Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Apr 1939, p. 3

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wath Tere 2 Farad Nw NT LY BE os ti 07 » ESN : pla: '. £5%3 FLEA f . yu ' HG ; Ey 3 Fre . Xo 4 A Tbr baa A IIL XS ER TR LS EIR hEed TH tard AL AT SEAN FIFLEPORRIACAITRY A SS TENS ER | £5 8 RFS SEAS WE pal Gs 5 J, wat } + dias . he ba vii . 3 # -» A : A a: a jitsu aces tile = -- ee = st! ; TEs er et - MARSA RSS 22 snow from the streets during ihe We Have Much iy winter months, Now Spring sun To Give World VOICE OF {| ma runs come slong and ao Riverdale Kiwanis Club A -------- v Nellie MeLung, Well - Known T 5 THE PRESS mE / Canadian Authoress, De» I 4 An old truism says that eve CHAE { plores Canada's Standing So of oronto wv] TO GET THEIR MAN "farm can afford at 'ast one id om girs | Much On Thé Sidelines, Americans. seems to think that | and no farm can afford not te gir RN! J oo ell a Mountie needs is a good bari. have one, . # 2%) 'Canadlans have been "pretty presents a \ tone voice and a horse.-- Quebec yr. "auch spectators while a great ) Chronicle-Telegraph, Aids tragedy has been: 'going on in Eur- Bt ewer d if _NUDISTS LOSE NUMBERS i Yanada's Doukhdbors are bold" urged to forsake their ancient witys--in other words they are be. wing advised to keep theip shirts on. Stratford Beagen-Hatald, 8 ..ope) Nellle McClung'of .Victorfa, |- BI » : 5" a Ty A) : ) prominent writer and' lecturer, sald ff g \ lS rE in an addréds at Toronto last week, y ; She asserted Canadians could not | * , ; ; TOURNAMENT and stand on the side-lines, Unmoved By Europe's Tragedy ." "What has Canada to give to 0 MAKING HISTORY 2 Ploy parts of the world?" Mrs, ; IV's going to be a historic May. R cClung asked, "She has room. IN THE The King and Queen are going to . A Canada" can have her pick of a see the New World for the first great-many people. Out west there © wl - time and so are the quint . Hd i ] ¢ the quintuplets. ie &re two people h a = ow . rw Ni A SE i's ne in sl TORONTO GLOBE and MAIL Peroni Sarde Sight : 'tountries there gre as many' as 600 id ) TWO FARM NEEDS ste to the square mile. £ Two thi Figg % | ings should be restored ¥ "There {fs mot a country with a to Ontari : Wh 18 ario farms--the maple_su- neve: dand ARF ign SPR: Raky (than Dansie) gar bush as a revenue producer, patron pack: . Ast @ kive the ansyer to the prob | and the woodlot as a source. of dir he long Within 0; gi ve fuel wood.-- Farmer's Advocate / jeubons, Save _ { imven't a' problem jn Conada tha : : ' diy oY ecru, - ' § a 5.0 5 i 5 ----e they are exch. ) can' bo solved it wo have the wil SOMETHING FOR NOTHING No Jes Wo, fpr beastly 3 -- -- o crete the atmosphere fu which |* ----Pwenty Canadizn-- cities and | : on Silvernlite ; it can be solved. We're a young Field Marshal Hermann Goering, baton clutched in one hand, is shown tow vo yoported hav ; Writs Dow for pre: v < country and we have no purple shaking hands with Reichfuehrer' Adolf Hitler on the latter's triumphal owns are reported to have spent : Nay nium booklet to patches in our history. We're a return to' Berlin after his tour of the former Czecho-Slovak provinces a total of $2,000,000 to remove v mph 'Ehatied: HE J constitutional country; we have PR | Z E L I S T now under a Reich *'protectorate." Chiefs of the German army are shown : Sidi Toronto, \ i EM PR A Po J : in the background. Note the expressions on their faces, i - " : size, - O he - larges ; t gression. But we haven't yet tap- Watson Chick Hutchens at On ped our human' resources," For the coming year: More will |. : i angeville, produced 2 000 birds x ------ uf ; be spent on highway maintenance, N TA R | O during 1938 and has plans for i Must Be Se 4 (but not on new highways); esti | 10,000 in 1939. Mr. A. H. C : us e ecure i mates: for the Departments of ; Proctor, another larg 0 tirio y TEA 3 : on om . c arge Ontario = To Live Ideall Don't rniss a single game! cree Meni Momidpal Afi UTDOORS | | rier tii wine | REA 1. o ve dea y oot =. >. Le Fin Rpt Tho By VIC BAKER at Unionville, also "plans to RED ORANGE" 2s WYELLOW] avd y 4 « vay " LABEL LAB Lis 4 : Vv Premier announces that not less - y paise 10, 500 pheasants in 1839, : £ - Dv. Blatz, Former Educational Consultant For The Quintup- lets, Defines The Ideal Per- than - $2,000,000 will be used next R A ------ START year in treating "tuberculosis pa- ONTARIO'S GAME BIRD : raat * tients throughout Ontario with the RESTORATION POLICY 'object of "completely eradicating PAYS A DIVIDEND 0 son. 1 eo | TS = ------ @l 6 this scourge from our province" las Ontario found the ans- ; J y 3 Vornter educational consultant | Be 0 Mn; i + «+. It has recently been said wer to its game bird problem? T0BACCO BARGAIN foo bid ; | for the Dioune Quintupléts, profes- ie [ul ig om q€N ] "that it the proper- measures were | While other provinces, with the- . a . Fo i | sor of child phychology and direc- fuken, there would be no trace of exception of British Columbia, IN CANADA go Yl ; tor of the Institute of Child Study - the "white plague" left in Ontario are forced to cut game bird : re "y at Toronto University, Dr. -W, KE, TODA 0 inside a dozen years +, "- <hooling- down to short open fy Fe 5 Blatz, last week discussed the at. A new. children's unit at the On- seasons on indigenous Birds, ¢ tributes of the ideal person. That tario Hospital, Woodstock, will be populous Ontario, where indus- : person, he said, was one who had built; a new firdproof building at trial and = municipal develop- 3 a sound philosophy, a constitution pL Fear of . . the School for the Blind, Brant ment have probably reduced na- i i . which did not worry him, a job in : ' ford; a community bali at Rondeidu tive wildlife more than else. . } ! i which he was confident of success, : Park. . . . where, has started to enjo i | no spare time in which to get Shock Method - _A cut of $25,000 id the grant to open Renn on exutie ny ; "WM bored, master of his own fate-as : : ¥ : the: Uhiversity of Western Ontario ties -of bird life raised in cap- p far as his family associations were | - 'Helps Insane Parliamentar has roused the iro of thé students {ivity. ' iy concerned and a friend who would = N y there who have been demonstrat: year n + than 50 y " - stick closer-than a-brother; yy PR 3 pre = ire Fo iil ainage fing valantly agaist he reduction - i Ontario Towns y addition -- - Based On Sectrity . Aids In Restoration Of Mind's Doings which may mean a ciel to the con aex, Kent "yg psets-in apy-ofte-of these things-- | -- Balance ri Complete Relax- pi 0 " ment of educational act I Sermitted -- / 1 ) . =ould change the whole character. ation Healing To Shizoptss t PI Shiai Lenisiators there | 7 & Uhiv ¥ Taz Hm Dr. Blatz oxplained jt all on a basis | renics. a i Spring, 1030 ' ronto suffers similar f i ] of a conception of security, and : ny LEDY grant nicked a cool $100,000 gi r p traced the {dea from the dependent Terrific insulln 'shocks which i. Flr 2 Oo proximately the same seasons security 'of childhood through to plunge the mental . patient into : " : : In lighter vein: Speakén Clark "on indigenous birds as other ¥ - the more or less independent se deep coma are giving new promise No mistabing It , . . . Premier bas ruled that M.P.P's may no provinees--sportsmen spent be- curity of maturity, of life to hundreds of schizophren- Mitchell" p "Mepburn usually gets longer spend their King's Printer tween $75,000 and 3100,000, of . ! All types of mental PART and fcs at Arkansas' new state hos- in h " ) & sessfonal allowance ef §25 on any- which £20,000 went into licen-. a Sa - [4 extremist - movements could be pital for nervous-diseases. Dr. N. what he wants. Despite all the thing but stationery and leather. ces. Approximately 35,000 Bv F A N he "Ki ) traced to a variation of this sense T. Hollls, staff psychiatrist at the controversy, vituperation, - and goods, (in which the King's Print birds were bagged during the ¥ re eher x "4 Ng of security--or insecurity, and re- institution, said at least 50 per threatened strike of motorists, and er's oflice-deals) . .. . Certain inem- season, mma ey : 4 adjustments could. be made ac- cent. of the schizolds treated with' a Conservative *flibuster (lovely | bers of tho House have been squan- Shooting a. Paying Basis Ceri 8 by Fou mae) i ; i _ > cordingly, . : insulin were showing Improvement. word!) against the proposed - | dering their 25" bucks. on women's Ontario's success in putting Bi a | : er aa " Schisopureniie=stie name Means | i ondmenit to the Gasoline Tax. | lingerie, jewelry, perfames, ,medl-: shooting on a paying basis may ! } ¥ Ts . split-personality"--make up cris Act, Ontarfo now finds Itself pay- clnes, boots ang 'shoes, golf eal, be put down to simple factors; | 2 . { i Young Teachers than 75 per cent, of the pory 8 > ing eight cents tax on every imper- plenle kits and3what-have- you, first, recognition of the need of i epg Tete J a | a of nervous institutions in th i 1al gallon of gas, two cents more. | Tut! tut! gentlemen, . . . restoration rather than conserv- GL ASSES = Ji¥ | - Make Mistakes | co states, Dr. sols sala. © | = Yes, ho got what ho wanted last <o-- | ation; second, the encourage- FITTED] » i Li Qispasg eid] Se week In the Legislature, including *Filibuster (verb): to delay leg- feat of peists gn D FH " , patie : g a vote of confidence (60-22) . . . islation by the use of extremo dila- reeding. nlike British * Co- MOK 3 { ' Boners"' Are Pulled By Nor-.| capable. of: connected thought, and then the pike int tory tactics. "I lumbia, where pheasant eggs oR SrEnce. y } : mal School Students In "Insulin hock treatments are | , = WF TE COTE Be eee | g are distributed free of. charge. i -. . Music: Exams. : oly few Years olf, an oe went_homo_and-_had_an_Kaster ro : ELE ___to farmers and sportsmen's or- | + Fp = 5 on the theory that complete r go - s 4 } nizations-who hatch the birds y Sclioolboys for years have pin laxation Is healing lo shattered eos." fi } Radio Licence i relents them when ready, '} accused "boners" in answerifig minds." . . Ee il "freceiving a sum from the Gov- \ a but prospec- |- -- a Suds Dist Apished Fee Unchanged Eamon gh cach matured bird, "BH tive teachers-mako-just-as---funny--| mage 3 oN. ___| the fiscal year with a surplus o : ie Ontario now does most of the | ones, Roy Fenwick, director of Might Drop Back "$236,038. Burplus In thie previous | "Continuation of the present "game propagating on its own k music for Ontarlo, reveals, - ; L 1 year was $4,609,718 .. .. The Prov- licenco feo of $2.50. on radio re- game farms, leaving the bal. Among answers on singing in- To Peasant Leve Ince spent $35,000,000 on highways celving sets was endorsed by the ance to licensed game breeders, structions given by students at construction and this item of capl- | parliamentary radlo, broadcasting Until quite recently, though, ~ormal schools where teachers I ed J Com (Eg Tas NECK ai A; Bg IRA 4 Tu D1c3 17194 AVTU | SF AL FHI) | To U1 Sy Se oft TTT TATE rated" Wed The" toNeR Eg," Pal Td i [Ero8s Uebt by $37,500; 000== (révémio™ by J. G. iE (Lib., Moose Jaw). LE its tn ' l . Fenwick sald: HM itoba Declar from gasoline tax and other sources He said evidence of the Canadian breeding efforts and those of " ' "Iho range of a child voice is anito eclares a i oid Bn Broadcasting Corporation officers commercial farms by distributs- about 650 feet." : E abon «17,000,000, 1000, 0 as to the curtailment of CBC ser- ing pheasant eggs among farm- "Children should singas high as Western agpientivre foal du. "which was spent on highway main- vice "that must result from any bi and a who, al- possible without ease." 10 the loved Bf poaganliy isis "tenance, the, rest absorbed througlt reduction in revenue," had beén though under no obligation to "The children who cannot Bag ' au not regain her lost mar hols - other chanutls; so that tho $35, heard and should be adopted by the |. release the birds when matured, should be 'take apart." Wheat, Premier John Jia om 0 000,000 uscd for new highways had | committee as a warning what usually did so. The Department "When thildren have forgotten Manitoba last week ba sa) 8 | to bo treshly borrowed) .. . , Suc: | would happen to CBC if the fees now operates two-pheasantrics, a tune ask them to hum it." of the Brandon 'Board of Trade. 4. | cession duty collectfons for 1938-39 | wero reduced, one at Normandie and the oth. - "It a child has a defective vocal ~Speaking on Agricultural - "| reached an estimated $15,000,000 The motion was carrled by & er at Codrington, organ, take him to a doctor and Bemonia in (and by | OF $3.000,000 bolow what the Prem- | voto of 9 - 3, and a second motion™ In addition 'to the two Gov- -. have It out." hpe on Wg £0 wy RO nol fer had budgeted for. (Maybe the | by Mr, Ross, that the maln motion ernment operated game farms, ; "Monotoneg should have their a nagar sy Government couldn't get settle be sent to the House as an interim there are 62 licensed breeding : eyes and ears Same "Undor the present setup in Can- as suish on Sir Joseph Sopa) was carried without record: Spalichens por an $v. "well, I'll be dined if it ain't a 'Z'--no wonder I've heen roll'ng p, ada," he sald, "certain sections of at ed vote. ' them eng of considerable so many glasses lately----I could have sworn that was an 'M'!!"" ) "Jj our _economy have been assured of - : + a --- = ------ eerie a * A : azz' ' Sounds a dello rate of return while oth- ~ : - ' ; : : ' : = . - : f Li k G ling 'er sections, In thls case agricul WONDERLAND OF OZ . IY * 4 z . By L. Frank Baum : p I 1IKe 08 g8 ture, recelVe what Is left," : . A ©. : reels " CE i { Tes The premier declared agriculture | - I > 3 S Zo | " 1 KS - sua musi¢ sounds like a flock | must not be denied the right to of goslings quacking to Neil Mc- | adeuate adjustments to meet the = Cormack, of Orangeville, who holds emergencles it is called upon to { the title of "Canada's best old: | face. , ) time fiddler". . «Need Compeniation A Mr, McCormack, known locally "It secondary induitries are to ) ¥ 2s the "King of tho Fiddlers," lives | bo bonused in Canada by tariff laws } in tho Village of - Hillsburg, five | to the detriment of primary indus % f miles south of Orangeville, In the tries; the latter are entitled to six times that he has' competed equal compensation if equity js to ] » fn the event at the C. N. BE. for '| be maintained," he sald. Gy x ~ fiddlers over 76, he has emerged): . He added there must ba intelli. |. . the winner four times. -| gent planning for agriculture. Un«. " - $ "King Of Fiddlers" . suitable lands must 'go out of cul-- Mr, McCormack has been a fid- tivation and efficiency In produc: + : dler for 72 years; starting to play tion must replace Inefficiency; a Coprighled 132, Rellly & Lae Co. when he was 10 years old, He: will soll "wasting policy o1_Droduction o RRR Fiabe. 7 . 3 % oie : Vika TGR ec TE = 4 "4 j > ~Jt's all r or you to leave us . "Never, for wo are ho puzzles to ours en' Genera ph returned to "the "1 ngree tot at," sald the King, * ue 1 ext, birthday, Since the Bist Hull £ive place 15 4 yolicy of eo scattered," said the Tord High Chiggle- - selves and there wouldn' pu any fun in wuvern of the Gnome King, his Majesty is bn w, (uiph, and it inakes me Thay day "he drew a bow," he has play. servation and sound development, red | it," was the re ply, ey now sald good- ae li lon Fr, . ed: at thousands of barn dances, . rope wits, "Every day or #0 some of the Gilll- bye to the roaai es and got Into LAY "asked: "Well, what luek, Guph? Will the more certain than ever of the conquest ; . ; 1 oe kens or Winkles or Munchkins came here on and continued 'their Journey. Whimasles join us?" "They will," anawered of 02." "Dut | have other news for you," Yi learned Lndreds of tunes, yon Sheep that sre isd al howd he ; lo Amuse themselves by matching us to. "Those M10 cortalniy strange people," re. the General, "They wil fight tor NS WAR abnounced the General. "Good or baat: be : y many.prizes. And yet he can't rea good quality legume hay they w er, So r n unt Em, as the fove away, r str cunning Goo A =ke o ng. "Good, your Majesty 1 . A A note of music." Hé has competéd clean up will need léss grain than i fhese leces SNLle, he t eo an Mae Jealy « Yo AI a A AL RG MLL "your Majonty Is to rv RR oka wi doth ar" Ring. erleg with graduates of conservatories 4 "sheep that receive poorer-quality . you do, you will always be. welcome I solitaire," declared ARATE ¥, pobetly,, use the magle belt to give each Whimsla the King: "I have theff promiss" sald ' assure you." "Don't you ever match each 'For my part I am glad we visited the « ldrge, fine hoad In place of the «mall the General. "But what reward do they Mmusle. . : roughages, * " 2 other?" asked Dorothy. Fuddle pd . one he Is now obliged to wear. demand?' asked the King, suspiclously. pe | v i : y 3 ! pT

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