Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Nov 1936, p. 3

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3 I'S x tk I : 8 LE wie LEE "values have also been + 2 4 4 i - { E=-- ~ reported is at 1;000 feet where the "break and where values of $20.65 "average value of better than $20 ARMS ABOVE HEAD a ME Owing to Painful Rheumatism wingleP suffered from rheuma- tism in her back, arms and Jeg. For two months, she endured this painful condition, then, like: many * another sufferer, she decided to try Kruschien Salts. 'Read her letter:-- "About fifteen: months ago. | had rheumatism in my arms, back and legs. The pains in my arms and legs after getting warm n bed were al- most unbearable. It was like that for two months, and :ould not reach 'ubove my head, I read so .much about Kruschen Salts that I thought 1 would try them. I am so glad to say that for more than a year | have not had the slightest return of my rheumatism." -- (Mrs.) H. E. The pains and stiffness ot rheuma- tism are frequently due to deposits of uric acid in the muscles and joints. . Kruschen Salts assist in stimulating the "internal organ. to healthy, regular 'activity, and help --them to get rid of this excess uric acid. 2 MINING FLASHES has placed the sum treasury of Dorval for development ince entering into an arrangement with the latter company last July. Another payment, 'which will bring 'the total invested "by Que-On to Freres Sate A November 15th, Provided, the options are fully xercised Que-On will have acquired a6 60 per ing control of Dorval Sts- coe. A three-compartment 18 plan: ned for the No. 6 island to explore the contact zone at.depth, Encour ging assays have. been obtained from drilling on No. 6 and 7 'islands. Three diamond drills are engaged 1n the present work, : Leitch Gold Mines is officially re. ported to have encountered a narrow vein, one ft. wide, at a depth of 460 feet in the shaft, which is being deépened to 550 feet to allow for the opening up of two new levels. Kar] Springer, president, in report- ing the find, stated that advice from the property claimed the vein to be showing visible gold. This may pos- sibly be the downward extension of No. .1 or 2 vein systems " S. A. Pain, engineer in charge of operations on the Golden, Gate Min- ing Co. property in the Western Kirkland Lake area, reports that the 302 crosscut on the 350-ft. level has intersected a third quartz vein, veins of 8, 6 and 4 ft. widths in this crosscut. The section indicated by Geraldton Long Lac Gold Mines, - developing a group of claims adjoin- ing the Hutchison Lake property to the north, has appointed James Haz: elton, engineer in charge of opera- tions. Mr. Hazelton has left for the property where he will carry out u programme of - systematic 'sampling of the main vein which has been traced and test-pitted for a distance of 600 feet It will be recalled that the rich find on the Hutchison Lake is reported to have been made close to the Geraldton boundary and re- sults of Mr, Hutchison's examination should be available at an early date. Ry Morris Kirkland Gold Mines has encotintered ore.on each of the four new levels with 50 feet of the shaft, according to L. H. Watts, secretary-. treasurer. The most interesting level ore has been located right on the across b6.1 feet were -encountered. On the 808 crosscut. the following obtained, $28.70 across 3.8 feet; $11.56 across 4.6 feet; 39.20 across 4.6 feet, and the last face gave $20.65 across b ft. Diamond drill _operacions-on the "MyLamagqgue Gold Mines property in Bourlamaque Township, Quebec, are proceeding rapidly with favorable re- sults being obtained. No. 5 drill hole, put down 200 ft. east of the No. 4 intersected 22 feet of quartz. at a depth of 225 feet, V. M. Ryan, con- sulting engineer, reports to: local in- terests. Inthe No. 4-hole 10 feet of ore wis cut which returned an per ton, Core assays from the latest hole are expected to be available at an early date. . Now Fase Neuritis Pains Fast ~| =have been patented in --Czechoslo- diamond drilling is expected to be encountered in"the crosscut by the end of the week. The first vein in the drill hole southeast from the east end of the 850-ft. level which gave a sludge assay of $7 over a 10 ft. width is being checked by core assays. This would line up with the first vein in the 802 crosscut, Mr. Pain reports. : Net earnings of International Nic- kel Company of Canada for the quarter ended September 30th last established a new high record for the company, being $8,672,106, equal to 62¢ a share. This compares with the previous high set in the June quarter when net totalled $9,070, 187, or 69¢ a share. For, the first nine months of 1936 net profits to- talled $27,029,080 as compared with $18,080.827 for the similar period of 1935, or $1.7b per share as against $1.14 a year ago. The financial posi- tion of the company continues. to show. substantial improvement, with current assets at Sept. 30, reported at $72,698,637 including $43,637,738 in cash and government securities. These figures compare with current assets of $60,109,936, including $32,720,024 in cash and government securities, as of December 31, 1935. ~~ Production of Dome Mines for Oc. tober totalled $685,373, a new monthly record, from the treatment of 48,000 tons of ore, and compares with recovery of "$647,17% in Sep- tember when 45,800 tons were treat. ed. For the 10 montha of the cur- rent year the company treated 468,- 100 tons of ore with production val. ued at $5,977,462, equivalent to re. covery of $12.91 per ton. The Busiest Bee (Lucio in the Mdiichester Guardian) - ("Gas masks for bees--not for {ndi- vidual bees, of course, but for hives vakia."--=Reuter,) i How doth the busy .ittle bee Adopt the modern task, } By donning, just like you and me, The universal mask. Where once it spent industrious days Flitting from flower to flower, It now .in more instructed ways and gives the company three quartz Hy Va = rr---------- High Seas Adventure Not Over Yet, Says Skipper 'Days Of Captain of Antonia Describes TEAL The s of adven- ture on the high seas have not yet ended, Jor, the big trans-Atlantic "liners, and Capt. W. Sewell Quinn of the liner Antonia will vouch for that. He brought his Sip Int port re- cently--12 days after it left Livers pool--and in the interim there was enough excitement to make uy for a score of quiet voyages. A day storm, conversation with a help- less vessel in mid-Atlantic and a col- lision with another ship 90 miles from Montreal, were sole of the adventures the liner experfenced. The Antonia struck the worst of last week's storm that raged across the Atlantic and in the mids. of it received a wireless massage from the stranded British tramp Arghanistan, asking for a tow. This liner could not do, said the captain, " because you cannot hold up a passenger line like that, but we and River Between Liverpool and Montreal. 12 Days of Thrills on Ocean did act as an intermédiary and relay her messages to others." | ss " The. storm delayed the Antonia three days and after that she struck snow in the Gulf of St. Lawrence The Open Shoe : A. Ringer Ever since a Greek slave 2,000 years ago tried to imitate a discus thrower with a horseshoe, during the games going. on, horseshc pitch. ing has been in existence. As is the case in_all pastimes, it has had its ups and downs. but with the intro- duction of the. modern pitching shoes and standardizing of the rules, the game is enjoying a heyday. Dominion 'Championships at the Royal Winter Fair have always held greatest interest to the horseshoe pitcher. This year, Senior B. play- ers start the show on Nov. 28rd and 24th, at 7 p.m. This is-a special event instituted for the benfit of organized players considered not yet ready for championship play. Special rulings provided by the Dominion of Canada Horseshoe Pitchers' Associa. tion govern this group. All must be registered members and a record of their games must be recorded. On Nov. 25th and 26th Serior A. play- ers will hold sway-in their usual Do- minion Championship events. In all events will be round robin play with one event being completed each even- ing. On Nov. 24th and 25th doubles will be played in which players will draw partners. These facts and a reduced entry fee should make this year's events one happy gathering. .. Most prominent in any local ad: vances has been the re-organization |. of the Toronto and distriet branch, which is composed of "every. known properly constituted 'club of over 254 membeys.-.. This group has been pai: | 'Leagues which provided the players with much keen competitior, and amusement. Dave Davidson's Run] nymede Club teams Was'the Senior B. winner, while Beaches, Riverdale and Runnymede are still fighting it out for tops in Senior A. : It 'has been the fortune of the, writer to have been directly 'in touéh: with all the recent developments in the .urganizing of the game, and will be glad to answer any questions through this olumn. Winning Teams. Wil Appear At Te The Winter Fair . an. Hore Maile Boys' and Girls' Farm. Clubs "Aspirin Tablets mproves the shining hoy. From Nine Provinces Dissolve Almost "Sweetness and light" from bees em- Will Compete Instantly. erge . a In 2 seconds by stop (Or so announced Da: Swift), Youth in Agriculture will be splen- wateh, an Commodities that hardly surge didly' represented ' thig year at the tablet starts to disinte- From this our latest drift, [1986 Royal Agricultural Winter and go 12 yak: Go wrap In gas-proof cloaks that Fair, Toronto, when 81 teams with | ini las twat % fine 0 ; . two members each of the Boys' and. : our hives on this new plan, Girls' Farm Clubs 'of Canada, from ait the Whoa ly, Lest bees should feel tha fearful each of the nine provinces will be In dase sting 3 there to compete in the national cons fi yous -.. Ot strange insect -Man.- tests in projects dealing with live ; stock 1 \ "All dictatérs follow the same rou oe Md am ait on. Ts ; : { tor . Th ust all. be Far Amazingly Quick Rellef | gruauntcs of tha" same. wodiste,| "Iers In the provincial contests Get "ASPIRIN" Es SS il o> | ae fa + The teams are made up of 56 boys i ga : Th school. nelalr Lewis. Eid six girls. The girls are: Jean You suiler from pains of neuri rown, 20 Heff) : \ . what you want is quick relief, "Are we going to drive, the ma- loops, "BG. (beet en oe ! 'Aspirin' tablets give quick re- - chine or is it going to drive ns." ) lief for one reason, because they dissolve or disintegrate almost in- - stahtly they touch moisture, (Note --illustration above.) . Hence--when you take an "Aspi- rin" tablet jt starts to dissolve al- most as quickly: as you swallow it. And thus is ready to start working almost "instantly. , .. . headaches, neuralgia" and neuritis pains start easing almost at once, ~~ 9 As irin" tablets are' made in nada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a Cross on every hjantet. it. You'll say it's marvelous. \ ~Ford H order. Ferguson and twins, of Conjuring Creek, "Alberta, the largest and most constructive of Lillias Ferguson, 18 (swine) ; Marguerite Smith, 18, of Manitoba, 17, Mouth lo Boys' and Girls' Farm Clubs have n recent years grown into one of MANTLE LANTERN : You : i] ¢ n arou! br Demands 'a and Get. = = ! TS Ripe MARK REG, 5 ---- ® Wind - proof, to is Issue No. 47 -- '36 as LOOK FOR THE BAYER CROSS ! 4 E 5 AN © futon ap Penit | COLEMAN LAMP @ Coats Jess than STOYR CO. Ltd, # 41 boar to use Dept, WL160, | "ies Totonto, Can, (6160) ticularly successful in conducting 2 | picture of a father and bic college boy son. | ed that the boy stand with his hand propriate," suggested the father, ii he stood with his hand in m> pocket," red in the fall? how green they have been all sum. mer, : constructive criticism fs usually look ing for somebody to agree with him " Frank--How can you tell? that his dog wags his tall up Arborg, Manitoba, and Alice John. fawn) iastesd of sidawoygs son, 18, Winnipeg Beach, (poultry); Mary Coburn, of Keswick, near Fredericton, N.B., (poultry), show, my wife. balloon, they tan't hurt exdept from settling. client) - Well, 1 soid yo» the business the national organizations. 1n 1931 there were 1,215 clubs with a total membership of 21,142, are 2,098 clubs and 34,457 members. | Alleged | WIT] Girls with romantic minds should not jump at conclusions just because this is Leap Year. N . --0-- I'm awfully discoura; dramatic performance, -_--0-- Sometimes we wonder why people have to have a daylight saving plan with clocks turned forward in order to get up in the morning. Wouldn't it be less confusing as to time, the d about my when daylight comes? } --0-- A. B,---Well, by jove, Jones, how are you? How you have changed? C. D.--But my 'name isn't Jones, sir. A. B.-- What, is your name changed, too? ~ : ---- Some persons pursue [deals ali their lives without catching up with them, ) --0-- A marrfed man buttouholed anothe; - and told him a terrible scandal, -Barry--Don't let this gO any fur ther, George. . George~No, certainly not. But how did you happen to hear it? Harry--oOh, trom the caurse. - She's just like can't 'keep a secret. 'ell, you weren't fired, were you: No, but ueither was the audience. MY! MY! WHAT A P. NALTY I lived a peaceful sort of life; oh, | -----Was- gay and free-- To Until the day you came along changed the world tor me, ) Now days are fllled- with thoughts of you; 1 dream of sou at night. And those ! liked, before you came. wife, of all women-- and To steal one's heart in such a way fs surely an offense, A criminal! That's what you are, and I'll seek recompense: I'll"take my case to some kind judge and ask for this decree: 'Your Honor, won't you hang thai thief upon my family tree?" --0-- "he photographer was tiking a The photog-apher suggest n his ° ther's shoulier. "ore ap ---- She--What makes the leaves turn He--They are blushing to think --_--Q-- The man. who says he welcomes --0-- Charles--That fellow must live in a ery small apartment, ' 'Charles--Why, 'haven't you noticed and ---- Paul--They're looking for on dancer for a a bal Lew Broadway Amos--Then mayte you car. hire Now there nation over, if people would get up ' inspive- disgust at sight. .... | «+ ll Bible As Text Book - New York.=Ethel Barrymore pick ed the footlights in August. and expression, the actress explain ' | ed. ? and rain at Murray Bay further up the river, Then as she was nearing Three Rivers the Antonia collided with the coastal steamer Gaspe County. But there was not much to it, apt. Quinn asserted. ' "We were going fairly fast and thought we were passing her," the captain said. "We had slowed down and then picked up a little. Then we struck her--we did no great damage." It was not even a slight graze, he added, rather "a passionate kiss." The Antonia wirelessed Three Rivers for a tug and stood by to-%ee the Gaspe County was in no trouble he- fore continuing on toward Montreal. Mount the aloud _brist's sermon on. the --""Blessed are they . , ."--at opening session of the class, This week, she instructéd, they are to be prepared to read Chapter 13 of the Apostle Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, which extols in rythmic prose the virtues of charity, Not all who read tI Bible can act, Miss Barrymore ~fi!. but all who act should read the Bible, both for its depth of feeling and {ts simplic- ity. - "Be simple," she advised her prote- ces, "in everything." Her instructions were simple: "Think about what you're saying. Too many actors--including some prominent ones--don't. That's why so few people on the stage suggest naturalness. They live -thelr first few lines, and after that they go shopping for hats, or try to decide Writes the Toronto Globe: Scene 1 --A New York court room. Charac- ters: Woman Magistrate. Police vaiding- squad. . Eleven women accus- ed of gamtling with the cards and the chips, commonly known as play- ing poker for money. Curtain rises on tial of the accused. Police testify to breaking up of game. They had been ungallant, but evidently inspir- ed by that old line in school copy- books which claimed it a good thing to hew to the line and 'let the chips fall where they may." So the chips fles everywhere; and again without gallantry, inspired only by a sense of duty: the police "escorted" their quarry {o the court. 3 Scene 2 -- Portia 6ii the bench this time. Line-up of the fair 'though slightly .dishevelled poker players. --Evidence all taken. Quoth play poker? 1 don't know the game: tut, I do know that it is no crime to play it. About time the police stop- ped this lawless law enforcement." Case dismissed. Curtain. Epilogue -- Imperial precedent es- tablished. In the land of the free and the home of poker the taint has 'been removed fromthe nutional game. Fair hands may do whatever they can with the cards and may reach. daintily for the chips; settling up in cash before going home to ex- plain losses or boast of winnings; Woman, in her onsistent invasion of man's ancient preserves, has gained another victory. She ma, play poker for money, and without police inter- ference. -More emancipation. "Since when is it a crime to play poker?" well, it isn't a crime now anyway, and this by court decree--in New York. Immigration Gain To 7,005 Is Shown OTTAWA Immigration into Canada during the six months ended September 30 totalled 7,005, an in- crease of 6.5 per cent compared with 6,679 in the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year, according to For Dramatic Class ed the Bible as the first textbook for aspiring actors. £he made it the first assignment of the class of young stage hopefuls for whomi she desert © The beauty and cadence of its an clent lines are a stern test of voice At her command (he uplls read whether "to attend that cocktail -party." B - 2 PR Portia Purges Poker ~and when you light the cigarette you've rolled with Ogden's Fine Cut you're properly set to go places in smoking enjoyment, Ofden's isonegrand cigarette tobacco -- mild, mellow, smooth and patialying, You can bet your hat that gden's rolls a cigarette that's the next best thing to a *"'tailor- made", particularly if you + use "Chantecler' or**Vogue" papers. You'l] like the purple easy- ppeaing ribbon, too--it's so handy for removing the Cel- lophane wrapper, 'OGDEN'S | FINE cuT { P.S.--Your Plpe Knows Ogden's Cut Plug - Light Begins At Ogdens| 'Would Learn : Trade in Jail Englishmari Says Four.Year Term Best for Prisoners LONDON, ENG.--"This fs nota statement asking for mercy, but a re- quest that I shall receive penal servi. three," { * This is an extract from a plea by a man charged at London Sessions; and this is the reason: . . "The only job the three-year man "can have Is sewing mailbdgs and no one outside rrison: will employ you at ; that. A four-year man has a chance of learning a trade, Stated by a detective to have ele- i ven previous convictions, the man was | sentenced to four years' penal servi. tude by the chairman, Sir, Bercival Clarke, who remarked: "it Gou think that you would be better o , 1owill make it four years to oblige you." | a fitter, appeared on two charges of ! housebreaking and theft, ' Fairs Freed F rom Amusement Levy -- "shall, Ontario minister of agriculture, has announced the Royal = Winter Fair, the Canadian National Exhibi- Treasure Hunt or -- tion, the Guelph and Ottawa shows and all large. agricultural exhibitions' would not have to pay Ontario Gov- tude 'Tor four years. in preference to" The man, Clifford D. Williams, 32, | TORONTO -- Hon, Duncan Mar. . Portia: "Since when is it-a crime to The British frigate Hussar, which sank in Long Island Sound, New York in. 1780 with $5,000,000) worth of gold and silver abogrd, has jst been located. Treasure hunters have spent years searching for her. . She was located by Mr. Simon Lake, an American salvage expert, who is thc inventor of a special un- derwater device. By means of this he was able to obtain a complete out- line of the ship, and this agrees with official records. These records als, contain the in. formation that ten chests of "silver specie and four chests of gold were put ahoard her before she sailed. [t is these that the treasure-hunters | hope to vecover. ------ Vulgarity In Journalism The New Republic +¢ New York |. writes -- Does any reader of the New Republic know at one Americ. an newspaper that has pu'lished, and intends to publish rothing about Mrs. Ernest Simpson, her" d.vorce and her friendship for King Edward? 1f so. we should like to subscribe. (It will propably turn out to he the Christian Science Montes, which we #1e already receiving) The handling of this story in the Amertean press in recent weeks is another thet scandalmongery. that glee over discussions of the private |g life of prominent persons" that catses college professars of soclol ogy to wag their gray beards sadly abcut the vulgarity and vapidity of our journalism. case of | unholy -- "The new iutellectualism has to face a new barbarism, which may be more destructive than any that the world has known.""--Lord Snell. Classified Advertising Immigration of other leading-races included 597 Ruthenians, 315 Slovaks, 244 Polish, 208 Magyar, 22 Hebrews, 199 Germans, 159 Italians, 148 Cro. ations and 78 French, France Has Set of New Quadruplets KER MORVAN, France. -- Quad. ruplets, all girls, were born in this Breton village to the wife of Yves de Louarer, a road - worker. Two local physicians who attended Mme. Le Louarer said she and the new- born infants were doing well. ~The couple have three sther children, STAMP COLLECTORS ---------- a) A R diag frites BN: in families, JILVER wDARGAINS =~ he Instance is known mn Rumania, 5 Pictorials; Colonials, Revenues, Blocks, where one family trace their des- | Airs, Foreign, U.S.A. Precancells. Some. cen ; thing honestly recommended. Laree oacket th t bag more that 2,000 Years | finty cents James Shrimpton, Wadena, Sas. hroug the constant occurrence of a| katchewnn, Member Canadian Stamp Soele- sixth finger on the hand, Hes, : - helpful booklet. William Denniscn, 149 a statement issued recently by the | Cariten Street, Toronto. bf Immigration Department, SALESMAN WANTED b Immigration from the British Isles- totalled 1,410 of which 864 were Satie as TRIM INANCIAL House English, 347 Scotch, 174 Irish and 25 | w represent them In this went Ye oan Welsh. mining issue of real merit. We handle nothing else -- cur last two Issues were hoth winners with the properties in Production; commission of the fall fairs, has not been levied on general ad- missions for some time but has been added to some grandstand tickets. It will be dropped altogether in future, 15,000 unemployed Mont, ealer tween the ages of 16 and 24, a figure. out of all proportion to the number employed. "too old at 40," the slogan seemed until he' reached learned a trade, tives to support her, ernment amusement tax in future, he said, k Benefits accruing as a result will be passed on to the public in reduced admission tickets, he said, adding the fairs were "glad to do it." The amusement tax is also being removed wherever it applies to any he said. The tax Youth Big Problem In Unemployment When They Are at Work, It Will Be¢ Over MONTREAL-- "Nature will take care of unemployment when security is found for unemployed youth," I. R. Clarke, manager of the Protestant Employment Club members here, Bureau, "told Lions' Mr. Clarke estimated there were be- "Nowadays, instead of 0 be "too young at 24." Mr, Clarke thought that emphasis hould™ be . on placing young men. "Find them jobs with adequate pay and' security and they will cure the unemployment problem quite simply" he said. age of the unemployed girls under 25, 80 find the nature take its course. your empty. houses-- and build new ones; you will start making furniture and ings again." "There is a large percent- boys jobs and let You will fil your factories house furnish. Mr. Clarke believed it was not - 60 that a man's pry chances of obtaining employment were slight, particularly if he haa CTAMMERING carrected. | Write -- (ree However, a womin f 50, unemployed and with no rela- had no choice ut to go "on relief." Your Last Kind Werd A® OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOH. sent free. List of Wanted inventtons and full tntormation THE RAMSAY Company," World Patent Attorneys, 2723 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. #3 PET STOCK HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER to make money. where. CANARY IMPYRTING Co., LINGTON ST. WESTNTORONTO, larga shipment of Canaries from Eurupe, Write for wholesale prices. Gong opportunity Any quantity shipped any- 1 WEL- [wary will be published in these Paul--Oh, is she a dancer? Ambs--No, but, she's chaped like a iim Sone people are so tender-hearted any living creature relatives, - Joe=-] hear that 'Spillman hag gone Alaska to settle. Jake--No; the truth of the matter that he has gone there to keep -------- The agent (to disappointed former C--1 ~it's gone, aln't ft? Your Safest Investment is in : DOCTORING YOUR DAIRY HERD Yourself! Bpecialized raining will enable you to | overcome INFERIORITY COMPLEX, to develop MENTAL POWER, and to equip yourself for better things In life. Write for particulars of our special course in mental training, The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology 910 Confederation Bldg. « Monty 1, rQ a gain' concern, Wot's th grumble Cows aren't machines, They can get sick or hurt. But Minard's Liniment makes it easy to care for their ills. Mrs, Thos. Bulmer of Lardo; B.C., found one of her herd with a lump Jn her udder, "I rubbed it with Minard's Liniment", she says, "and#t soon got better." Minard's is best for Cuts, Bruises, Colie, Distemper, ete, and equally good in stable or in house. Well named "King of Pain", 1" basis. Apply Box #9 Wilson Punish cor A well known citizen came into 73 Adelaide St. W., Furonto, this office and stopped his paper, for ANVENTORS the reason, he said, that it did not suit his fancy, We can picture now the note of surprise on his face when we meet him on the street in a few days. Holl he surprisea t'at we're still in" existence since he "stopped his paper." Some day--sooner or man will be no more. be stilled forever. His friends and neighbours wil) carry his lifeless clay to the silent city, and lay him to rest among the flowers. An obit- col- umns telling what a good neighbour and beloved citizen he was, and in short time he will be forgotten, As he lies out in the cemetery wrapped in the silent slumber of death, he will never knows that the [ist kind word spoken of him was by the editor of the paper he so spitefully stopped. Did you ever stop to think that your editor, who ever he may be, will write your obituary some day? --Sunnyside Sun, later--that His heart will -------------- A six-week-ola calf vas nibbling at the grass in the yard and was viewed in silence for some minutes by the "hs ~city girl, "Tell me," she said, turning tmpul- sively to her hostess, "does it realy pay you to keep as small a cow as that?" "As once we put an end to slave. ry, 80 now we must stop war or war will destroy us." ~ ~Sherwood Eddy, Pi a RE AN don ml ty Ho Fe Sng tok oo de Pa Ta 3 ul SEL oy Es rn

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