the 16th verse. ¢ sm ---- Ep Myrtle Station Owing to the inclement wWeath:r on Sunday evening, the church congrega- tion was smaller than usual, The pastor, Rev. W. E. Honey, was in charge of the service. His subjec' was "Prayer." He chose for his Scripture lesgon,. James 6:6-20, The text was The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man av sileth _ much. Prayer to be effective must. be earnest, righteous, unselfish" fill "of faith. and submissiveness. Faith in prayer was compared to an electric line carrying If the jower is cut off, then does locomotion ease. If faith is lacking in prayer, then the "_ connection is severed, and prayer is inéffective. Sunday school and church "services next Sunday at -the usual hour. All are welccme! The Women's Association met 1t the home of Mrs. Gordon Barton on Tues- day afternoon of lest week. S'xteen "members responded to roll call and severgl visitors were present. The devotional period as conducted by Mrs. Chisholm, Several items of business were brought up anc dis- posed of. Plans were discussed and -- made Tor the anmuat-PanCake- Supper} which will be held on Wednesday even- ing March 8th. The program for 'the evening's entertainment will. be ar- ranged by the.committee appointed: Mrs. Barton, Mrs. C. Harrison, Mrs. ~ Ramsey. Afternoon tea was ser ed at tables; suitably decorated fo St. Valentine's Day, which were pla: ed in 'the dining and living rooms, nd a happy-hour was spent socially. The Myrtle Auxiliary of the WW. M. Soclety met at the parsonage. last Thursday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Honey, was in the chair. After a brief business period, the department secretaries were - allowed their usual quota of time in which to present their work before the chiipter of the Study Book was reviewed. The worship ser vico was in charge of Mrs. Hu Jgins. The Bible reading was the para! Hle of tho neighbourly foreigner, Luke 10:25 to 31; The service followed the theme for the month: Thou shalt love thy neighbour. How may we keep this law? God hath made of one bluod "all nations of men. If we believe in God as our Father, we will seek to rid our - hearts of race prejudice and national superiority, and reach out friendships hand to all who cross our path .To have a good nelghbour is one of life's richest - treasures. - To be a good neighbour is to find the way to lasting Tradeln Radios in Great February Clearance "Average Price Some sets s Sppeimlly price $4.95 50 SETS SPECIALLY PRICED All Re-Conditioned and in Good Working Order * Victors 5 Rogers, Philco, Marconi, Sparton, DeForest: Crosley, and others '@® or rent any of these Radios at 75¢. per week a It HE Hk 1 "PROTECT with Reliable HAROLD Ww. Phone 41 best in Brea \ Phone 98, 6 ICE BOXES Some nearly new. From 1 KELVINATOR 6 cubic feet; Good Condition. .... ® 1. NORGE Looks like new .... © : 1 SPARTON - $129, 99. Brand new. Reguige $189.00, for $4.95 $79.00 One §-burner GAS RANGE Grey enamel «...... ve One MOFFAT ELECTRIC 4-burner, low OVEN vues "One GURNEY ELECTRIC Three MOFFATS at : 00 00 10 only 4-burner, low oven, grey enamel .... One McCLARY, full guarantee, 4 =] = burner,' low over, looks like new ... 1 Westinghouse, - used less than year. : . De Luxe Model. Guaranteed. Was $235 $129.00 Three QUEBEC Coon STOVES v HANDY VACUUM CLEANER _ Each ONE IRONING MACHINE ..........oo0iuees --. TRADE-IN BARGAINS -- $ 9.50 $19.50 $29.50 $34.50 .$59.00 RANOE, PERRI -. RANGE, bd 5 cubic feet. Used 3 seasons, was $235.00. Nearly new. $215.00.8ale 1 SIMCO WASHER 1 EASY VACUUM CUP WASHER .... + "Easy Vacuum Cup _ Washer, nearly new 1'WESTINGHOUSE ; $99 00. .@ 1 KELVINATOR J wen $19.50 yo § & : Ee : $24.50 J $39.50 For deep seated phe weakness and lack of en 'Morrison' Py PORT PERRY I % joys. Your neighbour is one "whom life ¢auses to cross your pathway. We do not always have the chance to choose our neighbours. Realizing-that God is the father of all whom we meet, and that He has placed some of His divine spirit in each of us, can we not find the "good" in our Teighbours ? The meeting was closed with prayer . and the Mizpah benediction. Mrs.. Oldenburg, who is living this winter with her mother, Mrs. 'Todd, visited last week bo 'Toronto with her sister. Mrs. Roy Pasioth of Seatbircigh visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Redman last ursday. Mr, George Coopér, of Sladen- --------Malartic,-- Quebee;--arrived-home_last te #38 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA Phones 84 4A and 744 they report the ice is. in fair hy ice on Mr. George W ods ponds, and tion. / Much favorable comment was heard. "The World Day of Prayer wi ob-|™ _ i served in the Sunday School /Zéom of night. Their costumes, and rs tation of their:subject were excellent. '| and Eleanor Kerr, the Church on Friday at 2.30 pm. Aj} cordial invitation is extended to. alt the ladies of the community to attend RAGLAN Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellington and this meeting sponsored by the W.M. 5. BETHESDA ,'| Pierson, on Sunday. family, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. | Mr. Frank Grose was a week end guest at the home ofshis parents Mr. and. Mrs. A. Grose. ¥ Myr, and- Mrs. Cartwright, Sr. of Tuesday morning to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper! George is looking and feel- ing fine, and likes his adopted home. The lowest the: thermometer had -~feached; as yet this winter in-S:aden- Melartic was 46 below zero. But Geo. that degree of cold is easier to] bear than 10 below here with a' "wind, blowing. The air up there is very dry, very little wind and lots of Sunshine. Mr. and Mrs. Elwcod Masters visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Painter of "Prospect, on Sunday. ? _ Several from here went to Oshawa to see and -hear.Jeanette McDoriald and Nelson Eddy in their picture-- "Sweethearts", which was shown in the Regent last week. The picture is in technicolour and the costumes of the 'players-and the scenery are gory 'eous. The voices of the two stars are s\ perb, and the delightful harmony as they blend In the many duets, is all that can be desired. Messrs. Jos. Rolston, Clarence Har- rison and William Martin moforad to Toronto last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Auld, of Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Stacey ._on Monday evening. Mr. David Luery attended the Road + Buperintendénts' convention which was held in the Royal York hotel on Mon- day and Tuesday. * ty Rabbits are very numerous in this district, and are destroying shrubs and young fruit trees. Miss Irerie Barker of Whitby spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James: Barker. 3 Little Miss Mary Smith, of Toronto, spent Sunday with her aunt, Miss E. Smith, Mpg, J. R. Johnson was In Toronto, on Thursday of last week. . ~The 2s Johnson | Brothers are cutting in attendance. 'Rev: A: E. Bushell: was appointed secretary for the meet- been well maintained during the year. The financial report of the church could not be given as the treasurer was absent. The. allocation for the M. & M. Fund had been exceeded by about $10.00. The S. S. had an aver- ages attendance of 37 .and a balance of. $11.00. The W. A. had a balance 'of $161. The officials for 1939 are as follows: Elders are Messrs, G, Ward, enhurst, F. Dobson, R. Crapper, Con- .gregational secretary, Delbert Ward. Ushers, Messrs. Henry Dyas. Organist, Mrs. Clarence Croxall; assistant, Mrs. John Dobson. Auditors for 1939, John Dobson" and Ewart Blight. to"adopt the use of the new Hymnary of the United Church in the congrega- tional service. ._ The meeting - ¢losed with prayer by the chairman. A. very succesfsul croquinole party was held by the east group of the W. A. at the home of their leader Mrs, F. Dobson, on Monday evening, Feb. 13. Several were. absent on. account of sickness. Much merriipent was aroused over the games and the contest "Love at the Wheel". A bountiful lunch was served by the hostess. Proceeds $1.08, A vote of thanks was given to Mr. and Mrs. F. Dobson and birthday greetings extended to Mf, -A. E. Dob- son. A group of skaters from our Ww. A. put on a very creditable exhibition at The annual congregational meeting was held in the basement of the church on February 15th, with sixteen The meeting opened with prayer by ~ Mr: Henry. Dyas The reports of the different or- ganizations showed that the work had DU C. Ward. "Stewards--Messrs, T. Ash=|- Comrie Ward and|- A motion was carried 4 TR [ a BONE by | Mr. Harvey Dobson; Instru: mental by Mr. 'and Mrs. B, Snelgrove; and a musi¢al number by Misses Flora The singing of the National Anthem closed this part of the entertainment, after which dancing was enjoyed. See you at our next meeting, and Ne forget your pie. EPSOM Mrs. 'Luke has returned home after] lat 7.80 pm. Rev. A. Bushell, will be Sunday School at 2 p.m, | H Mrs. Jas. Ackney, Mr. Thos. Migs Annie Acknéy, - Mrs, and family, and- Mr. Enoch We wish them all & speedy sick list: Ackney, Swinson Kendall. recovery. Epsom Church service, Foren 26, in charge. Joseph Wilson, Supt: MANCHESTER Toronto, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. Cartwright. Congratulations to. Mr, and Mrs. D. Catherwood on the birth of a son-- Delbert Kenneth. - There is to be a pan cake soclal- tn Raglan Hall on February 21st, held under the auspices of the W. A. Every- Mr. Carl Avery has returned home from the Oshawa General Hospital 1 many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Merlin Slute, of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Slute, Mr. Lloyd McGaffey has returned home after spending a holiday with his aunt Mrs. J, Evans, Miss Lorna Evans spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McKee at Manchester, . We are sorry to hear that Mr. J. Reeson is confined to bed. We all wish him a complete and spdedy re- covery, k} AN Prince Albert Community Club The Club members met again in the school house last Thursday night, Mrs. L. Hunter presiding. over the'business period. It-was decided to_hold a pie social 'on March 2nd. Coffee will be served, but only free to those buying pies. A box of chocolates {s also be- ing awarded the highest bidder. You folk who wish to purchase an- other ticket on the rug, make it snap- | py, the lucky ticket will be drawn at our next meeting, Ms, Newnham, Miss Marion Kirby and Mr, William Hedyn in charge of the following pro- gram: a reading by Miss Jean 3 Moase; 1 the, Uxbridge Carnival on ursday | a Valentine Social at the home of Rev. spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Hooper, at Greenbank. The many friends of Mrs. Robt. "Paylor will be pleased to know that she is recovering nicely from her re- cent operation. Mrs, Edward Ashton who has been the guest 2 her daughter Mrs, Walter ogers, 3 peony The February meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. McCul- lough. -- After the opening exercises sing-song and games. Mr. and Mrs. Asling spent Satur- 9 afternoon with Mrs. Coates, Mrs. Earl Ballard, of Pine Grove, visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. L. Clark. Mrs. Olfver Ackney will hold a sale of stock and implement at the pre- mises of the late Mervin «Christie at Utica on Feb, 26. The Young People' (] Soclety "of Ep- som held their meeting in the form of and Mrs, Bushell, on February 18th. "Miss Charlotte Heisie is spending the winter with friends in Newmarket and Toronto. . Mrs. Harry Harper entertained: the Girls' Club at her home on Wednesday afternoon last week. Mr. and M#s. L. Clark have rented Mrs. Cook's house in the village and will move there March 1st. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrd. D. Catherwood on the birth of a son. The Epsom' orchestra provided the music at the B. B. Dance in Meniory Hall, Utica, on Friday night last. Owing to-the bad condition of the roads the crowd was not large, but ig who were prefant report a good me. and business the evening was spent in| Thet Community Club will" liold-its meeting on Thursday, Feb. 23rd, A good program is being planned. On March 9th, the 6th Form of Port-Perry High: School wil present a playlet, "The Mouse Trap", as a portion' of the program of the. |Community-- Club. 23rd and March 9th. A number dug their way home from a euchre party the other morning. Mr. Arnold Roach spent -the week end with Mr. and Mrs, W.-F. Crosier. Mr. N. McCrea of Prince Albert, spent the: week end with Maunsell Gerrow, .Mr. Arnold Wallace is spending [1 few days in Uxbridge. Mr. Robert Stump is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Donnelly cele- brated their 85th wedding anfiversary on February 16th. The shower reported recently as put on by the Community.Club was put on by the community. Regret the error, o> -- GREENBANK : Mr. and Mrs. Bushby and Mr G: Gall attended the funeral of the late Mr, Bacon at Sandford, Tuesday aftet- noon of last week, x Mr. W. Phoenix in Oshawa on Wed-, nesday. Mrs. Mills and son Henry visiting in Brooklin for the week end. Several from here attend Mr, Os- wald Love's Sale at Cannington, * Mrs, Burnett visiting friends fn. To- Sorry to report the following on the . Ee SS CECE ee CU SV Come ant enjoy & good time on Feb. [H ~ Get YOUR SHARE of SPIES NOW Place Your Insurance with "YOUR FAMILY. BAKER Can relieve you from baking "worries, and. provide the JEMISON"S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY "Port Perry. : NYAL'S HYPOPHOSPHITES ; An alterative tonic Tecmamended for "general debility, | | KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL with MALT EXTRACT \ Acceptable to all who cannot take plain i TRY, HERSHEY'S MILK CHOCOLATE KIRers 1b. 60c. It MOIR'S 'CHOCOLATES ..... PATTERSON'S "FRESHPACK" CHOCOLATES, I." 50c. MAPLE LEAF YOURSELF Fire Insurance EMMERSON + Port i Parry : d and Pastry. and Colds, 16 oz. hoidly $1.00 ergy cod liver oil. Per bottle, 75¢c. and $1.26 Ding Store hone 16 " BLONG. BLOCK, PORT PERRY. | DID_YOU Remember 'To ORDER YOUR APPLES? | those Luscious Ontario" WE DELIVER Priming you require. New Cabbage, New Carrots, Lettuce, Fre 'Phone 208 PRINTING: Of all kinds done at the Port Perry Star Office-- Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, Booklets, Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, or any other Prompt work, low price. Diplomany asa Career . ~ (Financial Post) Th "Fhousands of schoolboys throtighouit Canada should" rejoice at the an- nouncement that men like George P. Vanier, Jean Desy and Lester Pearson have been promoted to high posts in Canada's diplumatie service. = What it means, in effect, is that -| there is a place--and a top place--for "career men" in Canales diplomatie ronto. a ae Ra, Assuming this excellent precedent set by Prime Minister King, is con. tinued and preserved, young men who enter Canada's Department of Exter- nal Affairs need no longer be hamp- ered by the fear that the really big jobs are not within their grasp. They progress along this highway of public service will be inevitably blocked and hindered by political 'friends" and ap- pointees; " Already some of Canada's most able young men have cast in their lot with an service. ha Baer et te i arb bh bao er need 16 longer be afraid that thelr this branch of the service, It Is to be "| hoped that mors will follow. ~~ Ft NN = ~