be six weeks before I shall be able to be about" again." (He had been in the garden just a day or so before.) In fact' he had planted most of the garden himself; and it is now coming up. He loved the aarden, and he loved floes Nearly Reached the Century William Willard Passes in His 99th Year On Sunday he passed peacefully 4 {away, pneumonia .having set in, Latterly his chief interests were: study-of- eurrent-even spiritual matters, many of the ordinary activities of life where he 'would meet his fellow men, of the time through radio. joyed the sermons and the. singing; and to him the Bible was a daily com- fort. Mr, Willard was born in Kent, Eng- land, and came to Canada in early boyhood. His youth' was spent in Taunton, Orono and 'Raglan. At Taunton he was postmaster for some time. He married Elizabeth Heatlie in_ 1868, and moved to Port Perry where he carried on business for many years in the block now occupied b; Archer Motors. He retired from busi- ness some twenty years ago; and the business was moved across th street and-is carried on:by his son Harry. The funeral service was held at his late -residence. on Tuesday of this week, conducted by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. His body lies 4p that beauti- ful cemetery at Prince "Albert, a fit- ting resting-place for one whose life was simple, kindly, and nature loving. Mr. Willard .is survived by his widow; one son, Hairy; his daughter Ethel (Mrs. R. J. Har per). His son Dr. Elmer Willard died 1 in 1933. Also surviving are four grandchildren-- lard. : ~N VISIT OF THEI THE KING AND QUEEN MAJESTIES-- To TORONTO, MONDAY, MAY 22nd. (Read Down)._,. SPECIAL TRAIN (Read Up) 12.30 pm. ...... E .Leave PORT PERRY . Arrive 10.26 p.m. 1246 pm. ...... Manchester 10.09 p.m. 1.18 pm, ...... Brooklin ......... 0. 9.37 pm. 245 pm. ....... Arrive TORONTO ............ Leave 8.16 p.m. ; (Exhibition Station) =~ (Standard Time) From PORT PERRY From BROOKLIN ......... Children under 12 prs, Half Fare, Round Trip BARGAIN Exeursion Fares to TORONTO (Exhibition Station) Adults' Childs rns Suan $1.15 $ .60 SE ©.80: 45 12 years and over, full adult fare. CANADIAN GOD. SAVE. BUY YOUR TICKET at the NATIONAL | THE KING TI54F Rn 'BE SURE TO TAKE A LUNCH Railway Station EARLY I~ "AM io 20.10 {pkg » +10 ik 16 ras CHRISTIE'S BISCUIT SALE TOMATOES oreeines DEF fb, 17¢. HEAD LETTUCE vod. s oe 2-fox 19¢. LARGE PINEAPPLES. STORES + -. i 480 i Te HONEY" € FTE UI NION § MN i-and, nostof 8 all the. church, the Bible and, his re-|§ lation to God and his fellow' man in|# Although cut off physically from/|# Mr. Willard was able to keep abreast He en-|§3 Helen, Retz, William and Grant Wil- IAWRENCE'S. Hi a (You Can Save with Bafety at Your Rexall Store.) COLGATE'S Tooth Powder SPECIAL | A 35¢. Package and a 20c. Package Both for '36¢. (You save 19c.) FRANK MEDICO- PIPES -- For a 'better smoke .. VELVETTA. CLEANSING TISSUES ELKAY'S MOTH _CRYSTALS, i) MARLIN 'RAZOR BLADES (Gillette Type) . Pkg. of 12 Blades for 25¢; $100 500 sheets 25c¢. 20 Osheéts 10c., g 39c. § PHONB $9. A. M. LAWRENCE 780 Repo ee ror PERRY "YOUR FAM ILY BAKER Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the best i in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTEY Phone 93, Port Perry. ~ HAROLD W. Phone 41 PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with EMMERSON ~ Port Perry the best in fresh' MEAT fof NOURISHMENT oN "In these days of changing "weather con- --ditions. you need-food that can supply 1 nourishment and energy. We carry and cured meats. : PORT PERRY x Cawker Bros., Butchers FORIFEBRY | x 2 Sila NOW IN THE TIME TO HAVE / SH |Your Lawn Mower Repaired and B Eb PID [shcrvencd with power grinder. We do it right,' 8. Causley," first door oS Te) apes north of Prentice's Barber Shop. * Note-- Every diamond is insured. BICYCLES FOR SALE--all kinds, ' Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry priced from. $10.50 up. Trade-ins : : ted. Repairs, welding, keys- 5 ARTICLES FOR SALE Bicycles, all kinds, from $10,00 up. Trade ins accepted. Repairs, welding, | keys made. Open Evenings. At VICTOR'S, 84 King Street West, Oshawa, mayls ~ iy when tae gait Genuine Hand Made LONG STRAW Horse Collars FIT and MEASURE GUARANTEED AT NO EXTRA COST," " NOT MADE BY gRERN MEN; BUT A MAN OF - YBARS| EXPERIENCE. | 4° Can be ohrainid T. STEWART PORT. PERRY, ONT. | / made. VICTORS, 34 King St. West, Oshawa. Open, evenings. june8 oh F RUIT TREES BERRY, CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY BUSHES, ASPARAGUS ~ ROOTS. Apply to - oo Marsh Hill Gardens and NURSERIES UXBRIDGE RR, 3. Phone 9208 {The firm of Greer A Rumpheaye to dosived.) ARTHUR VW. §.. GRAER in sttendones at my Pert Perry office on Wedialar mersion, 13d Prd stress week, or by appelniment. Queen firest, Port Perry, Phone $64 (The firm of Greer & Humphreys ls diseived.) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS UY Simos Street Noctb, Oshawa. 2 W. A, 'Sangster DENT! SURGEON I. ~" Office - i) am; to 8 pm. -Offles IJ a, les¥s ' SUITS: xONgRD AND PRESSED ; nts |SUITS CLEANED" Dry Cleaned $1.00 . C..P. ROLPH in Wen at akend ny rs when Tosday and Thursday adberneens. of ensh 2, wok ov by {Queen Stent, Port Porry, Piano 204 DR. J. B. LUNBY DENTAL ici EG Ha i) _ Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery . - | STRAWBERRY PLANTS, "RASP-- v 'a I.

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