Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Sep 1936, p. 4

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Cw CC NL tt o w; Sw ~ 3 eri AN i BI preg TEV ER PAGE FOUR -- ner, and--Mrs.- Ee x LOCAL ITEMS Mr, and Mrs. Miller, of Toronto, have been visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Love. : Mus. Bell has returned home aftér spending the summer: with friends at} Lake Simcoe, Week end guests at the home of Mrs. E. A. Walker, were Mr, and Mrs. Nelson, of Brampton, and Miss Earch- man, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boe spent Satur-|- day at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Archer and Mrs. Williams were guests at the Williams-Nesbitt wedding at Col- umbus last week. Miss Billy Frank, of Orangeville, was a visitor in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDermott were in Toronto last week. Sympathy is extended to Mrs, Bell and Mrs. W. Graham, in the loss of their sister Mrs. Ruddy, of Toronto, whoy diéd last week. Mr. Fred Newman, local manager of the Dominion Store, is taking two weeks' holiday at Sudbury. Miss Thora Kaufman has been ap- pointed to the permanent nursing staff at St. Michael's Hospital. Mr. Phinn, who has been in charge at St. John's Presbyterian Church during the summer months, is return- ing to Toronto to resume his studies for the ministry. Mr. Phinn has rendered excellent service; and his stay in Port Perry will be remembered with pleasure, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth and Rev. Dr. Thornton, were in Brampton on Tues- day attending the funeral of the late Rev. H. M. Manning. : Miss Hazel Jeffrey motored to Brockville for the week end with Miss Patricia Cooney and Mr. Lloyd Hen- nessey, of Oshawa. Mt. E. Reader, of Peterboro, was in town last week renewing old ac- quaintances. Rev. T. A. Nind has been spending a few days in Toronto at a general Synod meeting for Canada. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Corner and fam- ily, Port Perry, and Mrs. Albert Cor- visited Mrs. Edgar Leask at Green- bank, on Sunday. Mr. Jos. Goldring, Bandmaster Cobourg, visiting 4n town this week. in CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Owing to two Harvest Festival Ser- vices being held at Brooklin there will be neither morning or evening service in the Church of the Ascension pest Sunday. Holy Communion service a 8 a.m. and Sufiday School Rally at 3 pm. i Tuesday, Oct. 23rd -- Reserve this date for entertainment fo be put on by the Evening Auxiliary of the W.M. S. of the United Church.. Watch for bills. -- too HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICE At the Church of the Ascension last Sunday Harvest Festival Services were held, with Rev. Canon _W. Loucke ag the special preacher. The church was beaitifully deco- rated with flowers, fruits and vege- tables. Special musical numbers were given by the choir. Rev. Canon Loucke gave two practical and search- ing addresses, dealing with the op- portunities and obligations of church members. THE MEN'S BIBLE CLASS or THE UNITED CHURCH An informal meéting was held last Sunday. afterncon to outline the year's work for the class, It was decided 'that -the opening would be on Sunday, October 4th. The evening service on Sunday, next, Sept. 27th, will take the form of a Rally Day Service for members of the Young People's 'Society, Trail Rangers and the" Men's Bible Class. Each organization will have a repre- sentative to speak of the wbrk being done in each. Men! don't forget the class opening, Sunday, October 4th, at 1.456 p.m. ------ OP WO ee "CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m:--Holy Communion 8 p.m.~--Sunday School Rally Ser-| vice, <> o> PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rally Day Services-- 11 a,m.--Rally of Sunday School 7 p.m.~--Rally of the Church, Trail|. Ranger, Y.P.S,, Men's Class, ete. ---- OP. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at 11 a,m. and 7 p.m, X 2 Eola 4 Weir, -of Cannington, | --.- Buy Socks and Overalls NOW! Fancy Dress Socks, se. 26¢., 35c4 40c., 45¢c., and 50c. pair. Work Socks as low as 20c. pair." Bojer Grade Work, Socks 25c¢., 'and -3j¢. pair, =~ Fo, Pants, regular $1 40 pair for $1.25. . ..Bib Overalls, 8 oz. Denim, Regular $1.65 for $1.40. Bib Overalls, 9 oz. Denim Regular $1.85 for $1.65 We are clearing these lines of Pauts and Overalls, so come and get your share at this price, WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry REV. H.-M. MANNING PASSES The death" occurred early Sunday, Sept. 20th, 1936, of Rev. H, M, Man- ning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. H. Milner, Main Street, Brampton, [ - He was in his eighty-eighth year, and had been confined to his bed since suffering a stroke on the second of January this year. For the last threc and a half years he had made his His wife, who before her marriage was 'Josephine Smith, daughter of the late Sheriff Smith, predeceased him in 1933. He was the last of three brothers engaged in ministerial work in the United Church. The two to predecease him were the Rev, Thomas Manning, of Toronto, and Rev. C. E. Manning of Toronto, formerly Secre- tary of Home Missions for the United Church, Rev. H. M. Manning was one of the pioneer misionaries of the Northwest, land in 1872 travelled by -ox-cart to Edmonton from Winnipeg, then known as Fort Garry, the trip taking home with his daughter, Mrs. A. H.|. Milner, 223 Main Street N., Brampton, WE FIT WE REPAIR Glasses You Save Money -- AT = I. R. BENTLEY! OPTOMETRIST . PORT PERRY, ONT. . PHONE 33 Meats If you wish a juicy, tender Steak, . we have it. See our meats, cut from Ontario cattle under two year old. All . Government Inspected. PRIME RIB ROAST, ..Ib. 15c. THICK RIB ROAST, ...lb, 14c. TENDER POT ROASTS, Ib. 10c. to 13c. SHORTENING ..2 Ibs. for 25c. Phone 4 Port Perry W. BOYNTON Phone 4 Port Perry and established- what is now known as Yonge Street United Church in Toronto, St. James Church in Peter- boro, and was instrumental in start- ing another church in Ottawa. Mr. Manning is survived by two sons and three daughters: H, G. Man- ning, member of the Normal School St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto; Mrs. Milner, of Brampton; Mrs, (Dr.) J. E. Middleton, Peterboro; and Mrs, J. H. Hare, of Erindale. two monthe ta make, Ha wae cunar. ve months te make, He wag guper annuated in the '1914, but continued to work in the interests of the Church, The funeral gervicse was hald at ress 220i Manor Road Church, Toronto, and in- staff at Stratford; Dr. Kent Manning, | - 'GRAPES. Peaches, Anthony Caruso, Prop. at Newmarket, Rev. Mr. Manning was highly es- teemed in Port Perry and Uxbridge vicinities, where he gave most 'ac- ceptable service as a minister of the Methodist Church. He was of a strongly evangelistic type, a .man of great sincerity, a fluent and impres- sive speaker; and a thorough Christ- ian gentleman, It would be difficult to estimate the good Mr. Manning accomplished in his long ang effective 'life. 3 EB LS La 5) W.C TU The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held at the home of Mrs, S. Baird, on Wednesday, Sept. terment was made in the family plot 30th ,at'3 pm. All ladies welcome. These Prices are fective for Sept. 24th, 25th, and 26th. Standard Quality PEAS xis 3%: 20¢ COCOA PRY'S 3b. Pin 19: EEE EE a oe Bulk' SS ROWNTREE"S Cooking F LOOR WAX 285¢ Soap Chips 4 25 CHOCOLATE JUNIOR RITZ 'Macaroon Wafers 6-925 CHRISTIE'S Biscuits or Chase & Sanborn' s Seal Brand COFFEE »m '34¢ : Siitiaiéy . Christie's Christie's CREAMS SODAS RITZ Biscuits iB exits Biscuits 2 1s. 35¢ 2 ee. 21¢ Peg. 14¢ Perfection. ~~ @ =. oo oo 1-Ib, Tia 3%-1b, Slab 17¢ Kellogg's Hike " KELLOGG'S PEP .- RN KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES «» 323 2 Phys. 25¢ '2 Pkg. 25¢ HEINZ KETCHUP 14-02. Bots 35¢ HEINZ TOMATO soup 16-02. 23¢ 2 Tins HEINZ Assorted Cash & Carry i a SF NY Gillett's Lye Ep & sy _ TENDER LEAF TEA 25¢ 12-02, Pkg. a3 53 « as' TIT White, Green Red, Blue Fresh, Full Baskets Big Snow White Celery Plums; Large Hubbard Squash | The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market GRAPES Tomatoes Phone 208. We deliver mi Autum Wedding FAIRVIEW FARM BRIDAL SCENE ik: Fairview Farm, Columbus, deco- rated with gladioli and fern, formed |. an interesting setting for the wedding of Doris Jean Nesbitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Nesbitt, and Mr. -G. Murray Williams which took place on September 16th, at three] o'clock, Miss Mildred Webber played the wedding march and during the signing of the register, accompanied Miss Gertrude Webber, who sang, The bride,' who was given -in mar- riage by her father, wore 'an ivory susde Sula long fitting lines, "Empire "syle. Her tulle veil had a bandeau of seed pearls and orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of Briarcliff roses with lily- of-the-valley, The bride was attended by Miss Helen Cook, niece of the groom, as flower. girl, wearing a long pink taffeta frock with square neck- line and puffed sleeves. She wore a bandeau of pink rosebuds, long sash of turquoise blue, and carried an old- fashioned .nosegay. The bride's mother had chosen a gown Of turquoise blue lace with corsage - of roses, and received the guests during the reception. The groom's mother assisted, frocked in flowered- navy. crepe with corsage of Butterfly roses. On her wedding trip to Montreal, Adirondacks and other points, the bride travelled in a navy blue tailored suit with accessories to match and red fox fur. The newly-wedded couple will live in Port Perry on their return, i no, GENT mero Friday "and Saturday this week "The Road | to Glory" with Frederic March, Warner Baxter, Lionel Barrymore and June Lang. Revisal--Friday at 10:45 p.m, Joan Crawford and Brien Ahern ER in "1 Live My Life" Monday and Tuesday next week DOUBLE BILL Robert 'Montgomery and "Rosalind Russill, in 'TROUBLE FOR TWO' added feature "Three Cheers for Love' with Eleanor Whitney and « Robert Cummings Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, next, week "SWING = TIME" with Fred Astafre and Ginger Rogers 'and order a jar Lawrence' s Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store Mi 31 33¢ 49¢ 89¢ Sprayer - 19¢ >A TYPICAL LAWRENCE VALUES OLYMPENE--the absorbent Liniment elias .50c. and $1. 0. FLY-TOX LISTERINE-- Three sizes Full 16 ounce size ees ad A OVA LTINE--Three sizes " BLUE MOUNTAIN MINERAL WATER-- 'Concentrated liquid form, $1.00 LLOYD'S CORN SALVE-- Fully guaranteed ........ -40c, SCOTT'S EMULSION, 53c., & 98c. A. M. LAWRENCE oxalll Store 25c., 50¢., and $7 ANTISEPTIS-- 38c., 58¢,, and 98¢, Ca if 54 : FOR RENT IN PORT PERRY 5 roomed cottage with quarter acre of land, hard water, soft water, elec- tric lights. Apply to Hugh Campbell: ----- > -- FOR SALE Late model T Ford Coupe with con- vertible half ton box, in good running order. New tires. Apply to Merle Raines, Phone 189 r 4, Port Perry. > PULLETS FOR SALE 100 Barred Rock Pullets for sale, Apply at the Star Office. --_-- to®o-------------- COW FOR SALE Large Ayrshire Cow, excellent pedi- gree, fresh one week. Apply to A. A. Cawker, Port Perry. ---- WP -------------- MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE Phone 49 PORT PERRY hd : dl WANT ADVTS. -- nim Cents: FOR RENT ' Farm of about sitxy-five acres. near ' Oshawa. -.Good land and buildings. Immediate' possession to plough. Full possession October 1st, 4936. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, Osh- awa, Ont. «FOR SALE TWO male puppies, five weeks old. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Prince Albert. Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents . Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Obse rver Office Motorcycle in good condition, Ap- ply at Sweetman's Garage, Port Perry. : a op FOR SALE - Tomatoes by the bushel. Apply to F. W. Bradley, phones. 2663 Electric Wiring AND REPAIRS Special attention given to all work. Vacuum cleaners repaired and over- hauled. Harlin Davey, Phone "3-r-2, Port Perry. -- ee ---------- SEND THE "STAR TO ABSENT FRIENDS - ITS LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME - DR. W. S. HARPER "Graduate of Trinity" Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post ost Graduate in Surgery of Madioa) Seade ege an nic, London, Englan North East London, Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont : { The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS is disolved) _RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 241% Simcoe Street North, 'Oshawa Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week 'or by_ appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 'CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN Ly, ANNI, -B. BA. 3B Offices 7 » ay 4 and 8 Hi iniig and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 (Whitby) . $10.00 REWARD FOR ANY CORN OR CALLOUS THAT CANNOT BE REMOVED BY THE NEW SCIENTIFIC LLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE in 8 to 6 days. This new salve de-sensitizes corns and callouses with the first application. Call your druggist today of the WONDERFUL SALVE. Callouses of long standing will re quire slightly longer treatment. Price 40 cents at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. HELP WANTED : Can place reliable man in profitable independent business handling Wat- kins Products in nearby rural route, 160 Household and Farm Necessities in line. = Established 1868.. Sellthg experience unnecessary, Farm ~ex- perience helpful. Car needed. Credit furnished. Write immediately, J. R. Watkins Company, Montreal, Que. Dept, 0-P-5. - oot8 (The firm of Gren & HuuraasYs is disclved) ARTHUR W. S. GREER J 6.King St, East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 in attendance at°my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. : Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office LOOK HERE! Top prices paid for rags, wool and feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all . | kinds of light metals. For information |ecall Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, day or night: We would: appreciate very much your patronage. ALIX. GILBOORD, - * PORT PERRY | Keeping Things in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED We will be pleased to quote you prices on - 'new or repair work - Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. 'Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. wa RES Ti

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