Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Oct 1937, p. 4

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2 y PA AH A SE EE AA ~eompany the pictures. AGRE FOUR wn LOCAL ITEMS Two young girls wanted as mother's helpers for two families. Must be fond of children. Apply Phone 16, Port Perry. Mrs. Gribbin (nee Frances Christy) nd children leit last Sunday for Ire- land, where =he will take up residence ur Belfast, © Mr. and Mrs. A. Crockard, of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. J. Crockard, Cass City, Mich., Miss Grace Elliott, Port Huron, were guests of Mrs. Wilkinson last week. Mr, J. E. Jackson, Mrs, Z. M. Jack- son, Miss Patricia Jackson and Mrs. Arthur Broek, are motoring to New York this week. Mrs. Jackson will spend a couple of months with her sister Mrs. Woods, at Wyoming, N.Y,, and Miss Patricia Jackson will spend a couple of months with Dr. Harold ...hson, at Newark, N.J. Mrs, J, E, «--vn wal rewnin home trom her v wu anew York, Mc, and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey, and Miss Doroth: 'avey, and Mrs. Meech, were in Lin-ay on Sunday. Mrs. Meech left on Wednesday for Merrick- ville to spend a few days before leav- ing for her home in Winnipeg. Rosser and Mrs. Williams have been ealled suddenly to Shelburne. Mrs. Williams' mother is seriously ill, and not expectedfto_ live. A Bazaar and Supper will be held in the Parish Hall, of the Church of the Ascension, Thursday, Nov. 4th. Keep this date open. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Murphy wish to announce the engagement of their oldest daughter Lillian Mary, to Mr. Albert S;. ney Harper, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Harper, of Hull Eng. The marriage to take place on October 16th. IN MEMORIAM WILMOT -- In loving memory of Herbert Ashly Wilmot, who died September 30th, 1936. "In memory, a daily thought." Sadly missed by wife, Maud and Toronto Friends. GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATION AT SCUGOG CENTRE Sunday, Oct. 10--At 11 a.m., Rev. R. P. Bowles. At 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. V. McNeeley, of Oshawa Tuesday, Oct. 12--Roast Fowl Sup- per followed by an illustrated address by Rev. G. Stanley Russell, Toronto. Seagrave Orchestra. Aldults 40c., Children 26c¢. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES FOR THE WEST A car load of fruit and vegetables is to be sent from this district to the dried out areas of the West. The car will be loaded at Brooklin on Wednes- day, October 13th. This is a community enterprise and is not confined to any one church or organization. If you have anything to contribute, please notify your minister or Mr. W. T. Dix. No cloth- ing goes with this carload. Potatoes, good cabbage, carrots, beets, pump- kins, canned fruit or vegetables, apples, etc, are all required. The need is great; the gift should be generous. Arrangements have been made for purchase of canned goods by the case. GD > ND CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. J. C. Clough, Rector. Evening Service at 7 p.m. Harvest Thanksgiving Service. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN _ CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister. 2.30 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m.--Y, P..S. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH "Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A., B.D, Minister. a.m.--Thanksgiving munion Service. 1.45 p.m.--Men's Bible Class. 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Worship. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE At the United Church on Friday evening, October 8th, Rev. Mr. Smyth will give a lecture of his recent trip to 'England, Ireland and Scotland, il- lustrated by slides, solos, ete., under tha auspices of the W.M.S. Admis- «fon 26c., ¢"dren 10c. Reserve this date for an ening of real enjoyment. ---- > PICTURES WITH A PURPOSE Friday, October 22nd, under the auspices of Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E., Dr. L. B. Williams, of Toronto, will be at the town hall, to show his beautiful motion pictures in natural colour. A delightful program of. music will ac- Admission 20c. HELP WANTED 11 and Com- Everything at GOOD MERCHANDISE REASONABLE PRICES EE PORT PERRY DRYGOODS STORE in Drygoods 2 Ri... Men' s, Ladies', RR i Cer) Cn Pn . sil WE CARRY A BOOTS and SHOES VERY SPECIAL--We have a new line of Silk and Wool Dresses. See Our Window, and Come in and Look Around. YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED | TEI TE TETAS TR TR THT TT TTT ITN, FULL LINE OF & Children's Garage Stock Giving Up Business. Come in and get your Requirements" Early. paid by end of sale, Sweetman's Garage, 2 SELLING OUT TWO WEEKS' SALE OF Reductions of from 10% to 50%, on Goods--while they last. Re Payment of Outstanding Accounts - 10% reduction on accounts not over 6 months old 5% reduction on accounts 6 months to 1 year. All accounts over 1 year; no interest added, "Accounts not paid charged Interest, and steps taken to collect same. SALE ENDS OCTOBER 23rd & Accessories Everything Must Go. Terms CASH if Phone 6, Port Perry The Boys' Conference on Saturday under Beech of Newtonville, of the Christian Education Committee of Oshawa Pres- bytery was well attended and heartily appreciated. Some ninety boys and leaders from Kendall, Newtonville, Newcastle, Osh- awa, Hampton, Blackstock, -Scugog, Seagrave, Port Perry, Brooklin and Claremont assembled at 2.30. Worship was conducted by Rev. Mr. Beech, assisted by Rev. D. T. I. For- syth, of Montreal, Boys' Work Secre- tary for the United Church. Mr. Forsyth led in some fine Negro Spirit- uals, after which Rev. Mr. McNeely, of Oshawa, offered prayer. Ivan Dusty then gave a fine talk on Badge Work and-the representative -to -the Boys' Parliament, spoke on the great ad- vantage to the members of this Par- liament. The conference divided into groups for study, after which they re-assem- bled and pooled their findings under the leadership of Mr. Forsyth who gathered up and emphasized the many points, Recreation at the gym was led by Mr. Kerr; following which a supper meeting was held in the Sunday school room, The young ladies served a splendid meal in excellent style, Miss Helen Carter being hostess. Mr. Smyth acted as toastmaster for the following toasts: "The King"; "The Trail Rangers" by Geo. Stone and Burgess Beare; "The Sunday School" by Grant McDermott and Geo. Emmerson; "The Church" by Mr. Kerr and Bruce Beare. The speeches were of a high pider and were splendidly given. ' Rev. Mr. Forsyth, the big man with the boy's heart, led in some fine songs and then gave a unique and delightful address on Trails of Life, illustrating from a canoe trip. This happy meet- ing concluded at 8 p.m. by the singing of "Abide Wtih Me" and the Bene- diction. The Sunday Services Girl and boy to learn the shoe trade. Apply to Letcher & Mann Shoe Co, Port Perry. | Mr. Forsyth greatly pleased and in- spired two fine audiences on Sunday. At the morning service he spoke on the Kingdom of God going forward in The United Church the Direction of Rev. E. L.I KS the lines of redeemed youth. His ad- dress was a Confession of Faith in his task as a Boys' Worker. "I believe", he said: (1) Of our increased knowledge of human nature and its possibilities; (2) Because of the improved meth- ods and means of teaching; = (3) Because of better methods of Worship and the power of worship. He lifted the work among boys to a high level and challenged adults to an acceptance of privilege and respons- ibility in this matter. At this service Mr. Durkin rendered a fine solo. } i At the evening service featuring Fathers and Sons, Mr. Forsyth spoke on Roads to the Best: (1) The Road securely built in strong bodies, informed minds, pure 'hearts; purposeful wills. -- (2) The Road with Stop Signs, the road of restraints and sense of re- sponsibility. (3) The Road with Tide--roads of quietude and meditation. (4) The Road that leads upward and has an upward pull--the way of prayer. The concensus of opinion was that a great heart had been in our midst; that fine inspiration had come to us all and that any evasion of duty in this matter was unworthy of us. Rev. Mr, Forsyth's visit to Port Perry was the beginning of an itenerary that will take him across Canada, concluding at Vancouver, The Men's Bible Class The Men's Bible Class of Port Perry United Church met last Sunday and heard an inspiring talk by Rev. D. T. I. Forsyth, after which the following officers were elected. President--Mr. R. J. Harper, B.A. Vice-President--Mr. Geo. R. Davey. Secretary--Mr, Bernard Koch. Treasurer--Mr, Cecil King. Leader of Forum--Mr. R. G. Gemmell, B.A., B.Paed, Teacher--Rev, W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D. Councillors--Mr. J, W. Kerr, B,A., Mr. You will Need These Soon BUY NOW Wine Coloured Doeskin Shirts, $1.35 Brown Coloured Doeskin Shirts, $1.35 Military Flammel Shirts, Heavy Over Socks, per pair . Work Socks, Dress Socks, . .60¢. «+ 420¢c., 25¢c., 30ec., 40¢. RET 15¢., 25¢., 35¢., 50¢. WILLIAM WEBSTER At Beatty's Store, Port Perry APPLES AND GRAPES FOR SALE Apply to Rev. W. P. Brown Port Perry - octl4 RAT-RID for Rats PS Morrison's SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Money Saving Spgcials WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO- LECITHIN A real tonic for the nerves WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER Take a bottle or two to put you in good condition to battle the colds of winter, OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS A splendid morning refresher TEN GILLETTE BLUE BLADES and a a gold Safety Razor (only a few left) . Wd PERRY north side Queen Street, Port Penny. Shee, ~~ ...per box 25c. NTT F per bottle $1.00 ..large tin 39c. ..89¢. I A A Ia) ® Drug Store et Pia 16 A ---------------- pg ; Port Perry Sc. to $1.00 Store THREE DAYS' SALE! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Fall and Winter Merchandise Men's Work Shirts, Socks, Underwear, Leather Mitts, and Gloves Women's and Children's Underwear Knitting Supplies, - Stamped Goods | H. DURKIN | OWNED AND OPERATED BY ol PORT PERRY ant SMT EN O10 0 mei Theatre STRAN UXBRIDGE SAVE TIME AND MONEY by seeing our pictures at low prices. --Prizes Free twice monthly.-- Thurs., Fri., Saturday (THIS WEEK) Ben BERNIE, W. WINCHELL and ~Alice FAYE, in "WAKE UP AND LIVE" A new popular musical comedy, also "POPEYE" and colored CARTOON. Mon., Tues., Wed, OCT. 11-12-13. THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY .BILL. Arthur TIBBITTS and Bob ALLAN in "RANGER COURAGE" A peppy, new Western thriller, also COMEDIES. NOTE--Lucky number dratv for ladies only--b prizes--Mon- day, October 11th. Join in the fun. .. Sat, (Next Week) Dick POWELL and RITZ BROS, in ""ON THE AVENUE" 8 prizes by draw, Sat., nite, Oct. 16th. Thursday, Fri DR. W. 8. HARPER Grad of T College and i. rinity. University, Toronto: Post Sradume 4 in oc Ake d Seade Nor Bem fonds Grate Londun, Bhuiens" Royal Tun raunte, Colles: Office and SBurgery--Port Perry, Ont W. A. Sangster . DENTAL SURGEON Office Houra: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's ~ Insurance Office The firm of Gramz & HuMrareys is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814 7 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 WORK WANTED : The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of furnace and stove repair Harry Peel, Mr, Wm. Willard. The Class meets each Sunday at 1.45 p.m, and extends a hearty invitation to the men of the community, work--cleaning and overhauling; new and repair plumbing. Also radio test- ing and repairs. Alfred Andrus, Port Perry. " Wiese octy 9 (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS Is disolved) ARTHUR W. S. GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 LOL 4 LOLA os AWA "THIN ICE" : Starring r SONJA HEINE and" TYRONE POWER for the'balance of this week. ® REVIVAL eo 1 N 5 uU R A N C E Poor RR ROR ROR Ce RC OROROROROROROR Bog ORR OIC SCION ORORC FIRE. AUTMOMLE, LY Lawrence's Drug Store News Farms and Village Properties |§ (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) 8. A, WALLACE Phone 153 -- Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, 4 0 0 ' Typical Lawrence Values KEPLER'S MALT and COD ° LIVER OIL, 85¢. and $1.40 AYERSTS ALPHAMETTES © $1.00 and $3.50 HALIVER OIL CAPSULES 1 $100 and $1.80 NATIONAL MALT and COD - LIVER OIL . .49¢c. and 89¢c. "A GREAT OVALTINE, ....38c., 58¢c., 98¢c. § 'ALL-ROUND PEPTONA (20 oz. bottle) $1.00 § TONIC FOR YOUNG-AND PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 50c. and $1.00 OLD. LARGE BOTTLE © $1.00 @ No : 'A. M. LAWRENCE ORORVPOPOPOROSOPOPOSOSO OPOPOPOPO IOBOBOBSOBIBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBO SACRE RRO OR eer es ry YES, MADAM! we carry the best grades of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and cured meats. Tell us your wants and we will assure you of the best at reasonable prices. We also carry a line of Cooked Meats, Canned Goods and Pickles. BERT MacGREGOR for fixing up your home « SEND for FREE BOOKI This fascinating illustrated book hi you all "kinds of interesting suggestions for making your home modern--inexpensively. For example: ® Cover cracked ceilings with beautiful J-M. Decora- TT ©O Brighten up your kitchen walls with colorful panels of J-M Flexboard. Costs very little. pe ® Transform your outside walls with fireproof J-M ~~ Cedargrain Shingles. Never require paint. Many houses are protected with. them. Send for your free copy of the Johns-Manville "101" Book today. Headquarters for Home Improvements Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Ltd. i Phone 240 Port Perry SHES HOH TWN 0 WS 8 TE eS, Friday Night at 11 p.m. China Seas ing Clark GABLES gH HARLOW Wallace BERRY ® SUNDAY MIDNITE 12.05 e "Double or Nothing" with BING CROSBY and' MARTHA RAYE also on Monday and Tuesday SE "~ Starting the 13th, a four-day Picture-- The Lost Horizon starring RONALD COLMAN and JANE WYATT = A New Heating System has been * installed which forces the air through an air purifier. a | COAL - WOOD - LUMBER | BUILDERS' SUPPLIES tive Ceiling Tile. 3 PE FUEL LUMBER Builders Supplies ANTHRACITE PINE SIDING = MASON'S LIME COAL : PINE : SPRAY LIME Stove SHEATHING HARDWALL ~~ § Nt pmmieox | RLASIER 4 | Pea SPRUCE MORTAR COLOR § Blower "B.C. FIR GLAZED TILE COKE B.C. CEDAR . CHIMNEY TILE Nut HARDWOOD CINCRETE ° Range ~~ FLOORING npr BODY Woop POSTS DONNACONA HARD and SOFT SASH and DOORS [NST ATING ABS LATH ROCK WOOL F RED E. REESOR Phones 'Office 73 w; Res. 73 | ' 1 72 iS 4

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