Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Oct 1936, p. 7

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---- H is a sad story of sufferin ; but iy 2 a happy ending, This woman was attacked by severe rheu- matism which spread to all her joints. % . But Kruschen brought relief as she describes below; & : : "1 feel it my duty to- tell you «how! Kruschen Salts brought me re: lief from a_ severe attack of rheum- atism. I had rheumatism in my legs - and knees, later spreading to every . joint in my body. ~ This lasted over a period of 13 weeks. I was then recommended to try Kruschen and be- - fore: finishing the second - bottle I was able "to perform my normal duties." --(Mrs,) LD, . 4 Rheumatic conditions are frequent: ly due to an excess of uric acid in tho. body Two of the ingredients of Kruschen Salts have the power of - dissolving uric acid. Other ingred- ients in these Salts assist Nature to expel the dissolved uric acid through the natural channels. MINING > FLASHES 'Surface exploration on the Kert MacDonald Red Lake Gold Mines has located several quartz veins, J. L. Ramsell, Ramsell, consulting geologist reports, One east-west vein has been ing from a few inches to 214 feet. The ' - gold and silver values have been en- countered, and samples from the vein - returned values of $6.80, $20.40 and $23.80. The vein is being prepared for systematic channel sampling. Two of the 13 claims_are held under option. W. W. Mills, mine manager of Mar. .garet Red Lake Mines in a wire 'to Toronto: interests reports that dia. mond drill equipment has arrived at the property in the Red Lake area and work {n this connection will get under way. immediately, A series of holes will be put down to thoroughly probe the occurrence at depth and plans for : the proposed enlarged development 5] ~~ campaign will be based on the results 3 ! .obtained from this work. C. W. Green- land fs the company's consulting en. gineer in charge of operations. A third ~.new_ore body has been located on the northern section of the property, and L _ shows 8 feet of quartz which has been ; '+ traced for a-length of 200 feet. ~ - "s 'Shaft sinking at the Kenora proper- * ty of Clark Gold Mines is continuing to the second level at 250 feet, and the shaft is-now down to a depth of 140 ft. Sinking will be continued to a depth of 500 feet. Three 'miles ot road lead- ing into the property has been sur- veyed by the government and the company has been placing the road tn shape in order that they will he' able to move in additional equipment pur- chased for deeper development as well as enlarged power plant which will greatly -speed up all operations. The samples taken in channelling over the whole stope, hoth walls and along the roof at Moffatt Hall Mining Co., ran $11.01 average over 17.3 feet, A. M. Potter, M.E.; in charge of oper- ations reports. Crosscutting on the 301 north and also north on the 550-foot level has been started where diamond BR drilling will be spotted to test the ~-- B® °° structure north and south.- -- Among the more promising junior prospective gold mines none holds any higher place than Rebair. Rebair Gold Syndicate's property 'les immediately on to the claims of Elizabeth Gold Mines, Limited, on which a. very fine report made by, Mining Research Cor- poration appeared in our columns last week. The "Dome Vein" on Rebalir lay unsuspected : by the discoverers' and stakers of the Elizabeth until one day - Leo W. Ree chanced upon it. Recog- >, nizing its value from the outcroppings he said to himself, "This 1s Elizabeth FA No. 2 if not Elizabeth No. 1," and pro- 'ceeded to stake and record it. He was hen fortunate enough to find a finan- «e¢lal backer in J, M. Baird, so long as. -soclated with the MacKenzie-Mann In- terests in 'Western Canada, and ever since the Syndicate formed as a result: v traced for 200 feet, with width vary. ------ has progressed steadily and sanely to- wards the goal of a producing mine, The best technical direction has been engaged, a capable crew kept steadil at work, adequate camp buildings e ected, stripping and trenching done on an extensive scale, holes spotted for diamond drilling, soon to commence, and even the help of the Provincial Government secured ir respect to the road-building. 'Assays made by Thos Hayes & Son, Analytical Chemists from Rebair ore gave over 267 $25.65 and over 36" was $324.50 values. Drilling on the property will soon be under way, Engineer Mc- Clurtock having already spotted the holes. , : Seek Institution a Welfare Board to City Council. LONDON, Ont.--Establishment in Ontario of an institution where hab- itudl drunkards may be treated in stead. of sending them to jails and reformatories, is advocated in a resolution from London welfare board. Many cases have come before the welfare board of relief recipients be- ing convicted of drunkenness, which automatically removes them from the welfare list. When their jail terms are up they apply for vein: statement and the board feels that their position has not been improved in 'any way by the term meted out to them. "It is the opinion of the board that steps should be taken to. estab- lish in the province an institution for the treatment of inebriates," the resolution. states. 'NAMED MANAGER OF ROYAL WINTER FAIR "W. A DRYDEN" William A. Dryden, first President of the Royal Agriculture Winter Fair, is the.unanimous choi of the Fair directorate to fill the managerial va- cancy, succeeding the late A. P. Westervelt. Mr. Dryden, a son of the late Hon. John Dryden, former Ontario Minister of Agriculture, was born in Brooklin, Ont., and kas been actively connected with Canadian live-stock affairs for the past twenty-five years. After his election to the Presidency of the or- ganization in 1919, he held the post until 1923, covering the formation period and the first two Fairs, BUY IN QUANTITY It is a good idea for housekeepers, especially mothers of growing child- ren to buy bananas by the "hand" or cluster, and let them ripen at room temperature, 65 to 756 degrees F. When thus ripe, physicians say they are ex- cellent. food for growing children. How . ap, The inside story of Canada's new crop of millionaires. + For a free copy of this booklet, fill in and mail this slip. An informative booklet that every Fh 4 Mining investor should read. hey ade Millions" To Cure Drunkard Proposals Made by -London -|reason- why ah can't turn dis heah "I houah." | first. , out?" BE Pithy Anecdotes "I never saw a man more interested in his wife's clothes than President Coolidge and the hansomer and more elaborate Mrs. Coolidge's dresses were Randolph, formerly White House se- retary to Mrs. Coolidge 8 ty reminiscences, "Presidents and the colors, conspicuous ornaments, gliter- ing beads. Usually careful of expendi. 'tures, unbelievably economical in a great many ways, he gave way to wild tion of Mrs, Coolidge's clothes. "Believe it or not, he never wanted Sensation. Oxford Coun i + Oxford's First Prize County Herd, Exhibition, Toronto, 1934, Headed b y Holstein coveted group award, annually, on all but two occasions, since 1926. Not more than two animals to be owned by any one exhibitor. her to wear the same dress twice to a State Reception. I have seen him stop beside the ber where her gor geous dress for the evening was laid at the 'Canadian National the five-year-old sire, Hay's reeders have won this much "You've worn that dress before. And . \| I've heard Mrs. Coolidge reply: Al leged WIT 2 Jealousy Actor (modestly): "As a matter of fact, I have received letters from ladies in almost every place in which I have appeared." Rival: "Landladies, I presume." ru Qualified The animal-trainer had been taken ill and his wife reported for duty in his stead. : "Have you had any experience in this line?" asked the proprietor of the circus, doubtfully. ' "Not exactly in"this line," replied the woman; "but my husband man- \ages the beasts all right, doesn't he?" "He .certainly does." "Well, you ought to see how eas- ily I manage him." Father Said"No More "Jimmy, I wish you'd learn better table manners; you're a regular lit- tle pig at the table." . Deep silence on Jimmy's part, So father, in order to impress him more, added, "I say, Jimmy, do you know what a pig is?" "Yes, sir," replied Jimmy meekly. "It's a hog's little boy." Reasonable Two 'Negroes were boasting about the merits and qualifications of thelr respective motor cars, both typleal worn, shabby, old wrecks. One of them said: "Dey's jus' one cab" 0" 'mine twi hundred miles: a "An' whut's dat reason?" asked the other. "De distance is too long fo' de shawtness of de time,» said- the A Scotch farmer went into a den tists office. "Hoo much do ye charge for fill- in' teeth?' asked the farmer. : "Five dollars," replied" the «en- tist. Tr Ci "An' hoo much for poo'lin "ym "One dollar." "One dollar." "Janet," said the farmer, turning to his wife, "Y'ed better ha'e it poug out." = ar = : - - A corpulent teacher was giving a lesson to a class of small children on the canary. : Teacher: "Can anybody tell me what a canary can do that I cart?" Sharp Boy: "Please, miss, have a bath in a saucer." Indignant Customer: "This bath- ing suit I bought here won't do. 1 it shrunk five inches." "Modest Clerk (examining the gar- ment): "Lady, it's a good thing you came out when you did." Hubby (calling upstairs): "Please hurry down, Mary, and meet an old college chum of mine." Bride: "I can't, Tom, I'm just out of my bath." - I Hubby: "Oh, well, just something and come down.' Mary slipped on the top step and can® down. ' slip on The sleight of-hand performance was. not going very well, "Can any lady or gentleman lend 'me a egg?' asked ' the conjurer, coming down to the footlights. "If we 'ad one," shouted a man in the audience, "yon'd 'av got it long before this." iain : Visitor - (to little girl): "And wad your grandpa .covered with insur ance when he died?" Little Gir): "Nom; just a night shirt," - "'A Frenchman was relating his ex- perience in studying the English language. He said: fo) "When I first discovered that if I was quick, I was fast; that if I wag tied I was fast; if I spent too freely I. was fast, and that not to eat was to fast, I was discouraged: But when 3 Yau, or ? W.L g ; ADDRESS. , WH Binyd ng inns sii, . | R. C. BEATON CO. ii '| AD. 9351-2.3-4.5-6 244 Bay Street E> Rr : © TORONTO Ta . way, first one won one one-dollar prize' I came across the sentence, 'The was in the water only an hour and | "Yes, of course 1 have. It's a very handsome dress and I like to wear it." | "But he would have given her a new and expensive gown for every State occasion. Nothing was too much and no expense too great. This was the one extravagance of an otherwise over-conservative somewhat inhibit ed, and notably economical man." Once, when Mrs. Cooldige was try- ing on a gorgeous new dress with a tremendously long "court train" -- for a State Reception -- Mr. Coolidge hap- pened to stroll into ths room. "What do you think of it?" asked Mrs. Cooldige. "After a long critical survey, tak- Ing in every detail: "Very handsome dress," he said; and then to our hor- ror," relates Miss Randolph, "he very calmly walked up the long white bro- caded train which swept for yards on the floor, putting one foot deliberately before the other as though pacing ofr the length of the material! "There was a concerted shriek from Mrs. Coolidge and the fitter, who had flung herself on all fours toward the precious train. = "Mr. President," I said sternly, with the fearless frankness of long asso- ciation "get right straight off that train!" " "Apparently meek as a lamb, but with a twinkle in his eye. he did get right off, sauntering slowly out of the room while the almost fainting dress. maker looked to. sce if any damage had been done." But it was all right -- not a spot on I gase up trying to learn the English language. A clergyman about to board a bus saw that one of ,the men getting on had had "one over the eight". Turn- ing to the conductor the clergyman said: "Do you allow drunken .men on your bus, conductor?" "Well," was the startling reply: "We don't as a rule guv'nor, but just step in quietly. -' Grandma was helping Peggy make out a list of the little guests for her birthday party. "How about the Morton twins?" grandma asked. "Well, there's no need to ask them both," Peggy answered; "they- re 'zactly alike." -There's one thing about baldness, says one who should know; it's neat. Intelligent Animat "Mike," said Pat, "I can't pay my rent, so I want to hire your horse and cart to do a moonlight move." "Shure!" said Mike, "and. ye couldn't have come to a better man. That horse of mine is so well trained he'll walk past the landlords' house on his tiptoes." Cautious The solicitor who prefaced his love-letters "Without Prejudice." His Reason ~~ Wifey: "I wonder why it is-that 4 nautical mile is nearly a seventh longer. than a mile on land." Hubby: "Well, darling, that's very simple, You know how things swell in' water." : it. War Machine To Be Strengthened iN PARIS -- Trance went into the war equipment market last week, to buy $910,000,000 worth of fighting planes guns, tanks an' armored cars. Premier Blum's cabinet approved the increase in regular army expen- ses to bolster the French military machine in answer to Germany's in- crease infighting personnel. The money is to be used, the cab- inet decided to increase the army's efficiency rather than adding to its size. -Army chiefs began to map ex- ! penditure of the first allotment of $273,000,000-_which was to be avail . a . | able at once. ' SI; something 0 the first ancunt to- be spent, FRTR.000 000 was earmarked for the purchase of new planes and mwodern avinb on couinmu.. Part of the eiperal army fund, which was voted to supply defence needs for the next four years, was ordered used for adding to the army technical personnel and increasing the proportion of professional sol- diers by granting higher wages to conesripts who re-enlist. The cabinet also voted $65,000,000 for the navy, artillery and -port de- Ice Men to Advertise fences. A separate fund of $29240, oo 1 000 was allotted to rural areas as CHICAGO.--Plans for a $600,000 ada. : the government" inauguarated a pub vertising program were announced at lic works program which comprised a meeting of the Exccutive Commit- | part of Premier Blum's campaign tee of the National Association of Ice for reducing unemployment. "Emily Post says it is all right to drink a toast in tomato juice." After all, perhaps it would be kinder to give the fellow three cheers. Ain't Cheese Sweet - Mr. Rosco Invenizzi claims that he and his family have been importing gorgonzola into this country for 40 years, What is more, he claims that he has never had to raise a hand to one of them, except in self-defence Light Literature : 'Brown: "I want a book to take home with me." - Libra¥ian:. "Yes, light." Brown: "It doesn't matter. I have my car oulside." A gentleman called at a Chinese laundry for his washing. Receiving the parcel he noticed some marks on the bundle and said--*"My name, 1 suppose, in Chinese?" -- - "No name, Scliption," replied the . Chinaman, "Say lil ol' man, closs- ayed, no -teet." Industries. i The tense sitnation, meanwhile, A large part of the amount will be which arose as result of Commun- devoted to newspaper advertising, 'ist demands for I'rench aid to the while the rest will be used for radio Spanish Socialist government eased and other mediums. Leslie SmIth,' off after a brief strike of metal secretary, said. Last year's approbria- | workers inthe Paris district. More tion was §400.000, none of which was pan 200,000 metallurgists struck for for newspapers. . . fan hour to protest against the The industry will spend about $1, { French policy of non-intervention in 800,000 altogether on newspaper ad- the Spanish civil war. a vertising this year aftgr dealers | Eg throughout the country have added to No Ti F E . the natlonal appropriation. Smith sald. 0 lime For Exercise Of The Famous the bette. he liked them." says 'Mary in her chat. | First Ladies " "He 'was fond of bright: extravagance when it came to a ques. . out, and have heard him say tersely: - | TI it ' xo NEW CROP urities Sales With U.S. and Great Britain. were valued at $50,938,632, the Do. | minion Bureau of Statistics reported recently. This was an increase of more than $15,000,000 with $34,277,602+in July, 1935. Sales of securities to all countries were valued at $21,715,401 coms pared with $21,074,058 in July last year, .and purchases against $13,203,644, } The. bulk of Canada's trading 'm securities was with the United States and Great Britain, Sales to the Unt ted States totalled $18,811,327 and purchases from that country amount. ed '0 $25,417,736 ,while sales to Great Britain were valued at $1, Find Historic Includes Sword and Chest Protector miics cast of here. ed of three picces and tector. Markings on the metal the 12th and 13th centuries. the Thunder Bay district. found at Beardmore district west of the lakechead. the Beardmore there. district and Down On The Firm boarders this year? Farmer--Yes. We don't have but my wife likes to hear them talk that funny city dialect. STAMP COLLECTING ZANAIBAR--Als0 Sudan, Somaliland, 'Llgerstamps, Togoland, Caribbean, Algerian, Central Americans, British Colonials. This Magnicarocioud collec- tion free for he postage. GRAY STAMD Co.,, Dept. PPC, Toronto. " AGENTS WANTED EA Cusiy 1 TERRITORY AVAILL- = able _tmproved houSehold articles. Literature, sample free. Labor Saving Devices, Limited, 570 Queen Isast, Toronto, INVENTORS! AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of Wanted inventions and full information sent free. THE RAMSAY Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. MUSHROOM SPAWN $25.00 weekly made growing mushrooms for us or your local market. Patented formula, write for information and free offer. North American Spawn Com- pany (Dept. A), Ontario Duilding Toronto. Flush Poisons From Kidneys and Stop Getting Up Nights Be Hea'thier, Happics-- Live Longer When you ean get for 40 cents a supremely efficient and harmless stim- ulant and diuretic that will flush from your kidneys the waste matter, poisons and acld that are now doing you harm, why continue to break vour restful sleen, by getting up through the night. Just ask your druggist for Gold Medal 'Haarlem. Oil Consules--hut he sure and get GOLD MEDAL --right from Haarlem in Holland. Other symptoms Vd Writes the Toronto 'I'elegram--The | length of a woman's working day in the kitchen varies from eleven to fif- | teen hours a day -- and we wish that | all cynical men who declare most of the women marry for a life of ease, ' could see a few figures from a kitchen survay, which has been sent to us. It | has, oeen sponsored-largeély by our own Dominion nickel industry in an effort ' to plan kitchen equipment which will eliminate useless moving about -- and: Just as every other profession has al ready done ,shortén the working -day for women. Would you believe that you make an average of 107 trips a day to the kitchen sink and that you spend an average of one and a half lto two and a half hours a day bending er it? Sink fatigue is indeed a prob- ROOFER ST DY co. om home hE ary students . vi | JRE Er | = a Hundreds of Farmers Endorse This Service , Testimonials froin hundreds farmers . praise the excellonce of service and, durability of materinls fn barns bullt and Toofed by us throughout Ontarlo and Quebec. We promise you the same satisfac- tion. Write us TODAY on your roofing requirements Ii ! | Ij iil of py y give a little attention -- and one won. TOR any NDON MONTREAL "ders why all these years nothing has been done about it before this, of weak kidneva ond irritated bladder are backache, puffy evel, leg cramps. molst pabme, burning or scanty passage. IN UP-TO-DATE STABLES --O0ld Reliable Minard's When horses come in to stable with wire- cuts or saddle boils, or cows have caked udder, the thing to do Is get the Minard's bottle at once, as Mr, Dowd of Glenboro, Manitoba, knows. He writes: "I like your Minard's Liniment. Like to have .it In the house, I have found your Minard's Liniment especially good for barbed wire cuta on horses." A family doctor prepared Minard's Liniment over 50 years ago. Still Invaluable in every stable and every house, 89 Issue. No. 40 -- '36 Ct Armour Nearby Relic, Unearthed by Mine Employe, FORT WILLIAM--Armor, similar in every detail to that worn by the Vikings in their discovery of North The historic relic, unearthed by a mining company employee, consist. included a long s®ord and a steel chest pro- are said to bear resemblances to those]. found on "suits worn by Vikings in Previous discoveries have proven that the Vikings once visited Min- nesota and parts of Manitoba. This, however, was believed the first con- clusive evidence hardy Norwegians had ventured to the hinterlands of The theory was entertained that men wearing pieces of the armor were cut off from a main' party that entered the It was thought they became lost in died Stranger--Are you taking summer to Classified Advertising 869,735 and purchases $3,492,336, In the seven months ended Ju 31, total trade in securities to al countries amounted to $390,190,327 against $271,363,097 in the corres ponding period in 1985, Sales in this period totalled $207,542,888 com- pared with $152,986,392 the same period last year, and purchases $182,647,439 against. $118,376,705. Keeping the Farm America has been found at Beard: . : move, mining seltlement on the Free of Disease western tip of Little Long Lac; 130 . Way to Get Rid of Disease In order to keep the farm fields and farm yards and barns free from con. tamination, the farmer must be sus- picious of every death, whether of wild animal or domesticated, that has not been diagnosed by a skilled vet and be careful not to leave it Iying around. Burying them is not a method that will free the farm from infection. The reappearance of these diseases on ground that has been infected by. bury- ing or hauling of the dead body across a field, is due to the spores or resist. ant forms which retain thelr vitality for years, even though their surround. ings are unfavorable. Though buried deeply worms and insects take these spores to the-surface and the oppor- tunity is thus granted for dissemina- tion. * Livery farm should have an incinera- tor or pit where such dead bodies and the litter and soil which have come in contact with them at death are burned. farm buildings so that the smoke will not become a nuisance, and all rub- bish that periodically gathers and har- bors disease around the farm should be consigned to this place. The ancl- spread of disease from dead bodies, and the phrase, the "ashes of the urn," is a relic of their practice In cleaning out disease. . It Is estimated that tire commercial apple crop in the United States this year will be 64,500,000 bushels, com- pared with 93,866,000 bushels in 19356 and 97,895,000 bushels, the five-year Average. : Do not choose a horse simply be- cause he has a high flowing pedi- gree unless he is a hgh class horse himself. Canadian Militia Is To Be Modernized Tanks and Armored Cars To Replace OId Style Of Forces. TORONTO--Hon. Ian Mackenzie, i minister of national defence, in- formed the board of control the main 'object of the proposed reorganization of Canada's non-permanent active militia was to modernize the Domin- ion's defence warfare in line with methods of warfare now current throughout the world. * Mr. Mackenzie wrote the city in reply to a resolution of the board | Protesting against a reported plan to reduce the number of militia units here and abandon" several well known regiments. ' The reorganization calls for a prop- erly balanced force and formation of a greater number of modern units, Mr. Mackenzie said, particularly anti- aircraft and mechanized batteries; tank battalions anl armored car regiments, none of which Canada now has. . "Whereas amalgamation of certain | of the infantry and cavalry units or, | alternatively, their conversion into formations of modern type nay be indicated, no question: arises as to the reduction in the total, either of units or of militia personnel as a whole, in Toronto or the military dis- trict of which that city forms a rart,"" he said. \ In south America are trees Known as "cow trees," which, when pieread yield a rich milky nutritious juice in such abundance as to render it an important article of food. Gain $15,000,000 Bulk of Canada's Trading Ottawa, -- Canada's total purchases and sales of securities during July - compared $29,223,281. Cremation on Farm is Only It should be placed away from the ents were alive to the fact of the W" 1 LSP von Bh Sn Ap A Ky > / Rar Rd Co ar a

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