St. Patricks Supper The annual 5t. Patricks Supper will be -held in Si. John's Presby erian Church, Port Perry, on Friday, Adsrch 17th. Watch for bills, and kecp the date open. Mr. Percy Rolph has moved to new - quarters over Jemison's Bakery, Mr, and Mrs. Campbell McMaster, of -Quelph, have heap. visiting friends in Port Perry and vicinity. Mra. C. I. Petervon . has returned home from Kingston, where sle has "been spending a week with her riother 'Pauline Beacock, of Goodwool, has been visiting her cousin, Donna Marie Jeffrey, for a few days, Miss Luella Jeffrc:, of Toronto,Miss Dorothy Rodd, Mr, Percy Jeffrey,were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey on Sunday, Mrs. W. M. Salkeld, of Calcdonia, has been with Mrs, Morrison for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A McMillan, and daughter Florence, Mrs. Stevers and children were the guests of Ms and Mrs. Wallace McMillan, of Oshawa, on Suuday: £ CARD OF THANKS 'The family of the late George A. tluli, wisn. to thank thew many iriends tor their kinaness and sym- ieavement, ~ A WHAT'S THE CENTS? Will you tell ine why treasurers and linance ministers when making speeches involving hgures ol large aimensions, give not only the oda dol- wars but the odd cents? tink it impresses thar, audience with Liner thoroughness? moment liter in ans vering to a ques- tion, could not give the revenue re- ceived tor 1938 for the same depart- ment, within one hundred and some oud thousands' of dollars because it had not been finally compiled. That 15, he could not tell last year's revenue two months after he had received it but essayed to tell his Bsteners next year's revenue to the cent, ten months vetore he received it. They all do it 0 do not criticise this man in particular, ily own opinion is that in reading _finaacial reports ana attempting to make dry statistics in- puchy at the time of their sudden be! FREE Parking | 4 i Do ney. py We noticed the ofaer day that the Ureasurer of a certian Province pre-! aicted the revenue of a certain branch 100 1999 would be $.,642,340.40, yet a! | Phone 1011 OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED Friday Saturday, March 10-11 : BOBBY BREEN in Fisherman's Wharl with Leo Carrillo and Henry Arme ta ' » Ad de de medy - "Home Boner go VIVAL Friday, 10. 45 p.m. "The Plainsman" : Starring Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur ~~. v "Mon, Tues, Wed, March 13-15 Leslie Howard in BERNARD SHAW'S . "Pygmalion" with Wendy Hiller, AVilfrid Lawson-- IT'S SENSATIONAL Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 16 to 18 of pan Bunsday-Sehool- Bin ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 'Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Worship at-7 p.m. Everybody welcome. "CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev, J. C. Clough. Sunday, March 12-- 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. Wednesday, March 15th é 8 p.m>Shortened Evensong? and Address Sunday, March 19th--" CHARL ES Pr Courts 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon. | UNITED CHURCH | W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D; i Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 "am.---Lenfén Sermons-- ; (II) "The Way of Life" : ! 7 p.m.--"The Patience of Jesus." | PORT PERRY Rev. The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Pres- ST PATRICK'S SUPPER ! who has been Api ointed" Advertising Manager of Dominion Stores Limited. My. Couts career in advertising and merchandising, extends over 15 years. He was recently of the Salt Division of Canadian In- Ududtries, Limited. advertising manager | * 7 RARARS Fo ry LESAN 7 (You. Can Save with NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Tonic and Builder," A reliable source of vita- mjns "and minerals. 4 24 day treatment $115 Ho 72. fay dreatment $245 » ns oe Nova Kelp Tablets, 79¢., Gray's Balm Sed Rexall Nose Drops . Bisma Rex Wampole's Cod Liver Extract ' Law rence's Cough Byrap Fr vah bu .50¢. "Gin Pills pen age. and 69. SR SC ARE tyal 1 $1.99, $2.19 Presb hn; 39¢., and 69. ..25¢. and 50c. 75¢. and $1.50 $1. 00 \ "A.M. LA PHONES Mrs. Stevens and family, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and * Mrs. Geo. A. McMillafh, returned to their home in Midland on-Monday. We are glad to hear that Mr. Cecil Beare has returned to his home from the hospital. We wish for him n speedy and complete recovery from his illness. Mr, and Mrs. Mann, Mr. Hanson and son motored to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Newton Ayers was in Lindsay on Tuesday. Wa are-sorry to learn that Mr. Glen Owen had to be taken to the hospital. on Monday. No definite report as to his condition was available at the time of writing. -Mr. Fong, Soy, of the Chinese Res- 'taurant, is on the sick list.- Mr. Peter Leask, of Greenbank, was edlling on friends in tpn on Tandy geon Inst week, Mr. W. U. Anslin of Toronto, was in 'town on Monday with friends.2 Mr. and Mrs. A. Carnegie visited Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Honey in Toronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Murry have ar- rived home from Florida, to-day Mr. Owen. Cliff was in Toronto one day last week. # A dance is to be-held in the Oak- wood Community Hall, on March 17th. Tommy Langley and his band in at- tendance. "Mr. Stanley Ploughman, Mr. Herb Arbuckle and Mrs. John Ploughman ~ have gone to Windsor for a month. Mrs. Leonard Colbear has gone to Hamilton to attend her aunt's wedd- "ding aniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wakeford, Mr 'and Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, also Mr. Bill Wakeford, and Miss Marie Fisher all of Toronto, were home for the week end. Mr, and Mrs. S. Wakeford 'wish to a the marriage of their teresting and intelligible to_an aud- ience, nothing is gained, in"fact con- siderable effect is lost, by irksome de- tail. Is not a taxpayer given a clearer idea to carry home from a ratepgyers' meeting when he is told that $27,000 has been collected in taxes, rather than being informed that $27,132. 12 has been collected ? In one case he has an approximate amount, a little oh the safe side, im- pressed on his mind by its simplicity while on the other hand he is given an amount that he probably forgets or re: calls "entirely incorrectly. | UEBIRD Note-- livery diamond is insured. Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. EVENING AUXILIARY The February meeting, with thirty- one members and four' visitors, was who made us very welcome. Fred. Beales group was in charge. A vocal sold®was given by little Miss Margaret' Colbear, accompanied ~ by Mrs,-d. E. Jackson. : 'The March meeting, with twenty- four members and two visitors, met at the home of Mrs. S. Ploughman, with] Mrs. J. Baird's group in charge. Plans were made for the cooking school to be held on March 28th, 1939, in the basement of the United Church. The report of the Valentine Supper was exceptionally pleasing. A vocal solo was rendered by Miss Luella Plough- man, accompanied by Mrs. S. Plough- man. At the close of the meeting lunch was served and the usual social half hour spent. Mrs. held at the home of Mrs. H. Stone, |" Photographed in Technicolor SHIRLEY TEMPLE IN The Little Princess with Richard Greene, and Anita : Louise. AUCTION SALE POSTPONED The auction sale of horses scheduled for March 7 at the farm of 5. J. Wooldridge has been postponed for one week to March 14th - . LRN SERN Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE Warm- and Tomfortable Thursday, Friday, Saturday, this week ARERR ARRAN Paul Muni, Academy Award winner in . "Life of. Emile Zola" Mon, Tues., "Wed.; Mar. 13, 14, 15 "DAMAGED GOODS" A Picture that tells the truth. See it Hygenical. Instructive Also "Small Town Boy" and,.Cartoon A double program. Tell your friends. Childven "under 16 not admitted. All seats 25c. Show starts 8 p.m. RR AR RR A RR byterian Church, Port Perry, will hold the Annual St. March 17th. Particulars later. resto Fi Lest ine: FOR EVERY PURS McDONALD MOTORS Port Perry, Ont, Phones: Garage 74. Residence 256 Notes During 1938; The Bell - Telephone Company of Canada paid out $16,796,- 519 in wages to its 9,762 employees in Quebce and Ontario. ; In addition to this amount the Com- pany disbursed $572,868 for sickness benefits and pensions last year. This: sum was spread over 2571 individual cases. Over.93 per cent. of the sharechold- ers of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada reside in" the Dominion, and they hold 68.45 per cent. of the out- Patrick's Supper on: | y | i | ! + { 1 Bell Telephone El Boy! i some fsa Even as you read this, Father somewhere "is rushing tis aews to relatives. No matters where they are or what time it is his" first "impulse is to let them know! - NX 720 Rexall sore. : ne, ESAS EAL RRE EE ARAN RARER FR 2532 ge fs 5A TISFACTION : WRENCE PORT PERRY ra ar ay AB 4a bt TL AY the example of who have ¢ 'blue coal' heating you've "Don't take chances with unidentified fuels. Follow hanged to better heating, for the over 100,000 Canadian homeowners Burn - finest, most trouble-free ever enjoyed. Order a ton today. Port Perry, Ont. : : Pi 3 i REESOR Phone: 73 and 73w BERT. MacGREGOR'S | Irs fr Boy! AY And that is also true of Aunts: (and® Uneles) and all dhe in: laws. Before Baby iz hall an is cele-- hour old" his brated far endowed with arcival and wide a dozen names and he is- - Phone 116 r 3-2, Port Perry. PH ON E 72-R-2 WE DELIVER PORT PERRY » A 'PROPERTY FOR SALE The' doubl} frame house, on Perry St., Port Perry, belonging to the estate of the late T. Smith. One half rented. Immediate possession of other half. 5 rooms in each, all in good condition. Apply to H. Wannamaker,. Seagrave, Mar < 5 Ll By ARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE AGENTS, WANTED! FAMILEX - WILL START YOU in a profitable business, like hundreds throughout Canada. No experience required, = We train you. Liberal Commision for selling 200 guaranteed .. necessities: Meet all' competition suc- cessfully, 'Ambitious salesnien "write for. free catalogue and plan without obligation, FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. : of others daughter Jean to Mr. Thos. Jenkins, Jr., son of Mr. -and Mrs. T. Jenkins, TT of Toronto. = Murs. H. H. Stone, Miss Mary Stone, - Miss K. Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Gerrow, Mr. Bill Beare, Mr. G. F. Man. 'ning, and Mr. James Kerr were among Toronto on Monday evening. Mr. Néfman Ewers and family are taking a trip to Florida, where they --o-will spend a few weeks. We. wish them a pleasant holiday. The Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascensibn has changed its name to the Parish Workers. -They held ___ the first meeting at the home of Mrs. Hutcheson, with the new president Mrs. McClintock, in the chair, on Tues- day. The next meeting is to be at the Parish Hall, on April 4th. meeting at the home of Mrs. McClin- tock, on Tuesday, March 14th, The Skating Club had a party at Cricklewood Lodge, last night. a> . y= 7, : -- DIED EDGERTON -- At the home of her sister," Mrs. E. M. Wilson, Lindsay, Hi Ont, on Sunday, March 6th, 193y, Ai Minnfe E. Beacock, beloved wife of 4 Mr, Percy C. Edgerton, in her 67th ia 4 year, ' 77,561 Se ; HALL--At Oshawa Hospital, on Saturday; March- 4th, 1939, Georgé A. Hall, in his 69th your. The W..A. are holding their next] 7 -- DOMINION STORE CONTEST -- « You will be interested to hear that our store is in a contest which will re- ward fifteen Dominion Store man- agers--and. their. wives--with a free Thursday, Friday, Saturday next week RUDY VALLEE in ""Golddiggers of Paris" __A Musical Success... BN COMING SOON! "You Can't Take It With 3: bead ETS tot stanumg stock; according --to--the--an= The proportion: of 'women share- now-57_per cent. cent. of the stock. While the demand for new and ad- ditional service was not as high as that-o0£-1937,-the_C rts hi They hold 23.6 per nual report of the Company-for-1938.) holders continues to increase, and is] 100 acres of god land, with---first class. buildings, situated on lot 5, Con. 6, Reach "Township. Apply to Ben Jones, R.R.1, "Port Perry, Phore 190 r 1-2, . trip to the New York=\Wortd's Fair: - My staff are going to work like beavers to send me on this trip. They, of course, have -a,real object, too, in putting this store, among the fifteen winners, bécause "each winning store among the staff, exclusive of the man- ager. In this contest, our Management is determined to give us a break all round. The rules for judging the con- test are such that every store has a chance to win whether it is a smal) or big store. Naturally 'this contest is pation us on. our mettle, give our customers extra good service. Our Management is co-operating by giving us special values. to offer during the contest, so that our customers are going to win, too. 4 The New York World's Fair contest started January 2nd and will end on May 20th. I would specially appre- ciate your support during this period. We are going to do our level best to make it worth your while... in values and service. ! Thanking you, I am, . Yours sincerely, George Shaw, Manager. ~ be icenin 3 ) will _get cash prizes to be divided]. To win, we have to. - You" 'Girl of the Golden West' ~~ AND OTHERS isa reproduction of TITE-LAP. _Metal Roofing: 80 widely used on farm buildings. to put on, Dermanenh) fire. minimum aor. Write for cost estimate. 'lots 267, 268, Lilla St., building may «| Clerk-Treas., Corp, of the Village of net increase of 18,804 telephones. dur- ing 1938. = In order to accomplish this gain, 188,182 telephones werd connect- ed, the year. There were 764,855 telephones in Ontario and Quebec. Taxes continued to increase during 1938, reaching a total of $3,002,984, or $42,684 more than for the previous] year. Based on the average number of stations in service, this means that the Company paid out approximately $4.00 in taxes on each telephone in N938. - ------------ > OP TENDERS WANPED 1039, for purchase of the following village lots: Grahams Limited (Evap.) be purchased separately. Isaac Tur- ner: (vacant lot) lot 92, Cassimir St. 8. Schell Est, (vacant: lot) lots 77-78- 79, Crandell St. "Mary Whitfield (lot 'and house) lot 104 Scugog: and Maple. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (signed) Gdo, F. Manning, Port Perry, * % t and 169, 378 ° disconnected during service -inthe Company's" territory-- The undersigned will receive tenders | until 5 p.m, 'on Monday, March 13th, } Farry 20s d iL0Y. To Grandparents another chapter 1 of Family History begins "grandparents may have w for days before they had good. news like this, but that was before the telephone: and Long Distance---hecame part of our everyday existence. . it © Spread Good: News by LONG DISTANCE! Look .in your telephone. direc tory and you'll find that by using Low Night Rates (also applying all day Sunday) and placing "Anyone" calls you can talk to nearby towns or Prov. inces for much less than you expected. Dated. March 1st, 1080" mar9 i" | febltf | (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) ARTHUR W. S. GREER "in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday affernoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 Why write letters and send money orders? Order your Bray Chicks through me--personal stientien, prompt delivery. : WALLACE MARLOW * BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO W. A Sangater DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over- Steers Insurance Offite, SUITS 8PONGED AND PRESSED ? 60 Cents SUITS CLEANED 'Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over" Jemison's Bakery (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dlsolved.) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS : uh 'Simeoe: Street North, Oshawa. bakit -- Phone 814 ---- née at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each ~. week or by appointment. : Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 oo 3 DR. J. B, LUNDY Ld x x DENTAL SURGEON {fice ahove Hell Tel hone Exch - North Side Queen Bere Port henge, : Phones: Office 68w, Residence 88] "DR. A. S. BLACK wy Y o SLE and SURGEON ary Corps. . Three pit a Fond -- «English and Scotch Veterinary Surgeons. Phone 62 BROOKLIN ~ Ontarlo * HARDING'S | ACID TREATMENT |. For Arthritls, Rheumatic .Pains, Sciatica, Lumbago, Kidney Troubles, Neuritia. Ask MORRISON the Sregeint, about it. +