EN a Ly SSE : Ra RE ei Fn = ~ ER as ry eT Ly hy CREA Crm, REA Fi od or \ 5 AY Hh 2 a ~ 5 ~~ deed -, ro - - SERS A 5 sme, ~ AS -- PT ae NE STN --et SEER -- = A ~~ > a et Be A ON gn eg Be EL eee EM Te SO Ey i pee IN ES v Ea a Tt HR Tt ¥ CAA 1 ¥ § + Nh A at Th tatu itt -- = Mrs. John Murray, Mrs. F.W. Brock, Mrs. Earl Beare, and Mrs. W. H, Har- ris, attended the semi-annual Provin- cial Chapter of the I. O. D.E. at North Bay, last week. 'Mrs. Geo. Charsley has returned from & two months' visit in Sudbury and vicinity, . MARRIED Av Montreal, on Saturday, October . 16tn, 1957, Miss Marion Kobson, of to Rev. br, P, of Winnipeg, Loiborne, Ontario, 'Anornton, formerly '__ brother of Mrs. F. G. Sandy, of, Port - "sults very gratifying. verry, Ont. W. M. 8. MEETING 'Lhe United Church W. M. S. met in the Ladies' rarlour on October 13th, with an attendance of twenty-eight. Mrs, H. H. Stone and Mrs. M. Beare presided jointly over the meeting. Mrs. 8. Farmer had charge of the program, assisted by the ladies of her group. Selections from the second chapter of the new Study Book were read by Mrs. Geo. L. Jackson. Mrs. Wm. Real read the devotional leaflet. A solo by Mrs. Bowes was much appreciated. Mrs, Dix and Mrs. S. Jeffrey de- scribed the famous Bok Memorial 'tower, which they visited while in Florida. "This 'is a trial year for the new method of raising the allocation so all were interested in the treasurer's re- port. A slight increase was reported over the receipts at the same date last year. REV, J. C. CLOUGH TO BE IN- " DUCTED RECTOR. On Friday, October 29th, at 8 p.m., Rev. J. C, Clough, is to be inducted Rector of the Church of the Ascension, by His Grace Archbishop Owen, of Toronto. The preacher will be Rev, Canon Woodcock, Rector of Christ's Church, Deerpart, Toronto. HOUSE FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Apply to W. M, Letcher, Port Perry. NEIL YELLOWLEES PR "Piano tuner, will be in Port Perry and vicinity in November. order at Lawrence's Drugstore. Leave your oct28 PRINCE ALBERT ANNIVERSARY The Anniversary services last Sun- day were a decided success and the re- Rev. A. L. Sisco of Millbrook gave two good mes- sages appropriate and timely. The music for the day was of a high order and was appreciated by all. Mrs. Pratt as accompanist and her quar- tette from St. Andrew's, Whitby and Pickering, and Mr. Tarbet, of Prince Albert, were in charge of the music. Miss Ward was accompanist for Mr. Tarbett. Hostesses to our guests were Mrs. David. Jackson, Mrs. T. E. Philp and Mrs. Frank Vickery. The officials of Prince Albert, and the pastor, wish to heartily thank all who assisted in making our Anniver- sary services so successful and help- ful in every way. ANNIVERSARY and THANK OFFERING SERVICES will be held at St. John's Presbyterian ~ Church, Port Perry, on Sunday, Oct. | 24th, morning and evening. Rev. Mr, Robinson, of Leaskdale, will conduct both services. Special music by the choir. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 1.45 Men's Class. Forum Topic-- "Has the Flag any place in the Church 7" * 2.45--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -- "Ancient Stories with a Modern Meaning." 1. The Garden of Eden. This is the first in an evening series. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN i CHURCH Rev.' Robt. Simpson, Minster Sunday-- Anniversary and Thank Offering at 11 aim, and 7 p.m, Sunday School at 2.80 p.m. . Tuesday--Y. P. S. at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION "Rev. J. C. Clough, Rector. Evening service at 7 p.m. BABY BED FOR SALE Large size iron bed, with mattress. Apply at Star Offie. WORK WANTED The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of furnace and stove repair work--cleaning and overhauling; new and repair plumbing. Also radio test- ing and repairs. Alfred Andrus, Port Perry. oct. 9 PROPERTY FOR SALE Offers will be received for double frame house and lot on Crandell Street Port Perry, known as the Penhall property. Send offers to the executors Jas. McKenzie or Geo. R. Davey, FOR SALE Chicken-house in good condition, 14 ft. x 8 ft. A bargain. Apply to R. H. Cornish, Port Perry. LOST One Roan Cow, four years old, tag No. 76697. Expense paid. Notify Charles Howsam, Hampton, Phone 2475, Bowmanville, GARAGE FOR SALE Frame Garage on Perry St. Port Perry. In down-town section. Apply to Mrs. Chas. Wells, Port Perry. CAR BARGAIN Pontiac Coupe for sale. Same may be seen at my residence, Cochrane St., Port Perry. - H. G. Hutcheson. FOR SALE Two Oil Drums, one Coaloil Tank in good condition; one Harmony Health Belt, new, at a bargain price; Boy's Billard Table in good condition; some odd Chairs, Table, Wheelbarrow. For information phone Mrs. M. Wil-: liams, phone 205, Port Perry. MORTGAGE SALE : Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage which wiil be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by rublic auction at the Sebert House, rort rerry, on Wednesday, Nov srd, 1937, at the hour of two o'clock, Standard lime, Lots 1 and 2, Plan 236, Scugog. On the said lots is said to ve erected a Summer Cottage. TERMS: 10% of purchase price 7) to paid down at the time of sale and the balance within 80 days thereafter. The property will be offered fdr sale subject. to a' reserve bid. For further-particulars or conditions ot sale, apply to HARRIS, HARRIS, & WALLACE, 41 Alger Building, Oshawa; and Port Perry, Ont, Solici- tors for the Mortgagee. nov4 WHO CARES! Who cares to spend a life free of financial troubles? Who cares to supply the needs of his family? Wh cares to work for/himself and thus earn as much as he desires? For PRODUCTS COMPANY with its line of 200 household necessities will glad. ly forward an interesting plan without] obligation whatsoever. WRITE AT ONCE: 870 St. Clement St.,, Montreal. Sales way up this year. Real appor- tunity for right man. We help you get started. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-343-0-J, Montreal, Canada. GENERAL MOTORS TO FORM SAFETY CLUB FOR MEN. A further criterion of the company's ! support of the campaign to promote | satetly consciousness on highways is to be found in the organization of a safety club for employees of General Motors Products of Canada Limited, it "CHRISTMAS CARDS One hundred per cent. profit-- agent on Personal Christmas Cards. Samples free. Also extensive boxed line, high quality, medium prices." Acme Cards. Drawer B, Bowmanville, was revealed at Oshawa. maximum of safety into cars, it was felt that the new club could make an important contribution to the cause of safety, H. R. Wilber, Sales Office manager, pointed out. EMFO CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES SUMNER PRITY PEAS AYLMLR CUIGICE LACHINE RAPIDS STANDS .D CUT Med. Tins 1 HRINZ TOMATO fiotaee Best Choice Qu lity PEACHES CREAM OF SWEET WRINKLE ; WHITE CORN WAX BEANS "DOMINION" * FEATURES A GRAND FOOD 2D SALE Values Effective Until Saturday Night, October 23rd. 2.28 17.02. Tin . ) (1) 2 19 __3:'25 SOUPS ASSORTED Except Green Turtle and Consomme 2 Med. J - No, 2 Tins No. 2 Tin No. 2 Sq Tins BACOIT Tins 285 fast : Sliced » BQ Bulk Black or Butcher PEPPER - 1b 19 | Glenwood Vanilla 8-o0z. Bot, EXTRACT 2 for .28 SAVE 2441 SPECIAL: % 18, CAN 1¢ > PERFE one IF Y YOU BUY ¢ mlm 18 shies or 39° Raa iN ils ry st 3 1 JELLO CHOCOLATE PUDDING with THREE JELLY POWDERS for 2l¢., CTION LEMON OIL ......... Gillett's LYE vie dive 0 0 106 FAST FREE DELIVERY | those who really care, the FAMILEX] Have You Tried Ham. ford's Balsam of Myrrh? If not, do so at once. Its cooling and soothing effect is wonderful for busns, scalds and all kitchen casulties, ember | priced at 35¢., 65¢. and $1.25 per bot, DO YOU USE A GILLETIE SAFETY RAZOR? Then try the Eastman Super-thin Blades. One-third thinner than any ether blade. 5 for 25c. 10 for 49¢, WILLIAM WEBSTEK At Beatty's Store, Port Perry THE MASTER LIGHT reing the Popular Report (1936-37) of the British and Foreign Bible Society, by the Rev. John A. Patton, M.A. its Literary Superintendent. It is astonishing how year aiter year this-Society brings out a Popu- lar Report of ever-increasing interest, [and ot surprising variety in the ideas round which it is grouped. The title this year--7The Master-Light--is taken from Wordsworth's famoyg. line, "a --taking:------ master-light of all our seeing," and the headings of the varibus chapters lindicate the trend of the whole Re- i te. fport: "Light from the Ancient Manu- MAN WANTED for Rawle gh kon I scripts;" "The Light of the Translated *Word;" "The Lamplighter;" "Spread- "ing the Light" and "Oil for the Lamps." The Scriptures themselves, the great hymns of the church, poets and prose writers, are all taken by this gifted author to illumine his subject, and recent biographies like those of | Lord Balfour and Lord Grey, furnish apt illustrations. The Bible is pre-eminently "The Book of Light", from Genesis to; Revelation, and the coming of that Light in written form in 713 trans- lations, in a yearly issue of over | 11,000,000 volumes is shown to bring While the company had built the, Light to many souls, and to "blaze a trial of glory in the great Continents of the world." There are apt illustrations from every country, including the Dominion of Canada, where the coming of the Scriptures to the Indians, and to lone- ly settlers, has indeed brought Light. "Without being pessimists" the Pre- face states, "we are all bound to admit i that there are many clouds hanging over the world to-day--clouds of war and hostility, jealousy and misunder- | standing, clouds of poverty and unem- ployment, ignorance and irreligion; and in no part of the globe is the sun shining from a clear sky," but- the Bible Society has "a chain of beacons carrying glad tidings far and wide." The "Oil for the Lamps" needs to be replenished, and the deficit of over $77,000.00. must disappear, so that "The Master-Light" may shine. more and more till the perfect day. Thus in brief outline another year's work of the Bible Society is depicted, and all who read the Report will be forced to ask, with its talented Editor, "Is the Bible Society receiving ade- quate support to carry on this work?" ----- o> WESTERN RELIEF Port Perry contributed almost two . truck loads of Fruit, Vegetables and Canned Goods to car shipped last week from Brooklin to Saskatchewan for relief among our stricken fellow can- adians, The committee in charge--Messrs. Dix, Graham, Jeffrey, also Mr, Reesor -and Mr. Love, who provided trucks, to- ! gether with all who contributed to the car are to be congratulated on the part played in this very worily. under: Cars were also shipped from Bow- manville, Oshawa, Whitby and Clare- mont. Great need and hearty response links East and West at this time in a great fellowship. In all about 450 cars have already been shipped from Ontario to the West. DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Med! College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post gridusta 1s in Potro le, of i on, Horn Bal Lon "London, do + ot Granite nd, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office. -- bein Perry, Ont W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office The firm of Grezn & HumpHRRYS Is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814 in Attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday. and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT. K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, BA. LLB Offices 7% Simece Bt. 8 Phones, 4 and § 3 Suny snd st Court House, Whithy, (Mr. Comant) Phone 1 ( Whithy) VEE EEE b "CLOSED LIPS" a drama with strong appeal. Now ready for Church Concerts, ete. | Terms, $10.00. Write to Rev, A, Bushell, director, R.R. 4, Uxbridge. BA > PRESENTATION TO PRESIDENT OF G.M.C. this week, tribute to Mr. McLaughlin's career as Garner, Chief Engineer. of a great industry. -- Congratulating Mr, McLaughlin ¢ on the splendid service he had rendered, Harry J. Carmichael, Vice-President and General Manager, .presnted him with a beautiful basket of sixty-five roses--one for each year. repay,' stated Mr, Carmichael. can express in words," ; ~ --Oshawa Times KILL! KILL! On with the dance! Step on it, we are late!' Hello, there are a couple of cars that have run into each other head on! Hurry past! There are dead and wounded people on the grass. We might have to go to court as wit- nesses, or carry them to a hospitall Give her the gas! You can pass that truck before we get to the top of the hilll Hurry! Gosh, .you almost hit that old lady! Why do people allow women as old as that to get on the highway, anyway? They srsalisen minded. We might- have hurt Her. There is a hole we can break through in that line of traffic. Give her the gun! Gee, that was close! Did you KILL! 'him. Blow that horn and make that fellow get over where he belongs! Why, the fool don't give us the right of way! He can't be going over forty- five. How can he expect to stay on the paement at that pace? () i, ld a OSHAWA Friday and Saturday, Oct. 22-23 High, Wide and Handsome with Irene Dunne and Randoplh Scott we ADDBIY, we 5 ib Colored Cartoon, "Woodland Cafe" REVIVAL FRIDAY at 11 p.m. "POLO JOE" r Starring Joe E. Brown. Ad ; | Mon., Tues., Wed., Oct. 25-26-27 LORETTA YOUNG and WARNER BAXTER in Wife, Doctor, Nurse REG Thurs., Fri, Sat., Oct. 28-29-30 "HEIDI" starring SHIRLEY TEMPLE and JEAN HERSHOLT A New Heating System has been installed which forces the air through an air purifier. A_ suitably ineeribed scroll. paying x & builder of famous carriages before | § he became equally famous in the auto~| § motive field was presented by George | 3 The inscrip- | tion also stressed the character and | inspiring leadership which Mr, Mec-| "zt Laughlin had exemplified as the head | #5855 "The in-|§ dustry owes more to you than we can |§ . Symbolizing the high "esteem in|# which R. S.-McLaughlin, President of | ¥§ General Motors of Canada is held by | 8 members of that big motor family pre- | Sentations marking his 50th milestone | in the transportation field and his 66th | & birthday were made in the auditorium | § Lawrence's Drug j Store News (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) Neilson's and . Hunt's' 3 : Chocolates | : SIRI ) 8 oz. 39%, 1 and 2 1. abide. COD LIVER OIL and Extract. 50¢. of MALT, 1 1b. 49, 2 Ibs. 89. dihag LAWRENCE'S COUGH per pound : OUR FALL ONE CENT SALE will be Novounem 3-4-5-6. eh A. . LAWRENCE Typical Hawatthse Values KLEENEX SY ER 'MISTOL NOSE DROPS : 3c. and 76e. | MISTOL RUB ............85e DOVE CASTILE SOAP, oval iP cakes, Se. each, 6 for 25e. OLIVE OIL, ........4 oz 23c. ATEN FRESH SYRUP ( 8 ounce) ......50c. OVALTINE 38c., 58¢,, and 98c. Further details later. ot FNC re Rezalh YES, MADAM! we carry the best rides of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and cured meats. Tell us your wants and we will assure you up. . (id "We : realize your worth far more than we of the best at reasonable prices. ~ Cooked Meats, Canned Goods and Pickles. We also earry a line of hear that guy swear? we didn't hit} F RIDAY : OCT. ADULTS 25¢ STORING VEGETABLES . Keeping vegetables. from the home garden for winter use is one way to save; those who have no: gardens still at relatively lower prices in the fall and keeping them for later use when prices are higher, Good vegetables can be- kept in good condition for- a long time with the proper temperature and the right degree of humidity or moisture in the air. With few exceptions, vegetables keep best at a temperature of about 82 degress- Fahrenheit. Root crops and leafy vegétables require 3 high de- gree of humidity. The best storage conditions- for. the vegetables hii x stored .may be " i Er. save by buying fruits .and vegetables] BERT MacGREGOR DON'T FAIL TO SEE "DR. WILLIAM'S Coloured Motion Pictures at the Town 'Hall 22nd. at 8 pm. EARLY CANADIAN SCENES INDIAN TRIBAL CEREMONIES | HISTORICAL AND LEGENDARY ENGLAND Under the auspices of the I. 0. D. E. 4 CHILDREN 10c summarized as follows: Cool and moist: Beets, carrots, par- snips, salsify, turnips, Vine radishes 'and celery. Cool and moderately molt: sabbage and potatoes. The atmosphere should be moist, but not enough to allow ac- 'cumulation of water in drops upon the stored product. Cool and dry: Onions and dry beans. Warm and dry: Squasghes, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes. A dirt floor usually provides more moisture in the air than a concrete cellar 'floor, and sprinkling the cellar floor helps to provide enough moisture in many cellars. Before storing vege- 'tables, sort-out carefully and discard any that are Gisenvod or_ bruised. ars vr ert osststrttcsotereres i FUEL LUMBER Builders Supplies ff i ANTHRACITE PINE SIDING MASONS LIME } jg 90AL PINE SPRAY LIME Stove SHEATHING HARDWALL Pea SPRUCE MORTAR COLOR Blower B. C. FIR D TILE : COKE _B,C, CEDAR CHIMNEY. TILE iN HARDWOOD aT § Range FLOORING i « INCRETE BobY woop. POSTS pk HARD and SOFT * SASH and DOORS 1 INSULATIN A. SLABS LATH WOOL "FRED E. REESOR Phones-. Office 78 wy Rex. 73) | ERI § . 'COAL. WOOD - LUMBER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Pa bis [A } * ? & rd » x E . 4 Lo "a > TEEN > i \ | ¥; ~