Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Nov 1936, p. 4

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® : i ; : N # A 3 - L £5 2 ; : ¥ -- . -~ ; : i i : Ai £ rofl 3 § 7 - : ; . : a : 2 2 2 : - . § hi a % ; 3 - % ia ; 3 : > PAGE FOUR HAs : : ~~ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 : -- ---- -- BEE ATT i ; RL : S ; > 2 Er gf FEF = + {3 ¥ LOCAL ITEMS |Only Three Dozen|\ WE FIT 2 i {1 --_-------- Lays WE REPAIR|} gi i ill Law 's Drug Store News ROMAN WATCHES -- See this 1 Ch er. ; 4 : AEE SS, wrence s rug otore INews || 2 i atch in un- tm : : - | 8 4 } ; Ch Sieg = Jet, reliable Wrist Wi at $10.00. Unti C ns as, Glasses dB CO 4 1 » wr (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store Spa "Youll be surprised at the Yalle Have You made your bat, of Gifts ; A TH j hy} r ! R . PR 1[1]3 INSU LAT : 0 N : : fa -- -- fh \ offered in this fine line at I, R.| for your friends? We have many = J : . ; 2 : : SE LE Ea er FEL be d re, = left for Christmas Shopping, so we have REY Bentley's Jewellery Store, Port| articles suitable for gifts. a ; n ra - -y go : There are only five weeks : . Sa | x Log Perry. Other lines slightly] FOR LADIES ".We have Over: You Save Money ACT S il ¥ 3 A B LA N K | 0 N "B||| decided to put up displays of Gift Msrehandise rig to let customer' |} £m higher. Agi Cases, at $230 and ups aldo FY nt AY £5 : ms "look over our stock and make their se! earl, Glia Retin Tad, : , , i y Zipper Boston gs 'at .00, '. g Ee] ; A i 3 : ; ) os ' : . CHRISTMAS > COMING $3.25 and $3.50; Mirapacks and I. R. BEN TLEY i CHRISTMAS CA S : > Hes 9 § 1 "ra Christmas is coming. We are be-| Aeropacks at $4.50, $5.00 and up. OPTOMETRIST : ( RD : ; ei ginning to count the shopping days--| poOR MEN---Aerokits, Aeropacks, ; y A fine selection to choose from and all very reasonably priced. ye 80 now.. Santa Claus has had his big] (Club Bags, Suitcases, at prices PORT PERRY, ONT. . Se. Cards. 50¢c. per dozen. : ; ! parade in Toronto. Small boys and| ranging from $6.00 up. Billfolds | ] PHONE 33 10¢c. Cards. $1.00 per dozen. : girls are writing letters of instruction] a¢- 256 45¢., 75¢.,, and $1.00 in ) : __ 15¢, Cards. $1.50 per dozen. Lag RIE to Santa as to the gifts required.| Genuine' Morocco. Also boxes of Assorted Cards and Envelopes at 39¢. and $1.00. Christmas is coming! 3 ROUSE FOR SALE iy o LOW Cost i ) ; NTO THR vo ousge, large' corner lot and large NE; in Ory 32 tH ROYAL + Port WILLIAM WEBSTER, barn with good stable all in excellent | § © SAVES FUEL : BOOKS : 'here is real excitement at Por At Beatty's Store, Fort Perry | condition in the Village of Port Perry | - Popular Fiction, Boys' and Girls' Books, Children's' Picture Books, Perry High School to-day, as three at the north-west corner of Cochrane|$ EASY 10 i ct books f yh 'oricen that will pl h k : ; n fact ks for everybody at pri please. bus ioags of pupils and beac ers take " and Balsam Streets, home of the late|# INSTALL HER, FR a special trip to Toronto te become *TING George Byers. For particulars apply |g T-- en .. : , op INK MEETING ge By P PY 14 ; the guests of the Royal Winter Fair. ; R to W. J. Petty, 465 Bay Street, To- | You know bow a blanket kee ou Warm: in winter. That : BE SURE TO VOTE SExy > Syory dues and auenion 7) ve Seu The annual general meeting of the | ronto. Premises open for inspection | # is the way Red Top Insulating ¥ ool can protect our home. Don't overlook your votes in the Boys' and Girls' Contest. You || _ the young travellers. They wil shareholders of the Port Perry Rinkfon the 18th and 14th of November, 5 Easily installed between attic joists or in walls. Permanent. Can help some child to win a fine prize. : escorted to the city confines by Pro-| Company, will be held on Thursday 1936. # Fire-proof. Vermin-proof. And ays for itself by saving ; ; SRE vincial traffic officers; and after that| evening, November 26th, 1936, at 8 : + rt Ds ib UD Pro. % LA A pra 3 i i lice escort.| recei 5 + b ummer, too. ' t ! - : they will have a city police ¢ o'clock, to receive the report of the GOVERNMENT 4 Let us show you samples of Red Top Insulating Wool and : : There will be a great gathering of | current year; to elect the Directors] 3 2 tell you how you can get this winter and summer comfort at ' ie ; : : ; & a High School students as they are to] for the coming year and to transact 8 little cost, and how Red Top Insulating Wool will ay 9 : : y be present from Oshawa, Whitby,|guch other business as may properly INSPECTION of 2 for itself, psaicanl P g P A M LAWRENCE 3 : LS 4 Bowmanville, Port Perry, Port Hope| pe brought before it: ; : 5 : : : : SE zm Meats || FED_TOP INSULATING wool ipl 'Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of Shirley held| President Secretary. ea No) ; : 720 Rexall swre their 40th wedding anniversary on ou . " . C18 ; - "Phone 49 \ PORT PERRY Sunday, November 16th. Among those teal bli WANTED " hy 2 : E : REESOR : 3 RE resent were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Han- caled tenders for the caretaking o . ; £ EU. 40 and family, of Toronto; Miss|the Port Perry Rink for the season ENSURES THE BEST x FRED 18 gp [| B|messesasus REINS SERRE eRe ROR080000000000000000sc0cecscsoncy SINR v4 Evelyn Greaves and Mr. Fred Foster, | 1936-1937, will be received by the We sell onl GOVERNMENT + Phones--Office 73 w; Res. 73] #3 A fi ma 2 rg: of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Asher, | undersigned up until 12 a.m, Thursday Pa ED Tint 9: £5 ry : ' : : g Port Perry, Miss Elsie Bell, of Brook-| November 26th, 1936. All tenders wiih +1 1ul) products, an " - ) : 2 : lin, and Mr. Thos. Bell. must state wage per eek. i ~ we study your requirements |§ B18 TAH Ao Co 7 Mr. and Mrs. John Glendenning and 2 bon as Phone 4. We Deliver |# #|% We have a good supply of this good fuel on hand. g son John; of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.| ' i) A R : ira a oi : : i "1% We also handle American Anthracite, SY Gay guests of Mr, sid Mes, Geo. Pren- Sealed tenders for the 'booth tice. privileges at the Port Perry Rink will Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clarke and Miss | be received by the undersigned up un- Dorothy Prentice, of Epsom, called on| til 12 a.m, Thursday, November 26th, Mr. and Mrs,»Geo. Prentice on Mon-| 1936. The person or persons receiving day. ~ such privileges must pay amount ot _Mr. L. Palmer, of Brockville, was | tender in full before occupation. in town this. week attending the fun- Don. J. Shepherd, eral of his father, Mr. John Palmer. Secretary ~Treasurer. Miss Thora Kaufman, R.N., of St. : ; - Michael's Hospital, Toront t th week end with her parents on Union| PRINCE, ALBERT Avenue, Milton - Prentice, of Sonya, were Sun- TENDILS WANTED W. BOYNTON Soft Coal, Coke, and Wood | SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED = | # FRENCH COAL is the finest Anthracite coal in the world-- 3 ¢ least ash, no clinkers, and exceptionally clean, Give this 5 ; worries will be over. coal a trial and your heating § = * 4 ides cre : hep 2 ki ~ |Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co.,Ltd. -<'*- "4 OS BES SR OR DEE 080 202020000 SSOP SLSR RSRSRORORS The League play which was to be a Mr. John Burke attended the fun-| 5, Friday night of this week has been int eral of his sigter, Mrs. Cassidy, at postponed until some future date, - 4 Vroomanton, on Friday of last week. Note men! The class will meet at| - - -- We are sorry to learn of Mr. Burke's] | 45 next Sunday and thereafter, to * 4 loss, :- give sufficient time for a good study| : ~% It is with pleasure that we learn| of the lesson and also time to discuss that Mr. E. H. Gerrow has-sufficiently | the forum-topie. - The topic "Are we recovered from his recent severe ill-| pagan?" will' be taken next Sunday ness to be able to return to his home| by Mr. F. E. Reesor. Dr, Petersoi's in Oshawa. We are also glad to know | talk on his trip to the Maritimes, last "|. WANT ADVTS. --5cantspeiine | PnPonatis ener im SUITS, CLEANED! ; ; , Port Perry.|Q.: - : | 50 rn a, or pry Sts sponged and. pressed HBL El : 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 Ey {of a Come and get .. share of these A ! baking needs and be assuredof ~excellent "results , . . and at such low prices, too. that Mrs. Mansell Gerrow is improv-| Sunday, was much enjoyed. | RI : - : oo ik STRAYED ing in health. / - The League met as usual last Wed-| ul er 296. 1b ; ~ From Lot 22, Con. 1 v.Lwp. Reach, | - C SY P R ih CHEE : 5 Mr. Alfred Andrus, Fenelon Falls, nesday -night. - Miss -L.- Murphy. was ran rE s I "| & Gurnsey Helfer, 1 yeas old. Finder C: .- OLPH Cm in charge. The program consisted of a duet by Esther Hunter and Merle A group of brethren from Fidelity Hope. It being Remembrance Day, Lodge;-A.F. & A.M. journeyed to Sun-| readings on "Peace" were given by was in town on Sunday. . ICING SUGAR Buk @ ibs. 15 CURRANTS rutin | 1s 25 Please notify Roy Scott, Sesgrave,| (Over the Observer Office iE 4 Ontario. DR. W. S. HARPER derland on Friday evening of last| Miss 'M. Vickery and Mr, Albert Har- McCormick's Red Ba } : PUMPKIN F 32's ) 5 EH POTATOES WANTED : Aradasiy ole BaltnModienl Colle od 48a week, upon the occasion of the official | per, Mr, M. Luke read some extracts Sodas 2 1-lb. Q5 ; Choice Quality lin |. Ontario graded. Any quantity. | Post Scpluate ln Surgery of adu- 3c visit of the D.D.G.M., R. W. Bro. A.lfrom the book "100,000,000 Guinea 90Qas Z vie. 4&2 ; ER I Re Le) re ~ |Apply to the Port Perry Star, | Neu oss Sl ee el J. Taylor. Tm Pigs." eR New Se-con's Royal . ! London, In, 17, Glasgow. BAZAAR Rev. Jas. Miller, a former school The firm of Grama & HUMPHREYS is disclved) Office and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont. Mincemeat 2 Ibs. Z5 The ladies of St. John's Presby-| teacher here, was in the village last terian Church, Port Perry, will hold a| Week and called on old acquaintancés. ; ve Lh "| RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS |° Pr-- * it BAKING PDR. DOMINO Ti, «17 24% Simcoe; Street North, Oshawa W. A. Sangster Mrs. J. Ellis of Toronto, spent last : ; ig > Be il I th week at the homes of her Ethos "Ouaker ! Rowniree's Cooking Jab Cake ; in 'attendance eM office on D AL SURGEON r an rs." S. Jeffrey leave this : ; ENT : an work Br File ory thee Messrs. R. and R. Butson, : . CORN FL AKES A CHOCOLATE a7 Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each Offices Hours: 9 a.m. to § p.m. pend the winter, We trust they will The Men's Banquet was a decided| -- 2 iz 1 ; 4 week or 'by appointment. |. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's or | nthe Sites in every way, Me Cyrus pkgs. 15 AUSTRALIAN J Lemon or 7q [Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 Insurance Office nh HL Bete a very pleasant time in the|q cou foo talk was much enjoyed. Es. SULTANA \ Peel Orange / : : = ee outh. Mrs. Geo. Johnston died suddenly on { ; : c --LOOK_HERRE! Lin Mrs. F. D. Slemmon, of Brockville, Saturday, November 14th, at her home pre GOVALTINE Raisins CONANT & ANNIS o. |, Top prices paid for Tags, wool and - w. was in town this week visiting her| here. The funeral took place on Mon- 38¢ . 58¢ 98¢ i f Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all Wis, parents Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Jeffrey. [day in Toronto. : : ; GORDON Ds a K.C, kinde of light metals. For information hex A Rings, Necklaces, Brooches, _ - _ __ _ _. Keta SALMON Ib 1 (1) Offices 73 Bimeos BL. 8., Gebawa a i die vollpoerd, one SH Earrings in profusion at I. R. Lali : Phones, 4 and'® (Oshawa) ' preciste EL Bentley's Jewellery Store , 3 Tins 25 Recleaned and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Comat) [Much your patronage. oT y y . THE MEN'S CLASS : re # Phone 1 (Whitty) |ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY ENGAGEMENT. _At the meeting of the Men's Class| ~~ FRY'S COCOA « 2 ii ene Pm ore re AA SER HA SCO. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGill, Janet-|in the United Church on Sunday at nb. 49 : Lyon's hia Myrt le Station |, Governor Porter, of Huntsville, re- xe ma x , 1.46 Mr. Reesor, the teacher, called on Tin» TEA - Vb. pkg. 30¢" Bend | : turned to his lumber camp at Spruce- : Vols, Oni, Wish So Sn0sunee the hl Jl Me Citron, of Sehieiaed ong Aunt Jemima Pancak ; 5 1a avis in the United Church next | gute, ign "Manday. after span gagement of their younger daughter, ie 0 noer/and, 'Pp Aunt Jemima Pancake Perfection 12-0z, bot. -~ Suriday will be at 7 p.m. with Sunday s- y, 'after spending a Laura Ethel, to Mr. William J. Cac-| W88 for many years chief missionary FLOUR Pkg 1 5 LEMON OIL er § f ! School at 1.45 pan few days with Mr, and Mrs. J, R. d ' . ivy . ( 2 } . am, : ar 3 negie, second son of Mr. and Mrs. 1y Rowea, He gaye Borie yory Jer : Bulk > OATS « 1b, B¢ J ' The anniversary Thank Offering Johnston, CEA Arthur J. Carnegie, Port Perry. The io ng ag on 8 iy ry ° h Nea Old Colony AI pg A 3 Service of the Myrtle United Church| , MT: 8nd Mrs: D, Leury spent a few XT marriage to take place in Decémber,| When he first went there and how Maple Svru ar aching. bot. 10¢ THE START OF will be held on Sunday, November 29, | 4878 in Toronto last week. Mr. Luery hi : Lo was at the present time, A apie syrup ! -0z, bot. : Services at 10,80 a.m. and 7 p.m. con- | 2ttended the motor show while Mrs, J - rh on Wels Forum was taken by Mr, 0-02. 24 : Good Sriude cael 33¢ A GOOD MEALI ducted by Rev. G C. R. McQuade of | Luery visited with friends, PALMER--At Port Perry, on Sat- per. on out to the Class men any Ka. ------ --- Ta ~ | =adelicious clear Oxo soup Oshawa. The local choir assisted by| The Woman's Missionary Society -- pe i } 36, John XXXX Quak d "White Satin | =a cube to each serving -- . Mr. Kenneth Brenton, gold medalist, | Will hold its monthly meeting at the * urday, November 14th, 1936, Sunday at 1.40 p.m. There is always Quaker Brea ; ; ; ! : : : just add hot water. of Peterboro in the morning, and the| home of Mrs, O, H, Lane, on Thursday Palmer, in his 92nd year. something of interest. of $ .99 a : = Uxbridge Quartette in the ' evening, of next week at 2.80 pm All ladies i -- ceo Bettina -- Y8-1b, 24-1b. he BE Ty raya Th 4 i : 3 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ' ou Bag 922 Bag gf , | will farnish the music. are invited to attend, CARD OF THANKS ; : The family of the late Caroline Ann ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN Sonley wish to thank the Ladies' Aid Fi ion, Mr. Préston Smith of St. Thomas,| Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Law and Miss f vr | North Dakota, was a week end guest | Ina, of Whitby, were Sunday guests ° + of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Johnston. of Mr. and Mrs, Luery, : 7 pm. --Evening service, oxo : - - CHURCH of the Utica United Church for their FINE SALT, 60' .\..............5...80e ah 4 Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Simkin and| Mrs, W, McCartney and daughters Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, floral tribute also their very many FINE SALT, 1008 ...............1...09c. CUBE $ SYS daughter Sylvia, of Toronto, visited |of Brooklin, spent Sunday with her vf PORT PERRY. UNITED. CHURCH | friends and neighbours for the prac- ONIONS, 10 Ib. bag 4 .......... ry 1 Us with the former's parents Mr. and | parents Mr. and Mrs, C. Harrison. a. _ 11 a.m.--"Remember the Sabbath Day eT opathy er kindness shown ONIONS, 50 1. bag .............,...60. TINS OF 10--23¢ | { Mss, Jos. Simkin, on Remembrance * Mr. and Mrs. Bernie MacAlpine of |S -- $0' keep it holy." and their recent bereavement - ; " . .- a . : = ny. Long, M Frank H Reaboro id Mr, George Houston and 1.46 p.m~~Men's Class and Forum * : a : = th oo Tong, > She Jareison he Soteiy } oh Sobor, 21 Toronto, | 2.46 p.m.--Sunday School - mh ~~ A F 4 om: e recent: s "and. Mrs. Yrs 7 pm.~--~"The Conquest of Worry." | Toiletries--Brush, Comb and -- : Z ens i 0 prance Day program in the Seagrave J. E. Beacock. Jirs, McDonald _re- MC wy I SIRAYRD YER Mirror Sets -- of outstanding -- x -- re ad Hee Maks 3 2 gurved with Mr, Houston to Toronto 3 beauty--chrome and black, an kb ) ' . y Payne and|for a few days, > Y From the premises of Cecil Phair,| various shades. These are be son Gerry, of Toronto, spent Wednes.| Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. . ; Lot 16, Con. 10, Reach, 6 two-year-old ing offered at $6.50 and up at a a NN. ~~ -- ay yA day last with Mr. and Mrs, C. Harri- Hervey Painter, oh the gift of a little hereford cattle, Phone 247 r 2. Bentley's Jewellery Store, ; Shas Cl A SEE i Lose i Relat LN ase daughter on Sanday, November 16th, VW VNTYV VY YY YY YY YY VY Ye Priddy

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