Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Sep 1936, p. 3

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Extra values at no ex- fra gost J, , that bs your positive guaran w you buy: Firestone Tires, Among these are Firestone's 2 Extra Cord Plies under the tread that bind the tread and body bilo an slastic Esepasable unit ing it safe at any speed. You pay nothing for this extra feature that gives you extra safety and extra mileage. { Get the most for your money. Firestone do not cost one cent more than ordinary tires and your nearest Firestone Dealér has a tire to suit every purse; - See him today. i irest FOR THESE | 43811) | CORD PLIES | UNDER THE [§ . TREAD MANNS [iii 748\ / NW Ui, A 22 Gum-Dipped Cords NWN s8% Stronger HIGH SPEED TIRES Safer! ever built CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS CANADA'S finest, most complete line of boxed assortments; all new, no leftovers, Our exceptional -values mean more sales and bigger profits. Also an exclusive line of exceptional personals at $1 per dozen. Samples shipped free. Write A. Talbot and Company Limited, Lon- don, Ontarlo. "FREE -- FREE FREE New list of planos, chesterfields, sewing machines, dining room suites, Simmons beds, mattresses, springs, and everything for the home. Furni- ture Warehouse, 90 Chestnut 8t., Toronto. (Dept. WL 1) GAIN WEIGHT C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets are really 4 . __great tonics -- Calcium Carbonate to purify the blood," banish" pimples, blackheads and. bldtches -- and Brew- of Cod liver to build you up, nourish "the blood, steady the nerves and put pounds of solid flesh on thin people. Start -to enjoy life, to look and feel your best today -- all drug stores. $100.00 FREE In cash prizes Ask your druggist for 0. C. & B. : Contest Blank. : er's Yeast, tou) Iron and Extract | A SNL MAL - Coleman Hot Plat wit © Makes its own {22 from gaso- OUseo it any- where.Nopipes or connec. 1 ons 'PRICEDASLOWAS | @ ish $+) Qneburnerand { ule pre. iwo Dares tojels -| ®Economical dealer or write for foe on of FREE FOLDER! ueloperates THR COLEMAN LAMP both barmerets EL ER "Maximum freedom for every hu- man being is possible only if society allows free thought and free exchange of opinions." ~~ . ' --Henry Morganthau. Your personality is your display window. Perhaps it needs perking up a bit. A Very Prominent Physician of London, England, Lauds Dr. Hett's Serum for Cancer In Letter Whith Appeared In Mail and Empire, August 20th, 1936 To the Editor of The Mail and Empire: . Sir.--Having been engaged as an electro-therapeutist for some time in London, England, and hearing while in Toronto of the remarkable results obtained by Dr. Hett, of this city, with serum injections for cancer, I naturally desired to investigate and obtain some- first hand information. I examined many of his scientific records and also saw a number .of me with - the. wonderful results achieved. res i", These cases which had been given, up for hopeless are now quite well and have remained so for a consider- able length of time and with no re- currence. I have indeed no hesitation in ad- vising the medical profession here and elsewhere, to examine his results ds I have done, as I. understand they know practically nothing about his research work, so in consequence are | not giving him the encouragement he deserves. } I understand that Dr. Hett has not yet revealed his formula to. the pro- fession, but after a very reasonable explanation from him I consider he | has at present acted most wisely, and I feel that he should be given every assistance possible as he does not wish to be premature in this scientific field of work. I am quite certain that no work on this_dread disease can show such positive results, or given such a vivid demonstration as his patients have done. . Up to the present time he is not J permitted either to read a paper be- fore the medical societies or publish his results in a medicai journal. Undoubtedly the time is not far distant when the doctor will he recognized and I shall have no hesi- tation in recommending patients in England to take his serum. : ~~ "HOWARD COULTHARD, M.D. Toronto, 'Aug. 19th, 1936. "Diseases change as man is-brought into contact with; new conditions, in- tellectual, social and so on." --Dr, William J. Mayo. hi \ NONE FINER MADE 4 = DOUBLE AUTOMATIC HOOKLET 5¥ his cured patients, who have amazed. " The foreman of an electrical repair '| shop was recently , interviewing a bright boy who was applying for a position. : Foreman--Do--you know anything at all about electrical apparatus? Bright Boy, promptly--Yes, Sir. Foreman--What is an armature?. Bright Boy--It's a guy who sings for Major Bowes. 4 There seems to be a sustained im- pression in the minds of many men that there was little change until they began to get along in years. Mother--How is it that you always let George kiss you goodnight? Daughter--On his lap. Church is the only place in the world one has to get to early in order to get a back seat. The backwoodsman had irudged to the nearest town and applied for em- ployment at a factory. Foreman--I think I can find you a job all right, but you'll have to work in a night shift, Backwoodsman--That's too bad, I have only pajamas. A painter who lived in Great Britain, Interrupted two girls with their -knitain', He said with a sigh, "That park bench--well, I Just painted it, right where you're sitain," A good way to have a mind at rest is to settle down to earn all you can get instead of taking chances on every lottery that comes along. The gamb- ling fever increases as indulged, so the best way is never to gamble even in a small way. Wife--Because of the way you spoke to _her on the phone this morn- ing, the cook has quit--walked right out on us. Husband--My gracious, I thought I was talking to you! Perhaps it would be just as well not to count your chickens until they have returned from scratching up your neighbor's garden. -- Film Star (using new toilet prep- aration) --This is awful stuff. Why did you ever buy it? Her Maid--I read an advertisement in which you praised it very highly. -Lady---I want a good -cook-for -my- country residence. : Employment Manager--Miss Clark, have we anybody here who would like to spend a day or two in the country? Too many excuses make for an ex- employee. Make few excuses. Children With Education Refuse to Stay on Farm Saskatoon.--Cost and benefits of education were thoroughly examined at a recent discussion at the farm women's convention here when one speaker contended "We are educating our children bff the farm." Young people didn't want to stay on the farm after they had received an education, but wanted to go to the city, she declared. } Another farm woman deplored the fact the most important years of a child's life had to be' spent in town if they were to get a high school edu- cation. It was decided if farm con- ditions could be made more attrac- tive young people would not wish to leave. 'It was, pointed out farm wom- en pay a neighbor's girl wages while their own daughters are away_at school, but would not have given the daughter the same money had she re- mained at home. A Test In Figures A car owner was having his eyes tested for a driver's license. Pointing to a chart on the wall, the examiner asked the man to identify the things he saw, "What is in the large circle in the centre?" he asked. " "That is the figure 18," the man replied. "Wrong," said the examiner. ' "That is a picture of Mae West talking to Katharine Hepburn." : The 'Graphochart Shows how to read character from handwriting, at a glance. 10¢ PREPAID Graphologist Room 421 73 Adelaide St, W. Toronto CINANCIAL I LASHES Issue No. 36 -- '36 A~--1 Bilmac Gold Mines kas appointed Mark C. Little, M.E.; as consulting en- gineer to take complete charge of de- velopment work." Operations are pro- ceeding on the Saville vein on tha 410-ft. "level with drifting advancipg both north and south from the cross- cut. At last report the vein had been drifted on for 75 ft. to the south and 85° ft. to the north, and showed a width of 4 ft. with free gold in evi- dence. A crew of 32 men are em- ployed on the property. Development work at the Faulken- ham Lake Gold Mines property, which adjoins Madsen Red. Lake Gold Mines on the south, is proving highly favorable, A new vein showing values has been discovered between the No. 1 and No. 2 veins on the company's Faulkenham Lake group, according to advices to the head office from T. W. Dean, Vice-president and managing director, who is now at the property in the Red Lake area. The number one veiw, which is in a feldspar porphyry dyke, has been sampled for a length of 750, feet. Charles Walters, in charge of devel- opment work at the property, gave an average value of-$21 over an average width of 36 inches, The assaytanged from a trace to as high as $219. The dyke, which is from 10 to 16 feet in width, and well mineralized, has been traced for 1,600 feet. Underground devetopment at Clark Gold Mines is making good progress and showings equally as good as at the shaft are being obtained 1,600 ft. from the shaft. Extensive diamond drilling is being continued to deter- mine conditions at greater depth. Of- ficials are planning the early instal- lation of largely increased power fa- cilities and also a completely equipped assay office. Drilling results are ex- pected shortly. Deepening of the shaft is progressing to the second level at 260 ft. Following a meeting of directors of Hudson Patricia Gold Mines held recently it was announced that the various technical adjustments neces- sary to the mill machinery, following installation and initial operation, are underway at the property in the Clearwater Lake section, Patricia dis- trict. The mill-has been running on lowgrade ore to date and the brick recently poured had a value of. ap- proximately $5,000. Milling will of ore. The main shaft at Morris Kirkland Gold Mines has now. reached its ob- jective of 1,250 ft. and development of the new levels at 875 and 1,250 ft. are to be started immediately. Officials report that indications ob- tained from drilling below the 750-ft. level point strongly to the proving of new important ore on these new horizons. building is steadily proceeding with the frame work up and building com- pletely sided. It is expected that pro- f3csan will be underway by Oct. 5th. McMillan. Gold Mines' 125-ton mill, which was shut down late last year, will be re-opened within the next 30 days, according to G. A. Foot, manager and director. The .vein on the 760-ft. level shows an average value of $9.50 in gold per ton which continues 'down to the bottom level. According to Mr. Foot the mill can be re-opened 'on the ore available on the bottom level. "Surely Americanization requires the exposure of the wolf 'of collectiv- ism now parading in the sheep's clothing of pretended liberalism." --Herbert Hoover. The man who does his level best to- day always does better tomorrow. The cumulative effect of steady work and constant saving is a tremendous pow- er in a man's life. : shortly bo .swung over to mine run| Construction of the mill] YOU can cut Dixie coarse or flakey just as you like it. It's economical, too; for you cut it only as you TE i RE ), XN C use it--there's no waste. G A RVICHRY [0] q 1, [ch fo]: 7 -Ye{e[o Employment Gain Of 1,000,000 Shown Washington.--The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported last week that "nearly 1,000,000 workers" have re- ceived new employment in the last year and that payrolls have increased Blast $42,000,000 during that inter- val. In his .regular report to Frances Perkins, Labor Secretary, Isador Tu- bin, Bureau Commissioner, said that approximately 2,000 more jobs had been filled during July. He stated: "The gain, while small, continues the expansion which has been shown each month since March and is par- ticularly significant when contrasted with the usual sharp recessions which characterize employment in July. "Available records for the industries covered by the bureau show that dur- ing the past 17 years increases have been shown for July in only three in- stances." ol Gold Syndicate Rebair Work on this property is progres- sing. rapidly and important de- velopments are now taking piace. 'Permanent Buildings are erected --Over 1,000 feet of trenching has been completed and sinking is. now under way. A limited offering of units is being nade at rer $7.50 nT (Each unit exchangcabie for 100 shares in a Company to be formed) =~ 3 At present price of units, Shares will cost 7'%c. Per Share. Drilling will start early in Sep- tember, the Syndicate having pur- chased its own drilling equipment, You will want to keep In touch with this interesting operation which offers a new and attractive investment opportunity. Write for full particulars without obligation. To REBAIR GOLD SYNDICATE, 9 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Canada. Kindly forward prospectus and full information on, Rebair Gold Syndicate. Name ....ivvveevscrevesvearess 'Addross EEE EE EEE) WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE-- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily, If this bile isnot flowing freely, your food doesn't digest, It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach, Youget constipated. Harmful poisons 5 into the body, you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk, A mere bowel movement doesn'talwayaget - at the cause. You need something that works on the liver as well, It takes those old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make " feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they make the bile flow freely. They do the wo! of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ask for Carter'a Little Liver Pills by name | Stubbornly refuse anything else. 5c. Classified - Advertising AUTO ACCESSORIES NEW AND USED CAR AND TRUCK parts shlpped everywhere. Sat!s- faction guarantec" or money refunded. Prompt attention to enquiries: Levy Auto Parts, Head Office. 736 Queen St. West, Toronto. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS HANGER STANDARD LIMB CO. 126 Wellington West, Toronto. Im- proved Ilmbs_ without shoulder straps. [Free catalogue. the Springbank Farm of her owner, on Sunday August 9, In December of 'butterfat; sett cow that ever | or five above 1,0 fat. completed her Japa R.O.P, test with 18991 |bs, 6f 4.80% milk, 8 ng a Rew lifetime {atk over a hrgeds) rodaction of 9062 lbs, of fat, Her highest year production rom 25,768 lbs. milk, was made in her 6-year-old form. 'She is the only d to have made three records above 1100 lbs. of fat Ibs. fat; six above 900 Ibs, fat or eight above 800 Ibs. The "Countess" Is Dead Springbank Snow Countess, 51871, sixteen:year-o'd Holstein cow, the world's greatest life-time producer of butterfat is dead. She died at > T. R. Dent, Jopdatock, Untazio, last year at ears of age she 18901 4 §2 Ios, with a total 1126 Ibs, fat BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GUARANTEED BUSINESSES -- Con- fectioneries, Gas Stations, Groceries, Delicatessens, Tobacco Shops. All at Bargain Prices. Write for particulars. Investment Bureau, 156 Yonge St. Toronto. : Warranted Council Standard Choose "Mosco™ COUNCIL BTAND- ARD Roofing for economy, quality and permanence. Heavily coated with durable spelter--aofficially 'spot. tested" for quality -- thls roofing eliminates upkeep cost--resists wear and weather for years. We will gladly send literature and prices. Write us now on jour - roolfg requirements. ROOFERS SUPPLY CO. LIMITED TORONTO LONDON MONTREAL OTTAWA QUEBEC RHEUMATISM Pout Minard's into a warm dish, Rub liniment gently inj then apply it according to directions . . and soon " you'll get relief! MINARD'S LINIMENT Finance Minister Dunning Says Loans Doubled Since June--Building Permits Up Over Last Year Canada and evidence of steadily in. creasing activity under the Dominion Housing Act are reported in a state- ment issued recently by Hon. Chas. A. Dunning, Minister of Finance. "Since the first of June," said Mr. Dunning, "the number and 'value of loans approved under the Dominion Housing Act have more than doubled. From the time operations under the until June of this year, 212 loans had been approved for a total amount of $1,613,916. As at August 15, 464 loans had been approved, and the amount of these loans aggregated $3,331,336. Stimulates Building. "A number of duplexes and apart- ment houses have been financed un- der the act and the 464 loans have provided housing accommodation for 667 families." } . "In addition to its direct effects the Dominion Housing Act has had an important influence in stimulating the volume of residential building fin- anced on the ordinary basis by pri- vate lending institutions. The publi- cify which has been given to this legislation and to the report of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Housing has tended to make the Canadian public more "house-consci- ous," The manager of one company, not on the approved list of lending institutions, reports that in a period of three wecks he made 86 straight loans as a result of Housing Act ad- vertising done by one of the approved lending * institutions in his commu- nity." "Confirmation of this is to be found in the figures of building permits and contracts awarded during the year to date. In the first seven months of 1936, the number of contract award- ed for residential buildings totalled 7,118 as compared with 6,816 during the corresponding period of last year. The value of such contracts aggre- $20,640,300, an increase of approxi- mately 8 per cent. In July, the in- crease in residential contracts award- ed over July, 1935 was 10.7 per cent. Having in mind the extent to which our unemployment is so heavily con- centrated in the building trades, this substantial improvement in private construction is especially gratifying. We are all familiar with the import- ant role which residential building has played in the British recovery movement during the past few years. Depression Gone. "Revival in our durable goods in- dustries, particularly in the greatest of them, the construction indusitry, is essential to the restoration of more normal conditions in business and employment. The willingness to make long-term commitments -- the revival of investment--is an evidence of the gradual disappearance of depression psychology. We have now "an oppor- tunity to accelerate this movement which calls for the whole-hearted co-operation of the construction in- terests, the private lending -institu- tions and the public generally," In analyzing the loans which have been made under the Act, Mr. Dun- ning pointed out that while the aver- age loan per family unit was only slightly less -than $5,000, neverthless, loans had been made for amounts running down to $2,000, and even as carrying charges for interest and principal amortization (but excluding taxes) would be only a little over $13.00 per month. The recent Domin- ion architectural competition has stimulated interest in the low-cost widespread public demand for the booklet issued by the Department of Finance giving 65 of the plans sub- mitted in the competition. This booklet is being distributed at a nominal cost of 25 cents per copy. WHY DON'T THEY ADD " DIVORCE COST TO "ALL-EXPENSE" FEE? San Francised--A marriage flight to Reno, for one fee covering "all expenses," is to become a regular part of a major air line. The "announcement said "ambitious couples would be provided round trip flights from San Francisco to Reno, marriage license, minister plus fee, a wedding dinner, hotel accommoda- tions and breakfast for two." The company said it would provide a jus- tice of the peace, minister, priest or rabbi. "A new public conscience is de- manding that those engaged in pri- | vate enterprise in turn be guided by conduct based on good ethics and good morals, as well as on thoughts of profit." --Franklin D. Roosevelt. Utopia will have been achieved , when the kind wife and mother gets as much front page newspaper pub: licity as the jealous blonde who shoots her lover. - " Ottawa -- Substantial improvement ia in residential building throughout" act began in the late Summer of 1935 gated $22,285,400, as compared with' low as $1,400. On a £2,000 loan the - housing field and there has been a, ay NE Se ld aN ---- SHEN : wo part ov ig? Fa = i ee CE PASTE ne it baie onc) Sr PRN Seog Catye- bd A an Oe Tne ARIS nw - ". ArT, Rw A mR i fn pi or a ., SR a Sa £7 ls z

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