Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jan 1937, p. 4

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Sy a a Tl ~ by the participant. PAGE FOUR SRR a : A ER a -- LOCAL ITEMS We are sorry 'to report that Mr, T. J. Widden is not enjoying his usual good health. We trust he will soon be up and around again. Latest reports are that Mrs. Sandy, |" who underwent an operation in a To- ronto hospital, is getting along nicely. ' It is reported that Mr. Robt. Wells has purchased the house on Caleb St. from Mrs. Arthur Rose, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bentley. Mr. and Mrs. T. Currah and family have moved to Haliburton district. Mr. Currah has been Section Foreman on the railroad here for a number of years, and is retiring from the service. Mr. Currah's place is being filled by Mr. Warren, of Whitby, for a time. THOMAS C. FORMAN Mr. Thomas Chalmers Forman one of the early residents of Collingwood, (Vancouver), after a lingering illness, passed away at his home, 3262 Van- ness Avenue, on New Year's morning. The deceased was a native of On- tario, having been born near Port Perry seventy-five years ago, and was the last surviving member of a family of four brothers and three sisters. Collingwood (Vancouver) old-timers still remember David Forman a pio- neer business man and the first night operator on the Carleton telephone exchange who died here in 1914. Wil- liam, also a resident of this district passed away in 1930. During the year 1891 the late Mr. Forman mar- ried Miss Diana Heard (of Whitby, Ont.), who died ten years later leaving one daughter, Elsie, who has been her father's pal ever since and to whom the sympathy of the community is now extended. The funeral took place on January 4th, conducted by Rev. R. N. Matheson, of Collingwood United Church, associated with him was Rev. Robert Wilkinson, a former pastor and a friend of many years standing. Note--The above was taken from a Vancouver paper. Mr. Forman was a cousin of the late J. L. Forman of Port Perry. 'He lived .in Prince Al- bert, Ont., before moving to, Van- couver and had three sisters and three brothers, Margaret, Annie and Elsie, James, David and William; who have all passed away: - SKI CLUB NEWS Most people are enjoying the mild weather but ski enthusiasts are not. Will we have snow by Saturday? "To be or not to be." If king winter permits, the ski club members-will meet-at-the-town hall on Saturday at 1.30 p.m. All those who are interested in outdoor sport are invited to come. "On to Green- bank" is our slogan. Greenbank hill is almost green in reality as well as in name these days. Next Saturday eve, the club is plan- ning to have a skating party at the rink, followed by refreshments and an hour's dancing at: the school. Last Saturday night, the club en- joyed a social evening at the school. About thirty-five persons were on hand for a- delightful evening of en- tertainment. Secretary--Why was our President awake until 1.30 a.m. on Sunday? Vice-President--I don't know unless he had some of my coffee a le lait? The average person obtains enough outdoor exercise in the summer but not in the winter. Skiing is a good form of exercise in the winter. It is good exercise and it is really enjoyed The beginner is advised to start on gentle slopes and to do cross-country skiing. Our club only wants members who are good sports and who are interested in the out door life. -- to -------- MARRIED DAVEY-HEAPS--On January 9th, 1937, 'at the parsonage, Myrtle, Ont., by Rev. W. E. Honey, Florence E. Heaps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heaps, Raglan, Ont., to Harlan J. Davey, son of Mr. and James Davey, and the late Mrs. Jas. Davey, Port Perry. o> BORN BROCK---On Sunday, January 10th, 1937, to Dr. and Mrs. John Brock, of Oshawa, a son. --------el Pes DIED LEASK--Suddenly at Greenbank, on Saturday, January 9th, 1037, Alex- ander L. Leask, in his 72nd year. EE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 1 pm--~Evening service. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN - CHURCH ~~ ; He. Robt. Simpson, Minister Services at 11 a.m, and 7 pm, 5 --_--T MITTS and More MITTS GET YOUR SHARE WHITE THEY LAST. Muleskin Mitts, lined, ..pair 45¢c. * Horse faced, mule back, pr. 60c, Horse faced, mule back : No. 1 grade .........pair 75¢c. All Horse hide ........ pair 90c Goat skin, black ...... pair 90c. All Horse hide, heavy, pr. $1.00 ..All Harse hide, double lined, $1.25 Gauntlet Mitts, ..$1.50 Gauntlet Pullover Mitts, pr. 90c. Neatfoot Oil, per pint ......20c. SEE US FOR SOCKS AND - RUBBERS WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry PEI Port Perry Council The initial meeting of Port Perry Council was held at the Clerk's Office 'with all members present, Reeve W, M. Letcher; Councillors--J. E. Jack- son, R. M, Holtby, G. H. Bridger, Jos. R. Baird. Reeve Letcher welcoméd the new members, and expressed his pleasure because of the co-operation that had been given by all members of the Council in past years. forward to a year of municipal busi- ness in the same harmonious fashion. Mr. Jackson and Mr, Holtby spoke along the same, lines, and Messrs. Baird and Bridger responded approv- ing the spirit of co-operation. The reeve said that he hoped they would be able to reduce the tax rate this year. Minutes of previous meeting read and| approved. The following committees were ap- pointed for the year 1937: Finance--Messrs., W. M. Letcher, J. 'E. Jackson. Water and Hydro -- Messrs, J. E. Jackson, Jos. R. Baird. Roads and Sidewalks--Messrs. G. H. Bridger, R. M. Holtby. Property and Fire--Messrs. R. M. Holtby, G. H. Bridger. Relief--Jos. Baird, W. M. Letcher. --_-- eo PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--Rev. Sidney Davison, of Bowmanville, 1.46 p.m.--Men's Class and Forum 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth in charge Jan, 28th -- Annual Congregational Meeting. --_-- Pe ---- "UNITED CHURCH NOTES The Trail Ranges debated on the advantages of Country vs. City Life on Monday and report a splendid time. The Country won. * * * Tuesday evening. the annual S. S. meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Gerrow. Mr. Fred Reesor was elected Superintendent as successor to Mr. R. B. Smallman who had resigned following a decade of loyal and painstaking service. The other officers and teachers were all re- turned by acclamation. Following the business all were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrow who served delicious refreshments assisted by Miss Lola Gérrow, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Ploughman, * * » Young People's Union report an- other fine meeting on Tuesday evening under the auspices of Miss Patricia Jackson's Department. * * * The Presbyterial of the W. M. S. will visit Port Perry on Thursday, January 21st for its annual meeting. + % Rev. Sidney Davison, the new pastor of Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville, will be"in charge of the service Sunday morning. Do not miss hear- Jin ghim, CI a Please keep the 'evening of January 28th open for the Congregational meeting. We hope to have every family represented. + 0s 2» Tentative 'arrangements have been made for a Standard Training School under the auspices of Oshawa Pres- bytery Young People's Union to be held in our S.S. rooms each evening February 1-5 inclusive. No... CONGRATULATIONS We join with his many friends in extending congratulations to Mr, A, W. Allin, who celebrated his 79th birthday on Sunday, Jan. 10, and we hope that Mr. Allin will continue to enjoy his usual good health. FOR SALE Nash Sedan Car. This: car: is worth seeing. Apply to A. R. Ward, Myrtle Station. -_p FAN gt 3 Bp Seas Fon AE Blas 08 He looked | ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PORT PERRY, REACH AND SCUGOG AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society, will be held on Saturday, January 16th, in the basement of the Public Library, for the purpose of electing the officers for 1987, F. Shepherd, President. N. Ewers, _Sec.-Treas. Announcing PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Short Course in Home Economics, Farm Mechanics, "and Vocational Agriculture IN THE HIGH SCHOOL January 25 to Feb'y 19 Practical courses will be offered the men and women of Port Perry and 'surounding district. The classes are open without charge to any who de- sire to avail themselves of this rare opportunity for self-improvement. No advance registration is required. Two instructors who are specialists in their respective subjects have been secured for these courses. . Classes will be held each day, Mon- day to Friday, from 10.30 a.m, to 3.80 p.m. The group will meet at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, January 25th, in the High School Assembly Hall. THIS IS YOUR INVITATION. -- ------ EP PRINCE ALBERT There was a fine attendance at Sun- day School on Sunday. 'This looks good for the New Year. We hope it will continue. _ ) Mrs. A. Jeffrey.and Miss D, Murphy were in Oshawa on' Saturday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn on Sunday were Mr,_and Mrs. G. McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Wannamaker and Ronald, all of Toronto. - Mr. J. Jeffrey -was in Toronto last week and was also in Oshawa and Whitby. On Monday evening some fifteen young people gathered for the in- augural skate on the Duck Pond. The ice was in good shape as a result of the thaw and most of the weeds were submerged. = At.-about 10.30 skates were removed and an 'ice frolic- of medley square dances took place to the music of Mr. Jack Edward's har- monica, The Prince Albert Men's Class en- tered its third year as an organized class. The list of officers as elected at the annual meeting are as follows: Pres., M. Luke, Vice Pres., A. Harper, Sec,, W. Taylor, Treas;,; N. McCrea, Forum Leader, C. Clarke, : Teacher, T.-J. Sager; Assistant Teacher, Chas. Clarke, Organist, Mr. J. Jeffrey. There is a standing invitation to| any who wish to meet with us. You will be helping the class as well as yourself by attending. Last Sunday the class was well at- tended. The class will be conducted in the basement of the Church during the winter months, = The class has met its obligations besides contribu- ting generously to the fixing of the Church steps. While a forum is not scheduled for every Sunday, a lively discussion always arises, we hope with beneficial results, - The meeting of the Y.P.S. was held as usual on Wednesday night. Miss L. Murphy took charge in the absence: of the President. port was given. On a carried motion the membership . cards are, to be adopted, and also the Missionary con- venor is to write a letter to Mr. and 'Mrs. Ferguson, Missionaries in Africa. The following officers were elected for 1937: Pres, 'M. Luke, Sec, Doris Murphy, Treas, Mary Vickery, Vice Pres.: Christian Fellowship, Miss B. Ward, Missionary, Albert Harper, Citizenship, Margaret McCrea, Liter. ary and Social, Grace Vickery, Editor of Keyhole News, Lillian Murphy, Correspondents, Misses J: Parker, Hazel McCrea and Olive Bond, Lead- ership training, Mrs. Denny, Organist, Lilian Murphy, Poster-Maker, Ileen Hope. The meeting closed with pray- er by Rev. Mr, Smyth, Mr. and Mrs, P. Rayme visited friends in Oshawa on Saturday. There will be song service in the Church basement on Sunday night.| - The treasurer's re- ae -- -- Now is the time to start the New Year Right and protect your health oy buying our meats, as they are op erly select- | -- unde overnment re We Deliver (W. BOYNTON| Phone 4, PORT PERRY CAR FOR SALE 1933 Chevrolet, Master Coupe. Has run less than 12,000 miles. will consider terms to responsible party. No trade. Apply to Geo. A. Rose, Port Perry, Ont. Jan, 21 BR ERE = pppippjt NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of George K. Robertson, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of George K. Robertson, late of the Township of Reach, in the 'County of Ontario, who died on or about the 17th day of October, 1930, are hereby notified to send in to the .undersigned solicitors on or before the the 14th day of February, 1937, full particulars of their ¢laims. Imme- diately after February 14th, 1937, the assets of the deceased will be dis- thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated January 11th, 1937. ; Harris; Harris & Wallace, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the Estate. Re I i A BIT OF HUMOUR 1st Eskimo Wife--Does your hus- band stay out late during . winter] . niglits ? 2nd Eskimo Wife--Late! Why last night he didn't get home 'til half past Janugey.: y tributed among the parties entitled WE FIT Glasses You Save Money a AT OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 33 Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE Annual Meeting of the Cemetery Co. 'The 76th Annual Meeting of the Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery Co. will be held in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Monday, January 18th, at 2.30 p.m. The President's, Auditor's and other | § Reports will be received. Directors: for 1937 are to be elected. a chapel in the Cemetery. Director of the Company. is very earnestly requested. Grant Christie, 'R. D. Woon, President. . ~ Sec.-Treas. mn! QUALITY FOOD Theoe Plots are Bfootive for BULK~-- Rea dicut BARGAINS; MACARONI 5 25 January 14th, 15th and 16th. AUNT DINAM ---- Molasses Med. Tin Smell Tin 19 .10 BULK CROWN OR BEEHIVE Corn Syrup "Ne. 2 Tin 17 ! No. 5 Tin No. 10 tin 37 73 ROLLED BULK -- BLACK TEA = _. 39 OATS .5 RICE 'White Beans 4-23 HAND-PICKED KIPPER Q@ % 15 | BLUE RiBBON Er sme] COCOA 7.385 CLASSIC | rour star . 14-02. Tin : cLEANSER| Herrings 10 ™ Ke "AYLMER 12-0z. oy Catsup2.25 SNACKS ™ 5 COMFORT| Picnic Pickles CRISP Large Bottle 25 LYE ~ DOME 3 BAKING vomino Tm 10 Tin POWD R Ib Tin X99 ORANGES, doz 21c. HEAD LETTUCE 6c. GRAPEFRUIT, large GRAPES, 2 Ibs. 27c. Bb for 256¢. AADLAY A UAWYAL AI UUs ~ SPY APPLES, VALLAILY 4 AVL AUG. basket 39¢. DALVAINAD, WU 4ubs ~t Bi ION 8 WE REPAIR! I R. BENTLEY SUITS CLEANED} The General Business of the : year will be discussed, also|% the advisability of building 8 Any Plot Owner is entitled to a vote, or is eligible' to be elected a go The meeting is open to anyone who & is interested, and a good attendance gs Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Lid. d Phone 240 Lawrence' s Drags Store ir (You Con Bave With Safety at Your Rexall Store Toiletries e D. & R. FACE CREAMS '29c.. and 4%. @ NOXZEMA CREAM' _15¢. and 59¢. 2) FORHAN'S TOOTH PASTE : 25¢. and 39¢. e BRITEN TOOTH PASTE @ DOVE BATH SALTS 2 (large jar) 49c. © JASMINE FACE POWDER 50c. and $1.00 a) ORONO OROROR 2020808080008080008 Phone 49 OPPO POPOIOROPOPORO BABB BOPNO OROPOI0POPT OR0R0900800S0SOSOSOSOSOPOROPOSIPOROPOPOSORO #%0,8%5 0% 4% 4% 0 4% WOOD CUT BY THE HOUR Orr Browne, Phone 89, Port Perry. - Dr. Ed. Bailey VETERINARY SURGEON at Sebert House, Port Perry, Tuesday and Friday afternoons, Phone 127 Uxbridge, day or night. Calls will be promptly attended to. oct20tf (The firm of GREER & BUMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR Ww. S. GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, BA, LL.B. Offices 73% Simeoce St. §., Oshawa . Phones, 4 and § (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr.- Conant) Phone 7 (Whithy) W. A. Sangster DENTAL anes Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Bmmerson's Insurance Office 2200222222000 0220200000000000 22 ne in the coa Pssst tt tt 000000 000000000 Business 23 Usual during Alterations We are pleased to announce alterations to our store layout giving. 4 us an up-to-date. open tapensaiy aud much more display space, § A. M. LAWRENCE Fora Savi HE ARE YOUR FUEL REQUIREMENTS TAKEN CARE OF 2 -FOR THIS WINTER? Call 240 and order 1 ton of Coal, Coke, or 4 single cords of wood, and get a chance on the 1; ton of fuel FREE WANT ADVTS-- (COAL COKE WOOD BLUE COA L--The standard for quality--the coal that is increas- _opularity ig day with consuming pu TRY IT AND PROVE IT FOR YOURSELF COKE--Range and Nut sizes. - WOOD--Bodywood, Hardwood Slabs, Soft Slabs, White Birch. LUMBER, Lath, Shingles--Asphait & Wood oyeren, Donnaoonna. Sash and Deors. Medicines ° SYBILLA SPAHR'S Remedy for sore throat . -50c, and $1.50 id BISMA REX for Stomach disorders. ~~ 75¢. and $1.50 ° "WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT of * COD LIVER, an all-round : tonic % $1.00 5 [) AYERSTS ALPHAMETTES 4 's $1.00; 100s $3.50 SYRAD OF WILD CHERRY and HONEY. A splendid cough remedy 50¢. ® OVALTINE -- Tonic bever: age, 3 sizes, 38¢c., 58¢., 98¢: PORT PERRY ORCA 090809090S09080S0F0ROSOSORVSIPOIOROPORO CROP OBABOBBOIAOBAA BOIS SE ARRAS R ORSON RPO ~ Port Perry _ POSSI OUOUSBOBASOBIIS Five Cents per line. Minimum 20 Cents. FULLER BRUSH COMPANY has opening for two dealers. train you, give you restricted terri- tory and pay you $6 weekly plus com- mission and bonus if you qualify. Ap: ply or write Mr. P. Webster, 73 Me- Millan Drive, Oshawa. 1 RE AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK the property of Ray Bartley, at Lot 16, Con. 11, Reach, % mile east of Greenbank. on Thesday, Jannary 26th, Sale at 1 pm. Terms Cash. Ted Jackson, Ahctioneer, DR. Ww. 8. HARPER Graduate of Trin! College and : Prinity Dnteerstos nt Torani | Post Graduate -in- Medical Gradu. ates' College and P. in Lon North find Toivel Post Oranate a London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont The firm of - GREER & HUMPHREYS is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS -24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814 : in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 ~~ Phones-- | FRED E: REESOR i : " OHfies 78, wij Res. 3] LLL rrr rrr rrr LIRR ERROR ILI NIN IRI RIA We 35 5 J » Ps 3 A I aL x Z * : EY ) LEVER | > bv ¢ v. ¢ ~~ » JE 4 wT « HIS SE i > > A 4 ; oh 3

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