Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Apr 1939, p. 4

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51% ER Mr. Gordon Howard, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother Mrs, A. E. Howard. Sorry to hear that Miss Clara Rise- " brough hes been on the sick list "for some time, Mr. Tom Harris, of Toronto, hdme for the week end. MF. and Mrs, W. H. Hards are ex- TL pected "home on T hursday. Mrs. Jas) was Mr, cand Maynard" and family of Whitby, visited Mr, and Mrs, 'Robt. Maynard on Sunday. Miss Patricia Palmer has been back to work about a week after her re cent illness. We are pleased to see Bill Pipe back "at work again, after being laid up for some time Mr. and Mrs. King, of Toronto, visited friends in town Saturday. © Mr. W. S. Kerr, of St. Catharines, visited friends a town on Monday. Mr. Elias Day of Uxbridge, was in town recently. . Mr. C. M. Golden of Lindsay visited 3 "friends in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Coulter Ottawa, were in town on Sunday. © Mr. and Mrs. the guests of Mr. "Sunday. <p Glad to see Mr. Merrill Hooey_at work again after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. E. La Rose of Union- ville were guests of Mr. and Mis. A. _W. Allin on Sunday. Mr. Terry Woods of Toronto, spent the week end with his mother here. Mr. Wm. Pyatt, of Toronto, home for the week end. of Harold Honey were and Mrs. Allin on & was r- "We are pleased to report that Mr. Glen Owen returned from the hospital in Foronto, where he underwent a very ® seribys operation. He is recavering rapidly. oo oo ~ Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brock returned from : Florida last -week where they spent the winter months. : My. h the hospital in ; for an operation. "cessful. © "CHARLIE'S AUNT" is coming very soon. Owing .to the flu epidemic .and bad travelling, she has unfortunately been delayed. But "Charlie's Aunt" is now on her way. © Watch for further announcements. i Robert Maynard was taken to Toronto, on Tuesday We hope it is sue- REGISTRATION All ex-service - men wishing register for National Survey, get in touch with George White at the Post Office. He will be there daily from 9 am. to 9 pm. _. "to MR. NEIL YELL OWL EES : will be Port Perry next. week. Orders "left at Lawrence's_Drug Store will receive attention. GOSSIP 1 rumored for Hydro Commision Port Perry. = For the last two years the pros- © perity of the local hydro has been on the wane and is worrying officials, The high peak load which cuts down the profit seems to be something of a mystery and some are urging that Port Perry fall in line and appoint a Hydro Commission - whose sole duty PENAL AE NEARY a The Women's Aspociation will not hold their meeting on the usual day, April 11th on account of the foods, Watch was further notice. The Junior Girl's Institute was held in the Town Hal on April 1st and in spite of very bad roads a goodly num- ber were in attendance, The president, Miss Margaret Crozier and the Secre= tary, Mrs. John Hurnham, were at their places at the table where two vases of beautiful roses were plaeed, They were the, compliments of - Mrs, Maurice Fralick and Mrs. Donald! Crozier. 'The meeting was opened by! the use of the Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The motto: "Every hour is worth at least a good thought, a good wish and a good en- deavour, was read by Miss Grace De- mara. The roll "call was responded to by naming the different spring birds, each member had seen, the crow get- ting the majority. A duet by Misses Ivah Milner and Margaret Crozier was sung with Mrs. Geo. Samells at the piano; Misses Florence Carter and Grace Demara were appointed to ar- range for the May niceting, which will be the last of the Institute year. A very interesting singing contest with Margaret Crozier at the piano, proved a happy quarter hour. Dorothy Fines FREE "Parking AIR-CONDITIONED OSHAWA Friday-Saturday, April 7-8 Wallace Beery - Robt. Taylor, in Stand up and Fight With Florence Rice, Helen Broderick. SOAS Beatin tiie] - ADDED--Walt Disney cartoon, . "GOOFY and WILBUR" REVIVAL Friday, at 10.30 p.m. "BRINGING UP BABY" Starring Catherine Hepburn - Cary Grant SPECIAL Easter Attraction Monday-Tuesday, April 10-11, Claudette Coltiest - Don Ameche "Midnight" "With John Barrymore, Mary Astor . and Francis Lederer Good-Fuday, April Tthee ST. JOHN'S Re PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R. Simpson, Mipister. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Shorshin at 7 p.m. Everybody welcome. r CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. J. C. Clough__ Faia 11,30 to 1.30--Shortened morning Prayer and Good Friday Meditations (Note--People are free to"comé to this service, and to leave' at their convenience:) Easter Sunday, April 9-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, Sunday, April 15 3 p.m.-- Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, PORT. PERRY UNITED CHURCH Easter" Sunay-- a 10 a.m.--Sunday School O LOOK! | WORK BOOTS| In a Variety of Leathers}; Priced from: $2.25, * $2.35, $2.50, $2.76, $2.85, $3.00, $3.36 We still Sell and : Recommond the Famous : BAUER SHOE || "W. E. WEBSTER . Beatty Store Port Perry "Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE of Thursday, Fri., Saturday, - (this week) Bette Davis and George Brent, in The picture that won the great award for a high- class entertainment. See it at our popular prices. LAWRENCE'S Drug Store A ; (You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store.) GOOD NEXT WEEK--April NEWS! ONE CENT SALE 12th, 13th, 14th, 18th FOUR GREAT OPPORTUNITY DAYS 'Decide Now to get your share of Bargains in Rexall § ~~ Remedies," Puretest Household Drugs; Peiletries, Br Sundries, Stationery, Candy, etc, . 'PHONE ¢ A. M. LAWRENCE o Rexall sae [ASRS ARFARBERR RAR ARRRARASNAS ARRAS RARSARSS wg PORT PERRY There is nothing like experi be known about meats. that experience. CAREFUL MEAT BUYING ence to teach one what should We have had many years of The greatest of care is exercised in the buying and preparation of meats. on the good guality of our stock, You can rely Wednesday-Thurs., April 12-13 gave a well prepared talk on agricul- ture of yesterday, stressing the handi- caps our -forefathers worked under, and the great developments which have taken in this industry. At this time the following short address was read to Rena Sweetman: "On behalf of the Institute girls we wish to extend to you every good wish for the future. We are going to miss you Rena at our meeting, as the family are soon to leave the Island. As a slight token of remembrance of our friendships together we would ask you to accept this gift from the Scugog Institute Girls, (a very pretty brush, ¢omb and mirror in black and who although taken very much by sur- prise, made a suitable reply of thanks.) and now the crucial time has come when the draw is to be made on the quilt. The president extended a vote of thanks to Mrs. *R. DD. Burnham and Mrs. M. Fralick for their held in this matter. The tickets in a large metal container were rolled! up across the floor, shaken and stirred, and then the final draw made by Mrs. Jas. Eyden who was the oldest Institute girl pre- sent. The lucky number 118 was held by Mrs. Robt. Prentice. As consola- tion prizes Mrs. R._ D. Burnham drew three tickets bearing names of persons in the hall and large chocolate bars were gievn to Miss Darothy Fines, Mrs. R. D. Burnham and Mrs. Ted Fines. : The amount realized. from tickets sold-on the quilt amounted -to $26.25. A tasty lunch was served bringing to a close a very interesting meeting. Murs. Carnochan of Shirley spent the week end with her son Howard. Miss Lillian Fralick, Toronto, spent the week end with 'her parents Mr. and. Mrs. C. L. Fralick. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove of Prince Albert visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey, on Sunday. Miss Florence Carter visited her friend "Miss™ Grace Demara over the week end. - Miss Mildred Mills is" visiting her sister Mrs, L. Stainton at Hampton. The next and last Fortnightly Club meeting will be held on April 21st. ~The -trapping -season has opened but the rats are not very plentiful, as would be to study the administration of local Hydro rather than leave same to a committc2 of the 'Council to find the leak. IN MEMORIAM, } MARTIN--In loving memaly of a dear husband and father, Richard Martin, who passed away on April 8, 1934. 5: ~ { Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them its "true, Years that maj come can not sever Our loving. remembrance of: you. 1- Ever remembered by wife and family. DIED ~HULL--At Port Perry, on_Satur- Veit day, April 1st, 1939, Keturah M. Bas- bi 7 8 table, beloved wife of Mark R. Hull, Sod in her 76th year. BLUEBIRD ZAI. vr ol Rspialined. i oF SeuvinE oiauene ands 1 5 Note-- ENery diamond fs insured: id _ Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry -ngt-opencd-up-as-yet. We notice the wild geese are flying north so spring must be on its way. : ~b tho shores have UNITED CHURCH NOTES : Service on Good Friday at 10.30 a. m. Communicants are asked to bring their Communion Cards to the Easter Communion service next: Sunday morning. The feature of the evening service will be a lantern lecture on the famous "Obérammergau Passion Play". Do not miss these fine services. The men of the Church are serving a supper for men on Wednesday, April 26th, as a friendly "Get- together" of men. . On April 30th, the Anniversary Ser- vices will 'be held with Rev. Kingsley J. Joblin, associate to Dr. Stanley Rus- sell in Deer Park United Church, To- ronto asthe 'speaker, do r-- Constable, to- lost child: your name?" Lost child: "What's "I do-o-n't kno-o-w!™ Constable: "Where do you live?" Lost child: "I do-n-n-'t kno:o-wl" Constable: "Where do you buy sweeties 7" L®st- child: "Mrs. - Middleby's". Indentification soon established. gold design, was presented to, Rena, | -- Big Double Bill -- The Saint Strikes Back Starring George Sanders - Wendy Barrie _-- and -- "Boy Trouble' 2 With "Charlie Ruggles - Mary Boland. COMING! Friday and Saturday, "TAIL SPIN' MYRTLE _ Mv, George Leach who has been liv- ing in Mr. Clarence Harrison's house, opposite the Church, moved to Mr, H. Ball's house last week, and Mr. Bill McGartney of Brooklin, has moved in where he vacated and is engaged with Mr. Clarence Harrison. Mrs. Mary Fisher, who has been living "with her daughter, Mrs. Leask of Uxbridge forthe winter, is visitihg her daughter Mrs. Archie Parrvinder, rior to moving to her honie in Ash- burn next week. Rev. W. E. Honey officiated at the funeral of the infant of Mr. and Mra. Ivason Moore of - Oshawa, who was 'buried at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Earl Beadle of Ashburn visited Mrs. Carmichael on Sunday. For the second time in a week Mr. Clarence Harrison's Ayrshire Herd leader Went on the rampage on Satur- day and attacked Mr. Charli: Fox and injured him sé badly that he has con- fined to bed for a few days. But for the prompt action of a neighbour his injuries. might have been fatal. Mrs. John C, Lawrence and her sister Miss M. Ross visited the form- er's son Dr. Lawrence of "Lindsay on Thursday. a A special prayer service will be con- ducted by the Rev. W, E. Honey in the Sunday School room on Friday even- ing of this week at 7.30 when the com- munity are invited. These Easter services have been held at the other three appointments for the past three years and are always an inspiration to those who attend: 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Sykes of North Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. L. 11 a.m. -- Easter--Sermon, Easter Music. "Sacramént of the, Lord's Supper. 1 p.m.-- "The Obernmmergau Pas- sion Play" in Lantern Slides. food Friday--Service at 10.30 a.m. Sunday, April 30th-- ;.Church Anniversary Services. Port Perry Lions At the meeting of Friday last, the Club enjoyed an excellent address on the Furopen situation by Judge Me- Gibbon, of Lindsay. He gave a very clear outline of conditions under dic- tatorships, and urged that our people realize the need of firmnes in the pres- ent crisis. Leaside Lions Club held its charter night on Friday. last at the Carls Rite Hotel, Toronto. A' splendid meet- ing was reportdd. We welcome the new Club, and regret that owing to our own meeting coming the same evening we could not send delegates. On Thursday, April 13th, Napanee wil hold its charter night. OApril 20th Gananoque will do like- wise. We welcome these two new Clubs in particular, as they are both in our zone, and hope some of our Club may find it convenient to attend their Charter Nights, * Op May 1st the anual zone meeting "| will be held at Peterboro, at which it is expected a good representation will go from here. On Friday, April 14th, we hold éur annual Farmers' Night, and every Lion is_expected to come and bring a far- mer guest. That word "expected" should read obligated", so don't fail to come an o yourself the honor of having a farmer for yur guest. TT "JEZABEL" EASTER MONDAY BILL Monday, Tues, Wed., April 10-11-12, Fred Macmurray and Ben Blue, in "COCOANUT GROVE" Special Comedy for the Holiday! Bring your visitors for a good laugh. Thursday, Fri, Sat--April 13-14-15 LITTLE = " MISS THOROUGHBRED COMING _SOON!--Shirley Temple in "LITTLE NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in_the Estate of Ellen Bell, Deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned who died at the City of Toronto, on thé 22nd day of March, 1939, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed Solicitor, for the Executors of said Estate on or before the 8th day of May, 1939. After that date the Eiaeators will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 6th-day of April; -1939. - 4 William White and Gordon Stephen White, Executors, by their Solicitor, JNO. W. CROZIER SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. Rumacaps' Two-Way Action quickly cleanses and invigorates the kidneys., * Use Rumacaps. A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store. | 'MISS BROADWAY", | SPECIAL 'Mitchell In the passing of Mr. John Elsom on THdrsday of 1a%t week in his 84th year, the community has lost one of its oldest citizens. Always a very active man, deceased had only been ill a week when the final summons came. When quite a young man he came to Canada from England and started farming here, having farmed the Me- Cullough farm north of Columbus and the Burn's farm south of Ashburn, finally buying a snialler .place, the where he has lived for over twenty years. His wife predeceased him about eight years ago, and he is survived by an only daughter Mrs. -Arthur Maw, and one grandson. The funeral was urday afternoon conducted by Rev. Mr. Honey who paid high tribyte to the esteem in which he was held, noting 'some-of his characteristics os "being. a citizen, Interment took" place at Groveside Cemetery, : Brooklin, The pallbearers were Messrs, C. Luke, W. Maw, Ed. Mole, J. Quinn, 3 Ww. Cook, 0. Downey. Mother," sald t the Jittle girl, whén a number of guests were present at property of the late Henry Derby, 2 held, from his late residence on Sat-| kind neighbour and an honest, upright|- dinner, "will the dessert hurt me, or}. 'is there enough to go around?" T Ft JEN, 1 HOT 'X' BUNS - al +.00 "25 ISC SPECIAL! SWEET MIXED SPECIAL! SANTA CLARA 70-80 MEDIUM SPECIAL! SHORTENING SPECIALL BEAVER BLUEBERRIES. 3 iE 8 wewows 2 PICNIC PICKLES 23 CHOICE PRUNES 3-23 DOMESTIC i 11 AN TI FTEs frye 28 i) "3 a 25 I a Special Sliced Side BACON, . «CHOICE FRUITS FOR EASTER + LETTUCE, 2 for 13c. - Grapefruit, 6 for 25c. _ ORANGES PHONE :72-R-2~ -- BERT. MacGREGOR"S WE DELIVER PORT PERRY TIMOTHY. HAY FOR SALE Phone 184 r 3. LONG STRAW Harse. AT NO EXTRA COST. A EXPERIENCE. Can be obtained from-- 3 T. STEWART, or WM. WEBSTER PORT PERRY, ONT... Apply to Fred Taylor, Nestleton, Ont. Ceonuins Hard Made Collars FIT and MEASURE GUARANTEED NOT MADE BY GREEN MEN; BUT MAN OF THIRTY YEARS AUCTION SALE OF 15 HORSES 10 COWS AND YOUNG CATTLE: At the farm of WM. HOPKINS, lot 32 con. 9, WHITBY TP, one mile west of Ashburn, on Saturday, April 8th, - at 1.30 pm. Terms Cash, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, FOR SALE YOUNG JERSEY COW -- due to freshen, Apply at Star Office, FARM MACHINERY DEMONSTRA The -International - Harvester Com- pany of Canada will give an 'illustra- ted demonstration of farm machinery on{April 28th--afternoon. and evening Reserve 'the ate, More particulars later, « : lo sou TYPING AND BOOKKEEPING done-at reasonable rates. Phone-144j, Port Perry. COLORADO WHEAT FOR SALR The undersigned has a quantity of Colorada for sale, Apply to Henry line spices, extracts, toilet requisites stock and other farm products. combination offers open every door. No experience needed, Pleasant work. customers. in business for yourself. NO RISK: Excellent opportunity to right party. For free details and catalogue, write FAMILEX CO., 570..St. Clement St., Montreal. ; FOR EVERY PURSE 7 ALL YEAR INCOME selling large Our Steady repeat orders from old and new A small amount puts you , - (€ Do #, Firestone 5 TIRES Collins, Lots 7 and 8,9th Con. East Whithy:" R.R: 2, Port" Perry. "Two- Rowed Seed Barley TO BE PUT OUT ON ariey NOW - AVAILABLE AT MYRTLE ELEVATOR. BOOK ORDERS "FOR SPRING SOWING. ¢. ELWOOD MASTERS, Agent for ~~ H.H.GOODE, Myrtle Elevator "Port Perry 120-5 Brookiin 3317 Phones: (The dire of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) ARTHUR W. 8." GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on _. Wednesday morning, and Friday sfternoon--- week, or_by_ appointment. Port Perry, Phone 264 ~~ i Oe al ier) x. McDONALD MOTORS * Port Perry, Ont. Garage 4. Residence 265 : Ww. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am, to 5 p.m. -- Office Upstairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office. Phones: ' SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED. B60 Cents SUITS. CLEANED - Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P, ROLPH ~~ Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery % a % Z . " "(The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is disolved.) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 241; Simeoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 + . In attendance at my Port Perry office en Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry," Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY oh DENTAL BURGEON ce above Bell Telopho Exchange, 'North Side Queen Btre Port P esiden co 08 ° Phones; Office. 88w, DR. A. 8. BLACK YET! IN prensa erve e rt SOI, ary Corps, Three years sa assistant a English and Scotch Vetarind¥y Surgeons. Phone 62 BROOKLIN - Ontarle Sl SLs 24 fd HARDING'S ACID TREATMENT . For Arthritis, Rheumatic Pains, Seclatiea, Lumbago, Kidney Troubles, Neuritis. Ask MORRISON , the drugaiat

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