Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Oct 1938, p. 2

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Hy n =: le lh } i BS : i} 5 } i } EL ne he DG ENA RT Underweight Is : Dangerous For Young Women Mortality Survey Shows That \ Women on the Other ind Are Better Off If They Are Slightly Underweight Ina survey on the mortality of women, several experts for a lead- ing insurance company point out that the attitude of insurance companies 'toward women policy holdérs has changed greatly in the last twenty years. Women today are considered desirable insurance risks from almost every point of view. They do, however, present certain special problems. It has been well established that there is a relatively high death rate among young women who are underweight, and among older wo- men who are overweight. In other words, younger women who are | overweight are a much more desir- able risk than those who are un- derweight. Older women who are slightly underweight are a more desirable risk than those who are overweight. Tuberculosis Strikes Them When the death rates of women were analyzed according to their build, certain definite characteris- tics were observed. The young wo- men who are markedly under- weight die more frequently of res- piratory diseases like tuberculosis, but older women who are over- weight have high death rates from all of the diseases affecting the blood vessels and the kidneys-- from diabetes, diseases of the gallbladder, cancer, and conditions associated with childbirth. Par- ticularly in women 50 years of age and over is there an advantage for those who are slightly under- weight rather than for those who are overweight. 'Europe's Best Seller Praha prepared to protect its citizens against poison gas in, the event of enemy air raids on the Czechoslovak "capital. The gas- mask is the biggest selling com- modity today. Here you see a man draped with cans of masks, prob- ably bought for neighbors on com- mission. I's Cottage Cheese You Make It With Sour Milk To make cottage cheese from sour milk: Put the milk into a basin, cover it, and leave until the curd is solid. Put a large piece of cheesecloth in another basin, so that it forms a sort of lining, leav- ing plenty to hang over at the rim. Pour. the curds and whey into this; gather up the edges of the cheesecloth, 'so as to enclose the curds and whey; tie with string as close as possible to the solid mass, and 'hang on a tap in the sink and leave -to drip for twenty-four hours. Then turn out of the cloth into a basin, add a very little salt, and beat well. After this, put the curd in'a piece of clean cheese- cloth or fine linen, roll it up in sausage shape, turn in the enis of the -cloth, and place between two plates, with a weight on top. These easily-made little cheeses are really good food, and are deli- cious 'With crackers, brown bread and butter, and green salad, or raw grated carrots, a x) Brunettes Make Better Friends Up and at 'em, blondes--Char- acter Analyst W. H. Colclough of Stratford, Ont, says brunettes cultivate ' deeper friendships than you. ry But perhaps, he told a service club, the greater initiative you have will help keep, you the type "gentlemen prefer". ve Story Tomato Juice Cocktail Roast Turkey Coconut Stuffing Cranberry Mold } Brussels Sprouts Riced Potatoes Down-South Biscuits Cheese Straws Pumpkin Pie' Coffee Nuts Raisins Lettuce Salad THANKSGIVING DINNER Some Recipes for Which to be Thankful Besides being generally thankful at Thanksgiving time, it's a per- sonal opportunity to be thankful for our blessings. Even cynics who think they have nothing for which to be thankful, can be glad that their lot is no worse and those whose lot is so bad that it couldn't be worse, can be thankful for that too. If those are not enough good rea- sons for thankfulness, we are giving you one by planning your menu for Thanksgiving dinner which will remove that problem from your mind. COCONUT STUFFING 2 bouillon cubes (chicken fla- vor) cup milk, scalded cup soft bread erumbs cups coconut, premium shred tablespoons celery, finely cut (or i teaspoon celery salt) 112 tablespoons parsley, finely cut 14 teaspoon sage 14 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon scraped onion 1 cgg, slightly beaten 2 tablespoons melted butter Dissolve bouillon cubes in hot milk. Combine with remaining in- gredients, mixing lightly. Use for stuffing turkey, duck, goose, pork, veal or chicken. Cl SC DOWN-SOUTH BISCUITS 4 cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 14 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 3 cup lard % cup buttermilk or sour milk. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, soda and salt, and sift again. Cut in shortening. Add milk gradually until soft dough is formed. Turn on floured board and knead lightly 2 minutes. Roll 34 inch thick; cut with small floured cutter. Bake in challow pan in hot oven (450 degrees F.) 12 minutes. Makes 2% dozen bis- cuits, CRANBERRY MOLD 1 pkg. lemon "jelly powder 13% cups warm water %2 cup celery, finely cut ¥% cup canned crushed pineap- ple 1 cup thick cranberry sauce, sweetened. Dissolve jelly. powder in warm water. Chill. When slightly thick- ened, add celery, pineapple and cranberty sauce. Turn into mold. Chill until firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce. Garnish with mayonnaise. Or zerve plain as relish. Serves 6, PUMPKIN PIE Pastry for 9-inch pie 1% cups coconut, shred . 2 cups cooked mashed pumpkin 1 cup sugar 14 teaspoon mace 15 teaspoon cinnamon 2 teaspoon allspice 3 tablespoons melted Sutter 3 eggs, slightly beaten 2 cups milk, scalded Line a Q-inch pie plate. with pas- try, rolled to %-inch thickness. Combine ingredients in order giv- en and mix thoroughly, Pour into pie shell. Bake in hot oven (450 degrees F.) 20 minutes, then de- crease heat to moderate (3650 de- grees F.) and bake 30 minutes longer. premium "The Leashed Guns of Circle L" by Perry Westbrook CHAPTER II For a long minute neither of them spoke again. A strange misti- . ness dimmed Slim Loyale's eyes, and even Dakota Blue was winking fast. Slim cleared his throat. "Grub ready?" he asked gruffly. "I'm damn near starved. It--it's a long walk back from--hell." Glad of the chance to hide his emotion, Dakota Blue turned to the fire and jabbed at the glowing coals with a stick. '"Be ready in a jiffy, Slim. The coffee is about to turn over an' there's a panful of trout waitin' to go on." Slim nodded and went over to the creek. Flat on its moist, sweet rim he lay, his face buried in the NERVOUS? Do you feel so nervous you want to scream? Are you cross and irritable? Do you scold those dearest to you? If your nerves are an ed e, try LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. It often helps Nature calm quivering nerves, For three generations one woman has told nother how to go vimiling through" with 5 aia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessen ing the discomforts from the functional dis~ orders which women must endure, TAD fry LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND? Issue No. 41-38 C * Sarg Brodkwell, sparkling, chill depths. When he had drunk his fill he stripped off his, shirt and had a good wash. Then he went back to the fire where a black frying-pan was sizz- ling, and Dakota was setting out tin plates and cups on a piece of tarpaulin, - "Got yore letter two weeks ago," sald Dakota casually. "I rode in here to the basin yesterday morn- in'. I'd have come down--there for yuh, only I knew yuh'd want to be alone for a few hours an' get the feel of the earth under yuh once more. Well, light in, Slim; there's plenty of it." Not Much Change They ate in silence. When the meal was over, Dakota tossed Slim a sack of tobacco and a block of papers, "Keep it," he said. "I brought plenty." Slim rolled and lit his cigarette and leaned back against the heap of dunnage. "NoW tell me," he com- manded, "everythin'." Dakota rolled a smoke himself before answering, and squatted on his heels before the fire. "Things aint changed much," he drawled finally, "Sarg Brockwell ig still Jigger 'Starbuck is stil sheriffin', an' Spud Dillon is still doin' business at the same ole stand." "I suppose crime disappeared about the same time I did?' mur- . for this Anne Write plainly size, name, address mured SHm, his low voice bitter. "No," said Dakota softly. "It ain't disappedred, Slim. In the past months the Vasco stage has been held up twice, an' the Dot H Dot has lost about a hundred haid more cattle. Some folks in Pinnacle have been wonderin' a heap if they didn't make a bad mistake, when they sent yuh up." Slim Loyale laughed curtly, "They shoulda done their wonder- in' a year an' a half ago. How's things at the ole Circle L, Dakota?" '""'Bout as usual, Since yore dad- dy died, the spread is kinda empty- like. But yore cows--they're yores now, yuh know--well, they keep right on havin' calves. Yo're pret- ty well fixed with this world's goods, Slim." : "Yeah, but a pauper with reputa- tion. Did--did Dad figger that I was guilty, Dakota?" Dakota Blue snorted, "Hell, no! Why, not a week before he died that sanctimonius law-shark, Jim " Arthur, came to see him an' made some crack about it bein' too bad that yuh shoulda fell foul of the law, "Man! 1 thought ole Bart. Loy- ale was gonna crawl right outa " bed, sick as he was, an' scalp that lawyer right there. 'Damn yore law!' yelled Bart. "That boy is in- nocent an' yuh know it, Arthur, yuh crooked, lyin' polecat! Get outa here, 'fore yo're packed out on a' board." Don't worry, Slim; yore daddy stood behind yuh to his last: breath." A long silence fell. Slim's chin was on his chest. stirred. "Yuh lately?" "She Asked About You" Dakota nodded. "Saw her dry seen Mona Hall before yesterday, She asked abut' yuh, Slim. I told her yuh were get- tin' out today." "What--what did she say?" "Nothin'--with her lips. But she kinda twisted them slim, little Smart and Slimming In Cotton PATTERN 4846 By ANNE. ADAMS When you pay morning calls on the neighbors, or whisk around the corner to shop, be certain 'that you're as slender and pretty as this at-home frock can make you! You'll feel smart, and look it, too, in this new braid-and-button- trimmed design by Anne Adams, Such lovely "thinning" lines in Pattern 4846--a panelled skirt sleek over the hips and a comfort- 'able width at the hem=-a bodice with carefully planned darts and gathers releasing fullness! To cut down on your sewing time, the bodice yoke is cut to lap over from back to front, so that there are no shoulder seams to stitch. 'An- other feature--the sleeves may be banded in, or flared and open! Pattern 4846 is available in women's sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 36 takes 4% yards 36 inch fabric and 2% yds. ric-rac, { Send twenty 'cents (20c¢) in coing (stamps cannot be accepted) Adams pattern. and style number, S¢nd your order to Anne Ad- ams/ Room 425, 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Presently "he x | 4 AD JOIN THE DICK TRACY SECRET SERVICE PATROL It's Easy! It's Fun! Every boy and girl can join Dick Tracy in h against crime--be in on all club secrets--get grand free gifts! i GET YOUR NEW 1939 OFFICIAL PATROL BADGE -- Get new 1939 Official Badge, your Secret. Code Book with new 1939 codes and your Patrol Pledge.If you are a member now be sure to mark your coupon "Member" and fet yours "Second Year" ho 2 TheSecretCode Book Tells How In Canada all the 7) free gifts Dick Tracy 'offers on his radio program --are obtainable with box tops from delicious Quaker Corn war adge wi |: WIN YOUR OFFICER'S A BADGES ! MAIL THIS Rice box tops O ial Honor Member's the service Chevron. COUPON TODAY! DICK TRACY, Box 100, Peterborough, Oat. ick Ti 1 ant so join the ich meta Dick racy badge. {he new Jetised Flakes! Try Quaker Corn Flakes with the berrer lk a Se Fikes, Quaker Paffed Wheat of Pufied |- flavour--you'll love them! Crisper--tastier-- . especially irradiated with Vitamin "D", they're cy Secret Service Patrol 0 Please send Iam not now a member (J = Or [ am a member and want my 2nd year badge O better to eat and better for you! Ask Mother Name | to order Quaker Corn Flakes today. Sher Quaker Corn Flakes | .. re | brown hands of her an' looked away : out past ma--iike she was lookm- | IMlatch Wardrobe Fall Footwear at a sunrise an' findin' it good." Silence again fell, unbroken -ex- cept for the steady munching of the horses. A sap pocket in a piece of glowing wood snapped sharply, scattering a little cloud of ashes' from the fire. A hoot owl boomed hollowly from a neighbouring syca- more. Thin and far away a coyote yammered at the first stars. Slim Loyale got to his feet and dragged a blanket roll from the: dunnage heap. He set about spread- ing them in the very centre of the little meadow. "Ill be a heavy dew tonight, Slim," counseled Dakota Blue. "Yuh better spread 'em back under the willows where mine are." Slim laughed softly. "I wanta taste that dew once- more, Dakota. I wanta feel it on my face, an' I wanta look at the stars a heap. 1 ain't seen much of 'em for--for a long time." . Shortly before midday, Slim Loyale and Dakota Blue rode into the cow town of Pinnacle. The single street was dusty and wide, and flanked with warped, splintery board sidewalks. The buildings were nearly all of frame construc- tion, their high false fronts throw- ing blocks of shadow. The street ran north and south, and at the north end stood a livery stable and corral, with a watering trough in front. Across from the livery stable was Sheriff Jigger Starbuck's office and behind; the. of- fice stood the jail. The latter was a small, square chubby, which dif- fered in construction from the ma- jority of the buildings inasmuch as it was made of stout fir logs, brought down from the slopes of the jagged Mineral Mountains to the north. : At the hitching-rail before - the sheriff's office, Slim and Dakota dis- mounted. "Yuh go ahead with yore business, Slim," said Dakota. "When yo're done, come on over to Spud Dillon's place. I'll be waitin' for yuh there." Slim nodded, twisted the reins of his mount around the rail, then walked up to the door of the of- fice and knocked. He entered at the: summons of a deep, resonant voice. Sheriff Starbuck sat behind a battered, paper-littered desk. He was a tall man of middle age, thin and leathery-brown. His clean: shaven face was hard from the -habitual grim set, of his jutting jaw. His eyes were a light blue, cold and searching, He showed no evidence of surprise at sight of Slim. Instead, he rose to his feet and thrust forth his hand. "Hello, Slim," he said. "Glad to cought to lean To Handwriting Graphologist Tells What Type Of Clothes You Should Wear By Looking At The Slant Of Your Writing If your handwriting slants for- ward preceptibly, beware of hur ried shopping tours. Don't buy a dress until you have looked at sev- eral and tried the favourite on a second time. Because the forward slant denotes, among other things, - impulsiveness. "According to Dorothy Sara, dark- haired, attractive graphologist, who can tell by looking at your hand. writing the kind of person you are and the type of clothes you should wear to bring out the best points of your personality, the extreme backhand angle shows restraint and repression, So the woman who writes a def- inite backhand probably is the one who needs a red hat to lift her out 'of the depressions from which she is likely to suffer. Rather unre- strained, dashing splashes of color here and there often are better for her than conservative, strictly tail ored, quiet suits and dresses. One whose handwriting indicates a great sense of values, a nice bal ance between mind and emotion toward tailored clothes, says Miss Sara. "Such cos- tumes will serve to emphasize the strongest point of her personality which {s balance. "But if her handwriting shows a strong dramatic sense and a lively imagination, she needs clothes that provide a vivid background, with nothing drab about them. She shouldn't follow the fashion trends blindly. Rather, she should bring out her individuality by wearing things in tune with the mode, of course, but which suit her own per- sonality." Get Married and Buy Their Masks LONDON, Eng.--Registry offi ces were deluged last week with a rush of couples getting married 'before war breaks out'. At the Caxton Hall office there were two long lines--=one to the marriage license window, the oth- er to the gas mask fitting depot. gee yuh back." Slim shook hands. back, Jigger. comin'?" (To be Continued) "Glad to be Yuh knew I was x i $10 In Prizes will be given for the best | Christmas or New Year's : Dinner Menu A sample Thanksgiving Dinner Menu appears on this phge. ' Can you improve on it for Christmas or New Year's? 3 Every Woman in the Community Is Eligible to Compete Details of Contest will be Announced Next Week in this paper * -Almost All Colors Are. Smart This Season Suede, kid and calf oxfords are cut higher for fall. Some are perforated and underlaid with pat- ent. There are combines of suede and plaid woollen. There are high- cut suede pumps trimmed with silk braid, Grained leather, calf- skin, pigskin, crocodile, lizard are - used for day wear. Co Colors are tan, brown; ox-blood, wine, black, of course, grey and green for sports. ~~ For evening you are offered sil- ver and gold mesh high-heeled sandals almost always open-toed, -and platform sandals in oriental brocades, embroidered satins, jew- elled jerseys and velvets. Tips On Carving A Roast Turkey Now you needn't feel awkward in carving the Thanksgiving tur- key. Here are the four most im- portant steps in this precarious undertaking: 1..--Always turn the fowl on its side before carving. 2.--Begin by cutting into the drum of the leg with a few clean strokes of 'the knife and then pull it back from the body. 38.--In" slicing :the meat from the leg, carve toward the body of the bird. : 4.--In carving the breast, cut toward the plate with clean, slow strokes of the- knife. Seeing By Phone A New York scientist has just invented a television telephone. At present--and until more research is possible--the phone will be merely an inter-office one, but the Experts say thai the invention will ultimately be used for the trans- Atlantic phone system. At last we'll be able to see the girl who's sorry we've been troubled! France is becoming enthusiastic over professional ice hockey. v is the ideal | sweetener on | your morning" cereal because It Is easier ® ts TRY IT ~-- TOMORROW a Fe p----

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