Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Sep 1936, p. 4

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It is hoped that. everyone free on the Wednesday afternoon of. the 30th will go to the Fair Grounds and lend his vocal and mental support to Port Peiry High Competitors. Pe me Council Meeting A regular meeting of the Town . Council was held on Monday evening. All members present. Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Ewers -ap- peared before the Council re the an- nual grant to the Agricultural So- ciety, which was ordered to be paid. |. They also asked for assistance in the opening up of a new well. No action "was taken on this request. Mr. Fred. Schell asked the Council to use jts influence with the Game and Fisheries Department to allow the "use of pound nets as a means of free- ing the lake of carp. He also comp- plained of low water in the lake. The Council promised to investigate and refer the matter to the proper au- thorities. Mr. Bowes addressed the Council as . to the proposed Central Ontario High- way, details of which appear elsé- where in this issue of the Port Perry ~~ Star. He also spoke re the purchase of the Milling Co. lot at the water front. Upon this latter matter no "action was taken. ~ The Treasurer called attention" to the growing numbey of persons in ar- rears for water rates, licenses, and business taxes. He was instructed to take necessary legal steps for collec tion of same. ~~ at Keta SALMON 325° Special! Vita-Fresh--Vacuum Packed COFFEE sx 35° Princess SOAP Flakes : on PASTRY FLOUR, { . TOMATO JUICE, Ige., 8 for 2c. _ 24'8....67c. : Granulated SUGAR, $6.19 cwt. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables KETA SALMON, talls, 8 for 26¢ | P+G Soap 10 35° &%° --Catelli's Readi-Cut . MACARONI 7 PALMOLIVE s SUPER SUDS SPECIAL (ZENS A 3uze0c 17° 5» 23¢ 58° 98° SILVER RIBBON TOMATO JUICE 61-29 - STORES Special' values effective for Sept. 17, 18, 19. ALL THIS WEEK GARY COOPER and MADELINE CARROLL in "The General Died at Dawn" --Added feature-- MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON Revisal--Friday at 10:45 p.m. "Rendezvous" wtih Wm. Powell MON., and TUES. SEPT. 21, 22 DOUBLE BILL ff! Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Young Jene Raymond and ° Ned Sparks in" "The Bride Walks Out" added feature . Fred Stone in "Grand Jury" ~~ 26-02. Tin 8¢ LIMITED | WED, & THURS. SEPT 23,- 24 Double Program = Qeor e¢ Raft and olores Costello Barymote- in Yous FOR THRE ASKING '--~ ADDED ~~ Ursula Parrott's, There's Always Tomorrow with Frank Morgan and Binnie \ 'full particulars of their claims. mediately after. October 17th, CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, BA, JLB. - Offices 7% Bimecoe Bt. B., Os ~ Phones, 4 and § Prion . and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr, Comant)- - Phone 7 (Whitby) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Elizabeth Brandon. All persons having claims against 'the Estate of Mary Elizabeth Brandon 'of the Village of Blackstock, in the 'County of Durham, Widow, deceased, 'who died on the 10th day of July, 1936, are herby notified to send in to 'the undersigned solicitors on" or be- 'fore the 17th -day of October, 1936, Im- 1936, the assets of the Estate will be dis- tributed among. the parties entitled 'thereto, having regard only to claims "of which the solicitors shall hen haye 'notice, 'Dated September, 11th, 1936" 'Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Perry, Oty Solicitors for the Executors. N ea. i MAKE BIG. FROFITS BY SELLING OUR PRODUCTS Every home is a sale for. line-of 200 household necessities' Experience un- necessary. Start af once sharing in our profit-making plan. = Write to Familex Products Co, 570 St. Slement | : : * Barnes: é mye St. Montréal. Keeping Things in Repair Li IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED We will be pleased to quote you prices on new or repair work Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. ~~ Phene 240 'PORT PERRY, ONT. PAGE FOUR ge aig ------ -- ' " £ 5 LOCAL ITEMS |you Will Need |WE FIT vi ; pu Will Nee Store Ne ; Mrs. A. W. Alllin. is spending a . WE REPAIR Lawrence's $ ru ore ews ; i 3 ese Jor e rair. week with her sisters Mrs. E. LaRose eason; e rai 5 : and Mrs. Camplin in Markham. The New Rubber Curry Comb, 35c. (You Con | Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store : | Mr. and Mrs. Morley Plunkett of| Eclipse Curry Comb ] 4 sarees 25¢. 1ASSEs ie ar or EE Orillia spent Sunday with the for-} Steel Curry Comb wit ; rte ef etabl oR mer's cousin, Mrs. Whitmore. mane comb ... 4. Lan 20¢. Yo Save Mo e TYPICAL LAWRENCE VALUES Lv Gs M. G. A, Palmer is opening "Port| (ther Combs at ....:.10c. and 15e¢. u n y eh hk iy Perry Groceteria" (in the store va-| yoigq Brushés ......20ec, 30c., 40¢ ; a AT ~ <P A Gi on g: LISTERINE, 25¢,, 0, and 79¢. 7 3 / Sept, 25, See advt, on back page. | Koval Comp Polish, tin .;....80c I R. BEN TLEY|§ eac es, rapes, ears, i IE Mi31 ANTISEPTIS, 15¢., 40¢. and 75¢. 5 4 kd : : Compo Best Harness Oil - © OPTOMETRIST k Mra Mary Jane Crowe (mother ofl "Backing «rc crcesiver. 35. Plums, Tomatoes, Celery, of BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 25¢, 89c. and 98e. 2. ied a , ut = i : 4 hig on Sindy evening, September Russit Show Halters ........ $1.50 PORT PERRY ONT. . ih 5 SASKAS AL, 39c. and 69c. ~ 18th, 1936. Mr. and Mrs. McIntos eT, Ci hi fl 3 Were Norwood attending the funer- WILLIAM WEBSTER, H A al 1 owers, 'OLYMPENE, 50¢. and' $1, 00 ; al on Tuesday o is week. . Mrs. M. M. Boyd leaves this week |At Beatly's Store, Port Perry auspices of the Bluebird Club was well |B Bc b k BISMA REX, 75¢. and $1.50 { to make her home in Toronto at 32 - attended also. il New Potatoes, 2 C. Das ot. " LLOYD'S CORN SALVE, 40c. College View Lane. - Mr, and Mrs. Earl Squelch, of Rag-|g n d A Mr, Cecil Heayn has,» Jyndertul Notice was received from the De-|lan and Miss Buby Les, gt Greenbank, 4 G : R d Tl Sun MENTHOLATUM, 27¢. and 54c. showing of dahlias, and visitors re- ; Public Health stating | were wegk end visitors at the H . No celve cordial wettome. its homa SITE HL woul BL 8 doe AL Cirtstie" CI Hot or Sweet, Green or Re young and old GRAY'S BALM, 39c. and 69c. is on the Avenue. ax ; Mr." an rs, Cecil Oxford, of To- : So Beverley Smallman leaves on| be requested to poy a Cy he os ronto, wht Mr, and Mrs, Russell . PEPPERS SL per bottle . by + Tuesday to take up his teaching]of insulin, formerly distributed free|Harper on Sunday. : : duties in Western University, London, | by the Government. gigi 0 i Miss rsh @ F.E. Luke & Son representative here Sat. & ! Ontario. 95 key on winning two scholarships w Late : , A grant of $25.00 was made to the Ta 3 : FY Ber of ur family is suffering from eye trouble, ! j Mrs. H, G. Hutcheson, and } . had ak st term, She will enter the|H H If any member of yo y YN pA in and Miss E.| Cential Ontario Highway Association. University of Toronto next month. |g The Modern Fruit and it will pay you to consult him, He is well equipped to test 5 Adams are enjoying a motor trip in| = Business tax was written off the| Miss Mary hah Ang ih hisses if c : your eyes gecurately and to supply the proper glasses at the € » Quatiee d Mrs. G R. Davey have meh against My. GHpoord for A do Mrs, Cassidy W % Vegetable Market : right price. : | r. an rs. Geo, bk, Lavey '| November and December 1935, and of Brooklin, and Mrs. Jack Thompson, |= : | tr : ' » and Mrs. ' e deliver ; ; ipo Rashes all of 1936 as he is no longer in busi- of Ottawa, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. u Anthony Caruso, Prop. Phone 208. W A. M. LAWRENCE to ' , ness for which the tax was due. Enea, C. From. of Kitchener I 0 OC LO ) < ' It was decided to extend the water | Loong 0 Mio Harry Harper. | Miss Annie Christie is returning to SCUGOG \ : Store : SCHOOL D AYS main on Simcoe St. from Queen to| = My, and Mrs. M. Lane, of Munsie, | Cleveland this eck. Visitors at hor - - The Rexall : Alma Sts., on Caleb St. from Queen Yuh Mr, and Mrs, H. Walker on Mon- hoe ys ee 3 Re lea pA (Continned trom page 5) Phone 4 PORT PERRY BY ANNABELLE BAIRD to Clark $35.5 and on®l iia 84. from Mrs. Arthur Reynolds entertained | Wm. Medd and daughter, Mrs. Mec- M Ns of Lind Balsam to Bay Sts. Total cost not to the United Church Ladies" Aid on|Millan. a and 2 Hoe eo dndsny, TC Cot = exceed $2500.00. Tuesday. There was a good at-] ----------<o@>or-------- of Widisor And ah of tor "WANT ADVTS -- rive Cents por line. Winners from our Field Day held in Notice was given that the insurance | tendance of members and friends. A PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH | ters, Mrs. Pettit and Mrs, Wm. 'Davey Dnt the Fair Grounds this Wednesday will} on the Grand Stand at the Fair Dix, enjoyatle social time was spent| qo m.--Sunday School, of Port Perry, who 'is visiting Mrs. WANTED FOR RENT € a be our team for the Inter-School| Grounds had been increased by $500. Yoh Geo. Payne entertained the Nn PAE Worsiip. at "Bugs Pettit for a few days. - ius hs An experienced cook- -general 5 the| Farm of about sitxy-five-acres near Track Meet which is scheduled for| Arrangements are being made wtih | Ladies' Aid of Breadalbane church on cess.' ays. i o Toromots viting ar day, apply at the Star Office. Oshawa. Good land and buildings. Wednesday, September 30th. the C.N.R. to allow the erection of Monday sveming., After he Indiv ERRAAEEE Re TR Mr. and | Mrs. 8, Pogue sud children a Immediate possession to plough. Full - rt Hyro poles on their property to allow tests, ote. a re CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION |\isited their parents; Mr. and Mrs. J. El t Wi in possession Oktober 1st, 1936, Apply Although there are not many senior | for the lighting of Mr. F, E. Reesor's evening. r gl rvest Festival Collins recently. : % €C ric r g to Conant &° Annis, Barristers, Osh-~ boys capable of entering the Track| buildings. Sorry to report Mr. Al Christie lost 1 am--Holy Commuion Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fowler and son AND REPAIRS laws, Ont. ; Meet there are several outstanding ooo {oe valiale cows by lightning on oy "m,-- Evensong Allan, Mr, and Mis, Robart Fowles ot iat attention given 43 2 work. = - ae § ednesday morning, nezer were Sunday visitors o. r. , i and over- i i girls. Mr. Kerr depends on them to UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Golden visited with Sheetal preacher: The Rev. Canon | = Mrs. O. Boiler y Vacuum ond i Et FOR SALE, Ti furnish 30 points and the boys 25. A splendid crowd attended the | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard on Sunday. | "+ 1-0ucke. Mr. S. Sweetman and Mr. E. Read- hauled. arlin Davey, ) i 3 3 ek. tos" ohmato, gold The school is lacking a boy's relay school fair here on Friday and the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Somerville and ST. JOHN'S 1 PRESBYTERIAN er took quite a number of young men Port Perry. A ot. 5 } li ) with hard | exhibits were exceedingly numerous | daughters spent the week end with on_a motor trip to Niagara Falls. --------a------------------ oo. - team, but quality along : and good for this year. The dance in | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson, Victoria CHURCH 0 ited h 1 OR SALE ' practice may make up for quantity.|the hall in the evening under the Corners Services at 11 a.m, and 7 pm wes Hina Smells Mos fou eu 2 Yo RS bushel. Apply t SUITS CLEANED . . 'fhe he evening 3 the hers, & Jor : am, am, r. and Mrs, Geo. Samells a few-days [~ Tomatoes by the bushel. Apply to | € \ The boys must be given credit for the L ; : Yast weak: F. W. Bradley, phone 256] way in which they are training, but|~ "es abe Aa A a a Suits sponged and pressed what of the girls? " Via In dairy factories in New Zealand FOR . £ aE 2 i DOMIN ION ® STORES LI MITED e women and boys may not be-employed Hotpoint Elecric Range, 1 h.p. Elec- 80 Cents J Miss Thompson breathed a sigh of h gow-- ' between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. | tyic Motor, 60 cycle, Cook Stove. D. Dry Cleaned $1. 00 / ! relief when the Switzer twins reap- . i y poz Pig Sunday, Ay holiday or half-} McKinzey, Manchester, 8.17 peared. They are the backbone of the 7 C. P. 'ROLPH girls' athletic activities. poms ING 3 : : a * 4 3 DOMINION STORES COM ! Oyer the Observer Office x PY Everyone agreed that Mr. Shepherd 'Sales of Dominion Stores Limited ; _ should supply the school with ginger for the 9th period ended September 5 k & So . - en / ' (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS is disolved) ale in the absence of Adam's ale, ke : 1936, were $1,467,762. This compares F. E. Lu e on ; ; except Mr. Shepherd. He happily with $1,290,685 for the corresponding hs a 3 ARTHUR W. S. GREER x : escaped by the appearance of water in period in 1935, and is an increase of 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 3160 the fountains last Thursday after- 13.7% i: - | A: M.. LAWRENCE'S DRUG STORE, | in attendance at my Port' Perry oflice on noon after a week's dry spell. The a PORT PERRY Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon - a pump had been broken, but it was re- $10.00 REWARD : of each week or by appointment. i paired. FOR ANY CORN OR CALLOUS THAT to SHAT. T0uB a ¥ OUR Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 ' PO CANNOT BE' REMOVED BY THE NEW ! - oy The household science room is BOTENEIIG LLOYDS THYMOLATED SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, WwW A S : Ea dl > 3 i " ing Er oA CORN* sVE in 8 to 5 days, . This new | : beautiful after its summes Loating hes ecial McCormick's @ ° salve de-sensitizes corns and callouses with the . ~ 9 er. angster > white paint, and it should be an in- IE Spe " : . : first application. Call your druggist today DR. W. S. HARPER DENTAL SURGBON [ centive to the workers in it. The LIBBY'S [|] m a 5; jar 5 the FUL Graduate SL Trinity Medical Qollege and' 'Office Hours: 9 am. t6 5 pm. _ ar 5 . i r . 3 allouses of long standing will re- rinity University, * cupiyshr ds spit bivetieot tn aad TOMATO fe Bars quire slightly longer Frost, Price 40 cents Pot Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu-| ' Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's - of a little white or grey paint. Who : : at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. » College and Polyclinic, radunte. Coles Insurance Office will play Santa Claus and right the| = JUICE ¥ Filled with dehcious > : North East London. Fog! Gradus 3, College : matter? 103-02. | Java Roses : Singapore Fig Jam : bi and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont Ls RL lil é Tins 29¢ C n A LOOK HERE! tabi i thie duel : Ibs, 3 Top prices paid f ool and ' Fred Christie is audibly sawing tae : 7/ 4 RB Ws: 3 : N i : RE Fo Cais brotha ih diolved) | 1 p P 5 a rags, woo : school's. winter supply of lumber in his = . : NIN [0 hy \ dl eathers, also fowl, horse hair and all * in is benefit, | i 4 ga A / , D. HUMPHREYS ~gpares. For his benefit, perhaps the . Cc A Rl EN Z RUSSELL D. HU kinds of light metals. For Information alarm clpck put in second form should EAL -Baled Dressing C 2 5 eho) 241% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa' [call Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, day or re have been put in third von. \ DLL Phone 814 .. night. ~ We would appreciate very : . y + irac e ip : . in attendance at my Port Perry We on much your patronage. ; j gt Fg es Tuead d Thursd fternoon eac Some would like to know just what ' OSHAWA uae A ALIX GILBOORD, PORT PERRY he 22 clog isgal nas bs. Fancy Kel ~ : £4) : Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 + x NOW PLAYING : + hd +m 0 hy ep od e+ | I 2 »

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