Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Oct 1937, p. 8

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i ad Fl 5 A ¥ oo a: 8 A Deve a8 per fein a VW { 41 --Serpell. i PITAL RNY { i a . Collacutt. Sson, 2 Miss M:-e Barber. ; Migs Mae Murison. SARE -- wm ---- ba Port Perry Fair Prize List 3 Reesor, 2 Miss L. Murphy. (Continued from last, week.) Laundry Bag--1 Mrs, 8. Murison, 2 Miss V. Butson. BUTTER AND EGGS 65 Ib. Crock Butter -- 1 Miss uf Wilson, 2 Mrs. E. Dorrell, 3 Mrs. J Johnson. 5 Ibs. Butter in Prints--1 Miss i ilson, 2 Mrs. E. Dorrell, 3 Mrs. J hnson. ] own Eggs--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Miss | z Wilson. /hite Eggs--1 N. Williams, 2 Miss | . Vickery. C OKING Fruit Cake :ht--1 Mrs. C. Reesor, a 2 Mrs. F. M. (olliday. - Fruit Cake, dark--1 Mrs. F. Stin-' son, 2 Mrs. Holliday. White Bread--1 Mrs. J. A. Johnson,' 2 Mrs. F. Raines. Brown Bread--1 Mrs. E. Dorrell, 2 Mrs, F. Raines. Co Angel Cake--1 Mrs. R. Peel, .2 Miss fi: Reesor, Banana Layer Cake--1 Mrs. F. M. J Holliday, 2 Mrs. J. Boe. Orange Cake--1 Mrs, F. Miss M. Vickery. Chocolate Layer Cake--1 Mrs, L.'o Honey, 2 Mrs. J. Boe. Apple Pie--1 Mrs. R. Collacutt, 2' Mrs. J. A, Johnson. Raines, 2 Raisin Pie--1 Mrs. R. Collacutt, 2 R Mrs. J. A. Johnson. Lemon Pie--1 Mrs. F. M. Holliday, 2 Mrs. E. Dorrell. Pumpkin Pie--1 Miss E. Mrs. E. Dorrell. Date Loaf--1 Mrs. Holliday, 2 Mrs.' R. Collacutt. Short Bread--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Mrs. F. Raines. Home-made Buns--1 Mrs. F, Raines, 2 re. J. A. Johnson. 13. P. Biscuits--1 Murs. Mrs. Holliday. Bran Muffins--1 Miss G. Vickery, 2 Miss E. Dorrell. Butter Tarts--1 Mrs, Murs. E. Dorrell. Doughnuts--1 Mrs. F. Jelly Roll--1 Mrs. F. Shepherd, 2 Mrs. Holliday. A Mrs. Boe, 2 Mrs. F. Stin- son. Ginger Snaps--1 Mrs. J. A. Johnson, 2 Mrs. J. Boe. Macaroons--1 Miss M. Vickery, 2 Murs. J. Boe, Meat Loaf--1 Mrs. N. Taylor, 2 Mrs. L. Honey. School Lunch--1 Mrs. L. Honey, 2 Mrs. J. Boe. Candy--1 Mrs, F. Shepherd, 2 Miss ". Reesor. CANNING Collection Fruit--1 Mrs. N. Taylor, 2 Mrs. F. Raines. -- - Peaches--1 Mrs. Holliday, 2 Mrs. Collacutt. Pears--1 Mrs. Raines, 2 Mrs. Holli- day. Cherries-- Mrs. Holliday, 2 Mrs. Raspberries-- 1 Mrs. Collacutt 2 Mrs. Holliday. Plums--1 Hrs. Holliday, 2 Miss M. Vickery. Thimbleberries--1 Mrs. Holliday, 2 Mrs. Boe. B. Currants--1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Mrs. Taylor, - Collection Jelly--1 Mrs. Collacutt, Crab Apple Jelly -- 1 Mrs. Boe, 2 Mrs. Collacutt. Grape Jelly--1 Mrs. Collacutt. Fruit Syrup--1 Mrs. Boe, 2 Mrs. N. Taylor. Collection Pickles, 1 Miss G. Vick- ery, 2 Mrs. Boe Mustard Pickles--1 Miss M. Vickery 2 Miss G. Vickery. Onion and Cucumber Pickles -- 1 Reesor, 2 Mrs. Stinson. Peel, 2 Reesor, 2 2 I, Raines, 2 N Holliday, 2 'Shepherd. I Spec. Hair Pin Work--1 Miss E. Needle epoint on Furniture--1 Mrs. R Kemp, Hemstitehing on L. or C.--Miss E. Kitchen Apron--1 Mrs. Shepherd, 2 Miss V. Butson. Child's Dress--1 Mrs. Ruttle, 2 Miss I. Wilson. Child Rompers--1 Miss V, Butson, 2 Mrs. Stinson. Child's Knit Suit--1 Mrs. C. Reesor. Baby Bonnet, Jacket and Bootees-- 'Miss L. Butson, Mrs. Stinson. Jiaby Carriage Cover--Mys. C. Ree- s0 "Lady's Smock -- 1 Mrs. Ruttle, 2 Murs. 1'olliday. Ladys House Dress -- 1 Miss L. furphy, 2 Miss V. Butson. Lady's night gown--1 Miss Murphy, 2 Miss I. Wilson. L200 Bs Jacket--1 Miss V, But- 2 Mrs. Reesor. Lady's oe -- Mrs. Ruttle, 2 Miss V. Butson. wr s Hund Bag--1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 . R. Peel. Mi ady s Costume Slip--1 Mrs, Ruttle, 2 Miss L. Butson. WoL knit Pullover--1 Mrs. C. Ree: on, 2 Miss L. Murphy. Lady's Knit Suit--1 Mrs. S. Muri- Girls Hat and Scarf-- 1 Mrs, C. Reesor. Boy's Sweater, sleeveless--- Mrs, C. eesor. + Boy's Sweater, long sleeves--1 Mrs. N. Williams, Men's Knit Sox--1 Miss L. Murphy, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. Rug, Braided-- 1 Mrs. Murison, 2 Mrs. Kemp. Rug, hooked -- 1 Mrs. Murison, 2 Miss L. Butson. Rug, crocheted-- 1 Mrs. Mrs. Shepherd. Slipper Case--1 Miss L. Murphy, 2 irs. Stinson. Hot Pan Holder--1 Mrs, C. Reesor, 2 Miss V. Butson. 0il Cloth Novelties--1 Mrs. C. Ree: son, Miss Mae Barber. Labor Saving Device--1 Mrs. "ey 2 Mrs. Stinson. FLOWERS Gladiolus--1 Miss Myra Sager. Snapdragon--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Miss Sager, 2 B. Smith. -_ Collection Dahlias--1 C. E. Heayn. Basket Flowers--1 Mrs. R. Collacutt 2 Miss Sager, Asters pink,--1 D. Corbman, Smith, 3 T, Philp. Asters, Purple--1 D. Corbman, 2 T. Philp, 3 B. Smith. Asters, white--1 D, Corbman, 2 B. Smith, Collection Asters--1 D. Corbman, 2 B. Smith. Zinnias--1 C. E. Heayn. Pansies--1 B. Smith, 2 Miss Sager. Fern--1 Mrs, Stinson. Geranium--1 D. Corbman, Coleus--1 B. Smith, 2 Miss Sarer. Marigold--1 T. Philp, 2 Miss Sager. Nasturium--1 Miss Sager, 2 B. Smith. Phlox--1 Mrs. Boe, 2 B. Smith. Petunia, single--1 Mrs. Boe, 2 Miss Sager. Petunias, double--1 B. Smith, 2 Miss Sager. Table Boquet, dining room--1 Mrs. R. Collacutt, 2 Mrs., Stinson. Table Bouquet, living room--1 Miss Sager, 2 B, Smith, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Kemp, 2 2 B. ton, 4 Shirley, 5 Scugog Jr. Institute. SPORTS Boys' Bicycle Races-- 1 Honeydale, 2 Brooklin, 3 Nestle-! a she : SPEND THANKSGIVING AT GREENBANK Sunday services at 11 a.m, and 7.80 p.m. Rev. H. H, Hillis, minister. Monday, Oct. 11, Hot Fowl Supper and play--Aunt Abby Answers an Ad. Adults 40c., children 26c. STRAYED from the premises of the under- signed, lot 1, Con. 5, Mariposa, a Roan Yearling Heifer--(muley). James, Rummerfield, Blackwater, Ont. octl6 TALKING PICTURES AT THE TOWN HALL, PORT PERRY. THURSDAY, OCT. 7th--(To-night) "WINGS OF ADVENTURE" starring Rex Leese and Clide Cook. A story with thrills and laughs. Also CARTOONS, COMEDIES and Musical Shorts. On the same program, "WAR IN CHINA" Show starts at 8.15 p. m. Come early. Adults 25c., Children 16c. Money back if you do not like the show after the firat reel, rem were it MANCHESTER The South Reach Township School Fair was held at Manchester Township hall on Thursday, Sept. 80th. The weather was ideal, and eight schools were represented. Epsom school did not attend owing to a case of infantile paralysis in that district. Following is a list of the teachers, schools and directors, who took part also the prize winners: } Chalk Lake, Miss McPherson, teach- er; Fred Ashton, director, Prospect--Mr. Harwood, Stewart Wiles, director. Cedar Creek--Mr, Clark, teacher; Jean Blain, director. teacher; teacher; Shirley-- Miss Arnett, Verna Coates, director, Utica--Mr, Ross, teacher, Jean Ward, director. Manchester--Miss Johns, teacher; Marion Franklin, director. Prince Albert--Miss Ward, teacher; John Christie; director, a ¥, Yellow School ~~ Miss . Stephens, teacher; Alice Parry, director. Epsom --, Miss Puckerin, teacher; Fred Wagner, director. ~ Prize Winners ) (number following name represents School Section.) Irish Cobbler Potatoes -- 1 Phyllis Ackney 5, 2 Jack Geer 5, 3 Theresa Donnelly 6, 4 Edmund Steer 6, Dooley Potatoes--1 Murray Geer B, 2 Billie Geer 6, 3 Bobbie Geer 5, 4 M, Hocken 4, 5 Fred Dearborn 2, 6 June | Sutcliffe 5. Mangels, Giant White Sugar--1 F. Dearborn 2, 2 Doug. Ashton 1, 8 Jack Geer 5, 4 Mac Christie 7, 6 Billie Stewart 6, 6 Harley Johnson 6, Mangels, any varjiety--1 M. Christie 7,2 Jean Ward b, 83 Douglas Ashton 3, 4 Frank Lyle 9, 56 Doug. Taylor 1. Turnips -- Ruth Arnold 7, Arthur Mitchell 6, Fred Dearborn 2, Mac | Christie 7, Harley Johnson 6, Allan Bond 7. Public School--1 Will Aldred, 2 A. Brown, 3 Ronald CIiff. High School--1 Frank Densham, 2 Nelson Réader, 3 Alan Colbear, Mrs. Collacutt, 2 Mrs. Boe. Corn Relish--1 Miss G. Vickery, 2 Miss M. Vickery. : Green Tomato Pickle -- 1 Miss 'M. Vickery, Miss G. Vickery Onion Pickle--1 Mrs. Miss G. Vickery. ART Paina in oil--1 Mrs. H. C. Kemp, 2 Mrs. E. A. Serpell. Painting in Water Color--1 Mrs. R. Peel, 2 Mrs. Kem Painting on China--1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 Mrs. H. Colleran. Pencil Drawing--1 Mrs. Peel, 2 Mrs. 'Collacutt, 2 Crayon Drawing--1 'Mrs. 'Kemp, 2 Mrs. Colleran. ' Wood Carving--1 Mrs. R. Peel, 2 Mrs. Kemp. Reed Work-- 1 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. LADIES' FANCY WORK Collection Tomales Mrs. S. Muri- son, 2 Mrs, E. A. Serpell. Linen Towel, "Emb, --1 Mrs. H. C. Kemp, 2 Miss Mae Barber. Sheets and Fillowensesy Mrs. Ser- pell, 2 Mrs. H. C. Kemp. Pillow Cases, emb, trim.--1 Miss L. Murphy, 2 Mrs, H. C. Kemp. Pillowcases, feochet trim.--1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Mrs. R. Collacutt. Five O'Clock Tea Cloth--1 Miss V. Butson, 2 Miss L. Murph Buffet Set -- 1 Miss ¥ Butson, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. Card Table Cover--1 Mrs. F. Stin- son, 2 Miss V. Butson. Toa Cosy--1 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, 2 Lio. GC, Reesor. Lunehton Cloth and Serviettes -- MissL.aMurphy, 2 Miss Mae Barger. Sof low, emb.--Mrs, H. C, Kemp 2 Miss G. Vickery. Sofa Pillow, any style--1 Mrs. R. Peel, 2 Mrs. L. Honey. Lamp Shade, any RT Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, 2 Mrs, S. Murison. oR ehread candlewick--1 Mrs. H. C. Kemp, 2 Mrs, S. Murison. "Beds read, pha style--1 Mrs, nally 2 Mrs, rs. Kemp. "uilt, cotton, pieced--1 Miss I. Wil- Ser- Quilt applique ~~ 1 Mrs. Kemp, 2 arber. ! Afghan--1 Miss E. Reesor, 2 Mrs, S. oe optan Sut Work -- 1 Mrs, R. , 2 Mrs. Serpe Jaling1, Mrs. Ruttle, 2 Mrs. iy! 'ranch, Alta. 100 yard dash, 14 and under--1 W, 2 Aldred, 2 Jack Healey, 3 Jack Sang- ster. 100 yards, 14 to 16 years--1 Wm. eare, 2 Gordon Hood, 3 G. Emmerson. ' 100 yards, open--1 Joel Aldred, 2 Fred Densham, 3 Wm. Beare. Public School attendance Contest-- Roll Call, 1 to 10--1 Cedar Creek,' teacher, Wm. Clark; 829%. Turnips, any variety--Bobby Sonley '6, Fred Dearborn 2, Douglas Taylor 1, Jean Ward 5, Arthur Mitchell 6, | Leona Lambe 4, Beets--Richard McFadden 6, Fred | Dearborn 2, Ruth Luke 7, Margaret | Hocken 4, Arthur Mitchell 6, Jean Ward b. | Carrots--Jean Ward b, Victor Hen- derson 6, Phyllis Ackney 5, Margaret Hocken 4, Robert McFadden 6. | Parsnips--Margaret Hocken 4, Mar- Roll Call, 11 aid up--No: 1 Seunos: garet Symes 9, Jean Ward 6, Marion teacher, Miss Niddery, roll call 100%. 2nd -- Prince Albert, teacher, Miss Ward, roll call 17, 96% %. : 3rd--Honeydale, teacher, Miss, Stev-. ~ens, Toll call 13; S07. 1 "GREENBANK Mr. John Whiteford, Rouge Hill, visited at Mr. Noman Flow) 's on Sunday. Mr. T. Chase and Mrs. Smith, of St. Catharines, at Mrs. O'Neill's on Sun- day. The Minstrel boys gave their enter- tainment at Audley on Monday even-, ing and at Udora on Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sharp and Miss A. J. Phoenix in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. W. Phoenix visited at the home of Mr. Will Hall at Almonds, last Thursday. Mrs, H. Hickninn passed away on Sunday evening after a lingering ill- ness, The funeral was held on Wed- nesday afternoon. Interment in Bethel Cemetery. The sympathy of the community is extended to the be~ reaved family, . _ _. Mr. Roy Leask returned home last week after a two week's trip to Nova Scotia, where 'he bought -twenty Guernsey Cows. Mr. Edgar Leask had the misfortune last week to lose the bull that he pur- chased from the Prince of Wales ta Don't forget to reserve the dates-- Oct. 17-19 for Seagrave Fowl Supper 3 Franklin 6, Bobbie Sonley 6, Murray Franklin 4. Yellow Onions--Lorraine Smith 17, Leonard Gray 2, Murray Sutcliffe b, Bobby Sonley 6, Wanda Fralick 8, Pearl Goulrie 9. Pumpkin, any variety--Mac Christie 7, June Sutcliffe 6, Murray Franklin 4, | Victor Henderson 6, Audrey Kerry b, June Wallace 6. Pie Pumpkin--Rudiger Von Ritschl 2, Doris Raines 7, Lillian Raines 7, Bobby Sonley 6, Mac Christie 7, Viola McCrea 7. Hubbard Squash--Merle Hunter 7, ' Fred Dearborn 2, Wanda Fralick 3, Diamond 2. Marquis Wheat--Douglas Ashton 1, Elva Ashton 1, Jean Ward b. Banner Oats--Jean Ward b. Barley No. 21--Murray Franklin 4. Golden Bantam Enimerson Harper 6, Margaret Hocken 4, Ivan Grey 2, Jean Ward b, Wesley Johnson 6, Jean Raines 7, Soybeans--Madalene Thorne 2, San- dy Scott 6, Isabeth Von Ritschl 2. Field Peas--Frank Lyle 9, Margaret Hocken '4, Douglas Ashton 1, Ross Duff 4, Myrtle Duff 4. Asters--Phyllis Ackney b, Mation Franklin 6, Jean Blain 3, Helen Clark 7, George Parry 9, Ruth Arnold 7. Zinnias--Mike Dezenjay 11, Phyllis Ackney b, Jean Sutherland 6, James Coates 4, Connie Leighton 9, " Annual Phlox--Lorraine Smith 7, Isabeth Von Ritschl 2, Douglas Ashton 1, John Ackney b, Betty Lynde 1. Seabiosa--Barbara Lynde 1, Doug- and special Sunday. services. las Ashton 1. ' June Sutcliffe 5, Beth Diamond 2, Ruth | French Marigolds--Robert McFad- den 6, Rudiger Von Ritschl 2, Allan Bond 7, Hugh Nichols 6, John Suther- land 5, Ruth Arnold 7. Verbena--Lorraine Smith 7, Frances Steer 6, Alice Parry 9, John Suther- land 6 ,Richard McFadden 6. Snapdragon--Alice Parry 9, Mar- garet Hocken 4, John Sutherland 5, Jean Ward 5, Merle Hope 7. Petunias--Phyllis Ackney 6, Mar- garet Hocken 4, Helen Franklin 6, Ruth Arnold 7, Lorraine Smith 7, Jean Luke 7. Helichrysum -- Douglas Ashton 1, Verna Coates 4. f Gladiolus -- Jean Luke 7, Edmund Steer 6, Jean Ward 5. > Dahlias--John Sutherland 6, Jean Blain 3, Robt. Middleton 2, Pearl May Chumbley 2. Living Room Bouquet-- Victor Hen- derson 6, James Coates 4, Phyllis Ackney 5, Celia Hope 7, John Suther- land 4, Merle Hope 7, Northern Spy Apples--Frank Lyle 9, Georgina 'Reynolds 6, Keith Lynde 9, Billie Stewart 6, Jean Raines 7, Margaret Hocken 4. McIntosh Red Apples-- Pearl May Chumbley 2, Margaret Hocken 4, Cliff Lynde 1, Douglas Ashton 1, Jean Luke 7, Douglas Taylor 1, Snow Apples--Margaret Hocken 4, Jean Luke 7, Douglas Ashton 1, Mac Christie 7, Richard McFadden 6, Keith Lyle 0, A. V. Fall Apples--Frank Lyle 9, Cliff Lynde 1, Joyce Lynde 1, Douglas Taylor 1, Ruth Arnold 7, Douglas Ashton 1. A. V. Winteg Apples--Theresa Don- nelly 5, Ruth Arnold 7, Douglas Ash-} ton 1, John Sutherland 5, Jean Raines 4, Douglas Taylor 1. Pears-- Margaret Hocken 4, Helen Clark 7, Doris Taylor 11. : Tomatoes--Jas. Coates 4, Margaret Hocken 4, Marjorie Fralick 8, John Sutherland '6, Stanley Johnson 9, Helen Clark 7. Baked Custard (2nd Class)--Audrey Smith 7, Ruth Duff 4, Helen Duff 4 James Coates 4. --Date Loaf (8rd Class) -- Helen Vingidin 6, Leona Lambe 4, Jean Raines 7, Doreen Johnson 6, Francis Steer 6, Margaret Hocken 4. Chocolate Layer Cake (4th Class)-- Merle Hope 7, Doris Lambe 4, Verna Coates 4, Marion Franklin 6, June Mitchell 6, Theresa Donnelly 6." Apple Pie -- Celia Hope 7, Merle Hope 7, June Mitchell 6, Verna Coates 4, Mac Christie 7, Margaret Hocken 4. Doll's Apron -- Ruth 'Duff 4, Jean Lynde 1,~Barbara Lynde 1, Lillian Raines 7. Knitted Wash Cloth--Doris Raines 7, Audrey Kerry 65, Helen Duff 4, Ethel Johnson 9: Sample Darning Stocking --_ Mar garet Hocken 4, Myrtle Duff 4, Doris Taylor 11, Douglas Ashton 1, Georgina Reynolds b. Kitchen Apron -- Veins Coates 4, Ruth Arnold 7, Betty Trynde 1, Jean Blain 38. Writing (Primer)--Helen Clark 7, Audrey Manns 4, Lillian Raines 7, Helen Vietch 11, Yvonne Somerville 3. Writing (1st Class)--Louise How- 'sam 11, Ruth uth Prentice.1dy-Bhyllis Ack- ney b, Billy M McCrea 17, Ralph Lee 7, Joyce McKee 6, : 'Writing (2nd Class)--Rena Harri-. son 6, Helen Duff 4, Helen Franklig 8] John Asaduk 11, Doris Raines 7, Ross Edward 7, Writing (3rd Class)--Viola McCrea 7, Alma Davis 6, Stella Asaduk 11, Verna Wagner 11, Jean Raines 7%, Phyllis Taylor 1. = Writing (4th Clags)--Alice Parry 9, Jean Blain 3, Emily Blain 8, Marie Tripp 4, Polly Asaduk 11, Willa Ed- gerton 3. Art (Primer) -- Helen Vietch 11, Helen Clark 7, Lillian Raines 7, Mar- jorie Fralick 8, Yvonne Somerville 8, Barbara Lynde 1, Art (1st Class) -- Jean Lynde 1, Prentice 11, Louise Howsam 11,.Ray- mond Kerry 11. Art (2nd Class)--John Asaduk 11, Josephine Parkin 1, Bill Locke 11, Doris Raines 7, Celia Hope 7, Harley Johnson 6. Art (38rd Clags)--Doris Taylor 11, Lloyd Edwards 9, Douglas Hart 11, Verna Wagner 11, Viola McCrea 7, Douglas Ashton 1. Art (4th Class) -- Ruth Arnold 7, Jean Blain 8, Ered Ashton 1, Frank 1s 9, Lea Willan 9, Marion Franklin Plasticine Model -- Jack . Geer B, Laura Lyle 9, Doris Gourlie 11. Tea Pot Stand--Helen Duff 4. Rope Halter--Clifford Harper 5, T. Sutherland 5, Wesley Johnson 6. Collection. Leaves--Lorraine Smith 7; Keith Lynde 9, Laura Lyle 9, Jose~ phine Parkin 1, Jack Geer 5, James Coates 4. Scrap Book -- Douglas Ashton 1, Ruth Luke 7, Viola McCrea 7, Made- line - Thorne 2, Victor "Henderson 6, Catherine Denny 7. : Joyce 'McKee Kerry 5, Edmund Steer 5, Lorraine| Ruth Duff 4, Audrey Manns 4, Ruth| Barred Rock - Cockerel ~-- Verna Coates 4, Helen Duff 4, John Suther- land 6, Cecil Edward 9, Lloyd Edwards 9, Murray Franklin 4. Barred Rock Pullet--Ruth Duff 4, Ross Duff 4, Myrtle Duff 4, Leona Lambe 4, Murray Richardson 4, Jack Geer b. S. C. White Leghorn Cockerel--Jas. Coates 4. ~ S. C. White Leghorn Pullet--Ross Duff 4, Myrtle Duff 4, Jas, Coates 4. ' Feathered Pet--Clifford Lynde 1, Ross Edwards 7, George Parry 9, 6, Laura Lyle 9, Liyod Edward 9. 'Furred Pet -- Lloyd Edwards 9, Helen Franklin 6, Ruth Duff 4, Doreen | Johnson 6, Keith Lyle 9, Wesley John- son 6; Calf, beef type--Mac Christie 17. Calf, Dairy type--Lloyd Edwards 9, Doris Walker 6, Cecil Edwards 9, Doreen Johnson 6, Wesley Johnson 6. Market Lamb--Mac Christie 7, John 'Sutherland 6, Cecil Edwards 9, Stan- ley Johnson 9, Clifford Harper 6, Lloyd Edwards 9; Lamb, breeding type--Mac Christie 7, Stanley Johnson 9, Jack Sutherland b. Exhibitor showing" greatest ability in showing animals in above classes-- Llyod Edwards 9, Cecil Edwards, 9, Doris Walker 5, John Sutherland 5, Stanley Johnson 9, Doreen Johnson 6. School Chorus -- each school was awarded 60c. for competing. Recitation -- Helen Duff 4, Helen Franklin 6, Edmund Steer 6, Jack Wil- lan 9, Doris Taylor 11, R. Edwards 7. Public Speaking -- Georgina Rey- nolds 5, Ruth Luke 7, Wanda" Fralick 3, Verna Coates 4, Marion Franklin 5, Margaret Symes 9. Instrumental Solo--Keith Wilson 6, Jack Willan 9. Spelling -- Ruth Arnold 7, Marion Franklin 6, Douglas Ashton 1, Verna Coates 4, Margaret Symes 9, Frances Steer b. 3 MYRTLE - (Too late for last week.) ; Mr, and Mrs, Fowler of Taronto, spent the week end at their summer home here, Miss Jennie Brown of Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong, Whitby, called on friends here on- Thursday. Congratulation to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Leach who were married at Uxbridge on Saturday, Mrs.:Leach was former- ly Miss Lillian Timms, After a short honeymoon they will reside in Toronto. What might have proved a fatal accident happened about one o'clock Saturday morning at the intersection of the eighth concession and the high- way when an Oldsmobile car proceed- ing south up set and turned over in the east ditch. The three men and a woman, occupants who were from Osh- awa were badly hurt, one having a leg ~proken, were taken by Dr. Mec- Kinney, of Brooklin, to the Oshawa Hospital." The car, which was prac- tically new, was very badly smashed. It is thought the driver was not familiar wh this very bad curve and lost control of the'icar. In response to the call from the drought stricken parts of Saskatche- wan, truck loads of fruit and vege- tables were sent from here on Tues- day-_to be re-loaded on the train at Whitby, to help make up the 500 cars that have been requested from those who are more fortunate in the pro- vince of Ontario. The local commit- tee in charge take this opportunity of thanking Mr. Geo. Woife who so kindly gave the use of his truck for transporting these provisions to Whitby. Mr. Flett and family who have moved into the C.P.R. station are be- ing welcomed to the community. SCUCOG (Too late for last week.) The Rally of the three Sunday Schools held in the Centre Church on]: Sunday was a grand success. = The church was nicely decorated and well filled for the service. There was a union choir assisted with the music. Mr. Joblin was assisted by the three superintendents Mr, Cecil Fralick; Mr. Orr Jeffrey and Mr. Anson Gerrow. Others assisting were Bob Crozier, Nelson Reader, Margaret Crozier, Miss Niddery, Mrs. Geo. Samells, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gibson and littte Fay and Mr W. Heayn, of Prince Albert, were Sunday guests of her sister Mrs. J. Burnham. Miss Elgie," Miss Totten and Miss Taylor 'of Toronto, were week end guests of the former's cousin Miss D. Joblin at the parsonage. We were glad to have our girls. home from Toronto. over the week end ~--Misses Myrtle and Ltella Jeffrey, Inéz and Lillian Fralick and their cousin Miss Katherine Robinson, Miss Lillian staying over for a week. Mr. and Mrs. C, Samells and hits]. dren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.| Flewell on ™ Sunder Pr McDermott in Port Perry on Mr. and Mrs, Melaseh eited their Peterborough on hi Mi a i Mrs. R. D. Burnham visited her sister Mrs. L. Bone and her husband | at Oshawa a few days last week, also was in Toronto and went through Casa Loma. "Mr. and Mrs. H, Long and Mr. Roy Hope, Mrs. C. Hardy, John and Clara, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D, Hope on Sunday. Mrs. W. Jeffrey and brother Mr, W. Fishley, visited at Mr, O. Jeffrey's on Monday. Believe it or not, Mrs. D. Hope has a geranium that measures 538 inches. It has a straight trunk for 24 inches, then three branches with flowers on the top of each branch. There seems to be an epidemic of 'moving--Mr, Rodd is moving to Man- illa; Mr, John Collins is retiring to his former home; Mr. F. Dowson is com- ing on the A. G. Storie farm (Mrs. Dowson's girlhood home); Mr, Bea- cock is moving to Goodwood; Mr. Roy Henders is going on the farm Mr, Bea- cock is leaving; Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Hope from Saskatchewan are moving on the farm Mr. Henders is leaving. We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Hope back to the Island. Mr. C. Geer is going to Uxbridge; Mr. Maurice Fralick has rented the Pettitt place. : Our popular play has three more in- vitations -- Maple Grove, Valentia, Raglan. It was presented at Enfield last week. : Mr. and Mrs. G. Carnochan visited his brother Mr. H. Carnochan last week. Mr. N. Foster has returned to his home in Toronto atfer a visit with his daughter Mrs. F. Crozier. Miss Dorothy Reynolds has returned honte in Toronto after a visit with his mer with her sister Mrs. G. Cherrie. BR A As this is the Golden Jubilee year of the Centre Church, next Sunday, Oct. 10th, is the Jubilee Sunday. Dr. R. P. Bowles will speak in the morning and Rev. V. E, McNeeley in the evening. Everyone specially invited to these services, On the following Tuesday a roast fowl supper will be served fol- lowed by a lecture by Dri-Russell, with Seagrave orchestra furnishing music. Communion was held last Sunday at the Centre Church, in charge of our pastor Rev, Mr. Joblin. Mrs. E. Conklin, of Toronto, and Mrs. E, V. Savage, of Whitby, visited Mrs. J. A.. Sweetman and Mrs, C. Graham, a few days last week, Mr, and Mrs. J. Burnham visited her sister Mrs. H. Gibson in Port Perry on Sunday. a Mr. and Mus. "Wright Crosier of Manchester visited their daughter Mrs. G, Samels on Monday. Mr, Arthur Clark of Mariposa, spent the week end with. his sister Mrs. L. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. O. Reader visited their dayghter Mrs. R.- Fowler at Ebenezer on Sunday. Miss Aleta Reader visited friends at Yelverton over the week end. Mr. Herbert Sweetman and cousin Mr. Wm. M end visit 8 of hig+ patents «Mr, and Mrs. Al Sweetman. Mr. Mills, of Howmznville, Ims. se- cured the farm now occupied by Mr. C. Geer. Miss Dorothy Joblin returned to her college duties in Toronto on Tuesday, after spending some months at the parsonage. Mr. Ray Milner was the guest of his sister Mrs. S. Chandler on Sunday. Mrs. Whitehead-and Master Buster Getson, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, 1and Mrs. Geo. Hood on Sunday.' Her son Billie returned home with her. - Mrs, C. Samells, Edna, George and Helen, were Sunday guests of their cousins Mr. and Mrs. F. Jackson. Miss Edna Clark, of Mariposa, and friend Miss Cochran, of Little Britain, visited Mrs, L. Pearce last week. Scugog friends congratulate Miss M. Hood on winning the Junior Cham- pionship of Ontario County at Ux- bridge last Wednesday at the x Schoo] Sports. i Mr.. and Mrs, C. Hardy visited their '| uncle and aunt Mr, and 'Mis. Arthur Sanguine' at Pleasant Point on Sun- day. Also caled on Mr, and. Mrs, E. Clark. Rev. Kingsley and Rov. Fred Joblin, of Toronto, visited their parents at the parsonage over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader visited in Whitby and Hampton recently. The Institute Girls witl hold their first meeting of the season on Satur- day, Oct. Oth at Stephenson's Point if| the weather is favorable, or in the| township hall if weather not favor- able. Come on girls and bring a dish and spoon. ? SEAGRAVE F oronto, were week yer by Rev. J. McLachlan, meeting was open for business. The main business of the evening was the election of officers which resulted as follows; President--Harold Jackson; 'Sec, -Treas.--Jean Harding; Marion Eagleson. chard; Christian Fellowship, Jack Me- Lachlan; Misionary, Mrs. Wooldridge; Literary and Social, Alma Mark, Alexa Stone, Glenn Moase. 'The. meetings this year are to be held on Wednesday night." It was de- cided that the convener was to act as vice-president for his or her meeting. Rev, Mr, McLachlan introduced the speaker of the evening, Rev. Gordon Maxwell, of Cambray. Mr. Maxwell and their slogan for the next five years, "Christian Youth Building a New World. " How are we going to build this' "new world"? Is our at- titude going to be "Let George do it?" In building. a "New World" we must start first in.our own homes and com- munities making our influence felt for good, It is up to us to make the world of to-morrow. This address of Rev. G. Maxwell was much appre- ciated, also the help given by Mrs. Maxwell who conducted some lively games before lunch. Everyone come and make our Young People's meetings a success, It will encourage the leaders to do their best. Mr. and -Mrs. B. Wapnamaker and Ronald of Toronto, spent Tuesday with the former's parents, | . Misses Lillian and Grace Pickard, and Mr. Ben Pickard, 'of Port Perry, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, M. McMillan, Jr, Mrs, J. N. Mark, Mrs, Jas. Shunk, Mrs. H. Wannamaker, and Miss King, visited at-the home of Mrs. W. Mar- tyn, of Prince Albert, on Tuesday and attended the W. A. meeting. Mrs. O. Stone is spending sometime in Toronto with her brother. Mr. Chas, Beadle, of Rochester, N. Mr. 1. Beadle. x Mr. and Mrs. W. Frise, Mr. Elgin and Miss Alma, spent Sunday in To- ronto. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh King and Floyd of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. Wanna- maker, Sunday visitors at the parsonage were Mr. Geo. Owens, Miss E. Owens and Mr. .and Mrs. Jesse Owens, . of Cambray. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mark and Yvonne remained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A, Tripp spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, S. McCoy. "Miss Aileen Cherrie, of Scugog, spent the week-end with her aunt Miss Dorothy Reynolds. Mr, Grant Orchard was a business visitor to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Bowles, of Woodville began his pupties school" on Thursday morning. Mr. Bowles is a stranger in_our com- munity but we wish him every success in his work here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Branning (Iva Reynolds) on the birth of a daughter, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Jennings (Vera. Tanser) on the birth of a son. ~~ Monday evening saw the commence- ment of the Junior softball games when the Seagrave Tigers met the Fingerboard Wildcats on the Seagrave school diamond... A.lively game was played with a final 'score of 14-7 in favour of the Tigers. On Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 29, an enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mrs. J. 8. McFarlane when the members of the Sonya Ladies' Aid entertained the Greenbank Women's Association. A splendid program was given 'by the visiting association, 'con- sisting' of readings by Mrs. Water- worth and Mrs. Jackson, with solos by Miss Ila Stone. A delightful lunch was served by the Sonya ladies at the close, AUCTION SALE 1 carload of Horses and 2 carloads of Cattle at the premises of D, McArthur and Son, Lot 11, Con. 10, on October 9th. 'Horses--good' nares with colts, colts sold with mares; good Wago horses, Cattle--cows, calves, stocker calyes ind yearlings. > a pr £2 AUCTION. SALE 'OF 60 HEAD : "OF CATTLE the property of 8. J. _ Wooldridge, lot 21, con. 13, Reach, 1 mile west of Sea- | grave, on Monday, October 11th. 50 yearling: 'steers. id heifers, 8 extra | good cows, fresh or due to freshen. All cattle 1. B, Tested, Sale at 2 p.m. Hak Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. The organization meeting of : We) : Conveners~Citizenship, Grant Or- | eral Purpose Committee, Ca a v spoke to us of Young People's work Y., has been visiting with his brother Mark and Yvonne, of Scarboro, Mrs. Ca - + sical instructor in the - + al) + RAT } 4 Serial ww

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