Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Jan 1938, p. 4

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The next regular meeting of the Lions Club will be held on January 28. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris, of Port Perry, and Mr, and Mrs, Robt, J. Har- ris, of Uxbridge, left last week for a motor trip to Florida. Mr. Russell Wilson, of Peterboro, was in town on Saturday. f 1.46 p.m.--Men"s Class and Forum. 12.46 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 pm, -- "Unexpected Visitations of Look for advt. on page 4--Rupture expert with twenty years' experience, two years in operating room--coming . to rort Perry, January 13th, 1938. Hockey News Mucn_has -happened to the local O. H.A. squad since we were last both- ering you with our great "ups" 1or the couung season, 'Ans week we have $0018 OOU ANA BOmMe LAA News 10r you. We picked the winners of the lv witn tne "G7 men and are we proud o1 ourselves tor that, We say that we are proua; bur wnat snowa tue. boys on tue team be?! We were sorry to seo 80 1ew fans out to the game, they missea & real treat. 'Lhe local team played a wide open brana oi hockey and were Just too goua sor the visitors, We were, need- 1688 10 say, very well satisned with showing the boys made, but there 18 sult 4 bit of roum for improvement. ~~yye oiter suggestions, the tellows know their mistakes and are practis- ing every nmgnt trying to ron out the rougn spots. He on hand on lkriday nmgne and see Ior yoursell, Canning- 'won, ule group winners of last year, will pe the opposition and those who 'have io0llowea the team In past sea- son's know that a 'game oi the seu: son" 1s at hand." : © we promised bad news and here 1 is, sort may be without the services 01 harry Dedhane for the game on Friauy might. Harry wrenched a liga- meng in his back last 'Lhursday night and it isn't healing as well as we ex- pectea. Harry was out of the game on monday mght and it 'is just a quescion 1 he wiil be in condition tor to-morrow night. we certainly hope thay the is able to play. Another injury, a costly one, came in the game with Fenelon Fails, when Jack Butson received a nasty blow: on the head which, literally "put him on the shelt" for the rest of the game. lowers to Harold Hood who took But- son's place in the nets and did his best. Raiph (goal-a-game) Burley is play- ing a tine brand of hockey this year. Activity in the Rural league is at hand 'and there is a promise of a good league this year. Scugog and Myrtle had a practice on Tuesday night and "trom their showing we predict much action in the near future. In an inter- view with the management we were unable to get a list of the teams enter- ed as there is still doubt about how many there will be. As yet we have heard nothing of the Juveniles, but we understand that a juvenile league will be formed soon. RE i i a DON'T FORGET THE GAME TO:- MORROW (FRIDAY) NIGHT. What luck will we have at picking a winner "this time. We will be bold and call Port to win by at least two goals. Come and sec how far we are out. ------- a -- SKI CLUB The members of the ski club are invited to take a skiing trip on Sat- urday next. Meet at the Town Hall at 2 pm. Bring 16c. along. Twenty were out to enjoy the last trip. |. MYRTLE Mrs. John Grant who received pain- {ul injuries to her leg when she struck . it against an iron pump handle last week, is able to be around again. Mr. John McClintock was with Mr. ~ and Mrs. Geo. McTaggart of Bowman- ville, last week. Old friends here were sorry to hear that Mrs. McTag- gart was seized with a paralyses and has been confined to her bed. Mrs. Will Taylor of Ashburn is staying with her daughter Mrs. Bert. Duff for a time. A number from this community took advantage of the semi-monthly cheap rates on the C.P.R. on Saturday and paid a visit to Toronto. Mr. Cameron was with friends on Friday. Several from here were in attend- ance at the Council meeting held in Brooklin on Monday afternoon, and saw the new members take their places. There are a number of changes that are long overdue and they are now anxiously waiting for some new adjustments, Mr. L. Woods of Prince Albert is making some improvements to the in- Welox » of Mr. John Grant's house. Toronto ness in sending fruit and flowers, and also for sympathy during her recent bereavement, 11 am.--'The Christ who could not CARD OF THANKS Miss Widden wishes to thank the riends and neighbours for their kind- EERE he ch ES PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH be hid." God." ee PP CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. J. C. Clough, Rector. Sunday, January 16th-- 7 p.m--Evensong and sermon. Wednesday, January 19th-- 8 p.m.--Young People's Skating Party. : ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E Rev. R. Simpson, Minister Evening Service at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3.80. Everybody weleome Y. P; 8. Tueaday at 8 p.m. United Church Meeting The Annual Meeting of the con- gregation will be held in the Sunday School Room on Tuesday, January 18, at 8 p.m., to receive the Financial Re- ports of all societies and to elect officers for the ensuing year. A good attendance is hoped for and every society is urged tobe prepared to report. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by Virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mort- gage which: will be porduced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, at Public Auction op" Monday, JAN- UARY 24th, 1838, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the farm of Samuel Tummonds, at Port Perry, Ontario, the following property, namely: id All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Reach, in the" County of Ontario, be- ing composed of Lot Number 10, Con- cession 7 of the said Township con- taining 200 acres more or less. On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE: Twenty-five per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, the balance to be secured by a mortgage with interest at four per cent. per 'annum, For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to W. Erie Stewart, K.C., East Block, Parliament Bldgs, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor to the Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto, this Third day of Meeting of the Plot Owners of the Ontario Cat Company will be held int Aid munity Room of the Public January 17th, at 2,80 p.m. The Seventy - Sixth Annual Pine Grove metery Library, Port Perry, on Monday, Business--Receiving Auditors' and other reports. Annual tion of officers, and other annual business, Grant Cnristie, President R. D. Woon, Sec"y-Treasurer Re Ae HOCKEY NEWS The following is the schedule for the coming winter that we promised you last week. Jan. 6--Fenelon Falls at Cannington. Jan, 10--Port Perry at Fenelon Falls Jan, 14--Cannington at Port Perry. Jan. 19--Cannington at Fenelon Falls Jan. 21--Fenelon Falls at Port Perry Jan, 24--Port Perry at Cannington. Jan, 28--Port Perry at Fenelon Falls Jan, 81--Fenelon Falls at Cannington Feb. 4--Cannington at Port Perry Feb. 7--Fenelon Falls at Port Perry Feb. 11--Cannington at Fenelon Falls Feb, 14--Port Perry at Cannington (All Cannington home games to be played at Beaverton Arena.) -->-- The Men's Class RESERVE FRIDAY, JANUARY 21st Men's Class Banquet at the United Church, Port Perry. Speaker: Rev. G. Dickson, of Metropolitan Church, Toronto, 6.46 p.m. Admission 8bc. * ee The Men's Class met as usual on Sunday. afternoon at 1.45 o'clock in the United Church. Our attendance was better than some previous Sundays, but it is not what it could be. We could have an attendance of 100 or more and make it the most interesting and helpful centre of -discussion-of current topics in the community. Our Forum Leader, Mr. Gemmell, will discuss any reasonable subject presented to him.. So let us all who haven't been coming start next Sunday by coming out and taking part in what you can be sure will 'be a very timely discussion of 'Minimum Wage Laws" with special reference to those new laws passed in Quebec. Also do not forget our annual ban- quet on Friday, January 21st, which is advertised elsewhere in this issue. We'll see you there next Sunday at 1.46 p.m. for our regular Sunday January, 1088. jan20 afternoon session. Annual Meeting Pine Grove Cemetery Company 18" 1%" LOOK: HERE! Can You Beat At? We are selling our stock of WORK RUBBERS AT COST. Dominion. Royal, tempered rubber, Pair $2.75 Leather Top, Rubber Bottoms, Dominion Blue Label, ordinary, $2.00 Dominion Explorer, ordinary ..$1.75 Pair $4.20 Leather Tops, Rubber Bottoms, "Pair $3.80 FELT BOOTS, leather or felt soles, . Pair $2.25 WILLIAM WEBSTER Beatty's Store, Port Perry. "THEATRE OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 13-14-15 Starring GEORGE BURNS FRED ASTAIRE and GRACIE ALLEN, in "Damsel in Distress" * REVIVAL on Friday at 11 pm. 'After the Thin Man' Starring WILLIAM POWELL, and MYRNA LOY Mon., Tues;, Wed., Jan. 16-17-18, "TOVARICH" with CLAUDETTE COLBERT and CHARLES BOYER Cominenslog Thursday, "THE FIREFLY" Starring JEANETTE MacDONALD and ALLAN JONES LI. |= STRAND tor THEATRE OPEN EVERY NIGHT New heating system installed. FOR SALE CHEAP bs. suitable for farmers or ply to H. H. Good, Myrtle Elevator, LUMBER SAWING will be done by the undersigned at Scugog or Port Perry. Orr Jeffrey, Port Perry. Feb, 3 The household effects, Pontiac Coupe, and real estate, belonging to the Estate of the Late Wm. Nesbitt, of Port Perry, will be offered for sale on Saturday, January 16th, 1938, Sale, at one o'clock, See bills for list and particulars. Terms Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctionser HOUSEWORK WANTED * A young woman is prepared to do housework 'or look after aged couple. Apply at Star Office. . FOR SALE t Large sap kettle. Apply to Clarence Cook, Myrtle Station, Phone 120 r 2, Port Perry. WANTED | Station, Phone 120 r 2, Port Perry. KEEP THIS DATE OPEN Port Perry, is to be held on Friday, January 21st. Keep this date open. ~~ FOR SALE Cutter for sale. Apply to Geo. A. 'McMillan, Port Perry. - FOR_SALE A number of Work Horses and Colts, also a number of Young Cattle. Apply to Roy Henders, Scugog Island, Phone 112 r 5, Port Perry. Jarl20 Send 'the Port Perry Star to absent friends ~ CLAIR FINN Manager PORT PERRY Pi WANTED FOR RENT Horse and rig wanted for rent. Perry, Phone 164 r 14. " with LATEST SHOWS. Evenings |H 8.80. Saturdays 8 and 9.45 pm. |K 4 sets of Scales, 3000 1s. and 3500 } mill hopper and platform style. Ap- 8 Jan 18/8 * for chapped skin, ete. 26c. size. § DOVE CASTILE SOAP--A fine A quality castile containing 72% Ta NOXEMA--Just what you sive generous s' sample sige : po tor 3. | ; CILVIKRIN -- "Treatment for falling hair. Complete 28 day treatment. 4 43.00 Spectal 15¢. olive oil. 1 5c, cake, 6 for 25¢. A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE ron PEMAY § SEE OUR SPECIALS IN Paints, Enamels, Varnishes Enamelware and Granileware Glassware and China Lady Beth Hose, Chiffon and Servioe Weight All Shades and Sizes OWNED AND OPERATED BY H, DURKIN PORT PERRY ve oe ae Cupboard, glass in upper doors, two : drawers; also old fashioned glass : dishes, Apply to Clarence Cook, Myrtle | # The annual banquet of -the Men's Bible Class of the United Church in}# cess ccsessssssrssssnees + . . . . . . . . Apply to Jack Barnes, R.R. 4 Port 1 5 TO RUPTURED PEOPLE PLEASE DO NOT BE DECEIVED, ANY ONE! INTERESTED in or how YOU CAN BE FREE from TRUSS WEARING in Six Months, Come into the SEBERT HOUSE, # Port Perry, Thursday January 13th. ~All day and evenihig. Consult § a noted Rupture Specialist--20 years' experience; two years in operat- ' § ok room. LET HIM demonstrate to you free of charge HOW AND § WHY there are no curing qualities' in a truss. A TRUSS-is only merely mechanical support to retain the hernia and keep it in place providing it is properly fitted with an uplift effect directly over the point where the rupture is developing from, Also let him demon- strate to you HIS method of treatment for rupture, a treatment. which has been approved by a number: of medical men throughout Canada as-being a vast advancement over all former methods, exemplifying --# instantaneous effects immediately withstanding any. strain or. position. i Free demonstration. Don't forget the date--Thursday, January 18th. = § The firm of Gamaa & HuMpuasYs is disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 241;8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in siiandanes at Post Pe Perry wry_offise on . week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office. DR. W. 8. HARPER Or or Ulver Trinity Medical 2 Mica) Ocliees bid Post Graduate i Non EE Te {is North London, Offcq & and Surgery--Pont pest, y, Ont. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, GORDON D, CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LLB. Offess 7% Blmeos Bt. A, Oshawa. Phones: 4 and § (Oshawa) and at Oonrt House, Whitby, (Mr, Conant) «Phone 1 (Whithy) | 2 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON North side Queen Street, Port Perry. * Phones: Oftos o8w, Residence 68) SUITS BPONGED AND PRESSED ~~ 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE onsRRYER OPFICH Notaries Publis ; Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, SUITS CLEANED! IB common to children and the need too, for such work at this time, FREE CLINIC FOR UNDERPRIVELEGED CHILDREN D. E. Steckley announces the opening of a elinic for poor child. ren up to.the age of twelve years in Oshawa, Port Perry. and district. Knowing the splendid results attained: in many of the ailments Mr.' Steckley feels that children given the advanatage of this free examination and free treatment will derive gratifying and lasting benefit. ¥ . 'Children respond; to treatment more readily than adults and the correction of defects in children at this age will prevent very, serious conditions developing in later years. The good accomplished in such clinics in recent years, is suficient, proof of their great need and merit. If you know of some child who Is sick or deformed, send. him or her to the clinic. All children. have equal right to health and many cannot afford a competent physician. Mr. Steckley's clinic: affords the unfortunate a chance so much needed to gain their health and happiness." A careful examination will bo made and the treatment indicated in each case, given. H FREE CLINIC hours are on Tuesday. and Saturday afternoons, from 4:00 till 6:00, This clinic opened on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1088. All applicants must apply at the office during these hours. No house calls will be made, | nor will free service be granted during regular office i D. BE. STECKLEY i prov 4. DRL 146 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, 0 OSHAWA. hi © SEA GULLS RRGAIY vine & : PLACE LEAD Hi © Atlantic City Sea Gulls nosed ot New York Rovers, 6-4 in an ovrime Jf game Saturday night to regain posses-- sion of first place in Eastern HOU L T NOT | HA | Gulls, Andarson, | tallied twice for | and Westbury g

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