Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Nov 1938, p. 4

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RESERVE THIS DATE St. John's Presbyterian = Church, Port- Perry, will hold a Sale of Home- made Cooking and useful articles on - Saturday, November 20th. Afternoon stéa, will be served. - Sale to be held at the. Venture Tea Room. > Toronto, were the guests of, Mr. and Mrs. I. R, Bentley on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs; Geo, R. Davey: s spent] « the™-week --end in. Toronto with their daughter Mrs. H. Fossey, and attended * the Royal Winter Fair. . Mr, Harry Carnegie and his 'friend, Mr." Gibson, of Toronto, were in town attending the Athletic Program: on Saturday night.- . We are pleased to learn that Miss May Walker is recovering from .the * recent accident when she sprained her ankle badly. We regret to report that Mrs, Alex. Rennie had the misfortune to fall 'and fracture her hip recently. . nae Mg, UJ BRACHTR Ana | their: daughter Donna, of Goodwood, visited relatives in town recently, Mr. Jack Beare, of Sudbury, was home for Sunday on his way to Picton, where he is being transferred. Jack has done well with Eaton's and we all wish him the best of luck. Mrs. D. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Gerrow, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Anderson on Sunday. "Mr. and Mrs. Pelham Bell-Smith spent Sunday with Mrs, Bet Smith's mtoher, Mrs. Mellow, ~~ ) Miss Winnifred L. Causley of Lind- say visited friends in town recently. "3 Miss. Myrtle Psalmer of Uxbridge, visited friends in town recently. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce McDonald. and daughter: Beth; Mr. Oscar Long and daughter Laura, visited. relatives: mn town last week. Mr. and Mrs, S. Meek and Mr. G. RH. Lawry, Sr., of Toronto, visited rela ~tiyes; Mr. and Mrs, 'D. 'Day in town. \ "Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Nasmith, of jE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, November 27-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, Sunday, December 4th-- 11 a.m~--~Holy Communion and ser. mon. . 3 Rine~Sunday School. NG PRESBY] CERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R.:Simpson, Minister, Sunday School at 11 a.m, _Public Srorship at 7 p.m. Everybody weloome. <-oit PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--"A Three:Fold Experience at Bethel." . 7 p.m.--"The sincerity of Jesus." Mr. Smyth will preach at both ser- vices. Town Hall, Port. Perry, Saturday night, November 26th, under auspices OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED ma --Phursdayy Petday--8 aturday,- | the 'BLACKSTOCK Under the 'auspices of Group 2 of W. A. of St. John's Anglican Church, Mr. Charles McLaughlin, of Toronto will present in the Commun ity Hall on Wednesday evening, Nov. 30th, some fine and interesting movie scenes of Bermuda, Nassau and also from Haliburton, wheré Mr, McLaugh- lin-has a.gummar home, A musical NOVEMBER 24.25.26 ; "If I Were King' Starring . Ronald Colman, Frances Dee I and Basil Rathbone =r LICE) Added - BULLDOZING THE BULL """ and POPEYE ; REVIVAL Friday, at 10.45 p.m. "THIN ICE" 'with Sonja Henie-Tyrone Power of Canadian Hygiene Council, the story of "Damaged Lives" will be por- a ng s : | trayed by- talking pictures. ~ Women Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, only at 7.307 Men dbs UTS, AT ~NOVENBER28v29750 =~ mission. 8be.. - : vi Blom» || The ADVENTURES MASONIC ANNUAL LADIES of MARCO POLO NIGHT Last Friday evening Fidelity Lodge, No. 428 GR.C., AF. & A.M. held its Annual Ladies' Night. It was a moat enjoyable occasion. Wor. Bro. Ww. E. MacGregor, Wor. Master, welcomed the brethren and the visitors in brief but well chosen speech; and then turn- ed the meeting over to Bro. T. A. Blight, who was Taken « of the pro- gram committee. The several a given were thoroughly enjoyed: Piano Duet by the Misses Helen and Reta- Willard; 'readings by Miss M. MacDuff, Brook- lin; Vocal Duet by Misses K. Jeffrey 'and Luella Ploughman;: yiolin solo by Mr. Bruce Snelgrove. Every number was heartily ap- plauded, Special mention should be made of Miss MacDuff's readings. wools program and refreshments:will be pro- ided by the group. -Admission "to erything: adults 26¢., children 16c. Convener of group, Mis, F, Willan, 2 An impressive and appropriate com- munity service was held at the Cena- taph on Armistice Day. At 11 am, a two minutes silence was observed. Thé honour roll was read by Reeve Devitt, a wreath from the Ontario Govern- mént placed on the Cenotaph, and .O Canada was sung by the public school pupils of "the township. 'A short ad- dress was given by Rev. E. P. Wood. The service in the community hall at 10.30 'a.m. was in thaigs of Rev. H. Bell. The members of St. John's-A.Y.P.A, hold the November meeting in_| the with Gary Cooper, Basil Rathbone - Binnie Barnes. 4 'COMING ! _ Wallace Beery - Mickey Rooney ' in . + "STABLEMATES" Thursday, Friday, Saturday, DECEMBER 1-2-3 THEATRE TICKETS FOR CHRISTMAS in attractive Envelope. [2 GIVE Community Hall with the members of 'the United Church" League. as their guests. After a splendid program of readings, music, games and contests provided by the visitors, and a splen- did addréss by the Presidént Anson Taylor, refreshments were served and a pleasant and' profitable evening brought to a close. . We are pleased to welcome Mrs. J. McKee to our village. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt on their re- cent marriage. The bride was former- ly Miss Alida Taylor. ' Miss Mabel VanCamp of Toronto was with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. VanCamp over the week end. One of our recently married and Mrs. -James Munro was in Port Perry at the home of her aunt Mis most popular young couples, Mr, and Mrs. Berney Hooey "were "presented {with a beautiful China Cabinet by | neighbours and friends, also a splen- did miscellaneous 'shower in the Com- munity Hall. Mr. Lavern Devitt, as On Friday Mrs, Jas. Ruddy went to the Royal Winter Fair and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy visited her mother Mrs, Medd, at Blackwater. _ © Mr. and Mrs. W. Regan spent tis week énd 'at Prince Albert. : Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Morrison rary ed: the funeral of their brother-i in-law last week. Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey; and daughter Donna Marie, went to Toronto on Sat- urday. : The Bridge-Tea which was to have taken place on November 23rd, will be held in the Libfary on Wednesday, November 30th. ° Mrs. P. Roach, Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Wilson, Mr. Ross Roach, Mr. Percy - Corrin, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McKinnon; of Detroit, at- tended the funeral of their cousin Mrs. A. L. McDermott. RADIO. Repairs |= CALL * John 'Farmer Phone 86, Port Perry .SUNDAY BROADCAST 5 Dr. Frank Buckman will broadcast from England over BBC, transmitted to Canada over CBL from 12.30 pm. to 1.00 p.m. (E.S,T.) on Sunday, Nov. 27.. The niessage will, be important. -------- CAR FOR BALE : 1935 Ford V8 Coach, in good condi- tion. Reasonable. Apply Star Office. --------, DAMAGED LIVES Fathers--Is your son acquainted with the facts of life? The Canadian Social SR * or send them to see 'Damaged Lives." Lo"... Maothers--Your. sons; your daughters, should ba Protected; told with simple ; beauty, dramatic, power and dignity. 3 Take them -or send them 'to see "Damaged Lives" At town hall, Port Perry, Saturday evening, Nov 26th, og ie, VANCE Ini Cartwright Township, SAE Lot 2, Con. 2, on Friday, November ig 18th, 1988, Thomas Vance, in his 68th year. 7 ASHTON--In Reach Township, Lot 3 5 RI , 1;'on Tuesday, November 22, bs 11 =< 1088,&dward Ashton, Beloved husband of Margaret Costello, in his 76th year]. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lane and Mr. and| Hygiene Council bids you to take them| They were wide in--variety-and- lently rendered. At the conclusion of the. program euchre and dancing were enjoyed. This was followed by refreshments; and somewhere in the small hours the guests wended their way happily home after spending a most pleasant even- ing. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' In the Estate of George Kerry, Deceased. : AN persons having claims -against George Kerry, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Re- tired Farmer, whq died on or about the Tenth day of October last (1938) 'are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the Fifteenth day of De- claims. After the said date the Ex- ecutors will distribute the assets of to the claims of which they shall then have notice. . Dated November 17th, 19348. "JOSEPH . DENNY, Prince Albert, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. "NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS OF TOWNSHIP OF - REACH | All Taxes Terniining unpaid after the 15th of 'December, 1938, will be col lected forthwith according to Statute. GEO. TILL, Tax Collector. THE LION'S CLUB CONCERT Friday, Dec. 9th FREDERICK DAWSON, Canada' 8 Outstanding Humorist a Entertainer in "A-NIGHT IN HUMOR-LAND" The program that has indelibly. stamped itself as a favorite with Church Ministers of all denominations, ! Two hours of cultured and refined _. Entertainment, including $ The best of Songs at the plano. Laughable Monologues, Skits, and Sketches. ES t Character Impressions: Stories you'll laugh about and retell - for months after, cémber 1938, full particulars of their|" the said deceased having regard only} Rennie last week. Mr. Reid -MacFarlane has Pity to Toronto after spending a few days at his home, Misses Lexie Munro and- Mildred MacPhail spent the week end at their respective homes here. -- Mr. and. Mrs. -B. Fish opened their their friends in aid of the. Ladies' Aid and the Woman's Missionary Society. A very happy evening was spent play- very dainty lunch was served by the ladies. Rev.-Mr. Kennedy and Mr, S. MacFarlane moved a hearty vote of thanks to our host and hostess for their welcome and kind- hospitality. spacious home on Friday evening: {6 ing games and having contests. AJ bride and groom both expressed sin- cere thanks for and deep; appreciation of the gifts. An uncle of the bride, Mr. Blake Stevens, gave a humorous reading "Bachelors for-Sale". Several short speeches were made after which dancing was enjoyed: the music being Tiirnished by an orchestra' from Ennis- killen. At the close refreshments were served, the wedding cake hefig, passed by the bride and groom. A large number from hore attended the Royal Winter Fair. in Toronto. Mrs. Stanford 'Swain is visiting her daughter Mrs. (Rev.). M. Sanderson, Toronto, and attended the Institute banquet held .in the Royal York "chairman, made-the-presentation--The] here. The November meeting of the W.M. 8. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. with an attendance of 20. Bowmanville, Miss L. Shaw With a "Peace" was given by Mrs. E. Dorrell and Mrs. Cecil Hill read -a very inter- esting letter' from her brother Rev. M. Ferguson, of Africa, EAD " GREENBANK Henry Taylor. Mr. and Mrs, John Howsam visited relatives at Edgley on Sunday. eon visited Mr, and Mrs. } wsam on Saturday. Mrs, T. Brown, Colborne, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs : first of the week. Johy last Friday at the hall, when 'about one hundred and fifty -friends of Mr, and Mrs. Waterworth gathered to ex- press their appreciation for the many acts of kindness by them during the five years they have lived in our com. munity. A short program--vocal, in strumental and readings---was given, Mr. Partridge acting as chairman in- family to the platform, when Mr. Reg. tion was made by the community. Mr, and Mrs. Waterworth received a West- minster Chimes Clock, the three boys given a set of military brushes, and Marion a three piece comb and brush set. Each ably responded to their gift with thanks. After lurk was served a community dance was en- "joyed. Mr. and Mrs, Couves have bought the farm recently oécupied. by Mr. and "Mrs. Waterweorth, and. we hope they Wallace Marlow | H The Study i Book chapter was taken by Mrs. Rus- | sell 'Mountjoy. Mrs." Norman Mount- J joy gave a splendid report of the an-| nual -Présbyterial meeting held in ¥ Miss Verna McNally | favoured with a Temperance talk and | }§ 8010. "A wik orf Miss M. A. Blair and Mrs. Blair in i Toronto last week atending the Golden | i Wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, W. Cresswell, of Bob-|, ; A very enjoyable 'evening was FN, : vited Mr. and Mrs. Waterworth and | Foster read an address and a presenta- |. Lawrence's Drug Store News YOU CAN SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR REXALL STORE | 12 Cards , ' . 85, 14 Cards CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Now is the time to select yours. in the stock is picked over, . i {SELECT 58 UARDS=50¢; per dozen. = EXTRA, Pine 10c. CARDS--$1.00 per dozen' Si ORED® ASSORTMENTS . 4 No need to wait unl) "CLASSIF IED ADVERTISIN G PHREE.RADIOS-FOR.SALE APPLES! "APPLES! APPLES! 2 G.E. Consoles; anda 6 tube Rablo to be sold for repair charges. Apply to John Farmer, Phone 85, Port Perry Christmas Fair at Port Perry The Port Perry Chrismas Fair date has been set for Thursday, December 16th. There are to be new and Special Features this year. See later announcement. BREEDING MINK FOR SALE Apply to Orvin Blakeley, R.R.2, Sea- grave. nov2s - 10,000 Bushel of Apples For Sale. Spy, MacIntosh, Talman Sweet, Snow, Stark, Baldwin, 50c. a bushel and up. JOHN PALLOCK, one mile north of Whitby on Lindsay Highway. ""dec22 SUITS ERENT PRESSED 60 Cents : SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P.ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICB ANSWER QUICK--Get an 'oppor- tunity to make BIG MONEY! Big profits every day taking orders for the biggest, and most powerful line of. évery day necessities in the direct sell- ing field. Repeat orders come fast. SPICES, -- MEDICINES, -- TOILET ARTICLES--FARM PRODUCTS, etc. No experience ded. Write 'today will have a happy and prosperous lite among us. -- ~~ The. Women's Association was: held on-Monday. afternoon at' the home of Mrs. Spencer. The 'devotional part of the meeting was taken: by Mrs. Spencer. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Partridge the topic, Mrs. J. Watson. After, the business session a short program was given, and Mrs. Jackson read an address and presented an autograph album to Mrs, Waterworth," who made a suitable re- ply. Although returning to her native country and will be among relatives, she regretted leaving the many friends Lunch was served. SAYSIDE CHOICE OCEANIC LIGHT MEAT TEXAS PURE UNSWEETENED WESTON'S CHOCOLA' DOLE'S CE PINE K'S BULK INK MACA Lemons, 4 Lemons, 2 ef 4 ¢ LE ER SY ESR BCP BB PRI BI 3 BH IR DI I 3 I CDR I I HI I eB BI TB BB HB HH HEH CH 0B 3130 0 FRCS MI 3 : y : : SHE . etatton : 5 3 ye 4) 7 : '" : . . i \ ' TOMATOES - - TUNA FISH -.. GRAPEFRUIT ECLAIR 'BISCUITS * 15 Those Values Sikactive sas Sataatey sighk Natumine 20 _ Cabbages, 2 for 9c. : - Grapefruit, 2 for 15¢. | STORES LIMITED WATCH DOMINION FOR: EXTRA VALUES | 214's ~.25 - 27.21 3 "i 28 Chatea Piola or Pimsate for 10c. for 19. cy THE NEW FRAGRANT EXCITING DELICIOUS RICH ond MELLOW "RICHMELLO "COFFEE ¥ %-b. Pg. 17 PINEAPPLE we = % 15 IAT o co.04 K SALMON 2% .21 ga ~ 2% 70 RONI - 2-.0%7 -- $HORTENING 2.25 SAP Ye BH x STRAND | THEATRE, UXBRIDGE |" Thurs, Frilay, Saturday (This week) |= George Barrier & Jane Withers, in "RASCALS". It's a-fun show. You'll laugh for hours, Bring your children... Also : JEWS and "POPEYEY Mon., Tuesday, Wed, Nov. 28-29-30" Martha Raye and Bing Crosby, in Double or Nothing Your. favorite stars in a roaring comedy. _ Also "BETTY POOP and PICTORIAL. 2 . [ BN =f Thurs, Friday, Saturday, Dee. 1: 2- 3. Andy Clyde, in "THE BARRIER" Rex Beaches' popular book.- All seats.2 for 26c. Christmas Fair | day, December 16--2 pom, till... . $50.00 in prizes MYRTLE Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Booth and son visiting the former'sbrother Mr. W. Booth, who has been confined to his bed through illness for a time; Mrs. J. Todd is visiting her davighter Mrs: Eo 'Butterworth of Woodville, Messrs. Norman Hughson and 0. H "| Downey returned on Friday from a two week's hunting expedition in the north. Each brought a deer home, A number of friends from here at- tended. the funeral of Mrs. Luther Bradley of Brooklin on Wednesday. 'iMr. Henry Lyons and his men-from|- ~~ | Brooklin are busy_putti: ing up the snow fences along the highway. Mr. Frank Harrison and Mr. D, Johnson are assisting. with the .erec- + tion of Mr.. Ransom's new_ dwelling east of Brooklin. - Frank Downey, Harold Bradley and Ray Duff in company with other stu- dents from Brooklin High School visit- ed the Royal Winter Fair on Wednes. |- day of last week. * Mrs, Will Armstrong visited her daughter Mrs. Gordon Sweetman in Oshawa last week. s "A well atterided meeting of the w. M. LS wad held at the home of Mrs. E. Redman on Thursday afternoon, ng the service last Sunday a Wits 8 rendered quartette was given by Miss E. Smith, Mrs, C. Har- rison, Frank Downey and | Jack Thomp- son with Mrs, Luety at the organ, Sunday School next Sunday at 10,80 am. Mrs. Harry Lane is spending the" winter with her daughter Mrs. E.| Wickett of Little Britain, '| earnings. Allen" were at Whitevale on Sunday,| - for FREE particulars and catalogue and. get started onthe road to better FAMILEX CO. 570 St. Clement, Montreal." : Sciatica, Lumbago? Rumacaps' Two Way Action quickly relieves pain while attacking the cause. A. M.. Lawrence's ® Drugstore, Port Berry. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alice Playter, All persons having datas against the Estate of Alice Playter, late of York, wife of Charles Waterman Play-. ter, who died on or ahout the 28th day of April, 1938, are, hereby notified A send 'in. to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 17th of December, 1938, full particulars of their claims. Immedia tely after December 17th, 1938, the assets of the deecased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having. regard only to. claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated November 16th, 1988. HARRIS, HARRIS & Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors f Alice Playter Estate. e or FOR SALE ~~ Nine Pigs, six weeks old. Apply to Harry Raymes, Scugog, (R. R. No. 8 Port Perry.) dec'1l Ww. A. San gster "DENTAL Do Foy Ofico Hours: § am. 10 § pm. A Office Up-Stairs, over Blewps . Insurance Office. (oe rm Om & mir drt "ARTHUR W. 8. GREER .. in attendance at my Port. office on Wednesday morning, and afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen. Street, Port Perry, Photig 264 RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS "Phone 814 Port Perry offies on Busday Chariot 0a RETR DR. J. B. LUNDY. DENTAL SURGEON - Office above Bell [Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Bireet, Port Perry, Phones: Office 68w, Residenss 8) DR. A. 8. BLACK JETERINARIAN and BURGEON- nd wily" SUFFER with Rheumatism, the City of Toronto, in the County of - & WALLACE, vii "The firm of Gamma & HuMrmasys is pn 3 24Y%;8imcoe Btreet North, Oshawa. ~ Queen Street, Port Pury, Phone 264 <x »" ia , 0 £

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