Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Aug 1936, p. 6

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a ; A -- | ; a After Lovely Game : EB | End of Summer > fie = » 2 2 ¢ 9-@ 0 8 # @ 9 248 9: 58 Ya fuy= -- 0) . : h P ' All at once the Summer was over e 0 and ended. : v votaTions| |. Sparks from the Press . Ee car iand t wag Q $ o- TF 8 8 8 8 #8 ow Nie Ge eae ew or Fall; : ; And where the cool hues of the forest i : blended ' . PRODUCE ' PRICES stand with his hand on his father's HE Y United Farmers' Co-operative Co. CAN ADA shoulder: a aad a A ; Green lute darker green, beech-trees i i i t wou e 'more appropria : : 3 I ars paving the following prices for - Faulty Brakes OE EXD ong bom, ir op win Ser Qe Food For Breakis, Twa Maples were colored fire that ripple 3 produce: ; 'he man or: w ; : : rr 8 ; 1 . : . A EGGS-- Prices to producers, cases| =... 4.0. e license performs al With fast hand in my pocket." ror LY ! Aller EN Tad Aan. his . £ retuned basis, delivered Teraniot voluntary act which involves an fm: Rural Progress. i : inner Alloy ; fore. the' wind 3 a 2 "HAY MPEP S ARE. ¢ i ; vith his fellow citi. : a site ; a ha 90% + Jerse faad Ee plied Joh Vi Hiei oY, au Comparatively Simple! Somber and brooding, and cold rain i | 48 FUE svar rcesssese 300. congract: is 4 declaration on the The Marquess of Willingdon, re. Who 1-3:3 permits-us 1o- eat only began Re HC" tv ivrnaresSiaaeaeess 180 | griver's part that *he- possesses and | cently returned from a BveJess one. food for breakfast, two foods for A drive 0 3 Jielims, W rin ; i) BUTTER--No. 1 Ontario solids, | will exercise that speck. of = sense i) hg, 1 a0 yes For lunch, three foods for dinner." Ta or? ahi ii : his LY 25%c; No. 2, 23%ec. ) which tells him that brakes are life. | offered the pr . i coffee;counts as a food. Even-a piece 3 \ POULTRY -- i savers, It is no life-and-death mat- ish Bresgessting Cotporation, Jav. ha Bg a an, counts | Once mors toward the Autumn of the (Quot i ter if the engine won't turn over, [ing made the Hindus and Moham as one food. The only consolation is year, don > (Quotations in cents.) : ' d | medans behave- fairly -well, His : ) 1 *| For all at once the Summer was done ) Dressed | but a car that ean t be gi Lordship shouldn't experience much that within this limitation in the var Tho. clea Live Dressed' Milkfed Wilkin i Satay win difficulty with' interfer:nce, static istylitimisals, libithany quantity Colors of Foil wore. Hivaes that dapo. © ™ Hens-- "AY "AY "A" i \ ) and swing music.-- Windsor Star. within reason is perm ed, ed: and. buroed Over 5 lbs. .. 13 . ,. | nipeg . Sol hE la ! : These are your day's meals under Along the marshes. where, like bits 4 to 5 lbs .. 12 - . "Good Will" -- : RT 3 . fotice A i he 3 to 4 lbs. .. 11 . .. Tilted Workers A large Japanese fleet has ar- --3ally Eilers (right), screen star, and Josephine Cruikshank, well- Breakfast: One food. Quench thirst| Lapis fallen from heaven, the gen- Spring broilers-- Colgate University research pro- rived at Amoy, China, on what is known tennis player, smile happily as they leave the courts after their with hot lemon-water or fruit juice tians grew, 1%-2% lbs. .. 11 . ++ [fessors have made the astonishing |ie.meq a "good will tour." On the victory in the women's doubles at Los Angeles tourney. (unsweetened). 'Take bacon, egg, Yeoman. Ames HY, Spring chickens-- discovery that the man who tilts] ¢hor hand it is more than prob- N - kidney, sausage, cereal, or any one- : : 4. p 214-31% lbs. .. 11 . .. | back in his chair and cocks his feet| ple that the animating idea is to j % Bi dish, Cook without seasoning. : he Sled 1s waa 1 J 3 th ellon wha sity. in re Impress upon the s Slosials th > old : t If you take tea or coffee, no other | Bats May Be Useful » # e much w OMAR g : ii Li no 5 - . position. Tests on a group of stu- oe Yi hows account, Brantford ew 0 ot gn , YS em foo as' these beveages count. a3. a But Not In Houses Cr ' dents revealed that the young men | pyro i . : Old roosters .. 7-9 ve " - A iXxpositor, . Lunch: Two foods. Any meat, fowl, - WHOLESALE PROVISION PRICHS in) Sa Di : °I : : y, 1 | fish or egg dish without seasoning.| Bats often establish colonies in h. Woolesale provicion dealers are wigan feet clevated. Just the Works Both Ways acCl a es e ra C ow Potatoes, green vegetables, or a sweet, | dwellings, especially on farms and In quoting the following prices 1a the) i gol catch anyona around| Isn't this amused condemnation : * | provided sweet consists of one in-|rural communities, and become a nuis- a Tolois, cetailtrade-- ral as. Yohore arms [Of the geographical ignorance of ! To typ. gredient. Bread or toast may be sub- | ance to" the o¢cupants owing to the Pork = Hany, Wie) Shodan, ought to be we are afraid that what Sup > ing Russe heing Sar. Important Step in Safety Program i Already Installed at stituted for the vegetable or sweet. ghisstionshie Jou ming 31088 » Bie; Dunks, 1821 loins i220; picnics, i one? It would be just as possible i ints-- tandardi : their roosts and the noises they make Bate; utts ¢; loin P we say wy Wii rather old- no doubt, to make a collection of Strategic Point To Be S X ized Throug out Tent: Afidrnoon tes is: vib. tersgits ia nia they Turk Lard -- Pure, tierces, 12%c; tubs, fashioned.--Midland Free Press. the "faux pas" committed by Can- The Province ted, but unsyeetened lemonade may characteristics, the bat is a harmless. 13c; pails, 13%c; prints, 13c. adians on toy~ in the United States. ~ | be drunk plentifully between meals. |ana useful creaturo--that tecds wi. Shortening -- Tierces, 10%c; tubs,| Try Common Sense Poking fun at the "innocent abroad"! Adopted by the Department of will be no inordinate delays for cross-| Dinner: Three foods -- any meat, elusively on night flying ingests, the 10%c; pails, 11%c; prints, 11%c.| Another slogan which might be[is an ancient and rather discredit-|Highways for Ontario and deemed by| traffic motorists. When the car|fowl or fish (without-- seasoning), | majority of which are economically Tax to be added to all shortening |employed in an attempt to bring|ed pastime.--Hamilton Spectator. traffic experts to be an important! crosses. over traffic detectors, placed | vegetable and sweat, or: soup," 180, | aa ions. Fox (Lh Hoge al prices. home to drivers, pedestrians and - step in the Department's new high-| flush with the highway surface well | sweet. Bread or toast may be sub- sirable not to destroy tho bats, but vy Ba all others who make use of the EMPIRE way safety program, a traffic-actuat-| pack from the signal-equipped inter-| stituted for one of the other foods, to' exclude them from human habita. « WN, Hay AND STRAW highways the extreme folly of reck- M ed signal system is now being in-|gection, this passage establishes a : tions by other means, This may be Hay quotations in Toronto as|less and careless practices is "Try stalled at : several Ontario points contact with the control mechanism rit Sano evicting them provided by Toronto dealers are:| Common' Sense," for it is lack of A Great Leader which will obviate the necessity for and assigns the right of way by Airoddities through the agency. of a vapereit sub. No. 2° Timothy hay, baled, $9.00] this ordinary, everyday, saving pos-| Welcome to Sir Robert Borden, | the motorist's waiting for a green| moans of the standard traffic signals stance, and afterwards closing up all to $10.00 a ton; No. 3 Timothy |session which lies at the root of a| war-time leader of Canada, a splen-|light when there is no cross-traffic in --green, amber and red. 3 openings to prevent their subsequent return. It has been found that the most effective repellent for this pur- pe pose is naphthatlene. From 2 to 6 pounds of naphthalene flakes, which good many of the accidents which are occurring.-- Brockville Recorder. did statesman in the Empire cause, foremost : of the Empire Prime Ministers who ruled us in the dark days. He departed from the scene after the war, taking with him the hay, baled, $7.00 to $8.00 a ton. Oat and wheat straw baled, $6.00:to $7.0 a ton. . proximity, According to tests, the new robot system reduces accidents, facilitates traffic flow, lessens the municipal cost of traffic control, as well as saving the motorist's time and The safety and time-saving factors are particularly noticeable where there is a marked irregularity in traffic volume. Cars approaching' the Air freight traffic' by Pan Ameri- can Airways, in and out of the Miami airport, Florida, often provides re- markablé contrasts, Dissenters Strange as it may seem, there are red light are given the right of way One parcel, the . he Ra are cheap and easily obtainable from Fo GRAIN SULATIONS T still a few old-fashioned parents] deepest respect ard Jove 4 of the temper. immediately unless traffic on the other day, weighed only two ounces, most' drug stores, are sufficient for >» 'oliowing are quotations on To-| here 'and there who retuse to do people. He was compelled during the Ve: ted to be standard: Mc > inter. | and contained a single false tooth U ronto grain transactions for car lots, Its use is expected to other thoroughfare is using the inter 'prices on basis c.i.f. bay ports-- Manitoba Wheat--No. 1 North- ern 1.07%; No. 2 Northern, 1.04%; No. 3 Northern, 1.01%; No. 4 North- ern, 97%c; No. 5, 90%c; No. 6 wheat, 89%c; feed T45ec. } Western oats--No. 2 C.W., bdt%ec; 3 CW. b51%ec; extra No. 1 feed oats, 52¢; No. 1 feed, 49c. Manitoba barley -- No. 3., CW, 65%c; No. 5 C.W., 63%c; No. 1 feed screenings, $28 per ton, - delivered most Ontario points. Ontario grain, approximate prices track shipping point--Wheat 95¢ to 97¢; -oats, 43¢ to 45c;- barley, 55 to 60c; corn, 83 to 85c; rye, 60 to Glc; malting barley, 96c to 98c; milling oats, 43 to 45c. English Boys Liked ! The Metropolitan United Church what their children command then to do.--Windsor Star. God Collection of London was robbed or more than $800, representing two collections on Sunday. Congratulations mingle 'with condolences on the part of pastors with les$ generous flocks, -- Torohto, Mail and Empire. An Australian Verdict The leading women's publication of Australia took = straw vote as to whether the Dionne quintuplets should be return a to their parents ortleft in: the charge of Dr. Dafoe. There were 24,000 answers with 16,- 000 in favor. of the continuance of state care. This majority verdict would _proby| ly be substantiated in all other civilized lands.-- Brantford Iixpositor. war to do many stern and deter- mined acts. * There is now no man more admired and respected for his courage. The Empire wishes well of this devoted public servant who has contributed so much to the being of the British peoples.--ILon- don Express, 5 "An Old Complaint Jritish goods may be the best in the world, but our salesmen and sales methods, says Mr. Bogenlung- Jensen, a big Danish _ retailer, are the world's worst, It is chastening for us to learn our short-comings from forcigners. Once was the tine when British goods were -soc ~goot- that they sold themselves. Now they have to meet the blast of Ligh- powered salesmanship. Since we as a nation are skilful enough to make | good stuff, we- ought to be able to acquire the skill to sell it, at home and' abroad.-- Manchester Chronicle. well- | The ized throughout the province at heavy intersections, 'The first installation in Ontario went into operation at Niagara Falls, On- tario, at the Bridge and Victoria Sts. intersection, believed to one of the most dangerous in Canada in that this presents a network of railway and street-car tracks over two bisect- ing highways that are thoroughfares for a heavy flow of tourist traffic to and from Canada at this border point. traffic experts state. system is also in operation at Newmarket, Ontario, where the Yonge-Eagle are-important traffic arteries to Mus- koka, Lake Simcoe. and other vaca- tion areas. also in use near Grimsby, Ontario, where provine'al highways No. 8 and No. 20 cross. planned in Toronto and-Ottawa urban ntersections. ~~ intersecting highways The robot signals are Installations are also section. The waiting cars receive the right of way at the first break in the opposing traffic, this reverting at the first opportunity to the thoroughfare on which the countinuous traffic was interrupted. By this means, the in- tersection will be in constant use when traffic offers, and there will be no irritating delays for either the main stream of traffic or the cross- traffic. oo Meaning of "Ottawa" Observes the Brantford Expositor-- Q.--What is the meaning of the name "Ottawa" ?2--T.Y. ; "A.--The word Ottawa comes from the Indian, word "adawe" mea ing "to trade," "to buy and sell," a term used by the Cree, Algonquin, Nipis- sing, Montagnais, Ottawa, and Chip- pewa Indians. . It was 'supplied to the Jand it was being rushed.by. air for which the owner had left behind in a hotel bedroom. As a contrast to this tiny parcel was a 500 pound consign- ment which contained a mining ma- chine crankshaft. This was being sent to a mining plant in the Andes Moun- teins over a route which involved only a few hours' journey by air, but would have taken nearly three weeks if "traversed by pack mule. One strange consignment which - passed through Miami recently came from a surgeon in Mexico. It was a tiny piece of living tissue from a patient, analysis in New York.: The parcel .arrived.at Miami at 5 o'clock one eve- ning, and was on its way to New York two hours later, reaching: a Manhat- tan hospital the following morning. There the laboratory wotkers carried out their tests so quickly that they were able to telegraph the result of their investigations within a few the average bat roost in dwellings. This should be scattered. liberally in the spaces occupied by the bats, and will cause the bats to leave the roost even in broad 'daylight, and prevent their return so long as the naphtha- lene odour persists, After the bats have departed, all openings through which they may gain entrance should be closed by means of strips of wood or metal, or with plugs of oakum, rags or similar materia:s, Further Honour for Dominion Cerealist Dr, L. H. Newman of Ottawa, Do- minjon Cerealist, Experimental Farms Branch, Dominion Department ot Agri- _ culture, has been advised by the Sec- retary of the Swedish Seed Associa- tion which recently held its annual" convention at Svalof, Sweden, that he Travel mn Canada ---- - i. . 3 "| Ottawa tribe because from the earli- | hours, and the surgeon in Mexico was| has been elected honorary member he? Dr. J. W. Dafoe } The Song-of. the Shits While the signal light system, atest times, traditional and 'historical, | able to carry out a prompt and suc-| of that association, in recognition of RE ] ¢ } Dr. J. W. Dafoe who Is termed The fable of the melancholic! Present in fzneral 'use, changes the | they were noted as inter-tribal cessful operation... his noble contributions in the realm LONDON -- Deep appreciation of the Dean of western journalism, Sultan who was told he would not | SOP and go lights on a fixed sche- traders and barterers. They mostly P ) | of plant breeding and research in con the hospitality and kindness extend. though 70 years of age, appears as recover till he had siept in the Shirt dule, the new robot system has the dealt in cornmeal, sunflower oil, furs oo '| nection with cerieais, aby Cadidiions. to a party of talwart and vigorous as- Wa man) oe bifhy Rink and, sending forth Passage of the vehicles themselves and skin, rugs or mats, tobacco and . : : i i Last month the University of New. > ~ English school-boys toured the Dom. | '® £ that age, an Mr. Brockington, 'his _emissaries to the four quarters | ¢tualing the signal lights, explains medicinal rocts and herbs, Mr. Newrich: Let's go see "The Brunswick, at a-special Convocation, . Thich oF 8%" work In Vi a 3 referring to his long Servine tof of the earth, foun: only one happy A: Vv. Armstrong of Northern Elec- i wn Pritam i Last Shot." They say it rivets your Conferred the honorary degree of July is expressed by W. H. Steven. | tN People of Manitoba throug™ bis i, on who had' hol a "shirt to his tric, who is sunervising the installa-| We cant figure out how it is that Sisntion from the start to Whe "| yu" hr Newman as a tribute to son, director of the tour. es Ce Winning I'ree Press back--has a very apt modern appli- | tions throuzhout Ontario. Waits for nature insisted on putting all the vit Mis Newrich: No, let's go % his work in developing new verleties Mr. Stevenson, writing to The | oC that oo gliced he would | ation, particularly as to the end. the green light at intersections where {amins in spinach ana liver: ang something that's not so exciting. | Of Wheat and -other grains, He was 3: A Canadian Press, said: 'The boys 20 on so Chikely that they would Happy, indeed, is the country now- there -is irveavlarity =n traffic flow | onions instead of apple pie and cho- | It's bad society manners to be in- graduated "from the Ontario Agricul- nd R fr have had a wonderful i have 0 | oot hiri on the resurrect- adays that is not plagued with | wll no -longer-te necessary and there | colate cake. - "terested in the show. tural College and later took special it which they will never forget. They | morning.--Coleman Journal. shirts, or "blessed" with them, for woe : : studies at the Jowa State College, ¥ AY have learnt in a 'hort time a great ' S nd d for Lif the blessing has very much the ap- = "| Cambridge University, England, and RY deal about the politics, industry and In the expressed i ¥. 7 pearance of a plage n disguise. WAYSIDE READING MATTER By GLUYAS WILLIAMS | '| in Sweden, From 1905 to 1923 he life of the country generally and il . a , doy : Unfortunately, shirtomania is EE mp irae was secretary of the Canadian Seed or have gained 'knowledge which will i [oie an impression on our own (catching, Even Iigypt has developed -Z Growers' Association, Since 1923 he a enable them all their lives to take| ry oxcrS and magistrates the |it and from the very beginning it ~ has been Dominion Cerealist, his a real interest in Canadian affairs Montreal Star repritts an item from fis causing trouble. At first, there of duties entailing the active direction and the welfare of the Dominion. 2 English paper which records the [was merely an insignificant body of and supervision of the cereal breed- : "All of us hope to return to Ca. | Ct that "green shirts" who found that the . _ing program of all the Dominion Kx- y nada some day and-renew the man Vivian Stacey Saungers, adoption of their underwear as a \ : T perimental Farms friendships we have en Hons aged 30, dairy farmer, of Lane uniform gave them an Importance : id ah. ; . # "Whether this be possible or not, we ha ii bids i Pads, that they would never have been ING A SIGH WHICH SAYS THAT ON FLASH PAST BEFORE THEY CAN FINISH ~ : . shall all freasure the happiest as convicted a ig ¥- lable io obtain, or merit otherwise. TIS SPOT IN 1854 THE -- : Europe Is Seen ; memories of our Canadian tour and of the great kindness with which Wwe were received by Canadians in every part of the Dominion." Japanese C ouple Make Vow of Love TOKIO.--Divorce lawyers would do combe on two charges of driv- ing a goods motor-van while under the influence of drink. He was suspended from driving for life and fined £10. : The St. Thomas Times Journal agrees heartily with the attitude taken by the Star. It observes that while suspension for life from driving a motor vehicle is a serious penalty it must be kept in mind that driving while drunk is also a serious offensé.--Toronto Telegram. Then the Wafd founded a counter- organization of 'blue shirts," and the trouble began. The Egyptian Army is shortly to- Be increased in strength. Now, if thfese young lads must needs wear a uniform, as it seems, and if they are so bursting with patriotic energy as they. main- tain, let them have their uniform by all means (a shirt if'they insist), but let it be khaki.--Cairo Sphinx. CIR ALONG HERE EN : ASKS HUSBAND TO 60 SLOWER, THERE ARE ; APT T BE ALL SORTS OF HISTORIC SIGNS CECIR IR) MILES ONLY SIGNS ARE OF BILL'S BAR+B-G\ HUSBAND S510WS DOWN To SNNIL'S PACE. For | ) LUNCH AND JOE'S CO2Y HOT DOGS | As Armed Camp Sp ---- TORONTO, -- Europe is an armed camp with the exception of Norway "and Swedet, Rev, Dr, W, M. Kanna- win, secretary of the board of Sab- bath schools of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, said recently on his return from a world's Sunday School convention at Oslo, Norway. . The convention is looking to the a ; A Busy Kin i children of today, as products of iy ay hy Atried The new King's a bles are Women in War | Cirlstian teaching, {0 contribute i was found on a piece of paper Zonlies ga those used by Kis Larealy 0 fig Peace 64 T arope in the - od eorge, whose autos were exceed- on : : uture, he said, PEER Sapanese waitress * 3 ingly Tigo and Toomy. fe asin | Afr witnssing a atte in Span, " The girl bed fo base wat lad and fact, the largest private cars in the py uvy each o ashing yg ; y ; : Nd world the wheel base being 157 |P-C.» (cousin of Author Rex Beach), { - A laa Edmonton Accepts ¥ tho paper fell from her purse while inches, and the width 65 . inches, | reports: 810P5 AT LAST BY INTERESTING TABLET 3 AND ATRUCK COME] "- y : she was at work. It was an cath of | love exchanged with her husba:.d and read: "We will not quarrel, Below were the signatures of hus- band and' wife. Still, the new car which King Ed- ward has purchased is large by ordinary standards, having a small desk in front of his favorite seat at does not like to be idle, Beacon-Herald. Natural Pose --Strdtford ciation library, C--4 "I saw girls, in beach pyjamas car- rying ammunition up to the men be- hind barricades. I saw women with rifles in their hands, fighting and of fighters, They demanded that their men comrades kill prisoners, and often the men were horrified and re- ~~Cleveland News. NOUNCING THAT HERE TOOR FAMOUS MASSACRE OF ~-- AN- PLACE "THE AT THIS POINT Two C UP BEHIND AND STA CAUSE THEY CANT BET BY. DRIVES ON HASTILY HONKING \L0UDLY BE- na (Copyright, '1034, by The Bell Syndicate, Ino.) Prosperity Bonds EDMONTON, -- City' council har for purposes of relief, Formal agree- ment is still to he signed, Certificates will. be accepted from alderman opposed it, agreed to accept $85,000 in prosperity § "We will shut our eyes to the de-| which he will be able to write, King | firing from these barriers. mont I of 0 Eo Set "fects of the other, Edward is a busy man; indeed, ho| "Women were the worst and fiercest oont a Jen op an 355,000. cash wan) ; . "We will understand each other." : \ i =» / : A farmer, visiting his s com- A soma 5 Le : - citizens in payment jot utility services », [ * university, took he ps i 3 Ja. % % I omen HAS JUST ATTAINED FULL SPEED WHEN S16N READ 'THAT THEY ARE NOW APPROACHING THE |: "and other accounts designated from ' "A file of 14,000 foreign standards, | to have his photograph taken. The Rudyard Kipling said the same FLASHES BY WHICH WIFE 15 SURE THEY HOME OF THE FAMOUS PEERLESS CONCRETE time to time." Councilmen decided i : #pecifications, and related material is | Photographer suggested. that the son thing long ago: "The female of the SHOULD NIT M155. BACKS UP WEARILY PIPE COMPANY . DRIVE ON : GLAS recently. Seven aldermen and Mayor kept in the American Standards Asso- | eee species is more deadly than the male." or HL : He WILLIAYS J. A, Clarke favored the scheme; two

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