Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Sep 1937, p. 4

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DA Oa Le ha LA eg Sv PR is dE Ei Ned RY aka A 3 ' ; -- : PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1987 PAGE FOUR : . ; : ba i : cay _-- ; sam---- > EE Cb CEE @ H @&@ Ee i. --, -- MCriiI;I®s rs CI SMG a r | LOCAL ITEMS -- PEER em | Tr a : SCHOOL OPENED ON SEPT 1st-- A HOT WEATHER REMEDY LOOK HERE! FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE GET YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS Real Estate i : ila at BENTLEY'S. ' Farms and Village Properties | (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) . ; 2 be Good Work Shirts, all sizes Phone 155 | py Mrs. T. H. Midgley, of Winnineg: is and different materials, ea. 85c. S. A. WALLACE ne Es " » the guest of Mrs. A. Midgley, in Port Hed Gin : ft T [%a l L . Vv l : ) cle Batteries ....2 for 15c. * Perry. ; renc ser. ' - Asher is in t this Flashlight Bulbs, ...... ..each 15c. SUITS CLEANED 5 3 ypica - aw 4 n e /aiues iy ay the vn with Work Socks, per pair 20c., 25c. : : : : : 4 » Yer 3 y: 3 23 2 an orche 'ra near Montreal. Arthur « 8c. and ,......... 000 «+0896 | Suits sponged and pressed ot Olympene Saskasal will pl. with the orchestra at the Dress Socks, all wool, rayon' 60 Cents 5 : . + ~ Silver Slipper in Toronto, this fall and and cotton, 15e., 25¢., 35¢., 50c. Dr Cleaned $1 00 5 rs : ; tiTted . Unlined Work Mitts, 30c., 65c., 75¢. y 2 The absorbent Liniment for A natural mineral salt for winter. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ashton and Unlined Work Gloves, from 50¢. up. C. P. ROLPH bruises, sore muscle, rheumatism, neuritis, liver son, of Toronto, have been holidaying Genuine Singer Machine Oil, bot. 20c.| OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE | : ; : in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. & sprains, etc, Two sizes-- disorders, etc. Two sizes-- Densham. : WILLIAM WEBSTER SILO FOR SALE o 50c. and $1.00 39¢, and 69c. : By Miss Clara Simpson, of Brockville, |' ' ¥ P e DeLaval stave silo, 12 x 30, tongued | . spent a few days last week at the At Beatly's Store, ort Perry and grooved, hoops and doors, com- h = 4 home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. y plete, in good condition. Apply to 8 Pr - ; iv Art Gilroy, Phone 107 r 1-2, sept 9|% Mr. and Mrs. Hardy and family, who STRAN Theatre Ys J $) h | thi F b =9 |g ¥ have been spending the summer with! \ UXBRIDGE - & Phosp 0 eC n rosst's 21 7 8 - wi Mrs. & A. fons, Vnge 75. Cool and Comfortable FOR SALE i . A urned 0 el home In rin, where i ; Ww il 20 12 1 2 5 - i > . Mr. Hardy is principal of the Col- Thursday, Fri.,, Saturday, (this week) ard Sh pie to ow Fon & A bracing nerve Food and Po headaches neuralgia legiate Institute. Louise HENRY and Jack HOLT, in | pot perry septo # tonic. Recommended for and relief from pain, They Mr. F. E. Reesor is busy erecting Zane Grey's New Thriller-- ) ih 1# nervous exhaustion, gener- contain no harmful ingre- sll his new home on Mary Street. He 4 il"? 0 # al run-down conditions, etc. dients. Three sizes-- - '- expects to have it ready for occu- : End of the Trail BARN F BR SALE lg 5 16 ounce bottle $1.00 35c¢., 75¢., and $1.50 pation early this fall. A thrilling Mounted Police Story in| Frame barn 56 x 36, fair condition. $2 ) i fT t Western Action. Apply to John Murray, Port Perry, 5 Miss Kathlyn Currie, of Toronto, 1 Phone 7. _ sept9 | has commenced her duties as teacher . AT LIBEL ifs £3 A; M. LAWRENCE of Household Science in Port Perry also CARTOON, and "YOUNG GIRL WANTED : a \ i igh S EAGLES" dedicated to President ! 1 ® High School, Roosevelt. © to assist with house work. Apply at he Rexall Store Miss L. {pooner has returned to LOOK!--the DEPRESSION is OVER. | Star Office. . on : ¥ AR er nee . Lar teaching duties, after the summer The management is giving away 3 785% ; ; vacation. FREE--14 PRIZES : a Miss Marion Goode has returned to 7 Pri) Mmher DEAN ids DR. J. 8. LUNDY i £5 The ; : her teaching duties at the Hamilton on Saturday night, September 4th. DENTAL SURGEON $ ) YES MADAM! : Collegiate. Miss Goode was success- : Join the Fun -- See a (Good Show 9 ° : ful Ih eenplenny er epedislissy THLETES, as well as workers in high temperature industries such as WHOOPEE! SUNDAY MIDNITE | c° ave Teall Telephone Tnehangs, | be hist: ratte of Biel Pork; Lamb, Veal and' Ye » course in Commercial subjects. A foundries, mines, boiler rooms, laundries, etc., are adopting what medical Sept. 6th at 12.05--Holiday Bill north side Queen Street, Port Perry. Wwe carry the best grades of Beef, Pork, mo, eal and : 'The condition of Rev. J. F. Chap- authorities the world over agree to be one of the most effective means of Ali Y RITZ BROS. i : - tt cured meats. Tell us your wants and we will assure you § Tse ! fen preventing heat tration--the use of an occasional pinch of salt in their ce FA Bb and oo $ : - } Binh" pas hédoine wore eicairagiig, drinking water. "The secret of the use of salt in hot weather lies in the fact "POPEYE CMUSCIOAL kEELS. | CONANT & ANNIS (fi of the best at reasonable prices. We also carry a line of } Mr. 7. 1. D, Lundy, of Yancouver, that it replaces the vital saline which exudes from the body in perspiration, Six Pri t Midnite Show by draw, | B2rTisters, Bolleitors, Notaries Public | } Cooked Meats, Canned Goods and Pickles. B.C., and son Mr. Thos. Lundy, Jr id a sos and Shun talled salt tablet d in hy Ad oF will be cd Mon. GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, $ : arid : 8 : Tn : oo TR umerous high temperature industries have installed salt tablet dispensing : . : g: are the guests of the former's brother, machines in. their Pls and advise their workers to take pol eg en day, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. ALLIN 2.1 ANNI 34a, LLB. : BERT MacGREGOR - 8 $! * Dr. J. B. Lundy. y Tennis clubs, baseball grounds and other sporting organizations are following ~~ or Phones, 4 and 8 (Oshawa) 'S 4 - ME A. N. Lawiche wad in Clove ths lea Sen by Jndusirial medical supervisors in protecting the health an Thursdal: lye Bart, S10-u and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Yi Lk EE ; . . . EB = co 0 0 elr membpers. : feesasestses 333838. peees ed S80 OLR ret ert tt trite it iriertetttettetettoetote land, Ohio, last week attending the -- "OLD HUTCH" Phong? Wait) ; ii a y funeral of his uncle. 4 I WEE tps Co , x ; Y i. 3 _e oe a in 3 ~ go) 0g FOR 'SALE OR RENT SEVEN. ROOMED HOUSE | PS . in Socios win verre repre end) "This is the Time to Prepare Exhibits | pu ae chicken form, good FOR RENT. : ) f P t P F -- house, barn and other buildings, fruit,| Apply to A. Gilboord, Port Perry, S2 Mr. Norman Palmer, of Brockville, or or erry alr near High School, at Port Perry. i . y is holidaying in town. : Appl we : pply- to R. D. Humphreys, Barrister, Mr. Jas. Kerr has resumed his Wed nesday September 22 Purdy Block, Port Perry, Ont. --S2 AUCTION SALE : = duties at the Port Perry High School. 3 y OF ° A qo Le) ; - a perenne SEE BILLS FOR PARTICULARS REY FARM L ND | | for fixing up An Cl EN A r ) 4 : A 3 A x: : ¢ Si) =) \ A Won BLL PARTY at the rE EAA ARR ANS AN ANE AAA AA RAR AR A RAS AR AS SALA 5 Suitable for rain wafer, $1.00 each, 3 : 7) ANS ! : of Jack O' Lantern, a Friday August 3 , Also a number of bpfrels suitable for To be sol subject to reserve bid, at : your home ; 9 ; » A 2 27th, for Grace and Merle Switzer, |s ONTARIO RIDING es sr bos) atgzbe. each. Sy Ted Jackson's Office 2 NA N "el who left for Oshawa on Tuesday, s a $ * > 3 sy N\V/ .. RAC August 31st, to train as nurses. The | . . } Friday, Sept. 3rd 3 : f NY ; ie ai Liberal Association © # W. A. Sangster | me uwemigme ns receive n| SEND for FREE BOOK] ¥ © A > 11:30 vilion a delightful lunch was oe DENTAL SURGEON structions from Oliver Raymes to sell Hh on 3 ALT IE aT : > 3} served. A dice dance was held, the I i Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. id > i Juste Sonn part. of Lots, This fascinating illustrated book gives you all $e ; . x SY J : . 8, 20g, acres more or . ' . pV winners being Reth Archer and A Mec- Office Up-staixs, over Bmmersow's | __" "05% 0 SF wood. kinds of interesting suggestions for making your 4 Master. Songs were sung by the -- AN ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND Insurance Office Posi ee ~ bij wosk j ; i g youl ' Ly group accompanied on the piano by } s : D.S.T ¥ ii home modern--inexpensively. For example: 4 > j Joe Aldred. The party ended at one, |$ oO N VE N 10 N - ; 3 a, ; tp Hi ' and all spending a very pleasant even- |§ C | : 1 . i? | The firm of Gass & Humpmzsvs fa disolved) TED JACKSON, J it ain iii beautiful J-M Decora- ing. Many thanks to Isobel and Norma |§ «> | RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS - AUCTIONEER. : i" i LLG Ewers for their arranging and taking TO CHOOSE A CANDIDATE FOR THE $%| 2414 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa @ Brighten up your kitchen walls with colorful panels charge of the party. PROVINCIAL ELECTION i Phone 814 of J-M Flexboard. "Costs very little. -- ee #2| in attendance at my Port Perry office on : Transform: k 3 rg HELEN W. WILLARD WILL BE HELD IN THE §8| Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each A ar RY @ Transform; your outside walls with fireproof J-M PN Lo i oo gl week of by. appointmeas. Nr |) [ 4) 17 | Cedargrain Shingles. Never require paint. Many or Up i. Praches oF Plan f Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264| 5. jd = --/=17 | Boise} are protected with them. : z nes opening in September. |i TOWN HALL, WHITBY f THEATRE a Bi pT ee Phone 46 r 2-4. | : | (The firm of Grass & AusrazsYs 1s disolved) oe free copy of the Johns-Manville "101" Book today * espe BL Thursday, Sept. 9th, at 8.15 p.m., D.S.T. §| ArTHUR W. 8. GREER OSHAWA Headguarters for H y : « "ED C Mos. (8 i : : £6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 ; id arters ror riome impro : The meeting of the W. M. S. of the |} Delegates will be admitted up to 8.00 p.m., the - H In attendance at my Bort. Parry ome on Friday, and Saturday, Sept. 3-4 |} q ! provements Port Perry United Church, will be . i 4 Oday meralsg ail, Fr eon 13 7 Y : neral public after 8 p.m, ¢ f each week or by appointment. "» | C Lid. held at the home of Mrs. S. Jeffrey, genera p > Pp : %| Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 Kid Galahad dKe Cugoq umper 0a 0., . on Thursday, September 9, at 3 p.m.[¥¥ You are cordially invited to hear the issues of the election gf "=> "7% TFS THHHG SEE 7 Batig? ; : i discussed by the candidateand other prominent speakers ~ Betty DAVIS and i] ~ Phone 240 a : DANCING TEACHER COMING |} oe ) Co ¢ DR. W. S. HARPER Edward G. Robinson. ; : . On Saturday, September 11th, Miss | 38 J. C. ANDERSON, Sec'y Ontario Riding Liberal Assn, 3 Graduate of Triaity Medical College and HoLLTWS ADDED © it X os0n Eleanor Pearson, dancing teacher, of | ' 4 n BIVEIBIY: yoton Gina : Toronto, will be at the Jack O'Lantern, [$ GOD SAVE THE KING 5 hw Oillege 'and B of onten E nd, REVIVAL tity a 0 pam, Port Perry. Miss Pearson will be pre- §t orn mast Lon ory Le raraduste, Collage LOVE ON BET' pared to give lessons in classical, toe, "| Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont : tap and national, as well as ballroom eee Gene RAYMOND and 2 bd dancing. In the evening Miss Pearson VOTERS' LISTS, 193¢ Wendy BARRIE ' ey, s . Vill. have four of her pupils give fe. N:| Municipality of the Township of' BUILDERS SUP P LIES 44 | monstrations--Billie Hall 10, Norma Scugog, County of Ontario. GALA MID-NITE SHOW 1 a3 | Pearson 10, May Mitich 13, and Elsie : x . Notice is hordbv tiven. that. T have September bth. 0p | Bluett. If interested in lessons see - REE st 7 of the Voters' Doors open at 12.05 a.m. FUEL LUMBER - Bullders Supplies Woh Mr. Ok he J \ complied with Section 7 : ; # ¥, Oke, at the Jack -Q'Lanien. : ; Lists Act and that I have posted up|§| You Can't Have Everything ANTHRACITE PINE SIDING = MASONS LIME ATA | Er Ca te a sua sie at my office at the Township of Scugog starring PINE SPRAY LIME 7% PUBLIC SCHOOL OPENS 5 | |B ' : 7 : on the 31st day of August, 1937, the|fl| Alice FAYE and Don AMECHE. : ' 4 7): in | Port Perry Public School opened| CAI be made a pr ofitable servant list of all persons entitled to vote in | Il @ This picture will contince © ' Stove SHEATHING HARDWALL ii over ast year of seven. The manber| if it i properly prepared. It can [te sia doicpaiity at dunicipl I ® To sonins and roost © | § Nut HEMLOCK ~~ copyinT ey A | a Jase Jou o Cog number Pp p p Ons elections and that such list remains September 6.7 |§ Pea SPRUCE MORTAR COLOR 7 : carry your message into the ig; apres yo upon all voters Blower B. C. FIR GLAZED TILE y er. F ~) . fe | anon nba NEION homes and offices of good to take immediate proceedings to have Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 8-9 CORR B.C. CEDAR CHIMNEY TILE a : : any errors or omissions corrected ac-- : : -HARDWOOD i (ihe vom, - i 7 i" customers. Printing can cording to law, the last day for appeal LOUIS-FARR * Range FLOORING CIN TE L 4 ra Be. WE x 14 8T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN being the 20th day of September, 1937. ] ower S 4 i Para be well done without "it the Sth 98) of Septombe FIGHT PICTURES Bony woop. POSTS SHEETROCK Gh " ¥ v : - - - us iY - a a nc - 7 i ~~ Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister great cost. JOHN L.:SWEETMAN, "MIDNIGHT MADONNA" i HARD and SOFT SASH and DOORS jNguT,ATING 27 Sunday School at 10 a.m, Clerk. go > ih Worship service at 11 a.m, w A 11 AM SLABS. - LATH 4 ROCK WOOL 777 Sil ; E v |e ------y ; : 4 verybody welcome. ! v q 4 PHONE 50 | A DANCE 3oy FRED E. REESOR £m ih PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH X will be held in the Township Hall, Whontoe. Ale" Conditioned b. : 3 E25 ds Scugog, on the evening of Frida, eatre . Alr ndition y FN : ! Tak .. Services conducted at 11 a.m. by POR J PERR Y S | AR Sept. 10th, after the School Fair, ok rigeration 4 Phones Office 73 Wj Res. 73] : Rev. J. 8. I. Wilson, of Oshawa, at mission 10 Lr , 7 «Port Perry and Prince Albert, : sion 10c. PS EE pry TT rrrrn, Bp. r 3 » -

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