Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Dec 1937, p. 4

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i PAGE FOUR A -- LOCAL ITEMS ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Smallman, Port Perry, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Grace, to John Arnot VanNest, of Copper CIiff, the marriage to take place quietly tae end of December, 1987. Bentley's Jewellery Store carries a beautiful line of Jewellery, includiag brooches, necklaces, rings, bracelets, ete. You can be sure to find sone- thing to please you in our stock. FIDELITY LODGE, AF. & A. M. RECEIVES FINE GIET Tuesday evening was Past Maste 's' Night at Fidclity Lodge, AF. & Al, when Past Masters of the lodge og¢cu- pied the officers ehairs. W. Bro. J. D, Lucas, of Toronto, acted as Mast r. During the lodge session, Mr. Fied Brown, of Toronto, presented the loc ge with a beautiful set of working tocls, in memory of John C. Browne, father "of the Worship Master, Orr C, Brow ie, end who was a member of the craft for many years. They were graciously received' by the Master who thanked Bro. Browne for this very appropriate remembrance. Mr. Fred Browne was sccdmpanied by his brother George Browne, of Brooklin, and Past Master of Mount Zion Lodge. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late G. Webster,| wish to thank the friends and relatives for their kind sympathy and floral tributes during their recent bereave- ment. 3 THANK YOU At this Christmas Season I wish to thank all my customers for their con- tinued patronage during the year 1937. ORR. C. BROWNE. ELECTION QF OFFICERS The election of officers for the Juvenile Orange Lodge No. 174 was held in their rooms on December 2nd, 1937. The following officers were elected: Past Chairman -- Geo. W. White; Chairman--Herbert Howard; Vice-Chairman--Stanley Gyton; Chap. --Fred Gyton; Rec. Sec.--Gordon Tet- low; Treas.--Jas. Davidson; 1st Stand- ard - Bearer -- Fred Densham; 2nd Standard Bearer--Geo. Nott; 1st Lec- turer--Morley Mitchell; 2nd-- Robt. James; 18t Guard--Bruce Beare; 2nd --Arthur Nott. The next regular meeting will be held on the 3rd Friday in January. he... _ns Po z S60 No "matter who it is that you have in mind for Christmas presents, you can find something to delight them at Bentley's Jewellery Store. The prices are reasonable and the stock is un- usually good. ------ GD -- "8T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN : CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister Evening Service at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.80. - Everybody welcome Y. P. 8. Tuesday at 8 pm, --, > ---- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday School Anniversary, Sunday, December 19th, at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, 11" am.--Full Assembly of School-- choruses by. the entire school. Special numbers by the Primary De- partment. Address "God's Jewels" by the Pastor. 7 p.m.--The Sunday School will pre- 'sent The Adoration Pageant "White "Gifts for the King", dramatizing the Bethlehem story. The Classes will each prédent their gifts in .a fine dedication service, Tuesday, December 21, at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School Concert and Christ- mas Tree. Admission "26c.; Senior classes 16c. Mantle Clocks, $4.95 up at Bentley's Jewellery Store. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH The Sunday School Anniversary al- ways the occasion of much interest, will be held next Sunday; December 19. The School will attend in mass and at the morning service the Primary and Junior Departments will be spec- ially featured in musical numbers and the pastor will speak to the children on "God's Jewels." In the evening the School will pre- sent The Adoration Pageant, "White | _Gifts for the King", picturing the Adoration in the Bethlehem story and challenging the Consecration of Life to Christ through gifts of self, service and substance. A special White Gift Service in which each class. will present ita gift at the Manger Cradle will be high feature of this beautiful drama. On Tuesday, December 21st, at 7.30 the annual Sunday School Concert and Christmas Tree will be held. OD Handsome Brush and Combs sets-- $2.95 and up--at Bentley's Jewellery Store. THE LATE HUGH JACK Mr. Hugh Jack, who died at his home in Port Perry, on Thursday, December 9th, 1987, was in his 85th year. He was born west. of Green- bank, and spent his boyhood days in that district, attending school at Marsh Hill. As a young man he Lived to Lind- say where he was engaged in the butcher business, Later he moved back to Greenbank and took up cattle droving: with Messrs. Bongard and Wheeler. Mr. Dan Boe, who is living in Port Perry, joined this" group in cattle buying. Messrs. Bongard and Wheeler died, and the business was carried on by Jack and Boe. Messrs, Jack and Boe were partners 32 years. In those days of between forty and fifty years ago, be. a pound live weight was considered a good price for cattle; and the shipment for the Old Country market, about May, was the\big event of the year. Mr. Jack married Hattie Beare. Two children were born of this union, Irene Jack, now of Toronto; and Oscar Jack of Elross; Sask. Mrs: Jack died some years ago. Deceased was ill for some three years. His remains were taken to To- ronto for burial. A brother and some other relatives reside in Toronto. Rl. MRS. ADA WICKETT PASSES On Wednesday, December 8th, 1937, Mrs. Ada Wickett died at Whitby in her 84th year. Murs. Wickett: was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Powell, of Prince Albert, Ontario. She was one of a.family of five--one sister and three brothers. The family names were: Ada, Emma, William, "Dude" and George. All are now dead but "Dude" who now lives at Napanee. Ada Powell married John Wickett, of Port Perry, who predeceased her some fifteen years ago. There was no family born to this union. Deceased was a lady of kindly dis- position, whose thief characteristics were an unfailing loyalty to the Church and to her friends. Religious matters were of great interest to her, particularly with the young folk of ET ---"--.™_s = depended on to do what lay within her power. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. J. H, Smyth at the Mec- Dermott Funeral Parlors, and inter- ment was made at Pine Grove Ceme- tary, Prince Albert. Among those present at the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mundy, of Oshawa; Mrs, F. MeclIntyre, Mr. and Mrs, Jas! Powell, and Mr. and Mrs. Fleury, all of To- ronto. RL Buy your Christmas Tobaccos, Pipes, Cigdrs, Cigarettes at Kaufman's. A WORD TO THE WISE To whom it may concern: We would be glad if the heads of societies, such as the 1.0.D.E,, Lions Club, all fraternal organizations, the churches, and classes, wishing to help to do good, to as many persons and families, as possible -- our advice is leaders of such groups get together so as to avoid confusion in flooding some families and missing others--and not to give everything at Christmas; but quires, so as to make as many as pos- sible happy at this season of the year. A word to the wise: we would be glad to co-operate in any way to give any information we may have that will help. If such help or information is required, Phone 211, Treasurer's Office, asking me to call. I will be glad to help in any way possible. Sincerely Yours, A. D. Peters, Relief Administrator. -- me ih DP Buy your Christmas package Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, and Smoker's supplies for your smoking friends at Kaufman's. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION . Rector--Rev. J, C. Clough. Sunday, December 19-- ' 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evening sermon, Christmas Day-- 8.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 10.30 a,m.--Choral Communion and sermon. Sunday, December 26th-- the Sunday School. If a kindly deed could be done, Mrs. Wickett could be 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Carol Service. These values efeitive FANCY MIXED SATIN MIXED RITZ BISCUITS crisis 2 ran 29 MACAROONS ccomick chocolate Ib. 20 XMAS CHOCOLATES .::- 89 MAPLE SYRUP ou Colony DOMESTIC shortening gi RED RIVER CEREAL Zi. ~ --- DOMINION: December 13th to 3540 16-00 Bot. 27 49. Fi. 13 NUTS ©» 2§ CANDY z+ 2g 23 Grapes Celery YOUR CHRISTMAS ORANGES 19¢--29¢c--39c¢ doz. Grapefruit 5 for 25 21bs. 19 DOMINO - 16-0z. tin Baking Powder Shirrifi's or McLaren's Assorted TABLE FIGS 3-0 pke. «10. | 10 BLUE BLADES N 0 Moray Park Cluster one handy Jor Te K RAISINS "16-02 pkg. .35 | dejbisde SQ § . Car dan = § MILD CHEESE Ib. .21 | | 4 ) Glassco's, with Pectin 0Z. IVORY 8 CRABAPPLE JELLY "29 SOAP FLAKES Diamond Budded JELLY Powders pkg. .05 PICNIC FREE eine ), DELIVERY, | 19 .|GILLETTE nN AZOR One' Royal Blue % WALNUTS - 1b. .25 [Occasional Plate : ? with purchase PECANS raver shen 11, ,26 | for, One Cons " JELLY BEANS - 1b. .18 |= Golden Hallowl BAYSIDE ES. - 21bs .19 COMBINATION Karavan . -0z. Pky. PITTED DATES "16 | ik Of Shirrifl's Jollied : Jar 19 'CRANBERRY- - .24 from time _to time as the occasion re-|- Bl starring Barbara Stanwyck and McBRINE WARDROBE GLADSTONE Has patented hanger that carries an extra suit without ¢ sasing, A A pons lar style with a pick WILLIAM WEBSTER Beatty's Store, Port Perry. SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE )BSERVER OFFICE DR. J. B., LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, north side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ~ ALLIN F, ANNIS, B.A, LL.B. Offices 7% Bimeoce Bt. 8., Oshawa Phones, 4 and § (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Phone 7 (Whitby) Conant) INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE Real Estate Farms and Village Properties S. A. WALLACE Phone 153 DR. W. 8. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate im Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyeiinte, London, England, North East London. = Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery Port terry, on W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9.a.m. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office The firm of GReza & HUMPHREYS is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814 in attendance at my Port. Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by 'appointment. Queen Street, Port, Perry, Phone 204 LSA ° osiawa 9 Friday - Saturday, Dec. 17-18 "Double Wedding" =~" with William 'POWELL Myrna LOY i ADDED--Boscoe and the Can- nibals Colored Cartoon. REVIVAL Friday, at 11 p.m. "LOUIS PASTEUR" ' starring Paul Muni and Josephine Hutchinson 000 Wed., Dec. 20-21-22 Breakfast for Two Mon., Tues., Herbert Marshall 000 : Thursday-Friday, Dec. 23 and24 Mereleine DIETRICH and Robert DONAT, in 1 Knight Without Armour (XX "Buy Theatre Tickets for your | CHRISTMAS PRESENTS A New Heating System has heen installed which forces the air through an air purifier, NOMINATION MEETING. December next, at 7.80 p.m., Town Hall. Theatre UXBRIDGE STRAN Shirley TEMPLE and Victor McLAGHEN Victor McGLAGHEN Rudyard Kipling's favorite book. mas Market Day, December 16 only. 2 pm. until midnight. COMEDIES. iy Four Marx Brothers, in "Horse Feathers" more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Thurs, Friday, Sat. (Dec. 23-24-25) Christmas Bill MARTHA RAYE in 13 GER SE 1) Mountain Music EE TEE 10 prizes Christmas night, Dec. 25. Yellow bc. coupons accepted, . com- mencing Dec. 17th to April 15, 1938. Get them at Hall's, Hooey's, Websters, Gerrow's, Kaufman's, in Port Perry. --_--------ee-- -- SHAW Yd [ee] KS DAY ano NIGHT Twelve Schools in Toronto - for Your Convenience Charles Street W. at Bay Street ' Yonge St. and Roselawn Ave. Yonge Street at St. Clair Ave. St. Clair at Oakwood Ave. Bloor Street at Dovercourt Rd. Dundas St. and Pacific Ave. Queen W. at Macdonnell Av. . 47 Howard Park Avenue Genard Street at Jones Ave. Queen E. at Hammersmith Av. "Danforth and Logan Ave. Danforth and Woodbine Ave. Instruction also if desired by the SHAW HOME STUDY METHOD These Courses for our Choice: v, St wy Come "Eitenparaphy, Socata' fd 4 Iness Administration Courses, Indlv ual Instruction, Personal Atten- tion, Rapid Advancement, Make . [loans 'now. Use the coupon for urther details. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY SHAW B BUSINESS SCHOOLS, 30 Bay St. Toronto Pl in d - B cone }e id i Your, GoW pcripiive Buy your Christmas Package Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, and Smoker's supplies for your smoking friend at Kaufman's. FOR SALE Three good rag carpets, and inclosed wash stand, good. Apply to Mrs. Kyle, Port Perry. oh 1000 BARRELS OF APPLES '* FOR SALE F Spies, McIntosh Reds, Talman Sweets, Snows, Starks, jBippins, Ben Davis, See John Pallotk, 1 mile north of Whitby on Lindsay Highway. dec80 SHOOTING MATCH FOR GEESE (east of Town Hall), on Saturday, nished. FOR SALE i 1 Lady's Fur-lined Coat, 1 Gents' Fur-lined Coat, both in good condition, Apply at Star Office. ghey | STOP AND READ 400 good hens wanted! 12¢. per I. paid live weight at your place with your scales. Top prices paid for good pullets and other poultry. formation call A. GILBOORD, Port Sr -- Perry, Bell Phone 177 dec30 G, F. Manning, Clerk b NOTE--ALI seats 2 for 26c, on Christ- f December 18th. 12 guage shot guns i and 22 rifles used. Ammunition nl N . For in- < The annual meeting of the electors | % of the Municipality for the nomination # of candidates for the offices of Reeve, |! Councillors, and School Trustees will | 5 be held on Monday the 27th day 'of 8 in the|# Thurs., Friday, Saturday, (This week) | § Wee Willie Winkie} wou Monday, Tues, Wed, Dec. 20-21-22|H Fn 's i = Es (You can save with Safety' at Your Rexall Sire) Christmas CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR EVERYONE AT REASONABLE PRICES. 'A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY - ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS. 2 FRANK MEDICO. PIPES, $1.00 in sets at $1.50 and $2.50 ROLLS RAZORS $6.95 WILKINSON RAZORS $3.00, $4.50 and $7.00 # RUBBERSET and SIMS SHAVING BRUSHES 50c. to $5.00 LORD BALTIMORE GIFT STATIONERY, 35c. to $1.50 KEYSTONE BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS $9.50 to $10.95 er SS Sa YARDLEY GIFT SETS - for Ladies and "Gentlemen, 85¢. to $3.50 JASMINE and GARDENIA TOILETRIE SETS $1.00 to $10.00 SHEAFFER and PEN and PENCIL SETS $3.50 to $14.00 GIFT PACKAGES OF ~~ CIGARETS and TOBACCO. 50c. to $1.25 ADRIENNE TOILETRIE SETS $1.25 to $4.50 AGFA CAMERAS Folding Model at $10.00 Box 'Models: at $2.00 to $3.75 \/ ie A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 oxall Store PORT PERRY Gifts | At the farm of J. Aldred, Scugog; |= ean all of us -- is 'eo © © © © © is! i? With your car safely in the garage, seems as though you are prepared for ps even need a tele 'BUT .. . ARE YOU CERTAIN? Sickness, fire," accident, whatever it may be -- and some of these things come occasionally to your car quick edough, swre enough? Maybe the roads are blocked. . . . Main a tire is flat . . . --In emergency what you PHONE. Don't wait for something to happen "to find that out! that can e any more. need most is a THLE- NEW LOW RATES for farm telephone service are now in effect! LSS We make Your Christmas: . Shopping Easy with Practical Gift Suggestions: Boxed Stationery, Greeting Cards, - Wrapping Supplies, Toys, Books, Novelties, Decorations, Assorted Christmas Candies, Toiletry Sets, Boxed Handkerchiefs, 'and Bridge Sets. Do not forget the ever popular LADY nih HOSE (Service, Chiffon, and Crepe). We have them in all shades and sizes--8!/; to 1014. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE OWNED AND OPERATED BY ries PORT PERRY H. DURKIN 1 NOTE~--This store will be open Wednesday, Thurs., and Fri. evenings. Dee. 22, 23, a ; EN

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