STRAT £5 RANE ¥ BRIE oR Rakin a we LACH STORE SALES REE LEY VOICE seme of 'THE WORLD AT LARGE CANADA THE EMPIRE the PRESS CANADA = The Ones To Solve It 'We still have the idea that housing problems will be solved by people who want to own homes rather than by politicians who would provide them.--Financial Times (Montreal). Funny--They Love Us! An antidote to serious pessimism over the human race is to be found fn the fact that dogs and also some other animals think quite a lot of a great many of us.--Hamilton-Specta- tor. No Jobs 1 The North The people of the North are warm- hearted, kind, hospitable! But the country itself its not. The man who comes here with the idea that it will be'no worse to be out of work in the North than in the South-will soon find this fs a mistake. For his own sake, he should have some assurance that he can secure employment before he undertakes the hardship of the jour- ney here and the weather'that will greet him on arrival. Literally thousands of men from the South, the East and the West have found work and opportunity in the prosperous North in recent years. But there fs a limit to the power ot absorption. That limit was reached geome time ago, Surely it is no more than cruel to hcld out false hopes--to recommend a Sweepstakes ticket as a gure win.--Timmins Advance. What Causes the Losces The losses of the Canadian Na- tional Railways are not operating losses. This year, as last year, and the year before that, the Canadian .. National had a net operating surplus. The loss, and the only loss, is on in- terest charges. Well, no policy of uni. fication nor of amalgamation would or cou'd reduce a cont of the loss on interest charges. The bondholders world go on coll~cting their interest. --Ottawa ~">urnal, "Two Little Words" Not a right nor a line in the Brit: 1sii North America Act is affected by Deminion Government's proposal to put into force unemployment anc~, Merely the two words are add- ed to the constitution, making it clear and definite that the problem is a na- ticnal one, on which all -are agreed, It would certain'y seem that the op- position of Alberta, New Brunswick and Quebec to the pronosed legisla- tion would be fatuous, if the opposi- tion i3 pressad.--St, Catharines Stan- dard. We've All Ccttirg Them At one time the ownership of an automobile was a sign cf wealth. That .time is not very long ago, but it has departed definitely now. A survey of the United States and Canada has shown that automobile ownership "among families with incomes of less than $30 a week is increasing at the rate of 1,000,000 annually. It is expect- ed that by 1940 two-thirds of the mo- tor cars in the two ccuntries, or more than 15,000,000 of- them, will be owned by persons in the less-than-$30 class, --Ldmonton Journal. Do You Like Your Work? _If you do not get any enjoyment out of your daily job, or if you do not get a "kick" out of viewing a plece of work you have done well, then you are not interested in that Job and you will not likely make a success of it. As long as you look upon your daily toil in this way, you will always feel dissatisfied. } Why not experiment? Try a month of actually showing interest in the problems and solutions of the busi. ness you are in, You will be pleas- antly surprised to note how much your outlook on life will change and how 'much better satisfled you will be it you will only "make your job in: teresting." --Kitc... Record, i ROCKS INN | GRAY « SH Sovid 4 - Cu Gee insur-. THE EMPIRE Giileless C Censor A friend 'lately received a letter from her brother, resident in one of the countries now at war, He wrote: "I will not tell you about 'the war, ag our letters are sure to be read." Across the back of the envelope, out- side, was officially writtén: 'You are wrong, your letters are not read."-- London Times. To Stop a: Stunts As still higher wage, and more paid holidays make jobs in the towns more attractive in-this country, so will the present drift from the land become a stampede. How to stop it? Not by saying agriculure is important; not by extolling the charms of country life. We've got to help the farmer to make a job in the country as good as a job in the town. Prosperity passes agrl- culture by because we do not take prosperity to the countryside, -- Lon- don Dally Express. Dog Team Brings 'Mail From North First Mail of Winter Taken Out By Priest Father Duscharme, of the Roman Catholic 'Mission at Chesterfield In. let, 350 miles north of Churchill, Manitoba, drove his dog team into Churchill last week with the first mail "this winter from points north of Manitoba's port. Father Duscharme, who expected to return in a week, said the winter was were suffering from a mild form of flu. He also described fur conditions along the Hudson Bay coast as poor but inland 100 to 200 miles they were better. ' Carries News of Outpost Death of a 17-year-old boy in a bliz- zard at Eskimo Point was revealed by the priest. While the father was away on a trading trip to Churchill the boy. left alone on a hunting expedition. When" the blizzard 'broke he lost his way and was found frozen to death. Father Duscharme said no word had been received at Chesterfleld from T. Island in the northern reaches of Hud- son Bay. Manning hopes to cross from Southampton Island to the mainland in the spring and journey to Church- ill 'by dog team but the mild weather and poor ice conditions: may spoil these plans, . Experts Reveal Rocket Scheme Plan to Shoot One, 967 Miles Into the Air A scheme for shooting an 'explora- tory rocket to a height of 967 miles above the earth' wag unfolded at New York last weék before a convention of aeronautical engineers. Works In Theory The idea works in theory, Frank J. Malina and A. M. O. Smith, of the California Institute of Technology, sald in a paper written for the annual meeting of the Institute of Aeronau- tical Sciences, Whether it will work in fact, they added, depends on the efficiency of the rocket and its "motor". Their proposed rocket would actu- ally consist of thrée separate rockets, one within the other, to be launched successively. Reaches High Velocity "A rocket made up of three steps, respectively of 600, 200 and 100 lbs." they explained, 'the 'lightest being fired last, reached a calculated alti- tude of 5,100,000 feet and a maximum velocity of 11,000 miles per hour." They proposed to launch the rocket from a mountain top to save fuel be- cause the high velocity of flight through' dense lower 1évels of the at- mosphere causes fuel to be rapidly eaten up. 'Once the three-in-ome rock ot had cleared denser air, they sald, it would "coast" to higher 'altitudes. The purpose of the proposed experi- mental flight would be to gain knowl. edge of meteorological conditions in the uuper atmospheres, very mild In his area and Eskimos H, Manning of the British Arctic ex-. pedition who is alone on Southampton ta {nai ran - Et a ¢ New British Consols Trophy Creates Widespread Interest Among Curlers will carry with it t the Dominion of Canada. at the Macdonald's Brier route, champs. Ontario finals. the right to gary Brier Tankard, R In order to pick the strongest in the Dominion playdowns, Ontario From the divisional games at Kingston, Sarnia, Midland, Toronto, Oshawa, Kitchener, Guelph and London will emerge the eight district On February 23rd the group winners come to Toronto for the The winner there will receive the new Trophy, presented by the Macdonald Tobacco company, the gold medals which go with it and the Ontario banner into the lists for the Macdonald's unners up will be presented with Silver medals. Since the inauguration of the Macdonald's Brier Tankard play'in 1927, Ontario has only once won the Dominion Championship in curling, Western Canada seems to produce the 'annual winnérs, ' Handsome Cup Donated by Macdonald Tobacco Co. Ontario curlérs from the smallest towns and clubs are being given an equal chance with their brother devotees of "besom and stan¢d' to win the new British Consols Trophy this year, Single Rink paling. championship of the Ontario Curling Association and e right to represent Ontario in the 12th annual play; downs, for the Macdonald's Brier Tankard and the Curling Championsh This 'will be 'emblematical 'of the p of Every one of the other Canadian provinces, and all will be. represented laydowns which start February 28th at the 'Granite Club, 'Toronto, declares its provincial champion by the Bonsplel i rink to represent Old Ontario as been split into eight divisions. 'News LY Review ed World's Greatest Mass Migration HANKOW, China. -- One of the greatest mass migrations in human history has begun from the Yangtse River towns of Central China. Driven from their homes by Japan's invasion, countless thousands of Chin- ese are fleeing over the highways and across country deep into the interior, They are travelling 'on foot, in 'wheel- barrows, rickshas, on donkeys, and in ox-carts, . On the just-completed 250-mile high- way between Hankow and Ichang, one 30-mile long column of these war-suf- ferers was seen recently, Many were women and children; their pet dogs, cats and birds made a part of the strange procession. Wants Arms Export Control OTTAWA, -- A Dill to provide for control of the shipment of arms and war materials to belligerent countries was given first reading in the House "of Commons last week. The 'bill was 'introduced by the Transport Minister, Hon. C. D, Howe, and is an. amendment to the Canada Shipping Act. He said it would enable such control to be exercised if and when it was necessary, The New Princess, Beatrix _ AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, -- Princess 'Jullana's baby hag been reg- istered officially and given the first name of Beatrix, chosen because of its meaning, "bringer of happiness and bliss." The full name is Beatrix Wilhelmina ' Armgard, Princess of Orange and Princess Zur Lippe Bies- terfeld. Protest' High: Living Costs ing the high cost of living which the Liberals submitted to Parliament this week has béen 'signed' by 750,000 'per- sons, Sir Archibald Sfficlair, leader of of Commons, announced. The petition is part of the campaign launched by the Liberal party ding a return to free trade. "Golden Shirts" on Rampage MATAMOROS, 'Mexico. «= Soldiers and police patrolled the streets this week 'as new reports reached here that armed bands of Mexican Fascists --"Golden Shirts"--were pillaging and burning railway bridges along the México-Texas border, Hear Reynosa. "World 'Radio' Conference "CAIRO; Egypt-+King | Farouk this wéek opened the World Conference on fnterniational + radio, telephone and telegraph communications, - Delegates LONDON, Eng.--A petition protest-: the Liberal Opposition in the House' War Will Set Back Japan $3,000,000,000 TOKYO.--Japan's fighting forces last week prepared a budget estimat- ed as high as $1,800,000,000 to car- ry:on the 'conflict with China for an- other year. This, with previous appropriations, would bring to approximately $3,- 000,000,000 the cost to Japan of the first 18 months of the war which "started 'last July. Foreign 'Minister: Hirota told Par- liament the indemnity to be 'exacted from China will include both repara- tions usually paid "a conquering na- tion" and compensation for property and business losses suffered by Ja- panese. 0 - of 62 countries, including Canada, were present to hear the King's briet inaugural speech. The conference may last for several months, and. is to revise radio, tele- graph and tel8phone regulations fixed by the Madrid International Conven- tion of 1932. "Will Never. Compromise" BARCELONA, Spain. Juan Negrin told the Spanish Cortes (Parliament) last week the Govern- ment Woiilld néver 'agres to' ahy' com- 'promise with 'the insurgents. 'Due 'to 'danger of air raids, the Cortes' first session this year was held in: the dining-room of a massive mon- astery, perched high in the lofty Mont- serrat Mountains about miles from Barcelona, Wipe Out Terrorists JERUSALEM She second -major punitive operation by' British: soldiers against Arab terrorists within the past ~year, was under way in the-Jenin area, about twenty miles northeast of Nablus, this week. Battalions of the Ulster Rifles and the Queen's Own Royal West Keént Regiment, aided 'by "five "military planes, attempted to wipe "out a 'strong band of:terrorists in the: moun< tains, Soviet: Navy Ready -MOSCOW.--The revitalized Soviet Navy is prepared "to crush the enemy wherever and whenever necessary," Navy Commissar Peter A. Smirnoff déclared 'this week in open' warning to 'rapacious' Faséist" powers. "The 'vid wspapei'Pravdd; prominently displayiiig' Smirnotf's: account: of Mog! cow's new naval -strength, declared that the United States expanded arma- ment program cohstituted a firm an. swer to all aggressor nations, First Sea Lord LONDON, Eng.--The Admiralty this week announced appointment of Ad. nifral Sir Roger Backhouse to be Lord Commibsfonéy' of the! Admiralty and Chief of the Naval Staff. The appoint. 'merit carries with it the post of First Sea Lord, Sir Roger, who has been 'Comman- der-in-Chief of the Home Fleet, suc- ceeds Admiral of the Fleet Lord Chat- field, who has been First Sea Lord since 1933. -- Premier thirty-five " BRIDGE GOES}OUT: "Watch for "ithe First Article | Lan the Trath | | About Yourself Analysed. bid Edpirt | 3 Your Handwriting Télls AH 2 Néxt week In this paper, Lawrence Hibbert, psychologist, begins a series of articles on handwriting. He Will Send You a Complete "Personal xy ¥ Ve Grapliologist character-analyst and [léctuter, Anglysis For 10: x) Commentary on the Highlights of 'the Week's News , . is 4, \ by Peter Randal PEACE ° WITH ITALY: Fresh moves are under 'way 'to bring about better relations between Great Britain and Italy. Mussolini, to tell the truth, is hard-pressed for cash, having spent: enormous sums in Ethiopia, and is looking for a little financial help from John 'Bull, "Britain, "apparently, "will be glad 'to lend the money if for noth- ing else than to restore peace 'in the Mediterranean, but Italy - first will: have to comply with certain condl- tions: cease anti-British propaganda among the Arabs in the Near East; withdraw "veluntéers" from Spain. Again 'there are 'wheels 'within wheels. Italy will not fulfill: these re- quirements unless Britain first recog- nizes the Itallan conquest of:Ethiopia and consents to call the King of Italy, "Emperor, TO RESCUE CHINA?: If a rumor that armies from Outer Mongolia, a highly insulated country between Sov- fet Siberia and China, are advanéing to the aid of the Chinese armies turns out to be true, it means the be- ginning of the end 'for Japan. The army: of 'Mongols' is reported to num- ber -260,000 -men, all mounted; their highly mechanized equipment has come from Russia and they are skilled in the most up-to-date' military pro- cedure, Outer Mongolia 1s at onée under the suzerainty of China-and the protection of the Soviet Union, can fight in: gelf- defense against the Japanese without involving the neutrality of Russia. The Mongol armies are in a position to make ghort shrift of the long-drawn- out Japanese lines in the . north of China, and to deliver body blows at the Japanese Empire. THE 'MORAL OF IT: A Cleveland thug who had been-eating onions held up a taxiddriver. Nabbed by the police' a few minutes later, he was taken to the station and held pending identifi- cation, The taximan supplied the clue of the onion breath. It was the same thug. . + The nioral ig . ... 76,000 MORE HOMES: A member of the housing: commission: headed by Hon, Herbert 'A. 'Bruce, Mr, 'David Sheppard, expert in housing problems, declared in a public address last week at Toronto that Canada needs 75,000 more liomes. "If we don't put the money {ito 'home construction now," Mr, 'Sheppard 'said, "the sluny' prob- lem 'willsoon: reach' the 'proportions seen in many United States: cities. It will then cost 'vs $2560 a year to keep each family in the slums, We pay for our 'slums' in' {ticréased' costs "of hos- pitalization, police and fire protection, social 'service .and upkeep of : mental institutions and jails." The slum menace multiplies day by day.' And it fsn't' in Canada's' larger cities: alons ; , .-;-our'smallest of-towns- has:its disgraceful habitations, hovels, We'll have to face the fact 'that something hag to be done, and that right speedily. The 'biggést news story to'break in Canadian press circles for many years:was the threat. ened collapse,- and later, the actual buckling of Niagara's famous "Honey- * have never really been enforced. Am no longer wield punitive power or en- the sea every month, moon Bridge," went to town on it, picture engravers did a land-office business, newspaper circulation' figures soared. Over the 'week-end, too, railways and highways carried .armies of 'sightseers to ux marks the spot. While the prople ot Ontario sat quietly in their homes reading the evening paper, Hydro; officials were 'shaking in their shocs at the prospect of an acute. power shortage which would cut off electric light service in Western Ontario and cause an unpre- cedented indistrial tieup if the plant at 'Queentton were any further dam- aged by the I{ce-jam; ~The 'Ontario Power Company plant just below the Falls was already a. wreck, "With the dropping of the wind and colder weather again, the danger passed and headlines stopped scream- ing at us from front pages of the dailies. ; Could the situation : have been avoided? No, says aswell. known en. gineering expert, declaring that once an ice-jam of such magnitude collects, 'there is mothing 'you about ft. 'The bridge, constructed over 40 years ago of a type of steel gréatly Infétior to the alloy stee's used today, was generally conceded to be obsolete any- way. HIT AT SANCTIONS: One by one the League of Nations tecth:are be- ing pulled out and its bite. made more and: more harmless.-- Sanctions, - its most effective weapon in dealing with, an aggréssor. country by denying that' 'country the essentials of war-making, attempt made to puta' curb 'on'Italy when she first invaded 'Abyssinia ins 1935 was arrested halfway by:the ob- Jections of various. nations, and. was not carried to its logical conclusion. Italy got 'away with murder right in the face of the Leagie' Covenant, as Japan had done thred years before in seizing Manchukwo, Now, small nations represented in the League are calling: for the'aban- donment of its system of. obligatory sanctions, saying that the League can force collective security when three big powers, Japan, Italy and Germany, are on the outside, The general attitude seems to be "The League is dying. . ... . let her go!" ,. .. but, puzzle: who killed:the League? 'English rivers visite than 2,« 000,000 tons of solid matter down to be, ve Wry INSPIRING Jones (Ho EVERY FRIDAY, NIGHT On a National: . Coast to Coast. Network ,, "Millions of people fave cont + fidence in the: blue .¢ Bl ime cm Be satisfactory heating. of E¥ Nows photographers: "smelled" as well as seen-and heard, selves into the past and present, predicted-last week by Robert Ed- mond Jones, 'stage and color designer, dm an address at the final sess'on in New York of the conference of the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures of the United States: Pictures In Three Dimensions _ ' Mr, Jones started his talk by re- Viewing the invention of the camera, 'then of pictures that moved and then "pictures that talked. Now there are pietures in' color; with three-dfmen- he pointed out. 5 "I, as Mr, Priestley in his play, to see, hear, feel and smell the pres- ent, past and future, all in one flash," Mr. Jones declared. "It even may come to where the will be no privacy--a horrible though to me, but it may become a reality!" 25 to 50 Years. Hence Mr. Jones later amplified his re- marks with the assertion that he be- leves '""we actually will "have" in twenty-five 'to fifty 'years svch inven- tions as H.:Q. Wells and Aldous Hux. ley have: described in their imagina- tive writings. The senses of 'touch" and "smell" will be added to the "talkies," he declared. "Already there are experiments -of- diffusing perfume during romantic scenes 'of movies," he remarked. Imposeible? No. _He visualized a "time machine," such as Maxwell 'Anderson fancifully describes in his play, ' The Star Vig. on," which' will itranspcse events of the past: to the present. "By this machine," he said, "I be- lieve it will be possible, say, to won- der what the Prince of Wales or the on 'them, and actually see what is go- ing on; Impossible? Why? Television iis+here-today, isn't it?" Planes 'to Conquer Sub Stratosphere "Aerotisutical " Engineers Fcre-ee "'Meotors of 'Huse' Siza Will En- 'Mankind's: conquest of 'the sub- fdtratosphere in larger and ever larger tiles across continent and ocean, was pictured by engineers attending the sixth annual meeting of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, on at Col- umbija' University, New York, last week. Motors of increasing size, 'mounted "in! larger equipment, would enable the future airplane to fly long distances at from 20, 30,000 feet eleva- tion and carry heavy loads, it was said. At the same time, more reliable motors are reducing the necessity of installing "numerous ' engines in each 'airplane, according to'engineers. i:Launched | By::Catapult The heavier : airplanes | must be launched: from the. ground. in some manner, and Dr. J. C. Hunsaker, Di- rector of the Department of Mechan- ical Engineering at Massachusetts In. 'gtitute of Technology, suggested the aid ofia towline or -eatapult. With {such assistance, he held, 'a fully load- ed ship would have less difficulty in : leaving the landing field. ; I-Deer-like 'Animal «Strange: Mixture "Horns of a Sheep arid the Nuk 'shige' bf: An' Antelope. t Asistrange! animal, with the body of a-deer, horns like ithose of a moun- tain sheep ;and characteristics of an antelope and .other wild and domesti- cated animals, has finally been cap-. tured after it had the San- ' ta"Ana' Mountding near Corona, Calif., 'for 'several years. . -- iConfinéd in: a: pen on.the Bixby Bry- ant. rancho in Santa .Ana canyon, tha Wild and fleet, it was captured after several days of trailing by W. Talbee, ' fatitho fider.' He hunted the animal " with"a group of foxhounds' and Anally | suveddded In 'roping it. 1» Has Feet of Deer ] Riders .of. the rancho first sightei r. the animal nearly: two years ago. It was then nearly black. Since then it developed. white spots on its rump at- ter' tho Yashion of antelope and the odds hori 'have grown. | The" animal's head resembles that of ia:dder; with some lines of a domes- ticatednisheep. Ita: body is covered with the: brittle hair like that of a deer, but the: hair is crinkly, Its feet | are those of a deer, "In"Armenia, the duirymaid churns I"her gont-réam Buttér 'by hanging 'her 'goatskin churn on a tripod and swinging it to and fro. Invention within twenty-five to fifty "years of movies that can be "felt" and and of "time machines" that will 4 der: all privacy by "projecting t » =a sional motives, just around the corner, 4 : "Time and the Conways,' believe the - time will come when we. will be able, President is doing, turn your machine sairplanes,i flying. like gigantic projec. «A Captined In California Tt Has The » animal is httracting., much : attention. . e \ able Ships to Fly at 30,000 Fo. EE --T ed