Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Mar 1939, p. 2

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eap FORE, PRAT LRT ATE Chiari) aa SY call areata PR { Femininity To | | : Loh bindii Lad Yet Plans To Interest X DO TH | FentweMode | Orange P ekoe Blend snot Mien Judy suitor tte | Women At C.N.E. Of Interest | up on him, Don't you worry." "And 1 do so hate to trouble . . M. Ai ; N. ly-Ap- Hi you, Judy. But if you could run es. J, AL Alken, | Wornerrs to Women : on aLiE J. gd Fra in every day and make his bed and dust around a little bit." Activities at the Exhibition, "That'll 'be no trouble at all, Is at Work on Projects For | - . Readers. . Follow Simplo-Method Below Mrs, Jones, It'll just take a few '1939 Show' Takes only a Few Minutes When minutes. Vil be very glad to." : =---- Soft Touches Even On Classic Dressmaker Frocks \ When a manufacturer of one of the wost classic of Amerfean shirt frocks begins adding little soft . HRD . " touches to bis spring collection, you The older woman's' eyes filled -|° ~ Anriouncemeiit fs made by Gen- |. . ; > Yun AF *Rspitin is Used ' mei NaY Le sure you in for a femin. with moisture. en isl eral. Manager Elwood A. Hughes of ST. PATRICK'S DAY E55 ©. ine season, evensin sports clothes, "I knew you would, dear, and | "the Canadian Natlonal Exhiblifon | 'Wien Even Cakes Will Be 1 Toe eae a By © gathered necks, unpressed Bless you. . I feél so much better of the appointment of Mrs, Henry * Wearin' O' The Green Heras ia pale ang pleats, tuckg, shirring add very having you here to look after |. Mundell Aitked as director of wo- , * By KATHARINE BAKER . fover 1ake 2 "Aspirin" feminine colors, these ander-coat "ot : Marlborough, © If anything hap- men's activities atthe Exbibition, . If you've the tiniest drop. of "Tablets--drink a dresses, whieh can all be worn. on [ I NT pens, heaven Tforbid!--You .can Mrs. Aitken will be assisted by Irish blood in you, you'll be want-" glass of water. the street later, take on a new aud G 200M reach me at the Tilson Hotel in . Miss. Violet, M. bickeng who for a ing to observe the day. that is Repnat ln 2 softer look, They are ideal for the THE Cleveland. That's where the con- number of years has been in.charge sacred to St. Patrick. Sure ani h hours. working woman, the suburban . vention is to be held, and ['m stop+ of displays, -contpetitions, etc.,- in it's an easy thing to do whether \ w dweller und anyone in town who . WAS SHY: As pirg there too." the Woman's Building and who will you give a large party or just likes a trimmed, not too dressed, up "All right, Mrs. Jones." Jydy countinue'in that capacity, kave the usual family dinner, For 100% for her daytime engagements, oy ALMA Sioux SCARBERRY made. a mental "note. "But I'm Mis. Aitken has had a wide and the latter, your favorite butter 2. If throat Is raw from Soft Pas'el Colors oo " $a or a > \ sure we won't have to bother diversified experience in the realm cake with white icing can be de- told, crush and dis- Fabrics in these drésses are pute | CHAPTER 1 not to go to bed without your tep- | you." $ of womeii's work and interests. She' | coratcd with a shamrock of green [| solved "Asplrin" Tab- silk, light weight wool or flannel or Marlborough Jones stood in id bath, but don't get.it too warm. When Judy turned from the has taught school, lectured for the | 'coconut. To tint "the coconut, lets-In % glass of jeus and rayon. And remember. front of the radio doing his mern- IVs weakening and hard on the window her grandmother stood in Department of-Agricultute, assist- sprinkle "southern style" coco-. water , , . gargle. "Whar it 13 ii tho quality of the fab- 'ing selting up exercises... No ong nervous system, Ani please be -tne door. She was tall and spare cd fn fhe conduct of a prominent nut on white paper. Dilute a tiny _ "rie and the simplicity of the cut watching him would fave said his very sure the water in the lake is and her iron-grey head wagged poultry farm, managed and actively bit of vegetable coloring (paste, | that they achieve distinction. heart was in his work. But his "warm enough if you go in swim- with impatience. - directed the Canadian National Ex. powder, tablet, or liquid) in a : py ) Among the soft pastel colors riother, bustling in from the kit- ming. Don't go in after a big "So Mamma Jones has turned hibition Cooking School and con-, | small amount of water, pour over Eases Pain and Discomfort and which seem newest in these dresses chen where she had been pressing meal or you might wet cramps. her angel child over to. you to ducts : well-known radio program coconut, and rub evenly through Sore Throat Accompanyi ying Colds are gray. a gray blue. pink, agra, a dress, paused to remark worried- Dear pre, 1 am going to worry coddle for a week. 1 hope he at which. extends to literature, the coconut, But if you're entertain. Almost Instantly PITTI ATC Stas welt as--bese: ly: rages _about you, lambic. You've always least knows how to get his clothes acts, current events, domestic ing, make these Tara Chocolate The-simple-way-pictured-aboye-------- *You.can get some of them in dark "Marlborough, Ine overdo it had your mother to do everything on without help." . science and women's interests gen- Squares to delight your guests and often brings amazin ly fast relief colors, too, But the Nght woolens now. _Exercise is all right, but it =| for you How are you going to "Now, Gram," Judy said sooth- erally, Some of her broadcasts honour the good Saint. from discomfort on sore throat look especially well in these mid- must be taken light'y, You don't. |. janagei"- . . ingly. "Marlic isn't a nitwit, even have been sent to the British Isles TARA CHOCOLATE -SQUARES SE mPAIng colds, SOREON onthe under tweed or fur winter gel an athtetic heart, "I can remember, Martie gave if his. mother does seem to give vin short wave. Mrs. Aitken al 2 1/3 cups sifted cake flour y it. Then - see your doctor. He coats, and they can go from an of Easy now, dear." 7 her a. reassuving pat. "It isn't that impression. I'm sure he'll ready is engaged In formulating o 21; teaspoons double-geting, probabl will tell you to continue... eon Sh Poop Zango pen fit "Okay, Mom." Mar fboreugh as though 1 hadn't done the same got througlhi J the: week without plans for a program-of all-cncom baking. powder if dg becase, it Xovin Lo with no Toss of faces ' promply gave it up and sat down things every day for eighteen wearing us out." ) passing interest to women at. the % teacpoon salt on bo folio dum orts of a col wz i : in the big casy chair. years. They're habit now, moth- "Us!" the grandmother sniffed. Canadian National Exhibition this teaspoon soda . Ti ee Sven N : ENC -- Mamma Jones shook her head, ed. I'd just do them automatic. --f "Don't include me on his nursing vear. K . =2/3 cup butter ar dther shorts Ts Simple eT ; : You're a dear boy, Junior; and- ally;- like a robot. . stafil. He can starve . for all | 3 ening i the use of strong medicines in easing BEAUTY - HINT iW ogreat comfort to your mother. Mrs. Jones. had lo stantl of Yo care. The big ninny , 1, cups sugar cold symptoms. Perhaps the easiest, a : fut don't you think we'd better toc to kiss her only offspring. She He isn't a ninny," Judy de- Dis tinctly Unique Aprons! - 1-egg, unbeaten most effective way vet discovered. say CAN right, Mother," next did %) tearfully. ait fended her neighbour. "Not real- 9 cgi yolks, unbeaten : time?" "I know, my precious. ut I'm Iv. He can't help it if his mother a 2 A hn . / Junior smiled good-naturedly. going to ask Judy to run in every fusses_ over him like an old mo- = Sn oto tho Demand and Get on "Sure, 1 guess I'm just a rough- day and straighten up a little bit ther hen." 3 cup milk ' "ASPIRIN" Sn "t neck, mother." - for you; make your bed and dust. "If he had an ounce of red I teaspoon vanilla So LL " "Don't say that about yourself I'm sure she'd be glad to do it." blood, he'd stand right up to her." 1/3 cup. boiling water TRADE-MARK REG . _ "Y- even in jest," Mrs, Jones reproved | Marlie showed his first Fign of Mrs. Miller yanked the vacuum Sift flour once, measure, add : og vz Kbit I him seriously. "You are the most Speoval Stoth Bod cleaner out of the closet ide a baking powder "calt ahd Sodan and : erfeet gentleman in. this. town, "Oh, now. Mother, don't bother vigor that belied her sixty-five f BAtlas + % er . Marlic, and L don't care who hears Judy. I can do it nye. I'll be years. SE ee as Loom What Price Freedom? me say it,. What other mother do all right." -Her son Ralph looked up from gradually, and cream together un- : - SHEE SEE = you iknow who could go away for "Well, Judy ean come over ani his newspaper to remark mildly:- til light na fluffy. Add egg and Charles GC. Moore, of Columbia, a-week and trust her eighteens + sort-of -inspeet for you theni" "Oh, now Mother, Marlic isn't a van yollis, one 6 pi tie. besting Soutr Curolina, sponsor of a state year-old san alone 'in the house "You've never made a bed in Lad sort. It would be well after. each. Add chocolate bill which would tax bachelors be- and just KNOW he is obeying her -| "your life, - Junior?" She. smiled if more of thé youni men in Lee- and, blend. ~ Add flour alternately tween 25 and 60 the sum of $5 a every w ish as though she were with affectionate amusement. "I'd brook would walk in his foot steps. © with. milk, a small aunt at a vear, sai¢ he did not believe the there? Be Ton 5 : ETL Sous nn wi s going to be a wood solid citi- time, beating after each addition | measure would cause a rush to the "Don't Be Too Sure" - p g are rT a week. Zen. . a 3 : " "But, Mother," Marlborough re- From long force of habit, Marl- "No. :doubi," Gram agreed. ated vanilla, thes Bsn Tan onl Zee! i 'minded her, "You've never left borough let the matter drop, with Then 'added sourly, "froin the neck and thoroughly "Bake ud A is worin $5 a year to retain their mé alone before. Don't be too. an inward sigh. But he didn't like up." pan, 12x8x2 Inches in moderate ~ freedom," Moore declared. sure. When the old cat's away, | to have Judy Miller coming in and Judy laughed. "Poor « Marlie, "oven (325 deg. F.) B0 Faintten od } the mice play." cleaning up the house for' him | his cars must be burning at all the antl: done. Sprecd. Pistachio iia It's easy to obo bea beautitul If you k iow © Mrs. Jones patted him affection. ; when she had to work in hor fa. nice compliments you're paying Cream Frosting on top .and sides «Bow and Ruth Hus ey dom ately: --me em L--ther'sdrug store all-day. and-ey him--Gram: ° €._Cut in 2-inchi squares. dome taciat "The drs step'ia' to 'bind > "Dow't il mother ow, pid She hg a to i ig NH Taid down his pa- Makes 24 squares. --} Marlborough. You might get me Relax. and Enjoy Yourse per_and_go Pp. } - SUS base oP th road Wivard oi, all, worried. ~Then Um sure 1 Marlie sat on the suitcase and "Any young man of cighteen Bae i gf FROSTING £ulatory movements. shouldn't be able to make a pro- kis mother snapped the lock. Mrs. who lives the decent, self-respect: Ph egg w any un id on per speech at the convention. Déar | Jones put on her hat, a worried ing life Marlie does, Reserved ge 2 i ed confec foners' . . me, I must hurry! 'Lhe traiy is frown between her eyes." commendation and respect of the - Fashion Flashes | due in an hour. Come up and help "I just hope there isn't some- | community; I suppose if he chas- a Pr Ja - i me close my hag, darling." thing ve - forgotten to tell -you;--|--¢d around with girls. and drank a ivi ight_cream, Apparently scheduled for revival | Marlie rose. and stifled a yawn:--|--Junior. Oh, yes, the hot-water bag | and caroused all night and threw to % t ) i 1 . "this spring is the young-looking mother bustled ahead of him, | is: hanging on the door of your | away -the money his father left 7A ot Se aon | Aunony extract "baby blouse" in batiste and sheer. talking over her shoulder. "| closet. And do watch very care. | him, he'd be all right with you, « or pias 10 favoring In case you've forgotten it--swhich "Remember now, Marlboréugh, fully what you eat, won't you?" Mother." Cor on < hale A Sabot --1 isn't llkely--it's the blouse with lit: 5 "Yes, mother." . He picked, up "Vastly improved," Gram snap- ot nbine oe id He 2 oul 5 tle round, lace-edged collar, and pin : the suitcase. ' + ped. "It'd show he had some red i) SE and salt an je) 5 . tucked yoke. orm "If it's too heavy we'll both corpuscles," ' Aid remaining sugar, alternately Once you. em pt carry it." "Why, Grandmother!" Judy was with cream, until of right consist- A { ; Navy gabardine trousers, ot oar- "I can carry it with one finger." shocked. "You wouldn't want a do Wa Sin er nia a: sweeten your row-tapered downhill styles, also 1... You.do--look-big-and strong, young boy like Marlie to go out ot CR EE morning cereal natural, light gray or white- cotton Junior. Just like your poor fa- and make a tramp. out of himself. dint tovgive, a delicare 1 : rere windbreaker and visored cap to ¢ ther, But he wouldn't listen to | You're just talking." Minis oundih, Srosting te dans with BEE HIVE match one or 'the other, a bright The Secrels bok reason 'and died béfore he was. | "There's a heap difference. be- 2m wid BIST Tea Sores 1: : hI ! flannel shirt-or turtleneck sweater 3 forty. That should be a serious | tween making a tramp out of : ; x5 ¢ Syrup oul =ttmt ty the tavortte ot threskier . > l 801 to-you,--dear" - - yourself--as--you-cho to--zall-it, - PATTERN 4081 o 0) I'N Ki = at Sun Valley, Idaho, this season. G {7 k 4 Well, he got pneumonia ) and getting a little fun out of life. - By ANNE ADAMS va ecklinge : 00 00. S "I know. But don't forget, .T You're young only once. I wish I By ny ; =. A new feature Is handbags N by told him not to go out without his had my life to live over again!" Be Different «+ + when it NEW -YORK. The way neck- | EE HIVE good cereal y made of rough. straw braids, often | ~ scarf and rubbers and he never |. "Mother, , Ralph = Miller' said ine to choosing new apron lines will go always scems to be a i SBE: | n ta t i interplaited to give spiky surface. Fe BE would wear them. In the majority | firmly, "That's no way tc talk be- styles! Here's the originality you | point of interest. The spring | : i ca S e. A ? Some of these, for fesort wear, are | onlrana of cases it's. the small people like | fore a young girl. But thank good-. | like to have for yourself. (And | points to extremes of high -and ; like baskets with handles, but one A NN. | Bgeers who are hardy. Don't let" | ness; Judy won't 'take- your seri- consider too how ideal both ver- low; with very little in between, 4 TRY IT of the smartest Is a navy town bag : ob ---- | | a big framegive you the impres- ously sions are as shower and birthday | However, the so-well-liked square "ineplain-rectangular--shape--with sion you can defy the laws of na- -- Den' t Trust Grandma' gifts, as well as bazaar contribu- line of the thick base, and a heavy gold chain HAVE YOU A DRY SKIN? ture aud common sense," Marlbor- No, I'm afraid__not," Gram | tiensT)- Your family and friends be - giving, way -to-an--""oval' line. "around: it near the top, simulating There are natural oils fn the ough. You are Just the type that sighed. "I think she and Marl- will delight _especially in the Ap- This last is noticed in the French drawstrings. } skin which should, normally, sup goes out like a light if he gets borough are about the same type. ple Apron, for the fruit and leaves things oily, to date. .As soon as. CW. Mi EN BE hm ply the moisture that our skins sick. Of course I don't mean to It's about time Judy snapped out of the appliques are so realistic the trend becomes apparent in ¢ Both tulle and braid are used in require. Unhappily, our climate Is alarm you of iteand gat herself some beaus 0 hen natural colorings are used! American-made models, we'll be tormal bags as well as. a gmall | excessively dryi-and-gives-most-of---|-- "Oh; "I'm "not worried." Marlie | and started having her fling, too. They'll admire the other version | on hand to let vou know. ; ST round "cocktail' model of black lac us a dry skin, This {s more prone had heard the same thing' too | You've got her bulldozed just like too, with big pocket instead of ° : F you are nervous, T coe] Ib oN a Bok a6 to wrinkle, so we must provide an many dozens of times to be im- "Mrs. Jones has Marlie. Working apple pocket, and heart-shaped : weak or have ved itn £ hop eiked 19 ne antidote. ? pressed. "But I'll be careful and '| day and-night slinging sodas! No neck instead of. square neck. "H We headaches or back- nS aver) oe en, Give yourself a fortnightly face do: (everything I always do," while || decent clothes Braid and ruffles make pretty | ow omen aches, take Dr. grain ribbon, ono of them- elabor- mask, Make a butter-muslin mask you're away, You just relax, Mo- Ralph became highly hat: trims, The strans are the highly ; in Their Pr 40's Plérce's Tivie \ "ately studded by large round motifs of two thicknesses, with strings to thes and have a its us i bi i) pe ds fuss i a Ponues, yay Di Sgt, iy =Recsoribsion: 2 tie round head and neck and holes you were only going along, ady, that's all. she prefers not send today for this apron de- 1. : { i Sovired, Mi Ae Sie pro for eyes aud nose. Then mix equal dear." Mrs. Jones sounded as learning the drug store business | sign? : ; ; Can Attract. Men Ps sa te weave bag » ' quantities of- almond and ineral though she was going to cry hard to wasting her time running Pattern 4981 is available in % ed ais or irs dott tition aud 1h strenytrns you. - Mab. J, M; Sion ly a ofls together, and heat. before she got as far as the sta- | around with a wild bunch of young iss whan, Hindi 23 Tuige. chines Cully co for 8 wom 5, Who fears (photo 2 shove), of 285 Brock St., Buford, Opt ' : - ) Now mix six drops of tincture of "| tion. "You know I won't enjoy people throwing her life away--' "| Small size, view A, takes yards she'll lose her appeal to men, who worries sayst 1 was #0 awfully nervous that everyth We 1090 hi this season will benzoln with four drams of toflet myself away from you." Judy broke in, amused. .| = 85 .inch fabric, 1% yard contrast about hot Bashan om dt Petts. gies spel, a um rad fran , be Atteq, are but generally in a water and mix this in with-the oil. Marlie felt sorry: for her, but "Gracious! Stop it, you~ two. and 2% yards ruffling; view B, Just t more fres alr, 8 hrs. sloop and it "1 could ery, After using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre." modified way, squares as' to shoul | 0 your face -with cleansing | he knew if he showed it the stor | Your train is due in fifteen min. | 2% yards 35.inch fabric and 3% Tydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, pe cablusiiy {apron dor, of(enest collarless and always cream, remove it thoroughly then | would break, so he walked out to utes, Father," yards ric-rac. [Ads especially for women. It helps | Mire sturdy and robust. I felt better in every way," _ ilshed by some. kind of | gp ei'the off all over face and the | the car with the suitcase, saying /| "Okay, Kitten." "Ralph Jones Send Twenty <Cents (20¢) in | more vivaeity to sniox lie ad assist calme | Bor i fa liquid ec tablets at your drug store, : * neck with your finger-tips. -nothing. shrugged and smiled at his daugh- | coins (stamps cannot be aécepted) - | ing Jtery barves and nose distur) ng symp: Se - "{_ Next dip the mask In the ofl and Mrs, Jones bustled to the fence, «| ter. I-guess I'll have to ask you for this Anne . Adams pattern | Pinkham's is WELL WORTH (ng. re S Another popular type of coat will cover your face with it. Lie down, and called softly. 'Yoo, hoa! to keep an eye oh your" grand- Wtite plainly Size, Name, Address bo the little dressmaker navy town leaving the. mask on as long as is | Judy!" mother, right along, with Marlie | and Style Number, coat With fresh white touchesy Fit. possible, When taking It off, wipe Judy 'raised the dining-room | Jones. I'm afraid she can't be Send your order to Anne Ad- i + mn 5 ted and basically slim fs the sil- | away tho surplus ofl with tissues, | window, and she was near enough | trusted." ams, Room 425, 73 West Adelaide , NE wi IDEAS houette with kind of complicated | then with cottbn-wool pads dipped | to reach out and shake hands with | - (To Be Continued) 'St., Toronto. ~ = J ? ; a - (but always simple looking) detall., in astiingent. Marlborough's mother, : ~ L : h . award] - Sihosah Ch Women with 4 diy skin should "Oh, youre ong Mrs. Jones?" : . : : A . "Bengaline fs with us again, "This keep Immaculate. Wash at least she said in her ladylike little . 3 fre your gpide to modern 'liv. is 'a heavy fabric, with "flled" irr a day .with Palmolive soap voice, "I hope you have a lovely ; i FREE ! This 80 - Page: ing: They bring. you today's {ihe i LR crosswise ribs, It has body and a | because this lubricates the skid | time." : : ; . i NEWS abut the food you gat Fro TSE ® certain -amount of stiffness' in the with essential oils, Rinse well with "Thank you, Judy," Mis, Jones To : Boren ou vis Ya hone tn ve : hand, comparable to a tailoring cold water. At night, massage thor smiled back at her, then lowered: 4 AG Rae = oct "COLOR --. 'you live in. Factories every: | * a e Se aD cloth, The size of the Fibs, also | oughly with a rich tissue cream her voice, "But I'm just worried , LO 16 PAGES IN F where are turning out new and thin ao {00 yedts Mo aus ! called "wales," may vary from fine | and leave it on overnight, terribly about Marlborough, He's |-}- i Youll find-all -3the important new tnteo. interesting products. . {raed Sudedmin'siokcepchRdres hes ' to ¢parse. It comes In varying Write to me for. confidential per- never-beeh alone before. Promise | |. j AEA rot flowers and: vegetables, in this beauty. ® And the place to find out ofiacy (0 estly teens, - weights and. will be popular this | sonal advice. Tho following detail. | you'll keep an eye on him for me, . 3 ss Lilly printed 20.page (GARDEN BOOK, about-theése new things is right | / i Sample: and . Booklet . La y collections Ttered at special prices year for skirts, sults and coats, ed leaflets are available for a 3c | dear." x 4 J Will save you money. Send for your copy | here in this newspaper. Its col- | "nits. to Mothiers® "write: John RE cplamp- each: Face, Eyes; Bust, |= "I'll do what 1 can," Judy sald; : | dG Ta A The est book rae hd ne Sttered . --f-umny are filled with important Steedman & Co, Dept. 19 112 ¥t, One of the rhumba dresses with fands, Halr, "Feet, Stperfluous ; Check Up On Him : in Canada this year! Ines arts Which you should Gabriel St, 'Mantread i8N | beruffled skirts which was fntro- i Halr, Reducing In Spots, Under "Just see that ho doesn't fill ! \ EDWARD WEBB & SONS, RG 00s v - We ' t duged 5 3 Souinern, Torr this Ren and Slimmipg. © «| himself up full of cold food and |! DEPT. K. 3 2 gv G"STEE DMANS season, had a' skirt made of 200 lease write. direct to: Barbara et his stomach upsct, Judy, I'm ' CANADA) LTD, ( 3 ; oN) 4 Brom See yards ot gathered $ibbon mounteq Lynn, Room 421, 73-Adelaide West, "afraid he just ot Tother to go : y ; RTT King Streat East, Toronto . : Issue No 11 39 : Deething toVeers EDMANS oa Bet RTE ER [Toronty, Onjarfo~ to the restaurant and eat a ee -- - . Cc Bs Look for the dowble EB symbol on each package,

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