Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Oct 1938, p. 4

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of nr Vill ii . Js, A ed WS ap oo Zl a : al 2 bo F . Yr ASO padhid | t iC GEAR © 33 8 oy Ha a ha, ud a Bt Ta Aa) v en Port Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Williams, of Lindsay, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Letcher. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Walker and family, of London, were the guests of the former's mother for the holiday week-end. - Dr. E. M. and Mrs. Honey, of Richmond Hill, were holiday guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Honey. Mrs. Hughes, together with her son Floyd and daughter Winnifred, motored to Welland and Buffalo for the week end and holiday. Miss Marian E. Farmer has return- ed home after spending a week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Moore, Moore- croft, Vancouver, B.C. visited with Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Smallman for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Goldring and Mrs. H. Roberts, of Cobourg, were in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Irwin, of Kingston, were guests of their daughter, Mrs. C. P. Peterson, for Thanksgiving. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Murray and family of Zephyr, were also Mrs. Peterson's guests over the holiday. Mrs. Minnie Real, and daughter Marjorie, have returned from their motor trip to the West. Mrs. (Dr.) Grierson, of Sunderland, a returned missionary from Korea, ad- dressed both the afternoon and even- ing branches of the W.M.S. of the United Church. Mrs, Grierson was very enthusiastic of the missionary work being dbne ifthe Orient. The slides shown were true pictures of native life in Korea. >_> BAZAAR AND SUPPER The Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension will hold their annual Bazaar and Chicken Supper on Thurs- day evening, November 3rd. Keep __this date open and be sure and attend. See bills for further particulars. _-- te @®o-------------------- GRAND CHAPTER OF DEANERY On Wednesday afternoon and even- ing members of the Grand Chapter of thet Deanery (Anglican Church) con- vened in Port Perry, with an attend- ance of fifty. Rev. Mr. Adye, of Whitby read a paper--"Our Deanery; What of the future 7" in which he stressed the need of moving out into the work of reach- ing those who do not attend church. Supper was provided by the Wom- en's Auxiliary and was much enjoyed by the delegates as a social occasion. In the evening Sir Henry Drayton spoke of the Toronto Diocesan Cen- tenary which takes place next year. After a review of certain financial problems the speaker said that there had been no special appeal to the laity for the Diocesan fund. He urged the men of the church to realize that financial shortages are a practical evidence of failure in spiritual mat- ters. If the church was earnestly seeking to promote the spiritual life of the people, there would be no dif- ficulty about finances. Christ made the supreme sacrifice--we must make our sacrifices, too. "We must pray. We can't do anything without prayer." The speaker concluded with a note of assured triumph in the work of the church. ------- EXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY With sincere sympathy to the hus- band, the brothers and sisters of the late Mrs. Edgar Philp. From Him who sees the sparrows fall, Christie received a sudden call One well remembered day. No loving word, no last farewell Was granted you, but who can tell The words she longed to say. You miss her love, and thrifty ways, Her gen'rous hand, the well earned praise Bestowed throughout the years, Her church, her kindred; every friend, Each share your loss, and they extend The sympathy that cheers. All those who walk with God each day Ne'er have a solitary way, Since He each burden shares. And more--where e'er the pathways lead Our staff is not a broken reed, For He is strong and cares. Uxbridge, 1938. Cora Stillwell fo - DIED : Suddenly, at Prince Albert, on Mon- day, October 10, 1938, George Kerry, in his 77th year. a 'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Evening Service at 7 pm. Everybody welcome. ST. JOHN CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Recor: Rev. J. C. Clough, sunday, October 16th-- ..3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. Sunday, October 23rd-- Children's Day. 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, A FAREWELL PARTY A surprise party was given in honor of Miss Dorothy Cliff, by her girl triends of the C.G.I.'l'., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Asher, on Oct, ith, Miss CIiff is leaving shortly for L'histletown to train in nursing, The following was read to Dorothy during the evening: To Miss Dorothy Cliff: Sixteen did you say? You ave dream ing your dreams, Of the quest through the venture of years, And life is a rainbow, a colourful scheme, While youth knows no faltering fears; 'The dragon of darkness succumbs to your steel, The forces of evil all flee, For you are Sir Galahad riding the world In wonder and mystery. Those words from a poem by Edgar K. Kramer well describe the dreams of each young person as they prepare to launch forth into the world to carve out a career of their own. From within, not from without, comes de- feat, and the life that is fortified with high ideals goes forth with weapons of might. They must not be laid carelessly aside, not even for a season, so that as life unfolds, it may be en- riched day by day. A pleasant manner, smiling face, Makes all the world a better place, And hearts bowed down with grief and pain Will see the shade of hope again. * In your new fields you will share with young lives days that are tinged with suffering and loneliness and the smile that is characteristic of you, will, we are sure, bring a ray of sun- friendship ties must be severed, but what a wealth is your, Dorothy, for you carry with you the riches of ex- perience that your home and friends have shared with you. 'We will fol- low with interest the threads of your new life, and our best wishes go with this gift, which we ask you to accept and trust that the future may hold much success and happiness for you. Signed on behalf of the C. G. I. T. fA) » ~ THEATRE OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED Wednesday, Thurs., Fri., Sat., OCTOBER 12-15 My Lucky Star starring starring SONJA HENIE and RICHARD GREENE (A Quiz Contest Picture) $h%ss Added--Coloured Cartoon "STRING BEAN JACK" REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.30 p.m. "50 ROADS TO TOWN" starring Don Ameche and Ann Sothern Monday, Tuesday, OCT. 17-18. | Cowboy from Brooklyn starring Dick Powell, Pat O'Brien and Priscilla Lane Wednesday - Thurs.,, OCT. 19-20 Racket Busters starring 41 Humphrey Bogart, Geo. Brent, Gloria Dickson. (A Quiz Contest Picture) ER ES 2 ON THE STAGE, Evenings only Miles' Banjo Band direct from the Canadian National Exhibition, Gi og WHY SUFFER with Rheumatism shine when it is sorely needed. Sdatien. LumbagoT" B EY ' At such times as these there is al- al etion il en bir ways a pote of achievement for while attacking the cause. A. M. --A. M. Peterson Peterboro. support. All honour to Peterboro. * * Perry Town Hall. mediate construction. only confuse the issue. The slogan is--'"Port Perry to Peterboro." effort and sacrifice to attain our objective. A DANCE NEXT WEEK, OCT 21st, at 8.45 p.m. sharp. Dance to the *music of Tommy Langley and his Swing Band in the Assembly Hall of the High School. Everyone welcome, admission 30c. This is -sponsored by Scugog Chapter I. 0. D. E. RJ ili. he] Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. --_-- > -- - PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH - Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Public Worship, and recep- tion of new members, 7 p.m.--Rev, E. S. Bishop, Uxbridge, with be the speaker. Road Construction Contract Cancelled. Developments regarding Central Ontario Highway have been rapid during the past two or three weeks, and what has taken place is in opposition to the interests of Port Perry. From the outset of the campaign in this district to have a paved road built from Port Perry to Peterboro the plan has been opposed by the Minister of Highways. continuous, and has now taken the form of an alternative proposal by which the cross country road would be built from Brooklin to On this road it is claimed the Department of High- ways is willing to start immediate construction if Peterboro will agree to the plan to have the original route changed and leave Port Perry and all western municipalities out of the picture. Peterboro has pledged its support to Port Perry in this mat- ter, and, in spite of the alluring picture of immediate construction of a paved road that would serve it, Peterboro rémains firm in that The opposition has been * * On Friday evening of this week a meeting of the represent- ative of forty interested municipalities is to be held in the Port At that meeting (which every Port Perry ratepayers should attend) the original policy of the Central On- tario Highway Association will be re-stated and re-affirmed. The demand will be made that the Government make effective the promises it has made, and that the highway (styled No. 7a), taken over by the Department of Highways, be put under im- This is neither the time nor the place to discuss motives for the proposed refusal of the Minister of Highways to keep the promises made by the Government. centered on the construction of the road. All other matters will Our attention needs to be It" will require That effort and that 15-MINUTE Viglen SMOOTHS AWAY FATIGUE A? After a hard day, I ous face is tired, " ined with fatigue. That's when you'll appreciate a glorious \ rejuvenating facial with Transpec, the new liquid face mask which cleanses, stumulates and vitalizes ~--in just 15 minutes, Transpec probes the pores of impurities, reduces enlarged pores, firms sagging muscles, banishes fine lines, and brings back to your face the soft, smooth glow of youth. Enjoy a Transpec facial when- ever you wish to look your best. One bottle gives 20 or more treatment, Recommended by leading Beauty Editors. : $1.25 ranspec TRANSPARENT BEAUTY PACK A. M. LAWRENCE Druggist, Port Perry .l oo ---- LIVES OF A MILK BOTTLE Average span of existence for a milk bottle in the United States is thirty-five trips to the dairy, it has been determined - by the Department of Agriculture. Among dairies that make particular effort to have bottles returned, the average was fifty-one trips; in other plants, twenty-two. A few old-timers were found to have weathered ninety-one trips. It would seem that these hardy specimens should be set apart in an effort to de- velop a more crash-resistant strain of milk bottles, For the lot of a milk bottle is un- doubtedly not always a happy one. There are the hazards of getting brushed off the porch by the family cat, slipping out of the cook's hands in diswashing, getting jostled off. the rear end of the dairy truck, being be- ing sequestered in the nursery as a penny bank for Junior or doing duty upside down in the earth as part of a border for a flower bed. All of which, incidentally, adds to the cost of milk. Ordinarily one might say that it was merely a case of the pitcher that went once too often to the well. But that, of course, would never apply in the case of a milk bottle, Smith R. R. 2, Port Perry, Phone 119-21 HUMOUR "You have a nice collection of books, but you should have more shelves." "I know, but nobody seems to lend me shelves," WANTED--AMBITIOUS HUSTLER. Sell Rawleigh Products. Needed every home. Easily seld. Pleasant work. : Should make good earnings at start and increase rapidly. We teach you how. Rawleigh's«Dept. No, ML-243- 50-J, Montreal, Canada. : APPLES for SALE Apply to Mrs. Geo.|B PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURS 21 + DAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1938 rug Store News | (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) PEPSODENT OUR OWN NOXZEMA ANTISEPTIC PILLS ; SPECIAL Li, is 2 for 5lc. bs Ce : 4 for $1.00 MODESS BISMA REX 21¢. KLEENEX 75¢. 2 for 4le. 15¢. and 33c. and $1.50 Re St EO ee SERN FIRST MORTGAGRALOAN WANTED $600, 6%, security $2500. Watson Norman, 331 Bay St. Toronto. oct 13 SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health, Rumacaps' Two-Way Action Kidneys. Use Rumacaps, A. M Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. FOR SALE class condition, Original price $34. Would sell for $16. Also ks Mi sell reasonable. Apply P.O. Box 324, Port Perry. - ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNED The Assessment Roll of the Corp- oration of the Village of Port Perry for 1938 upon which the taxes for 1939 will be levied, has been returned to me; and any appeals against the assessment therein must be made to pe Ih Wiking on or before October next, -- G. F. MANNING, Clerk. October 1st, 1938. 13 ----\ Se NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mervin M. Christie. All persons having claims against the estate of Mervin M. Christie, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 22nd day of December, 4937, are hereby notified to file with the un- dersighed on or before the 8th day of claims. Immediately after the 8th day of October, 1938, the assets of the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Ad- ministratrix shall then have notice, Dated at Uxbridge, this 16th day of September, 1938. GREIG and LITTLEJOHN, Ux- bridge, Ont., Solicitors for the Ad- ministratrix. oct6 quickly cleanses and invigorates the: Blue Reed Baby Carriage in first' W Se Le A THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper #t records for you the world's clean, constructive doings. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does it ignore the but deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and all family, including the Weekly Magazine Section. The Christian Bclence Publishing Soclety One, Norway Strest, Boston, Massachusctts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Sclence Monitor for a period of 1 year $12.00 6 months $6.00 3 months $3.00 1 month $1.00 Wednesday issue, inclrding Magazine Section: 1 year $2.60, 6 issues 250 October, 1938, full particulars of their |- FALL AND WINTER APPLES FOR SALE Also cider apples. Apply to Johm Medd, R.R.1, Port Perry, Ont. SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE New Williams' Sewing Machine, in good running order. Apply at Star ce. ANNIVERSARY at UTICA Anniversary services of Utica United Church will be held at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m., on Sunday, October 1b. At 2.30 p.m. the service wil be con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Atkinson, Stouff- ville, and at 7.30 p.m. by Rey. Thomas Wallace, of Greenbank. Scugog Men's choir will sing at the evening service. On Tuesday, October 18, a supper and play ("Where's Grandma") will be given. Admission 3c. See bills. FATT TR GFRAL IR NTT ET EA TIRE TOR BEST RESULTS USE ROYAL CLARK'S DOMESTIC ; : * California Dried Lima BEANS DOMINO 50% PLUM JAM Wren 3 4 @ MINCEMEAT 2+.2§ BEANS v+ PORK SHORTENING Hh. Peg. AT : ' : VISIT YOUR 'DOMINION' FOR THESE VALUES dS DOMINION ih > BREAD CHEESE "Amor ivento cog Cracked Wheat 9c. , GINGER SNAP : Whole Wheat 1 Arghd® BISCUITS 2 Ibe. A5 White Loaf '=... GLASSCO'S XXXX QUAKER FLOUR $2.59 98 1b. ch ww 25 PICKLES LIBBY'S SWEET MIXED 2.18 . 185 + CHOICE FRUITS AUCTION SALE OF 100 CATTLE D. McArthur & Son are again giv- ing the public an opportunity to buy cattle at auction. This is an excellent offering and will be sold to the highest bidder on Saturday, October -8th, at their premises, lot 11, con. 10, Reach (mile south of Greenbank.) Ted Jackson, Auctioneer SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 60 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OYER THE OBSERVER OFFICE ; FOR SALE 2 Air Circulator Heater, also a.half and a one horse power electric motors. S. CAUSLEY MACHINE REPAIR SHOP. Port Perry, Ont.. NEW MACHINES Just six High Wheeled Cultivators, left at Factory, at Bargain Prices. Rebuilt and reconditioned Machines Riding Gang Plow, Farmers Friend; 21 Bolton Gang Plow; Maple Leaf Single Plow; 6 foot I.LH.C. Cultivator; Cream Separator, 650 capacity. These '| machines are guaranteed in good con- dition. : - C. SWITZER, PORT PERRY WORK WANTED Reliable girl wants housework. Phone 99J. Port Perry. BUY BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING We still have a few Tulips, Daf- fodils and Hyacinths left. Wm. Ettey, "The Greenhouse", Prince Albert. W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 pm. Office Up-Stairs, over Bleep's Insurance Office. (The firm of Gres & HUMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Gruss & Humpmawys le disoived RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS Navy. 5 : TISSUE 2.15 Choice A Pumpkin 7.10 Bassett's Licor ALLSORTS "25 Hawe Bis 12-02. Lemons 5 for 10¢. Tokay Grapes'".18 Bananas 23¢. doz. Seedless . 24Y,8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 : in attendance at Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thu; afternoons of week or by appointment, ash Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY . DENTAL SURGEON San Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, sacrifice is now being made. The Port Perry Business Men's Association at an emergency meeting voted $150 to the Central Ontario Highway Association for campaign expenses. effre Mr. S. is making a personal contribution of $26.00; and Mr, Art Waridel has contributed $6.00. Lemon Oi : a an | Bl. 22 Grapefruit 5°. 19¢. North side Queen Street, Port Perry, Phones: Office 68w, Reaidence 68) DR. A. 8. BLACK VETERINARIAN and SURGEON The main matter o Friday night's meeting. importance now is the attendance at rmirict i de BROO Engin Phone 62, ont. 4 wt + 4 | 8 0% gq A» ¥ 4 NOW - 4. ; ¥ ! 14 Fo 4% - . fi

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