Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Nov 1937, p. 3

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Es yy vd - | _ to a oe I ay TC . : ¥ ; Lh errs ne JANTEL FOR Ga rez Sinet. ar ) 1524.00 ered. Write to Mr, Elllott, 73 Queen West, SROFITS, AGENTS, ROUTE MEN selling otra + Hundreds of ww pnt faker, CAME ZS ie sundries, ives | cal Write Raleo, Wholesale, 1404, Montreal. AGENTS TO BELL MEN'S NECKTIES FOR Christmas. Good profits. Write for samples and glee gt, Murgatrol Agencies, Yonge + $ELL GLYCO HANDCLEANER = AGENTS WANTED IN ALL COMMUNITIES to demonstrate and sell Glyco, the perfect hand cleaner. Glyco overcomes competition, sure repeat sales summer and winter. Ex- clusive territory. Glyco Company of Canada, St. Nicholas Building, Montreal. i WATCHES, BLANKETS, SETS OF SILVER- ware, Tolletware and many other useful articles given to our agents, Send for free. catalog. Royal Mall Order Co. 88 Sherbourne . Btreet, Toronto. vw ARMY STORES WRITE FOR CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE, 20 gpeclal prices, Boots, Blankets, etc. Army Stores, 338 Queen Bt., Bast, Toronto, BARN ROOFING--FENCE POSTS GRAPHOLOGY HANDWRITING REVEALS MUCH. HONEY Bridgeport MEDICAL WHY BUFFER? ONLY 85¢ WILL CONVINCE you 'that Masar Varicose Salve will Kixe permanent relief from ulcers, running sores," new or old: s. 'Money-back guarantee. Masar Mfg., 331 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg, ARE YOU SICK? NATURE HAS A REMEDY FOR ALL COM- mon aliments, No drugs, pllls, capsules, or lquids--ONLY NATURAL REMEDY-- Free Booklet, 'Nature's Way to Jlealth'-- No obligation. Indian Herbal Remedy Com- pany, 2090W Dundas St. West, Torumto. YOU CAN BE ENTIRELY FREE FROM «ASTHMA HAY FEVER AND BRONCHITIS. REVOLU- tionary discovery of European physician has worked wonders. It quickly removes all traces of respiratory troubles however stub- born they appear to be. Write for free in « formation. R.M.B. Laboratories of Canada, ~ Ltd., Dept. 1-620, Vancouver Block, Van- couver, B.C, WHY SUFFER? WHEN YOU CAN GET IMMEDIATE RELIEF from Head Colds, Catarrh and Déafness, by using "NAMELESS . Cold Remedy. Trial vill convince. By mall 50c. A product of The Purity Chemical Co., Exeter, Ontario, OUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES BAVE YOU money on Supertite galvanized roofing. Superior Steel Fence. Posts and steel gran- ary lining. Superior Products Limited, 8Sar- pil: Ont. zt ---- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (WOMEN -- START A DRESS AND LIN- A" gerie business of your own. A hop, or from GARLIC PEARLES SOLUBLE CAPSULES PURE ESSENTIAL OIL of fresh garlic, No disagreeable odor nor after-taste. For arthritis, prostate gland, ca- tarrh and ofher obstinate disorders. They are an internal disinfectant regulating the entire digestive system 'and are an excellent safeguard against common colds. $3 per 100 (enough for five weeks). R. Adam, P.O, Box 374, Vancouver, B.C. your own home. Excellent profit, ine! business. Prices to meet competition, and garments or in quality. 'Small invest ment 'you off. Write, Canadian Dress Comppfly, TA Camden Street, Toronto. RODMING HOUSES FOR RENT, CONTENTS for sale, reasonable; rooms all 'occupied; good Dayiog guests. Ottken, 17 Isabella, ron # CARPETS RE-WOVEN INTO RUGS REVERS- DLD CARPETS WOVEN INTO Baker ible Rugs. Write for price list. Cleaning Co.; T to: 4, i DR. LEFEVRE"S GENUINE DEHYDRATED Garlic and Spinach Powder in capsules. Na- ture's germ killer and antiseptic, odorless, _ tasteless, blood builder, strengthener; anti- * catarrhal; for men, women and children. 50¢ and $2. . Address Frisco Importing Co., Ltd., 441 Seymour St,, Vancouver. PREVENTION 18 BETTER THAN OPERA- tion, Beesley's Bitters (all-herd tonic) prevents ulcers or ulcerations of the stom- ach if you are suffering from Internal trouble, Write for the testimonials we have from living people. Mrs. T, Van Camp, manufacturer, 107 Langley 'Ave., Toronto, CATTLE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN: BULLS, 'ONE to twelve months. Twelve to fourteen out of fifteen nearest dams in' thelr pedigrees -av- erage over eleven thousand pounds milk per year. Prices $55.00 to $80.00. Federaly Ac- credited. yside Farm, Owen Bound, DOGS MUSICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. MOUTH. OR- gan with Instruction Book (fifty cent value) for 28¢c: Ukulele with Instruction Book, $1.95; Hawailan or Spanish Guitar with In- struction Book, $8.95; Violin with bow &- 1 Instruction Book $5.45. Order now, whie . stocks are complete. Whaley, Royce and - Company, Limited, 237 Yonge Street, Toron- JAINT BERNARD PUPPIES, RARE BEAU- ties, reasonably priced, safe deliv in- Aurea. Paramount - Keanels, . North "Hatiey tiey, RE -- ~ FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 25¢c. Re-prints 10 for 25. Photo-Craft, 183% King 'Bt. E.,i Toronto. [Ero PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c.' Trevanna -Btud. tos, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. PORTRAIT IN FOL.DER--FREE ----------------3 to, 'or your local Music Dealer, MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typrewriting by -mall. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec. tus. Dept. C. Canada Business; College, Hamilton, Ontario. . i 16 LBS. VERY GOOD BROKEN LEAF TO- bacen $2. 7 Ibs. $1. G. Dubois, 203% Rideau, Ottawa. CHOICE QUALITY EASTERN MINK, RAIS. ed from best strains of Labrador and Que- bec. -They have all the fine characteristics of 'mink from that section. 125 breeders sold fn 2 years. Last year's pelt average $27.70. 'WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- Reasonably nriced. C. Bishee, Alliston, Ont. oped and printed. 25¢c (coin). Star Susp. - a -- ee shot Service, 168 King '6t. West, Dépt. Y, MEN WANTED CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR FAVOUR- ite negatives, 3. for 25¢; 75¢ a dozen; com- plete with envelopes. Enlargements 6 x 7 in easle frame, 39¢; 2 for 73¢c. Roll films developed and printed, 28¢; reprints 3c each, Free enlargement with "every --25¢_ onder, Brightling, 29 Richmond Bt. E., Toronto. WANTED -- AMBITIOUS MEN. 18 YEARS or over, to learn detective work. Big pay. 'Rewards. Interesting home-study course. Free information. Write to Morris L. Jullen, Box' 25, Station T., Montreal. - ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT PRINTS 'with free enlargement, 25¢. Reprl 30 each. Commercial Photo Service, Depts B., Outremont, Que. ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations: Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. SPECIAL OFFER! THREE, § x 7 GLOSSY enlargements, 25¢. Send your best negatives. Everett Wees, Route 3, Sarnia. ELECTRIC WELDER . THE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER--WON- derful new invention. Operates from 6-volt battery, Welds--Solders--Brazes. $3.95 de- Hvered. ~ RH. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. FOR SALE PROOF . BEST FANNING MILL -- (KLINE), Kline Mill, sells price new {Auction Sales). Manufacturing, Islington, Ontario. SPECTACLE FRAMES, $1.50. PRESCRIP- tions filled. Schaefer Optical, 158 Yonge, Toronto. FURNITURE LYONS' TRADE-IN -DEPT. The wonderful bargains in our Furniture Trade-in Dept. have made this the most popu- jar in Toronto, Space will not permit us to list more than a few of our specials. If you do not see what you want advertised, write and let us know your needs. Every plece of " furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. All- orders care- fully packed for immediate shipment on re- ceipt of money order, : $39. (11) Beautiful B5/Plece bedroom suite . in two-tone walnut, dresser and vanity with large swing 'mirrors, full size bed, sagless spring and new all-felt, roll edge, mattress; new condition." - $69 00 .Piece walnut bedroom suite -- . large dresser, triple mirror vanity, ehiffrobe, full size bed, sagléss spring and prand new all-felt mattress. Completely re- finished like new. Cost over $200.00. A real bargain. $49 00 Modern 9-plece walnut finish din- * ing room suite, Buffet, china cab- fnet, extension table and 6 leather seat rs. Completely refinished. A real smart suite, $ 4 95 Dining room suite, 8 pleces, large ld. buffet, extension table and six strong leather-seat chairs; guaranteed clean and in good condition. Chesterfield outfit, 8 pieces, in- cluding 3-plece chesterfield suite wpholstered in a good hard wearing 'brown ,- with reversible Marshall cushions; end table, bridge lamp and shade, metal smoking stand and eilk chesterfield cushion." A real outstanding value. x $13 50 Large 3-plece chesterfield suite, 4 unholstered in brown repp with fig- ured reversible Marshall spring cushions. A real good locking and comfortable puite, Hurry for this ofier. N $9 9 Bed outfit, full size steel bed, sag- bd less spring and new roll edge all fe't mattress, Large assortment of kitchen cabinets, sewing machines, gas stoves, library tables, wardrobes, beds, springs, mattresses, cdd drescers, chiffonfers, stulio couches, ete., at amazingly low prices. Trade-In Dept, LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO, 478 Yonge St, Toronto fipecial low prices. By mail. - od PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write; Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton, Ont. PERSONALITY CHART SENT FREE RAYMAR, CANADA'S "FOREMOST ADVIS- er on human problems, will send a Character and Personality Chart free to anyone who writes him. This amazing free offer is made merely to advertise Mason's 40 Cold Remedy and is avallable for a limited time only. Write _ today enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and your birth-date. Ad- dress -- Raymar, care of Mason Remedles, Limited, 10-18 McCaul Street, Toronto, Ca- ------------ PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full information sent free. factopies and homes be set up there. -- -- PATENT ATTORNEY | Russians Transform Northern Wastes To Spring Natural Re- sources of Arctic Within our lifetime 'the drear -wastes of the Arctic Circle may be- come-one of the most thickly popu- lated 'centres of the world. Traus- port systems will radiaté from it, The North Pole itself is likely to bevurme an attractive resort for tour For 40,000 Russian workmen are now in the Far North effecting the transformation, under Professor Otto Schmidt. We think of the northern territor- ies in terms of Eskimos, igloos, a non-stop 'sun, seals, and a eracked tableland of ice. But Professor Schmidt has found evidence of in- calculable mineral wealth, including gold and platinum, as well as sources of oil. « d Tremendous Area Mines, power stations, and manu- facturing plants will spring from these natural resources. The oil, re- fined, will supply the aeroplanes which will be 'droning their way across the whole world before we aro much older. The area to be developed is 80 times the size of England, and will support 80 times the population. Liv- ing there will be far healthier than it is most anywhere, The cold, dry air is a tonic. All chest-sufferers will find it a paradise. Balloon Hospitals The professor even visualizes vast floating hospitals 'over the Pole, sup ported 'by 'balloons. Patients in these will .get ithe very best of the air, un- spoilt by the industrial :gases nearer the earth. The problem of food=supply has al- ready been examined with most en- couraging results. Fresh vegetables, such 'as cabbages and cucumbers, are 'being successfully grown there to feed the workmen. - Scientists have produced types of wheat and 'oat: seeds which flourish there. Tndeed, 'the -erops yield more andugrow faster than in more 'south erly (parts. World's Wealth Shifts North This:js by far the biggest coloniz- ing and industrializing task ever un dertaken by men. And it is being done scientifically 'and 'thoroughly. The best :brains 'in Russia are 'oc- cupied on it, and ian. annual sum of $1,260,000,000 is being granted for the work. - - Trees, too, are being planted. The threatened world shortage of 'timber. --due to the ruthless 'stripping of forests in 'recent years without @re- planting--may 'be averted by this new move. : : In 100 years British industry and importance may have suffered from the enterprise. . ; But we may count on one advan- tage--Europe 'will probably: become more peaceful. 'For if the world's wealth shifts north so will the storm centres where war @rises. Think it was Ella Wheeler Wilcot who divided humanity into two classes --those who 1ift and those who lean . . . Good enough! ... If sitdowners are included as leaners . . . Personally. favor a division 'into -assenters and dissenters . . . More simply, head. nodders and 'head ghakers .-.. Or 'yes: men and no-men . . . Assenters gerner- ally have the best time... In politics they get all the gravy ... In business they 'get by smoothly, avoiding argu: ments . . . Must have been one of these who coined that excellent slogan. "The customer is always right" . .. Mill fons assent to it, saving themselves much brow-wrinkling. But it there never had been any The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent dissenters where do you think the 'Atforneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. > Lo PIGEONS TAXIDERMY MAGPIES, HELMETS, HOMERS, NUNS, ARTIFICIAL EYES AND BKULLS -- TAXI- Fantalls, High class pigeons priced reason- rite Perry Anderson, Kincardine, 0, dermist and furriers supplies (as used in our own workshops). fénd. 'for free cata- logue. Oliver Spanner and Co., Ltd, 28 Elm Street, Toronto. POULTRY SHIP TO EDWARD WILSON REG'D TOP MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRESSED Poultry and Eggs. Ed. 'Wilson, Reg'd., 44 Bonsecours Mkt, Montreal, POULTRY MEDICINE ROUP, COLDS, SCRATCHES, SORES, ETC., quickly relieved with Briggs Electric Oil Many home uses. Two sizes -- 70¢ (8 oz) 25¢ . Makers of Briggs Black Oil, Kennedy's Founder and Hoof Ointment. De. pendable over 88 years. Bold by druggists. For FREE information write G. C. Briggs & Bons, Toronto. TANNING FOX PELTS TANNED AND MADE INTO Bearfs. Animal skins tanned .and made into floor rugs. Deer and Moose Heads mounted, By expert 'Furriers and Texidermists. Batis. faction guaranteed, prices reasonable, Oliver Spanner Co.,'Iid., 28 Elm #t., Toronto. TOBACCO FOUR POUNDS $1.00, $3.00. Five pounds Virginia with 0.,+ Lea- LEAF BURLEY, fourteen pounds Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $2.00, Post, flavoring. Natural Leaf Tobacco mington, Ontario, GUILTING PATTERNS WANTED FREE! -- 70 QUILTING PATTERNS! GIANT washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts' nts! Bilks! Elderdowns! -- $1.00 '8amplé bundle -- 25c. Refund Textiles, 8049 De- Cottons! 'Collect.' Guarantee! Maritime gaspe, Montreal. -- SONGS . TWO NEW FOLIOS FOR CHRISTMAS -- "Shirley Temple's Favorite Songs, from her newest pictures, Including 'Good Night My Love," "When I'm With You,' and seven others complete with words, music and many. pletures of thls famous star, "Carols for Christmas containing thirty famous Christmas songs together with a condens- ed version of Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol,' and recitatfon with music *'Twas The Night Before Christmas." Price 50 cents each, Dominfon Music Supply, Hermant Building, Toronta. WANTED -- OHRISTMAS TREES, BALSAM, Spruce, Scotch Pine. tate price. W. Easton, Route 6, Brantford, Ontario. 'STOP THEM SCREAMING 1 11 you worry--with that queer taut feeling in your stomach--take IZIOSFERINE. A few tiny, economical drops each day will help steady those ragged nerves, improve your appetite, build up your strength, At druggists, 500, $1.00 and $1.50. 68 Along Canada's The focus of mining interest in Eastern Canada, isthe rapidly un- folding diamond drilling picture on the Barber Larder property, si- tuated to the West of Kerr Addi- son and to the East of Omega; in and Larder Lake district of Ont- ario. Barber Larder is conceded in mining circles to give promise of a major mining operation. . 8 gg Mining Highway - owner in Barber Larder, is one of the best known prospectors and developers of mining properties, having entered the North country thirty years ago. Mr. Potter's well warranted 'success with Barber Larder will assist other mining ventures. He has already announc- red the reopening of the Lacoma' Gold Mining property, in the Pro- R. S. Potter, President and big vince of Quebec, p------ L Beauty In a New Car a ak dia Su SY i ay view throughout Canada. with the very latest in styles for the moire-evening gown, over whi fur collar. There's-a double fashfon note in this view of an attractive young - person inspecting the handsome interior of one of thu 1988 cars on Flowers in her hair ornament are in tunc 1938. So is the "breathing back" mohair velvet upholstery which forms an appropriate background for ch she is wearing a velvet cape with world would be? . . . Pick out your favorite historical hero and you'll find him dissenting from something he -thought wrang . . , Many are born dis senters, like this ink-worm, others. get that way from having their illusions dirsipated.. . . Young. folks, a3 a rule, assent, older ones dissent. , . Which should be enough to provide material for a literary debate. Young Man--"Will you marry me?" Heiress--*No, I'm afraid not." "Young Man--*Oh, come on, be a support." Worry is the price you have to pay for being an intelligent human being instead of being an animal, A tourist visiting a country fair, stopped by a merry-go-round. Present ly 'he noticed a little man seated on one of the wooden horses... What struck him as strange was that every time the merry-go-round stopped the little man made. no move to get off the horse. : At length curiodity overcame the tourist, and when next the man on the horse stopped oppdsite him he sald: "Pardon me, sir, but do you en- joy going round and round like this?" The unhappy one grimaced. 'Not a bit," he replied. ) "Then why do you do it?" asked the tourist. "The man who owng this contrap- tion owes me five dollars," informed the lttle man, "and this is the only way I can get it." There 'are a number of persons who never get next to themselves--and we don't blame them. Saul--"I was so hungry that the moment I got in I began eating the tables." } Paul--"Do you expect us to believe that? What sort of tables?" Saul--"Why, vege-tables, of course." "People are pretty much the same the world over," asserts a writer. Aw, don't be so pessimistic. 7 § Diner--""Waiter, look at the ends of this sausage." , Waiter--" What's wrong with them, sir?" ' : Diner--"They're very close togeth: er, aren't they?" There is no medicine to cure the loss of enthusiasm. 40 Oysters Could Feed The World Should All the Eggs Laid by the Female Bivalve Grow to Maturity To judge by its appearance when ft lies on a plate with a wedge of lem- on closely flanking it, an oyster leads fm Scratching RELIEVE ITCHING In A Minute ecsema, : Even quickly liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Its gentle oi goothe the irritated skin, Clear nd etal Jess --dries fast. Stops the proto iri \tehing ~ stantly. A 35 trial at stores, it-- or money back, Ask for ®). be PHESaAPTION. 29 Issue No. 48--'37 Cc--1 PHOSFERINE ret a life completely devold of excite- ment. Nothing could be further from the truth, however, for from the mo- "ment when it makes its first appear- ance in the form of an egg the oys- ter's lite is one long series of thrills and adventures. Few Survive Very few, however, "live to tell the tale," for so numerous and varied are the oyster's enemies that, although a female oyster lays as many as 600, 000,000 eggs in a season, less than 500 of these reach maturity, Fifty per cent. of the eggs disappear into hungry maws at the very begin. ning. Out of those that escape emerge tiny creatures that can swim. Grad- ually the shells that are to be their life's home begin to form, 'and soon they reach such a 'size that the baby oysters become unable to swim, and find themselves sinking to the bot- tom. Biding its Time Should the baby 'bivalve have es- caped the fish that have been devour- ing billlons-of its brothers and sisters all this 'time, .it eventually comes to rest on'the-sea'bed. 'It it touches rock bottom :§t is lucky, but-it it lands on nnd orssand it 18 doomed. In any case, still more enemies are waiting 'for it, 'worst of 'all being the starfish,"which:can wipe out an-entire oyster bed. This creature attaches its suckers 'to the .shell and patiently waits for the inevitable time when its prey must open for a "breath" of fresh water. Then it exerts a steady pull, The oyster is unable to close up again. 'In fact it is forced to open wider and wider until the starfish i- able to:get at the soft, succulent mut inside. Oyster Culture If the oyster had no enem'~s at all, but was allowed to breed and grow unmolested, g. mere 40 oveters would produce enough for man's annual needs, 'But as the oceane of the world would 'soon become choked up with oyster-shells, perhaps this would not be an unmixed blessing! In view of the enormous labor the temale 'endures in order to keep her kind alive, Nature "gives Cher the op- portunity to enjoy an occasional holi- day~--she becomes a male for a change! Jo Oyster culture is, of course, an cs- tablished scionce today, and many ef- forts are made to protect them from their enemies. The bables are even given cradles! Tale Lights--When a couple manr- ries, the woman is merely trying her luck, while the .man is risking 'his. The Marist EZ Brothers TONIC (SOLUTION OF BIPHOSPHATES OF LIME) DIRECT FROM Tue MONASTERY TO You Will build you up rapidly. Used suc- cessfully for over 150 years--for nervous debility--diseases of the brain -- anaemia --diseases of the bones. Especially good for growing children and the aged. GOLD MEDALS WON Al WORLDS' EXPOSITIONS OF HYGIENE PRICE $1.00 At All Crug Stores THE ROLL OF A NATION a's Fine Cut has the taste that appeals to Canada's ro [im ious to coat ibe rogrnt flo, o Pi ns a 9° of Soden 's Nr fine cut soho I of the nation. 15¢ nowbuys a biggerpackage of 5 Eight Reasons Why Business is Better Increased Farm Wealth Them -- Executis Ta Is One of The sunshine is mo¥e for the clouds on the busines zon, Russell T. Kelley, Hamilton, Ont., president of the Ontario Asso- ciated Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce, told the annual meet- ing at Toronto. Mr. Kelley had many reasons for his business optimism. He listed eight chief ones. These were: The empire trade treaties of 1082 and 1987 mean Canada will share an ever-increasing intra-empire trade. The reciprocal trade agreement with the United States will result in an increasing volume of business as that nation becomes more urban. From Mines and Farms An estimated increase of $60,000,- 000 in the income of Ontario farm- ers, Wealth produced from Ontario's 'mines promises to set a record in 1987. Paper prices are satisfactory. The agreed price of $60 a ton for news- print for the first half of 1938 will help. Lumber shipments are well ahead of 1936. Dividends for the 10 months end- ing Oct. 31 totalled $219,600,000, an increase of $41,800,000 over 1936. .A substantial increase in tourist trafic in 1987, likely to result in a $300,000,000 income, the second best on record. - "It you want to see the past, look to Euroze and the Orfent; if you want to ece the future, look to South Amer- fea."--".ephen Leacock, MAKE YOUR LIVER Produce its bile Your liver nas a big job to do. Make it do what it is supposed to. Its job is to pro- duce 18 to 36 fluld ounces of bile every day and send it through the system. it it falls down on, its Job ycu suffer. AND HOW! The most effective stimulant for the liver known to medical science Is calomel, which In small 'uses is of the highest ure in con- gestive conditions, especially those due to over-eating, over indulgence In alcohol, [lack of exercise, etc. Tanocl Tablets contain a"cer- tain 'proportion of calomel, blended with cas- cara and other medicines. They are mild and harmless. But your liver understands and takes the hint. For sale at a'l druggists, 50c. (B) PIMPLES Add an equal amount ot cream, or sweet oil, to Min. ard's, and apply the mixture once daily. A simple treat- ment which will ) iV 26 Clear up your skinl "re YOUR KIDNEYS? IF you suffer from rest. less nights, if kidney frregularitics break your rest and you are tired and drowsy -- suffer from headache or dizzy spells, these may be the signs of disordered kidneys, For the relief of minor kidney irregularities Dr. Picrce's A-nutic Tablets have been found very beneficial. The action of this stimulant diuretic in flushing the kidneys, diluting acid, and relieving irritation has given relief to men and women in every part of Canada. Taking a cup of hot water and "A-nuric¢' after every meal should bring remarkable improvement. Buy of your neighborhood druggist now. Tablets 65¢ and $1.35, Mail the symptom blank which fs in the A-nuric package and send a sample of urine for free analysis to Dr, Pierce's Clinic, Buf- falo, N. Y Watch Crime Clues Thrown on Screen NEW YORK---When he isn't prac- ticing opthalmology, Dr. Carleton Simon of this city, is devising new ways of tracking criminals by the clues that they leave behind them. Most of these clues are such tan gibles as fingerprints, blood stains, bits of cloth, hairs, handwriting, and paper. ' To examine them micro- scopically is not difficult. But the microscope has its limitations. Only one eye can see through it at a time, and sometimes it is neéessary for a dozen detectives and district attor- neys to discuss a clue. Out of this necessity has come Dr. Simon's "jdentigraph," which throws images on a screen. Can't Fool Th's Machine Two enlarging lenses are used. One magnifies to ten diameters, the other to 40. n attachment holds three microscope objectives capable of magnifying from 100 to 1,000 dia- meters. Provision also is made for analyzing some materials by polariz- ed light. Dr. Simon claims for his instrument. It is frankly an adaptation of a dozen or more . methods of projecting enlargements of open books, objects of any kind. He has combined and compressed their best features into a fairly small box which suggests a television set. Throw back the cover and a glass sreen appears, on which the image to be studied is seen. With this new instrument a hair, a raised check, a counterfeit bill, a blood stain stands out with startling vividness, so that half a dozen de- tectives or crime experts can see it at once. Cloths and various goods can be minutely examined and their fibres and meshes measured. 14-Foot Light Bulb Memorial to Edison no or'ginality An electric bulb fourteen feet high, designed as a memorial to the man who invented the incandescent lamp, has been completed at Corning. N.Y. after six months of work. The light will be installed as a beacon atop the Thomas Alva Edison memorial tow: er at Menlo Park, N. J. Officials of the Corning Glass works said the bulb consists of 164 pieces of cast glass ina two-inch dia- mond pattern and is nine feet, six inches in diameter. Thejinside of the bulb will be fitted with 960 incan- descent electric lights. English Cottages Fishermen, Artists and Writers Join 'In Campaign; Architect Urges Reconditioning The fact that petitions of fisher- men, of artists and writers--all of whom put themselves on record as regarding beauty preferable to su- perlative modern sanitation -- has failed to prevént the Health Board of Penzance operating under the Slum Clearance Act from demolish- Newlyn in Cornwall, Eng. The cam- paign to save them may save others. Many 'picturesque places still possess bases for superimposed sanitation. Edmund, Vale, the well-known architect, charges in The Observer that the act is being misapplied. Insanitary Buildings "Let us face two of the most ab- surd and cxtravagant anomalies of our t:me," he writes. "Every year there are hundreds of thousands ¢% pounds spent on the publicity of places--'Beautiful Britain' campaigns and what-mots. The publicists pro- duce brochures, posters, press ad- vertisements and newspaper supple- ments. And all these show endless pictures of the very things which are being destroyed!" : Recondition Some Ida Chamberlain, a member of the found a way to apply the act in a proper manned and bids other coun- tries take heed. "We have built over 200 new cot- tages, but they have also made every cffort to preserve old cotnges wherever possible," she says. "The proof of this may be seen in the fact 'that, in co-operation with the County Council, they have been the means of gett'ng more than 160 houses re conditioned under the Housing (the Rural! Workers) Act, and that the list is still being added to." Urges Hunters Wear Red Caps and Hats To make deer hunters poor targets R. G. Parvin, Colorado State Gme Commissioner, suggests they wear red capes and hats. y "Last year we had only threo fas talit'es among 16,000 dcer hunters, but this year we would like to get by without accidents," says Parvin, "And if hunters must drink strong I'quor they should do so moderately," he added. "Liquor and bullets donot mix successfully." Faia Lt To | Preserve Old = ing the picturesque fishers' cots at Hartley Wintney Rural District Council, declares in the London Times that her organization "has - Se ee lin, NE "oe ey Saf Eg tg 3 Ps 1 A aT NEN CAR) Fel Lr eT Cr Cg "y ey A Ps reid ha nd SDA Ca a) SSA THE oo ol « - RN ora Tn Fe A ie a a Dy deg, Th En : AT ara,

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