ELAR SE A STRAIT SU ob i N $15 Nas CR SCN SNA IA MX Ag Cn $l Mh Ab Cp din, ho. hss 6. bd 3 \ " and securing drivers' Your prompt co-operation and action in purchasing new plates and securing your operator's license is therefore expected. ONTARIO PIE MOTOR VEHICLE PERMITS AND | DRIVERS' LICENSES EXPIRE MARCH 31s Your Automobile, Trailer, Truck or Motorcycle Must Bear the New 1939 Plates on April 1st This year there will be no 'further extension of time allowed for Tagisterisiy § motor vehicles licenses after the expiration date, March' Slat, 1939. In past years Motor. Vehicle Perrnits and Drivers' Licenses oipited o on December 31st. In , - order to afford greater convenience and service to motorists in has extended the expiration date three months. 'This extra period of time should, we feel, be ample for every tarit, and this year therefore, there will positively be no 'extension of time past Maxch 3ist. . PUBLIC COMMERCIAL VEHICLE LICENSES ALSO EXPIRE MARCH Nm. All trucks and trailers operated as Public BB ha in Onlasie the Government ERC ARSPRY ERED, £1 ASR GENRE AN ses Sahni - ' ~ --HAROL Phone 41 Hettttitttrttsttitittitsasttatiistetstsstitsssissistst YOUR FAMILY BAKER Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the best in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 98, Port Perry. > : PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with : W. EMMERSON ah ~ Port Perry ~ » . Becure your new plates at the earliest pos- sible moment. By postponing action you - run the risk of being tumed away in the rush Commercial Vehicles must display P.C.V. 71939 License Plates: after March 3lst, and - while this is the regular expiry date for of the last day or two, and' thus become liable to a fine. You can save yourself worry - and time wasted standing in line if you: will decide now to purchase your new 1930 plates well in advance of March 3let. this type o license, no will be- ol =o MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. ONTARIO _ _extensiori_ of time bY] While They Last--Regular 50¢. ..... cn... FOR 29c¢. Regular 35c. and 25¢........c0.tn FOR 19¢. i RUSSIAN OIL, in Glass Jug, 40 oz. 89c. 16 oz. 49c. | ; boo dA VIKING.COD LIVER OIL... .. 16 on. 63. 8 ox. 80c..; \ WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER : A good tonic and builder for young and old; bottle $1.00 7 | 'KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL with MALT EXTRACT Per: bottle 86c. and. $1.25 ~"Mortison' s Drug Store PORT PERRY: PORT PERRY Phone 16 ~~ Butchers Phone. 20W- PORT PERRY FRUIT -- BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY THIS 1S. "on APPLE WEEK Get YOUR SHARE of those Luscous Ontario SPIES NOW MYRTLE (Too late for last week.) Mrs. Clarence Harrison has been +eonfined to her bed for a_few days with a severe attack of flu. Mr. Victor Mitchell of Toronto spent Sunday with his parénts Mr. and Mrs. L. Mitchell. i Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ¢ TATE and two daughters of Bethany visited Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters on Wednes- day of last week. » Mrs. Oliver Lane visited friends in ~ Toronto last week. Mr. and Mis. Clayton Downey of former's Oshawa, were with the brother Mr. O. H, Downey. The Faithful Workers' class were entertained at the home of Mrs, J6hn Birkett of Port Perry last week, when fifteen were present. Further plans were made by them for their annual oyster supper that is to be held this month. After other business was dis- cussed, the hostess and her. daughters "served a most satisfying lunch and . soefal chat was enjoyed by the dies. | The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Will Armatrong. Mr. Jim Lawrence spent the week end with his brother Dr. G. Lawrence of- Lindsay. Friends from here attended the fun. eral of Mra. Mary Miller on Monday. Deceased passed sway at the home of her daughter Mrs, W. A. Dryden on Saturday. : : Mr. George Leach whe has been at Greenbank for «time moved back ta Mr. Clarenes Harrison's house last week. The Bible Class was re-erganised at the eloss of the Sunday Behool session on Sunday, the president, Mr. Roy Thompson presiding. The officers for the year are: President, Mrv. Hattls Hudgins; teacher, Mrs. E. BE. Mole; asst, teacher, Mr. E. Redman; secre. tary, Mrs. Bert Duff; asst see, Mrs, R. Chisholm, = The 8. 8. executive are pleased to note the inereased attend. anace each Sabbath, but there is etill a welcome for more ench Sabbath at 1.45 p.m, 4 ie---------- Mr. and Mrs. Bryant and family of Oshawa visited Mr, and Mrs. 8. Not- tingham on Sunday. Mrs. D. Young who lives on the old Calder homestead was removed to the Oshawa Hospital on Saturday by Dr. McKinney of Brooklin and after an operation her eondition is reported much improved. MANCHESTER. .The Township Hall, Manchester, on Monday, February 13th, was the scene of a most enjoyable party sponsored by the Manchester Community Club, and tendered to Mr. and Mrs, O. R, Ptolemy, of Oshawa, to celebrate with them their marriage which took place on February Snd. About 150!invited guests erowded the Hall te enjoy a R.| varied and interesting program. Mr, T, Sager, of Prince Albert, was the eapable chairman, The opened d by tommunity singing followed by a vocal duet by Robert Walker and Paul Regier, an instrumental by Mina program | Dobson, solo by Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, piano duet by Mrs. Gerrow and son Maunsell. - Mina Dobson then gave an interesting and amusing account of the Prentice-Ptolemy wedding some- what mixed with an' auction sale. Annie Stump played two well rendered instrumentals. A mock wedding was dramatically staged by a group. Mr. Maunsall Gerrow then read the follow- ing address: . To Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ptolemy, "Dear . friends,--The people of this community feel that this is an--oe- casion when an expression of appre- ciation would be most' timely. First, then, let us congratulate you both upon your marriage. ,We, in this eommunity have good reason to think. highly of Cecil, who has been a most helpful citizen wherever help was needed. We shall miss him greatly as he and you, Leoys, leave to make your home in Osha We wish yod every happiness and prosperity, &nd assure. ypu that you will receive a hearty welcome When. ever you can visit us, Please accept this silverware as a memento of our kindly and sincere esteem, Signed on behalf of the Community: Mina Dobson, Reta Mupro, Maunsell Gérrow, The gift. of silverware consisted of a forty-four piece flatware get, two silver salt and. pepper, two silver candle holders. - Cecil then approciatively thanked his many friends. The stage was tastefully edcorated with Hearts and pink and white streamers. Lunch was served. and dancing followed to music supplied by Mr, C. Coombe, Mr, Ed, Donnelly, Mrs. C. Gerrow and 'Mr. M. Gerrow. Mrs, Jomes HMasters is no rs, Jas. Masters is now in Whitby with her daughtsr Mrs. W. Hall, who has undergone an operation,' - Mrs, Frank Crosier is nursing in Columbus, Mrs, C. Gerrow spent last Friday with Mrs. F. White, Glad to" report Mr. Jas. Lakey is "J areatly improved in health, ~~ jour common words these days. i New Cabbage, New Carrots, Lettiice, Celery WE BELIVER We are SOITy wv report Mr. W. Crosier is on the sick list. - - We wish both a speedy recovery. We welcome to our A Mr. and Mrs. H, McKinsey, who have pur- chased the property of Mrs. William Holtby. i Mrs. H. O. Dobson has 'returned home from. London, having ' speit several weeks with her sister. ) Mr, C. Coombe was in Toronto on oMnday. Miss Olive Bond, of Prince Albert, visited with Miss R. Munro recently: A number in our community have fallen prey to a cough and cold epi- demic. Mr. Archia.Crosier has been enjoy- ing holidays fo! three weeks. An interesting program is being planned for the Community Club on March 9. * Also a good program js be- ing prepared for February 23r Miss Grace White spent. the week end with her mother' Mrs, F. White. Mr, and Mrs, J. Dobson and Mina spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Walker. "Snow-bound" seems to be one of 'Phone 208 'GREENBANK Mrs. Rich, of Whitby, visited her sister Mrs," Wilkinosn last week. - Mrs. Lyle, of Toronto, was thé guest of Mrs, Burnett last week. Mr. and Mrs, Theo. Cragg. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Snodden, West Brock, on Saturday. . " * Miss O. Real is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Geo, Real has returned home after spending some time in Toronto. Mr. Arthur Thomas of Lansing, at the home of Mr. John Howsam last Saturday. Mr. Frank Lee had the, misfortune to lose a horse last week. Glad to Yeport Mrs. - Hooper home from the hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Tiikin Toronto. Mrs, Till's sister returned with them. + HOT MEAT PIE SUPPER' <4 "AND PLAY The W. A. of Greenbank United . Church will provide a hot meat ple supper in the basement of the church on Tuesday, February 21st, at.5.80 pm, The cafeteria supper will be fol lowed by a play entitled "Truth Takes : a Holiday" given by the Scugog, Young , | People. Admission 26e, if »/ yuF