Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Jun 1938, p. 5

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REFERER RRR RA RRR RRAR ARE CARRERA RE RRARRRR BARRA RRR TELEPHONE It's quicker and easier A call to 29W will end your meat order worry in a flash. CAWKER BROS. We deliver Port Perry Reach Council The regular meeting of the Reach Council was held on June 6, 1988, at Manchester. All members present, the reeve presiding. The following communications were received: Toronto Stamp and Stencil Works, bill for dog tags; The Daily Commercial News, bill for alvertising; F. H. Watson, bill for sheep killed by dogs; from Dept. of Highways ap- proving of 'Road Expenditure by-law and purchase of machinery; W. D. Muckler, bill for house fumigation which was laid over for future con- YOUR FAMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or ~ Pastry -- we can supply you with the best baking, on short notice. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY PHONE 93, PORT PERRY Shop by Telephone-- : The personal Way A CALL TO M..GREGOR'S ~ MEAT MARKET Insures prompt, personal service PHONE 72-R-2 PORT PERRY EAS ARAN ASAIN So Hal PRINCE ALBERT T ITORS NOTICE TO CRED Staring next Sunday, the ehureh In the Estate of Wilfred Graham, - [service will be held at 10 a.m. follow- Deceased. ed by Sunday School at 11. ; Congratulations to Miss Robina Mc- All Persons having claims against Crea upon graduating as a Registered the estate of Wilfred Graham, late of Nurse at the Graduating Exercises of the Township of Whitby, in the| oghawa General Hospital on Thursday County of Ontario, deceased, who died last. Guests attending the function, on or about the 28th day of May, 1938, |; qqition to the family were Mrs, A. are hereby notified to send in to the Harper, 'Miss Kathleen Murphy and undersigned solicitors on or before the Misses Grace and Mary Vickery. 9th day of July, 1938, full particulars Mr. A. Tripp of Toronto called on of their claims. his cousin Mr. Geo, Luke on Sunday, Mr. Ben Cook of Toronto, a former : Immediately after July '9th, 1938, : pt "4. + the assets of the deceased will be dis- ant hers, was in. the village on « -7 tributed among the parties entitled|' Mr. W. J. Bond, of Toronto, spent thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have Pa snd. with Wis mother Mrs, Tioties, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Williams i san Dated at Port Perry, June 9, 1938. Austin visited with Mr, E. Williams on Sunday. + HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE,| Mrs. P. Ramer is spending a few Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for weeks with her sister in Vancouver, Wilfred Graham Estate. B.C, hid We Specialize in White Roses PASTRY FLOUR No Better Made, Bring in your GRAIN for chopping or exchange for special blends of chick feed, etc. Phone 99-w { NS ! 8 ve [] [3 rouirav (gf HOOS ' carne id Id vokses [3 Farmer 2 For outstanding and profitable RESULTS, FEED: FOR POULTRY Pioneer Chick Mash, Growing Mash, 7 Big "8" Laying Mash. FOR HOGS Pioneer Weanlin Rations -. Grower, Hog Finisher, Pork Pro- ; ducer (concentrate.) ~ FOR CATTLE 2 Pioneer 16%, 18%, or 24% Dairy Ration, Dairy Concentrate, Bulky Sweet, Dry and Freshening Ration. Results are the only sound measure of feed value. Pioneer Feeds have proven their superiority because they produce profitable results. We are here to give you service and satisfaction. Drop in and look over the feeds. Take home a bag 'and watch it produce results. Lake Scugog Milling Co., Hog Port Perry ML RE RL LL LL LR A LLL Lt A Lr rr rr rrr rrr rrr N RIMINI INI RI LIRIIIRININIRIITETTITIIY PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with : HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry RARER tA ts IIR IRI III) or Bess dill $a BY sideration; Dr. Wilson re bill for operation on one John Beedon which was also laid over; 'Cephas Sleep, en- closing bill for Tax Collector's bond; T. E. Philp, bill for placing placards re. communicable diseases; County Office Supply Co., enclosing bill for Assessment and Collector's Rolls; W. H, Kelk re town line road, Reach and Whitby; Port Perry Coal Yard, bill for cement. : On motion the reeve was ordered to issue his order in payment of the following bills: Cephas Sleep $ premium dn bond; Wm. Wilson, oh administering relief; R. J. Brown, $100 on account of salary as assessor; Allan Crosier, sheep killed by dogs, $25.00; Daily Commercial News $6.00, advt.;. Port Perry Coal Yard $22.00, cement for tile; John McDonald, $100 3%| or less to pay necessary transporta- tion of Fitton family; County Office g Supply Co. $22.26, Assessor's and Coi- of | lector's rolls; Miss Rees, $6.00, care- taking; Toronto Stamp and Stencil Works, $14.68, dog tags; R. J. Brown, postage and stationery; T. E, Philp, $4. 60, placing placards for Board of Health; Jas. Blair, $23.80, making tile; Township Treasurer $126.59 to pay relief accounts for May; Treas. of Whitby Township, $7.24, relief fof one # | Gibson. Moved by Councillor Swanick, seconded by Councillor Ward, that the road account, $490.11 be paid. Moved by Councillor Swanick, seconded by Deputy Reeve McDonald, the Clerk was instructed to write the Hydro Electric Power Commission, not to place any Hydra poles an the roads of Reach Township until the position is approved by Jas, A. Les, Road Supt of Reach Township. - Moved by Councillors McIntyre and Ward, that the following resolution be adopted and 'a copy forwarded to the Attorney-General, G. D. Conant. "Resolved that this Municipal Coun- cil of the Township of Reach, ask the Attorney-General to have Magistrato Ebbs removed from office and a more competent person appointed. This re- quest is based on a sentence passed in Whithy on Tuesday, May 31st, 1938, which appears to be one of the worst casgs of maladministration of justice ever heard of, and has the best people of this township in a frame of mind where they will not for years have any confidence in Magistrate Ebbs." * Council adjourned until July 2nd. BLACKSTOCK Services in 8t. John's" Anglican Church on Sunday were taken by Rev, Mr, Daviss, of Toronto. He was en- tertained over the week end at the | { home of Mr, and Mrs. F. Willan. . Mr. Dougal McDougal, of Toronto, is visiting with friends in Blackstock and vicinity, Mr. Ashton of Toronto, is spending a few days at his home here. Messrs, Gordon Brown and Oriole Edgerton have gone to Kirkland Lake where Gordon has been fortunate in getting work in a garage. We hope Oriole meeta with the same success. Mr. and Mrs, John Venning and daughter spent Sunday with Miss A, Devitt, Miss Ruby Ramsay Rouse and Mr, Leslie Gibson of Toronto, were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs, Taylor. Mr, and Mrs, De la Mattey and the former's mother, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Taylor, The many friends were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Annie Theresa Bell on May 30th at the home of her son, Alvin, in Ottawa. Al- though she had been in failing health for some time, her death was unex- pected, Mrs. Bell was born. at Ballyduff in 1878, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Lathangue of Lifford. She was married to Robert Bell thirty- six years ago. Left to mourn her loss are her hus- band, one son Alvin of Ottawa, one daughter Pearl at home, four sisters, Mrs. Archie Staples (Minnie) of Fleetwood; = Mrs. W. . Patterson, (Phemia), of Toronto; Miss Emma Lathangue of Bethany and Mrs. Al- bert Finney, (Ola) of Fleetwood and three brothers, Obadiah, Los Angeles, Edward and William of Bethany. An- other sister Mrs, John Henderson two months, ; The largely attended funeral was held from her late residence on Wed- nesday, June 1st, interment being "| comes, "The Church Window" and how | the meeting. by those present. | Ts moe WILLIAM ETTEY FLORIST Phone 206, Prince Albert, Ontario and Plants for Decoration Day Early Order Your' 'Garden Plants from us--Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Asters, Petunias, Pansies, and other Boxed Plans. Phone 206. PROMPT DELIVERY made at Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay. The service was conducted by Rev, W, H. V. Walker, of Janetville, who was assisted by Rev, C. E. Cragg, of To- ronto. During the service Mr. Percy Preston sang sacred music accom- panied by his sister Mrs, H. Neals. A number of close friends and re- friends in the community, Miss Jean Sellery of Toronto, is spending two weeks with her mother Mrs. C. Sleep. The Seagrave Women's Association held a very special meeting on Thurs- day afternoon, June 2nd, when they entertained the Sonya Ladies' Aid in|} latives were flower bearers and the|the School Room of the Church. The pallbearers were Messrs. W, Patter-|voom had been beautifully arranged || son, A. Finney, Lorne McGill, W. Gay-| and decorated for the occasion by Mrs. | JK nor, N. Lathangue and I. Argue. C. Sleep who acted as hostess. * Many friends from a distance at-| Mrs. E. Clements, the president, | | [8 tended including a number from To-|opened the meeting with the hymn ronto, Ottawa, Peterboro, Lindsay,|"For the Beauty of the Earth" follow- Reaboro and Manvers and vicinity. [ed by prayer by Mrs. McLachlan, The The deceased was of a quiet home- loving nature, a faithful wife, a loving | the Sonya ladies, also those who were] |: and devoted mother, and a good] present from Port Perry. The Secrip-|§§ neighbour, She was a member of the ture lesson, Psalm 23 was sung as a| Jk? Presbyterian Church at Nestleton and [duet by Mrs. J. Harding and Mrs. W. while her health permitted took an]Keene. Mrs. Wannamaker read a de- active interest in its welfare. votional topic, a sermon by Rev. C. ir Hughes, based on this Psalm. This SEAGRAVE was very interesting and helpful. On Wednesday, June 1st, the Quad-| The usual business meeting was dis- rata Club held its Old Girls' Reunion | pensed with, the president making at the home of Mrs. W. Keene, There|only the necessary announcements were eighteen old Girls and twenty-| With regard to the coming anniver- one present memhers in attendance.]sary and the convention at Oakwood. Thé afternoon was spent in novelty | The speaker of the afternoon, Mrs. R. races and friendly chat among ald|G. Gemmell of Port Perry, was then friends, The prizes for the contest-|introduced. Mrs. Gemmell first ex- ants with the highest number of points] pressed the good wishes of the Port in the races were awarded during the| Perry W, A. to the members of the short program after supper. Mrs, | Seagrave Society. The subject of her H. Skerratt (Pickard) won first prize, address was "Japan and her place in with Mrs. R. Reynolds, Mrs, Elwood |the sun." This talk was very inter- $0 % 350 5 4% ost 1% a Sh Sa dte oat St ts Moots Sr Order Your Cut Flowers [||| # Men's with heel i Men's i Boys' size 1 to 5Y i Youths i Lads i Girls : | Ladies i Men's Trunks % With strap president then extended a welcome to|fi@ 5 Men's White Shoes Rasirergrenns irk gi ai i ie 2 me RED & WHITE sr on | 'SISMAN'S SCAMPERS | $2.95 | $2.49 $2.19 $1.99 $1.69 $1.69 11 to 13%, 8 to 1014, 8 to 10%, Monarch Knit $2.85 $1.00 | Bathing Suits $1.25 to Childrens White Shoes ~~ $1.35 to $1.85 according to size Te $3.00 | Ladies White Shoes, ties $2.25 | Linen Table Sets-- several colors with 4 gerviettes $2.25 F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY MCAT Ty R232 288 Clements, Miss Alma Clement winning | esting and instructive. She spoke of the other prizes. ~The supper was|Japan's very small area and her im- served by the Seagrave girls in buffet | mense population. Her great love of s style. The President, Mids Marjorie | the beautiful. Her immense army and | js of Mitchell" poured fBAadélated By "other [rer great commerce: "Then she had | 3 members, : something to say of the government N The meeting was called ta order and]and the army. The war with China|? a program was given; A reading by|must be looked from a great many |} Miss Marion Eagleson, after which angles. Although we cannot condone Miss Jean Harding and Mrs, J. Tobin|the action of Japan, neither can we sang with guitar accompaniment. The entirely condemn. This splendid ad- speaker was then introduced, Mrs. H. dress and the charming manner in G. Leask of Uxbridge, = Mrs. Leask|which it was delivered will long re- took as her subject "Windows", Some | main in our memory. thoughts to be remembered. In our] Mrs. S. McFarlane, president of the lives we have various 'windows, first Sonya Ladies Aid, then took charge of In a few well chosen we must strive ever to keep it before words she thanked the Seagrave So- us so that our other windows will be ciety for their warm welcome and as- | more beneficial. Then we have al]sured us that although we were work- "Reading Window" which enables us|ing under different names our aims; to have the finest and best contacts,|Were the same. and meet the best people. Our| Mrs. Kennedy contributed a solo, "Friendship. Window" must be care-] "Have You Counted the Cost?" Mrs, fully built pane by pane and each|M. Gordon played an instrumental. pane must be tried and tested before| Mrs. C. McPhaden gave a talk on it is added. Our Friendship Window | "Patriotism" referring to some hap- will have no two panes alike for there | Penings during the great war, where is a friend for every mood. Many of she served as a nurse. Mrs. Mason us have "a radio window" and through [gave as a reading "When the last this window we may gather the best|g&reat picture is painted." Mrs. Mor-|} of so many things that has come to be] rison of Sonya then moved a vote of Ave important window. In this and|thanks to the Seagrave society for r "Reading Window" we must re-|their kind hospitality. Mrs. Eagleson oN hs that it is only the perfect|moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Gem- glass with no flaws that makes the|mell and others who had helped to best windows. } make the afternoon a success. The A very important window that we|meeting closed with a hymn and the ourselves build is. "Our Hobby Win- Mizpah benediction. A dainty lunch dow." How many of us have a "hobby | Was served by some of the young window?" Maybe it is a garden, or|l!adies of Mrs. Sleep's Class and all may be you open your "Hobby Win- enjoyed a social time. dow" in other ways. . But'there is one window without which the other count but little, that is our "Character Window". Its glass must be ever shining. This talk will long be remembered Mrs, O. Boe moved a vote of thanks for the afternoon and we of the Seagrave Club wish to say that it was a pleasure to entertain the "Old Girls," ~The day came to a close with the singing of 'that favorite hymn "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." ET Miss Mildred Mills of Scugog spent the week end with"Miss Helen Short. Don't forget the Seagrave Anniver- sary next Sunday and Monday. > dana orion 2 {] m= fat Seine a) a - BRADBURN-WHITFIELD A quiet wedding took place at St. on Saturday, June 4th, when Mar- jorie, second eldest daughter of Mr. Teasdale Whitfield of Burketon, be- came the bride of Earl Bradburn, son of Mr, and Mrs. D. W. Bradburn of Burketon. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. C. R. Spencer, rector of St. John's Church. The bride, who was given in mar- riage my her father looked lovely in a gown of orchid net over taffeta with white accessories and carried a bou- quet of sweet peas and lily-of-the- valley. Miss Beatrice Whitfield was her sister's bridesmaid and wore powder. blue net over taffeta with (Elizabeth) predeceased her by only! Mrs. (Rev.) McLachlan spent a few days in Cambray last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. M, MacMillan, Jr,, on the birth of a son. Mrs. W. L. Moase, Mr. Glenn Moase and Mrs, H, Eagleson spent Friday in Box Grove and Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding and white accessories. Mr. Ray Bradburn supported the groom. The young couple left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for points west, the bride travelling in navy with white accessories. On their return) they will reside on the. groom's farm RG SB ARARARS RES IKRKXR PEARL RRR 2etetal ERAT Ata aA A £02 A IRI A Te TI a GT eG] ONSET DORR John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, | | sem. «ms rs. A. "this Spring, or a new building to OUR NEW LOAF Bread is the staff of life, so we are always trying to furnish oun customers with the latest and best. Ask our driver about our bread" and pastry. He will be pleased to show you tasty varieties. SMILES N' CHUCKLES When you buy them from us are always fresh and attractively packed Per package 25c. and 50c. Gerrow Brothers ol CEL ZN SR TN Sa ee) The Dependable Fuel Why not fill up your coal bin for next winter when, low spring prices are available? ou will be sure of every heat satisfaction if vou burn this safe, economical fuel. "Hardwood Slabs, Soft Slabs, Coke CEMENT--Fresh carload on hand, also Lime and Tile. Your orders will receive prompt and careful attention. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. Pyatt. Phones: 94 w and 94 ¥ Contracts Taken NOW Have you an alteration job to do erect! Get in on the LOW Prices of LUMBER. We will furnish plans and estimates free of charge. A Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 amily of Toronto spent Sunday with) Tyrone. RRR, NE ae ar ov A Yr, i wr A FE = 2. AT oy Ve an hs oro re Cig So, hy ir er » HT, " Ps ~~ PE 0 pL eh TTR ro Foes Varia t bb ar Err > XH yn vr # LA, ks RIL ns a rhe hy a wr RT dl SR nN or 5) £7 Font Xf =r PR rr I id pr

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