Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Apr 1937, p. 4

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Carnegie; PAGE FOUR Ee LOCAL ITEMS The dates for the Port Perry Fair for 1937 have been set for September 21st and 22nd. The Blackstock Fair will be held the previous week, 14-16. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young, Kath- leen, Miss Jeanette Ferguson, Mrs, M. H. Wallace of Toronto visited Mrs. E. 'Ferguson at H. G, McDonald's: ou Thursday of last week. Mr, and Mus. Chas. Williams of Lindsay calling on friends in town on Sunday. ' Mr, and Mrs, Roy Morrison, Mrs. Neil Ferguson, Mr. Ernest Ferguson and Helen in town on Sunday. MASSEY-HARRIS REPRESENTA- TIVES MEET LOCAL CUSTOMERS Mr. H. Leach, manager of--Ontario Sales Branch, and Mr, H. Vallentyne, District Sales Representative, met a number of farmers of this district on Tuesday, and the group were enter- tained at dinner by Mr. Norman Ewers, local Massey-Harris agent. Recent sales by Mr. Ewers, include: five seeddrills, two cultivators, two wagons and rack, one power orchard sprayer, one plow, set of harrows, and a cream separator. Two binders have " been sold but they are not yet ready for delivery. SKI CLUB DANCE The Port Perry Ski Club held their fi.st annual dance last Friday evening in the Assembly Hall of the High School. The hall was beautifully ddc- orated in green and white. Ski and toboggans were placed in the corners to give the room a seasonable ap pearance. Over one hundred young people danced to the music of Don Hilton and his orchestra. A number of former Port Perry young people returned for the gala occasion. Danc- ing was enjoyed until about 1 o'clock -- with an intermission at 11-for lunch. The lucky number dance prize - was won by Jean Hopkins and Archie Mc- Master. The success of the dance was due to the splendid co-operation of all the ski members and to the following ladies: Stone, Mrs. Asher, Miss Grace Davis. The following were the committees for the dance. Invitation--Phil Orde, K. Carnegie, J. W. Kerr. Refresh- . meénts--Jean McDermott, Mary Stone, Jean Hopkins, convener, Pat Jackson. |. Decoration-- Vivien Wallace, McKay Harper; Grace Stone, B. Kent, Lorne Beare. Program--V, Wallace and R. Music--Phil Orde. AN EXCELLENT RE-ARRANGE- MENT Va v seldom has so fine a piece ot renovation and re-arrangement been carried out in a Port Perry store as that recently carried out in 'A. M.]. Lawrence's drug store. The first thing that attracts the eye of thé visitor is the clean, open, inviting look of the whole store, uniform in decaraiive tone., . The next point of attraction is the "open. dispensary" - about which the whole store renovation is centred. This ment) will not be found in any except + some of the most advanced drugstores in a few of the larger centres, - Indeed "for completeness of arrangement we do not hestitate to say that Mr. Lawrence's Prescription Department will not be equalled except in very rare instances. The drugs are neatly-arranged and shelved so that they are easily ac- cessible. Every arrangement has been made to foster neatness and accuracy. The whole of the work was carried forward by James Lawrence, brother of A. M. Lawrence; and his work| proves him to be a skilled mechanic. A visit to this well arranged drug- store would be a pleasure to anyone who loves to see a well conducted business. ----, CARD OF THANKS Mr, James MacGregor and daughter, Miss Nellie MacGregor, wish to ex- press sincere appreciation of the kind- ness and sympathy shown by friends and neighbours at the time of ther recent bereavement in the death of - Mrs. MacGregor. I i at a ETHIE ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Rev, Robt. Simpson, Minister * Sunday Services--11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School--2.80 p.m. Y. P. S.--Tuesday at 8 p.m. -- Everybody Welcome -- ET aint ane CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m~-Eveéning Service. alia PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, April 11-- | Rev. W, J. H. Smyth will be in charge of both services. ns The W.M.S.-will megt at the home of Mrs. J. C. Taylor on Wednesday, . April 14th, at 8 pm. - Mrs. Orde, Mrs. Beare, Mrs. RISE IN PRICE OF HARNESS AND HARNESS PARTS, COLLARS SWEAT PADS, OPTOMETRIST WILLIAM WEBSTER, PORT PERRY, ONT. At Beatly's Store, Port Perry PHONE 83° On April 1st, 1937, wholesales ad) vanced their prices to the trade, For some time we have been ad: - vising the public to their re- quirements early. ne have done so and with a sawing: 'to themselves, On Monday, April 12th, 1937, all prices for Harness and horse goods will advince 10% We make this raise in price with much 'reluctance, WE FIT il WE REPAIR 'Glasses You Save Money FL AP 0 IL R. BENTLEY AFRICA THE LAND OF MYSTERY Last Sunday evening in the United, Church, Port Perry, Rev, Denzil G.] Ridout, gave an illustrated lecture. His address centréd around a journey which he took two years ago. This extensive journey was taken by Mr. Ridout in order that he might see something of the life and work in the Gréat Continent of Africa, By bush car, and automobile, canoe and motor launch, railroad and aeroplane, he was taken by missionaries into large Afri- can cities and~small jungle villages, into native kraals and chief's ombalas, into mining compounds and mission stations. Mr. Ridout took nearly 2000 photographs on his journey, and the ones shown gave a vivid picture of actual conditions in Central Africa to- day. The benficial- work of the mission- aries was clearly demonstrated in the improved physical conditions that fol- low the practical application of Christ- ianity in those places where the need of such work is so great. A large congregation profited by he excellent illustrated lecture. "The Country Doctor". - amaze you. oi iii. Le yy pQps EXTRA! EXTRA! See thé adorable five Quintuplets in They will Made in' Calléndar, Ont, will be shown on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 12-13-14. Tell your friends to see "The Country Doctor" at the Strand, Uxbridge. Coming-- "Ramona" and "San Francisco." good program was provided by Man- UTICA "Mrs. Stanley Elliot and family have returned to Toronto after spending a week with Mr, Elliot. Master Donald Ballard spent the Easter holidays with his sister Mrs. IS. Catherwood at Pine Grove, A very successful wood bee was held recently at the United Church, when about fifteen men cut the year's wood and piled it in the shed. . Miss Margaret Puckrin has returned to Epsom after spending the holidays with her mother in- Audley, Kenneth Trout, of Toronto, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds. Among those - who visited: with friends in Utica recently were Mr. and Mrs, | Walter Skerratt with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skerratt; Mr. and Mrs, A. Wallace with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bal- lard; Miss Norma Whitney with Miss G. Reynolds. Congratulations to Miss Norma Whitney and Miss G. Reynolds who won 2nd prize in the doubled at the amateur contest held in Ashburn, Mr, D, Catherwood of Raglan, was a visitors in Utica last week, Mr, and Mrs, McLeod and Misses Thelma and .Jean Crosier, have re- turned to Kintora after spending 'u week with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Crosier. On Wednesday evening, March 31st, the Y. P, U. held a social evening in the basement of the United Church. A large number of young folk attend- ed. After the opening exercises a re "dispensary (or prescription depart-| | Plain or "mento Chateau Cheese These 'Prices Effective Anil 5th to Api 10th McCORMICK'S SODAS Toasted Or "Jersey Cream 2-93 | eve 17 P:G Soap 5. 19 Bright's Choice Quality Tomatoes No. 2v; Tins 2 21] Campbell's - Tomato w- 20-02. _ Tins a 15 Standard Quality Peas No. 4 Sieve" * : No. 2 Tin 19 Campbells WITH PORK 2:19 Aylmer Choice Quality Peaches No. 2 Sqt Tins 2:27 Choice Quality Red PRitted Cherries No. 2 Sqt Tins 2:25 Solifosange Orange UICE 2 15-02. tins 27 a 1534-02. tin SPAGHETTI - 2 tins 19 ~Glassco's Rasp. or Strawberry JAM - 32-02. Jar , Australian Choice Quality PEARS . 16-0z tin ,17 Delicious No, 2 squat Tin BLUEBERRIES 2 for 27 New wo ENTE White Sauliflower ..ea, 20c. Radishes .....3 bunches 10c.' Pin cvesevaasea, 10c, Spy Apples ...... ..Ib. Be. Tone juicy Oranges, doz 39¢. Head Lettuce ........ea, 9. Lge. Texas Grape Stalk Celery ........ea. 10e. Carrot Repack Tomatoes ....Ib. 17¢.. Beets, ET ane bes - DOMINION ER a i a a i 'Bayside--Halves, Slices : PEACHES No.2 sq. tin 17 Helme) 12-0z. Tins CORNED BEEF Tin 12 Glassco's Pure Seville Orange MARMALADE 52 oz. jar 285 Keen's MUSTARD - 194 -oz, tin +10 hoice [Duality PUMPK - 24 tin 10 bak. 45¢. ruit, 5/25¢. gpelruil, 5/25. - SUITS CLEANED *| Estimates given; plans and specifica- "THIS SUMMER {PLAY GOLF! AT THE DOWNSVIEW GOLF COURSE North on Oshawa" Hive Qshawa. Spring & Suminer Memberships f Men .. oll 816.00 | Ladies .................$12.00 | Comb. (man & wife). ..,$19.00 Juniors sirenasen en $1200 Address all communications to Manager--GEOQ. E. WILSON, 1190 Oshawa Blvd, Oshawa, Ont, .8nd a membership ecard will be sent you by return mall. | Play Golf for Health chester, Epsom and Utica talent. Lunch was gerved by the committee. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt have rented Mr. Wagg's house in Prince Albert, and will move shortly, Mr, and Mrs, Skerratt will 'be greatly missed in Utica, 2 Miss Audrey Miller was with friends in Toronto and Cedar Grove last week. United Church-- Rev, Mr. Elliot, minister--Service at 2.30 and Sunday School at 1.80 pim." Choir practice at 8 p.m, Friday." Breadalbane : Presbyterian Church-- Rev. R, Simpson, minister--Service av 2.30 p.m, A number from Utica attended the party 'at the home of Miss Pickard in 'Port Perry, on Friday night. =~. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Kendall spent Easter'in Toronto, Sorry to report Mrs, dos, Ward has been quite ill, We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur to our community. A held a dance in Memory Hall-in honor of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Kight, Mr. Frank Kendall is installing a new galvanized culvert at the corner. Pleased to report the sick dre all recovering . ' - Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Cormack and fam- ily, of Toronto, with Mrs. Jas. Swan on Sunday. Mrs, Span returned with them, 2 Kight-Edgar The marriage took place quietly on March 27, at the Presbyterian Manse, Port Perry, of Elsie Mae, daughter of Mrs. C. Freeman Edgar, and the late Mr. Edgar, to Frank Arthur, son of Mrs. Wm, Kight - andthe - late - Mr, Kight, of Utica. Rev. D. A. Ferguson officiated. The bride wore & gown of navy triple sheer and a corsage of pink and white carnations, Mrs. Muriel Me- Nally, of Oshawa, attended the bride and wore rose taffeta with brown ac- cessories, Mr, Walter Lane of Osh- awa, attended the groom. was held at the home of the bride's mother when about twenty-five were present. The young couple. left on a short honeymoon trip; the bride wear- ing a navy ensemble: with. 'navy and white accessories. * ¥% CARD OF THANKS - Mrs. C. W. Lakey, Utica, wishes tv thank her friends and neighbours, membets of the United Church and the Blue Bird Club for their many acts ot kindness, and floral: tributes during her illness,' : Suits sponged &and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OSSERYER OFFICE Building & Conlraeting L. A. KOCH & SON Port Perry tions prepared. Information supplied re "The Dominion Housing Act" con- cerning loans for new homes. mari8 r . 'BORN CHAPMAN---To My, and Mrs. Wn. Chapman, at Port Perry Hospital, on Saturday, April 8rd, 1037, a baby girl, . 4 rT DIED 'COOK--At Fraserville, Ontario, on April 2nd, 1987, David, eldest son of Rev. Ernest M. Cook and Mrs, Cook, . On Wednesday-night the community Following the ceremony a reception | -} until April 16th.) SPECIAL SALE of LADIES' WEAR By DOROTHY FISHER, at PORT PERRY oi the evening of * Saturday, April 10th range of dresses, Spring : Suits, and Coats, h SEAGRAVE A very enjoyable time was spent in the school-room of the church on Wed- nesday evening - by all who were privileged to attend. The Women's Association were putting on their annual oyster supper and all lovers of that dainty dish, oyster soup, 'did justice 'to the meal, - The attendance was not as large as usual owing to sickness, condition of the roads and weather and maybe some had the ex- cuse of too many nights out, How- ever; those who could be, present re- port the usual good time, = A short program by local talent brought -the evening to a close. = - Friends and neighbours of Mr, and Mrs. Orval' Stone gathered at their home on Friday evening and presented the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. William a picture. sentation made by Mr. Gordon Mark. Mr. couple with a beautifully bound 'Bible, the gift of Rev. 0. R Flindall, - Milne-Milne jz¢d at' Seagrave on Saturday, April 3, united: in marriage to Mr, Frederick Milne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Milne of Campbellford. "Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of Sonya, offici- ated. The wedding music in duet ar- rangement was played by Misses Jean and Mary Miller, of Parry Sound, small niecés of the bride, - The bride, charmingly. gowned in gold sheer and carrying spring -flow- ers, was given in marriage by her mother, smart - in navy sheer. Her only attendant was Miss Grace Wal- lace, B.A., lovely in pale blue point- de'esprit and carrying sweet peas. Mr, Ponald Milne, brother of the bride was 'best man. - . During the signing of the register 'Miss Jean Miller sang. THe bride's table 'was centred with the wedding cake topped with lily-of-the-valley. For going away the bride wore a navy wool ensemble. On' their. re- (continued on page five) -- ee dower SPECIAL PRICES ON HARROWS, 'WAGONS, CREAM SEPARATORS ; ~NEW STOCK 5 section Diamond Harrows, ..$17.50 section Diamond Harrows, ..$28.00] New Harrow Teeth, % size; each 10c. (Prices on harrows and teeth good Steel . Wheel Farm Wagon, large skeins, heavy wheels, with 4 inch by 14 inch tires, full hounds, heavily ironed and full clipped gear with truss rods .:. ceeenengees 0856.00 . Same gear with wood wheels, 8 inch and bolsters. Select timber thor- oughly seasoned and soaked in oil before painted ..............$70.00 Cream Separator, up-to-date and im- proved type, at a special price for a limited number. 2 section Spring Tooth Harrows, near- ly new, 17 tooth crereneens $13.00 C. Switzer . PORT PERRY 'April 16 Strand Theatre . UXBRIDGE, ONT. Thursday; Fri., Saturday (this week) "The Tough Guy" A great action picture also Todd and Kelly, in "BUM-VOYAGE" and CARTOON. Mon, Tues., Wednesday, April 12-13-14 EXTRA! EXTRA! 5 Quintuplet (Marie, Annette, Emile, in See, this all Canadian picture taken at Callander. They will 'amaze you! and Comedies in his 17th year. Rey. Mr, Codk was Er ge A formerly a resident on Scugog. Thursday, Friday, Sat. (Next Week) BROCK & SON'S STORE| The offering includes a wide . Stone (Rosetta Wooldridge) with a |% beautiful cathedral chimes clock and |g The address was given by |g Mr. Glen Wannamaker and the pre- 5 W. Crosier also presented the i leather | § A pretty Taster wedding was solemn- | & when Ledgie, daughter of Mrs. Milric B {and the late Andrew: S. Milne, was |& Lake Scugog ur & Coal 0, fo. tires, 'maple axles, oak poles, reach| Jackie Cooper 'and Rin-Tin-Tin, Jr. in i Cecile, Yvonne) and Jean Hersholt, J y "The Country Doctor" SEED DRILI WILL SOW FERTILIZER T00! OIL- BURNING BROODER poe ra you money. us money and d Kime. 94, Suniph Stes Sistp Jatanyns, EEE Hi ima THE JAMESWAY WANTED Young girl for general housework. No baking; sleep out. Apply to Box 7 Port Perry Star. OROSOSOSOSOSOSOSOROPOOPOPOSOPOROSGRORIPOBOFOSOSOROO RR SR RO CRORE SR LR CEOROR ORSON IROROR ORY OSES ISAIBOBBBOBOBABOBOTOROPOR SAAD WOOD A car of Body Hardwood requirements, that better fuel. . We have a "small. quantity left. 7 =P hone 240 Dr. Ed. Bailey VETERINARY SURGEON | at Sebert House, Port Perry, Tuesday and" Friday afternoons: Phone 127] Uxbridge, day or night. = Calls will, be promptly attended to. oct20tf, (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. S. GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 3160 .in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public COAL COKE. We have Coal and Coke always on hand to meet Let us take care of your fuel 9rders, an try "H you are needing any of these it will pay you to fee 8 us both for quality and price, | 8 WANT ADVTS. -- : HORSES for SALE FOR SALE OR RENT - Seven room frame house on. Mary 'Street, Port Perry. Possession May 8rd, Apply to Mrs, John MéMilan, Port Perry. OR0POBOPOPOROSO has just adrived. y of 2.piice and. storm sash . g Five Cents per line. = Minimum 20 Cents. "AUCTION SALE OF HORSES ~ Messrs. D. McArthur and Son will ! sell a number of good western horses on Saturday, April 10th, at'1 p.m., at" their' premises. lot 11, con 10, Reach,- south of Greenbank and half mile west of highway. : Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFR Real Estate : Farms and Village Properties S. A. WALLACE .- Phone 165 GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, "~ALLIN = ANNIE, BA, L LLB. Phones, 4 and 8 i aws and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 (Whitby) =i "W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insprance_| Office ally FOR RENT Rooms and stable for rent. Apply Port Perry, we gratefull FRED E. Phones -- ~ "MILLS OF Li aons" "DR. W. 8S. "HARPER | Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Gr te in Surgery of Medical Grade. ates' lege and Polyclinie, Londsn, 1 "North East London. Post G London, England, Royal ig gy Py Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. The firm of Greer & HUMPHREYS is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS | 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa : "Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on to Mrs. Pickard, Port Perry, Phonel wes WE © ORATUFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE As we approach the anniversary of our coming to y acknowledge the con-. tribution the people of this whole district have % made to our record of progress. Your corifiderice" ; in, and loyalty to, the ideals we have incorporated in our business methods, offers sufficient proof that - we made no mistake when we chase as our motto: "The Golden Rule Shall be Law." REESOR Working with the National Employment Commission under authority of the Dominion Government, Office 73 w; Res. 73 | A " E 4 4 ~?.

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