I LT A Ri Re REST £ iy ¢ [5 y 7 +7 H hi AEE a 7 de i Heated Corn Crib Checking Your Eskimo Igloos Deer Hae Hern . Husbands Hate eda vi Keeps S Seed Well Light System Non-Existent | | © Like a Unicorn Foolish Habits How Can 12 . wn 1" Servey of a Large Number oF x Considerable speculation is rife 'in White Russiin circles in Paris as to the reason for the Christmas visit of Grand Duke Vladimir, ABOVE, pretender to the throne of all the Russias, to Berlin, As- tute observers believe it within the bounds of possibility that Vladimir may be offered the throne of a new Ukrainian nation. hacked partly from: Poland and _ partly from Russia, is said to be a. part -- an important part -- of * Reichsfuehrer Hitler's plans for "drang nach osten'" (drive to the east). Says Middle Ages Much Less Cruel Prominent Criminologist from Europe Declares Present- Day Dictators Qutdo ' the Dark Ages The darkest Middle Ages would ~ be slandered by comparison with - present-day dictatorships, Dr. Rus- tem Vambery, . elderly "scholar, said on return York last week from Europe for a lecture tour after 30 years' ab- sence. "The Middle Ages were not eo crue] as are. the dictators. The dictators have gone farther back to Sach-an-independent--(2)nation;--f-- Hungarian _ to New - Used During "Corie Season, A Kingsville Farmer Thinks the System Will Pay for Itself To protect his seed-corn from * frost damage during the perlod/it , is belng cured, Howard R. Sellers, Kingsville, Ont,, district farmer, has developed anew type ope erik, y "which quickens the curing ap "plied heat, : ! The crib, of large aud unique strycture, 1s equipped with air-con: ditloning through two coal furnaces and 'electrically- fanned alr. The - structure was planned by Mr. Sel lers with the help of WV. W. Lennox, head of the department, of agricul: ture seed branch at Toronto. Protects Against Frost Bullt last year, the crib warrant. ed its expensa of $700 for building in the first season by producing the seed corn that tested 99 per cent, germination, Using the ¢rib for the second time, this fall, Mr. Sellers' belleves that it will pay for itself within ten years.. + Ww hat Science + Is Doing * * SEEDLESS MELON A seedless watermelon has been developed by a 27-year-old Chin- - ese graduate student at Michigan State College. This young scientist éxplained elimination of the seeds was_ accomplished by the use of growth-promoting hormones in dilute acids. --o-- SEEING IN THE DARK. 'A new use has been found for- cod liver oil--drink it and you 'can see at night. like_p- caty; At least that is the result of ex: periments of Dr. Margaret Cam-- mak Smith; nutrition chemist of the University -of Arizona, in at- tempting to cure 'night blind- ness," a peculiar condition that develops in the eye from a lack of. I ation of "pigment. purple!" : Faulty Wiring is At All Times Dangerous Careful check should be made of the light and power equipment in a new home or in modernizing an existing house. In the case of old dwellings, such a check is "doubly recommended, (The origin- | 'al installations may have become " worn or damaged, T he services of .'a competent electrician should be employed to avoid mistakes which might prove costly and hazardous. A wiring system, if permitted to "remain néglected, may prove to be a dangerous fire hazard, "Life On Mars" Says Scientist, H. G. Wells, Edgar Rice Bur- roughs, and other writers of fan- tastic tales about among the Martians, have been vindicated by Dr. Knut Lundmark, director of the Lund Observatory in -Sweden. There is life on.Mars, declares Mars,' but on some of the other adventures --:and_not only on | planets. "If matter is uniformly * distributed," he says in 'Sky", "and other worlds are built in the same way. as ours, then, phil- osophically speaking, it is incon- ceivable that ours should be the only one on which there is life." Glacier Priest Declares Also the Most Natives Avoid Holly: wood System of Wife-Swap- : ping Exploding "misrepresentations of dglacler "pries aid the "only igloo in Alaska was a Hollywood fmpor- tation, and quoted the Eskimo film actor, Mala, as saying "there is more wife trading in Hollywood than there {8 among the Eskimos. "1 have travelled from the Cana- dian border to the polar reglons," sald the Internationally - known Je. "sult explorer, "and the only Igloo 1' found was one erected by Ilolly- wood for a movie. "There ate igloos in Labrador, but Alaskan Eskimos have to read about them In American geogra- phies." Films and books depicting the Eskimo as a "wife-trader," he said, were "unfair" to the Eskimo, since the "wifestrader 1s the exception and not the rule," ~ The Jesuit who described clvill- kimbo life," Bernard Hubbard, the | ROE serpin The heraldic unicorn exists, or did. North Sydney (N.8.) residents were treated to a spec taclée when they saw the body of a one-horned beast lashed to Captain Chesley Anderson's car._ By all the laws of nature "it shouldn't even have -had one . The dde, for such itf was, had a small horn growing from the side of its forehead as'if-it had started to grow a set of antlers and then gave up the idea. The branch was only half grown. and the points, little more than knobs, were covered with the moss usually found on a deér's antlers early in ithe year. Thirty Years Ago _ Can You' Realize That in the' "Good Old Days" Nobody Wore a Wrist Watch? ' The Kitchener Record has a long Hat-of-tht that-h 4 did Men Shows It's the Little + Things That Are Most Irri- tating A survey was recently' made among a large number of American husbands, says Julia Martla in _"Buccesstul Living", The questions asked were about the habits or traits that frritated and just what each one would like to have chang: ed In his partner. . One of the questions asked was this: "Has your wife any habits to which you object?' Forty-five men sald "No" or "Nothing serious," while the rest of them made more than a hundred complaints on the subject of various habits, Those Mannerlsms Eighteen of the men. objected to some physical habit or mannerism, or something connected with dress- ing, washing, and so forth. So many of these traits are laughably trivial, but somehow (heir constant repe- tition at closo range gets under the skin. Snoring for example, thal's ono of the objections; and It can get on a person's nerves with con a od BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can | soften putty in a window frame? A. By stirring (together two lbs, ui sarsoda; one' Ait CPOUnNG ITO, in one gallon of hot water, Apply while still warm to both 'sides of the glass and let it remain for 12, hours, The glass can then be remov- ed without cutting. The amount 'ot solution . given 1s sufficient for a number of windows. Q. How can 1 keep brass articles from tarnishing? A. A bed or other articles of brass will not tarnish, and frequent pol- {shing will be avoided, if the brass 1s lacquered with gum shellac dls. solved In alcohol. Apply with a - smal] brush. ) Q. How can | have smoother: cheese when grating it for sauces? A. Chese used for sauce or mac. aron] will be smoother If it is run through the food chopper instead of sation as '"'chisellzation," sald he would ba glad to get back to the territory of the King Islanders on the Bering Sea, "where for 50 years there never has been a murder, and never a sulclde, and where gossip is unknown, even among the wo: men." Mosquito 'Weight Champions Stage Exhibition Bout '. | Boy Chefs Cater the Stone Age. The only language they understood is the mailed fist", declared the noted: criminologist who tormerly lectured --at Cam- bridge and Oxford Universities. Outstanding among Hub, berals, Dr. Vambery in"the past was responsible for many legal and fo judicial reforms. He ls-a noted his. torlan and famous for his wit. gary's ie | NY, Tast week: "For Own Dinher LONDON, Ont.--Using veg- | etables grown last summ the school garden and 'pick es, | relishes and fruit cake of their own manufacture, the members of the senior boys' vocational class at Ealing School served Christmas dinner to several friends and school officials Dec. 21. The boys cooked the meal, set the table, served dinner and afterward washed the dishes. During the past year they grew _potatoes, corn, peanuts, radish-. es, beets, carrots, peanuts, to- matoes, lettuce and onions. They canned the beets, made mustard pickles, tomato juice and chili sauce, which were served as part of the Christmas dinner. a vitamin A substance. ' : The blindness can be- corrected in children by use of cod liver oil, Dr. Smith says. som Ge CARBON, FUEL' FO | Discovery that carbony the stuff . that makes coal, .is the source of "the heat of the su ed at Cornell University, Ithaca, Aas announc- | on earth man burns only the' outside of the carbon atom.. In the sun this atom's nucleus "burns". The nucleus gives many million times more heat than the PTI Mining Is Harder Farther North Operation Costs in Yellowknife District, * for - Instance; Are 309% Higher Than in Ontario' - Despite Inherent difficulties of development, 'the new gold mining field of Ydllowknife at-the east end of Great Slave Lake in the North- west Territories hag a bright fut ure. Dr. Charles Camsell, deputy- minister of mines - and 'resources told the Ottawa branch of the En- gineering Institute of Canada. The three chief problems are transportation, power and fuel, the deputy minister, who visited the fleld this summer, told the engin- _eers. Yellowknife lies about 800 miles from Edmonton by air and is about 600 miles from Waterways, Gasoline 49¢ A Gallon . Operation costs, he judged, would be about 30 per cent. higher than ~. similar mining in Northern Ontario. r. Canigoll belleved Yellowknife ore wonld have to assay about halt an ounce of 'gold a ton to be profit. ably mined. There Is very sparse forest In the area and all available wood is need- \Y 2 for bullding and mining and could not be used! for fuel, At pre- sent of}'1s, brought by barge across the ke. nd Aerves both as~fael and for power at a cost of'28 cents | i, gallon, Gasoline costs about 49 cents A gallon, Fifty invalids in ambulances 'ined, a pilgrimage of 500 from fast to a famous shrine Xaoek, Northern Ireland, - How the sun can give so much heat without burhing up has been one of the great puzzles of science. Scientists find that its size and heat are not even diminishing over "millions of years. ode Modern : Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. On what sized bill, when din- ing, is one supposed fo apply. the "ten per cent." rule? 2. Should a man always rise a) an introduction? 3. Whose name comes first when a man and his - wife sign thei 'names to Christmas cards? 4. Is it rude for. a person to be: gin putting on his wraps before the last curtaln falls at the theatre? 5. When a bride has no parens or near relatives, who should be "asked to "give her away"? 6. What should one say when one wishes to be excused from the table before the others have finished eat- ing? ANSWERS 1. When the bill amounts to $2.60 or more; When the amount is less than this, the tip may be 10c, 15¢, 20¢, or 25v, just as one wishes. 2. Yes, regardless of whether he is being introduced to a woman or. a man, and regardless of age. 3. Whenever the titles Mr. and Mrs. are used together ay a name the Mr, comes first, 4. Yes, it 1s rude and Inconsider ate, If it is absolutely necessary to leave before the final curtain, pro- bably to catch a cerlain train, one . should leave as quickly and quietly ' as possible, and then put on the wraps at the back of the theatre. 6. An old friend of he family, per haps a-¢lose friend of her father. , 6, "Win you excuse me, p please?' VMN Ny Clean etal candlesticks per- manently by painting them with a colorless lacquer after thoroughly cleaning them. Or, it you Jike, rub a little olive oll over them after "cleansing -- this will keep them bright for some time, Treat' metal ashtrays in the samo way. | frst of its kind 41 Ireland, a coffee van will provide noi tal ¢holie drinks at country fairs 'as part of the temperance movement. » Hat-of-thingsthat-happened-or-did not happen thirty years ago and most of the {lems certainly can be interpreted In terms of progress for the present day. Here are the thought provokers: Nobody wore white shoes, Most young" men had "livery bills. a Farmers came to town for thelr mall The heavens were not full of man-birds. . Nor the seas alive with under- water boals,. The hired gir! drew one- fifty a week and was happy. 'The butcher "threw in" of llver. The merchant "threw fn" a pair of suspenders with every suit, Nobody "listene a in" on_tho tele- phone. Straw stacks stead of baled. : Publishing a country newspaper was not a business; it was a duel ing game. The safely razor had not Intro- a chunk were burned In. watant repetition as well as belng jgnored by the use of a little will power, or, better still, corrected by a slight operation. Several -men sald the only habit they objected to was the habit of biting the . inger-nails when tense or norvous. Others sald their wives kept pat ting their halr to see that it was fn- order, or kept running thelr hands through ft. ~ Expect Invasion. Of Grasshoppers: Another Plagse 7 is y Foverash for Saskatchewan for 1939 A wider and more severe grass- = hopper plague in Saskatchewan in 1939 is forecast by entomologists. K. M. King, A P. Arnason and Lorne. Paul, entomologists in charge of the Dominion En- tomology Laboratory at Saskat- chewan University, said gt a uni- --------csTemehs grating it, using a-medivm kaifs in th chopper. . . Q. How can I avoid wringing "out cloths used for hot applications? A. When hot cloths are needed tor application to relieve pain, put. them fn the upper part of a seamer wih the water bolllng underneath. This method will eliminate wring: ing out the cloths, Q. How can I" economizesin the |__use of egxs when making custard? A. When the custard gecipe calls - : for several ¢ggs, one ov more Cggs may be left out if one-half table. spoon of cornstarch is added tor each cgk omitted. Stidonts Mock I talian Claims . A group of British students last week staged a burlesque of Italian demands for French territory by marching through Gordon _Squsre aurea ureTriT mestaven ares The radio did not give people the - jitters by broadeasting an invasion by-the Martinus. _ Statle was unknown. And the picture could ho drawn "with meré elaboration and fidelity F--andowheat stem -sawlly, versity mecting an inctease in infestation was probable. - An inercase was reported pos- sible in the area likely to be af ~ feeted by pale western cutworm with pos- in Bloomsbury, London, England, behind a big banner proclaiming 1 "We want Americal" ~ A large crowd was attracted by the students who - chatted their . slogan in unison andydsng cow bells to attract attention. Two of Ottawa's Nouri and gamest pugilists, Leonard Morris, LEFT, and 'Paul Lapointe, RIGHT, staged an impromptu three rounds bout "for the benefit of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., screen star, during his first visit to the Canadian capital, -. Tweedsmuir, Both boxers are just six years old and if they take a great where he was the guest of Lord big breath are just able to Lip the beam _at 40 pounds. Now Use Glasses, Dut Does Not : - Wear Them in Public News pictures recently have ac- quainfed the German public with the fact that Reichsfuehrer Hit- ler, who was almost blinded during the World War, now wears glasses on occasion. His eyes are an ..aporjant asset to-Hitler and recently he has tak- en measures to protect them. Be- ginning With thé pictures of the signing of the Munich accord of September 29th he' has been shown wearing glasses. Gassed In War * But the fuéhrer still goes with- out glasses in public, . His follow: ers say that much of his influence is based on the almost hypnotic effect of his glance. Hitler almost lost his vision dur- ing the World War, when ho was-- gassed. The room in a hospital at Pasewalk, Pommern (Pomer- ania), where his sight gradually returned has become a national shrine visited by many -ardent Nazis. 3 mn Deer Had Silver "Filling In Teeth DULUTH, Mingo his story is: Lloyd C. Dathe's ofthe Bar- num, Minn, Herald, and he says he's going to stick to it: Les. ter Munter, 'a hunter, shot a four-year-old doe. It had, .he told: Dathe, silver fillings fn its Jest, A dentist and a veter- an 'said-o, too. Probably, athe theorized, the doe bit in: to some feed containing silver, and filled fits cavities as it ate. No ohe has advanced an alter. native: possibility. His Eyesight | Hitler Guards | There was a young man of Maurl- tius Whb used to get frightfully vitius Whenever his spouse Walked out of the house And left:him to wash up the ditins, A Ryek Was asked by a wo- man friend what was the dif- ference between a solicitor and a barrister. "Precisely the same," he re- plied, "as between a crocodile and an alligator." The vaciym cleaner man, having tinlshed his demonstiation, turned- with a beaming 'smile and showed the Nousewife the amount of debris which had\peen extracted. ' "Oh, my.goodness, {sn't that aw- ful!" said the wonjan, "I'll have to get rid of that carpet and put down linoleum," A Hollywood screen actress announces the loss of her ame- - thyst, beryl and chrysolite neok-lace. One theory Is that In the Interests of pilificity she Is "running. through her jewellery In Mpnatetjcal order. "How fs your brother getting along, Pete, You know, the one who became a doctor?" Oh, fine, thanks. Why, he Is so prosperous now that he can even afford to tell some of his patients that there is nothing Wrong with them." . "What exactly haphers when the human body Is imntersed in warm water?" asks _ a doctor. . The "phone bell rings, __and mud on_he stroets, tho wooden sidewalks, the backyard wells and the nearby outhonses, the horse pump and trough in the towns? Eskimos Using -- topper situation, said practically ~ the entire. agricultural area of Saskatchewan was now infested with grasshoppers." In only two areas, south of Maple Creek. and in the extreme northeast part of the province, was there' fit tle or A JOINT Hospital Case se of f Rheumatism The value of perseverance with Kruschen, in the tregtment of to conditions. What about the five sible minor invasions of - Say's = 7 cent shave, the-cast fron standards grain bug ani the billbug in local- - . : for hitching the horses" and dust Ls Maid . . ! Mr. Paul, discussing the grass- PAINFUL Lo vent Airmail Widely They're Sending Letters to Each Other in the Eastern Arctic --Use Phonetic Characters Canada's Eskimo population is according to officials of, the Eastern. . Arctic Patrol. Letters aha messages between whlely separated Eskimo part of the mall carried by the R. M. S. Nascopie on the annual cruise to posts along Hudson Strait © Arctie Archipelago. + 'Inthe Islands of Arctic . Most of the correspondence be- tween the Eskimos is carried on In tho syllabarium which makes use of some sixty phonetic characters, oro adaptable to the forma: tig of Eskimo words than the Znglish "alphabet which often makes their words long and cum- bersome. The natives of the East. ern Arctic are proud of thelr abil "ity to réad and write the syllabar- fum, and delight in making use of the postal facilities to communicate wlth their relatives and friends. Monocles Aren't . English Custom * Although the "traditiona. Eng- lishman" "is always portrayed ~ 'abroad as wearing a monocle and many Englishmen do, in fact, fav- our a single eyeglass, the custom is a' Continental one rather than - English. Contrary to genera' be- lief, most monocles are not worn merely .as- ornaments' (except by eyeglasses. It was once supposed that a glass for one eye would also reduce the strain on the oth. er eye, ' Of 258,000,000 coins issued by the British Mint last year 100,-. 000,000 were pennies. N . ny ] it 1 fihlet For oye Bre ach fos. gh Bin ua, EE ~of money ba making increasing use 'of the malls, | families row form a considerable ahd Bay and on the islands of the | dandies), but are actually single no-infestations--= Varsity Men = Found Taller Than Freshmen in Eleven Am- -----erican -Universities--U.. of. T.- Has the Highest Average. i in _ History. ~~ 5 University of Toronto freshmen stand first in height as compared with those of eleven American uni- versilies, according to the annual report of Dr. George D. Porter, dl- rector of university health services for men, told the Globe and Mail. "They stand second in weight," he adds. "The genoral upward , trend in height and weight is very noticeable over the. past. sixteen years." Average Height, 5 93,3" 'The average height of the first. year students. was 5 feet 89% inches,. and the average welght 144% pounds -- tho highest average In the history of the university, "Thep hyslcal condition of a large majority of students is excel lent, only nineteen being unfit for physical training. This is the best record we have ever had." some-casesof the m;-is-prov ed by this man's experience. He says:-- "1 was abroad for over seven years. When I returned I began to suffer from rheumatic pains-- ~ particularly in the feet and arms, and I was eventually taken into hospital, unable to move without groaning . with pain. When 1 left 'the hospital after two months, I 3-prov was somewhat betters I was recome sores coe som npoe mended to take Kruschen Salts, --have-taken them continuously, and... "until"now [am entirely free front" eins, I would not be without my 5 Salts .for anything." MY of the salts in Kruschen are effectual solvents of uri¢ acid the excess of which is decidedly injurious. They swiftly dull thd sharp edges of the painful crystals the cause of pain and stiffness "--and convert them into a harm- less solution, which is then ex- _ pelled through the datural chan- nels. : REMEMBER . . .. to gel your copy- of this week's' Toronto Star Weekly while in town. : Ea | I B | Classified Advertising 'Fr EXNIBITION GANDERS LARGE, PURE BRED, BB XHIRITION Toulouse "Ginders, $4.00 each. Carl Dieh), Clititon, Ontario. a wan Goons Whas, TOUPES, inns, Switches, Curls, in fd ni types of finest qualify Ha nd all types joods. Write for illustratéd catalogue, Confiden- tial terms arranged, Toronto Hume- 528 Bathurst, an Hair Supply Co, Toronto. mek neoon PRESSU ne HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE--WRITE for free booklet and full particu. lars regarding our amazingly suc cessful hyblood- treatment. Pedi greed Products, Saskatoon, Sask. ---- HORSES wiTn HEAVES : --- - I Ve ) PATENTS AN OFFER 0 EVERY INVENTOR, List of fnventions and full Infor. mation sent free, The Ramsay Come nny, Reglstered: 'atent Attorneys, 73 Rank Ki. Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, HE ASILY, inexpensively. Hore Remedy. Teatt! monials, Glarancends Advice Free, Bartlett's, Box 1, Winnipeg. urs \ PURE |, BRED SCOTCH COLLIE Pups nicely marked, Heelers, guar- anteed, males $6, females $4, James Chesney, Bright, Ontarlo, TRACTOR MAGNETO AND >» GENERATOR REPAIRS 5 ND US YOUR TRACTOR MAGNH- to and Generator Repairs, Wo save ou mohey. Allangon Armature fanfr., $55 Bay St., Toronto. DBELL/R HEAVES POWDERS WILL five immediate relief, Simply mix' n Horses' feed. Price 14 Powders $1.10. Post Pald. With free hook on "Animal Alimenta" fell & Sons, (Canada) Limited, Manufacturers of Veterinary Medicines, Verdun Que, Dept.: E. : \ WESTERN CANADA i IMPROVED EQUIFPED SECTION Farm in Central Eastern Alberta park area, railway village one mil best abundant water, clear title, ail cash large discount; no agents; ré« tring. Box 14, Amisk, Alberta.