Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Feb 1939, p. 4

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ER a. ik Porsinal i! me week end. . Harold Woon ee {rier 1 of To Mr. rento, were week endo gueste op Sie oad Mas, ROD Woor. Mr. and- Mis, KE. LaRose of Uni ville; were guests of Mr, and Mrs, A W. Allin, on Saturd Mie MiMred Shoxwin, of Hast -- a -- = do a--- Picnicing in Florida at happy, tn Port | key visitors [31% Petersburg, Florida, wre a ms pleasure loving people, and know how Mr G \ 'ey ul wonto, wa lotuve a & pine, yy fhursday, George Vy ) was : . ila £00 x wil i ' the Vth \st, the tempoiature in the, | ¢ Lae We2K end. >} : . ' « vas U2 bul on reaching the picnic Sorry to hear tha: "li. Geo, Hall is } ou Tearing Biche sick In bed . ground on the dulf of Mexico, which Sic + PN Mr. 1 as = la ubout ten mites 'fron the city, the Mr. Tuo SAT Was, in RWI On x business oft 1d : tir wes much cooler anid a nic breeze usitiess nda . Fonte a FE ke 5 Lian He olad of Like wie ox v Hg Mh Le ach ih Sravgel inn ) 1 v oaln opny oo ne Lt / field, Mrs. R. Morris, and daughto Piao s an th & It oe ay y . Sed | ved a awim in ¢ sa yuter, 4 Farah, of Toronto, Mr, ang | Ht. -! Wtrul ib Ll Waiton, Hu were vieifing My) lo0 shtin i: WS, Served hy g over 'HK Kk end § wel of st enjoyable alter- ' ve € Lk end 0 hour Nn nt. * eton, of Goody ood, ! . ih J Lown on Tues iy. | LL TT RTE won pres sete Me-and fr "3 yn oon Tuesioy. x : : Jul MdcDon nd M nty rn oaviied couples had a juih uhh, K, & he bh By; uy q ke : * 1 , . WT bro Mr. und rs, 1 an Lance «ter ¢ioting last Wednés- || Ve" Brae ore =) TTA dav night at the § tt House, weoiman, Miss BE. w, Mr, and Mr and (teil Kin- 5 p] Ares Ered R. Beatty, Mr. and Mis. Sr, i" { . yg . daughter hat aiid Fonte John Murray, Mus. Loo, H. Wilson, N . rN iss Jean Wilson, slr. and Mrs, S. from their nuiiday in Toronto. I ) | ' \ ! Ww i i wba Misses race Stone and 'tuth Han, jot/trey, dr. and 3 ln of 'luronte, . were durin the Muss Wo HL MeCaw; Mrs, EAL Waker, { - 1 . RJ. Robertson H, Juiy, M. A. h Mrs and Mrs, J. R uvenile: Hockey - Cur dJuvemlés put up a great display ol hochey-here on Monday night, when top thoy weieatéd- Beaverton -by the score! OSHAWA . AIRCONDITIONED fhursday, Friday, Saturday, FEBRUARY 16-17-18 A modern Music 1 in Technicolor JeancttéMacDonald and Nelson Eddy; in "Saveethearts" ADDED=Walt Disney Cartoon, "MOTHER GOOSE "GOES 7]! HOLLYWOOD" : REVIVAL -- Friday, 10.45 p.m. High, Wide « ant! " Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott ada Tuesday, FEB. Big Double Bill Dramatic School Rainer and , . Paulette Goddard. | ADDED HIT: Robert Young and Ruth Hussey . in Rich -Man; Poor Girl' Ma _ Mond: ay, 20-21 with Luise Even- Handsome z ST. JOIIN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Sunday School at 2 pan. Public Worship at 7 p.m, Everybody welcome. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector, Rev. J. C. Clough Sunday, February 19th-- 3 pan. -- Sunday School 7 pm--Evensong and sermon. - Wednesday, February 22nd "Ash Wednesday. 9 'a,m.--Holy Cojnmunion. 8 p.m.--Shortengd Evensong and sermon, Cindsy, February 26th "1 - 8 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, BORN "At Port Perry Hospital, to Mr. and ars. Delbert Catherwood, on Frida February 10th, 1939, a baby boy Delbert Kenneth. To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levis. , Port Perry, at Port Perry Hospit |, on Saturday, February 11th, 1939, a baby girl=Norma. is visiting friends in' town ol 6-0, dhis was a veéiy fast and ex-| Matinke starts at 2 p.m. } Mis. M. Williams and on n Ros er of fating game and the boys deserve | ings: Last complete show at 8.25 | Foronto; were in town Sunday evento ror- the way they sre play mg 1 TIN, - -4 1 ing. Cd 0s yeah Wed.- Thursday, FEB. 22.23 X Miss Nellie MeNam a was in town We ave alt watching closely and Double Bill ser the week end. Mrs. Wm, Rew! and daughter Mar- jorie, left on Monday of 'this week on a wetor trip to Florida. and Mis. Roy Diy, vied their 'parenis M Day, over the week Our Junior Bantam Hockey team « feated- team in an overtinge game on Saturday Ly a score of 4-2, Mr. G. H. Crawford, of Peterboro, was in town last week. i "Miss Dorothy Reynolds i= town. oo Mr. Jas. Boe of. Larder ~ Arthur Bas, of Toronto, Ah of Toronto, r.oand Mrs. D. end. le- Orono visiting in Lake, and nt-the cowed end vith their parents, hr. and Mrs. D. Boe.- « The nlany friends of Mrs. Elgin White are pleased to see her around own again aller her illness, Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Dix leave today for Florida where they balance of the winter. will spond the =e tea PORT PE RRY u ATED C HU RCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D, Minister. 10 1. Sunday School. St 3 { TRS our boys on to victoay in the Lule BUYS; cheering PROSPEC r the Young People's groups of Rag- Jan, Myrtle and Prospect met at the Myrtle church last week and enjoyed i most interesting meeting. This week the three groups meet at. Prospect. Mr. S. Farmer, Editor of. the Port erry Star will be ther guest speaker. Rev. Mr. Honey spoke on Sunday upon the question of Sabbath activities tor profit. A letter from' the Lord's by Adhancee was read. Sunday School tolléwed, conducted by Mr. Lionel Uizmond. The Women's Association meet this week at the home of Mrs. Kilpatrick Freddie Bartholomew and Judy Garland, in Listen Darling. _ sccond feature Off the Record with Pat O'Brien-Joan- Blondell . Matinee at 2.10 p.m. Evenings: Last complete show at 8.20 p,m. o Phone or drop in, and let me show. you how Bray Chicks made real profits for poultrymen last year. Personal 'attention, prompt delivery. "WALLACE MARLOW BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO Euchre and Dance to be held in UTICA MEMORY HALL on FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17th, under the auspices of the Blue | & Bird Club, Good prizes given. Every- body welcome. Lunch served. Ad- mission 23c. * x ----i Second: Hand~ Radios .6 tube Fada; 6 V, tubes. FARMER RADIO, PORT PERRY M¢DONAL D MOTORS ~ Phones: Garage 74. Residence 265 Port. Perry, Ont. [RX RARRRR CRA ARERR RIIRRS RERXRRRKKIXANR . BLUELIDD , IMSURKD FREK-AGAINST LOSS NOTE--Every diamond js insured. Bentley's--Jewelry Store. Port. Perry. 'The ladies ave taking their needles and thimble ting an industrious meeting: 'he Prospect Young People's Group sponsoring --a--concert --in--Myrtld Congounity Hall on March 1st. The program will bé provided 'by the Uk- nal Yeuth Choir, and the nian National Dancers, of Osha- ranian Natio 1 along, so they must be plan- | DEATHS IN THE LUCAS FAMILY Wm. Hugh Lucas, who was the oldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Lucas, of Cartwright, died in Toronto, on February 6th, 1939. "He was a brother of the late Jas. Lucas. He was for many years a civic em- in { ployee and an worke Toronto; ardent -- nr the auspice \ " iy Girls in Training. Mrs. Speaker: TT he a Candte-- Toronto Kenneth Woodsworth, B.A. The closing featur™\ he day will Fight--Sephice Girls and their Leader Do not fail to share in these services. oo @-e---- -- WORLD DAY OF PRAYER by the! Fva--There will-De-approXimalely 10} performers in national costume, "1 for further announcements." Watch x BLACKSTOCK Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Forder on the arrival of a baby hoy on Friday the 10th," " i } HERE United Church. He is survived by. his wife, --two daughters and a son. Among the beautiful floral tributes was a pleasing and very revealing token from the children on the city street on which Mr. Lucas had livéd-- a silent tribute te the friend they lost. * * * PRINCE ALBERT | Next Wednesday fight, Feb. 22nd, will be missionary night at the Y.P.UT Miss Stewart (R.N.) who spent cleven years in India is expected to_speak at this meeting. A missionary dialogue is also being prepared. The young people would like to seé p real good | attendance out fo rthis special meets ing. welcome, old and young. Last Friday night Mr. and Mrs. A. MacGregor entertainéd --the--Men's class, the Women's "Class and the Young Ladies' Class. About forty were present. The. men held their business meeting in the: kitchen after Everybody fheint-of-Hopefwhich-allthe youngfolk- gathered .in 'this village some forty years, ago, in the house where Mr. Overton now re- sides; She taught in our school, 'did her two sisters. Although' 50 ais vears ago, yet the name of this highly respected 'family 'is often heard from some of the older residents who re- member some of the kindly things said or done by them. : UNITED CHURCH NOTES . . - On Sunday, Feb, 19th, special ser- vices under the auspices of the Cana- dian Girls in Training, will be held at 11 am: and 7 pm, The girls will sit is an experienced Girls' Worker in| CGE T--and=FW-6:A- Work--At-the the living room for a sing-song- and games _.Those not so young enjoyed the checkers. Luhch was served and a hearty Vote of appreciation of appre- ciation was tendered the host and hostess for the good evening spent. ~ - Mr. John Jeffrey spent a few days in St. Catharines last week, while at- tending the funeral of his cousin Miss close of the evening service 'A Candle Light Service-will-be-condyeted-by-the- girls and their-leaders, The services last year are remem- bered with pleasure and satisfaction and it is hoped that next Sunday-will prove to be a great day in the life of our girls and the work in which they are engaged. FOR SALE--2 Used Battery Radios, 6 tube Deforest, 2 V. tubes. . | in a body and the speaker will be My. | Kenneth Woodsworth of Toronto, who [ARRAS ARARASESEES rn SR i LAWRENCE'S Drug -- NEWS (You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store.) NEI ONS ADRIENNE and ; ", HARMONIZED COSMETICS* ; DEY ns "Face Powder 60c. Taleum ..:,,35¢. } f BE ITY ANN pstick +0606. 'Astringent 5068 CHOCOLATES 'Rouge :.....60c. Bath Powder $1. Always Reliably "Face Cream, 50¢. Lotion Cream 50c¢ . § + "+: 'Fresh & Perfimms . .25¢c. Compacts.' ..81, 25 y v5 Li 1h. Soe. "2 os, $1 YL ME Ba Hey Ev 0. LAWRENCE . il > Store PORT "PRRRY aes ese se se Ses ee finest anthracite --be your guid F. E. REESOR THE "Let this overwhelming preference for 'blue coal'= : HH an fl 1 | | Ka MODERN FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT TUNE IN on "The Shadow" every Sat. 7 to 7.30 p.m. over station CBL daa pd nie " Lg] the world's -- -- ¢ to better heating. 'blue coal' will give you a standard of heating satisfaction and value that has won the confidence of over 100,000 Canadian homeowners. Order a ton of "blue coal' today } Phones 73) and 78w PORT PERRY, ONT. - y HOICE re is our M EATS Motto. ~ You can also depend on our service. PHONE 72-R-2 "BERT. MacGREGOR'S WE DELIVER PORT | PERRY # PROPERTY FOR SALE ~- The double frame house on Perry St., Port Perry, belonging to the estate of the late T. Smith. One half rented. I di of other half. 5 rooms in each, all in good condition. Apply to H. Wannamaker, Seagrave, Phone 116 r 3-2, Port Perry. Mar2 te pc P - oy FOR SALE 47 acres good pasture, plenty of water and shade. . Reasonable price and.terms. tons of hay and some unthreshed Alfalfa, good feed. Apply to Wm. Pip, half mile south of Utica. .. FARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE 100. acres of good land, with first class buildings, situated-on lot 5, Con. 6, Reach Township. Apply to Ben Jones, R.R.1, Port Perry, Phone 190 FOR SALE 6 h.p. Lister Engine; McLaughlin Cutter, nearly, new! grain grinder, 6 inch; gander. - Apply to Clifford Har- -Also have for sale sevetal - Quantity of Men's Second Hand Clothes. = Good condition. : For sale cheap. Apply to Percy Rolph, above the Observer Office, Port Perry. r 1-2. feb13tf. per, R.R.2, Seagrgve. 1 i [o FOR SALE ts (The Atm of Greer X Humphreys fs disolved.) ARTHUR W. 'S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week,' or by appointment. The Annual" World Day of Prayer Congratulations are also extended Died at Prince Albert, Sask., George | Lucy Bullen. Miss oy lived in" The public are cordially invited. meeting will be held in the United | to Me. ani Mrs, Russell Larmer on the | Sutherland, beloved husband of Hester : i : = Church, Port Perry, on Friday, Feb. {birth of a son on Monday, Feb. 13th. Lucas (sister of the late Jas. Lucas.) : 24th, commencing at three o'clodk. Mra. Leonard Barton of Sault Ste. ---------- coed a eran hig ans - SEoEReEBREEB Bane oa All ladies of the town and surrougaing | Marie, Mr. and rs. Wm, VanCamp, 7 district _are_ requested to attend, and family spent Sunday at the home ZION [" SPECIAL : "o> ---- of Smith Bros. The annual congregational meeting [] i D 0 MIRIO ANNOUNCEMENT Miss "Jean Gibson of Purple Hill,} was held at the United Church with a| ~m VALUES AT... Mr. Mungo E. Nasmith announces "Pent Sunday with Miss E. Wright. [large crowd in attendance. Rev. Mr. a T the - engagement of his daughter, Mor. Ira Argue visited his daughter | McLachlan openedethe meeting and all 'a Dg - DorotheaJayelsito- Me GeorgaRabt Mis. Cecil Hyde of Toronto. sang "The Church's wa hn: MeMillin, son of Mr. and Mrs, James On Tuesday evening last a friendly | Miss Ellen Stokes was appointed sec- ECGS GRADE "A" Xi 2 © P. McMillin, Barrie, Ont. The mar. [Hine of hockey was played between] yetary for the meeting. Reports were EMIU IRGE. 5 "riage will take place February 28th, | the local team and a teant from Ennis- presented by the different organiza- Po CHRISTiZ'S PREMIUM 53-01 1-1. 2.1b: af Lakeland, Florida. © | killen on the lacksteck rink with the | gions which indicate that during 1938 SODAS Pkg. 09 Pkg. 19 Pkg. i ' Tr. WS A score in favour of the locals. . much progress had been made spirit- PICNIC - pe ' | On Thursday night the local team | ally and financially. The work of SWEET -0x. as UNITED .GHURCHLW. M. S. © 3k cnt quite so fortunate when they | je Sunday School i Women's Assos PICKLES MIXED Jor p Tis nnhly meeting of the pms. played a league game with Prine {ciation _had been well maintained dur- AUNT JEMIMA °; ivi ike arsine lipid af abald At BICKEToCK THe SToTe Was The the year. the treasurer's re- FLOUR . Gemmell, on Wednesday afternoon, | "1 inf favour of Prince Albert. port was gratifying. Officers were MAPLE LEAF "of the Study Bool, February 8th, with M the president, in the chair. The theme of the meeting was * Love Thy Neigh- four Mis K. Jeffrey sang a solo which was greatly appreciated. Mrs. R. B. Smallman very ably took charge Mrs. Farmer and Mre, Hall assisted in the program. At ie close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the hostess and a social half hour spent, PAI -- a THE VALENTINE SUPPER The Ladies of the Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.S, are to be congratulated upon the success of the Valentine Sup- . Geo. Davey, per. The meal was pleasing and happi served, and the program by the boys' quartet and orchestra is bringing out some new aud good tal- ent. There is Botan quiz" to find out bow Tittle or one kiowss This time the lice chosen for forcible entrance was Beare Motors garage, What the intruders wanted, or-why they entered is hot very clear. but they broke in on Monady night -and then apparently concluded that - they did not want anything after all, Nothing seemed to be missing. - "ve are sorry to hear is'seriously ill at A parents Mr. Owing to the ey condition of the ronds there was no evening service in St. John's Anglican Church on Sun- day last. : We are pleased to report that Mae ter Stuart Dorrell, who underwent an appendix operation in Bow manville hospital last last week, Inprogressing favorably. The whole township' will es sorry to! learn that Rev. H. J. Bell has decided | to give up the Cartwright Circuit in June next. \ Mr. Percy Edgerton and Oriole aré in Lindsay with Mrs, Edgerton, who the home of her sister. . Mr, Edgerton has given up his farm and has moved to the one owned by the late Mr. Geo. Fallis at Cadmus. Mys, R. Lansing and Mr. B. Hooey of Toronto, spent Sunday with their _and Mrs. Geo. Hooey. Vrs, Hooey celebrated her 84th bieth- day en Saturday, Feb, 11th. Con- aratulations. Rulig 'Ramsay Rouse and Mr. Leslie Gibson of Toronto, were week end Jaitors of Mr, dnd Mrs. W. Taylor. Mize Mabel VanCamp of Toronto, spent the week end at her home here, 4 elected for "thg enuing term. Mr: 8, a moved a vote of thanks to the . A. for their never failing "assist- ance in the work of the.church. Rev. Mr. MecLachlay, leading in prayer and interesting meeting. A number attended the funeral of the late Norman Smith, at Pleasant Point on Wednesday. We extend. to [the bereaved family. our deepest sym- pathy. We are glad to have Mrs. Carpenter "home again ater spending several weeks in-the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Rogers and daughter Lorraine, of 'Oakwood. + Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Kitson and Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hatl, oii Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kitson 'accom- panied-by his mother, spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Hopkins of Oakwood has re- turned to her home after spending a few weeks at the home of her sister Mrs. Bert. Carpenter, Mrs, Edgar Wooldridge visited at the home of her sister Mrs. L. Hall, do Fon [) few. days recently, : J » - . ! : |, Ll AN : ry + o : J t broyght to a close a very profitable] Bert], family of Little 'Britain visited with] PERFECTION PATTELS INS OLD COLONY MAPLE SYRUP BULK Cuick or Plain 1 Oranges 220's' 17c. Lettuce 2 heads 185c. EE SSS SSSR ESAS NENeaERUEESERRFRERCSE GRAPEFRUIT 6 for , 2Se, PURE LARD = 2c Cm. FLOOR WAX JELLY DROPS 32-01. Bil. ROLLED OATS Special Values Effective Until Tebrvory 18th 19 w.23 ».10 Ly 13 8.25 FLOUR «41 24-1b. Bag 'when packed 47 {5rd PERBER™ (a @5 : FAPIOCA - 2.w. 18 NUT" NUT CRUSH 6 28) ! COR Choice es x0 ORN fain FOR SALE P.C.V." License, Class F., in the neighbourhood of Port Perry. Highest offer seeped, Box 53, Port Perry Star. Pa z FOR SALE . Hadess Car Heater in good shape. 'Apply to Clarence Cook, Myrtle Sta- tion, Phone 120 r 2 Port Perry. FOR SALE Ten "Young Yorkshire Sows, bred; for sale at reasonable prices. Apply to Grant Christie, Dundrennan Farm, Manchester, R. R. 4 Port Perry, Phone ns rz mar2 "W. A. Snir or DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 ain. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over Sleep's Fie -\. Insurance Office. BUITS SPONGED AND PRESAED ' 80 Cents boi SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICR "if - hl 1] _| Phone o (The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is disolved.) RUSSELL' D. HUMPHREYS 24%; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Timday and Thureday aftertioons of each , --week -or by appointment. Quéen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 ] 4 i PR. . B. LUNDY | TAL SURGEON Office it Bell Telephone Exchange, North Side Queen Bizet, P Port Per Phones: ce 68w, Residence DR. A. 8. BLA c K VETER] ABIAN, and 'SURGEON Overseas he Royal Army Veterin- ary Corps. Trt ea 1 ta in English ad nary Surgeons. SROOKLIN _ Ontario HARDING' S ACID TREATMENT For Arthritls, Rheumatic Pains, Sciatica, Lumbago, Kidney Tréubles, Neuritls.- Ask MORRISON the droggist / about it. Xi'8

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