Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Nov 1936, p. 4

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3 Ba RE Ty on : PAGE FOUR : Ob Ho or = PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1986 x % iF -- rp . my : : £5 id y . Seed aR rr BRR BRERA RR a em < y 3 « os A ty pn Yo Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris attended the Anniversary services at Green- wood on Sunday morning. The late Rev. John Harris was pastor of Greenwood Church many years ago. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harris, the Misses Eunice and Mor- wenna Harris, Mrs. Christy and Rev. W. J. H. Smyth attended the Anniver- sary entertainment. The Editor of the Port Perry Star was pleased to have a friendly call from Rev. Jas, Miller. "Jim" Miller is always a welcome visitor, and is blessed with a "mine" of happy mem- ories, Mr. Wm. Hern celebrated his 89th birthday on Saturday, Nov. 7. + Con- gratulations, BORN LANE--To Mr, and Mrs. Russell Lane, at Port Perry Hospital, on Sat- urday, November 7th, 1936, a baby girl--Patricia Marie. AE Ar ei LIBRARY BOARD PURCHASES ~~ FIRE SET The beautiful stone fireplace in the Library has looked rather bare owing to the fact that the Board had not been able to purchase a suitable set of andirons. The Board have now been fortunate in procuring from Miss Deacon, formerly of Cartwright, a handsome set of wrought iron "fire dogs", as some prefer to call them, from the old Deacon home in that Township, together with shovel and tongs. The Board have also furnished a basket grate for the fireplace in the I.O.D.E. room in the basement which 'not only improves the appearance of that fireplace, which also comes in for considerable admiration, but adds to the comfort and "homey" atmosphere of the room by its cheerful blaze. - - - > ik The annual supper and bazaar of the Anglican Church held last Thurs- day was well patronized and was a great success. The members of the Women's Guild are very pleased at the result and wish to thank all who at- tended and helped to make it so sue- cessful. The lucky draws were won by the following: quilt made by the Junior W.A.,, Mrs. Pyatt; Five O'Clock Tea Cloth, Miss M. Cockburn; Pair of Em- broidered Pillow Slip, Mrs. John Web- ster; Box of Monarch Wool, Mrs. R. Collacutt; Fifty Pound Bag Royal York Flour, Mrs. Hayes; Fly Rod donated by J. C. Cockburn, D. Car- negie. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p m.--Evening service. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN : - CHURCH Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. in charge of Rev. R. Grierson, B.A, M. D. C. M., formerly of Korea. Chalk Lake Mr. and Mrs. M. Sheldon of To- ronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Nelson Ash Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lynde were in Toronto on Saturday visiting their daughter, Miss Alma Lynde. "The Spider and the Fly", a three act drama will be presented in the school house on Friday evening, Nov. 20. Patrico will entertain with magic and sleight of hand. 'peace is not yet won. tion shall praise thy name to another, and declare thy mighty acts". He gave a challenging address in which he pointed out "the cost of our freedom in money and life. , Glorious memorials have been erected in every country in the world in honour of the sacrifice made by the men and women who fought our battles in the Great War--Vimy Ridge Memorial, the Grave of the Unknown Soldier, the Scottish Memorial, the great Arches in Paris and Amiens, the Arch at To- ronto University--these and many other memorials are a fitting 'tribute to those who made the supreme sac- rifice, and those who still suffer as a result of their defence of home and ountry, _ The "torch" of sacrifice and service is passed on to us.- The struggle for 'The need for maintaining freedom, and for foster- ing the spirit of loving helpfulness is just as great as ever. The speaker referred in terms of sincere appreciation to the work done Order of the Daughters of the Empire, and congratulated the people of Port by the members of the Imperial Perry upon their fine community spirit, as evidenced in the Community Remembrance Service. RY 4 . * Don't Miss This The Trail Rangers will hold a con- cert in the school room of the United Church, on Friday evening, Nov. 27, at 8 p.m. The program will consist of songs, recitations, skits, panto- mimes, pyramid work, etc. Refresh- ments will be served at the close of the concert. Admission 26c. and 16c. This is your opportunity to see this lively boys' organization in action and lend them your support. The "Pathfinders" Camp of Trail Rangers will provide an evening's worthwhile entertainment on the oc- casion of their concert on Nov. 27th. 40,000 Canadians Employed i in Auto Industry! (By R. S. McLaughlin) (President, General Motors of Canada Limited) The Motor Show. In the fore- ground a hundred shining cars, all chrome and glass and paint. In the background, hundreds of smoking fac tory chimneys, forty thousand Cana- dian laborers and craftsmen. Their thought: "These are our best, and we are proud of them." - Yes, though there are only about 16,000 employed in the motor car factories which turn out the finished product in Canada, there are 25,000 more employed in parts and material industries which' depend essentially on the Dominion's ecar-making pro- gram, Thus, when the Motor Show openea these 40,000 Canadians presented then handiwork. Incidentally they are showing the public samples of one commodity which more than any other, sends lifeblood pulsing through the whole of Canadian industry. No other commodity produced in Canada requires such diversity of materials and service in its manufacture and distribution, No other industry has such a "balance on the right side of the ledger." tail Glasses--beautiful in design and quality. . Jeweilery Store. ENSURES THE BEST We sell only GOVERNMENT INSPECTED products, and we study your requirements Phone 4. W. BOYNTON .See our English Crystal Cock- At I. R. Bentley's Phones--Office 738 w; Res. 73 | "We Deliver | Hs AUCTION SALE of Household effects, belonging to| A play entitled "Cranberry Carrion $2 the late Mrs. G. Blight of lot 17, con. | will be given in the Township Hal] on 5 6, os Tp. on Saturday, November Friday November 20th, under the aus- | & E. J. Pomery, Avstisnge, 23 pices of the Sunday School. PLAY AT MANCHESTER Aylmer 12-0z. Bot. CHILI SAUCE - 17¢ Aylmer Fancy No. 2 Sq. Tia GRAPEFRUIT - 23¢ { Aylmer Choice N WAX BEANS 2 for 28¢ Ayl Ros Anne No. 2 Sq. Tin CHERRIES - 18¢: Speciale Eective for - Aylmer Rosebud No. 2 Tals November 12th, 13th and 14¢h BEETS - 8-oz. Tin 10e rgd S - == Infant Foods - 2 Tins 19¢ Aylmer Junk Aylmer Fancy = 20-oz, Tin P _CORN-ON.COB - 23¢ eas ~ Ayim No. 2 Sq. Tin No. 2 Tine u PEAS '& CARROTS - i4¢ Y 1] i AYLMER SOUPS --:-- 3+ 2 Aylmer Assorted Soo: a id. --~AYLMER Choice Choice No. 234 Tin ~ 10 | TomATO No.4 Peas Ta 2 bk we Corn Tomatoes \ 1 ENN NL SS, a a a I I Ir A 10 TOMATO m= 3114 Aylmer Fancy ASPARAGUS ™ Aimer Fancy 12-0z, RASPBERRIES =~ #~.17 DATES Yr swos Qu. 19 S Standard Quality Aylmer Mild Canadian (Pp > 10] cATswP CHEESE \ wel Tle +14 17 ) No. 2 Tall Tins n i h " | GLACE CHERRIES eo =» -48¢! ARTIFICIAL EXTRACTS +' Z'oz. Bot, 8¢ N WHOLE PEEL - ao = 25¢- SEEDLESS RAISINS = - 2 Ibs 25¢ | WALNUTS, Pieces = = = 39¢ MIXED PEEL - - 8-0z Pig 15¢ v --- N « CROWN or BEEHIVE 2s Tia Ss Tin .\ = 10's Tin ) {| Corn Syrup _ 17 39 .75 N Aylme: : yimer GBPS IRR Tal BPR 'Ee { FANCY 16: | Pineapple "=, wo 4.18 N e------ | Sie NELSON'S COCOA - wim 19 5 ! - % \ CHIPSO 19 Good Housewives! Buy your Oxo cubes Large Pkg. HAWE < Hi HO0p 7 WAX Nad gi ol SO "DOMINION LL LE 4-100 10's--23¢ In "10's" instead of "4's" You'll find these helps to cooking Mt all Domipion Stores. $ = .21 RE a ===) ana ER SE ST SL I aw ~ ~ 2 : 4 SEA 3 i ~ LOCAL ITEMS |HEY! WE FIT | CARY | meeps Te , 3 . x 3 yl 2 - v i . or EE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wison of | Mr. Horse Owner WE REPAIR 0 Lawrence [ Drug Store News I Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. RS TW -. : 4 ' Fon and Mrs. R. B. Smallman. 0 you realize that you can save : ~ FIDED Gn - 5 (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store ap Money by buring your New asSe THIS FIREPROOF INSULATION a Miss ile Crozier, Cy Toronto, Harness and Ha Part t : i spent the week end with her parents| gu a 4 ; ; ? Be: and Mri. Jun, W, Oioclgt NOW ___ You Save Money: ACTS LIKE A BLAN K A 0 N | Boys' and Girls' Contest Starts SE i . y : : ' + Ba a wr nd Mey Hoo Sonate and Leather prices are advancing and ry re Al 2 Saturn 9 Nov. 14th (This Wek) a. y : raan rs, Arthur Somer ' y Vasa y : arrived home from Bechard, Sask.. ar Penner This 2d L R. BEN TLEY This i is the BIGGEST CONTEST we have ever had. Sg "4 Mr. Orr Browne has arrived home future, OPTOMETRIST. : . : from his hunting trip. He was suc-| See us at once about that New PORT PERRY, ONT : SIXTEEN PRIZES 1 ALL 5 yo 2h cessful in bagging a very fine deer.| Harness you have been needing PHONE Hy ? Ty y' : if FE Congratulations. for a long time. " : & BS ll The Women's Association of the| : ; LOW cost ' s . * ' * ' . : Md 0 A @ ® : ] y United Church is holding an Atier-| WILLIAM WEBSTER, | mouse ror saL : 8 Boys' Prizes , 8 Girls' Prizes || Ny : noon Tea and Sale of Homemade] At Beatly's Store, Port Rerry| House, large corner lot and large o SAVES FUEL 1. Stream Line Racer Wagon 1. Stream Line Doll Carriage. hy Baking in the schoolroom of the barn with good stable all in excellent S Line Secot Bl i Church on Saturday afternoon of this condition in the Village of Port Perry ' L EASY 10 2. Stream Line Scooter, 2. Fitted Dressing Case. i week from three to six o'clock. Every- at the north-west corner of Cochrane!%s 3. Real Leather Boxing Gloves. 3. "Shirley T le" 0 ai body welcome. A special invitation is Community and Balsam Streets, home of the late 8 INSTALL -- gd 4. Five-Foot Skis with Poles 4. eh id Hn De extended to any of the gentlemen who George Byers. For particulars apply [> : Chih . y Joan ( \ 'an attend. Tea 16c. to W. J. Petty, 466 Bay Street, To- You know how a blanket keeps you warm in winter. That 5. Real Leather Hockey Gaunt- i; 5 cand . . Remembrance Service ronto. Premises open for inspection i is the way Red Top Insulating ool can protect our home. lets, 5. Baby Bubbles Doll q » { Have just received word that Pro-[ 4 very pleasing and appropriate on the 18th and 14th of November, Easily installed between attic joists or in walls, ermanent, 6. Brownie Kodak. 6. "Sally Ann" Doll N t i fessor A. R. Walker of the University | Ronembrance Service was held in the 1936. Fire-proof. Vermin-proof. And pays for itself by saving 7. Mickey Mouse Train. 7. "Baby Susie" Doll. ' » g of Western Ontario has been re-ap- Port Perry United Church -on Sunday, |= mem | fuel. Keeps you coo. in summer, too. 8. M A lane Sot. " A - Blo to the Senate & the gi November 8th. The Church was filled G OVERNM ENT : y dot ii ow you saiigles of Red Top Insulating Wool and - Meccano Aeroplane 8. "Peggy" Doll, Ts : sity of Toronto for the next four|, 1 d ent congregation. ell you how you can ge winter and summer com a < » : years, ' a a an tas Sng g 5 ; little cost, and how, Red Top Insulating Wool will pay Ask us for instruction sheets and get your entries in early. pecial music suitable to the occas for itse Mrs. W. J. Jackson, of Edmonton,| was rendered by the choir, assisted by| INSPECTION of > in 22 A. M. LAWRENCE 2 is the guest at the home of Mr. and| Mr, H. Durkin, who sang "My Task". RED TOP INSULATING WOOL : Mrs, Wi, Willard. Mrs. Jackson was The speaker for the occasion was ; 2 The Rexall Store ; fortherly Nthel 341, daaghter of the 'Rev. Dr. R. B. McEleheran, Principa: Phone 49 PORT PERRY Rev. L. W. Hill, a former minister of Wycliffe College. His text was here, ¥ Eg : ' . : taken from Psalm 145:4 "One genera- FRED E. REESO Eemcd OP0OPOPOSO OBS SSS SSIS 222 R0900090900HOPOPOPO Phone 240 Sonne $33838383832320252 325288588 OROSOPOROPOO pO Winter F uel FRENCH COAL i is the finest Anthracite coal in the world least ash, no clinkers, and exceptionally clean. Give this coal a trial and your heating worries will be over. We also handle American Anthracite, - Soft Coal. Coke, and Waod ike Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Ld, OPORTIPOROPOROPSPEPTPCIOIOSO OEOR0E0S0POPOPORO CHOSCBSBSSBAOIOSOIN Port Perry 02 2oF FoF Hot $,2°4,2%, 4% -- ~ WANTED A large square Iron Box Stove in good condition. Apply to D, Duche- min, Myrtle Station, Ont. FOR SALE Upright Heintzman Piano, Washing Machine, electric motor, electric '| fixtures, some furniture, good Jersey Cow, Plymouth Rock Pullets ready to lay, Bobsleigh, air gun and Bantam Chickens. Apply to Mrs. W, A. Ed- wards, Prince Albert, Ont. POTATOES "WANTED Ontario graded. Any 'quantity. Apply to the Port Perry Star. The firm of Greer & HUMPHREYS fs. disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 CONANT & ANNIS . + Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. GONANT, x5. ALLIN F. ANNIE. BA, Offices 73% Simeoce Phones, 4 and § iw : and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Consnt) Phone 1 Way) | ALIX: GILBOORD, Five Cents per line. Minium 20 Genta. ISUITS CLEANED [Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $l. 00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office DR. W. 'S. HARPER Graduate J "Trinity Medical Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in of Medical Gradu- College and Polycli Lo! ; Noren East London." Post rary nfirmiary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Offies Hours: ' 9 a.m. to § p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's ¥ Insurance Office LOOK HERE! Top prices paid for rags, wool and feathers, also fowl,-horse hair and all kinds of light metals. For information call 'Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, day or night. We would appreciate very much your patronage. PORT PERRY Laundry and ups and deliveries every week. ® 8c. Thrifty De Luxe, All flat _ pieces and handkerchiefs, FULLY FINISHED; wear- ing apparel damp. ® LOW PRICE DRY CLEAN. ING. -. ANNOUNCING A NEW SERVICE You can now dojoy the advantages of a complete, modern, sani: tary Laundry and Dry Cleaning service at your door--with two ipick- TYPICAL "TORONTO LAUNDERERS" SERVICE OUR, TRUCK CALLS MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Dry Cleaning ® MEN'S SHIRTS fully fin- shed, only 9c. each in all Scryices except BAG O ®. "REVITALIZED"" Dry Clean- IngoMore Ahan just dry | cleaning.' a', Ye "

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