By Mair M. Morgan When with your wife and family on a little pleasure bent, ! And you hear the children laughing, with their glee the air is rent, While you roll along at twenty and JESUS EXALTED -a Luke 21°: 36.53 JCHOO) essoN LESSON XII -- June 21. "A new introduetion' points to a break of some kind between verses 43 'and particularly referred to here. Isa, 44 : 8; Ezek, 36 : 27; Joel 2 : 28; | Zech, 12°¢ 10; John 14 : 16; 1B : 26; 16 : 7.) "But tarry ye in the ecity, until ye be clothed with power from on high." many days actually elapsed between this command and the fulfillment of this promise, we do not know. All we do know 'is that Pentecost oc- curred fifty days after the resurrect- ion of Christ, and ten days after his (Cf. Acts 1 : 4) How] | the gift of the Holy Spirit that isl Bishop of Fergu Delivers Interes $rgus : At Rotary Lu nicheon § Address B a a oh 3 - >| ' : A . you all enjoy th trip, ; 9, - 4 ; ot . ascension into heaven. 5 < Po ------ . © 5 "- Srerirrnnst aio itive aaa ast as tess st aRanaas stan as ts ol FY you think i no danger but} Printed Text Luke 24 ¥ 36-53 oh but, whether of moments or 'of "And he led 'them out." The verb| STRATFORD, ~ Declaring that Fis SER k al a, "from te you take a Ip. GOLDEN TEXT -- Wherefore also ays, we cannot he "certain, This! here is one of power: he did not ac-| the first business of the teacher. Favorite Biscuits - .Down-South Biscuits a Ged highly exalted him, and gave se¢ i (vs, a seems to be a con- company them out of Jerusalem, but | should be to win the will of the child, tw The old mammy-cooks inspired the | "4 cups sifted cake flour, 1 teaspoon | when with sour -wife you're chatting] : unto him the name which is above Chine to aL What, | was said by actually led them out, Christ is al-|and- that this was the. basis "upon LITE legend of Southern hospitality by: al- | baking powder, «3 'teaspoon soda, 1 and it seems so. good to live, 'ever® name. Philippians 2 : 9. resurrection apes a between the | ways leading us' out of the bondage, | which modern educationists were = ways serving the finest food. They | teaspoon salt, % cup lard, % cup but-| Ang nave the litle pleasure your] VERE E ly on Easter Day oh lop on, paste darkness, and habits of this world | working, Rev. 'Charles A. Bishop, 5 were famous for their quick breads-- ftermilk or sour milk. car to you can give, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING | occasions. ¥ On OCF into the light and liberty of the | M.A. DD. delivered a most infor. tander, flaky biscuits - and "delicious Sift flour once, measure, add bak- But just around the corner and hard- Time-~The appear to th "Dh : : world to come. "Until they were | mative address here recently. His relly : dg powder, soda, and salt, and sift 19 yet in sight disciples took es te i ot spak ese are my words which, I!over against Bethany." This lovely | subject was "New Developments in . i Many people believed that Old Jagain, Cut in shortening, - Add milk | A road hog speeds along your lane [the resurrection Sodas April 9 20a fe This last while I was yet with| village, just over the brow of the Education." ; S54 Mammy never measured the ingredi- | gradually until soft dough is formed. and hugs the shoulder tight. A.D. 30. The exact i i which the fo rion E p fase refers to his| Mount of Olives, on the eastern side,| Education, the speaker pointed out PS 2 ents but carclessly threw them to-|Turn on floured board and knead Metin LA i course before his death, a mode| ths home of Martha Mary, and their | was like almost every other branch gether and, by some magic, got re- lightly 2 minutes. 'Roll % inch thick; | ie hits the middie of the road then Nos rorored in Ju. ia were 42 is eatyse which is entirely at an brother Lazarus, and also of Simon | of modern life in that it was passing uy sults. But they were wrong. Mam-]cut with small floured cutter. Bake swings upon your side, Took Pore a ig ei Ws ond fe Acts 9 : 80), not that the the leper, was a town to which he through substantial changes. The my wage an experienced cook--she al-|in shallow.pan in hot oven (450 F.) 12 | Just a-burning up the pavement with 30. ursday, May 15, A.A. a Sd will be less close Or loved to retire, especially during the | more important changes had not vet ways measured but she used her hand | minutes. Makes 2% dozen biscuits. the throttle open wide, Pisve=-The 'appearance to the dik. b fon gees Heil be of a dif-|last few days of his earthly sojourn. | appeared on the - surface, or rather instead of a measuring cup and. she Orange Marmalade Rolls For a road hog's speed is seventy, ciples was in an PLE oa en b an reat Rll Sings must | "And he lifted up his hands, and [had not yet appeared in the curricu- was never careless about ingredients. Ginger Rolls nothing less will satisfy, Jerusalem. The ascension took lack IES p-mn at Eh pre written blessed them." In" those hands were | lum of our system of education, but She knew that flour was the basis of | , | ; p You have a moment for to act or ay 1 # J € Pro-farguments, scars of battle, stigmata | were most décilledly coming, good quick breads and cakes and she Ir Sind curd Toit 3 tanspnon perhaps you all will die. ey hf Bethany on the Mount pRcts 21d the psalms, concerning | of pain, the insignia of loyalty. It| For the past thirty years experi- always insisted on the most finely tables pone DAttoe 6 other Sertane Poe ihe oo jo person has ever lived | wag the High Priestly act: He up-| mental work 'has been going on in < milled flour she could get. ig n tablespoons milk, 1 egg well | When scarce three lengths in front "Aund 65 th Tn] avon i y 5 0 could ever truth-|)ifteq his hands upon men whom he | isolated centres, particularly in Eng- . + Now Mammy's magic cooking has beaten, 1.8 cup orange Tatnsiade of of you he swings to miss your car That n a hey spake these things. of LF y ba! le Jay the fulfillment |jed out from all the forces 'that|land and in the Scandinavian' coun- > been modernized for everyone so that Presaiiil Bingen. Ein wet His car which fs a heavy one will ; A Yon asl e two disciples, return- eh predic x a great body of | seemed clearly in the world to deny | tries on this new type of education. 106 never toile wh ry QEOIIN pinder INO) 0h 1 hl hardly feel the jar, ig oy po were giving an Jn es circu Ate undreds of years|to these men the protection of these| I Canada it was known as thy that suggest Southern hospitality. lhe pode And "alt and sift Again. Hut when he hits your running boarq | #ccount o leir wonderful afternoon a e he was born! - | forces; and, as he did so, he gave | "Progressive Educational Movement' ; oy poy Se A YT your car will give a hitch experience with the risen Lord and, Then opened he their mind, that (them fullness of life; he gave them |and in the Old Land as "The New * D Eb : ght aun wh nmin to In spite of all that you can do you PS istivkes: galiered We they ign Ul erstot the scriptur-| fellowship with God. . Educational Movement." : } ; ( ' ih land into the ditch. oom in Jerusalem (v.|es. + v. 32; Psalm 119 : 18. « ss, i e| "The id involved ar f X ad Wenn oF [tio gradually i ol b i os Gorn 33) were confessing to them that| Without an understanding, of > aa ame Wa ticularly oo gk Nahe. he he - y We dough. [Turn on floured boar size vy The road hog never looks around and( Christ had actually risen from the | Word, the apostles could never fulfill [The verb would indicate that Chrit] the achievement of a new and more - lightly 2 to 8 minutes, ol 5 inc hardly bats an eye, dead and had been seen by Simon the mission to which Jesus Chist had deliberately walked away from the | widespread grasp on the attitude and he thick, and gh Rind hg PE) He's thinking only of himself, he [Peter "He himself stood in the midst | called them. With a. true insight inj) disciples. "And was 'arried up into|will of the pupil and scholar. ter. pave) 4 0 Sas i ey don't care if you die. | of them," The Greek indicates a sud-|to the meaning of the Scriptures; | heaven." His ascension was the in-| "Educationists have - found that place oh Me gn gn rise in | F€ Will not atop to help vou nor his |den appearance. John (20 : 19) tells | they would be equipped to convince evitable consequence and climax of [the will of pupils fall into three tops with melted butter. Let r assistance lend, us that the doors were shut at this|the Jews that Christ was the Mes-| his ministry on earth. chief categories. There - is. one warm Mase 13 minutes. Bags 2h, be) But steps still harder on fhe gas and | time, and his appearance would be |siah and would .have within them a "And they worshipped him." If group with a more or less passive oven £495 Lk 16 AWAD) 8 ] SY ays hides around a bend. cause for astonishment. "And saith power adequate for each emergency. | man does not worship Christ, he re-| will and on either side two contrast- Jah mend Dike and finish baking. } : iin hem, Peace be unto you." This| (See, e.g. Acts 18 : 28,) ; "|fuses to render him the homage ing attitudes, one group having an Makes 20/8 rr You are safer in the jungle where egietion was, and had been from| "And he said unto them, Thus it| which is due hig name (Rev. 4 : 10; [active and keen desire to learn and : | THIS WEEK'S WINNERS ___ the lions prowl and roar the time of the patriarchs, the char-| ig written, that the. Christ should|5 : 12-14; 7 : 11). "And returnec to| the other group that goes to school / * Peach Surprise Than you are upon the pavement that acteristic salutation of the Jews, be-| suffer, and rise again from the dead | Jerusalem with great joy." The| with an adverse attitude toward it. Mix chopped nuts and mayonaaise | FURS smoothly by your door, po enshrined Jn the very name of | the third day." The fifty-third chapter | disciples. rejoiced 'because they were! "The modern education group ~~ = LRA te With-all the-road-hog nuisance that jhe Laie) SU, Jerusalem, that is, of Isaiah is one of the great passag- [iow convinced that Jesus Christ was | feels that is' the key to the whole = Dn re Tr a endangers life and limh sf Habitation of peace. = Les of the Old Téstament predicting [Lord of all; that the work he had| question and that upon the attitude / Cover with other half and serve on | 1"t Would be & public kindness to rid| "But they were terrified and af-[ the suffering of. the Lord Jesus. unde taken had been -ccomplished| of the wiil depends. greatly the qual- x lettuce. This may be served with this world of him. frighted. And supposed that they be- +, "And that repentance and-remis- |by God;-that the promises he had|ity of education that goes on. Just avnitale or Fienth ALCL m.: a8 aN held a spirit." They became con-| sion of sins should be preached . in | made were now being fulfilled. as industry is.strong on efficiency _* doarred This is very good. -- Mrs. Keep a sharp lookout for road hogs|scious of a presence in their midst: his name uiito all the nations, be-| "And were continually. "in the so it should be with education, Werry ~ Hotdalfe RE 1, Alvluston.t when out upon a trek a form was seen standing "before ginning - from Jerusalem." Here is|temple, blessing God." Continually "Two important processes depend , ' You can always recognize one by thethem; a voice greeted them with the Luke's account of Christ's great|is a popular expression .implying|on the degree of intensity and -tlie oi iario. Waldorf Salad bristles on his neck, . | customary salutation. commission to evangelize the wirld. | great frequency in attendance both other being the degree in' the oppo-- : . | 1 speeding down the highway bY| "And he said unto them, Why are (Cf. Matt. 28 : 18-20; Mark 18 : 15. |at the services and at other times. [site direction, tnd it is. the aim of 3 errr Arrange lettuce leaves on indivi- chance one you should spy ye troubled?" This is a - different 18; Acts 1 : 8.) A } : modern educationists to make nore ' - dual saucers. Slice bananas on the} Drive your car clear oft the pavement |\yord from the two used in the pre-| "Ye are witnesses of these things." gy . of what is registered register in- J leaves, ~ Sprinkle with siobped nit and. let the brute go by. ced'ng verse to describe the terror|A witness is one who is convinced of | Underwriters sit in Lloyd's build- | tensely.. It should be. figured out - meats. Then pobr Mayonnaise eh Now en i EES J possessing the hearts of the disciples. |a certain truth, who has yielded his|ing, Leadenhall Street, London, in how much is retained and how much ' : ing on the whole, This ah Sap > a' Phos are. many road hogs on the It js the same word used in the|life to that truth, who is transform- | seats resembling those of the original | is mot, or rather how much waste a ! made salad for hot days, jo wogl TO ne pity digi | heautiful admonition of Christ, Let|ed by that truth, and who makes it | coffee house kept- by Edward Lloyd | there is in education. - i Milligan, R.R. 4, Tottenham, Ontario. Rh eve Teed fusk oe not Jour heart be troubled (John 14 : [his business to proclaim that truth. in 1796, from which the present cor-| . or oy Favisanls Hreumstanges : ] : py i: 11, 27. "And wherefore do question-|Tt does not take a great man to make | poration developed. possible under which knowledge or sr HOW TO ENTER CONTEST ae Bag wa phy pox Joss EO lings arise in your heart?" The word |a good witness, and to be witnesses : skill may be acquired is when the 3 Plainly write or pfint out the in-f WHEL yey. yg gi Se. bere translated questionings means, |of Christian facts was the main busi-| | thing being learned comes about in - gredients and method of your favor- a M 2 Yooh op Fuck in cavem |literally, to bring together Wifferent | ness of the apostles. "You clean men as you clean milk | the form of a project which the pu- x Pe Tie totice Bish ari sed St vo ey ae a place Belial) reasons,.to resolve 'in one's mind, to| "And behold, I send forth the pro- | pails,. by scalding them." -- George pils themselves have come to regard gether with name. and address i ball ph a deliberate, mise of my Father upon you." It is| Bernard Shaw. . 3 their own. wit ns Dupil Sosy 2 Houschold Science, Room 421, 7 oy Yala, '| "See my hands and my feet, that INg as a project of his own he is West Adelaide Street, Toronto. it is I myself: handle me, and see: getting an 'education , several times AOR N : " Po : ] hirley ' Entertai An O Visit greater than if he did it because he eed We Fear [for a spirit hath not flesh and boner Shirley ' Entertains An Overseas Visitor he d : FS Homecomin ' : as ye behold me having". Sée the : gi 4 ge Ay ; g IME SE TR TAT ar significant passage in 1 John 1: 1, Teacher training is a big factor oy John O'Ren n Baltimore Sun-- which seems to have a direct refer- in putting across this idea. . The (Garett Oppenheim in the New York Thos Who ate oR over Fi ence to this occasion. It would ap- teacher must be trained how to_be Sun) 'new trend" in the colleges and un- . : a an inspirer and an inducer of' pro- " us go by the kitchen door dergraduate thought ought to look at vaca y Jnl Jie feet jneis of the minds of pupiis. The $ And the back stairs the results of the Princeton poll of as well as his hanas; the disciples wills of the children must be brought gi ' # 18535-B | Lightly to the top floor the senior class. The favorite poems, would recognize in his bod the to such o stage that"they will have Where the dim years in one-two-three order, are Kipling's marks of his ps Wi oh i Fri an enthusiasm for their work and not - This smock dress is perfectly 1yio 60d in the attic. "If" (of course!), Gray's "Elegy" day preceding. One would like to Simply go to school to put in time and good for afternoons at home as . and Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach." think that these saved. sours eri in it is to 'gain the proper approach to - well as mornings, Liven if-umex--. |, oe a Cine The favorite novelist is Dickens; the |, X : , this end that modern educationists | pected visitors arrive you wili ye z favorite dramatist is Shakespeare: his body by the cruel death which he are now putting in their ti have .the comfortable knowledge [And a broken rafter, : TSE 18 SNAKeSPeare; | suffered for ns will. be ever visible in : pitting. thair times \ ay Se are attractively dressed. | And a ball of red twine. ie favorite book-is "A Tale of Two his glorified body, ad they were this Ere 1 " x sleeve treat- | And a sound of laughter, ities. ; . : - : . -- : Tr : w~ tid Cn a bow | Echoing, enigmatic. And the only concessions -- if Qremng 20 the Siseiples, 2 . 1) Dainti p : Are Saar am. A porky |e. they may be called that--to the one-| Ang hi he had said this, he ness sash "round the waist can be tied [wo win make no sound time spirit of the age are made in|% owed them his hands and his feet. : > Seesbimes in» bow or buttoned as shown. fy 000 here together. behalf of Masefield, whose poetry We mid Not fail to observe how Is the Basis of Ail Beauty The "front pane! also hafons Fra Though dead leaves rustle on the] ranks fourth aftef Arnold, and "An- es SOBs a slishy. the for a Woman Ee n the shoulders, plies con Hah. ground, © thony Adverse," which takes second- 2-Tinselt vy =p es: it snow: : 2 . Hy do Miva find-it {This is Spring weather, iy among the Tiavels, and "Ah alvin igus Mer Bron "The basis "of modern beauty is g i) and dovety toy foo liens. Remembering, emaptured, ha Et Wai + "And while they still disbelieved daintiness," says a girk who is always Let § ry vel arke I. ' . A yo : Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1853- | There's ar cld moonbeam days of 08. for J and Wondered he said nig Ta) prone SALT of B is available for sizes 32, 34, 36, [At the top landing ' Could One ask, in this year of il aye ye pre anything to $a of, and caring for all. th y tail me « TX 38, 40, 42 and 44, Size 34 re- -e, like a child's dream, 1936, for a more astonishng com- | AN ey gave him a piece of a 2 > 1O1y-3li, the detalis-o x 38, 40, £2 hi And there, ' g broiled fish, A one's appearance. To~ blend h quires 4 7-8 yards of 89-inch | a0 014 clock still standing, ment upon the tastes and mental] Proiled fish. And he took it, and ate ppear . 0 end her Johric, ; oar ne. amanl tofaver : \ before them." The fact that Jesus makeup, hairdress and clothes into a I Co Toiiing Torn one moment fo Sohitg hi od graduates of actually ate and drank with the dis. completed picture of loveliness, a wo- £35 HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS I ETS E yf age ciples after he was raised. from the non must analyze herself and her <. Write your name and address Australia's "Wandering Jew," Mr.| "The only liquid which I can hon- dead is one of the proofs appealed | | 3043 and learn the little tricks that : Floren of pa ern ante | Philip Lewis, during his thirty-seven |estly say ever impaired me is bath |t0 by the disciples (Acts 1: 8,4, 10 : : GW ! He rane nels. : ran Enclose 20c In taps 'or Goth lip oY ' : hae toavelled will nile] Sa 1B g. | 41); compare the action of our Lord Shirley Temple and Teru Kurusu, 10-year-old daughter of "Of course, there are certain often ut il (coin preferred); wrap it care. |years of cvange Oe §> oh, pp Ay]. Be ih" a Tater post-resurredtion appear-| Saburo Kurusu, Japanese Ambassador to Belgium, have a great | overlooked or neglected features that oat fully and address your order to [270,000 miles, wa ed - 7b; mi iy Haldane. ance (John 21 : 12, 13). time together in Hollywood as Teru presents a Japanese' doll to the should be given regular attentien by 0 Ju Fil : Barbara Bell, 73 Adelaide W., |worn out 200 pairs of boots, read the 30 "And he said onto them." This Young movie ar a Kurusu family stopped off in Hollywood every woman. Elbows, for example. wi 54) Toronto. bible fifty one times. i : while en route to Belgium so that Keru could visit Shirley Not only should they be scrubbed with : : 2 1 HA - : : : a brush, but massaged with rich § [> iy cream severpl times a week." (hl FU MANCHU By Sax Rohmer Conflict Rages | She advises meticulous scrubbing i 7 he i and frequent creaming for the heels, Io 4 yf ; <r i too, She spoke also of eyebrows, : { 2A "Look" Eltham ox. | lementing the fact that many girly r 1} HH claimed. | allow hair to grow on lids and be- i 7 The body of the 3:3 tween 'brows. We all know that 2 { - i a4 dog lay before hin. | brows should not bg tweezed into...%. +. : a» 2 ! thin pencil-thin lines; of course. But i gh neither should they be allowed to H spread beyond the edges .of the neat, <A 101 4 normal eyebrow line. 3 AF 7: Untidy polish draws her condam- a nation, o ALND X i 35.7 "Few women neglect. their hands these. days, but many do go around with chipped and cracked nail polish. 3 I think everyone ought keen a A bottle of nail polish. at home, using ; Pa it between weekly visits to the mani- eB 193, ay noes bristling - 4 curist. The minute polish on oie nail {Ziad p2Y with excitement, | y Re EZ 0 RQ starts to peel, remove the old and ey dashed through the pastage' oh sb Rudn apply a fresh coat of lacquer." and down the stairs, The front ruggled forward, stumbling over stumps and lashed by : : low branches. . « + The sounds of conflict sud % "What would happen if you spoke TE ELEY ; "him and we both ran on. coased as we came upon Eltham, who glanced up with in. Ttalian t hat bad. bee vindg es pi froorant counbry sons, buried to | | thoel" A terible confict raged in the foars in his eyes from whore ho knelt near & coppar beach raised in Bihiopis tre ect. Mates Sif . h up with Nayland Smith. , , asi fwoen the dog and something else, + J" tree, «vu 01m ty Bax Renner and The Bill fysiond, toa Langhoriie, Psychology Emory Univ... > ; fa ; : Gal ov Bf ; ; ' 3 ¢ Ley 5 rd ® / > ; i IN