FN a EE -- ' DeYoung of Brooklin, who bought the West Calder farm, which Mr. Cook is leaving, takes pos- session the later part of the week. Fred Todd is A speedy re- Sorry to report Mr, under "medical care, covery is hoped for. gall of you! Printing that piece] about Irma Clemens starting public school fifty years ago! It's libel, sir." jure the deceased to give out that she was born more than fifty years ago." "Maybe it can't hurt Irma," said the steely-eyed Miss Crane, "But a better run, - OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE for him in the form of a little gather- ing at this cottage in the evening. After spending a short time playing gether. We wish "Lije" many happy returns of the day and congratulate the boys on the spirit of thoughtful kindliness which they displayed. 'contests: ditions from the end of the Great War until the present. During the busi- ness part of the meeting which fol- 6th. Mr. Moase then conducted two "A Floral Romance" and "A Bible Contest." The meeting closed With He a Benediction. (The firm of GrExa & HUMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. W. S. HARPER good repair. Apply to Geo. Samells, Scugog, R.R. 3 Port Perry, Phone 102 r 8. Government certified seed. Apply to Harold Holtby, R.R. 4, Port Perry. i W. A. Sangster : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sykes of "But poor Irma Clemens is dead euchre and taking part in some, con- lowed, the young people decided to i 2 ; DENTAL SURGEON | North Oshawa spent Sunday with [and gone," returned he edijar, tests of skill, the boys produced some accept an invitation to visit/fhe Prince In Mieneuce ot my. Port i Barry Sic on | . SEED POTATOES-FOR SALE Office Hours: 9 am. to § pm. : Mr. L. Mitchell. wringing his hands. It can't in-| refreshments which they enjoyed to-| Albert Y.P.U. on the evening of April of ech w Herat by appoint Sern Katahdin Potatoes .produced from Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office. The firm of Gasman & HUMPHRNYS is dlsolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS Phone 31 Port Perry UTICA PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH aa i A i A Making Canada a Better P lace 'Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister, | y . Mis. L. HH UJIONERY Thess passed away in Toronto, on t 10 a.m.--Sunday School, 1 ( AWRENCE 8. , 18. . Hall wishes to announce Monday, March 21st, Mrs. 'Isabella in which (0) Live and Work 11 a.m. --*"The Forgiving Grace" that her millinery store (same place) * Watson, wife of the late Thomas Wat- | 1.46-p.m.--Men"s Class and Forum. will be open as usual after March 31.) 0, Burial took place at Bréadalbane 3 7 pm.--*"A Marked Man" ; re a N.C : ) Mr. Geo. James, President, I past. As a matter of fact, I think : DIED 'IN CALGARY Presbyterian Cemetery on Wednesday : f a ) -n ' 3 : t 3.90 pan. Mrs. Watson resided in Canadian Weekly Newspaper present conditions are more favorable. #5 4, ; Word was received this week of the|®! o p. ' Es § : Association. 4. That we secure and maintain an i 'A death of Robert Burns of Calgary on kipsom some years ago. A numbel es FXDOrt siarkets Catada } turall id : I Foss of neighbours and friends of the com- | Dear Sir: po b, Canada is naturally Sunday, He was in his 59th year. cg A : ; an export country and our success] 4 4 He was a son of Jas Burns and Mar-|™Munity attended the service at the| 1 have just received your letter, depends largely, on our efforts alo : Nb i: § : , n . ted . . D. 3 n, ¢ h --- ¥ garet Leask, formerly of Greenbank.|&'ave You are in position to give a great these lines. 5 3 = . " i All the Saigilis y you have been walling for 3 io . Died on Tuesday, March 22nd, Miss | service to Canada, 1 was raised on a To build } : alll | HEAT RE ¥ 3 Mr, and Mrs, Beatty, of Toronto,| Annie Thomson. Miss Thomson was | farm and know the constructive work > i I) an export market we ; : * : moved to Port Perry on Monday of a native of England, but had been in| done by the rural weekly papers. 1 us ns n quality, price and " ; & 4 Next Week, Apr. 6, 7, 8, 0 5 Be this week, to make their home with] Canada a number of years. The past [still read them. These publications, Soph an i. S tompete in price we OSHAWA 1 £5 £ 3 Mrs. Beatty's sister, Mrs. Geo. Jack-| few years she has made her home | being rural, are read to a greater ex- Tus vii Som ive costs, there- ' FOU R BIG DAYS 5 Lo 4 son, We welcome Mr. and Mrs. | with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam,| tent, for the number of copies issued, IOS costs for the basis of our 4 $2 4 ik Beatty to our community. of Epsom. Funeral was held from |than any other class of papers. ' Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 3 3 i. . val et OR , . ncke deh . 6G. That you encourage a better un- March 31, April 1-2 2 4 i Mr. Lone Beare, who has spent the their home on Friday, March 25th. You have asked me for suggestions, derstanding between the rural and "He : " +3 See BILLS for Further Details 4 od: iy oa | 4 i Interment took place at the Kendall| 3nd without giving the matter care- 3 B ingi U B b #8 ¢ winter in Atlantic City, playing} , : urban districts, Each of these dis- ringing Up Daoy > y hockey with the Sea Gulis, returned | Cemetery: ful thought, the suggestions that come) "5 50 0 Starting. Katherine. Hepbi 8 < 3 home on Monday of this ued 'he Pleased to report Mrs. Geo. Ward is | first to my mind are as follows: ts ro aqpeng iy oy Set; i Ape A Find Be Hepburn 4 Decide Now to Save Real Morey ' » Y : ble to get around again after a fall 1. To encourage the highest regard 8 nteligent planning 4 4" . oo, y 5 1 a ; oo Eorat: ll 8 UR hn at he Suan wb from a ludgey last week. for government, for law and the en- on Hope WA of Hurd ru Fda AL om ¥ on Finest Quality Rexall Rem- So ' Myr, Sam - returned home .on| forcement of law. ' € e can achieve the "WAIKIKI WEDDING" ts. . : Muss Nora McMillan and Miss Helen | Tuesday after spending the winter in 2. That you urge the election, to jist os . b fore with Bing Crosby and 3 edies, Puretest Household raraiage of loronto spent the week | Belleville. our different governments bodies, men at you use your best effor Martha Raye 2 4 ena ai the home ot Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kerry in To-|and women of the highest character to eliminate waste, which is ruining ~ % Drugs, Toilet Goods, Sta- » A. McMillan, ronto on Saturday. and whose purpose. will be to serve| this country and has put it into a ! > 4, . : Lr -- The Ladies' Aid will hold their {the people of this country unselfishly | serious condition through unneces- Monday-Tuesday, April 4-5 + Ee tionery, Sundries, ete. , Mr. Waridel was in Montreal Ol, op yj) meeting at the home of Mis.|and to the best of their ability. And [sary debt. The two major sources of Radio City R I 5 1 : 3 Yuesaay on business. Jas. Swan next Wednesday, on the other hand endeavour to break Jats are wy Lluis National adio ity evels + mre and Mrs. Orval Olsen, have| ~ Mr. Embury of Greenbank, at the | down political organizations for a|taliway an e multiplicity of gov- starring Bob Burns and $x moved to Port Perry and will occupy | home of Mr. and Mrs. BE. Kendall ont selfish puprosé and not for the bene- ernments and the unnecessary num- Jaek Oakie, 3 A. M. LAWRENCE : an apartment above rort Perry bay. | 1 uesday evening. fit of the people at large. ber of Besple employed by these gov- --=ON- THE STAGE -- 5 : « Rd sr. Olsen will be in charge of the| The community were shocked to; 3, To encourage people to be self-}ernments. } 3 ; nogk « Lytle chopping mill, succeed- | hear of the sudden death of Mr. John supporting and to live within their Canada must do a better job than KEN SOBLE' S 4, PORT PERRY wg mr. St. John, Porteous at Epsom on Monday. means, and wherever possible, to ac- [she has done in the recent past if we eopveceosdecestonos ------ee--o-------- ---- id Ca cumulate. I see no reason for the ex-|are.to meet our obligations and to re- AMATEURS ; - : I. 0. D. E. 8T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN tensive dole that seems to exist, not Aree our taxes and gat greater stad at. 540 'pan EE I AR Bg A V « O. D N . os oh ye | bility among our people. ot ete s 1 'Lhe regular monthly meeting of CHURCH } only i bur Lanny; but other coun y } Y peop CN E Ls IRIFTY AND SHOP. AT : : REE ; tries, © There is as good an oppor- Yor I - the 1. O. D, IK. wi ¢ he Rev. R, Simpson, Minister : } Co Living i ours very rtuly, Starting Ww ednesday, for 4 days, [| . community room at the Public Library | gyeni J tunity today to make a living in Can April 6-7-8-9 = opt y room te 2 ¥| kivening Service at 7 p.m. ada as there has been any time-in the C. H. CARLISLE. " P {HE - on monday, April 4th at 8 p.m. Sunday School at 2.80. > id BN : "SNOW WHITE" a : - ~~ -- Everybody weleome i a i ES i Ci H S " : Y. P. S. Tueaday at 8 p.m. : ' ; and Seven Dwarfs aE : 's. Suther i a Jubilee Singers Co SEAGRAVE Wall gro dom Bi ly his production, con- |] 8 SEC I AL S . | k op 1e guest of her mother Mrs, William inuous shows will run-- [] ik Morr a Ch Ton What 1s Y our A e Once more in misted April Short, and her sister Mrs. M, Mec- 2-4-6-810 p.m. B I a S50C 2 2 Cc y . : = a . . The earth is growing green i Mat.--Ad 2 : B : securing a fine entertainment for our d 9 8¢, Mong The RE river ' Milian, at, KVENING. piildien 152. . GLOVES, PURSES, SCARVES; LINGERIE, people on may evening of this La y: The plumy willows lean. Mr. and Mrs. F. Grose and aunt of z Adal bn , Sind 26c. ga all the New SPRING SHADES OF HOSIERY, in Crepe, - week. As has been the case In every | CKED T IWR Toronto were week end guests of Mr. pril 9--SPECIAL MATINEE |} (8 ~~" Chiffon and Service Weights. concert given by the Carolina Jubilee SHE, WRECKED THE NEWS- In every wooded valley and Mrs. W. Frise. - 2 Saturday morning, at 10 a.m. [| Tr" Al t t of : : » Singers here, the performance was PAPER The buds are breaking through, |° ral >ys Children 10c,- Adults 256; a EASTER CARDS, * BOOKKLETS, NOVELTIES "TOYS good and the audience was pleased. "The Printed Word"--Toronto As though the heart of all things| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cherrie of FE ) 'These talented singers give a variety . edi re tar : No langour ever knew. = Scugog, were Sunday visitors at the| = and CANDIES. GLASSWARE, CHINA,, GRANITE- A . Among hazardous occupations lm program. The whole company enters| : Tt: \ . : home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds. = WARE and KITCHEN HARDWARE. Ger ohe tire of Ale Sols momgs wit) LOA" bo dpeinded Wat OF the plik tie golten ings pul pludkivg B PAINTS, ENAMELS, VARNISHES, VARNISH STAIN. 5 Fry Do makes them a newspaper editor who, publishes each Call to their heavenly choir, Sunday School on Sunday morning { W on i y othe |Week brief resume of his town's his-| The pines are blue and drifted had a touch of new interest, in that = A FULL RANGE OF MEN'S DRYGOODS. Three outstanding] artists are theliory. There is dynamite in those With some of bushwood fire the Gichosiia ws ety 1 Cire Say Mary: [|] tenor singer with his echo whistling, | little summaries variously entitled | TE z iy , Thi w : 3% es a the pianist, who can impersonate and | «Ten Years "Ago," "Twenty Years| And in my sister's garden' hl Th le a rea o : 3 i ali "AND OPERATE BY whose piano pertormance is really Apo" and Fifty Years Ago." Where little breezes run, bt Taken, being added. Miss Durelle Will you call Fi H. DURKIN ' at PORT PERRY briltiant, and the basso. A most careful editor culled his| ~The golden daffodillies Martin OL or for oii Tit Shen 1 ec 0 A ME Lhe company will always be wel-| jtems each week, omitting all that he Are blooming in the sun. 11 dit fie task ore el Dae We FARMER } } : ¥ comed to Port Perry. felt might offend some subscriber. --Bliss Carman. |. oo y i Jy to mor ¢ the a - ; i } g : A sidelight on the work of this|{ One bitin particular he studied for = ; are looking forward to e of RADIO LAND WANTED SALE BY TENDER i : younger members of the school taking Three adults want house with land nd 3 i troupe is given in a record of hig long time. It was to run under the Pessimistic ideas aside, we believe part. Another new idea that is being { £ for health Might * Tenders-will be received by the un- R i fpaag Shits ime: head of fFifty Years Age", and it this really is spring. We have the pried out in both the class for the : SERVICE hie _ Add ar roi ES dersigned up to twelve o'clock. noon Saturday, March 26th, lorquois;| told him that on this day fifty years{yobins, song sparrows, killdeer and allf yoyo yen and women, is for the |f pi | Tals wu d R LT t PSION the 15th day of April, A.D. 1938, for : | Sunday, 27th, Belleville; Monday, 28th} ago, Miss Irma Clements began her spring birds fairly bupsting with song |, nbers themselves to 'undertake | } d h chino the purchase of village lot, east halt = 1 : yoy Jarry' TThesdnv IC a : . . mm . . . " - Ll a Port Perry; Tuesday, 29th atfstudies at public school. The editoriand spying out the place where the] 4" ¢ the teaching with the teacher ; an ave our set BABY CARRIAGE FORSALE || No 16, fifth concession of Reach in ¥ Windsor. Tuesday night leave Wind- | would, of course, not have dared to|future home is to be built. The sap]: ! ea LE 2 : | , N the Vil : J i ; ¢ Sab |i, the class always ready to assist if check d ver : d conditi Abii the P the Village of Prince Albert, register- sor for Chicago and arive there| run such ao dangerous picco, but he'is running beautifully the last few necessary. We are never past the | edo y in good condition, Apply at yi Parl." in' Ne, 8, Block C, belonging to sofuctime Wednesday 0th, | knew for a fact that Irma had been days. The men of the community are place where we can gather new ideas. Yas: Perry Sips Ome, Lillian Sprague and being 3 acres I'he ladies are remaining there. Two| dead for many years. Further, he trying to catch up to the spring-like oe : comprising 2 storey frame Ly of the men are going to leave Chicago knew she had no close relatives: pi weather by making the saws go a The Young People's Union on Wed- PLAY AND DANCE AT stone cellar, nine rooms hardwood again Thursday, March 31st, and be living. In his innocence, the man 'de- | Jittle faster beside the woodpile. "| nesday evening was under the direc- ~My toaster and | GREENBANK floors, electricity. Double tips In- in Toronto April Ist. Later they will] cided that here was one item of news| Oh! yes it's s Spring in the world of | tion of the Christian Fellowship con- |} At the Community Hall, on Friday spection may be had no appleation at : : be joined by the other two. The that could harm no one. So he ran|nature, may it be Spring in; our|vener, Mr. M. Moase. After a hymn! § iron also need evening, April 8th. The play is en-f 4, premises. 1 quartette will leave Toronto on April{ the piece and it appeared int he paper hearts, and prayer by Mr. Moase, he an-|} titled "Good Gracious Grandma" andl po pe. certified cheque for 10% of 4th to tour the Maritimes. They will] the following Thursday. We are glad to report that Mr. | nounced that, owing to the unsettled K attention. will be given by the Blackstock AY. 0 40 must accompany. each tender, ' use a trailer. Friday morning he had a caller. She Arthur Sleep, who underwent a major| state of affairs in Europe, the whole | § : | P.A. __ Music' by Sheldon and Bag- balance on completion of sale. Each i ae we ---- | was white-faced with rage. operation in the Toronto General Hos-| meeting would be dedicated to the ALL signs trees 38 shaw of Sunderland. 26¢; and 1be.... tender-not accepted, chetue will be v i] Y RT "How do you "do, Miss Crane," the pital, on Wednesday last, is doing] topic of "Peace". The Scripture read- i returned. Any tender not necessarily editor said ingratiatingly, clearing| very well. We wish him a speedy re-|ing was given by Oliver Martin fol- JOHN FARMER FOR SALE . a . M LE i 3 peedy { ver . | ccepted. Acceptance by registered Mrs. Dave Luery is spending the]|seventeen exchanges and five mats turn to health.: : lowed by an explanation of the pas- h : 5 15 good. shoats. Apply to F. W.| Jetter shall constitute binding con- week with Toronto friends. from a chair. "Will you sit down?"} On March 23rd, Mr. E. Tanner at-|sage by Rev. J. McLachlan. After Phones 85 or 50 Bradley, Port Perry, Phone 256-j. tract. Also furniture for sale, Mr. Morley Cook is moving inte) "I will not sit down", said Miss tained the goodly age of eighty-four | another hymn, a topic on Peace was ; : gl what was formerly the Tarvis house, | Matilda Crane. . "And, what's more, I years. A few of the younger men of | given by Harold Jackson. This was Port Perry, Ontario FOR SALE Dated, March 22, 1938. ~ this week. Mr. want to cancel my subscription. The | the community arranged a surprise|very well prepared touching on con- ] Stewart Sheep Clipping Machine in Lillian Sprague, Prince Albert, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holliday attend- : va ed the funeral of Mrs. Kd. Holliday how about the fact that everybody in edi Graduate of Galvrat, Foro Colle ne and ITE grils 24Y;8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. of Hamilton, who was buried at]|town knows I was always just two Post Graduate jn Sumery Medical Gradu- Phone 814 2s + ' 1 . . ye cars older than Irma?" bj | A LI mi i OO OO A ates' College and P inle, I England, | Overseas Service in the Royal | Army Veterin- Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, on Fri-|Y ° = iii | North East London, Post Graduate College, | ary. . Corps. Three years aa assistant with Tucdey ana i Fay ofles re day. Deceased was a former resident --Whitby Gazette. u i Londen England, Royal Infirmary, Glugow, i So OCR, Surg, "ont. and, Thurtdes aftersioohi of ah ; of Raglan, where her husband was a ------ ct -------- n ' fico and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. SRT : - Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 general merchant. kas . : } Le y 'Mrs. E. C, Cross and daughters CHEkeN or THE AsoBNdoN p ! " FOR SALE u DR. J. B. LUNDY FASHION NOTE Evelyn and Phyllis of Bolton, spent und BE . C. Clough, 4 3 : pis Pigs Osis, Datiis Spe DENTAL SURGEON Newspa Head "Style £ the week end with friends here. Sunday, April 3rd-- = : . | Whea ver uckwheat, } vewspaper reading: yle fore- The Fort fal of soft ----" Sun. | 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. n Having moved to Myrtle Station, I fit for seed. Apply to F. Middleton, a jr es lero Be 8 | casters say that people will wear day morning was responsible for four 3 P.m--Sunday Selivl, n intend to carry on my SEED. BUSINESS there Lot 9, Con, 2, Reach (High Point) North aide Queen 8 ort Perry. | less" but not much. Beaut¥ is only * cars skidding into the ditch near the|'Vednesday, April 6th-- n as formerly. 1 will carry all kinds of -- * mar31| Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) skin deep--so there you are. " intersection south of the village. The 10.50 a.m.--Holy Communion, | | d S d | WANTED occupants in one car were quite bad- g Di e-ivensont and address. [| C over an Grass. ee 8, a 80 Corn =| Th : hole label f Gillett's L TVeareatanrsareass I on with broken glass while the TRIE pon Confmaton wri in their season. Your business will receive our ®f. ore. with i "Ril » t " FR) : ¥ am, -- y M Ss ' ; . . y ¥ " \ fc Sonn dn) Con cn (Lo, Sd wi mi apse Be i J or "PROTECT YOURSELF : had to be hauled back to the pavement [SUJI TS CLE AN EDI|§ We havea uantity of Cobbler Potatoes grown from gjieciye hy Jor seal labal. Offer his with tow tricks. certified seed, at $1.00 per bag, while they last. gr 2 oa : ith R hi bl Fi I An unusual record was established | BUITS BPONGED AND PRESSED |B ! | wi eliable Fire Insurance here last week when Mr. H. Briggs 80 Cents I HANDLE BI ATCHFORD'S POUIARY.FEKDS §| Building & Contracting i Pl Y I -plowed sod. But the balmy weather : i took a sudden change for the week Dry Cleaned $1.00 = J. KF. McC LLIN | (O( K Plans Prepared, Estimates given on|§ ace our nsurance with end and Jack Frost returned in earn- new or old work. ) est but with his coming the sap had - C. P.ROLP H, Phone 120 r 4. MYRTLE STATION L. A. KOCH & BON Phone HA ROLD W, EMMERSON tP . ort Perry