hi To . ae Nor i Hoar Sas Came i 3 CUT ALS RAREA INES SX = "Sen Se a ety a R A sn Teal Exe a mm i Hn ey - a Sain -- es Nea fe = tA a TI ES Ee Ay PAGE FOUR | ---- ~~ : +2 EY g » LOCAL ITEMS NOTICE A meeting of the Business Men's Association will be held in the base- , ment of the library. on Monday even- ing, Sept. 14 at 8 p.m. to discuss the use of the Association's funds. A full attendance is requested. R. A. Levia, Sec'y-Treasurer, Mr, and Mrs. John Cowie, of Owen Sound, spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs, R. McKnight. Mr, Cowie is the leader of the Owen Sound Citizen's Band that took 2nd prize in Class "A" at the C, N. E. contest. Mis. Salkeld, of Caledonia has been visiting her sister Mrs. Morrison, Dr. and Mrs. Mathers and son Donald, of Kingston, N.Y., called on friends in town last week. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Wallace, Ignace, Ontario, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace. Miss Dorothy Davey, of Toronto, spent the week end and holiday with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Davey. Mr. Frank Slemmon, of Brockville, was the guest of hr, and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey over .the week end. Mr. Grant Robertson, of Cobourg, was in town over the week end. Mr, and Mrs. A. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Wilder and Betty, of Whitby, spent Sunday with Mrs. Madison Wil- liams, Mr. and Mrs. Bell-Smith, of To- ronto, were guests of Mrs. Mellow over the holiday. Miss Grace Wiseman, of Whitby, spent the holiday in town, Mr. Gordon Howard of Toronto, spent the holiday at his home here. oT A Mr. Grant Real, of Brampton, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wm. Real. We are sorry to report the recent serious illness of Mrs. J. F. McClin- tock. It is pleasing to note, however, that she is doing nicely. Her many friends wish for her speedy and com- plete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillan have moved -into the house recently pur- chased from the Franklin estate. Mr. Arthur Asher and a friend are spending a few days with Mr. and mrs. T. Asher. They have been filling an orchestra engagement at Cham- plain, Que., which is right on the border 6f New York State. 'The rest ot the party, who were taking a short holiday, met with a serious accident when their auto was entirely wrecked and the occupants seriously injured. TT A -- lwo Good Students Inthe pride of reporting the suc- cess of Miss Delza Lakey in her ex- ams, we have overlooked the good} work of two students--Patricia Jack- son and Vivien Wallace, each of whom - took first on eight subjects in Middle and Upper School examinations. rl ---- -- WILLIAM RICHARD CRUSE Atter a long illness Mr. William Richard Cruse passed away at his home in Port Perry in his 72nd year. Deceased was born at Columbus, Ont., and was the son of the late John Cruse. He spent his boyhood and young manhood in Columbus and Prince Albert, in the latter place h: learned telegraphy. In early manhood Mr. Cruse wen* to the United States, and lived in Detroit for some time. Returning to Canada, he became C.P.R. telegraph operator at Myrtle, and later joined the C.N.R. becoming station agent at Pefferlaw, North Oshawa, Port Hope, and Newboro He retired in 1929, and lived in Prince Albert for two years before moving to Port Perry. Mr. Cruse married Miss Elizabeth Maude Spence, who survives him. He is also survived by two brothers in the West, Deceased was a good citizen, quiet and unassuming. He was well reaa, and had a kindly sense of humour His friends were delighted to be in his company and enjoy a game of checkers, in which game he was an expert. i The funeral was conducted by Rev. T. A. Nind, and interment was made in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Al- bert. EERE hia me DIED | CRUSE--At Port Perry, on Mon- day, September 7th, 1936, William Cruse, husband of Elizabeth Maude Spence, aged 72 years. | manville. You Will Need These for the Fair. The New Rubber Curry Comb, 35e¢. Eclipse Curry Comb ......... -25e. Steel Curry Comb with mane comb LES CEL Tin 20¢. Other Combs at-......10¢c. and 15¢e. "Horse Brushes ......20¢., 30c., 40c. Royal Compo Polish, tin ...... 30c. Compo Best Harness Oil Blacking ...... JEL ERE 35¢. Russit Show Halters ........ $1.50 WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry Two new buildings are to' be erected at the Boys' Training School, at Bow- Messrs, Gay & Co., of Oshawa, are the contractors. is proceeding immediately. Ewart McLaughlin's "Cricket" won in Class "E" Motor Boat Races, at the Canadian National Exhibition, go- ing at a 45 mile speed. The Provincial Plowing Match will to be held from October 6th to 9th. at Cornwall, Ont." There is $4,000 in prizes offered for the different events. There will be the usual display of farm machinery. FOR RENT Farm of about sitxy-five acres near Oshawa. Good land and buildings. Immediate possession to plough. Full possession October 1st, 1936. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, Osh- awa, Ont. ~ ---- te SELL PRODUCTS THAT SELL AT SIGHT. 100 consumers right in your neigh- 'bourhood. Complete line of 200 necessities. Every home a sale. Big earnings each week. We need an am- bitious man for your town and dis- trict. Write today to Familex Pro- ducts Co, 570 St. Clement St, Montreal. ' WE FIT WE REPAIR Glasses You Save Money AT I. R. BEN TLEY OPTOMETRIST a PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 33 Work ' * ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, OEP OP PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--*"The Call to Service"'-- Echoes from Laymen's Confer- : ence, 7 p.m,--"The God of the host". CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, 11 a.m.--Morning Service. RE nh Fy $900 Drinkers Beware "I will not have drinking and' driv- ing on these highways, if I have to put every man in jail. I will not tol- erate & man who drinks and drives." These observations were made - by Magistrate Douglas Davidson in the Police Court when he found Samuel Grant, of Toronto, guilty on a reckless driving charge. The latter was fined $29.26 and his license cancelled for fifteen days. The evidence showed that on August 26, Grant had been 'seen zigzagging 'along the Lake Shore Road by a number of motorists who complained to police. The man was eventually apprehended by Constable W. Yates in Mimico. Seasonable Anthony Caruso, Prop. 1 BIBLE SOCIETY Something of the greatness of the undertakings of the Bible Society was heard in the Churches at Port Perry on Sunday last when Mr. A, Greer of Toronto delivered addresses on the translation and distribution of Holy Scripture as it is carried on by the Bible Society. Mr. Greer spoke in the Presbyterian Church in the morning and at the United Church in the even- ing. He also 'addressed the United congregation at. Prince Albert, and was well received by his listeners, Probably the name of the Biblef Society: is familiar to all Christian people, and yet the immensity of its work comes always with a sense of wonder. "Confining its efforts solely] to the translation, publication and dis- Tomato Soup ww ~ STORES LIMITED Saaly A Tins 25° CHERRIES CHOICE RED QUALITY PITTED Sqn 25 COWAN'S PERFECTION . COCOA 23° 1-1b, Tin Tis: ores Uh x Ai {TUNA F mh wi. Bu BS CHICKEN « 90° JUNKET coo 2~19° HEINZ susan 2:21° ROLLED OATS ~ 6-25 PRESERVING REQUISITES SEALER BULK VINEGAR . RINGS, Rubber MUSTARD, Compound = hl ) XXX Quaker Bread Flour 98-1b, Bag When Packed Doz. 8¢ Zinc aoe. 208 - hb 19¢ Small Size eal 38¢ PAROWAX PICKLING SPICE, Whole oN CERTO - weg bd $83 b. 19¢ 'bot. 27¢ x E, MINUTE OATs KETA SALMON, I's ..... 3 for 25¢. TOMATO JUICE, 21 oz. ..3 for 25c. BULK VINEGAR «vo es gal, 8b6e. FINE SALT, 60' ......:......89¢. PASTRY FLOUR, 24's ........67c. 3 y Vegetables. Peaches, Plums, Pears: "Lemons, Oranges, Bananas ' Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 25¢. New Potatoes, 25c. Basket - PICKLES--Cauliflowers 3 Hot or Sweet Green and Red Peppers No. 1 Stake Tomatoes, home grown, nice and firm _. The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market P0000 0 0 OO i Fruits and and Onions for Pickling Phone 208. We deliver tribution of Scripture itself and even restricting. the publication of the Bible to editions without note or comment, the Bible Society has been enabled to serve = every Christian communion whatever throughout the worldi--Mr. Greer pointed out not only the es- sential service the Bible Society rend- ers without charge to .the mission activities of the -different churches, but also its immense power as an evan- gelizing 'agent in that it employs over a thousand colporteurs who distribute the Book in_the far corners of the éarth. ' In these days when those desiring /ithe spread of Christ's Kingdom are sometimes dismayed at the forces ar- rayed against it, it is refreshing to hear of an undertakng which .knows no bound or creed, nationality, colour or race, but links together all who de- sire to spread the Gospel of Christ in one common fellowship. There has been for many years an active and successful branch of the Bible Society at Port Perry. It has long been its custom to afrange for information such as that given last Sunday in the different churches and to follow this "with the usual house-to- house. canvass, The committee of "thie Port Persy branch urge all to join in this great ywork,"' and' surely no undertaking ap- pealing to the community for help de- serves better at our hands. It is plan- ned that. the collecting shall begin about the last of September. The officers' of the 'Port Perry Branch are: Dr. J. B. Lundy, Presi- dent; Mr. W. E. Webster, Secretary; Mr. H. G. Hutcheson, Treasurer, OSHAWA FALL FESTIVAL of - Great SCREEN HITS! - "ALL THIS WEEK KATHERINE HEPBURN, ' . and FREDRIC MARCH in A "Mary of Scotland" ; --Added feature-- "Dionne Quintuplets at Play." Revival--Friday al 10:45 pom. Man on the Flying Trapeze with u Ww. C. "FIELDS 3 Lawrence' $ Drug Store | ews : (You Can' Save With Safety at Your Rexall Btore i ra FLY. -TO 33¢ 49¢ 89¢ Sprayer Consult him about Phone 49 TYPICAL LAWRENCE VALUES SASKASAL--The natural 2 mineral salt. Gees 89¢. and: 69¢. Te BISMA REX--For relief from » Stomach disorders, T6e and 51 50 = OVALTINE-- : "Tonic Food Beverag : ; Three sizes -- 380, BSc, 98c. Mi 31 ANTISEPTIS--A 'most effective mouth antiseptic 8 ounce 40c. LLOYD'S CORN SALVE-- Guaranteed to remove COTTIS eevee nennesnss.40c. BLUE JAY CORN PADS-- "I. P. YEAST and Iron Tablets 69c, F. E. LUKE & SON representative will be here Sept. 19th, 'A. M. LAWRENCE 16 ounce 75¢c, pkg. 26c¢. your eye trouble. PORT PERRY which has any missionary undertaking . COMING! ; F. E. Luke & Son A M. rT he STORE, - PORT PERRY to examine YOUR and YOUR Children's Eyes, on SATURDAY, SERTEMBER 16th. Ga NEXT MONDAY FOR THREE DAYS By popular request, a relurn engagement of. CLARK GABLE and JEANETTE MacDONALD in SAN FRANCISCO with 'SPENCER TRACY Matinees Daily at 2.80 p.m. - Evenings at 7.80 p.m. Daylight Saving Time Matinee 27c¢, Evenings 86¢. Tox Included Children: anytime 10¢: DR. W. S. HARPER Graduata of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. P Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ate College and Polyclinic, London, England, North East London. Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and SurgeryPort Perry, Ont. oon The firm of Gaaen & Hukeuzexs ls disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street 'North, Oshawa Phone 814 in attendance at my. Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or -by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Puablie -. GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ' ALIN F. ANNIS, B.A., LL.B. . Offices 734 Bimeos St. 8., Oshawa ~.._Phones,-4-and § (Oshawa) "| and at' Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 (Whitby) - -- eo ---------- WANTED Girl for general housework. . Apply 271 Simcoe. Street North, Oshawa. CLIT EIEN ob AY, reat SEER RT) LOST Basket containing towels, linen, etc. on Friday, Sept. 4th, between Sonya and Toronto. - Rewards Phone or write- Dougall McPhail, Sonya. NOTICE TO CREDITORS - In the Estate of Sarah Ann Devitt, Deceased. 5 = All 'persons having claims against the Estate of Sarah Ann Devitt, of the Township of Whitby, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, deceased, who died on|R or about the 18th day of August, 1936, are hereby notified to send in to 'the undersigned solicitors on or before the 27th day of September, 1986, full particulars" of: tho claims, Imme- diately after September 27th, 1936, the assets of the Testatrix will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. i Dated August 21st, 1936. \ "Harris, rris & Wallace, Port Pérry, Ontario, Solicitors for S. A, Devitt Estate, v $10.00 REWARD FOR ANY CORN OR CALLOUS THAT CANNOT BE REMOVED BY THE NEW SCIENTIFIC LLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE in 8 to 5 days. This new salve de-sensitizes corns and callouses with the first application. Call your druggist today and order a jar of the WONDERFUL SALVE. Callouses of long standing will' re Jaufre slightly 'longer treatment. Price 40 cents at Lawrences Drug Btore, Port Perry, WANT ADVTS. --%isemsgosiine. FOR SALE Two Yorkshire Brood Sows, due to farrow. in 'about two weeks, Apply to John Boyko, R.R.8, Port Perry. <i > ¥ PURSE LOST S15 Purse lost containing sum of money. . Finder Please return to Star Office. |SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents : Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. S. GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 3160 Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week or by appointment. Susan Street, Port Perry, Phone 204 W. A. Santino ~~. DENTAL SURGEON --- _ Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's '"Insyrages Office : . LOOK HERE! : "Top prices. 'paid for rags, wool and kinds of light metals. For information call Alix, Gilboord, Phone 177, day: or night... We would appreciate very much your patronage. ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY | Keeping Things in Repair "PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE IN. GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY, ARE SAVED r= / We will be lensed to quote you prices on new or Tepair work. | Sam N. Griffen 'Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. ~--in attendance at my Port Perry office on.- feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all. 4