Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Dec 1937, p. 5

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it Cas | | S »' 2 ah > L What Delicious Pastry! aud friends will say when i wig A This is wl our fou e our always depend being "just abt," If hil tried it, Lo LR will be hy you. Try our Bread, BY ~ JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY PHONE 98; SHR PORT PERRY Abit iH wif <Alipe F IRE! TF IRE! F IRE! 'Be prepared for such an emergency call. Protect yourself with Fire Insurance. ..Place your insurance with i | _ HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry OUR MEATS "We boast about the quality of our meats, and you will agree with us-when you try them. They are always fresh and delicious. If you haven't tried our meats just eall up 29W and our clerks will be pleased to fill your order. 7 le Cavute BROS. : BEST SERVICE tH "The Greengrocery S GRAPEFRUIT Florida Secdlons by 5 Each 56; ES ¢ ORANGES--Sunkist rer are ta ae lone 106 F { APPLES--Choice McIntosh Reds PERSE 35¢. : : CAULIFLOWER --Snow White. .............. each 19c¢. i ZSPINACH--Green Crisp ................ ra 2 ths. 15¢. .- | CELERY HEARTS--3 in bunch tr fe pegel crevr este 100 i * TOMATOES--Hot House ........ bogii Tor ibs 22c. MIXED NUTS a verneeas I 22¢, a. . a Myrtle Station Mr. Ganton Webster, of Prospect, | passed away, after a brief illness, in Port Perry Hospital, on Tuesday, Noovember 30th. His passing was a shock to the community as many did -not even know he was sick: He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow and three sons, Messrs. Burnsell, Charles and Horace, to whom we extend our sin- I cere sympathy. Mr. Webster was a faithful member of the Anglican | | Church at Port Perry, and president | of the Bible Class at Prospect. A man of quiet disposition, and highly re- spected. He was born in Reach Town- ship 68 years ago, and had lived in Prospect for the pait nineteey years. * The funeral was held from the family residence at Prospect, on Thursday, and was largely attended, many re- , latives were there from Uxbridge, and ' friends from Port Perry and neigh- ' !borhood. The many and beautiful It isalways a friend in time of need. § floral tributes were tokens of deepest regard for the deceased and sympathy for the bereaved family. Rev. J. C. Clough, Port Perry, had charge of the service, assisted by Rev. W. E. Honey, Myrtle. Pallbearers were Messrs. II. HG. Hutcheson, W. Boynton, W. Wilson, A. Gilroy, A. Orchard and G. McClin- ® tock. Interment took place at Pine Grove Cemetery. The bazaar of the Faithful Workers' % Class last week was a great success. #8 | Prices were reasonable and the attend- $8 | ance good. | Mrs. J. Birkett and daughter Eileen 8 of Port Perry, Mrs. Roy Scott of Sea- g' grave, Mrs, Allie Ross and Mrs. Earl $i Beadle, of Ashburn, and Mrs, Stacey, 8 | of Oshawa, were in attendance as well #2 | as the surrounding neighborhood. Supper was good, too, Mr. Geo. Houston, of Toronto, was : 4 a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. BEST ' PRICES - : afl" Mr. hid Mrs. L. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Beacock. Roy Hill and family and Mr. McGib- bon of Orillia were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Long. Mrs. O, H, Lane was a me to Oshawa, a few days of last week. Mr, and Mrs, R. Chisholm and Mrs. 'ley last Thursday. Mr. Frank Harri annual banquet of the 116th Bn, in Toronto Jast Saturday evening. Mr, J. _R. Pike spent Moriday in To- ronto, Mr, Jim Manderson, who has been working on the boats on the St. Law- rence river most of the summer, has returned to his home here, The Women's Association are hold- ] ing its annual meeting oh Tuesday of this week. Sorry to hear of the recent illness 1399e | Of Mrs. A. Carmichael, but glad she YES, MADAM! we carry tne best grades of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and cured meats. Tell us your wants and we will assure you of the best at reasonable prices. = We also earry a Hne of - Cooked Meats, Canned Goods and Pickles. : 'BERT MacGREGOR Polish up for Christmas with HAWES' easily a plied and polishes to a hard, uarou finish. regular 83c. Special 73c. Restore the THRE to Your Furniture with HAWES' LEMON OIL 12 oz. Bottle Special 23c. 82 0z. Bottle with Cloth 59. W. L. PARRISH, Phone 55, Port Perry "A BUSINESS CAREER | 'Canada's increasing Business needs They ore Business executives, Where are these future leaders in Business? hey willl will be found by hundreds in such young men and w women as 3 You. But Youth must RAINED to fill these positions efficiently. Plan now to take a Shaw Business ED at one of Shaw 12 Day Consult Telephose Directory for loca- tions. The Shaw Plan of individual nat ruice on enables od fo oin any time. Shaw Courses lead to Jecognized standing. Shaw's Model Office gives actual experience. Shaw Employment Bureau free assistance tograduates. Instruction alioby the Shaw Home Study method if desired, Phone or write for free entitled=*"Up With the Times". " SHAW SCHOOLS, Head Office, 1130 Bay St., (Phone KI. 3168) Toronto, SHAW BUSINESS SCHOOLS is on the road to recovery. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne and son Garry of Toronto spent Sunday | with Mr, and Mrs. C, Harrison Following is, a copy of a letter from Mrs. Myers, Lampman, Sask,, who, : finding a note in a bag of potatoes, i sent by Miss Martin of Brooklin, says: We just found your note in a sack 8] of potatoes, and wish you to know how #| much we appreciate all you've done for us. It's been the most wonderful | thing that ever happened to us out | Luery visited with relatives in Ather- : n' attended the here in the drought stricken areas. The vegetables are lovely, and what a treat to have them, after being so long without them. It must be hard or other people to realize just what this part of the country looks like. This summer the country-side was so: barren, nothing but dust and grasshoppers--not even a tree or shrub, Our caragamas were kept stripped by the 'hoppers, and we tried hard to grow a garden. In fact 'we were the only ones in town to have six carrdts, a few beets, and two feeds of peas. Talk about dust, and dust storms, these last few years its just about driven us all crazy. We've had] ® our first good rain, this fall, in years. The grass started to grow and turn green, and everyone's hopes rose high- er, and we still are very hopeful for next year, If we didn't have hopes for next year, I don't know what we would do. : You don't know what a wonderful thing you've done, sending all those vegetables here. Our doctor was be- ginning to be 'worried about all the little under-nourished children in the country, caused by lack of vegetables and fruit. I wish you could have seen the excitement caused at the sight of all the vegetables and fruit when the cars were opened, Some day we hope to return the help of all you, who have been so ready in our time of need, to help us. I surely hope that you will never have to go through a drought like the one we're going through. It is heart- breaking to see all your labour for naught, Whenever we eat, our minds turn to you, and thank you for it all. Yours sincerély,. Mrs. Myers. The Myrtle Sunday School is plan- ning to hold the Christmas Treé and Concert on December 22nd. -------- eee + f Buy your Christmas Tobaccos. Pipes, Cigars, Cigarettes, at Kaufman's, Tl FLYING AMBULANCES In Australia, are maintained by Australia Aerial Medical Serices. Established in 1912 and partly supported by the govern- | ment, they operate six planes, a base hospital and several smaller hospitals as well as a radio service through which calls for help come in from iso- lated sections. & - days when It's so muck easier to shop by 1. TELEPHONE.. On wet days and snowy days, on work to be done, on days when you aren't feeling up to scratch yourself or when one of the youngsters is ailing, it's great to be able to shop by tele- phone. And on fine days too, and when everything else is going right, it saves you an endless amount of tiresome traipsing around. Make the telephone your 'market basket. there is so much house- CHRISTMAS SPECIAL New Coronation Pads and Solution which give a soft, natural wave over the top of the head, \ and the curly ends. Ten Days SPECIAL Regular $5.00 Wave New Sparkle and Hair New Finger Waving Lotion leaves for $3.00 Rinse the Hair soft and lustrous. PORT PERRY MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE - - 1 Phone 75 "- »e Sraff e endorses the, % ---hoe ficiency of this shop | flying ambulances ee Aa ho orate tte se Sse te te, TRF Fo CoA LEX XY, vx) i MOLASSES CANDY ..... ......ccviiin.. Ib. 15¢. GUM DROPS .... ities Ib. 15¢c. ff PEANUTS--fresh roasted .................... th. 12c¢, MIXED NUTS .. iii eins 1b. 23c¢ PRAM shell ........................ 1b. 29¢ oie Ty ad Myra SEF TOY LAND ..... THE st RED & WHITE STORE § W. R. JOHNSTON CLOTHES | Made- to-Measure. 10% discount " Sale on Selected Clothes. : SLI INE NE DECEMBER and 4 JANUARY MIXED PEEL 3 Cia A FE EI EE, 12 1b. 15c¢, SEEDLESS RAISINS .................... 2 Ibs. 25c. LEXIA RAISINS, with seeds .............. 2 Ibs. 25¢. CURRANTS ... citi iii iininnnn, 2 Ibs. 25c¢. SEEDED RAISINS ......... iii. 2 Ibs. 25c. Christmas Candy and Nuts Special prices for entertainments CHRISTMAS MIXED, nice bright stock ...... 2 hs. 25¢. ® CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES ............vuu... Ih. 15¢. ~ FRUIT NEW NAVEL ORANGES-- 'These oranges are fine quality and attractively priced. PER DOZEN 49c¢., 39c., 29c., 25c., 18c. LEMONS BATTEN Hh) WT og aE 3 Fon Fg pn dozen 35c. SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT .................. each 5c. EMPEROR GRAPES ..................... per Ih. 10c. CRANBERRIES ib. 19c. ONIONS ee 7 ths. 25¢. " Bring the Kiddies to see it F. W. BROCK: & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY 0 3 SE AEA SA STATA A MR NAT a eh ANE Io 2 Rs fore 09 es OA0RORCSOVP0PORIR0ID PRBIBISITBIBNeY Nt SLASBABINBR ARNT AAAS RSFHR Att 5 Pranpt and Courteous Service of Good Baking Phone 32 when you need Bread, Cakes, Confectionery. You will be pleased, ol or Gerrow Brothers TE At TT TT toa Sa TET Ta Tama Ta ta at NO DIRT -- NO DUST-- ALL COAL MORE HEAT ¥ Ask for it by name--FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE. the laundered coal, and enjoy heat comfort. = One load will convince you of its superior qualities. ) COKE, HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS We are also in a position to supply you with SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, RUSSIAN COAL, ' BLOWER COAL, "STOKER COAL. What ever your requirements are. : CEMENT--A good supply of St. Mary's Cement on hand. PORT PERRY COAL YARD ~ W. G. W. PYATT "Reliable Service and 'Better Fuels" "4 ---- -- -- -- Phones--94W and 94J SRL a TNL THO HR A esi PORT PERRY GROCETERIA WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS, per 1b. 13c. 2 tins 17c. 2 hs. 25c. 2 tins 19c. «...per 1 1b, tin 14ec. per 1h. 25¢c. 21 Ih. packages for 25¢. yo..2 Ibs, for 33c. ORANGES, dozen 23c. CHERIES, pkg. 10¢. CHOICE CURRANTS DEVON TOMATOES AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS CAN-RITE CORN ROSE BAKING POWDER ORANGE or LEMON PEEL MINCEMEAT SUN-MAID RAISINS GRAPEFRUIT, 5 for 25c. ALMONDS, pkg. 10c. C. A. PALMER, Prop. , PMY, Phone 36 | = hE NT Te in A Cl ar ie > yo ry, "l, v x i Ar; Eg SAC me ET - ~ SS re Ts -- VISTEEY, - v,

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