Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Mar 1939, p. 5

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¢ & BROCK THEATRE WHITBY Telephorie 618 _ Thurfda ay, Fricay, Saturday ~ March 9, 10, 11' "Two Shows, 7.00° and 9,00.p.m. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, a DR J Ep pve hh - - MARCH gth, 1939 DANCE Langley and his band. A dance will be held in the Com- munity Hall at Oakwood, on- Friday, March 17th, to the music of Tommy SCUGCOG Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Geo. Hall and family in the. passing of their husband "and father. Mr. Hall spent most of his young manhood years on the Island; before moving to Port Perry, He was in his 59th year. Mr. Hall always had a joke for every- one. . He leaves to mourn his passing his wife and_four daughters. \ =x MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Redman and family, of Solind, visited the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Red- man, on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Booth was called to Lorofito last week owing. to the serious illness of her sister, Miss M. Spencer, who is confined to the East General Hospital. J "We are sorry to report that Mr. W. LEW SEPP a 'DRESS we RED & WHITE svoxe * CREASE RESISTING MATERIAL GOODS " Saturday Matinee at 1.30 P: m.. © The Community Club was attended | Park i eontind by hig hed, aad be a "A | h | by about sixty last, Tuesday Erening under Dr. MKinney's caré. We hope I YSTAV-- in figured dress lengths, individual Angels wit 3 2 at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. Sam- AEN) w . lengths-- 3 N i P 2 x] \ d . : to see "Billie" making his" rounds eng 18 4: yds, rice 89c. Dirt; Faces." / x N 5 | ells, Although the. evening was wet, at the corner again soon. : : : y A ] i Is a d y {they came in sleigh loads. The meet-t_ oo WIT be gr eri - 1 0 ; Re i od' i Sug cay. Mis 8 P ainec - : a James Cagney, Pat 0° 'Brien, | St your a io ing esd 4 We Sin Wit the Faithful Workers Class last week PLAIN CO] LORS-- '¢ crease re- ; the {'Dead End' ids um- 2 Ladd bin sand kn when four 'new members were added ' A Ly Bogart, Ann Sheridan, |' WHS juiiwed (DY. cLlie Nang ial, Gy verister, ' sisting, 63 'different colors Vix ~~ and George Bancroft. Go aville sung by wallace Coins, ois, The cold epidemi J) y ) - J 4 oe 3 be a * cold epidemic is grad 3 ~~ on its ck 3 als aaryn te 4 pov, MISS vid ing, and the Sp N gradually pass. 79c. a yard ; : econda-rian ery, Ms. Le Beau, dun aes. Gf Oo : lars who "have peen 3 « Mon, Tues, Wed, Mar. 18, 14, 16 Y hat Toss it Radios SWeeLUN SHIE LLeS ulsUs Lal. wordy school through illness, are re - - A at. we mean, C0 KEV: Lh. JODIN Lien gost 4.5 wots N Ce « bis Show at 7 15 eomplets B sound terrible? If $0, ¢ wleresung wik Ul Cua can va Cinta 4hose from here who atte le Printed Paplin-- 45c. a yard : s 3 ov ' new General Electric Radio- FARMER RADIO, pou PERRY 1caulng, "A Luluen Vl ula N 3 Wig Dance in Brookliy ended Phe : z - 0 "Uy th " trons. Likely they will put your hui SR ' Saco. [EH were, Mr. ang M riday bi e River MUS. fu. dDweelman, MES, DL owes on rs, Roy Thom. ." . > i A radio back on its oes ain. At, and Ju Kk, ) l WwW . ~p Marti P to the same tithe, let RIgki cver SCOTT J AMAZING man vated by goou kip wiv, min, Mi. 4, re _ ho Mrs, oh Duch- abasso Prints and Broadcloth 4 wi ony Martin, Preston Z. g Jine wora Clnodern , ac ue Gose us Smith, § say, Miss. Flsjo y . x Foster, Phyllis Brooks, and Ent i voll give | BOATS INBOARD MOTORBOATS COMPLETE | 1115 BOUL PIOgram a (usty tunch way Mes. Os ro 8S. Nottinghgm, Mr, po. 20c. yd. 25c. yd. 29c. yd. ' Slim Sonierville, ; phan ra origigal pep. p WITH 4 CYCLE ENGINE IRSTALLED | served by ois, Goragn Collins, ais. report Sear Hg and Frank All 1 ' ' . , rh BWeb : good tim : 3 - i Lr. Dowson, srs. ree dweetman ana ) eC. . i -- \, Get a check up today. The cost a 3 New Models, oars. Ac WHKIGSOIL 1he next meeting Moov Came in with all phe charac- N / . te + Alsoan Added Attraction As swall. We are hei any PRICED "RUN UP TO | Wil'be.tnd path of March when tne writing - & lion, and at the time of . : "use 0 ! uaranteed parts an AS LOW AS 60-n vuca tok will present wer play} oo CSents the bluster pram | i A "LL Life Begins with | TT E e-Radiotr 0-3 $160. - ON ONE niles wheres urandma' -- weather and SR or " io ope these ape bot y 3 . L - N "| TOF GASOLINE roaus permitting. corner, pe robring is just arouny the 7 f - : = - - . P= ile? Inctitnto wis hil : S are cawinge who 1 id ove" d - . Write teday for special Rijger The Girls Instivys ves held oh 50 and ows are hurrying po hea, All new for Spring Smart =? " with Jean Parker, Douglass' FARMER RADIO The J. C. Scott Co., Limited | ry "fternooni at the home of Mex. tered gruundhogs gy ge goer" r $ 4 Montgomery, Edith Fellowes Phas is eg 105 RIVER ST. TRAD, Jy po gre of the illness Wine Russell Lunney sports a new styles Priced 1.00 to $ 1 98 \ . g - A 'S car, cl J - . \y AAERRAN LL ARAN Rei Ds Fn : whe Tashi Sn hosing . NE, on Kirkland, who is confineq L 1 . 10 - v S| Wi 100) . py 3H 3 i the President, Miss Margaret Crozier. | lowing 4, aeration Hospital, fo). 'Head ettu ce arge C. - . (Nese alice SR BR a I oo Bo ees Mrs. M. Fralick 'gave the motto onjed to yep, Sr We are pleas. Yy REL R. | "Teees. Tho roll call was answered ably." Pokressing vary fue (0 OTANgES Navels 2 doz. 25c. > 8 T 4 ; . Trees". ~The roll call was answered | ably, . 'y favor . - ; ews item. Community singing s - cg - i - s Don't "for the Community Club HE WORLD S GOOD NEWS 17a ew Sem " N CT te. Pastry Flour 24 Ibs. 45c, 2 Cod Be ATR y : will come ty your home every day through was then enjoyed accompanied by Mrs, ~~. . - /] on urscay, Mare wo Lomo al in Geo. Samells on the guitar. The coffee 3 * REELS LE | Te cna seen who | DEERE TT) GREENBANK Corn. white choice 4 for 25. . be presented by the 5th Form of Port It records for you the world's clean, MRR rns The Monitor meeting closed with the serving of a Florida Celer fresh - for 1 Sc Perry, High Spool. Other talent ts BEET taaty lunch by Mrs. B. Burnham, Joyee | Mr. Milton fips, i y % expected . fror- Toronto. There "hid No family, including the Weekly Mogazine'Eection, Tetlow and Margaret Crozier: The to Honeydae, i tinge Gr apefrui it (B. D J) 5¢ each Y also be some local talent. Come and ® The Christian lence Publishing Soc Ry aT ' "| committee for the next meeting are Mr. Everett w atsor ' bo) meet your friends. : Oné, Norway Street, Poston, (i Marites 'sctte Mrs. M. Fralick and Ivah Milner. ) Jamieson Tarm vacat ul rd to the % i pony to ns hal Mr a D. { he oa intlon Lo The Christian Science Monitor for The Fortnightly Club was- held on sam, , ed by My, How- . .y i unro is ill with an attack of flu, ear monifs 50.00 3 months $300 1 month $1. 3 ov he Town Hall. The| Mr. | ? a "KK - i . 7; Wednesdfy issue, incliding Magazine Sectidn: lye: T $2 60,6 Is 0% Friday evening in the Tow eacock of (Go 1 F WwW BROCK & SON % Mrs. 'D. McKinsey and Mrs. G.Chris- + a ---- ¥ . gat meeting opened by the singing of 0. the Watson farm, di Eo Ded to * y . hy tie spent last Saturday in-Torontor--|---- XN - is Lo Canada. ~The minutes were 'then-read [Moved to the Rodd "fay, uke has PHONE 43 © _+ o PORT PERRY L / ~Mr; Harry Wilson, of 'Toronto, was ; A a TE ou Requen : - by Miss Ivah Milner. Miss Margaret| = Messrs, Cecil and Robe L £1 v7 a Sunday gues on the ses, i ; . . | Crozier and George Burnett sang "The bythe the Baptist, ¢; Hen, Leask have i 3 Mr, and Mrs. Gerrow, and Mrs. Me- Yomwmom > ; 1d G Valley Far Away"| Mr, ) . i Kinsey and Ronnie spent Sunday with oe . A wep gig te Nell"; Ralpii| ton, vid nr yr Fostey Row tree, Wes. BS AL SN tit 5 Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooper, of Rickering. Milner read a poem, "I Don't"; Mr.lang took Mrs, pi pushy' an Sunday 8 : IT'S HERE--THE NEW H af Mr. Grant Innes has moved to the Ceceil - Fralick sang "Memories of | earn ushby and My, i. Gall 3% oy } id Wilgon cottage. 6 Mother" with guitar accompaniment. Bacon, 0 visit thay sister 4 =P : U U I oaf iE %: ' The W.M.S. will meet on Tuesday, Sg The National Anthem ended the pro- Mr. Blak C * od ep- a P A : March Lith, at the home of Miss Dolly Ul GM PO ® | gram. Messrs, Danald Crozier, Don- aftor I the Cragg jg around "again HY td ~~ Rees. Mr. Mitchell, Baptist Minister | ald Gerrow and Everett Prentice are} a used up last. week wih 4 8 This is a New Loaf, "made in Port: Perry will be the guest|- the committee for the next meeting to | iy 4 from the ver y best ingredi- Speaker, 2 . be held on the 15th, "oo son dig Sorry to report Mr, J mmer- 4 bho we can purchase. ER BN Mr, and Mrs.A. Smith, R } i$ = J The-roads are now nearly all_open.|' I r. Dyson seriously. ill------ J SI Re A el gE: | iill,spent Sunday "with Mr. "and Mrs. rd 3 : an od up for ear Gallic, © r. George: Leer is improving after ¢ 1 pe it y ve ask you. / ho Hiking ae ; ; pA Rath TH : il : Our old friend, the crow, is heard as ig d . o try it. . { Arno age Of JoToningno] S i ? ' again inthe distant woods. ob ttussell Rodd has been quite 11 DELIVE ' i Thursday in the village. {Business Wi 1 be Logs are again being drawn to Mr.) ® jv pneumonia, WE Duden Gerrow Bros., Port Perry 7 Mrs. W. F. Crosier is in Brooklin. : 0. Jeffrey's to be sawn into lumber. rand Mrs. John Howsam enter. | BW} a A ; § i Thoss Wiio tiendad the dance an " Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton of Hamp- tained a few of their friends:on Fri. ja i i % social Srening: Jast Veidny ob. Ulich, ti m u ated tl 1S "| ton spent the week-end with her par- hd '¥ evening. = i report & good time, .. rn ents Mr. and -Mrs. €. Mills, --------e = a so : We are very glad that Mr. James 'Mastet Clayton Mark and sister ------- on ' J Lakey is able t6 be out again. after oo | Dorothy of Pert Perry, are spending UTICA ] New Kind of y his recent illness. } a fow weeks with their grandparents. A be s. Mae Boyes has returned home| i . Mr, Gordon Mark spent the. week end| '* pumber gathered in Miory 1 Hall i after spending the winter with Mr. el . 3 H hime on Trios Hh ig to a progressive WINTER 3 and Mrg, Scamen, of. Windsor. Mr. Ro Vy a : isit | 2 Mrs, O. Jeffrey- and daughter Lois the -- pani hel under y and Mrs. Scamen are visiting now a "o -& a AY Mrs. W. Jeffrey on Saturday. es 0, e.L.0.L inners ; : "with Mrs? John Stewart. ta 3 3 rte os Eg with for prizes were--Ladics, first, Mrs.Jack| « COMFORT 3 ete Mp --and--Mrs--Hi--O:--Dob at- We hope Vhey will all fn ro- Crostery gentleman, Mr. Chester Geer i tended a funeral in London, Prince. Albert Community Club it will bring best profits to the man who can "But, like all other business, "ling a few days 'with her daughter Mrs. colds, stored to normal health soon. ~ Mra. B. Crooks, of Toronto, is spend- F. Jackson, who is under the doctor's care. We wish her a speedy recovery. E Mrs. F. G. Joblin is spending a few Mrs, Frank Hortop visited her daughter, Mrs. Maurice Winters and Helen in Oshawa for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Geer and family spent Sunday with Mr. E. Kidd at Sandford, A tiumber of f neighbors and friends alledd M --on--r; when | cid Laundere ed" Coal." 2nd the Pririce Albert Community Club held its regular meeting, which prov- ed to be a huge success. The usual procedure was followed for the pen --ing exercises; after which the follow-| "ing program was presented--Duet by _ the Misses Rena Harrison and Doris Raines, .accompanied by Miss" Celia Hope on the gnitar. Reading by Mrs. 4Wm, Taylor, Instrumental by Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove. The National An- them closed this part of the meeting. After about an hour of dancing, the auctioneer, for the evening took "the flogr and' proceeded; to sell the _ pies, The box of chocolates for the highést. bidder was won by Mr, Fred) "Christie. Immediately following the sale of pies, the lucky number draw made by the youngest member pres- ent,.. Miss Barbara Hunter., Ticket number_ 37, belonging to Mr. Josiah * Smith, was drawn, When the pies had been eaten, dancing was resumed il about 12.30 o'clock: - ny oin'e forget, that there is to be ® lucky number draw on a box of choev olates at the next. meeting--March ~-16th. A program pertaining to St.|. . Patrick's Day is. being arranged. The committee will be Mrs. Bruce, Snelgrove, Mrs. Albert Jeffrey, andf Nip Gerald McCrae, » supply the goods, and keeps the people posted as to the goods he can supply. This Office can provide two oxdilions means of informing the public as to the goods you can supply-- Advertising i in the "STAR" oi All kinds of Posters, etc. Both at very reasonable prices Port Perry Star '| her aunt Mrs. C. days .in Toronto. Miss Margaret Crozier. is visiting Rowland in Poft Perry. Mr. A,"E. O'Neill, Principal of the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational School, will speak at the Lions Club on Friday evening. Lions are asked 1to bring friends. . Whitby Lions held a Farmers Night on Tuesday, and were addressed by J. G. Ferguson. Local Lions are arranging Farmers Night here in a few weeks, January fs-the birthday month of Melvin Jones, founder of Lions Inter- national, and it has become the custom J to make January a month for a special drive for membership, as a birthday present to the founder. This year 7000 new members were added in January, . ny who we are sorry to report is ill. Mrs. Ralph Wilbur and infant son returned from Port Perry Hospital on Sunday. } --Mrs.-Stanley- Prizeman- returied to Toronto after "spending a week with. Enoch--Kendatt-on Sun-| : her mother, Mrs, Jas. Ackney, who!' W. G. W. PYATT a Sys --, has-been sick for some time. i "The neighbors moved Mrs. M. Christie to Uxbridge, where she will! make her home. We are:sorry to lose her: from the community where sho has lived for some years, We welcome Mr. and' Mrs. Layton and family {o the community. The y are moving to the Christie farm, i Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Geer, of Pine Grove, - visited Mr, Chester Geer on! Sunday. The W.A. will meal at the home of Mrs. John Sutherland on Wednesday afternoon to a quilting bee, followed by a pot luck supper and program. *The young People's Associatlon rre' also invited. # Mr. and Mrs, Dorothy Graham, visited Mr, Graham at Epsom on Sunday. Mr. Ben Ross is staying with Mr. Harold Kerry for the present, Wm. Mrs, James Swan visited her son, Mi. James Cormack in; Toronto for the week end, . Harry Harper and| 5. WA Many say they get a new kind of comfort and warmth they "use our Famous Dirt and Dust free, longer, steadier. COKE . -- HARDWOOD . SOFT SLABS -- - Phone Your Orders to PORT PERRY COAL YARD )---- -- - -----e--. SL ------ Anthracite--the it burns hotter, Try a ton. . Reading HARD-_SELABS CEMEN Phones' dw and 94j CALL, ON US. Plans and PhoNg 240 GET READY for SPRING - Winter will linger for a 'while, but ~ Spring is coming. the time to plan necessary repairs and new building. Now is the We shall be pleased to provide istimates for vour needs. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. Limited "a par nm A

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