Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Oct 1936, p. 5

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Rev. and Mrs, Bomer Norland called | Mrs. Wm, Broad of Lindsay "visited on Miss A. Harmon on Wednesday of with Mr, and Mrs. Heywood Short on Sunday. Sunday School gave their Minstrel| St» ©f Toronto, and friend from New Show at Vroomanton on Wednesday York, spent Sunday with Mr. and Murs. Next Sunday evening, Rev, Mr.|Mys, J. Wannamaker and Mr. Hiram | Honey of Myrtle will conduct the 8er-1 Wannamaker improved somewhat at time of writing, wo where they have been for the last two months, by the Mission Band in the Upited Mr. and Mrs. Orval Boe and children, of Bowmanville, motored to Guelph, on Sunday, Mrs. Gordon Beare and son, of Milli- ken, called on friends here last Staur- day. Mr. Hugh Leask, + Torontg, at his home here on Sunday, i Miss Nettie McMillan, Lockport N, Y, and Mys. F. Dobson, Toronto, spent the week end with their sister Mrs. J. A. Leask. 7 © Mr, and Mrs," Day, Mr. and Miss McCombe, Toronto, Mr. and Mus. J.! A. Mackie, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John MeKitrick: on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Rockenback, of Joliet, | 1, Mr, Harry Love, Toronto, Mr, and' Mrs. E. Love, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Dunn, -Little Britain, visited at the home of Miss Mills, on Sunday. ed Mr, and Mrs. Leroy Till arrived, home on Monday from Colborne, Don't forget the concert to be given Church this Friday evening, Mr. SEAGRAVE and Mr. and Mrs. A. Milne, Mr. Milne, Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin and Durelle, We are glad to report Mrs: Dure, Mr. and Mrs, J. Colwell, Mr. and of Oshawa called on Mrs, C, Leask, Mrs, J, Holdershaw, Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy and family, Mr, and Mrs. G.|} I¥ Ea = . i . . 2 ei THE CHOICE OF GOOD ME ATS What Will 1 Get This Morning ? This question goes through the mind of the housewife nearly every nd day. But it does not worry those that place their erders with 'us. FE 18 EASY IF. YOU BUY Jor are always a of Nae something fresh and tasty. Just FEL i FR OM ! try us for your next order. You will be pleased with our service. EE Alpen CAWKER BROS. - 2 ad : _ BERT MacGREGOR Phone o 20%, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery ) h - : : - fe : i | BLUE & GREEN GRAPES {|| GET YOUR k' (FRESHLY PICKED) LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, me Large Cauliflowers, 5c. and 10c. and THEFT INSURANCE Large Snow White Celery, 5c. HAROLD W. EMMERSON - LargeCabbage, 5c. and 10c 'Phone 41 Port Perry " + Ripe Red Tomatoes, large & small baskets totam x nN Large Grapefruit, 5 for 25c. FOR SALE GREENBANK ar Large Oranges, 25c. doz. Reasonably Priced [on vis: A 3 Sweet Potatoes = Cantalopes PURE BRED | Me vome ens ilo class of og Cranberries - : -|T. C. Henningsen. Ta Red and Green Peppers Shr opshire RAM eveniv ct i wei an o evo : : : Beginni ; : Schog) ay ay oh ; ® & aid Qranirest on | service, for the winter months, X, $6.00 an 3 x. : The Modern Fruit and : «ae in the United Church. hE A Vegetable Market Grant Christie | us. Gurney and Mr. ¢. Girne, Wi at Anthony Caruso, Prop. ~~ Phone 208. We Er At MANCHESTER, ONTARIO. |)... gaiurday. 2 : mumemsmemd Phone 118 r 21, Port Perry Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniels, My, and " ; 5 » 2 1 PE a + ig 4 iE £2 , ' : i = 1937 registration plates commemorate Coronation i I A ee cm a TT Year with crowns and white figures on red back- -- : ; ground. Each plate carries only one series letter. ~& - . " : Cy 1937 M TOR VEHI Cl PERM ITS "AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 2nd Due to the advance In the new car purchasing season > . * and. the. fact that Increasingly large numbers of used . ' | : cars and trucks are now purchased at this time of year, : 1937 Motor Vehicle Permits and Operators' Licenses are gine = eR being made available November 2nd. 1937 Permits available November 2nd save the pur- chaser of a new car or truck the expense of 1 936 registration. 'They save the purchaser of a used car or truck the ) fee for transferring the 1936 registration (1937 Permit ' : : hE can be procured without transfer: fee). WF : ; This advance sale of 1937 Motor Vehicle Permits and : ~~ Operators' Licenses Is for your convenjence. Take advan- . "tage of It. There are one hundred convenlently located os : er Issuing offices throughout the Province. You will receive quick, efficient service at the one nearest you. id Hh» - , ry ol \ - wi we by 7% . A MINISTER. OF HIGHWAYS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO a i 1 Women's Auxiliaries in Southern On- | asked for female help and two capable Fishley and family, Mr, and Mrs. I. Watson, were among 'those who at- tended the dedication services at the Foster Memorial Chapel north of Ux- bridge on Sunday. Miss Merle McMillan has returned home after having spent the past three weeks in Waubaushene. We were pleased to have with us the Rev. Mr. Honey of Myrtle, on Sun- day evening also we are grateful to the niembers of the Pleasant Point | Church choir who so kindly took the | place of our regular choir. Our pastor, Rev. O. R. Flindall, together with the Offering services at Manchester, "Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mark attended the aluminum demonstration at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Cherrie one evening last week. Mrs, Gordon McDonald, Port Perry, dridge recently. The opening meeting of the Sea- grave Young People's Society was!| held in the school room of the Church. sample of the attendance for the com- should be overjoyed. Rev. Mr. Flin- dall is really responsible for the pre- sence. of the speaker because he grasped the opportunity of securing | swe are certainly indebted to him for ! president, Mr. R. Scott spoke a few | words of welcome and appreciation of the splendid audience and called on Rev. Mr. Flindall who introduced the | speaker Rev. Mr. Watson- of the Thunder Bay area ifi the Superior | Presbytery. He spoke first of the different settlements in which he works. The population of the area with their various nationalities--Fin- nish, Swedish, Anglo-Saxon, Ukranian and Norwegian. Some parts are ex- cellent farming districts while others are chiefly mining and lumbering. The work that is carried on is greatly helped by the co-operation of the tario. Part of their work is to visit some 300 families and the missionary has to be able to'do almost ioryi hing fy) such as general. chore-boy, sing! fruit, finding employment for 'hasta individuals, ete. Mr. Watson has to cover on an average some 200 miles per Sunday and preach three sermons. He is assisted greatly by students at different points also by the Ministers from the Twin Cities of Port Arthur and Fort William, who leave their afternoon work in the hands of their out into the nearby districts and are able to preach services at many points and still be back in town for the even- ing services, This is all done at their 'own expense, At present they have persons have volunteered, so it is up to us people in the south to assist them in their work. In closing Mr. Watson mide the re- it costs a lot more not to sell goods. Just so, it costs a lot to send Christ- ianity into these parts but it costs much more not to." Mr, and Mrs, Nodwell, Uxbridge, visited at the home of Mr. Donald Ianson on Sunday, choir had- charge of the Free Will |H -visited with her sister Mrs. S..J. Wool-! If the attendance that night was al| ing year I am sure our new President ' } him when he knew the convener of iB: that committee was not present, "and || -the interesting evening. The new: | SO ---- Fos 3 | préparation for growing children or delicate persons laymen and together with students go |! mark "It costs a lot to sell goods but |§ F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE PEAS CORN TOMATOES Standard Quality ....... .,..per tin le. 2 tins for 21c. Choice Quality :......... ........0 2 tins for 25c, PEACHES, choice, No. 2.tins ................2 for 35e. MINCE MEAT .................... ..2 bs. for 25¢. .per Ib. 20c. CAKES--Chocolate Marshmallow, Peach Sandwich, Ib. 15c¢. KISSES, JELLY BEANS, GUM DROPS ....2 Ibs. for 25¢. Ladies' Silk and Wool Hosiery 29c. MEN'S OVERCOATS in all wool silvertones and al wool blues, $16.50 and $15.00 Special measure in these coats can be supplied in any style at $2.00 extra. STAUNTON'S SUNWORTHY and SEMI- I'RIMMED PAPERS 50 new papers in price from 10c. Bll up. N - home with some A of these papers for the winter months. in I Brighten up your 1 COAL - 'COKE - "WOOD WHEN IN NEED OF ANY KIND.OF FUEL GIVE US A CALL. HARD €OAL--"Famous Reading Anthracite". You can be sure the very best heat satisfaction when you use this carefully pre- pared anthracite. Buy it for Heat, Economy, Safety--Stove, Nut and Peas sizes. COKE, Banh oOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS, LIME, CEMENT, Etc We also handle SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, SCOTCH and WELSH BLOWER COAL, STOKER COAL, CANNEL COAL. ce po AU T OMATIC HEAT CONTROL If you are interested in having your furnace drafts regulated auto- matically we can supply you with an "Anthracite Automatic Heat Regulator," Price $24.75. 'installed. . co po PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT . "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" Share a) J JIS Ta SRS SERRE ies pet io Phones--94W and 94J EL SNR Se hie _eifie MALT EXTRACT AND COD LIVER OIL -- A splendid enabling them to combat the colds of winter 1 1b. 49¢. 2 Ibs. 89¢c. PHOSPHO-LECITHIN-- repairs nerve waste and builds new tissue. A splendid nerve tonic. $1.00 bottle COD LIVER OIL. -- An exceptionally fine oil at 59c. pint. DR. BELL'S CONDITION POWDERS for horses, cattle, sheep and swine... ........ 2 Ibs, 50c. 10 Ibs. $1.90 4 Also many other Dr. Bell's preparations as Poultry fl Tonic and Egg Producer, Cattle Cathartic, Veterinary Medical Wonder, ete. 5 ---- . ' Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY -- Phone 16 -- ONTARIO ¥ A A and Baking of the Daily Family Requirements will be readily secured from Jemison's Bakery PHONE 93. PORT PERRY ~ PAGE FIVE re ee Rn > NT Pd FITRAAY 4 BSA I Ta TY ny PR Ot LT nT Ca vl pn

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