Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Feb 1939, p. 6

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« . scious; Hazen Sise, architect, told sible to avoid concentrating on So. Tt stands to reason that no mat. mands, , RSET PY art students in Montreal last week, these two foci. of the world's at: $0 ter how good the management is, FALL Froltetur sone 4 J vee duping ah Hidstrated-teeture om WIC | {ontion, if we are. to understand THE MORE, THE MERRIER .results cannot. be got if the birds 8. wou 1B ¥ 3 i ] 4 AN 4 Jie oh LA ae a hE SRA Ll wid 4h ; i H ! * EE a --_. LE _. ,,L = 2 Photography Aids Art Appreciation Architect Urges Young Folks to - Take Up Camera Study to Develop Artistic Talents, The craze for amateur photo- graphy which has swept the coun- try in recent years has aided fn making lhe nation wore art rcon- Mr. Sise was speaking.on-behalf of the National Committee, for Art Appreciation, which in co- 'operation with certain newspapers, is launch- ing a coutinent-wide campaign to awaken interest in art by the-dis- tribution af inexpensive reprints of fanious misterpieces. °° News Parade By Elizabeth edy PRINCIPLE OF THE THINK: We tried hard to, but we just couldn't make it, Leave Hitler and Musso- lini out of our column this week, we mean. You'll forgive this time, ho doubt + , . it's impos- EA what the présent international evi. «js is all about, and where the next one is coming from ob he French newspaper "LE po- que' *.went phophetic (?) last week in 'a whimsiéal way. It published an imaginary dialogue between the Nazi and Fascist dictator They Are lnvertigating the "Cavalier" Disaster EE EE EE EE EE VOICE OF THE. PRESS Bt IT'S THE FARMER WHO PAYS Many farmers are feeding the ters may have a good day's shoot next autumn. And their farms must be invaded toa.--8t. Cathar- ines Standard, Is 'it not 'time that. Ci'prva in: augurated a_new policy of bring~ ada? We can never solve a lot of our problems without more -peo- ple.--L ondon Free Pro. mere To THINK, AND BE HAPPY. pheasants in order that the hunt. * ing selected immigrants into Can- Selection of Poultry Breed Choosing Best Type--Depends On Strain And Management A subseriber who Intends to. start keeping poultry" wants to know what is the best breed.-The ° fact is there is no best breed, Ev. erything depends on the strain and 'the managément. are infexior, either In° strain or stamina. solutely essential at all fimes and most difficult to secure. . Healthy Birds Essential he purchasing the nucleus of a- "fock; a visit should be paid to the favm where the 'stock is being Healthy' birds are: ab-. by the Leagué of Nations and the governments of several nations, fn. cluding Canada. Eating Habits of Canadlans In these studies emphasis Is pliced 'on the desirability of = greater consumption of protective foods stich as meat, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, Should 'consumption of these foods 'in- - crease in any 1 marked degree farm- ers would be called upon to pro- | duce more of them and. Jess ol cer- eals in order to meet consumer de." greater revenue for farmers gener- ally as such foods bring higher prices. It might. also Involve changes in farming and marketing methods and in the values of dif- ferent types of farm lands. ¢ The economics dlvision of the. "marketing service of the Dominion Department of Agriculture has giv- Photography, develops a fecling Hitler: "As goon as Franco wins A thought for the moment when bought and every observation giv- tudy to the eating habits' for form which is the first essen in Spain we'll pull a 'second Mu- you just can't bear to hear an: en to the health of the main stock. on Oe udy > 4S ane with " - tial for- all artists, Mr. Sise-said, nich? other word about the state of Eu- In selecting a breed, considera- o tu ni ho Y ! les He urged the students lo take up Mussolini: "Without wasting a rope: Snowdrops "and primroses 1 tion 'must be given to the 'space bs Yioy hs hn ne btain si photography as an aid in develop: minute, Adolf." and first crocuses in the black available. If space is limited, b : gt Ju Siig Bi Hpin) nd ing thelr talents. . ) Hitler: "And here's how you do carth--and thefi, in a little while, then a light breed will be the most Li oa A v in ST - Form, color and the ability it: you mass 500 planes behind the . buttercups and daisies in the suitable and they will be kept for fe Ra striputors In p darinenieg yin Ja sar > 4 ! Pyrences, 500 scaplanes and 30 grass.-- Vancouver Province. cgg production alone. More space |=" usingss, h 0 please {ne eyo walo rely submagines in the Balearics, 500 Lo is desirable for heavy breeds, AT i the true sense and feelings of Sens seaplanes in Spanish® Morocco, Af- OBSOLETE APPOINTMENTS. which may be kept for the supply Ss The a papglation, of ever is reproduced were held the "ter that you tell Daladier you of table birds at the same time. outhwes rica, a former colony a main essentials in a masterpicee, » the speaker believed. "want Djibouti--" i Tunisia?" . "No, told vou a hundred times that.you must go slowly at The beginning. It's tlie principle that counts." SURE THING: Take our word for it, or leave it--there's going to be "another Munich," this spring be- fore the ice goes out, I've Capts vin Go orge C, Pirie, air attache of the British Embassy, is shown in a New York hotel questioning Captain M. L. Alderson, RIGIFT, who was in charge of the flying bodt Cavalier when it. plunged into the At- lantic ocean between New York and Bermuda, aster which claimed three investigation into the di Pirie is in charge of the lives. © = * "These -_nicipal practi nent of a pound-keeper to serve Ridgetown, Ont:, although the ap- pointee has never been called up- on to place an animal in pound for 20° years. Almost in the category must be the.individual who is still, we understand, Brock- _ville's oflicial: _fence-viewer- irockville Recorder and Times GOD SAVE "THEY KING. - A good example of obsolete mu-- i re-appoint same. of Germany, is now estimated at Dietary Changes Affect Farming Trends In Diet of Consumers Have Direct Bearing on Ag- I ----ricultyre--0Ottawa Keeps Tab to Give Tips to Grower: Inereasing attention pald to dle 80,000, including 21,000 South: Africans, 6,000 Germans who are naturalized British subjects, and "8,000 unnaturalized Germans. Lae La Hache is now frozen solid, but snow has ruined the -- usual glassy surface 'necessary in sport: "INVENTIONS WILD LIFE: A. scheme to pur- oy i dictators, don't forget, ans chase and maintain a wild life Wolves Ave Seen are primarily - actors," - he said. ' Lt 3 a: poor eilebtion a tary habits by medica) and public ""WANTE We - have Leen sanctuary in the Bruce Peninsula "They get their effects by the art Sur eddeaiion, and oil paltiolish bealth authorities may foreshadow Ing inventions, Sageessinny sel. 1 as advocated by Dr. W. Sherwood Fox; president of the University of Western Ontayio has been turn- cil down by the Federation of On- tario Naturalists. The would have had to finance the en- terprize out of théir own personal pockets, [t is urged by Dr, Fox that an 1.500-acre area be set aside in the Iruce Peninsula for the preserva- tion of a number of rare plants-- the naturalists can't afford it, pere Raps the Government can, At- tention Department of Mines and Resources. AT WAR OR NOT: In the course of a fiery speech last week before the House of Commons, Georges Heon, Conservative M.P, for Ar- genteuil, demanded the calling of a general election" to whether Canada should automatic ally go to Great Dritain's aid in members decide In Brant County Deer, Partridge, Beaver, Are Also In 'Evidence In South- ern Qntario. . = . » Four wolves, three large and one small, reported seen a few. days ago on the farm of William Hutch- inson in Blenheim Township near Princeton, Ont,, owe their freedom "to assistance from the weatherman. Fearheller, working on the farm, told his employer that hé had seen the four wolves in a field. Mr. Hutchinson believed his employee had geen police dogs and had nis. taken them for wolves. Later Mr. Hutchinson was driving a team when he also saw the-wolves and was convinced they were not dogs. They approached so close he feared" they might attack his horses. He raced "thie team to ihe barn safety, for | of the actor." + And So Are'Salesmen Today in our - publie schools, and by means of special courses, yvoung-men are taught how to com: mand audiences--but not "for the purpose of becoming actors. Far poses, putting over the selling the customers. If they have a first-rate talent they have an un. limited field before them. If they will Advertise" 'No. 7 Highway -As Tourist Route' For Visiting States' Travellers On i To Winter Fair [Executive of the No. 7 Association" at a meeting in To- from it--for more important pur big deal, ES. SEE Highway. that not very often do we hear "God Save the King" rectly. are not, perhaps, blessed with any- thing- approaching a great piece of done cor- to sing "THE" King, wheré w rit- tem, inctead of "OUI "all the way thrclugh. -----Drantford Expositor, COMPULSORY INSURANCE 'As ihe law stands, a car owner ii i ¢ 3 wild orchids, pitcher plants and 5 } have only second-rato--talent--they--{--i3-tinder--no obligation to take out I od other botanical species now Peter Porter, district game aver- go on the stage." insurance until after-he has had ; threatened with externiination. If seer, '(old of the incident. Fred an accident; then hé cannot get a | license until he has. This. is. like locking tha stable after the horse be compeiled to take out" insur- ance at the same time that he ac- quires a car it is the' owner of the used--and sometimes very much used--car Tar The groater--the- freed for in=~ surance.-- St. nal. . LIK] Ww at is an ibex? An 'fbex is the In that familiar piece we ~ music, but at least we could learn has been stolen. If anysne-shonld--|- And the cheaper the Thomas Times-Jour- jmportant new trends In farming. Such at least is the view of some agricultural economists who are following with "interest the{dietary and nutrition studies undertaken' Ch a ented, since you have: a sound, ica) invention for sale, write us immediately. ; Chartered Institute of Amnericon Inventors, Dept. 37-Ik. Washington. D.€ ROLL YOUR OW N "BETTER CIGARETTES: ronto last week decided to ask ey: ~ --ery-municipality-between Point Ed- }* back 'of the 'book where you look ward, Sarnig. Ottawa, Pembroke | fOr UNINgS you can't-find: and Montreal to consider a co-op- Thought To Be Police bof Taving no gum --avaitahie,--~Mr-- Hutchinson borro¥ed one from a . neighbor, but darkness had set In any wat. Sait-Mr Hoon "Sir Wilfrid Laurier propound- ed the policy that when. Britain is N memorials to the late King George take part must be a war in which | sighted. Partridge have become ford, said the highway mest qualify rely i ith: : v F: e 1 whoop- -_ V and Queen Mary, and the pic- Something better than sentiment, | numerous, Mr. Porter said, in the his year as one of the main roAds TY vo ture shows Sir Willidm Goscombe | nctuated by propaganda, is at | South Dumfries preserve. - In the bringing United States™ visitors 'in? hours at a height of more than 3 John, sculptor of the statues, at ["stake. It must be a war that vicinity Bf Scotland, where beaver | to the province on their way to New two miles above Berlin, Ger- LTE i land, this July, the: Duke and Duchess of Kent will-unveil giant work on the one of the king in his London studio. . <i square has recently been posted as Mayor A. T. Claxton, Lindsay, 1 i . i . Pondense iM iin gh Bo rn preserve. : Reeve George West, Madoc, and J. 42 Jisading Sa idan, came 2 E 74 3 diate vital concern 'to all of us." T. Swphenson; Allsa Craig, © were - A Ih Je ee i ! y ; N d. S, " Commonsense? thei clected directors cf the association. One of the doctors, a director AG " 3 ee eed Tests talk?" Tak 3B tA to « N t TI : of the. district health insurance / : ake your pic e8 CLOK8 oOt-- bureau, said the. children all v For Good Crops ~No Matter - How. Favourable Growin Con chase of raw materials abroad. . | Seed a Be dito rs * Up to now, subsidized exports Britisher, Says They're In : i hs have provided enough foreign cur- Politics or: Business, Witness hire Of Producing Str ng Plants... Yields of a .consigarable extent on soil and favorable balance of trade. In ad- |" on the stage nor in Ilollywood; but / 3 4 climatic conditions, but, no matter | ¢ition, the annexation of Austria | are tii politics or business, Sir Ced- Rs ar a = ; 7 ; ; how favourable are the. growing -- and the Sudetenland.-make. for. ric. Hardwicke, British -- star--of-- a = - ink lL. : . , conditions, the 'crop cannot be good cign-exchange needs even more "Shadow and Substance," sald in Lay iu A ig ES 15 a ond is Macing in essential desperate. an interview last week. " Ef % id qualities. Seed must be Vital, cap- ------------ : Sir Cedric said Garrick, one of 3 ¥ "able of producing. strong vigorous the most famous actors In stage 2 i) ; hs 2% hy Any should belong té a var- "ce Harvest - history, would not bother with the -- ee i i ) 3 fety suitable to' the condition . TR theatre if he were alive today. In. ~ ot : X ed aT 7 : s un ; % hagas ee -- 8 i 4 der "which itis grown, Vitality, Farmer May Reap It From His stead of swaying hundreds in the : 5; ; i 5 variety, purity, and freedom from Own Ponds And Streams-- | theatre, he would be a dictator ex- + LAr A ; ul pi AL a hay diseases are among the qualities in Free From Contamination erting his spell over thousands and Yo LOW | mg. iden a DE i ) seeds studied and tested * | hundreds of ti 1 LABLL ' } : ; di and tested by labora. J, iindreds of thousands. 3 "An' | never thought she looked a day over th: rity? 1g: ho1's, The ice harvesting season for- ' : > Testing Removes More Hazards . » h = i The final purpose of making a test 13 to deternrine the value of sced for planting, and "the system has been developed to-ald the far- mer in avoiding some of the haz --81ds-of-crop production by furnish: {ug all possible information. Seed testing has, made *strides in Canada duoving the ent century. rapid pres: The first seed labora- doy -in-the-Dominion-was- opened Ps--wre-depenaent to | -~rency to buy vital imports. ~conlai take part in any war. is that any war threatens our very liberty, inde- THE WEEK'S QUESTION: Why is Germany's financial situation desperate? Answer: Germany has no foreign exchange for the pur- But this year the Reich's exports have What I say.' in which we do County and in that section of Ox- ford County where the wolves were are numerous, an area two miles Found. On Stage Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Eminent z - The Dictators. at war Canada is at war, and . Prime Minister Mackenzie Fo by that time and nothing could he | erative proposal for advertising the -- 3 3 op g fghway. as a tourist route for =H 'has reaffirmed this . . . I do accomplished. h During a visit to Liverpool, Eng- sot infer that we should never Deer are still being seen In rant Punad stores 1favelics on, toy Airplane Ride way to the New York World's Fair. Mayor Thomas E. Henry, of Strat- "York. Cures Cough many, last week, and, according More than 19,000 runners par- ticipated in Russia's, recent cross- conpry contests. fell asleep in the rarefiec atmos- phere. FET RWAY GOW, INCUrTing an un- tonately comes at a time when there is the least work on the farm for men and teams,-and con- sequently "the actual money cost "ix uspally not -very great. Water for the ice supply should "be entirely free from contamina. tion or pollution. Ponds and slug- gish streams usually have grass and weeks growing in them, so that the ice harvested is likely to ? etable matter, which is First rate actors today are not By L. Frank Baum fn Ottawa in 1502, and since that alwa ignable, They should" time labigratorics have been cstab- thepdfore Wh thoroughly cleared of Tished ot Sackville, N15: Montreal, suth growthg before the ice has : PO; Toromo. Ont: Winnipeg, formed. ) J Man.: Saskatoon, Sask.: Calgary, Filling the leeyHouse\ \ ~Altas: gud Vanconver, B,C. In ad- A dubic foot of ice weighs about dition to these, a laboratory for seed research has been started fn Ottawa, and "already considerable progres has been made, fee. 57 polynds, so in storing ice it-is ry to allow from 40 to 60 cubic feet per ton for the-mass of " any 'given ice house will hold, ooked at (innk jeep ZAt least 12 ipches must be. : ait iE ; od . ; . % TEARS Lid left, between the ice and the wall ELL LLL RS Anheared from the v "Have you become tired of living, © With all his knowledge and brav- i e AL) i Eeremeiy r % alld Huge like. trout can be seen of the building for insulation, ui- IR hE 1 hind Fs. bore + then? he asked. "No, Indeedy!" ery, General Guph did not know that hoop. . haxt natant ; . [> i - through the' ice. Frightened by |. less the ice house has permanently R- brass hoop. He glared at erie Suph, wali A Chief AH steady (EAT. ftom, the bas Ao ih ne id "oi n the skating forms: over them, the insulated walls and an. unusually Ja I ae Sve any General of King Rugiedo' Fi reat 1 - "surely as If they had been put' nts up 2 AR a trout imran ily around --| BEE SPACE fot ihnlaion beneath HO SR i JE La SRR RR Chased exhausted into shallow and above the Ice, From these fora fiat Es. ad Jan, Th jor ec AO 80 hi xno to Hive « 1ong tims ' to hls own eyes, nor could ne guess wore, on, upon. him. The Firs Fer eas shore theif prs anc Beece 1b Bene et | RS SAP RE CRC hh CEL po SHARE Ia caught by chopping a hole jn_the readily tHe quantity of ice that cama Hare af hi Swi (1 ai na will teil you of the b big favo V% that had ever béen built by magle Ja 0} AR d, "ape ak oit bes Sar : : : ot { am about to do tor youu. power, oI strangle you, .-~ * I -

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