Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Feb 1939, p. 3

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"~ a -- OS ------ Shorter Hair. Coming Back Forecast of Styles For Spring; It'll: Be Much Shorter Than The Col iffures We've Been: Wearing, rs 'NEW. YORK.--You willbe infer- | -ested fu the spring forecast of hair styles, and while it may: be some- what confusing there is always the 'privilege of being individual.-. First you will find the smartest "Fifth Ayenue shops gs _well as the advanced European styles call for shorter hair, Much ghorter than we have been wearlng. It will be defi nitely oft the neck and some of the newer colffures will. be flat "and "without -waves, and the style that predominates is the 'rather large tlat ringlets all around the head. Flat And With Few Waves * While somé of the numbers wora the hair back from the forehead, there is a tendency to.a slight dip "or curl down over the left side or in the centre. - We will repeat: there seems to bo a definite urge to cut the hair quite short. From Hollywood we hear the new bulletins are-all-advising the girls to let the hair grow, as the longer and more. romantic bair-dos are on "4h n tho yay ine = Lesson 3 LESSON: VIII BEVERAGE ALCOHOL AND ITS ; SOCIAL PERILS =3 (A Social Aspect of the Liquor : . Problem) Amos 6:18; 1 Peter 2:11, 12; . 4:18, Ni Golden Text.--It is good not to RE Germany's Former Territories In the Pacific \ a flesh, nor to drink wine, mor to do anything whereby thy bro. ther stumbleth. - Rom, 14:21. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING - Time; ~-- Amos prophesied be- tween 811 and 784 B.C. Amos was a shepherd and fruit farmer of Tekoa, a small village six miles south - of = Bethlchem, Amos- was sent to denounce Is. rael's wickedness, and he went di- rectly to Bethel, which was the chief center of Israel's idolatfous practices. He preached that God was a just and righteous God, who would punish the sins of evéry na- tion and individual in_ his good time, a_fact that finds small re cognition in modern statécraft and the average life. 1. Woe to them that are at ease inZion... And to them that are eat , nor a? are NE * & GuINe LJ SE ~ e \ oN a MOA i BANOS Ld >. - TO NEW ZEALAND World-wide attention being focussed on Hitler's demand for Germany's "lost" colonies, we take a look at a map of the Pacific. Here Germany held German New Guinea, the Bismarck and Solomon West Samoa, Nauru and scattered islands of the Marshall, Caroline an Marianne groups. = Of these Nauru was the most important. It contains a mine of high-grade phosphate which has been developed under mandate. ands, slands d Great. Wealth Of ' Copper, Iron, | Tin Nations In 1937, based on an index: ot 100 as of 1929, showing Canada's comparative position in housing thus: South Africa, 279, Great Brit. ain 157, Australia 83, New Zealand 45 Sawfly Threat RO) iC Is Controlled There Is Hope of Saving Can- ada's Spruce Forests From The Menace Of Its Destruc. ~ tion, : A reasonable" hoje now appears of saving the spruce forests from destructiop by the European spruce _sawfly, the woodlands section of the Canadian Pulp and Paper As soclation was told at its conyentien, In Montreal last week. --e-Bluee-1t-wasArit discovered fn _ 1930 the tosect has damaged thous- ands of square miles of spruce for est In Eastern Canada each: year." Parasites to Combat It "The only hope of a permanent check to the outbreak still seems to lie in the establishment of ef. fective parasites," said R. E. Blach ot: the Dominion Entomological Laboratory at Fredericton, Several parasites have shown ability to combat tho sawlly but study must be mgde for several years. before' reliablo Information 13 gained of their ability, he sald. "The situation i3 much more en- couraging than-it was two yews ago," said A, B. Baird of 'the Do- minlon parasite ' laborafory at = Belleville, Ont, who told of para- sitic® work done In Canada, Brit flica, The Ursulines will. start thelr procession from their convent in the heart ot Old Quebec and the Augustinians from [Hotel Dieu, "which they administer, Natives of this anclent city, years behind convent walls, where uo contact with the outside 1s permitted, 'liglous services in big Quebec bas: many of the nuns will view scenes Vastly transformed during thelr. world - Should you only meed the white of an egg, instead of breaking the shell as usual, make a hole with a large needle in one end and drain away the white through that. Then cover the hole with-# tiny plece"of gummed paper of cose it'by just smearing a little of the white over it, and the yo will keep fresh until wanted, GETS. | Ths Curious WORLD Poems | . ARE THE PREDOMINANT' ORDER, OF THE INSECT world / THEIR. PROSPERITY IS DUE LARGELY 7D TY PROTECTION AFFORDED BY THEIR. WING Fawr WHICH ARE TRANSFORMATIONS OF WHAT WAS ONCE A! FORWARD PAIR OF rp The glamour girls of Hollywood bave never worn short hair, They all have curls about the shoulders, Ee ------------ HEARTS TO SPAKE | . secure in the mountain of Samar. ja, the notable men of the chief of the nations, to whom the house of israel come!' 2. Pass ye: unto Calneh, and. ~see.. Ard. from thence go ye to Hamath the great. Thén go down to Gath of the Philistines. Are "they better than these kingdoms? your border? If cities until recently so'flourish. ing, so far from being now "bet- ter' or more presperous than Is. taken by disaster, let Israel take waning betimes, and not rely too implicitly that iis nesent good foriene will continae to attend it, Fallen Greatness 3. Ye that.put for away the evil day. 'These peapie did sot wani ~ to think of a time coming when their 'sins would ne though down deep in their teavts they knew Such a day must ulti- -metely arrive. And- cause the - e2at of violence to come near, -~ 4, That lie upon beds of ivory. Amos now proceeds to entimerate | sonte of the vices which every one knew so tragically flourished in Is. rael, flourished even though she 'had the law in her hands and sac- rificed daily tb the God of holi- oz is their border greater than . rael and Judah, have been over- -. punished, | Is To Be Found In The North West Territories -- Province of Alberta Wishes to Extend ~ Northward, -~Tron; copper and some tin have: been found -in commercial quanti tles in the region of Great Bear Lake, Hon. W. A. Fallow, Alberta Minister of Public Works, announc- ed last week at the Alberta Social Credit League annual convention, Mr. Fallow made the announce-, ment after a discussion of efforts by Premler Aberhart to have Al _berta's northern boundary extended thing necessary for establishmgnt of .motal industries, he said. 'Extension of Alberta's boundar- es to include these new: sources of great wealth is reasonable because the outlets from these taining areas le through Alberta--either by way of Athabaska route: to Edmonton, or, eventually, by the Hay river -route through Peace River and Grande Erairle. iil 7 --Ann rh sh tine's Day. Mi "Garden of Hoarts ergy i traasure that she gardening work her © TCA. Starting Passenger Line Air Service Between Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver -Opens April 1 Trans-Canada Air Lines "will start a passenger service between Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver April 1, Transport Minister C. D. © 'Howe announced last week. The alr line hoped to extend passenger servicoito the Maritime ~~ Provinces --before--the--end-of-the-- year, the transport minister sald. . Services from Toronto to Detroit and Toronto' to Buffalo are-also un«-- der contemplation, and ft is hoped they trod be put into operation during od Steps To Ensure Safety Air_service- would-tend-to bring 39. A --{=ness,--And.stretch. themselves up- "The custom of "on their couches, reclining at the table is first men- tioned here. And eat the lambs out of the flock. This form of meat-would-no-doubt be a special delicacy with re the calves out of the midst of the stall. 'The place where they were tied up to be fatted; 'they were stall-fed. 5. That sing idle songs to the sound of the viol That in- _vent. for themselves instruments of music, like, David. ~ 6. That drink wine in bowls, And anoint themselves with the chief oils, i.c., oils of the, best kind, As a rule, fresh olive oil was used for anointing the bodies, But, they are not grieved for the effliction of Joseph. They were not sick at heart, as noble and generous natures would have been |__at the misery that awaits their 7 -- Growing 'Acute There's 'a Housing Shortage In Canada of Between 100,000 _ to 200,000 Dwellings, Says |. Architect. EE -- With Canada at the bottom of the list In construction- in- com- parison with six other countries and an acute housing shortage of between 100,000 and 200,000 homes existing, there are unlimited possi' bilities for_a ¥eturn to prosperity, by accelerating constructlon, C. A. - Fowler, prominent architect of Halifax, N.S., declared last week. Referring-to Canada's status in construction work In'. comparison "mum figure at 100,000 houses, we © $100,000,000," he sald. Home Scarcity . 8%, Untted-- States 58 France 44; Canada 38. "While South Africa wag: build: tng 279 homes In 1937 to 100 in 1929, Canada. In 1933 was building 38 homes to 100 In 1929," he con- tinued. "There are unlimited -pos- sibilities for prosperity wrapped up in the construction of between 100,000 and "200,000 homes across Canada, .Taking tho average cost of a home-at $4,000 and the mini. would have an expenditure to bal ance our economj¢ necessities of ~ . . . Gossips Will Be . . "Thrown Into Jail Bores will -be eliminated from Papua, New Guinea, if the na- tives can carry out their plans. They want to do it legally if poss: sible, but "natives are not infre-' quently done to death by a mad- dened listener because they talk too much," declares the Licuten- ant-Governor of Papua, in his an- nual report, : - The village. councillors at Abau~ have proposed a new law provid. ing that "if two or more women are found gogsiping together they © shall be arrested and put in jail "for two months:*;--'They-said-thaty the existing law against spreading | |. lying reports was not enough be- cause it punished after the "bad -talk" had done.damage, instead of before. [ or rae am, United Stateg--and--Etirope: "With the continued co-operation ot all interested parties there ap- pears to be reasonable hope of sav. ing the spruce forests from destruc. tion Ly this insect." | Gat First Sight Of Civilization In Fifty Years Next Summer For the First Time In Half a Century Que- bec Nuns Will Sce the Out- : side World, . Cloistered, some of them, for half-a-century, nuns of the Roman | Catholic Church's Ursuline and Au: gustiplan orders'-In Quebec City will see a mew and altered world next August when they participate in tercentenary - cetebratious of North America's oldest hospital -- Hotel Dieu, Quebec," Kept within convent confines by their own vows, the nuns will re- ceive a special dispensation for the ancient institution's anniversary, to be observed from Aug. 27 to Sept. 3. ie For Oldest Hospital's Anniversary In their first public appearance since they forsook the world, the. sober-garbed sisters "will form a; procession and walk through Que- bee's narrow, winding streets to re "Are You . : By FREDDIE TEE Listening ? B _*- WHY DOES A CHICKEN--? Six hundred varfations of the old chicken gag lurk fn' the eatensive country, Put Amos into modern English, and he is denouncing tlie -- heartlessness of --wéalth, refine- ment, art, and. culture, which has -no ear for the complaining of the |_ poor, and no eyes to sec either the sorrows or sins around it; or |: -the lowering cloud that is ready to "burst in tempest. att--sections--of--the 5 together, and he thought it would "go a long way" toward cementing « batter feelilg among people of those sectiops, He emphasized ev. ery precaution would be taken: to ensure the safety of passengers in. T.C.A. planes, - ji Canadian Cow - Top Producer Of Butterfat 16:Year-Old Ayrshire Owned By Macdonald. College I ye Chaos I Macdosiald Dorothy a 16-yenr-old Ayrslilre cow owned by Macdonald 'College of Ste, Aune de Ballevue,: _ Que; has been proclaimed world's chamblon_ Ayrshire butterfat pro ducer;----the -- Canadian Ayrshire Breeders' Association announced last week, ; ! Record Lifetime Production Starting. her present: and. 10th lactation period last Jine 15, Mac: 'donald Dorothy in the subsequent 216. days produced 11,652.9 pounds milk, 651.49: pounds; buttertat, Add. ed to her previous production fig: ~~ ures her total production {8 7,003.49 pounds. of' butterfat from 165,633.9 pounds of milk in 3,480 milking days, a record lifetime production. Ardgowan Valda, of rthe Glen Campbell. tarms of Dundas, Ont, {3 world's 'Ayrshire champion in'one lactation; giving Canada two cham... + plon Ayrshire producers. Reason for Abstinence Four reasons. for abstaining from fleshly sins, I Peter 2:11, 12; 4:1, 11. Beloved, I beseech you as_sojourners and pilgrims, To abstain from fleshly lusts, Travel. lers in a strafie land, yet more in the land of .gnemies, do not-care. commonly to adopt all its cus- toms. They retain their nation- ality, The phrase "fleshly lusts' takes in -a)l desires that originate in man's nature, as well as those directly connected: with the appe- tites of the body. Lust:is appetite run wild, There is no harm in any natural appetite considered in.it- self, 'Which war against the soul. The 'soul herd stands as the en- tire spiritual nature of man. -- 12, Having your behavior seem- ly among the Gentiles; that, .- wherein they speak' agamst you as evil-doers, Even: in the 'earliest days: of the. Christian church fol-- "lowers of - Christ- were often ac cused of the foulest érimes with great injustice and: without a shred of evidence. They may be your goot. works, which they behold, Jlosify God in the day of visita- on, -I Peter 4:1, Forasmuch then as Christ suffered in the flesh, arm ye yourselves 'also with the sane "mind; for he that hath suffered:in the flesh hath: ceased from sin, Seck ye first the kingdom of Gad and his rightousness, That .was the mind of the Master, He sought " his gratificatioris in thc eternal, The flesh may have its desires; --but the ¢leansed heart will refuse to yield to them, --and was accepted for his first {m- portant-role five years later. eo FRANCHOT--TONE COPR. 1237 BY NEA SCAVCE INE DIRECTLY FROM _ THE suN/ MOST OF IT COMES FROM THE EARTH'S SURFACE, WHICH IS WARMED BY THE SUN'S RAYS 4.24 THE atmosphere 1s too transparent to catch much of the: sun's warmth. Most of the sun's heat passes through to the carth's sur. face. where it is reflected back to warm the air. eat x = Winter Sport Answer to Previous Puzzle. HORIZONTAL 20 A 3 a 1 Devices used [STAIRTATHLIBIE[R RIDITI 71 Those gi in a winter ip ENBICIVIR|1IO A lear ; sport pictured EIN R ) Sara. i Beak: Els TiAl TIES EID]! 24 Skaters com- | ~ 6They are X LELO pete in the runners TIA T SARAH DIE(N|T! T games. fitted to shoes [iT TAY: GIA RI1IN] 28 Battering RITTALS : 13 Net weight of Ie 'RlG BERNARDI A "~zmachine. a container. My Ak, Lt -29° Roof point all olit. © |EIA Pll --. covering: : A a BOI RE J N LIK, 30 Prefix mzan- 17 Meadow" [I OITIA S|OIRITISEHA[S[EIA WE Fn A 18 Common FIRIAINIC TIHIE[AITIE oi liquid. 10 Eggs of fishes VERTICAL 3 Skillet. 19 Nothing. 41 Uppermost. = 1 Street. 33 Form of "be. 20 Without gear. 46 Afternoon 2 Cabbage 35 War flyer. - 22 Combining meal. plant. 38 Marked with form mean- 48 Fold of 3 Region. - spots. ing solid. 'thread. 4 Drop of eye 42 Puddle. 25 Before. 49 Imbecile. fluid. 43 Fustic tree. .- 26 Lion. 53 Dress. 5 Drains. 44 To unclose. 27 Amphithe- ater cenfers. 55 Pertaining - 54 Native metal. 45 Flour boxes. 46 Balsam. 6 Witticisms. to _ 7To piece out. 'RE ugar Ya Io po TI EE eo i -- NG TT fom, Mom «|| ORINK THis FoMY. | WILL YOU KINDLY; fo, JUS FOUND THIS: it NHEAD'S, GOTTA HAVE 3) | YouiL FEEL BETTER MN INFORM-ME WHAT BOAT: IN_OLEARYS _ ~ 13 seven 'poLtars o> IN_A MINUTES YOU NEED' LASHCAN AN'I NEED, "= Mh. RIGHT AWAY, GIN yA TTY ELEVEN DOLLARS © A BOTTLE OF. -- Cr = FORP ~~ .| * CHAMPAGNE . ho. 7 Yoless © Yo CHRISTEN IT: with other countrles, he cited fig- repertoire -of Al Bernard, one of " Franchot Tone, the popular movie 32 Wages. sound. Saneie. 41 00hes ures prepared by the League of | the few romalnlag ifnstrels, who and stage. star who. currently fs 34 Fowl. 56 Beer J Sina 31 Musical note. : IY Is heard with his mergy men on the PTET 3 appearing in the 35 ABzinative ug A 1 io 52 Sprite. : - 'olumbia network ev. "riday af: r " 9) "vote. -- J . I Peter 4:2, 3. 2, That ye no a AL Cpe i | prosaway proc 36 Branch. has been pop- 12 Court. 53 Fait 5 Tonger should Tive the Test of your; "5isT). Steeped In the tradi: | poops ans a] -- 31 High rank. ularized by 15 Flower Yoo time; in. the flesh to the lusts of ~viwey tong of his birth ' 39 Fiber knots. Sonja Henie: i speech. men, but to the will of God. The a 5 guest star of the - more continually we submit to the | 4 place, New Or Kate Smith Var- (EF ©) : will of God, theless powerful will Jepass Bernard fety Hour over . s be tha fascination of the things - has written more { the Columbia net- . of the flesh. than 350 songs in work on Thurs- 3, For the time past may suffice ne 2 hstial ya Mig 2 i "Ww I v a ha r erm: . 3 & 3 -C S, Hy = * " , ® iste a jeg ais many original | {6 9.00 poi, ES. - 2 the desire of the Gentiles. He folig---tineg fronts Fe)r-Wiith Sua pleads here with his readers to their sources. His Sydney and Elfas 75 recognize the fact that they have outstanding suc: ] Kazan who also - wasted enough of their lives in cess was the re Franchot Tone are members of 7 128° fleshy indulgences. And tu' have cording of "St. | the cgst of "The Gentle People" he, walked in lasciviousness. Lusts, Louls Blues" In| did an_excerpt [rom that play. : inebibbings. Revellings. And 1019, with more --0-- abominable idolatries. 2 Al Berna than 20,000,000 NEW MOTOROLA 4. Wherein they think it stranga | copies of the disc "sold" §ince "his Rogers-Majestic -are-announcing a that ye run not with them into | M's! rendition: : an assortment of six new Motorola the same excess of riot, speaking ins auto radio models, at sensational eo -evil of you, Every Christian who low prices for 1939. Four of these rll : 6 is really striving to live a godly IF. AT FIRST models are automatic push-button life has experienced the laughter It you cherish the job of being a tuning and a special "Boost-o-mat- i and ridicule and mockery of the radio actor, don't lat the first set. ic" Aerial which boosts reception ungadly. world. back throw you. . Karl Swenson, 15 times stronger In dead points. ; 5 5. Who shall give account to who plays the title role In tlie popu- These will be on display shortly at him that is.ready to judge the liy-- lar Lorenzo Jones series on NBC, all Majestic; DeForest Crosley and a ing and the dead. | gavo his first radfo audition in 1929 Rogers dealers, AN \ | . il 0% a - ; « ; G'LAR FELLERS---The Proper Thing By GENE BYRNES marl es 3 = J | ¥ CAAALL PLANT WHICH MAKES : Fy UP THE GREEN CRUST A 3 OFTEN.SEEN ON POOLS, Z- W SINKS TO THE BOTTOM ALR. : ) IN AUTUMN, AND RISES GETS Bu) 2 TO THE SURFACE AGAIN pd i THE FOLLOWING SPRING : Oo : WARMTH x. Bs { | A a Pm

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