Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jan 1937, p. 3

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a times is startled by efforts toward a | be selected? It plaster is decided up oo & RL : Would Abolish more picturesque speech. For in-|on then the question of the base on The Machine af s To Ease a 4 u w d stance: which to erect it must be determined. is VES j seless Oras | "Give me the ibex," says the sen- Shall time-honored woodlath or in -- Rn ator to hit secretory. sulation board lath be used? If ex. SATISFIED USER "It is said that machinery manufae- 3 ast {sven Quite' : v "The ibex" turned out to be Ash- failed mola) nurs th . the sholes, ihe eal pea tures unemployment, and the machine bor : ery" and "Quite" Among Ver- | urst's speech on the donkey, and con- | & » japauned or ig - 6 ves me 3 warmer has been cursed as something which or Get Real Quick-Acting, bal Corpses Opines Senator | tained a good example of his colorful | Plain? And:shall it be paper-backed? Ae Siti lee siuntion tu. the takes work from men, This is a su- x SE " Quick-Dissolvi : language: : If so should the paper be water. an quthority, and consequently perficial point of view which cannot ; 8 hs ing, WASHINGTON -- Senator Henry | "The donkey is the personification | Prooted or metalized oF plain? Equal all black couls look the tase, but be justified except in & very narrow Pr. Crpnd 'ASPIRIN Fountain : Ash 3 of the sublime virtues of moderation, | \¥ Dlimerous questions must be ans bitiy Bed EI segment of production, If the ma- : F n Ashurst--long a student o ; 3 | wered if one of the other types avail assures me that it is "| chine creates unemployment in one in. ig : the English language--advocates that forbearance, Hsiratns, and Lia able is selected. sesiios. Dal. & We Alduscite : dustry, it. causes other SD eg . See How tho pation forget some of the words | f¢onomy. From the vibrant chords} "mygrg is no gainsgying the fact that "Blue coal' because ith better' "| arise. It puts at the disposition of A "ASPIRIN" cluttering up the dictionaries. | of his throat there came zigzag bars | tne business of buflding a house Is a £4 : iy. the masses articles formerly reserved .' th) . : © "We have a wonderful language," | °F Music as thrilling as the, midnight | complicated affair, and: the wise lay |- 'MR. HARRY DANIELS A tc the aristocracy. It gives birth to | TabletsWork he says, "but it is becoming u. minstrel of the nightingale," wan will eonsult afcompetent archi * LINDSAY. ONT. A now needs, new trades, and new Op + In 2 seconds by wieldy. It would be a good thing: to -- tect, engineer or disinterested build. ; dl. | vortunities for profit. Did the lino- & 36 watch, an" call a. conference of suthoritiex andi 4. $3 3e Ras er for the solution;of the materials : hi ' : type create unemployment in the Lie ErioE balish »| Building Risky 0 go.Into hia prosective home, "You, t00, can have. comfort plus economy by using thi trademarked printing tadustry?, For a fow months, 4 an * ris 3 3 olis Some of Sup yetbal pana J 7 ng ig TE : : at ' anthracite. Order a trial ton today from the 'blue coal' dealer nearest you. perhaps. - After that tithe, it inspired RY TB the tine. 1 Nia a5 packing. one of the most remark: Without Advice : hE ! oh || poriodicals by the hundreds and books lhe Ti | | able vocabularies in Congress-- has | - re : ing' Hints ul * ; ; : y 9. by the thousand. The machine kill. ; > ens in this glass dipped into the national language| With some of the best engineering YL i | O : $4 Jha stageccacl, but it gave bifth h 8 Lr malippens In your Rg) made some novel disclosures, and Architectural brains at work on| po treat your stockings ff x q I at is impossible to demonstrate oo --_-- "Every 100 words spoken by an|nteWw methods and materials for build |, ) * " 4 » ' educated American," he says, "uta ing, it 1s bewildering to the layman rough tht Poot aha paretully, wd 236 qlves yon CONFIDENCE T0 BURN Mop ice se ' For QUICK Relief aa four geieral tlaseifioa} ions; " just whien 4 Holset tor Bis new home straight, The slightest twist will futable proof would be to show that |b atten he wa | OY SH 08 Ape SR0n I a i ing. mar 2 i poo of soi ni RR aL ans Hoan Ir xe eke ik re |r 0 for interior walls; not so very long | "8S: 8nd wrinkles 'always rub into| "Education to be valuable must be F N bv +} Pas were unemployed be " lief, for one reason, because they | Two words for which Ashurst has | *8° 1¢ Was taken for granted that | holes: x primarily character education rather a ews fore the eighteenth century, The only dissolve or disintegrate almost in- no use are "very" and "quite." plaster on wood lath would be used. Never fasten suspenders below the | than a niere accumulation of infor- difference is that they were called the stantly they touch moisture. (Note Either of th ahi y k But there are all kinds of sub. | reinforced hems. "Wash with luke- | mation." Average yield of 14¢ bushels an acre Boggart , OF vagabonds. It illustration above.) e em tends to weaken |gtitugés offered for wood lath, and [warm lather and sdueeze out gently oe : was reported by A. Burgess of Two | POON OF beggars, ite Hence--when you tak: "Aspi- | not strengthen your speech, he says. ! : gently Newotn D. Baker. will Je sufficient to consult the arsen rin" tablet it you to a ve he "You will hear neither ined in jh many materials suggested for use in| ---they'll ladder if they are wrung. - -- e---------- Rivers district from a 20-acre plot of al of laws against begging In France most as quickly as you swallow it, office Be Bact): Mh I oy place of plaster. Don't use any dnd of art'ficial I itis sinful. to: have wicked registered oats, Mr. Burgess' fine and England to realize that unem- And thus is ready to start working {ished them." A The questions before the home | heat for drying. Hang stockings by | thoughts of any kind, then Heaven |FetUrR was typical of productivity this) | oo 5" heredity plague, far an. Simost dostantly iritis Repdaches, A ey visitor to the office some badder ae Vig aged shall be the toes in an airy place to dry and | jsn't going to be much of & popula- I pe fropoe Frastt Were tedating the utilization of steam or neuralgia and neuritis pains star . or one of the various wall board " aw! ; e best yjelds since 1928 have been "_ ; edsing almost at once. P 8 don't fold them away damp. tion centre. obtained in wheat, oats and barley. coal."--Je Sul, Partout, Paris, France, © "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario, Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Try it.\You'll say it's marvelous, ASPIRIN TRADE- LOOK FOR THE BAYER CROSS a Junior Farmers Visit International Harvester Plant TEE HGS oe T Speaking of Kings, Herman Trelle, a. Alberta, was the Wheat King of the world in 1930, 1931 and 1932, Then by winning the championship at Chi: cago he is again crowned King for 1936-37. In 26 years the crown has been 22 time: bestowed upon a Cana: dian farmer, says the Farmer's Advo- cate. I Three carloads of high grade oattle were shippe. {rom Taber, Alta, to| Winnipeg, Montreai o1 Toronto mar; kets. The cattle. were driven in from distant farms, said S. Raby, Leth- | bridge cattle buyer, who shipped the; lot: The animals arc a fine looking Alot, having béen purchased in the fr vigation districts, finished on beet tops | vith good results He stated that while | he ranged widely, in Taber and Vaux: hall areas besides adjacent districts, Still Smells Sweet Writas the Baltimore Sun --- Since it had to be discovered some time that the rose is rich in Vitamin C, it is probably well that this utilitar- jan aspect of the rose's existence should have been revealed by the scientists® of Soviet Russia. From now on "any nose may ra- vage a cose with no merely sensu- ous consequences. Vitamin C is the . element which wards off scurvy, a fact which gives scientific point to the fre juent observations that "her cheek iike the rose is." The gather- ing of rosebuds thus becomes a ne- cessary labor in the pharmaceutical - : ] : | he was rot seeking drought weaken: Fox ! na hiel - When pr ; ed cattle but high grade animals, and !industry, a metamorphosis which : IN A N C | AL ton a Toning boys and girls, 75 1m ouiber, members of Junior Farm Clubs, representing the different provinces, visited Hamil. those fed beet tops promised well In|nced not luse their loveliness from and the picture shown above was taken Ne oaung tet ides was a trip to the Hamilton works of the International Harvester Company eastern mn kets. Among the three the discovery that tnere may be dent of the Canadian Council oh i p throug e large plant.: F.- M. Morton, vice-president, who is also honorary pres:- carload were quite a number of enough Vitamin C in a shower bou- ment factory and binder mill. 3 Girly' and Boys Hr. Morton is seen in Work, received the group and conducted them on a trip through the farm imple- whitefaces. he safc quet to keep a sailor free from the scurvy half way te Liverpool. LASHES ¢ Production at Shawkey Gold Mining Company for December was the best ) € the centre of the second row. At noon there was a t i L Sr heh, Deters 2 Ie Cauadian Conall, extended a generous word of praise to the Tia ns) inshenn ssryed v 5 Ye Rayner explaineq that a part of the funds necessary to corre oy 1) uC, 8, ® life-time memory of the ti. Among other iributes, Vi: Freyner Sxpiainej.ihin oc) accrued from the proceeds of a gift mad Iyiamaionsl ster- Company. Among those in the group are the following Ontario Club Members: -- 8 Re re bys Some enterprising anti-romantic has already made a slik pu'se' from "a sow's ear, and Soviet Russia adds. therapeutic significance to the ro- Classified Advertising INVENTORS I) few days. A very comprehensive un. : practising it for 71 years. 0 t hasing power and manufac-| . : oxtensions nf the veins sneouniered : derground diamond drill program has |. Breakfast Dr. Hill, who is 04, and his wife. | (ving facilities enable us to produce the | cident rates, particularly those rela- on an adjoining property to the west. | 'Heva Cadillac Gold Mines is pre: been laid out , Little bits: of sawdust ii i er Uy >? | finest men's tatlored-to-measure - clothés at | tive to head injuries. In 1933, miners Drilling is also to be done to estab- | paring to speed up work on its prop-| gov en rd Tuan he area to fing geal rll Soni ) Sous ats his junior, celebrated their [the lowest prices In Canada. Liberal com- |i one South Wales pit. unnrotected list: the No. 1 vein at a depth of 250| erty located 13% miles south and ground workings nS Dron an Flavored scientifically pres Jose and 11 years of Wiarried shia Tog Wh Loi gy Aa by hats. suffered from head wounds feet below the 675-%aot level. slightly east of the O'Brien fn Cadil- Makes the b ; ife this past Christmas with a party [at cnce, stating previous experience. P.O. | nt the rate of 0.79 per 1,000 man cra Mme BE i Mihm ed by a number of long flat holes. akes the breakfast food. at their home in Johnson City. Box 2560, Montreal, Quebec. hifts worked. But last vesr when ; at present the company is building Latera) work continies on fhe" 100 A : RAE "Going out of the way to keep : Bes eighty five per cent of the men that : x 4 } and 200- h y --- oT Ce 1 the In a communication to Empress| permanent set of camps and af. . Citi levels, with veins Nos. 2 di -- lad Is strengthened and harmony may appear difficult at worked underground wore hats the --; --Consolidated Gold Mines the General large crew of men. will be put to 2 oe i _opened on the - former | disciplined by: his obstacles. +| times," they explained, "but it's a h ; rate dropped to 0.075 per 1.000 man Engineering Company reports that in work to qpen up & shear zone which pr zon. Drifting on No. 2 vein is : "| lot easier and a lot more comfort- TORTURE STOPPED In A Minute / shifts. Altogether 140.000 of these accordance with the agreement be! wag discovered some time ago, which | 2150 Underwater on the 200-foot level | Rub stones together: and they | able than mot" : For quick relef from the Itching of pimples, blotches, | 111g strorgly-built hats were sup- tween the two. companies, the latter ith | While a .rosscut' is being driven to spark. « rgd satan, yiliste's foun, pushes and often Sip eruptions, | yo tr BOS RYE 5 5 . consists of a sheared porphyry with |, th : And it's just as easy to be cheer- apply Dr. Dennis' coaling, antiseptis, liquid D. D. D. | plied tc miners ir 1935. undertook to act as technical superin- narrow blue quartz veins, The trans: 8 ao as 20 explore the aown- Rub brains together and they ful and happy," said the retired Sm PION: Sa asus 53 a LL Dic BiG hl Pe ive vedi tendent of the property. Correlation | mission line from Northern Canada|. continuation of No. 7 vein. sparkle. minister. "We've found 'that's a | themostintense itchinginstantly, A3Sotrialbottle,at |mininmzed by the adoption of safety of all available sampling, drilling and | power 1s about one mile distant from | _ : good rule, too, for long life." drug stores, proves [i--or money back. Askfor= "80 1}, 15 with reinforced toes and instep. id data has been the primary ob-| ine northern. boundary of the prop |= _ To a Bride--The groom may be D.D.D. Presdeription More conveyor-belt workers are now jective and this work has been ac- erty and the property Is less than a Alle ed the light of your life, but wait until wearing gloves But it is insisted the Hon ain oe hs ot ho [le from the Sew CHE. ine tom | | A MIEGEA sour Tight stata going out A a Rh ! . y "| Senneterre . sudden'!y be discarded, hinds becom- say:ng since Dec. 16th. has been of ) ing soft under its influence. Knee sections of drill core 'and work 8| poreva Gold Mines has made im- a ; ; : If you would acquire a profound and elbow pads proved successful. in proceeding of sampling the adit, sur-| portant additions to its already large Il knowledge of men . . . study women. forestulling beat-knee anid beat-el- face exposures, and additional drill| pe dings in Bousquet Township, Que - --/ Grace--I wonder why so many bow. Of non-fatal accidents, eye in- core. R. W. Howe, consulting engi-| pec, during the last few days. The Advertising marriages are failures? juries exact the severest toll. Here neer of the, compat, segoris sapid -cquis'tions compise i youll pay You kissed and told, Frank-- It must. be because so goggles are u reliable precaution progress being made n re-check | of the Vaughan claims lying to the But that's all right: : : : : At Steetley Colliery, where re- ' 2 work Decision to re-samply all work | north; claims owned by Engineers .. The man you iid >: many inexperienced people go into it. search workers tested an experimen- Hg to date has made it necessary to run Jxploration the east; the Gravalle : Called up last night. tal dighting installation at the coal 5% | : 2 Thai arse inner, of hig group of claims 24 jolnjig he fi 4 There is consolation in the thought face, areater safety it was found. oc- 1 J e assay plant is being opera e o| gineers Exploration on the north, 5 ] emt that we are not likely, when we ar- curred wich increased illumination, wd Bt ae Ee dle a nanged| hn Aah group wlonng tho Gravee When a man doen't care what he ive in Heaven, to batt. for. the Unforanely, ie oars nv i y ' Quis i the IC iLY OF Fronts Bi poet bs She Sa, The gem y Oy ao says no one else does either. purpose of keeping the golden streets able Snasti ations are hampered by 4) { at of the lower adit, and Trench F.| 40900 ac dis- mirepain, - Vi i J acres extending a great dis Hub = SS, \ y .east of the adit, in both of which], i dillac ubby (at golden wedding) --Well, 2 2 4 é g tance along the strike of the Ca dear, all the years have flitted by, . Sugges's Artist % month in the mine's history, with out- put valued at $41,000, according to 'Beverley-'Shouldice, Denfield, Ont.; Frank J. Giffen, Creemore, Ont.;: M Shallow Lake, Ont.; Carrol Nicholls, Port Hope. Walken Campbellcroft, Ont.; Floyq Ont.; Arthur Banting, Alliston, Ont. W. W. Werry, Hampton, Ont.; Metcalf, Bowmanville, Ont.: AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR: of wanted inventions and full Information List mance of the rose. More is certain to follow. The radio-activity -of moon- V. M. Ryan, mine manager. For the ; . i : - sent free. THE RAMSAY Company, World |. , 3 field f ' first ten months of 1936 output total | Kenora property of Kenecho Gold|of Brengold Mines indicates a possl- ¥ Fates) storms, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, gh ou to provide one el or . led $267:658,: with. $10,000. to-taflings ' Mines 'has reached a depth of 620 | bility that No. 2 and Ne. 7 warms |. oom -- 1 can't see what in the 50-50 Marriage ---- 4 96.5%. 'up in the mill circuit due to the un usually large percentage of free gold and a general overall extraction of There {is a 'considerable tie feet, and has intersected 16 feet of mineralization, including three feet of quartz believed to be a new vein; ac- cording to a wire received at the head will intersect at a point below the 200-foct level, officials report. To ex- plore the possibilities at 'greater depth as indicated ty. underground world she wants to marry that man Brown for. He has a wooden leg; a glass eye, false teeth and wears: a wig. : BINGHAMPTON, N.Y.--Both the Rev. and Mrs. William J. Hill agree "QUILT PATCHES" FIVE POUNDS $1.00 BEAUTIFUL Materials! Washfast! Prints! Broadcloths! Makes (ive: quiltal "Free Accid=nt Prevention = in the ore. Drilling continues from | office from Cha:. Young, managing dl | work alrea Jimmie--It must be the feminine| that going Bh Pattern." Refund G tee! Eton Mill , . completed, at going "more than half wa to- | Pattern und Guarantee ton 8, . . underground, with success having | rector. The quartz contains pyrite and | ag yy ir anaiy instinct - that makes. them banker | ward helping one another was a good Deprtent NO al Moro protective equipment is be: been met with, while a programme | fine sulphides, while the wall rock I8{ hag been let and the drills will be|dfter remnants, ~~ ~~ -- "lyule" for marital happiness -- and [EXPERIENCED SALESMEN -- waNTED ing lssied to a of drilling on surface 1s to be car riled on in an, effort to disclose' the considerable free gold was exposed in previous work, we RIES crews with portable compressors en- . though they had bayonets in them." <) The No. 1 diamond drill hoie at the [gaged in operations. The work is a k Wits = No: fobs bei Seadness --General Moncada of Nicaragua LONDON.--The traditional perury id ¥ formulation of a definite program | KTows you've tried hard enough, t the artist will give place to prosper- 2241 of underground development after ity if Eric Newton, well-known Lon- Ra determining the best locaion with a Start and Finish dor art critic, has his way. oR, How to Make MONEY in GOLD STOCKS Bon ont 10 Kola." Sent Io those intrested In buying well selected mining stocks, WRITE OoPY FOR C H. R.BAIN & COMPANY LTD. 304 Bay St. Toronto also mineralized for some distance on either side, it is stated. ore zone. Development is being ad- vanced with 8 drills and surface working shaft. A prospect shaft is now being sunk at one of the impor- tant showings. A crew of 42 men are employed, . Underground work on the 200-foot level at the Sturgeon River property BLUE LABEL working underground within the next and I haven't deceived you yet, have I? My dear Miss Smith; Dear Miss Smith; . Dear Mary; Mary Dear; --Dearest Mary; Mary Darling; Mary Beloved; My Soulmate; Darling Wife; Dear Mary; Hello Mame; - pr Pay to the order of Mrs, Mary S. Doe. "When Asia and Europe look to- ward the Americas their eyes: look as WHEN you feel 'out - of - sorts, HE Li 110 ap; or. stom- appt gives trouble, with gas or dys- i epsia, try Ir, jerce's. Golden Medical Discovery. If you want to pt on healthy flesh-- this is the tonic for you. Read what Mr, B. Gliddon of Clinton, Ont, has to say: "In the spring of 1934 after playing hockey and having worked long hours all winter, A Body Builder they should know, for they've been " to represent oge of Canada's largest men's tallored-to-measure clothing organizations. GEE HIVE 0 ! (0 RUIY = wy the Safety in Mines Research Board. The. result is a decline in colliery ac- Busy Man's Need + business man should geek the ad- vi of his artist a: well as that of his benker and broker, says Mr. Newton, aifirming that art should become an increasingly important factor in in- custry. as well as in the everyday life of the individual. Commissioning of artists by the railway companies to paint posters. he suggests, illustrates principle which should have a more universal applicatr n Mu. Newton i going to Canada early in 1937 at the invitatimn of the Cana- "fan National Callery to give a serica of lectures ¢n the plac of art in" mod- I became rundown and was losing weight re Read it or Not:-- hy fete, very, Ghd, 1] S00! at sicep ern life. Beginning in Ottawa, his * night, In Man arted u r, -- > w i vO 4 1 gon wast 5 pos sions it | Sr i oh nae me i tae d So 1 be. of $ "0 onths. ill ta ful *Hinpeaplace 3 Steal needa Te felt as web 2 evil, | Puy sion) PE A) SEND FOR Y with _him_ examples -of good and bad tween your teeth, with the sharp end on the outside and bite on it. Man likes to hug .a delusion, especially ff it comes, in skirts, New siz tablets 50 cents. liquid $1 & $1.35. % Issue No. 3 -- '37 C--1 Other Products of the St. Lawrence Durham Corn Starch, St. Lawrence Corn Starch, Ivory Gloss Laundry Starch and St. Lawrence Double Refined Maize Oil. Starch Co. Ltd., Port Credit, Ont.~ art, which will include slides of mural paintings of prehistoric days, mediae- val manuscripts, pictures of ancient BH 2 i of a At 3 ) : \ i 4 \ ¥ 4 AED AR Fs A sculptures, the latest in modern art and- -posters,

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