Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Jul 1938, p. 4

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wl i 8 a a he id ZN ~ ; hos > a HRY and ™ ---- \ ! board. 'via the Nonquon and return. The Lion Port. Parry. CONGRATULATIONS It has come to our attention that Dr. G. M. Rennie of Port Perry, was elected president of the Ontario Coun- ty Medical Association at its recent meeting held in Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Will Capelle and Mr. J. W. Ripley, of Buffalo, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Taggart. Mr. W. R. Murray, of Toronto, is visiting his mother, Mrs. R. Murray. Mr. Sam Naples of Toronto, is holi- daying in town. Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Fossey and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fossey, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey. Mr. R. G. Gemmell is in Hamilton, and Mr. R. H. Cornich is in Toronto, taking summer courses. Mr. Mungo Nasmith, of Toronto, is spending some time in Vancouver. David and Joan Bentley are visiting Mrs. David Archer, in Oshawa. Mr. Forbes Nasmith, Miss Dorothea Nasmith, and Miss Joyce Moyle, ot Toronto, were visiting friends in town on Sunday. Mr. Storey Beare, of Toronto, is holidaying in town. ~~ --------m DIED Suddenly at her late residence, 183 Keewatin Ave., Toronto( on "Wednes- day, July 6th, 1938, Tillie, beloved wife of Marshall Stonehouse, and mother of Ewart and Gladys Stone- house. Funeral at her late residence on Saturday at 2.30 (D.S.T.) Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Al- bert, on arrival of cortage at 3 p.m. (Standard Time.) --_----------t-_ eo -- THE LIONS CLUB PLACE DIVING BOARD AT LAKEFRONT The Lions, we mentioned previously, are placing swings at the Waterfront Park for the children, and a Lion wandered down that way the other afternoon to look over the situation * loitered on the pier to watch the » "hers. To his amazement one of Inds was seemingly trying to commit snicide or at least, tempt Providence, by balancing himself on the iron rail which protects the boat landing stair and assaying to dive from it. On en- quiry it was learned that this was not an isolated stunt but the comm practice as "there's nothing el dive off." Three more lined for a plunge but all had to have fhe as- sistance of a hoist from thei com- panions to get up on the precarious perch from which two made resound- ing bellywhackers while the third was forced to jump, missing the sharp edge of the concrete by inches only. A two inch pipe is not very secure footing at the best and with bare, wet feet and nothing to hold on to, it is decidedly hazardous, while a fall on the unyielding concrete might result in severe injury, particularly if the victim struck his head and if he rolled into the water in a semi-conscious condition he would have to depend on his companious to pull him out if he did not want to drown. This will have to stop said the Lion, but how? The Club had closed for the season so there was no chance to submit a suggestion for diving- The two Kight boys were standing by their motor launch wait- ing with watchful eye the itinerant tourist for a scenic trip to Seagrave, hastily scratched a design of the diving board at the Million Dollar Bigwin Inn with a wire nail on a bis- cuit box. Rough, but one could grasp the idea and the suggestion was made that their spare time between trips could be employed building it. The Kight Brothers Construction Co., Unlimited, was quay incorporated, the Lion ceased his meandering and made, a direct drive up street calling on all the Lions reachable, placing the enterprise before them and solicit- ing their support.i- "The response was unanimous and favourable, all wanted to help the boys and girls and encour- age their water sports. With this as- surance the signal was given for the new firm to go into construction, this they did with alacrity, or Semeiing, The Jupp Construction Co. couldn have moved faster, and as, we go +, press the platform and board are in active operation with ladder from the water to reach same, in position. This of itself is a valuable contribution for up to now there has been on provision made for a ladder, or anything else for anyone to grasp who might fall off the pier. Incidentally. the job is a credit to the contractors. Go down some after- noon and watch the fun at this school for fancy divers as they train for the Business Men's Association big fete. BLUEBIRD GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS INSURED FRER AGAINST LOSS NOTE--Every diamond is insured. Bentley's Jewelry Store, Port Perry. ---------- EP OP. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister Evening Service at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 11 a.m. Everybody weleome PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D. Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 1} a.m.--Public Worship. Rev. Mr. Smyth in charge of service. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J." C. Clough. Sunday, July 10-- 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. Sunday, July 17th-- 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Ser- mon, MYRTLE School was dismissed for the holi- day season last week, and as a numbér of the children were promoted on their high standing duirng the year, they are looking forward to a very pleasant, "care-free" holiday with no schoolb ooks to mar their joys. Miss Elsie Smith is spending the vacation with her parents at Oakville and will return for the third year in Sept. Traffic Officer Waude was kept.very busy over the holiday. The traffic was probably the heaviest that has ever been seen on this Highway. A three car accident happened at Pros- pect corner on Friday afternoon, when two cars had a head-on collision and a third one bumped into the rear end of one and was so badly smashed that it had to be towed to Cook's garage. Fortunately the passengers escaped with minor injuries. On Saturday afternoon a driver seemed to lose control of his car just south of the village and it ran over an embank- ment into the ditch, the trailer which was attached being badly wrecked. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Honey, of To- parents at the parsonage, and motored to Welcome for the week end. Mr. Ronald Lawrence of Lindsay, is holidaying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Opasiion and three daughters of Toronto, called on friends here over the week end. Mr. John Robinson, Toronto, spent the earlier part of the week at Mr. | Hafzo Bradley's. other friends in Toronto over the week end. -------oe-- ----------~ BOWLING CLUB NEWS on Wednesday, the 29th. Playing con- sisted of Scotch Doubles drawn mn jitney fashion, three games. Prize winners were Messrs. Grant Gerrow, R. Jeffrey, Ted Jackson, S. Jeffrey and F. W. Brock. Supper was served on the Club House verandah, and a general meet- ing of the Club was held to receive progress report on the club house re- construction which shall be completed shortly, = Water service and toilets are being installed. Thursday evenings were selected for men's regular games for the sea- son, with arrangements as well for Wednesday afternoon playing. All indications point to a success- ful season as the membership has al- most doubled and with excellent house facilities being available, enthusiasm runs high. Two rinks from the local green at- tended the mixed twilight tournament Mr. and Mrs. R. Harper and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mulligan brought home third prize, winning their three games with third highest score. PRINCE ALBERT A fine attendance numbering thirty- nine gathered for the meeting of the Women's Association on June 29tn. Mrs. Fred Lyle kindly offered her home for this occasion to whom a vote of thanks was tendered. The presi- dent was in charge and the meeting opened in the usual way. On motion the smaller room of the church base- ment is to be redecorated. The pro- gram was in charge of Miss Grace Vickery and consisted of a duet by Mrs. Lyle and Mrs. Murphy; reading by Mrs, MacGregor; instrumental by Miss L. Rodgers; rug demonstration by Mrs. D. M. Jackson; and a most interesting talk on Austria by Mrs. Von Ritschl. We were pleased to have visitors present from Oshawa, Prospect and Epsom. The next meet- ing to be held at the home of Mrs, ronto, spent Dominion Day with their Mrs, Joe Walker visited her son and The Men's Lawn Bowling Club held a most interesting Club Tournament; at Cannington on Monday evening.| mo REI'AIRS, GOODRICH TIRES. 4 ¥ : % Be Sure and See KEN the MAGICIAN AT THE Town Hall, PORT PERRY Saturday Evening, JULY 9th - ATTENTION BOYS and GIRLS HAVE YOU Joined the Jimmie Allen Flying Club? if not get your FREE application form at once from Manchester Garage, TOWING, BATTERIES RE-CHARGED, GREASING, Prompt and Courteous: Service. Tune in CBL at 4.45 p.m. Monday to Friday. 10 Jo 0 1 1 AEN D. McKinzey, Prop. Phone 53. WANTED TO RENT - A hundred acre farm, must have good - buildings and. land, near Port Perry, on a main road. Living pos- session October 1st. Apply to Box 9, Port Perry Star. : Julyl4 TO RENT | Six roomed house on John street, Possession middle of August. Apply to Star Office, DANCE At BEN JONES' STEEL BARN, 5 miles west of Port Perry, on Wed: nesday evening, July 13th. Modern and Old Time Dancing. Admission 26¢, | | Ay dl "THEATRE OSHAWA "- Now Playing THURSDAY and : 000 FRIDAY and SATU Wayne Morris 000 starring "CASA MANANA R Revue of Professional and i% 2--GRAND FEATURES--2 "THE BARRIER" "Love is a Headache" THE RITZ BROTHERS, TONY MARTIN and MARJORIE WEAVER, in Kentucky Moonshine ADDED--Coloured Cartoon "DONALD'S NEPHEW" Friday REVIVAL at 10.30 p.m. "Kid Galahad" with Edward G. Robinson and MONDAY and TUESDAY "YELLOW JACK" - Robert hiv IER 3 Virginia Bruce & Lewis Stone. ADDED on the SCREEN WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY BIG DOUBLE BILL Arsene Lupin Returns Go Chase Yourself 1% | & RDAY Lawrence's Drug Store News | (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Stere) ENGLISH ~ RIGA BISMA REX HEALTH SALT MINERAL OIL Stomach Medicine 16 oz. 39%. 40 oz. 89¢. . 75¢. and $1.50 ST LUCIA LIME JUICE 13 oz. 25c, PURE OLIVE OIL 4 ounce 23c. 8 ounce 39¢c. TANGEL "For Deep Sunburn tube 50¢. PHONE 49 . There has been a notable movement EVUE"" Talent. At private home, Office, Port Perry. BOARDER WANTED Apply at Star DESSERT POWDERS JUNKET JUNKET RENNET GARTH'S GRAPEFRUIT JUICE BRIGHT'S FANCY HALVES PEACHES ROSE BRAND SUMMER «IC SWEET MIXED PICKLES SHREDDLD WHEAT DELICIOUS HOT CR COLD VI-TONE MIX ICE CREAM 3 ~~ 28 2-19 PURITAN op IGINAL DUTCH oven paksp 2 "hs 89 oT Ege "rected ya 2 ; "Sins 25 + Puritan gy, : z won [J mee? wd? | Pac w.18 28 2.23 VALUES | EFFECTIVE JULY 4 to 9. YRUP's-.09 "% Jd FRESH CHOICE FRUITS PEACHES 19¢. doz. Grapefruit ¥ § for 25c. Head Lettuce each 5¢. . DOMESTIC SHORTENING 2:25 47 5x 25% HAWES LEMON OiL sreaien STITT FETT ITTTITITTTT TS cersesartinne -oz. Boll. AR WILBERT'S SHOE Wh WHI 2 16-02, tins » GOMPORT SOAP LT PT I TR TY TTI PRP IYY CE CITITTIT ITT Ie sasppaeeee | ko. .08 CORN SYRUP wor sone 18 JUICE OF EARLY MORNING COFFEE i PINEAPPLE 2w.28 we 23, ! 'WONDERFUL MOTION PICTURES Vickery. Lunch was served, consist- ing of strawberries and cream con- tributed by Miss Madden, and other good things by other members. Pro- ceeds $7.00, ! Mr, and Mrs. Earl Williams, of To- ronto, are holidaying at the home of his father, Mr. E. M. Williams. Mrs, Gerrow, of Oshawa, spent a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Luke. Master Bobbie Luke of Oshawa is spending awhile with his grandparents here. Mr. C. Clark was in London last week on Lodge duties, : Mrs. W. Webb and Jean, Norwood, have been visiting at the home of her F.| parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter. MARSH HILL Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Gregg and John spent the week end with friends at Sunderland. ; Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Hood ana children of Toronto, were recent visit- ors at Sam Hood's, Mr. and Mrs. John Tunney of To- ronto, at Ged, Merrick's on Sunday. Mr. Fred Wilkingon and Mr, Russell Acton, weré in Uines on Sunday. Mr, Wilmot Swanick spent the week end with his friend Mr. Douglas Lan- caster of St. Mary's. Mr. Stewart Rusnell was a caller in our neighbourhood on Sunday, IN MEMORIAM MEDD---In loving mem Jas, Medd. ory of Mrs. 8he was such a good, dear mother, So patient, kind and true, She never saw a dark cloud, But she saw the sun shine through; Sometimes when we are all fone, You seem to be #0 near That we hear your dear voice saying: "Don't grieve, dears, I am here." Though death can divide us from mother, Nor sever the clouds of love, She is resting sweetly with + In a beautiful home above, Sadly missed by Jesus, = Husband and family, for home improvement in.Rert Perry. First came the wrecking of the Real barn and the erection of a neat gar- age, then a complete remodelling of the Widden home into an attractive modern duplex. Next is the repair of the Forman house, which is again ona The Penhall property has "A. M. LAWRENCE PORT PERRY LOCAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS been bought by Henry Dodd, who has torn down' the old house and is re- building. ~~ - All this looks 'like real progress. There are still many old barns and outbuildings that could be removed with considerable advantage to the properties. They become an eyesore because being useless are neglected. T0- NIGHT! "Thursday, July 7 OF "THE LIFE OF CHRIST" coming to Port Perry United Church, music. J "The Passion Play" or Life of Christ", is veritably a treasured heri- tage of the ages, to all Christian people, whose faith is anchored in the resurrection of Jesus of - Nazareth. The dramatic versions, given peri- odically, in Europe, at Oberammergau and Freiburg, are visited by hundreds of thousands of Christian poeple, from New "Passion Play" to be shown with Belonging to the estate of the latd™ Miss Penhall--furniture, carpet, linen, feather "ticks, pillows, stove, dishes. Apply to Geo. R, Davey, Phone 249. WANTED Second hand car, sedan or coupe, Must be bought cheap. Apply to S. Bodolo, Rosa St., Port Perry. it FOR SALE . 1932 Chevrolet Sport DeLuxe Road- ster, six wire wheels, rumble seat, in excellent condition. Apply to Geo. Cropper, R.R. 3, Uxbridge, 1 mile west of Greenbank. july? FOR SALE all sections of the World, at enormous expense. PRODUCED IN'EUROPE AND PALESTINE! The public of Port Perry and vicin- ity is to be given the rare opportunity ol seeing the world-famous 'Passion "Play" motion picture based upon, ana: patterned after both Freiburg and Oberammergau productions, and act- ually produced in Europe, the Holy Land, and Egypt, with spécial organ, orchestral and choral music,.on sound equipment depicting many famous scenes. in the Life, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus, at the Port Perry United Church on Thursday, | July 7th, at 8.16. pm. Everybody is invited, and admission tickets are not necessary. A silver offering will be taken, to assist in paying expenses. It is requested that children be ac- companied by adults. The public are cordially invited. Admission Free. Offering taken, WONDERFUL MUSIC SCORE A complete -and very appropriate musical score will be played through- out the entire film, on special sound | equipment, reproducing some of the world's choicest and most exquisite orchestral, organ, and choral music by famous composers, blending in with the magnificent scenes which portray, lin authentic and historic fashion, the Li Crucifixion, and Resurrection of esus. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH, i THURSDAY, JULY 7th, at 8.16 p.m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re Estate of William Hern, Deceased Immediately after July 14th, 1938, the assets of the deecased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of .which said solicitor shall then have notice. All persons having claims against | ' the Estate of William Hern late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County : of Ontario, deceased, who jdied on or shout the 14th day of Junt, 1938, are hereby 'notified to send in to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 14th day of July, 1938, full particulars of their claims, Dated at Port Perry, June 20, 183s. JOSEPH DENNY, Solicitor for the Estate of William Hern. Scampers Just a few pairs left to sell at Bargain Prices. They are high class leather with cleated rubber soles. Call and see them. GEO. STEPHEN'S SHOE SHOP 12 Pigs, 3 months' old. Apply to S. J. Wooldridge, Seagrave, Phone 92 r 5 FOR SALE Three grade Guernsey heifers, bred. These heifers are 'from choice dairy stock. Apply to A. G. Dowson, Port | Perry, Phone 9. FOR SALE QUEBEC SHINGLES CLEARS and EXTRAS --- SPECIAL PRICES-- Also LIME and CEMENT. Apply to H. H. GOODE Myrtle Elevator July 28 SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED SUITS CLEANED 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § pm. 'Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance :Office. (The firm of Grea & HuMpHzREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Gran & HUMPHREYS is disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24%;8Imcoe Street: North, Oshawa. Phone 814, in Sishdance at my Port Perey rr) olen 3 on : Tues Thursday Aterhonis ay ad or by appoin Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Offieg 68w, Residence 68) DR. W. 8. HARPER a got Graduate in Su EA Aad Foiyiiete Londen aon Batak, | dre Bei = and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont. DR. A. 8. BLACK VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Oversens in the Royal Eph Si "HOUSEHOLD GOODS 'FOR SALE Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, E ] iS Ee 4 . YY ; i f | ' 2. a 4 0 + : x N - 1 > 4 & 1 5 Y EN Bd | --- --- 3 2 +

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