Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jul 1936, p. 4

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ele cs . sd Ct Be ! oN Lr N ¥ : - A a, ~ we a I ard a ey Fes -- pa PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS Misses Doris and Irene Mulligan are holidaying in Toronto and Master George Mulligan is spending two wgeks in Bobcaygeon. " Miss Leola Beare, of McKeesport, -Pa.; Mrs. W. Stephens, of London,|- and son Stanley, of Detroit, have been visiting relatives in town. : Mr. and Mrs. M, Beare and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beare and Miss Leola Beare spent a couple of days in London last week. . Mrs. McCormack, Sr., of Woréitio, is]. visiting with- Mr. and Mrs, Maurice McCormack. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson, of Brampton, and Miss Rhea Walker, of Toronto, were week end visitors of Mrs. E. A. Walker, Cochrane Street, Miss Clare Glass is holidaying with Toronto friends. Mrs. D. Carnegie and family are holidaying with Mrs. Nasmith at her cottage on Pigeon Lake. Mrs. A. Morrison who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Morrison, has returned to her home in Toronto, Dr. Sangster and son Jack have re- turned from a two weeks camping va- cation spent on the Kawartha Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rose are -holi- daying at Port Dalhousie. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris, Miss Eunice Harris, Miss Morwenna Har- riss, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Orchard leave on Saturday to spend a couple of weeks with Dr. B. Harris at Copper Cliff. = 'Mr. and Mrs. Winnett Nesbitt and family of Toronto, have been visiting with Mr. Wm. Nesbitt. Dr. and Mrs. Peterson and family are holidaying this week. : Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McKnight, of Toronto, are visiting with his mother, Mrs. R. McKnight. PROPERTY TRANSFERS Mr. Geo. A. McMillan has bought the Frank Franklin property. Mrs. John Swan has bought the Percy Gra- ham house on Bigelow St. and has sold her property on Scugog Street to Mrs. P. Hughes, of Toronto. Bowling Rather forbidding weather on the morning of the 29th had a bad effect upon the attendance of bowlers at the annual Port Perry Tournament. Only ten rinks were present -- one from Peterboro, three from Oshawa, .one from Stouffville, two_from Port Perry, one from Whitby, one from|-- " Port Hope, and one from Uxbridge. Oshawa rink won 1st, Jeffrey rink, Port Perry 2nd, Port Hope 3rd. _-- to ®-------------- "THE EXHIBITION The Official opening of the Cana- dian National Exhibition by Hon. M. F. Hepburn, Premier of the Province of Ontario will be at 2,30 August 28th. |' Sir Percy Vincent, Lord Mayor of London, and his macebearer, sword- bearer and official staff, will be pre- sent, ov PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, August 2nd-- Rev. F. A. Lawson, of Toronto, will | be the preacher a.m. and 7 pm. _ for the day--11 ale CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning service, A hl ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up till 6 p.m. on August 10th, 1936, for the construction of a Chapel'in the Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince "Albert, Ont. Building must be completed by Nov. 1. Plan and specifications may be seen at the office of the Secretary Treas- urer, R. D. Woon, Port Perry. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. > Grant Christie, President. FARM FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Lot 16, Concession 8, Cartwright Township, '180 acres more or less, half mile west North Nestleton, formerly owned by the late John Samells, 60 Acres ot ag and pasture, balance |: Buildings in extra good condition. Inquise of Fred Taylor or Stanley Malcolm, Nestleton, DR. W. 8, HARPER Graduaty ity, University, To College and 9 Median) Gradu- 08 paraiunte Collen Office and Burgery--Port Party, OM day evening, July 20th. 'winners for the evening were W. M. , | Sunderland Harvest Time is here again. Binder Whips, bamboo stalks, 25c. "Binder Whips, Java stalks, ..75c. We do repair work on Binder canvas at moderate charges Straps and Slats for Binder Canvas also web for repairing the 'worn edges of your canvas, always on hand. Navy Blue Work Shirts, 14%, 16, 16; and 17 at ..... to id nes 900 16 at - ©All Zhove Shirts to clear, each 80c. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry cere EEE EEE FRESH AIR FUND BAZAAR Grant McDermott and Harold Hayes, will hold a bazaar at the cor- ner of McDermott's Furniture Store, in aid of the Star Fresh Air Fund, on Saturday, afternoon and August 8th. Our Water Front 1 have ready the article "Shall We Lose Our Waterfront?" appeairng in your 'issue of July 23rd, and believe "there should be some criticism and suggestions made, Insofar as there are any efforts made to improve the waterfront for the benefit of the citizens of Port Perry by enhancing the value of pro- perty, the increasing. of business, im- proving the view, the bathing, and the shores of the lake, I always have been, 'and believe the citizens generally are in favour of such efforts. I cannot see however, that we gain any profit, pleasure or pride in having the water- front become a weekly resort of a throng of strangers who use the waterfront advantages in a manner objectionable in many. ways. b= Is there any visible evidence that these persons have any desire to pur- chase property here? Is the weekly evidence of Sabbath desecration seen upon our waterfront something we desire to encourage? villagers. expense without giving us privileges or pleasure. . JAMES LUCAS. Sha Sports of All Sorts BOWLING The weekly jitney was held on Mon- day evening. The prize winners for the evening were Miss Hazel Jeffrey 1st prize and Mrs. G. Jackson '2nd. The men's prizes were won by Wm. Graham 1st and R. O'Neill 2nd. The scores of the players were a8 follows: Ladies--Miss Hazel Jeffrey 37, Miss D. O'Neill 22, Miss E. Somer- ville 27, Mrs. Chapman 29, Mrs, Jack- son 30, Mrs. Goodale 6, Mrs. Jeffrey '26, Mrs. Love 22, Mrs. Mulligan 16. Men--I, R. Bentley 23, R. O'Neill 36, R. Levia 24, Wm. Graham 37, L. Koch 20, R. Harper 6, J. Murray 12. On account of the holiday, the jit- ney will be held on Tuesday evening next week. Lunch will be served. W. M. Letcher and G. Gerrow won 1st 'prize in the Men's "Doubles in Whitby on Monday evening. S. Jeffrey and C. C. Jeffrey won 3rd prize in the Men's\Doubles in Whitby. The Men's Bowling Club held a Scotch Double Tournament on Mon- The prize Letcher and G. Gerrow, of Port Perry, 1st prize; S. Jeffrey and C. C. Jeffrey, of .Port Perry, 2nd prize; 8rd prize was won by O. M. 'Alger and H. Stacey, of Oshawa; J. Lucas and E. Hayes, of Port Perry, won 4th. . There were 18 rinks entered from the following places: 2 from Bowman- ville, 2 from Cannington, b from Osh- awa, 2 from 'Whitby, 7 from Port "Softball Port Perry Gjrls' Softball team defeated Uxbridge girls 9-4 at the school groiinds on Monday. 3 Last Friday Scugog Boys defeated 'Port boys 10-4 at Port Perry, BASEBALL On Wednesday, July 22nd, a league game was played at Sutton, with Sunderland. The score by inning was Lvreeess 400 030 112--11 Sutton .............010 400 010-- © Blue and' Grey Check Shirts, size" $1.00 * evening, Insofar, , therefore, as it is suggested that more property be acquired at public cost to our already heavily tax 'burdened citizens, I voice the objection I believe- of a large section of our Such .a purchase would benefit only those pleasure seekers who have free accommodation at our added WE FIT 'WE REPAIR Glasses You Save Money AT = I. R. BEN TLEY 0 OMETRIST | PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 38 _ GOVERNMENT INSPECTION of La PRI I Toll SAETRBLI ETL OF eats ENSURES THE BEST We buy only GOVER NMENT INSPECTED products, and we study your requirements. Phone 4. We deliver "W. BOYNTON SEAGRAVE Rev. T. -A. and Mrs. Carmichael, and two children of Seaforth, called on friends in the community on Tues- day and Wednesday. Miss Hazel Mark of Toronto spent|. a few days with her sister Mrs. A. Bruce. Misses L. Orchard, of Port Perry, 'and Dorothy Bennett, of Toronto, are holidaying 'With Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orchard. Mr. and Mrs.. Wesley Thomas and daughter, of Layton, visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. Frise and attended the church service on Sunday evening. Mrs. S. Reynolds returned to her home after a pleasant visit with friends on" Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. A. Antonia, Kenneth and Dorothy of Waubaushene, spel the week end .with Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Henningsen.~ Master: Kenneth. is-holi- daying with Master Ross Wooldridge. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Taylor of Fene- lon Falls, spent Monday with friends in the community. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'H. Wannamaker, Mr, and Mrs. H. Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. James Harding and daughter Jean, | spent Monday in Toronto. Miss Dorothea Wooldridge is holi- daying in Waubaushene, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sleep, Howard and Victor, of Lindsay, visited with Mr. and Mrs. I. Beadle on Monday. Mrs. I. Beadle met with a painful accident on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Chas.. Beadle was visiting his parents for the day and was taking them out for a drive. Mrs. Beadle on getting into the car had._the misfortune to strike her head on the top of the car, receiving such a gash as Toure medical attention. Master Harold Scott received a 'severe kick from one of the horses while bringing them in from the pasture on Saturday evening. We trust there will be nd serious results from the knock. I guess Harold, it will be just as well to keep further away from the heels of eveh a quiet horse, especially if there is a dog which is apt to give the horse a nip. The annual Sunday School picnic was held at the Park at Beaverton on Thursday aftérnoon. Mr. Frank Hard- ing took a truck load of the younger people. There were some.130 attend- ed the picnic and reported\a happy time. - We are-sorry a ngmber of people were not present owing to the report that the water had been con- demned. The water of course is a big drawing card at a.picnic and it is too bad some people have to resort to in- water not safe for bathing. However, I am sure the Health Department would soon have notices put up to that effect and there would surely be some account of it in the daily papers. You cannot blame people for not wanting to take a chance. We were yery pleased to fave Rev. Mr, Wallace of Greenbank with us on Sunday evening. . Mr, Wallace took as his text, Luke 24 and 89, "Behold My Hand". One remark noticed was how important one's hands are in getting a position. How the stain of nicotine on the fingers invariably is against young men in many- positions. In summing up Mr. Wallace's remarks, he brought to our attention how im- portant the blood-stained hands of Jesus were. Had there been no drip- ping hands there would have been no « -of the Toronto papers on Monday. venting some untrue story as to the|" 44s Frutee are a necessity--not a luxury, : Le this year. : On BANS VAS Anthony Caruso, Prop. | pentecost, had there been no pentecost there would have been no redemption. Rev. Mr. Flindall had charge of the VALENTIA WINS HALL cup Valentia are winners of the Drs. Hall silver cup, emblematic of the championship of the Tri-Township [ league by defeating Seagrave -in-the deciding game played at Valentia on Wednesday evening last. It was-a see-saw battle from start to finish with Seagrave having a lead of six runs at the end of the fifth inning, when Jack Mark was relieved by Doug Wallace and in turn by Neil McMillan. Neither could hold the homesters in check and before they could be. stopped they were leading by 12-8. With a final rally Seagrave only to have "Valentia tie it Op and gcore the winning run in their half of the eighth, with the game being called on account of darkness. Valentia is worthy 'champions and deserve the laurels. "Dick" "Butler of Lindsay umpired the game and weathered the odd storm of protest like a veteran. There is. a Baseball . Tournament 'being held on "Seagrave diamond on Saturday afternoon, August 1st, com- prising" teams from Salem, Sunder- land, Valentia and Seagrave for the Drs. Hall & Hall Trophy." These games will be the -last until after harvest, when Seagrave Baseball Club 'will stage a tournament' with some of the best teams of the North Country taking part. Rev. Herb. Cobb, of Weyburn, Sask, who is supplying in Brantford during the month of July, Mrs. N. Mitchell of Toronto, and Mrs. R. Thompson of Whitby, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ww. J. Rogers recently. T It was with varied thoughts many listened to_ the radio broadcast on Sunday morning during the ceremony of the unveiling of the Vimy War Memorial. Many thoughts of pleasant associations were recalled, many sad thoughts of the comrades they had to leave behind, and many hearts ached anew as we thought of the loved ones who never returned. And yet many homes were indifferent. We can un- derstand why--these homes were not touched by war. : ' The following poem appeared in one It was written by Ewart Miller, a son of Rev. Geo. A. Miller, of Ingersoll, formerly of Greenbank, at one time a teacher in Seagrave School. Several poems written by Ewart have ap- peared in this paper.during the past year. Ewart is also a nephew of Rev. Jas. A. Miller, of Toronto, whose let- ters appear in the Port Perry Star from time to time. follows: : 'MEMORIAL prayer For endless peace, pylons rise, Replacing weary arms they -sym- these lofty bolize "Of those 'half-mad Canadians--to - dare, 1 Climb, Jip Ridge while every- 'where Battaliori on battalion fell with eyes Wide open--set forever on the prize Looming before them through the Ail blasted air, Thundering 'down the intervening "years, Misunderstood, their words we idolize Have gone, unheeded, dinning in our ears A martial discord. When will you and you Get your Preserving Fruits EARLY drought there is a great sho rtage PLUMS ' ORANGES * APPLES CAULIFLOWERS LEMONS BLUEBERRIES TOMATOES GRAPEFRUIT - CHERRIES MARROWS PEACHES WATERMELONS | CARROTS PEARS LETTUCE + BEETS ° ONIONS NEW POTATOES : & 3 The Modern Fruit and- Vegetable Market services at Greenbank and-:Pinedale. | shoved over "five runs in the eighth,| The poem' is as|" Suppliant arms 'rendering | tireless : account: of the CABBAGE Phone 208. We deliver JL And you who pause to "read this' © realize The only foe is war? ... Our soldiers knew. TP A group from Oshawa under the leadership of Mr. John Jeffrey, of Prince Albert, held a sacred song ser- vice at Caesarea, on Sunday afternoon and at Williams' Point, Sunday even- ing. A fair attendance was reported, and music was much appreciated by those who. attended. Mr. C. E, McTavish and Dorothy visited visited with Miss Audrey Me- family who spent the winter in. Flor- ida are enjoying their cottage here. Mr. Hodgson was. president of the Regatta Association last year. * Mr. and Mrs.-Wilbur Jamieson, Miss Jessie Trail and Mr, Walter Yake, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs: Ransom, 'on Sunday. Mr. Jamieson is ruling Master of York Masonic Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. J.- Elliot, parents of 'Mrs. Ransom, spent the week end with her. Mrs. Elliot remaining for a time. - Miss Thelina Ransom will be home on Thursday from St. Christ- opher Camp, where she gave instruc- tion in the art of swimming. ~My. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo are enjoying their cottage. Mis Nora Yeo left on Sunday evening for duties as nurse in Toronto General Hospital. ; Final plans for the Regatta were completed over the week end when the committees met. Mr. John Hodgson has a wager on the race between the motor boats of- George Thompson: of Lindsay and Mr, P. G, Campbell, of 'Williams' Point; It promises to be a keenly contested event. Mr. Stanley Smith, B.Sc., spent the week end at Williams' Point. Mrs. A. E. Fell, of Wasago Beach, and Rittler Crowther, of Balmy Beach, visited with Mrs. Matthews on Sun- day. Mr. A. Goode spent the yes e end at his cottage. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Whyte are. now occupying their cottage. - Mr. and' Mrs. C. Manning, of To- ronto, have rented Mrs, Harold Hal- bert's cottage, for August. Two lovely sailboats were around the lake on Sunday, possibly getting ready for the open sail boat race on 'Monday. --o>------ (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS. is disolved) -ARTHUR W. S. GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 3160 in attendance' 'at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday, afternoon of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 ' (The firm of Greer & HUMPHREYS is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week 'or by appointment. ; Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed : 80 Cents Ta Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH ./|-189-r-4, Port. Perey. Tavish, on Sunday at Fenelon Falls.|. Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson and | - Finest Quality and Real Economy SASKASAL 8 ounce 25c¢. 20 ounce 50c. Phone » WANT ADVTS -- FOR SALE Mrs. Forman offers for sale her house on Queen street. = Also some books, furniture, dishes and other household articles. aug6 --- RASPBERRIES FOR SALE Apply to Mrs. Fred Raines, Phone oh 'LOST 'Silver wrist watch with leather strap, also cigarette lighter. Finder please leave at the Star Office. ward. ' sid OO ) [2 (0) A Send OSHAWA FRIDAY and SATURDAY THIS WEEK JOE E. BROWN in The Song-and-Laugh- ance-and-Music Show. "Sons 0' ' Guns" ' with JOAN BLONDELL' > EXTRA REVIVAL FRIDAY 11.00 p.m. 'CARDINAL RICHELIEU' with GEORGE ARLISS EXTRA! = - I % MIDNIGHT SHOW SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 12.05 a.m. FRED. MacMURRAY CAROLE LOMBARD : EAN "THE PRINCESS COMES ACROSS" Sitdiom 35¢, --ee---- Grand. Holiday - Show - "I" MONDAY and TUESDAY, AUGUST 3rd and 4th. ROBERT TAYLOR ® LORETTA YOUNG in "PRIVATE NUMBER" with Patsy Kelly L Special Engagement [2 FOR FOUR DAYS Starting. AUG. 5 WED. CLARK GABLE, JEANETTE MacDONALD, SPENCER TRACY; I -~ JACK HOLT, in "San Francisco" The Sensational SEE Earthquake Scenes No Advance in Prices... Over the Observer Office | Lawrence' 8 Drug Store News "(You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store . See TYPICAL LAWRENCE VALUES BATH SHOWER AND SPRAY : (Complete) ,.................8L75 ALLENBURY'S DENTAL CREAM, 25. ODORONO ICE OLYMPENE Ct vriert....50c. and $1.00 ENGLISH HEALTH SALT, 25c. and 89. WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALT, 50c., $1.00 KRUSCHEN SALTS ......... BISMA REX REE {2 and $1.50 "A. M. LAWRENCE exally sre 3 7 'Re-]. Electric Wiring ". va re saa i B00 cher sare nramay vi BI0y: 090 Ve 690 PORT PERRY Five Cents per line. === Minimum 20 Cents, RHUEMATISM If you are troubled with*this painful allment, sce your druggist 44 will recommen BLUE MOUNTAIN MINERAL WATER 1 AM. Lawrence, Druggist, Port Perry CONANT & ANNIS Bagzisters, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON :D. CONANT, K.C, "ALLIN F\"ANNIS, B.A, . Offices 7% Simcoe 5% 8, LLB. Phones, 4 and § (Oshawa) 1 Phone 1: (Whitby) x ® ©' FOR SALE - Ten small pigs, six weeks old. ; Ap- ply to Harry Raymes, Scugog, R.R. 3, Port Perry. augf AND REPAIR Phone 8 r 2, Port Perry _W. A Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 eth Tsurancs Office <o--o~ LOOK HERE! kinds of light metals. For information night. We would appreciate very much your patronage, ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE § IN.GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY : ARE SAVED We will be pleased to quote you prices on _ new or repair work > Sam N. Griffen * Lumber Co. © . Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. 7 and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Apply to Harlin Davey Top prices paid for rags, wool and = feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all call Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, day or . | Keeping Things } oN ¢ . - 8 J Ld I» 4 ~8 » Lad Sa 9 ) 3. a xd = - SE) * $id x = 8 & [ a ! - 4 oo a ES Yk» to» - & a RY 1 Ni ie Ti a 4 LS x iA

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