Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Nov 1936, p. 5

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Jo 4 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS * IS EASY IF YOU BUY es FROM -- "oni = 12th, 1986 Remembrance Day hd $s Service The Port Perry Unit No. 216, Arm & Navy Veterans, held their Ann Remembrance Day Service .on: Sun- day, November 8th, 1986, "in the Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, at 7 pm, The Veterans. paraded at 'the Afmouries at'6,80 p.m., President G. 8. White, of the Port Perry Vete- rans, was in charge of the parade. in the near future. After the business session a jolly hallowe'en masque- rade party was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Allie Ross took the prize for the best costume, Visiting friends were from Port Perry, Oshawa and Solina, : Mrs. E. Cross anddaughters visited 'with relatives in Havelock on Sunday. Mr. Nelson Luery spent the week. end with Mr, and Mrs. David Luery. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hudgin and daughter of Toronto were week-end guests of Mrs, H, Hudgin. vi | { BH | Bi "BERT MacGREGOR "The parade was miade up as Yollows: Mrs, Greentree and son, Mr. Murray day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Schermerhorn, officers and members a -------- turned home after a visit to Detroit and Western Ontario, borne made some hurried calls-in th living 'at John MacDonald's "left on Saturday for his home in England, home of Mr. John Stone on Sunday. President G. S. White, officers and| Mrs. : Mr. Walter Phoenix of Toronto members of Port Perry Unit No. 216, Greentree of Oshawa and her daugh- University at his home for the week Army & Navy Veterans, President ter-in-law of Gavon, Sask, were Sun- 2ad. ; GREENBANK Mr. and Mrs. T. Sharp have re- Rev. M. and Mrs. Partridge of Col- llage last Wednedday, Mr, Geo. Newman who has been Mr. Ray Stone of Toronto atthe ------------ F. W. BROCK & SON "RED & WHITE STORE e-to-Measure "SUITS vipat All Wool SERGE SUITS in Plain Blue, Brown and Grey. REXMODE QUALITY and STYLES. One Pant Suits, $17.95 'f Our Fruits and Vegetables ~~ are Always Fresh BUY FROM US WAYS Large Tokay Grapes, 2 1b. 25¢. Snow White Celery Hearts, 10¢. bundle Large Celery Stalks, 5c. each Sweet Sunkist Oranges, 25¢. doz. Florida Large Grapefruit, 5 for 25¢. Tomatoes 2 lbs. 25c. Sweet Potatoes, 5 lbs. 25c. § Cooking Onions, No. 1, 10-1bs. 20c. ? Large Chinese Lettuce, 10c. each The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market Phone 208. We deliver 0 il Rev. Mr, Wallace, and Mr, Alex Leask attended the Presbytery meeting in Lindsay on Tuesday, Several were at Sunderland on Thursday to Educational Convention to hear the champions of the rural school fairs in their competition of speeches, recitations and music. Chisholm, . W. E. Harrison of Latchford is visiting this week with his mother, Mrs. Long. Misses Laurene and Joyce Bradley attended a rally service of several groups of C.G.LT. in Oshawa on Sun- day. Master B. Scott of Seagrave visited with his cousin Master Gordon Har- rison on Sunday. Many of our residents took in the Oshawa Poultry and Pet Stock Show last week. An operator from the Poultry Husbandry Dept. of the Ottawa Government gave a demon- stration daily, of dressing chickens by waxing which was followed with much interest, The W. E. N. Sinclair Challenge Cup for 'the best pen of New Hampshires was won by Mr. S. Cameron of this place. The officers of this exhibition are to be congratu- lated for {ts excellence, Mrs. Roy Spencer of Perth spent a few days of Jast week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Beacock, The Women's "Association held a business meeting in the Church on Tuesday afternoon, MYRTLE Miss Viva Briggs has gone to To- ronto were she has secured a position.| Mrs, L. Scott. ¥ Misses Laurine and Joyce Bradley| Miss Lorna Dure of Toronto spent accompanied the Brooklin C.G.I.T. to the week end with her sister Mrs. J. Oshawa on Sunday and attended their |S. McFarlane. annual rally. - { We are pleased to report Mrs. Dure Mr, and Mrs. Victor Hudgins and [sufficiently recovered to be able to little daughter spent the week end|return to the home of her daughter, with the former's mother, Mrs. Hattie | Mrs. J. S. McFarlane, from the Ross Hudgins. Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, where 'Mr. Silverthorn who has been the [she has been since her motor accident mechanic in Tom's garage since they|some weeks ago. started up in business here, left last| Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. week for his home in Collingwood. A |S. J. Wooldridge and Miss Alma Frise new and very competent one has been | attended the Memorial Services and engaged and is now kept busy cater-| Parade of the 58th Battalion in "The |} ing to motorists' troubles Church of the Transfiguration", Man- Mr. Oscar H. Downey accompanied|or Road, Toronto on Sunday after- by several Brooklin men is on his an- | noon. nual hunting trip in the far north. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wannamaker Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lawrence |and Ronald of Toronto spent Tuesday || motored to Toronto with their son| with Mr. and-Mrs. H. Wannamaker. Dr. Lawrence of Lindsay on Thursday,| Quite a number of our local people While making a left hand turn at|attended the anniversary service at \ the four corners here on Sunday after-| Zlon on Sunday, noon an Oldsmobile coupe driven by Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Fishley visited | ii a Toronto lady upset in the nortn| friends at Cannington recently. ditch" just off the pavement and| Another fall anniversary has come |: stopped when it wedged against--a|and gone. Our Sunday services were | hydro pole. Fortunately none of the| well attended and of course when one occupants were hurt, and the coupe| thinks of meal time the bell doesn't went away when hauled out by Tom's| have to be rung many times before garage and the assistance of specta-| the tables are full. So it was on Tues- x tors, on its own power, the only dam- evening a splendid crowd of people age being done was a broken bumper | attended the supper. Many old time marches, and the Ontario Regiment is|and a buckled fender. It is thought friends were present from Toronto, |} 'to be congratulated on 'having such a|the driver was not familiar with the| Valentia, Sonya, Manchester and a - --{ turn and misjudged the distance. whole lot of familiar faces from Port of Oshawa Unit No. 246, Army and Navy Veterans, President G. M, Beardman, officers and members of "the Legion Post No. 170, Uxbridge, and unattached Veterans of the dis- trict, and was headed by the Bugle Band of the Ontario Regiment, under the able leadership of Bugle-Major J. A. Foster, and by kind permission of Col. R. B. Smith, Officer Commanding the Ontario' Regiment. The parade. was formed up and marched off at 6.30, marching down Queen Street, up Perry Street, Cassi- mir Street, then Lilla Street to Queen Street to the War Memorial Library, then marched into the Library. Re- presentatives of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Army and Navy Veterans were in the Library, the Veterans then formed round facing the Memorial, Hon, Chaplain, Rev, T. A. Nind gave the address, followed by the laying of the Wreaths, Mrs, Cann a war widow and member of the Ladies' Auxiliary, laid the Wreath donated by the Pro vince of Ontario, President Mrs. J. Boyer of the Ladies' Auxiliary laid the wreath for the Ladies' Auxiliary, President G. S. White, Comrades Bridger and Howard, laid the wreaths for "Our Comrades". This was fol- lowed by the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille by Bugle-Major J. A, Foster, then two minutes silence was observed. This concluded a very impressive ceremony, the Veterans then marched out and re-formed, marching to the Church of the Ascen- sion. The church was packed to the doors. Hon, Chaplain T. A. Nind con- ducted the service and gave the ad- dress. After the service the parade reformed and" marched down Queen Street to the water front, returning to Perry Street, halting in front of the Army and Navy rooms where the parade was dismissed, the Veterans 'and Band then retired to the rooms where hot coffee, sandwiches and cake were served. by members of - the Ladies' Auxiliary, The parade was one of the largest (| parades of Veterans seen in Port Perry for years. Oshawa Unit, under 'the able leadership of = President Schermerhorn turned out strong, and with their blue and white berets pre- sented a very smart appearance. The Uxbridge Legion Post under Presi- dent G. M. Beardman, turned out strong. The Bugle Band under the able leadership of Bugle-Major J. A. Foster, presented a smart appearance and the playing of the marches left nothing to be desired, and the boys of the Band while small in stature, were "Big Shots" when it came to playing Two Pant Suits, $22.50 \ Ladies' Flannelette Pyjamas Coat styles and Slip-ons, long and short sleeves, Good assortment of colors. 98c. $1.25 $1.95 Also a large assortment of GIRLS' PYJAMAS at 78c¢., 98¢., and $1.25 J -- ll Mrs. R. Fairman and daughter of Peniel, Mr. and Mrs, Orr Shunk, Merle and Orleen of Belleville visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Shunk recently, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holdershaw accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boe of Greenbank motored to Oshawa on Saturday evening and visited with Mr. and Mrs, E, Bonnell, Mrs. 8. Reynolds visited with her daughter, Mra, G, Cherrle of Scugog Island last week, Mrs. Gordon Mark entertained a number of friends at tea on Thursday evening, : Mr. and Mrs, C. Sleep and Miss A. Frise attended the meeting of the Wo- men's Institute at Sunderland on Tuesday evening. Mrs, Sleep giving a demonstration of First Aid work. . Mr' Herb McKnight of Toronto spent the week end with his sister, Latest Styles in Ladies' Blouses Colours: Wine, Navy, Rust, Brown, Green, White. SILK CREPE and TAFFETA $1.95 and $2.95 Cm --- nthony Carus o, Prop. i 1 D..: A new assortment Lingerie, boxed suitable for Christmas presents te ara a re cs re Knock, Knock! . Who's There? ~ Dressing Gowns Several styles of Dressing Gowns Eiderdown, Moire and Flannel $2.75 $4.50 Olive Who? OLIVE OUR MEATS ARE GOO ~~ CAWKER BROS. "BEST MEATS - BEST PRICES : BEST SERVICE Olive! $3.95 Port Perry GET YOUR LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, and THEFT INSURANCE | HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry When in need of any kind of fuel give us a call. We handle: Hard Coal--Famous Reading Anthracite If you have not used this clear \ve , carefull repared A i : ton. Satisfied customers y > bre ihrails, try @ ¢ } t car after year are the best recommenda- tion of its good qualities. "Burn it for HEAT i Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. ECONOMY, SARELY, COKE, HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SI, We also handle SCOTCH COAL,~-WELSH COAL, SCOTCH AND WELSH BLOWER COAL, STOKER C pe $ CANNEL COAL ER COAL, - STEAM COAL and CEMENT--A fresh carload of St. Don't neglect that repair job. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT "Reliable Service and Better Fuels' a ° 9 ¢ ee ° AUTOMATIC HEAT CONTROL ABS, SOFT SLABS. Mary's Cement just received. 4 Phones--94W and 94J Coronation Numbers of ~~ English Magazines ay seem to you in advance, but only a limited "This announcement m number of the illustrated publications are to be printed. All orders splendid band. " istri i ertai If you are interested in having your furnace drafts regulated auto- f I i The old adage "All that glitters is| Perry and district, which we certain- matically we can supply y t " i N must be booked before November 26th, 1936. Through an' oversight or probably ly appreciate. Of course I believe Rewiatary © on Shy You wih an "Anthracite Automatic Heat not gold" was deeply impressed on f some slight negligence on the part o some local farmers this fall when they ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS SPECIAL SOUVENIR NUMBER the Engineer, the lights on Queen The outstanding Coronation issue, ecial Art Embossed Cover, Py many of the Port Perry people are illustrated, Still more WIR than the Jubilee issue trying to prove to one of our local TT aa SERRE [IIHR a> superbl ig | were gyped in a barley deal, although _-- i ERR lah ites. mos i } ) ii is changing hands al over the world at $10.00 eopr. 1S Shen hy une) on, oi the smooth tongued rogue has been vd how much they do 2ptagiit) CTR ToS OC, | THON HL A Se is oe A 1 y arch, : Lh . ; hended and lodged behind the| what Seagrave locality does for them | . . ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS PRE-CORONATION NUMBER ||| parade was apt to leave a very poor nl failed to got MALT EXTRACT 'AND COD LIVER OIL -- A splendid y in spite of th k f | Pictures in colour and numerous impression with the large number of Spite o e hard knocks he gives i preparation for growing c Weekly issue at increased price. illustrations dealing with the Kin g and Coronation, Price 75c. visiting Veterans from Oshawa and either money or their grain back, but they have the satisfaction of knowing Port Perry. The varied program put on by the hildren or delicate persons m to combat the colds of winter enabling the Se ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, CORONATION CEREMONIAL NUMB Contains full pictorial Record of Actual Coronation Uxbridge, that he will not molest anyone else in| members of the United Church Choir | % 1 1b. 49¢c. 2 Ibs. 89c. «> a scenes. : : : Price $1.00 (J When the parade marched out of big deals for some time. In sentenc-|of Port Perry under the leadership of | . SPHERE PRE-CORONATION NUMBER, Featuring the pre-Cor- the Library and formed up it was ing him the Judge gave the public| Mr. V, Stouffer was enjoyed by all.(§ PHOSPHO-LECITHIN--- repairs nerve waste and builds | re ORS AmIGN Canon Kunin, nse my a [|| Fhe ht tort vari svar gn. | aun hd one of te i 1 new Gn A nin mao oe, "1 1 os y § i i together with the dark t-up of the - : FA, AN Whig ronan soomes, CEREMONIAL NUMBER 3 3s of the parade, this probably seemed a Lr LL oe added to the er of the' § COD LIVER OIL, -- An exceptionally fine oil at 59c. pint. fi illustrated. issued May 19th. * ProTiase, ||| strange but this is easily explained gers, evening The comic numbers by 4 THE SKETCH CORONATION -CEREMONY NUMBER, profusely ||| When it is mentioned that the Vete-|®"yt po spent a few days | Misses G. Davis and G. Stovin, Mr.|l{ DR. BELL'S CONDITION POWDERS for horses, cattle, illustrated. Issued May 19th, ' : 75e. rans who fell out are not members last week with relatives in Whitby, | M. Nasmith, the Kitchen Band and the | § sheep and swine........... 2 Ibs. 50c. 10 Ibs. $1.90 of the Port Perry Unit No. 216, Army and Navy Veterans. Great credit is due Chief Nesbitt and his assistant for the splendid manner in which they regulated the traffic during the parade. The. Vete- rans will hold their next Remem- brance Day Service in the Presby- terian Church, --Contributed Ar Myrtle Station Also many other Dr. Bell's Tonic and Egg Producer Medical Wonder, ete. preparations as Poultry , Cattle Cathartic, Veterinary' Minstrels were possibly the most popular, bit the classical numbers played by Mr. and Mrs, V. Stouffer |} and Miss M. Stone, the solos by Mrs. Harold Honey and Miss F. McMillan | § not to mention the splendid recitations | § given by Mrs, Wm. Real are also worthy of comment. The chorus "Hats of Other Days" brought forth great applause. I am sure the men! will think the hats of today haven't improved much but then we had better blame the men because many of our THE BYSTANDER CORONATION NUMBER, profusely illustrated. Issued May 19th. 78c¢. WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED SPECIAL EXTRA PRE-CORONATION SOUVENIR NUMBER, 66 fs es 16 x 11% inches, a [istorial record of the life of King Edwar II, Issued March 24th. 25¢. Place your orders with THE PORT PERRY STAR Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Ross Dehart of Brooklin who were married by the Rev, T, A. Nind of Port Perry on Saturday. Mrs, Dehart was formerly Miss Mary Collard and lived here prior to moving to Brooklin this fall, Mr. and Mrs. Will Davie are moving to Brooklin this week and will occupy the house recently vacated by C. N. R. section foreman, Mr. Bentley, The traffic officer has been very Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY -- Phone 16 -- ONTARIO We will be pleased to take your subscription for any Canadian, : English, or American magazine. : EC OS GOOD or SO HONE BREAD DRAG SAWING DONE $ 10.00 for any corn or Sallous i - ki Apply ig RE Corners. Reward , "BY ine ney Next Sunday's Church service will Ee rein best designgrs are men. However, ( : ' scientific LLOYD'S THYMOLATED | be cancelled to enable you to attenal ... iotective brakes and lights. the whole evening was a grand suc- JER yr rR CE - CORN SALVE. This new salve de-|{pne Raglan Anniversary at 11 a.m. cess and we hope we may have the, privilege of a return visit from the QUILT BLOCKS = |sensitizes corns and callouses with and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School Goode's Elevator is a very busy ; first i R will be itv] . : ade ll Sv BH St BL fot Sa he wow I Se and Baking of the Daily |. hy m Y Cc. or sale a t last Sunday evening aervice, : . . . z : . and address to the Rainbow Quilt| A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store, Rev. W. E. Honey rend for the lesson Ina £1 eo was unledi] 97] sagas ------ J Family R equir ements will bought up by farmers and poultrymen. "Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Lawrence and family of Toronto visited the former's uncle here on Sunday, tet EOD AUCTION SALES Sale of household effects, belonging to the late Mrs, James Byers, on Sat- urday November 14, nn Block Co., of 4916 Wichita Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, and we will send you color pictures of our latest patterns in 18 inch applique quilt block. novi? Matt. 6: 1-12, and his text' was taken from the 9th verse: "Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God." be readily secured from (The firm of Gaza & HUMPHREYS 1s disolved) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER 6.King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 3160 L] 9 , " " : . . | 1 l N Te) Wk akeren in atteridance at my Port Perry offics on The, Willing Workers" Class mst A pleasing novelty -- Candel-| Farm Stock and implements, the Je 1SO ns. Bakery DRY HARDWOOD FOR SALE | Wednesday morning and Priday afternoon | 8¢ the home of Mr. and Mrs, O, H. peasing y yh Apply to the Port Perry Auto of each week or by appointment, Lane last Wednesday evening to make abra with vase fillings, at Bent: | property of Frank Moore, lot 20, con. § PHONE 93, . PORT PERRY Wreckers, Phone 21. novi2| Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 Arrangements for a bazaar to be held: ley's Jewellery Store. 9, Reach on Monday, Nov. 16, . : AE

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