- If you have not tried i will will he pleased to serve you. Try our Ly BY | JEMISONS PHONE 93 «= .- + IRE! with Fire Insurance. ® & € 5 5 Bs t hone 41 NS 5,088, RE OSOSOEOSOIIEOSOS OBOE IOP BOBBIE aS and. delicious. . If you haven't 'and our clerks will be Lip A5E * gi SRE irises i RARBG ITN em "What Delicions Pastry! 'Thais wh hat your fr pir LJ at. THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY F [RE! Be prepared for such an emergency call. Protect ia It isalways a friend in time of need. Place your insurance with HAROLD W. EMMERSON i OUR MEATS 2 boast about the quality of our meats, and you will With ds 'when you try them. CAWKER BROS. BEST MEATS i} - Dey SERVICE :: BEST PRICES ; EE A ------ The Greengrocery Store, Eon PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Soicac Grapes 29c¢. 6 qts. it, ask our BAKERY . PORT PERRY Port Perry OROSOSOSOPOBOPOROROROGOSOPOSOPOPOSOSOPOSORORORE 3a er eR ee Te Te ST They are always fresh tried our meats just call up Pleased to fill your order. ¥|of Rev. w. 1. Wickett. PA REA, 3; AT A A SCENE FROM "ON THE SHORES OF SCUGOG" This valuable book of the Life of Pioneers who settled this district, can be obtained at THE STAR OFFICE, Port Perry % Mansell irwin, of Whitby, was present $8| ana told of ms younger days on the % | 1s1ana" when the Centre Church was £ | the Bible Christian Church and stood £2 | on the west side of Mr, Geo. Jackson's |tarm, Later is was moved to where ${ it now stands and was enlarged about | thirty years ago during the pastorate Mr. Irwin mentioned many old friends that used to live around the Centre. Then Dr. Stanley Russell was called on and gave a lecture on the Old Land, illustrated by many, beautiful pictures, Rev. K. Joblin and Rev. H. J. Bell, kindly as- 'sisted. Rev. W. J. H, Smyth and Rev. Mr. McLachlin were also present. Proceeds about $92.00. 'We had the first snow of the sea- son last Friday afternoon. Mrs, W. Mark, Mr, and Mrs, H, Car- Iceberg Head lettuce Washed Carrots 19c 6 qt. 'abbage 5c head Mushrooms: 35c Ib. Eating Apples (McIntosh Red) 25¢ 6 qt, § 2 for 13c § Sweet Potatoes, 5c. Ib. 6 lbs. 25c. » = 4 r nochan and children visited with Mr. and Mrs, D. Harrison on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Craven, of Highland Creek on a motor trip to Bala, Mus- koka. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt and children of Enniskillen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. Jeffrey, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams of Niagara, Mrs, P. Williams and Mrs. L. S | Savage, of Whitby, were recent guests = | of Mrs, J. A. Sweetman and Mrs. C. = | Graham, Tomatoes, 5c Ib. Lo» R. _WAKEFORD, Prop. WA VE SRY 'Manchester 4 Mrs. Ji B. Johnson returned home Saturday after visiting in Grimsby. ~ Mr, and.Mrs. Burley, of Toronto and Mr. Thos.-Offield,:of Trout Creek were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flay Ball t spent Sunday, with "Mis. sister Mrs, John 'Stewart. -- Mrs. Chas. 'Davidson and Douglas fie Davidson, of Whitby, and Mr. Gordon Stewart of Bowmanville, visiting Mr, "and Mrs, John -Stewart on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Munro and Reta visited fat the" home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thorne. 'Prospect, recently. "The Missionary meeting will be held on Friday of this week at the home of Mrs: Wm, Debson. Our Zanniversary services will be held ofjSdhday, October 81. 'Rev. Mr. Bushel of Utica, will-be the. minister in chatge of the afternoon service, as- sisted by the Gréenbank chof¥, and the Seagra¥e minister «will conduct the evening service. Hours 2.30 and 7.30. Our¥hurch is being redécorated this week, 3nd thisre. Sil Ye be no service on 43 Bennett's 1} >| » raw Li cA more heal ¢ { HI ory less mi ney hack - The Port Perry "Coal Yard 1 Grapphopit eredion) Maen eg) S5ceach Phone 208. We deliver Sunday. Quite a number are con- templating going to Prospect services Miss Hooper was a visitor with] friends at Oshawa and Niagara Falls, recently. Miss Thompson and Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Thompson attended the funeral of Mrs, Thompson's aunt, Mrs, Evans, on Sunday. - The people here responded gener- ously with provisions for the car to be shipped to the West, Tm em tlt i A ----e eee. SCUGOG The annivérsary services will be held at Maple Grove Foot Church next Sunday, Oct. 24th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, with Rev. Ww. Rackham of Hamp- ton as speaker for the day. Special music is being prepared. An invita- tion is extended to all. Other Services and Sunday Schools have been with- drawn, Rev. F. G: Joblin was the speaker at Mount Zion last Sunday, it being anniversary, Rev. Mutton took he services for Mr, Joblin, The Scugog: people helped to fill the car of food stuffs for the West which was loaded at Brooklin, Mrs. I. Rodman was a recent guest of her friend Mrs. C. Wannamaker, Last Tuesday evening, a very suc- cessful roast fowl supper was held in the Township Hall. We were glad to see so many from Port Perry, Toronto, Séagrave and Raglan. . After supper all went to the church where Seagrave orchestra entertained with their music. Rev. Mr. Joblin read several letters from some old residents who had been invited to our jubilee celebration. A letter and a donation were received from Mrs, W. T. Wickett;. a letter from Mrs. W. J. Mullens, Sask. Mrs, We are glad to hear Miss Ashen- hurst of the Foot School is well again, ll | and back to open the school this week. Mr. S. Mark and Mr. Milton Demara were Sunday guests of Mr. Roy Hope on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Allbright, of Pinedale, 81 Mr. and Mrs. E. McKnight, of Utica, 0 Dc were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells. Miss Grace Demara spent the week end with Miss Florence Carter. Miss Blanche Sweetman, of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Art. Sweetman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baxter, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Judson, Beverley and Roy, of Kitchener, Mrs. J. L. Sweet- man and Aileen were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson and 'Mrs, Cham- 'berlain, it being the second birthday of little Jimmie Chamberlain. Mr. C. Hardy and John, and Mr. A. Martyn, attended the Plowing Match at Fergus last week. The Ontario County Plowing Match will be held at Stonehaven Farm, near Whitby, on October 27th. , Mrs, Cook and sons of Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. W, Jackson, of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayes and Irene, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M. McLaren. The farmers are busy digging their potatoes. Some report the crop not so good as last year and the tubers smaller. : ---- EDO ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT ASHBURN Services will be held in Burn's Pres- byterian Church on Sunday, Oct, 81, at 11. am, and 7.30 p.m. conducted by Rev. J.C, Greer, of Lindsay. ------ rt PMP HALLOWE'EN BAZAAR A Hallowe'en Bazaar and Chicken Supper will be held in the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension, on Nov 4th. J Yo u---- AMATEUR NIGHT AT RAGLAN The Women's Association of the Raglan Church will hold an amateur night on November 12th. Prizes for Joblin sang a solo accompanied by her | adults and children. Phone Mrs. Chas. daughter Dorothy at the piano. Rev Luke, (Brooklin 4607) for particulars, MOTORISTS Thy Conley and See How Others Will Follow WHEN NEXT you go motoring resolve to "Try Courtesy" every inch of the way and see how much more enjoyable your trip will be and how quickly other drivers will respond to your courtesy. If I could but persuade half of the motorists to "Try Courtesy® I am confident that the other half would follow suit and then we would have established the greatest single factor for safe motoring--courteous driving. Again I suggest that you "Try Courtesy" the next time you are driving. Try to refrain from '"pocketing" your. fellow-motorist when he gets into a traffic difficulty. Try to give him some warning of what you intend to dé next whether it is to slow ~down, stop, change direction or overtake him: Try to give him his share of the road so as not to unnerve him by a "close shave." Try to remember to dip or dim your brilliant headlights when you meet him at night so that he will not be "ditched" or drive straight on when he should take a curve. Try to remember that hills, curves and other blind spots are danger spots--keep to your right side of the road when you come to them. In these and the dozens of other ways, which will occur to you, I sincerely recommend that you "Try Courtesy' every inch of the way. my COTY oo. esa The New Spirit of the Road MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 19K tee ala SAAN AAADE AAR Sb boo od Overcoats for men $16. 50 New stock coats in newest silvertone, twes ds in Men's and Young Men's models Made - to - measure SUIT or OVERCOAT W. R. Johnson - " Approved Clothes'. H Fit Guaranteed - See the New Fall Samples 8 $22.50 $24.50 $27.50 | IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A DRESS SUIT OR TUEXDO, WE CAN ARRANGE TO GIVE YOU A PERFECT FIT, AND QUOTE ATTRACTIVE PRICES QUICK QUAKER OATS Plain 25¢. pkg. Chinaware 33c. pkg. Aunt Jemina Pancake Flour 18¢ pkg. QUAKER OATS "6 More than 30 Servings per Package Buckwheat Flour LARGE PKG. 25c. 23c. pkg. SAAT AAA AHA QUAKER CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs. and 1 seribbler all for 26¢. F. W. BROCK & SON ot PHONE 43+ - LP rt el A 0% 00. Font 5 tas Ss PORT PERRY A AA APA AAR ARRAN 0 ' Confectionery. You will be' pleased, pS SR ARAN RRAARA LEAR KARR RRERN AAA MR ASS NAR ASN, oe ARISEN og a" Prompt and Courteous Service of Good Baking Phone 32 when you need Bread, Cakes, or Lunch Provided to be held at Stonehaven Farm THE PROPERTY OF J. NORMAN IRWIN, on the Townline between Whitby and Pickering Townships, Highway No. 2 2 miles West of W hitby on South Ontario Plowing Match Soatiacs Wednesday, October 27th, 1937 weet FEDNEDE 00 . For Prize List, apply to W. S. CROXALL, BROOKLIN, ONT. R. E. Pardon, President. Banquet at Night W. 8. Croxall, Secretary Gerrow Brothers a OASIS AIAN ANN AANA ARE RAR ARR SAAN RRR RAAT SLA LR I TR aL we Dae Saige Spe SL "Famous for Its Heat Value." If you have not been enjoying heat satisfaction from the coal you have been using, why not fill up your bin for next winter with this Super-Cleaned Hard Coal? One trial will convince you that it is the finest fuel your money can buy--Nut, Stove and Pea sizes on hand. CEMENT--Fresh St. Mary's Cement always on hand, also § LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD SLABS. Your orders will be given prompt and careful attention. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G: W. PYATT "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" £_Chiive Spat "Rist Saben "SESE JB SHE Sale iin \ Phones--94W and 94J TT PORT PERRY GROCETERIA WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 1 Large Package of SUPER SUDS with 3 cakes of COLGATE'S TOILET SOAP ................ for 25¢c. 3 packages of QUAKER CORN FLAKES with a scribbler FREE ............................. LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS, per tin ................ PEVON TOMATOES ..ciivunrvsnnnscsnnsnnes 2 tins 19c. PUMPKIN, choice quality .................... per tin 9c. WALKER'S SODAS ..................... 1 1b. pkg. 12¢. APPLE AND STRAWBERRY JAM ........ large jar 25c. CLOVER LEAF FANCY PINK SALMON, 2 large tins 25c. G. A. PALMER, Prop. Phone 36 DELIVERY 8 a.m, to 6 p.m. Jy rs da eh) 5 > hy » ~3 a NEARER TaN OR = RAS PRTAN on i a \ £20 SUSIE 1 xy AR NERNEY ATEN RS pn rd at bn oo 1 Ea eA A rs We Sr a-- rly a - & ~ 0 a A WT SE z x ~~ i n > > LS PE ns ut. 3 i rd -- aT EE nis a J I - Rg = nh Pw Sars on RAE" go BC Cn eX gs TE AY TL "one Jed a uae ---- Ad pg => en ey eo a ans = a » ins ond By Fg ee a rans * ry SRE ot ged fl