Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Aug 1936, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS | We Do Not Make |WE FIT di Ne Mr. win GUE a tuking "s motor Ww HOME GROWN FRU ITS ¥ Lawrence' s Drug Store ews cyclé trip to Flint, Michigan, this All the Good ' E REPAIR ON 7 A Ab WJ week, : : ; (You Can Save With Saty at Your Rexall Store iss Marjory Pyatt, of Toronto, Harness : Glasses & spent. Sunday at her home in Port Bit 9G nak GOOD Peaches, Plums, Cantaloupes i rerry. . : ut what we 5 A Jd : we Bor un (or Now Hortatn: 0d Save M "Blueberries, Apples Ein y pical 8 iy scr, and Mrs. Wilbur Chapman left Harness Parts. Get: your new ou ave oney rhe y : . ) oil Monday morning to motor" to Lathes ow before + prices - ad- ee AT me 53 : i a: Values g pecharq, Saskatchewan, vance. We' call Bave you money. BEN LEY NOW IN SEASON ; BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 25¢. 39¢. ar, aud mrs. Harry McMillan and! ppaAM HARNESS from $25. up. R. I 3 FOB o . 1amly, ol New York, are spending a il , : OPTOMETRIST ate -- se oan SE an {Ro couple ol Weeks with Mir. und Mra WORK BOOTS and SOX nas i Xn Merl ll BROMO SELTZER, 25, Boe. acu. A. McMillan, : ' See our #Aivk before buy, Ve PORT PERRY, ONT. i : 3 ~ HG ny Sl it He ey 'and 98¢ : sas Bown, wad br dagen Mis] Xo 20, $2.00 and $0.35. ine HORE 5s. . Home Grown Vegetables LISTERINE, 25¢., 50c. and 89. 5 8 Fades reart lvans, or 'loronto, are the ora os] ? < _- : y : ; Wy > ie . Gutta Percha Campers ....$1.95 = 400 'ENO'S FE UIT SALT, 47¢c., 79c. Flat guesws of mr. and Mrs, L. G. Hall, Colonial CRIs «vost ion $2.20 SEAGRAVE y |e Lettuce, Cauliflowers, Cabbage, Tomatoes, ANDREW'S LIVER SAL, 29¢. a 2 1H ine annual picnic of the Ladies ' mr. and Mrs. Melville Sleep and [] Carrots, Beets, Celery, Radishes, and 49e. a } " " , fis 7 . I = : ; iH sible Class ot tne united Church was WILLIAM WEBSTER, samily o1_rookin, were guests of Mr. |B Potatoes, Cucumbers, Green Peppers: ENGLISH HEALTH SALT, 25¢. i ueiu on the spacious lawn of Mrs, S. and brs. George liwen on Sunday & : Co Ta 1 Ll ) i re Stor sort Per % anuay. ofl Cooking Onions, = rn "and 39¢, XY : ratmer, on kriaay atternoon, Augusi| At Beatly's Store, Port Perry My. ana Mrs, Albert Martin, Oliver | = 2 3 . SOR | ih, Although the attendance was and Durélla, visited in Bowmanville L 1 : "SEIDLITZ POWDERS ier Teh . ¢ ; iH nou as large as expected all report a (The firm of Greek & HuMPHREYS is disolved) | 01 sunday. : Lense' it | 2 pkgs. for 25¢c, * Sa EE SN a ; i ale is | m Sen . a veil siioynnie ailenioon, RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS |} jis fore B08 2 Mrs. John | ® J © : . MONSERRAT LIME JUICE, H(A mr. Alired Andrus, of Fenelon y410 gimeoe Street North, Oshawa | Colwell. u : : E : 44c. or AE ralis was in town on Sunday. hone Miss June Moase of Toronto, is on : = NIAGARA MAID GRAPE Fe Phone 814 : : ) y | u : ; AR mr, ana mrs, Chas, Sankey, Guelph, } in attendance at my Pops Perry hic on fiom her cousin Miss Alexa Mc- i The Modern Fruit and La JUICE .... 22% and 45. : '- A334 s1¢" tha ILE s or | " Tuesday and' Thursday afternoons of eac rgart, l|E 3 E 8 58¢c.. 98¢ ; NFA were' the guests last week of Mr. and uesday - } io, : -- HE .QVALTIN 5. te 38Cs, > % Qi es 14, Lorton, week sx by apeinimert, sos en Mage of enaisy, 118 Vegetable Market 4 : ) ir :Der- [Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 °P¢ 2.8 a N 2 ; ra ; A farold Hayes apd Grant. MeDer aaugnter Mrs. A. Bruce. Anthony Caruso, Prop. Phone 208. We deliver mott held a bazaar in aid ol the Star Ml i ie cain ch mrs, GC, Buu, of Port Perry, is visit- |= : v - FUREY Ghia a A. M. LAWRENCE rresh Air kund, on August 8th, and Ing at ule home or sir, ana Sirs; 45. | E0000 EG: UE RE obtained the il of $25 01 Sy orts of All Sorts Butt. HA > ¥ . r 011 OP airs, H. Lagleson attended the rally SCUCOG ) Carl, of Enniskillen, visited her par- ' exalle-sure 'Lhe cotbperation of iy merchants | ol the W. A. of the Linasay Presby- dehy ents one day last week. : ' ; ws Sinn on S38 iris Baseball 0 SEE le Al gt Sunday serves wil be Bl Mt. Swotman visited or itr [| phone 49 tose pkey 3 . i. rs, GQ. 1errie an rhter =| the Fo church a R . Mhe \ s Fs : x4 RN mr. Herb. Brooks has bought the| SUNDERLAND WINS FROM PORT! on ana mr. UD. Lnerrie, vl SCugog, bon at: Us Head at 7.30. MSY MeDermot in Port Perry G. J. Morrish property on Scugog PERRY spent Sunday wiln her parents Mr. |" 3 il be hold. at: the one day last week. Fis Cent li ~ . is oi :. 8 othy | Sunday. School will be held a : FHS i ve Cents per line. St., Port Perry. In the first game of the play- ius . Juss Poraisy Sal hows of ath appointment Mr. and Mrs. C. 1, Fralick, Mrs. R. WwW ANT ADVTS.-- = Minimum 20 Cents. : : mr. G. Coulter, of Toronto, visited] downs in the York-Ontario Baseball|\,,|| visit with her sister tor the next Our Women's Day Service last Sun- Toder visited in Oshawa one day last] . FOR SALE : * FARM FOR SALE OR RENT » od town friends recently. League, Sunderland took the long end | month, ° ; ess. Oar Pastor I ook: : Mess Foriias 1 oats Tob petvator] : »> mr. C. Farnell, ot Toronto, visited| of the score. Wallace was the only| wuss '1. Mcintosh, 'of Toronto, is day way gion sees i pia Rev. F. G, Joblin sperit last week sere roan ations : privat 75 acres, 2 workable, fairly good ; r the = wwois the , for Port. The | lvnaaying with hr. and vrs, dcCor- | Rev. F. G. Joblin gave | in Toronto and heard one of the great IL book case and secretar buildings, midway between the two , ) With friends in town during the pastfone to cross the plate for Port. Bk iul message in the morning. He used piano, sma ca ry Nestletons Plowin ssession 4 Week, run-getters for Sunderland were: Y puss Doris Lepard, of Toronto, is |to, his text Lydia--and Paul at Phil- lady speakers from England. i rocking chair, lamp, books, etc. | som ag. pig ob ray rs "Mi. John Orde was a recent visitor | Brandon, Johnston, Wilson 3, Clay 2,|visiung ner granaparents bir. and Bie." PASE restvie 1% i he Smale, 2nd son i "FOR SALE | '1st, 1937, Oscar" Edwards, Port Perry at his home. here. Jamieson 1. . 1. vouch. brs, Guess, Miss IFrances ; A v Pp hore ' Sixty- five acre ranch farm at ag- f} . rious fiss J. Me-| 2 912 10x--8 | Luess, bliss klossie brooks and Mr.| come to Macedonia. We wonder where} 5,4 Roy Michie, of Toronto, Mr. and Yondid pl | Phone. 189 r 3. the many friends of, Miss J. Mei Sunderland ......... 00 . re ioy Guess, ol Nines, mien, have been | we would be had Paul refused to go.| Mrs, H. Carniochan, Joan and Maxing,| mar C.P.R. Station. Splendid p Sbhnd Eb 3 a on rhail, hy be Dione) to ligsh She hs Port Perry .......... 100 000 000--1 spending a pleasant week with the In the 'evening Mrs. J. Deiiny, of | were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W.-Mark| on hi ever-running creek for two HOUSE POR.REND recovered sufficiently to be brough lormer's gaugnter Mrs. Gordon mark.) 5. a ng fish ponds. JI id - home trom a il Hospital, In the second game at Port Perry, Mr. and wis. Gordon Mark ana| Prince Albert gave us 2 ee en Sundays rs, Sniale and grandson y Also For Sale 7 roomed house--across. from Port 5 Mr. and Mrs. R. Cornish are visit-| Sunderland again came out on top by}irienus 1rom Mieiigan shied = message Tm ge ys a 0 a0 hoy: ie a staying over for a Fohitgs Bw Works, In PortPorty, Pervy. Creamery. Apply to Mrs, M. ™ - : i i sgore of 16-7. Kor the home team !coupie of -days with Rev. and Mrs.| lovey the world that he gave His only I'couple of weeks Jubil m ris, ta 3 Boa CR ig Orono. hit or Ont Song Rodwian 3, Clauss 1, N. Me- Fine 4 Bi Like, Jeni, F begotten Son..." It was a great|™ Mrs. W. Jeffrey and her niece Miss | No better place in Southern' Omanin] Turner Possession -Sept. 1st. 2 Mr. '8. .S . ) ' dy E . i 5. rp 'hildren o Ji . . . a, : a Pe Bu i " y : ig Millan 1, W. McMillan 1. Four of Woioeh ICY th osh an © and tam-| message, The ladies choir sang some| Marie Hawkins were Sunday guests for wood and iron pumps. ( he 9 y } have heey) visiting 9th Db. and Mis, the seven runs were scored in the 3rd ly, or tlespeier, biiss D. Drury, ot| beautiful hymns and Mrs. F. G. Job-[of Mr. and Mrs.-W. Jeffrey. John Irvin'stand) For particulars, CONANT & AN Is. =e 0 i 2 3 3 were se J . ' Speier, . 1 | . 5 Bernie, : hi : Sunderland ........ 200 050 351--16 ivorth Lay, nave been enjoying a 1ew | lin sang a lovely solo at each service.| We are glad to report that Mrs. W.| about these places, write or see 'A. D.! Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publié rer Mrs. Midgley, of Whitby, has been _ q|hondays av the nome of Mr. and Mrs.| nj.o Geo, Sweetman played the organ. | Bruce is having better health and was | Peters, owner, Port Perry. in GORDON D. CONANT, K.C., ¥ visiting with town friends. Por. Perey ....0 004 100 O11-- 7}, ood Clements, . eg was $10.23. The flowers | able to visit her daughter Mrs. 'Wat- ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LLB, ¢ ; Mrs. Harold Archer, Beth and GIRLS' SOFTBALL BEA Qe Ghote were not on plentifel as usual but|son at Seagrave. iy No. 1 Light OR 54 "Wholesale and is a AR Robert, spent the week end in Gode- Port Perry 16--Brooklin. 6 Alexa Stone on Thursday evening. In| were tastefully arranged. We will Mrs. Clements of Seagrave visited | retail. Apply to. F.- W. Bradley, Port and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) rich. i Port Perry ...... 2100 8 5 x--16|the ubsence ot the President Miss N. all be looking forward to the next Ww. | her sister Mrs. W.-Jeffrey last week. | Perry, Phone 266j. : Sa Phone 1 (Whitby) ; Misses Grace. and Helen Masters Brooklin ......... Soot 11 1-- 6! Urquhart, Mrs. G. Mark, Vive-Pres., A. Sunday : "Misses Luella, Ellen and Norma FOR SALE g : } d Miss D. Phillips, of Toronto, wer had charge o1 the meeting. The roll : Port P x ! : -- - yo. 4 BI ss Ps, o » Wave call was answered by a suggestion for The W. A. had a very successful Ploughman, of Port Perry, are spen Sow and 10 young pigs. Apply to : ; hr Euaste of Mes. Gang ast week. Bowling a picnic." Dorothy Reynolds favored) (0 ¢ Korie-nals cooking and after- p-5 few 'dove With disiesuiclen Mo, Sam Strachan, R.R. 1, Port Perry. ey Sot Mr. Lloyd, and Misses Mona and with a song and Fern Moon gave an|' -- ne. Tornship Hall. on Geo. Samells. ; : : Electric Wirin Greta Richardson, of Shelburne,~were| fhe "Bowling ~~ Club held mized instrumental. 'Lhe Social: committee noon pions e. ig Ip wllon 'My: Linton; of Waybufi," Sask. has +| HORSES Sai SALE H , VV RK g AE week end visitors with Mrs, 'Madison doubles on Friday - evening. Unfor- Thongs B Dizon) Soitesh 1h) 40). SR Lg a Sim been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. or AND REPAIR x » willis, tunately there was a very small entry, | countries. Lunch was served by the ; ; Sk pi ow for a few days. h t 3 . - ' ali y . o rm chunks: a week end guest of Miss Dorothea "1st prize was won by H. Stacey of |, Mrs. C. Sleep very kindly opened ey, A bl : A surprise one day last week when her | f M hest. Phone 1427 B 00k- Phone 3 r 2, Port Perry O'Neill. . - 1 i her cottage at Stephenson's Point, for | Crozier served tea at small tables. girlhood friend from Medicine Hat|© anchester. e TC / y Oshawa, and Miss H. Jeffrey of Port he August meeting of the Seagrave very pleasant social time was spent. | oS turn trip from lin, Gordon Fisher. ow - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Rose have Perry. "+ 2nd prize was won by B.|Women's Association, at which soine Sales amounted to $12.75. C5 of on her:on Hor YS'UIn ¥ip In -- : Sp Ww A CQ : z WOT, a returned from a holiday spent in Port Ward, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Chapman | 1orty people attended. - Arrangements 2 ETE, " England. TERS' LISTS. 1936 YV oo - ° Sangster : Dalhousie. Both are feeling much iP t Perr ard vize was won by | Were made for the carrying out of the We had another shower (not rain),| = poy Perry boys played her last VOTE 8 5, . DENTAL SURGEON stronger after the rest. ° ng I i and ee Mulligan of service i the Seagr Me Upnpa Church but a bridal shower which Scugog is| eck the score being 9-7 in favour of | Municipality of the Township of JEN ] a. i" Miss E. K. Walker of London, is oy pe 2s win; Wg oA oh SA Ay evans, 4 Te of ae getting popular for. This time it was Scugog. The next and last game will Scugog, County of Ontario. ries Howe: 9am. to b p.m. y visiting her sister Mrs. Ernest Hayes.| oo ag tolist A P. Ingram and | members of the W. A. in the absence | for Mr. and Mrs. John Burnham, who | phe at Myrtle on Thursday evening. Notice is hereby given that I have ice rs rs, over Emimerson's o > Mrs; Sydney Febrey, J d Jack, | xy . p : i of the pastor. After the business dis- | were married on August 1st and just| We are all looking forward to at-| complied with Section 7: of The Insuranee Office : rs: sydney Teorey, Jean and Jack | ays. Mulligan, of Port Perry, 28 for| gion Group 7 under the leadership | .otyrned from their honeymoon, | tending the first Regatta at Lakeside | Voters' Lists Act and that I have "4 gp ros, ne with Mr andi win. c. C. delirey of Port Persy/or Mrs. Meni carried out; di tol. About 170 --friends 'and relatives Bon Saturday ot this week posted up at my office at the Township LOOK HERE! rs. lu. Hayes. and Mrs. Stacey of Oshawa, 27 for '1{lowing program:" Solo by Miss Ruby . ) ; ; : Top prices paid for ra wool and 3. . Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Patterson, of [ oc ar. ward of Oshawa, and 'Mrs. | Clarke and she deserves a clap on the | gathered at the Township Hall to wel- : of Scugog on the 3rd day of August, fonthiots, als fowl, ee and all g "_Detroi J P ihr . o back for she stood up quite uncon-| come them home and brought tokens. EE, 1936, the list of all persons entitled to 1 ey : oe lid ony Pailien, 210 Chapman, "Port Perry, 39438 for 2 coped, (vou know . Ruby is just a|.(pich made a very fine collective gift: | A y 'vote in the said municipality at Muni- kinds of light metals. For information visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hayes. | wins. Mr. and Mrs. Birkett of Clare-| little girl) out in the open air, unac-| = "°C o ball y them a. silver : "4 A cipal elections and that such List re- call 'Alix, Gilboord, Phone 177, day or Mis. J. McFarlane and Mrs. Wilkin-| 010 07 £0, 9 wins. ~~ Bob Jeffrey | companied and sang her little song | The boys' ball team gave them a \ Uk night. = We would appreciate "very Ls ww jonned Aram Dyspie last week and Mrs Love, of Pork Devry, 27 for without a break. It was hard for some | cream and sugar- set In all it was ip mh there for Jnshection. fn) Tauck: our patronage 'here the ad been for sometime P8.. 4096, ? f the old tch th ht ; ion. ps ift call upon all voters to take + ¥ Ee 4 dos tre hey of their sister who|2 wins. H. Stacey of Oshawa, and Key for hie ie A 3 ohels ealichinh Hazing hs DILL i. al to have any ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY 3 ; passed away in Woodstock. Hospital.| Miss H. Jeffrey, of Port Perry, 41+4 [an excellent reading "Confessing an ers anwrabh: + eclation 4 SITOTS Or omiialing co rcoted Raided The donation from an "unknown for 3 wins W. Graham and Mus. | Error" showing how much better it is and Tillie showed their appreciation in ) wr I's 0 r)" = % } friend" on Civic Holiday, has been HH Port Perry. 27 for 1 win, for us to admit we have made ana few well chosen words. A very en- OSHAWA ing to law, the last day for appeal | Nrrussensorroess:: reser smemrmn cr gent on the Star Fresh Air Fund So, of oo gi Jans Po Utes Wii Js 2 Lig i Silver. joyable time was spent and all wished : being the 24th day of August, 1936. . - : p : re and Mrs. McFar Por ! | noone SET. Pore 3 rT wim he P Molar] hemes aton sarding and bi igi the happy couple a long and happy NOW PLAYING : John L. Sweetman, Clerk, 3-2 a DIED hire il Mrs. E. Beare, of Port Perry, |companiment. - This sort of music is | life together. They will reside-in the - "i : S Township of Scugog : FRAYER--Suddenly, at Caesarea, | ,q 12 for 1 wih T. Dempsey and | ¢Xceptionally good at any t#ne and| house recently vacated by Mrs. Pettitt SHIRLEY TEMPLE Dated August 10, 1936. Kee in Thin sl ak on Monday, August 10th, 1936, Ernest | y - . ng | €5pecially an out-of-door meeting: We| and Frank. The house is being re- : gs "ily Ag : ! ~| Mrs. Michal, of Oshawa, 20 for .nolare very grateful to Mrs, Sleep for| Aled by Mr.'J. L. Sweetman --'IN =~ Fs ee Alfred Frayer, in his 65th year. Wins. A her kind hospitality also to have the modélled by Mr.'J. L. Sw d ' "DR. W. S. HARPER \ tO ------ ---------- . [ i ; ; pleasure of having her sister Miss I. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman and his Graduate of Trinity Medical College and. _ i hii > PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH | The weekly jitney was held on Mon- | Hiscox, of Montreal, and Mrs. Stuart, | sister Mrs. J. Dusty and son Ivan, at- POOR LITTLE rt gi fr fa as in Repair £ X : i aro thomas day evening with vory god crow | SEU Joh be In oe etn, ond the oi amily reunion of tol | RICH GIRL | 5,58 fk ig tober | 2 EMRE will preach at both services. in_attendance. The prize winners; o woo' f oreat interest espa hy to|'Way descendents, Mr. Rodman being : Herts os Bogiand, Royal Indy ov gn 8 " pre Miss Norine Croxall will sing at the were Mrs. Levia 1st and Mrs, Durkin the. women, Rev. Mr, Flindall being .one of the fourth generation, Mr. and <> Office and Burgery--Port Perty, Ont PAYS | morning service. 2nd. For the men E. Beare '1st and |on his holidays had left the service in Mrs. © Way came over on the May ipa ads or ia Co Ratan the hands of thé Women's Associa- Sh it Next Mon,, Tues. om ---- Li 7 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION A Muon a0) 2, PE played tion. Mrs. Eagleson, Vice- President, ati ve held WH August ps 4 fue | rhe fm of Guam hap] Is disolved) | i ¢ 11 --Morni vi 0 " il : , ed the s ce er. very capable} bolster' las ! , p E "igh : am "ming Servies winning. manner,- Mig, 1 Holdershaw,- Mrs, Geo.| 80 came all the way from Florida to ARTHUR S. GREER Ww HEN THIN GS ARE : "i ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN The scores were: Ladies-- Mrs, Clarke, :Mrs. Bredin and Mrs, Stone enjoy this family gathering. 'Wendy Barrie and 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 hi ' ; acted as ushers" and took' np the col- v ; : i OY ) CHURCH Murray 22, Miss H. Jeffrey 20, Murs. "Mrs. E. Pearson, Joan and Evelyn, 3 in attendance at'my Port. Perry office on: IN GOOD REPAIR HA 1 Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Levia 26, Mrs. Stouffer 19, Mrs, Mul- Jections em he. rest of he A ives A | "with Mrs, T. Red- James Stuart i mn |||. Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon, al i : e association occupied the choir loft| of Oshawa, visited wi | o£ of each week or by appointment. i vl TT GRAVAWITZER | Jen un Mek, Gone 1, Mes Me | ih Mev oy ots at to organ. Th | man durhg the past week. SPEED je Street, Port Perry, Phone 204 | TIME and MONEY x Ld 7 . . gy r. and Mrs. Naylor a 8 : HL wo Thuralss, Pagust Sh, 1000 SIL, Béare 19, J. Murray 24, A, Mason | Hon for Josust and Mes, Wooldridge) Ts SUEIWE SOV 0 ST my Loomil mane poral ll NOTIOR TO CREDITORS © a) ee ARE SAVED: RE: 2 Yeah NG fo n i Ry 26, W. Graham 20, &, C. Jeffrey 13, R.| The speaker for the evening oa Mrs, [and family and Miss Elsie Wilkinson HARVAY an d 08 "in the estate of Donald McDonald, © ima i ro a aes ul Te Jeffrey 18, I. R. Bentley 14, H. Mul- Palomas, of Toronts, & : ast president of Sarnia, Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon' Mont- ATWILL in Deceased. ; . : a : bg ' © Ul ligan 17, E. Beare 28,: A: P. Ingram |of the of the East Toronto Pres- omery of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. " X ' All ersons Having claims agai t x7. i ( C3 J i | Tait Guags som of th lute. ote. apa] 17: I Harper 16, H, Durkin 24, A, P. bor. Of course, | dont wupposel EWE H LLG0I00 Meer Nichols Absola te Q ujet the Estate of Donald McDonald, of || We Will be pleased to vi Nn ray, Ee ol y hy : 5 - McFarlane 26, G. McMillan 18, H. Me- | deliver as good a" sermon. from the | and Mrs. Fice, of Oshawa, were recent Next 17% d. & Th 'the Township of Reach, in the County, uote vo 3 ; 7 i 3 STE; I a ray, Op. amngsien, °| Millan 22, C. Love 23. pulpit as a man, but there are some guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Reader, ex in AUT 'of -Oritario, Deceased, who died.on or q # YOu prices on A Th | land, Toledo, and points wen. On| 1% . Jeffrey won the congo | they veto take thelr hate: off tol ut; Gonton Mark of Port Perry || WM, POWELL and. || about the 50th day of Noversber, woos |} new or repair work Bf sx 17 2 hails tion prize for the lowest score of theli, ociad in the work, of the women of | visited his cousins John and Clara are hereby notified to send in to the Ron ? their return they will reside at 257 EAN ARTHUR VA Grooms Ave: Oshawa. evening. : CEE : the Church portrayed for us, in a very | Hardy during last week. J undersigned solicitors on or before the a dg! ewan Interesting manor the chatacters of | Miss Marie Hawkins of Brooklin, ia INTHE drd day of September, 1936, full par- : a 4 J CONGRATULATIONS y IN MEMORIAM | ferent outlook on life taken by 'Mary | visiting her cousin Miss Myrtle Jef. ticulars of their claims." Immediatel ; z bold Rh be Na Mr, N, E ; lat att ¥ Mary "Ex Mes. Bradford" y : ; 7 r. N. Ewers is to be congratu ated] EDWARDS--In loving memory of gid Martha, the great love of Mary|frey for a few weeks. . ) after September 8rd, 1086, the assets Sam q ; 5 : 3 fo 0 upon having won the second prizé of-! "Wray" who passed away; August 8, Magdalene for Jesus because of the Mr, and Mrs. C. Hardy, John ed he PLUS of the Testator will be distributed | 8 7% y fered by the Massey-Harris Co., for | 1935, Broal thing fig pad done for her te Clara, Mr. Roy Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Hell = © ; among the parties entitled thereto, Lumb r Co. 2 the best store and display of imple- Sadly missed by 'Father, Mother, | shining needle. These are only some Long, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. FRED ST ONE fod having regard only to claims of which e . No Li ments. 'The prize contest was open to Brother and Sisters. of the familiar names Mrs. Pateman | Hope, on Sunday. {Ftd JEAN. PERKER the solicitors shall: then have notice. Phone 240 ve 4 all Massey: Hans dealers in Ontario.| A silent thought, a secrét tear ibn oon "our la from sac Ppt il Be. are glad to' see: Miss Teedie wf AR IN THE | 'Dated August 6th, 1936, : ¢ 4 : Keeps his memory ever dear! 1 life, ake from. f | back with her s oR. Carter; Ce Ro CNY Harris, 'Harris & Wallace, Port PORT T PERRY ONT J o* 5s ¢ a ANTED 'be capable| Time takes away the edge of grief a cy [Auey, are In ¢ ssocaton os after her visit at Highland Creek. "The | Farmer in the Dell | Perry, Solicitors for Donald 'Me- 4 N ' 2 at i 2 slim? Position o Whitby. But' memory turns back every leaf, (Continued on page b Mr, and Mrs. A. Brunt, Mona and Donald Estate, diag $26.00, Telephone B87,

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