Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Feb 1937, p. 5

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ow.' J. « a DELICIOUS APPLES, large size ..,........ Anthony Caruso, Prop. A GOOD NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION TO MAKE--- ~~ BUY YOUR MEATS. . BERT MacGREGOR SSSR SII IIINT NI SITET ITIL t ttt ttt ttt tit rt itr t tL It tit ttt ttt Rt HH HL HE HEE HH 14) Sweet, Juicy, SUNKIST NAVAL } ORANGES 25, 30, 35, 40, 45c.doz TEXAS SWEET GRAPEFRUIT, 6 for 25c, JUICY CALIFORNIA LEMONS, large size .... LARGE FRESH PINEAPPLES ... . .doz, 85c. ae ih ian each 20c. ...3 for 10c. GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS . . .dozen 25¢. ® Keep your teeth in good order by eating Celery @ SNOW WHITE CELERY HEARTS ..........bunch 10c. LARGE CALIF. STALK CELERY . . ..each 10c. LARGE CALIF. HEAD LETTUCE . ress 2 for 165c. FRESH RADISHES, large bunches ......... DE A) LARGE GREEN CABBAGE ..................2 for 16¢c. FRESH SPINACH, (daily) ....... cares ..Ib. Be. RED,RIPE LARGE TOMATOES .............2 Ibs. 25¢c. § SWEET POTATOES ............ .5 bs. for 25c. COOKING ONIONS, No.1 ............v.....10 Ibs. 2c. SPANISH ONIONS (Genuine) ...............3 Ibs. 25c. SPY APPLES, es IRR egg NEW CALIF. CARROTS, age bunches veeren.,2 for 16. RHUBARB, (fresh daily) ....... vvevvv...8 bunches 26c. P. E. I. POTATOES, No. 1 ....... renin venasssphs 406; CARROTS, Basket 20c, _PARSNIPS, basket 20c. FRESH PEANUTS, 1b. 10c. CAULIFLOWERS CHINESE LETTUCE TURNIPS NEW CABBAGE HUBBARD SQUASH The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market CECE RCN Lifig Efperience h in y corhact. buying has enabled us to know where and what to buy in meats. : "Our many satisfied customers know this. CAWKER BROS. "BEST MEATS - - BEST PRICES - BEST SERVICE °*° are you sure ? " Nothing Bives so much for the little it costs as : the telephone, and it keeps on giving all the time, It keeps you in touch with markets and buyers; it ends isolation; it is an ever-present sentinel in times of illness or danger. Many a valuable "has been saved by a timely call \ to the vet. Many a pleasant social evening is ~ arranged. the same way. The value of telephone servis Brows as you Sontinually find new uses for it. {re Nothing yields so much for what it costs as the TELEPHONE 8 under the doctor's care, 5 for 25¢. ...3 for 10c. § EEN PEPPERS, 5c. § | GR nS, visiting her sister Mrs, (Rev.) Honey, : left on Monday to visit another sister Phone 208. We deliver 8] *@| Western Hospital, Toronto, on Mon- 5 day, where she underwent an opera- %| tion, 5% | was completed last week and in spite £| of the mild, open winter, the blocks | were from twelve to fourteen inches 8 | thick. £2 | being held at South Myrtle, condycted $8 | by Rev. Mr. Cowan, of Oshawa, are 4 | being well attended. 5 eupying the house on Wyatt Kent's '|'the four appointments--Manchester, "| the unanimous invitation that they ex- | ténded to the pastor, Rev. Mr. Honey, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reyiiolds and §| Leona visited friends in Toronto a $ | fow days last week. Miss Lorna Dure, of Toronto, spent the week end with her sister Mrs. J. 8. McFarlane. Sorry to report Mrs, M. Quigley We are glad to see so many of the sick ones beginning to come out again. These warm sunny days are very pting to us all. We extend our. sympathy to Mr. D. Beecroft, of Sonya, in the loss of his father, Mr, Wm. Beecroft. The fun- eral was held from the family res- dence, Sonya, on Saturday afternoon. This week will see the most of the stables along the 14th concession in their white spring outfit. The men have had to be like the women for once and get right into the corners. Quite a number from Seagrave at- tended the hockey play-offs in Ux- bridge on Tuesday evening. Mrs, O. R. Flindall is spending a few weeks with her parents in St. Catharines. A number of the younger folk took in the dance at Sonya on Friday even- ing.and report the usual good time. A quiet wedding took place at the parsonage, Scugog Islandd, on Satur- day, February 20th, 1937, when Rosette Grace Marie, daughter of Mrs, Mae Wooldridge and the late Edgar Wooldridge, of Sonya, was united in marriage to Wilbur Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs, Orval Stone, Seagrave. Rev. F. G. Joblin officiated. Miss Meta Hall, of Zion, cousin of the bride, and Mr. 'Mansell Stone, brother of the groom, were thé only attendants, The happy couple left on a motor trip to Brighton and points East. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm at Seagrave. MYRTLE Mrs. Reid of Sterling, who has been at Guelph, and her brother Rev. J, 0. Totton, of Freelton. -- ; The February meeting of the W. M Harrison, on Thursday afternoon, the president, Mrs. Honey, presiding, A good attendance was present and an interesting programme given. Mrs. Joe Walker, who has been in poor health and under the care of Dr. John Moore; was removed to the The ice harvest from local ponds The Evangelistic meetings" that are Mt, M. Perry, who has been oc- farm, moved to Whitby this week. Mr. Kent having rented his farm to a Stouffville tenant. - : A special meeting of the Boards of Prospect, Myrtle and Raglan, was held in the church basement here on Wed- nesday night of last week with good representations from the four. A lot of business dealing with the general management was discussed and de- cided upon, the most important being $80. The ladies appriciats the large attendance and the generous help by all those who assisted. The pastor, Rev. W. E. Honey, presided over a very fine dnd varied program, which included: Mr. and Mrs, N. White, Mrs, Tordiff, Miss Lois Tordiff and Miss MacDuff, of Brooklin; Mr, Sharpe of Greenbank; Keith and Murray Wilson, the Misses Marion Franklin, Reta Munro and Luke, of Manchester. 'The W.M.S. met at the home of Miss A. Rees on Thursday afternoon, thé president Mrs, Walker in the chair. There was a large attendance of members and visitors. Miss Hoop- er conducted the devotional exercises. Mrs. Jos. Mitchell gave an account of the medical work, from the Study Book. Appropriate readings were given by Mrs. Walker, Miss Dolly Rees and Miss Hooper. A committee was appointed to meet the Myrtle W.M.S. to arrange for a joint meeting on March 19th in honour of Miss E. Mitchell, travelling secretary, who will be the guest speaker, Reserve this date for a special treat. Mrs. E. Barrett closed the meeting with prayer. Then, all the ladies retired to the dining room, where a hearty Junch was served by the hostesses. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. L. McKee on the birth of a son. Mr. W. F. Walker attended the Presbytery meeting in Oshawa last week. The funeral of the late Jas. Somer- ville, of Prospect, was largely attend- ed on Friday afternoon. We regret the passing of this kind and friendly neighbour, and extend our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Mr. Archie Crosier has secured a position in the Bank of Commerce &t Port Perry. We wish him success in his new field of labor. Miss A. Thompson is visiting with friends at QussnEyiLie. SCUGOG BORN--On Friday, February 19th, 1937 to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carno- chan, a little daughter. Married on February 20th, by Rev. F. G. Joblin at the Parsonage, Rosetta =| . Mrs. S. was held at the home of Mrs. C. Orage. Maris: only..danghter-of Mrs Mae Wooldridge and the late Edgar Wooldridge of Sonya to Wilbert Earl, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stone, Seagrave. Rev. F. G. Joblin is conducting a geries of very interesting meetings called the Fire Side meeting at differ- ent homes, they are well attended and are very interesting. Mr. Geo. Loftus of U.S.A. has been visiting his cousin, Mrs. R. Jackson and other relatives around here after an absence of thirty years. Miss Inez Fralick spent the week end with her pug, Mr. and Mrs, C. Li. Fralick.- I Mr. D. Charis is visiting Tis daughters in Oshawa for a few weeks. Miss Leona Prentice of Blackstock spent the week end with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Prentice. Miss Eva Clark of Mariposa is visit- ing for a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. L. Pearce. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, Mrs. A. Austin and her daughters, of Valentia visited their sister, Mrs. W. Mark on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Long and baby visited with Mrs. C. Hardy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope and Shirley visited with Mrs. W. Savage on Wed: nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pearce and Eva, to remain for his fourth year. ing the winter with her daughter Mrs. W. Slack, of Brougham, is visiting her daughter Mrs. Bert. Duff, this week. King winter returned in full force during Sunday night with' chiljing winds and a heavy fall of snow which earlier part of the week. The pave- ment was again very treacherous on Monday until it was sanded. * On Sunday afternoon Henry Perry's class took occasion before his depar- ture to Whitby, to remember him in some tangible way and Bob Cross on behalf of the class read him a fitting address and he was presented with a Mr. and Mrs. Fowler of Toronto, were at their summer home here-on Sunday. Pleased to report that Mr. John O'Boyle who was' in a very critical condition over the week end and under Dr. John Moore's care, suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia, is at time of writing, reported to be on the mend. Mrs, John C. Lawrence visited with friends in Toronto the earlier part of the week. MANCHESTER The W. A. Oyster Supper of recent date was a decided success in every way, and the net proceeds were almost Mrs, W, Taylor who has been spend-} blanketed the ground for a time, the visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Henders on Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy, John and Clara visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Hill in Brock Townsip, recently. Mr. and Mrs. L. Chamberlain and "little Jimmie. of Toronto have returned home after their visit of a week at the home of Mr and Mrs. R. Jackson. The second W. A. social and pro- gram was held in the Township Hall last Tuesday evening, it was a splen- did success. Rev. F..G. Joblin acted as chairman and the following pro- gram was given a recitation by Jimmie Hood, vocal solo by Isobel Flewell, instrumental by Edna Samells, a sel- ection by the Boys 'Choir, a number by the Orchestra, sketch by Owen Read- er and Keith Reader, quartette, by Isobel Flewell, Lois Jeffrey, June Sweetman and Bob Beacock, a piano solo by Rena Sweetman. A number of contests were also held. Rev. Mr. Joblin spoke very highly of Mrs. Geo. Sweetman for the great work she has done in training our boys to sing as they do. Lunch was served. Last Friday evening a large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy to aid in the Sunday School work. A box social was held together with an interesting program. Com- munity singing lead by Misa Ashen- hurst and Miss Audrey Hood at the organ. Owen Reader sang, The Cave in the Moose River; Dorothy Graham recited "When Mother's. Away". Jean Hood gave a jumbled contest of Birds and Animals of the Bible, Another spent the week end with Miss Aletha with Misses Eliza and Marion Steph- enson, for a week. blew over several trees and the snow which fell later during the night, was more encouraging for those who wish || to 'draw wood. March is yet to come. Kathleen, daughter of Mrs. and the late George Proutt, to Mr. Woodward, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, of London, Ontario.' Rev. J. D. Parks officiated. I by her mother and wore a gown of Coronation 'blue 'and white georgette, blue and shoulder corsage of white roses and lily-of-the-valley. Her georgette match accessories and corsage of pink roses and sweet peas. and lace gown with corsage of mauve Bible contest of places was conducted by Clara Hardy; then the children sang. Mr. Fred Crozier, Supt. of the Foot 8 School expressed his ap- preciation of the help given them. The time then came for the selling of the boxes which Mr. Cecil' Fralick man- aged in a new way. The ladies that room and the buyer were placed in another room with the lights turned very low. A sheet was then hung in the doorway The girls with the box then stood between the light and the sheet. The bidding was done on the shadow. The event was very amusing to watch. Mr, Joblin announced the the week end with friends in Toronto. Miss Stella Raymes visited with; Miss Jean Moase of Port Perry,! Reader. Miss Masters, of Toronto, is visiting The very high wind on Sunday night But never mind, Ee aa WOODWARD-PROUTT The 'marriage took place of Laura i Percy V. A The -bride was given in marriage white accessories wl bridesmaid, Miss Carrie Cooper, wore navy blue. with navy ribbon hat, Mr. James Me- Donald, of Parry Sound, was grooms- man. Mrs. Prout wore black crepe and purple panises. The reception was held at Coles and later the couple left for New York. On their return they will reside ac Pointe-au-Baril, Ontario. Advertise in the Port Perry Star GOLF "2 FEES O® NEW LOW 1937 RATES @ DOWNSYVIEW GOLF COURSE North on Oshawa Blvd, Oshawa Effective until February 28th, 1937 . by PPTPEPP EP PP $10.00 LADIES ............... 8.00 COMB. (man wid wife) 14.00 After Feb. 28th, regular spring rates will apply. Address all communications to Manager--GEO. E. WILSON, 179 Oshawa Blvd, Oshawa, Ont. - - and a membership card will be sent you by return mail. Sra OSHAWA Friday-Saturday, Feb. 26-27 8%" ON OUR STAGE "9a The Sensation of Two Hemispheres "THE SHANCHAI TROUPE 11--8pectacular Artista--11 In almost unbelieveable feats of Strength and Daring ® 20 ACTS © One of the most Sensational and Artistic Vaudeville Attractions ever presented on our stage. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT. Matinee--Adults 86c., Children 10e. Evenings--Adults 46c., Children 26c. (including tax) Act twice daily 4.10 and 8.40 p.m. ON THE BCREEN Charlie Ruggles and Alice Brady, in MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS [J ® REVIVAL © "MAN WHO BROKE THE BANK AT MONTE CARLO" with Ronald Coleman and Joan Bennett at 11.00 p.m. Friday. Monday-Tuesday, March 1-2 ® "MAID OF SALEM" @ Starring Claudette Colbert-Fred MacMurtay, ~Wednesday-Thuraday Mar. 3-4 BIG DOUBLE BILL LILY PONS - JACK OAKIE GENE RAYMOND in ® THAT GIRL FROM PARIS @ an OWITHOUT ORDERS @ with Sally Eflers and Robt. Armstrong, + 'Breathless Thrills above the Clouds. had boxes to sell were called into one!S proceeds as $12. 'All had a good time. we RED & WHITE sm Fruits and Vegetables: are of Excellent Quality Now . Navel Oranges..29¢., 39¢. Lemons, 35¢. doz. Large Grapefruit, Special .__. __ be. Tomatoes _.___________.._________. '17¢, lb. Lettuce, Rhubarb, Spanish Onions, Cooking Onions, Celery, Spinach, ete. © Mr. and Mrs. A, Wilkinson spent friends in Hamilton over the week end. u [] Congoleum Rug, 9 x 6, Borderless Congoleum, Linoleum Rugs, 9 x 6, ! Feltol Rugs, 9x6, $4.15 i Rexoleum, sq. yd.,, 3b6c¢ FLOOR COVERINGS $5.65 9x6, $3.75 $6. 60 We have a full stock of Floor Coverings Wabasso Prints at the old prices. Prints have advenced, but ours are still at last year's.prices. All Tub-Fast. 20c.. 25c., and 30c. yd. SUITS by W. R. JOHNSON & CO. | Made to Measure. Fit Guarhniteed, $21.50 $23.50 $27.50 EL EEE pr TT ET ETE EET TONDO Ly --_--_-- F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY rE lr ll Er RIP BRS ANANANRR AS BFA ASN ALL THE YEAR ROUND } You can depend upon the excellence of GERROWS" BAKING. :: No matter whether it be for Special } Occasions, or for every day use, GERROW BAKING | can be deperid on for uniform good quality. Gerrow Brothers SANTA AS AAAS ATM M3 A A SLT SAA 2d EES EEE WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF = PASTRY and BREAD Fi LOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, | 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAKFAST FOOD and FLOUR. BRAN, SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, SALT, ARGENTINE CORN, POULTRY GRIT, SHELL and WHEAT. PURINA & MASTER FEEDS ALWAYS ON HAND. - Lake Scugog Milling Company 20 (CURE HEE EE. oo ) ERE TRO CLT A IIR T IA TT IMS I PORT PERRY GROGETERIA PURDY BLOCK, PORT PERRY You help yourself to the best the market affords-- low pricey DEVON PEAS, large tins 2 "for 21c. MORNING GLORY FLAKED WHEAT 5 ths. 25¢. PORT PERRY GROECTERIA BAKING POWDER, 1b. 21c. BLUE RIBBON COCOA tb tin 17c. HEALTH BRAN WHITE COOKING BEANS LYON"S TEA OXYDOIL, the complete household soap HEINZ CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP, . A. PALMER, Prop. We Deliver Phone 36 PAGE FIVE qu i 4 i £1 | P " Ve TAA A MT a OA Cpa aie wilt Fd sp EL i y A A nr Gr A Ne me A TIT vey - "oe re. 0 BG fH 3 i ec I -- ERE EE IEE | & IE &. ? ) (1 No ¥ > \C Sa re" Er

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